t - 1 1 . " T The Sioux Cot-jnty Journal VOLUME VI. HAItKISOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1804. NUMBER 24. TALM AGE'S SERMON. A MOST ELOQUENT DISCOURSE AT THE TABERNACLE. B Dreanis m Manelou. Drram of liraven mud lM'ril hut lit hui There '1 hi feitlnU Wl.o are Great la Heaven Name Mot In the Dictionary. A VLlnn of Heaven. Itev. Dr. Talmat! took for his fiub ioct "A Vision of iluaven." tho text being Kzukicl i, I, "Now it mme to pahs ax I warf among tho captives ly the river of Chi-har that the heaveim were oKine(J and 1 i-aw vinions of iod." repatriated and in far exile on the banks of the Kiver Cheburf an alllin'nt of the KtiphraUiH, But K.ekial. It wan there ho hud an immortal dream, and it in given to uh in the Holy Scriptures. He dreamed of Tyre and Kgyj't. He dreamed of Christ and the coming Heaven. Thin exile Heated by that Liver Chebar had a mine wonderful dream than you or I ever had or ever will have Heated on the banks of the Hudson or Alabama or Oregon or Thames or Tiber or Dunulx-. lint we all huve ir.nl moinor.Uile droums, Borne of them when we, were half asleep and half awake, bo that we did not know whether they were born Of shadow or sunlight, whether they were thoughts let loose and disar ranged an in slumlier. or the imagina tion of faculties awake. Such a dream I hail this morning. It wan alout half-past 5, and the day was breaking. It was a dream of (iod, a dream of Heaven. K.ekiel had his dream on tho bunks of tho Chebar: I had my dream not, fur from the bunks ofthelludson. Themost of the stories of Heaven were written many cen turies ago, and they t-ll us how the place looked then, or how it will look centuries ahead. Would you not like to know how it looks now' That is what I am going to tell you. I was there this morning. I have just got back. How I got into that city of tho sun I know not. Which of the 12 gates I entered is to mo uncertain. Hut my first remembrance of the scene is that I stood on one of the main avenues, looking this way and that, lost in raj turcs, and the air so full of music and redolence and laughter and light that I know not which street t) take, when an angel of (iod accosted mo and ollered to show mo tho objects of greatest in terest, and to conduct me from street to street, and from mansion to mansion, and from temple to temple, and from wall to wall. 1 said to tho angel, "How long hast thou been in Heaven?" and according to tho earthly calendar. There was aHecret almut this angel's name that was not given me, but from the tenderness and sweetness and alTee tlon and interest taken in my walk through Heaven, and more than all In the fact of thirty-two years' residence, the number of years since she as cended, I think it was my mother. Old age and decrepitude and the tired look were all gone, but I think it was she. You Bee, I was only on a visit to the city and had not yet taken up resi dence, and I could know only in part. The Church In Heaven. I looked In for a few moments at tho (Treat templo. Otir brilliuntand lovely bcotch essayist, Mr. Drummond, says there Us no church In Heaven, but he did not look for it on the right street, bt. John wao right when in his I'at mosic vision, recorded in the third chapter of Revelation, he speaka of "the temple of my God." I saw it this morning, tho largest church I ever Haw, as big as all the churches and ca thedrals of the earth put together, and it was thronged. Oh, what a multi tude; I hud never seen so many peo ple together. All the audiences of all the churches of all tho earth put to gether would mako a poor attendance compared with that assemblage. There was a fas lion in attire and headdress that immediately took my attention The fashion was white. AH in white, gave one. And tho headdress was a garland of rose and lily and mignon ette, mingled with green leaves culled from the royal gardens and bound to-, gother with bands of gold. And I Haw some young men with a ring on tho finger of tho right hand and said to my accompanying angel, "Why those rings on the lingers of the right hands'" and I was told that those who wore them were prodigal nuns and once fed swine in the wilder ness and lived on husks, but they came .home, and the rejoicing father said, "I'ut a ring on his hand.'' Hut I said there was one exception to this fashion of white pervading all tho auditorium and clear up through all the galleries. It was the attire of one who presided in that immense temple-the chiefest, tho mightiest, the loveliest person in all the place. His cheeks seemed to Is; Mushed w ith infinite beauty, und His .forehead was a morningsky, and Ills lips were elo quence omnipotent. Hut His attire was of deep colors. They suggested the carnage through which He had passed, and I said to my attending angel, "What is that crim-mn rolie that lie wears'" and I was told, "They are dyed garments from Horah," and "He trod the wine press alone." Koon after I entered this temple they begun to chant the celestial litany It was unlike anything I had ever heard for sweetness or power, and I have heard tho most of tho great organs and the most of tho great oratorios. 1 said to my accompanying angel, "Who is that standing yonder with tho harp?" and the answer was, "David." And I said, "Who is that sounding that trumpet?" and t he answer was, "Ga briel!" An.' I said, "Who Is that at tho organ?" and the answer was, "Handel!" And tho music rolled on till it came to a doxology extolling Christ himself, when all the worship ers, lower down and higher up, a thou sand galleries of them, suddenly dropped on their knees and chanted, "Worthy Is the Lamb that wan slain." UmU U overpowering harmony I fell back. I said: "Let us go. This is too much for mortal ears. I cannot bear tfte overwhelming symphony." Hut I noticed as 1 was aliout to turn away that on the steps of the altar was something like the lacbyrmal. or tear lxttle, as 1 had seen it in the earthly museums, the lachrymals, or tear bot tles, into which the orientals used to weep their griefs and set them away us sacred Hut this lac hyrmal, or tear Isittle, instead of earthenware, as those the orientals used, was lustrous and fiery with many splendors, and it was towering und of great capacity. And I said to my attending angel, "What is tbut great lachrymal, or tear bottle, standing on the slep of the aitar'" and I the angel said: "Why, don't you know That is the bottle to which ! David, the psalmist, referred in this ' fifty-sixth psalm w len he said, 'I'ut thou my tears into tny Ifottle.' It is i full of tears from earth-tears of re i jientancc, tears ol bereavement, tears of joy, teais of many centuries." And then I saw how suci-ed to the sympa thetic God are earth iy sorrows. As I wuh coming out of the templo I saw all along the pictured walls there were shelves, and golden vials were being set up on all those shelves. And I said: "Why the setting up of those ' vials at this time? They seem just now J to have been tilled," and the attending , angel said, "The week of prayer all around tho earth has just closed, and i more supplications have been made , than have been made for a long while, j and thi'Su new vials, newly set up, are 1 what the Bible speaks of us "golden j vials full of odors, which are the I prayers of saints." And I said to the 1 accompanying angel, "Can it be possi- bio that the prayers of the earth are : worthy of being kept In such heavenly shape'" "Why." r.aid the angel, "there is nothing thatsomoves Heaven 1 as the prayers of earth, and they are set up in signt of these infinite iiiulli I tunes, and. more than all, in the sight ! of Christ, and He cannot forget them, and they are lie fore Him world without end." The. tret Christian Meen. Then we came out. and us tho tem ple is always open and some worship at one hour and others at other hours we passed down the street amid the throngs coming to and going from the great temple. And we passed along through a street called Martyr place, and we met there or saw sitting at the windows, the souls of those who on earth went through fire and blood and under sword and rack. We saw John WyclifT, whose ashes were by decree of the Council of Constance thrown into the river, and Hog-ei-s, who bathed his hands in the (ire as though it had been water, and Hishop Hooper and McKail nd LaUutar wwi kid 1 ?y MwLAUilxrjUfi, whom the tlarnes refused to destroy as they lient outward till a spear did the work, and some of the Albigenses und Huguenots and consecrated yuakerw who were slain for their religion. They had on them many scars, but their scars were illumined, and they had on their faces a look of especial triumph. Then we passed along Song row, and we met some of the old gospel singers. "That is Isaac Watts," said my attend ant. As we came up to him, he asked me if the churches on earth were still singing the hymns he composed at the house of Lord and Ijtdy Abney, to whom he paid a visit 6f thirty-six years, and I told him that many of the churches opened their sabbath morn ing services with his old h,ymn, "Wel come, Sweet Day of Kest," und cele brated their gospel triumphs with his hymn, "Salvation, Oh, the Joyful Song!" and often roused their devo tions by his hymn, "Come, We That Ixive the Lord." While we were, talking he intro duced me to another of the song writ ers and said, "This is Charles Wesley, who belonged on earth to a different church from mine, but we are all now members of the same church, tho tem ple of God and the Lamb." And I told Charles Wesley that almost every Sabbath we sang one of his old hymns, "Arm of the Lord, Awake!" or, "Come. Let l's .Join Our Friends AlK)ve!''or, "Love Divine, All Love Kxcelling." And while we were talk ing on that street called Song row, Kirk White, the consumptive college student, now everlastingly well, came up, and we talked over his old Christ mas hymn, "When Marshaled on the Nightly I'lain." And William Cow per came up, now entirely recovered from his religious melancholy and not looking us if lie had ever in dementia attempted suicide, and we talked over the wide earthly celebrity and Heavenly power of his old hymns, "When I Can Head My Title Clear,'' and "There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood." And there we met George W. I)e thuno of wondrous Brooklyn pastorate, and 1 told him of how his comforting hymn hud been sung at obsequies all around the world "It Is Not Death to Die." And Toplady came up und asked about whether the church was still making use of his old hymn, "Hock of Ages, ('left for Me." And we met also on Song row Newton and Hastings and Montgomery and Horatio lionar, and we heard floating from window to window snatches of the old hymns which they started on earth and started never to die. "Hut," say some of my hearers, "did you see'anything of our friends In Heaven" Oh, yes, I did. "Did you see my children there?" says some one, "und are there any marks of their last sickness still UKn them'.'" I did see them, but there was nopallor.no cough, no fever, no languor, alsiut them. They are all well und ruddy and songful and Isiunding with eternal mirth. They told mo to give t heir love to you: that they thought of you hour by hour, and that when they could Ihi excused from the heavenly playgrounds they came down, and hov ered over you, and kissed your cheek, and tilled your dream with their gliul face, and that they would be at the gate to greet you when you ascended to bo with them forever. "Hut," say other voices, "did von boo our glorified friends?" Yes, I saw them, and they are well in the land across which no pneumonias or palsies or dropsies or typhoids ever sweep. The aroma blows over from orchards with trees bearing twelve manner of fruits, and gardens compmed with which Chatsworth is a desert. The tlirnuto is a mingling of an earthly June and Octolxir the balm of the one and the tonic of the other. The social life in that realm where they aio is superb and perfect. No controversies or jealousies or hates, but love, uni versal love, everlasting love. And they told me to tell you not to weep for them, for their happiness knows no hound, and it is only a question of time when you shall reign with them in the same palace and join wilh them in the same exploration of planets and the same tour of worlds. Hut yonder in this assembly is an unturned face that seems to ask how afxilt the ages of those in Heaven. "Do my departed children remain children, or huve they lost their child ish vivacity Do my departed parents remain aged, or have they lost the venerable out of their nature'' Well, from whut I saw I think childhood hhs advanced to full maturity of faculty, retaining all the resilience of child hood, and that th aged had retreated to midlife, freed from all decadence but still retaining the charm of the venerable. In other words, it wo fully developed and complete life of alf souls, whether young or old. j Chunked Condition. Some one says, "Will you tell us what most impressed you in Heaven'1' 1 will. I was most impressed with the reversal of earthly conditions. I knew, of course, that there would be differ eneesof attire and residence in Heaven, for 1'aul had deduced long ugo thai souls would then dill'or "as one star differed from another," as Mars from Mercury, us Saturn from Jupiter. Hut at every step in my dream in Heaves 1 was amazed to see thut some who were expected to be high in Heaven were low down, and some who expected to be low down were high up. Yon thought, for instance, that those borS of pious parentage, and of naturally good disposition, and of brilliant facul ties, and o( all styles of aUractivenej will move in the highest range at celestial splendor and iMimp. No, DO, I found the highest thrones, tba brightest coronets, the richest mM sions, were occupied by those who had reprobate futher or bad mother, and who inherited the twisted natures of ten generations of miscreants, and wto had compressed in their liody all Jfc praved apfietites and all evil propeM&t ties, but they had laid hold of Gtd'f arm, they cried for especial niofc", they conquered seven devils wisbla and seventy devils without andfeve HvawrHwftn t1i Monti f Mic Lamrvi by so much as theircontestwas terrific and awful and prolix their victory was consummate and resplendent, and they have taken places Immeasurably higher than those of good parentago, who could hardly help being goo i, because they had ten generations of preceding piety to aid them. The steps by which many have mounted to the highest places in Heaven were made out of tho cradles of a corrupt parentage. When I saw that, I said to my atten lingangei: "That is fuir; that is right. Tho harder tho struggle the more glorious the reward." Then I pointed to one of the most colonnaded and grandly do ned resi dences in all the city and said, "Who lives there?" and the answer was, "The widow who gave two mites." "And who lives there?" andthoanswer was, "The penitent tnief to whom Christ said, 'This day shalt thou be with me in paradise.' " "And who lives there'" I said, and the answer was, "The blind beggar who prayed, 'Lord, that my eyes may be opened.' " Nitiueii Not in the Directory. Some of those professors of religion who were famous on earth I asked about, but no one could tell mo any thing concerning them. Their names were not even in the city directory of the New Jerusalem. The fact is that 1 suspected some of them had not got there at all. Many who had ten tal ents were living on tho buck streets of Heaven, while many with one talent had residences fronting on the King s park, and u buck lawn sloping to the river clear as crystal, and tho highest nobility of Heaven were guests at their tuble, and often tho white horse of him who "hath tho moon under his feet" champed Its bit at their door way. Infinite capsize of earthly con ditions! All social life in Heaven graded according to earthly struggle and usefulness as proportioned to tal ents given' As 1 walked through those streets I appreciated for tho first timo what l'aul said to Timothy, "If wo sullor, wo shall also reign with Him." Jt sur prised me beyond description that all the great of lleuven wero great sulTer ers. "Not all?'' Yes, all. Moses, him of the Hod Sea. a great sufferer. David, him of Absalom's unlllial be havior, and Ahithophel's betrayal, and a nation's dethronement, a great Hiif ferer. K.ekiel, him of tho cuptivity, who had tho dream on tho banks of tho Chebar, a great sulferer. l'aul, him of the diseased eyes, and tho Mediterranean shipwreck, and tho Mars Hill derision, und the Mamertine endnngcoiiinent, and the whipped pack, ami the headman's ux on the road to Ostai. a great sufferer. Yea, all tho apostles after lives of suffering died by violence, beaten to death with fuller's club, or dragged to death by mobs, or from the thrust of a sword, or by exposure on u barren island, or by decapitation. All tho high up In Heaven great sufferers, and women more than men, Kellcltas and St. Cecelia and St. AgmM and St. Agatha and Lucia and women nover heard of outside thoir own neighbor hood, queens of the noodle, und the broom, and tho scrubbing brush, and tho wushtub, and the dairy, rewarded according to how well they did their work, whether to set a tea table or govern a nution, whether empress or milkmaid. 1 could not get over It, as in my dream I saw all this, and that some of the most unknown of earth were the most lamous in Heaven and that many who seemed the greatest failures of earth were the greatest successes of Heaven. And as we passed along one ' f the grandest Iioulevards of Heaven there approached us a group of persons so radiant in countenance and apparel I had to shade my eyes with both hands because I could not endure the luster, and 1 said, "Angel, do tell me who they are?" and the answer was, "These are they who came outof great tribulat ion and had t heir robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb!" KqiiHlixed at Last. My walk through the city explained a thousand things on eai-th that had been to me inexplicable. When I saw up there the superior delight and the superior Heaven of many who had on earth had it nurd with cancers and bankruptcies and persecutions and trials of all sorts, I said, "God has equalized it all at last: excess of en chantment in Heaven has more than made up for the deficits on earth." Why may not the Lord bless this as well as that' Heaven us 1 dreamed about it, and as I read aUnit it. is so benign u realm you cunnoi any of you alToidto miss it. oh. will it not be transcendontly glorious after the struggle of this life is over to stand in that eternal safety? Samuel Ruther ford, though they viciously burned his books and unjustly arrested him for treason, wrote of that celestial spectacle: The King ther In hln beauty, Without a el. la netiu ; It were a well upent journey. Though seven death lay between, The T.umb with hi fair army I)oth on Mont 'Aon stand, And glory, glory dwulleth In luuuanuel'8 laud. lie Was Fond of Tw ins. ! When the car stonned a mm and a woman came in through the rear door, each carrying something done ud in a red shawl. The passengers moved over and made room for them ! near the stoye. Then they began j unrolling the shawls and each ; brought to view a fat-faced, brightr I eyed baby. The hoods were just ' alike. The little jackets wero .,ust alike and the two babiess were also Just alike. At once the entire car became interested. The business man with the nose glasses stopped reading his paper and blinked good naturedly at the baby nearest him. "Boys or girls?" "Hoys," answered the. father a iuild young man. . How old?" i"T.5p months.".. ; '-Twins, of course?' Yes." "Yours?" "Mine and hers." The elderly woman across the way leaned over and addressed the mother. "You keep their feet warm, of course?" "Oh, yes, ma'am, they're bundled up good." "That's right; you can't l e too carefuL They're as cute as they can le" The mother laughed in a gratified way and the husband blushed. As the conductor came through he also asked if they were boys. Over in the corner was a stout man who had been drinking. He gazed at the twins with an expression of rapt de light. The twins, after taking an inventory of all the passengers, found him the most entertaining, and t hey gazed back at him. He winked at them and one of them laughed. "I'd give $100 to be the father of two bovs like that," said he in a loud voice. The father seemed uncomfortable and shifted his twin to the other knee, but the twin, by twisting his neck, was still able to command a view of the stout gentleman, who said, after a short pause: "You ought to be a proud man, sir, and no mistake. Here's tl, and I want you to get them two boys a present two pr sents, 1 mean" He o'lered the money, holding vig orously tc a strap with tho other hand. The father shook his head meekly. "Take it," said the passengers in chorus. So he took It and then the stout man got off the car, but everyone forgave him for drinking. Chicago Iiecord. I'oor Dotctf'c! Many eccentricities arc pardoned In musical geniuses, especially by those who do not su er from them. I nl'ortunately, the object of a musi cian's wrath is i ulte apt to be unable to appreciate why he has offended. One can fancy the possessor of the untrained voice who figures in the following story, thinking hard things of the celebrated composer, Ramcau. One day Kame in, while calling on a lady, fixed a stern glance on a little dog who satin her lap, and was bark ing good-naturedly. Suddenly b'a nieau seized the poor little fellow, and threw him out of the window. "What Is the matter?" asked his hostess, much alarmed. "lie barked false!" said I'.arneau, indignantly. Wukn It bocomes a duty for a man to Vie good to his wile Instead of a Joy, be Is to longer kind. Fun everv letter you receive with money In it, you receive a dozen let ters offering you bargains. It's a poor mule that doesn't work both ways. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. Brkwstlr, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashiar. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: AHTOI0A.N Exchange National Bank, New York, U.ted States National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadro. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. WDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. THE PIONEER Pharmacy, J. E. PHINNEY. Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. W ARTISTS' MATERIAL. School Supplies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. SIMMONS & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call- on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. Nebraska. C. F. Corral, Vic-PrMUt. VBKUSHES.