The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 15, 1894, Image 7

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    1 r
Wh fliall tv t all lllu.T
rrof-or Minbriilze, the artist who
flrt tiicct-.ted in photographing an
animal on the run or on th jump,
writes his first name Kadweard. J his
i odd, but thert in a man in West Vir
fitim who rit- his thus: Llewellyn
Phtimh.giiy.rti. J I i kivhi name is not
hard to read, hut the other is a fuzzier
until you t;ike it to pieces anil deier
oilu the sounds of Iheielters and com
binationa hy the tollowinjf words:
l'hth. in phthiKic; ilo, in colonel; "ii- in
cologne; prrii, in myrrh. -Harper's.
Farmer Ntiuuld yat Ngl-t Opimrtunlli-
fur li'iiM4ltir WT ami ,Mhiii of Hur-e-
-'lau and ut-fii'tit I'utjiii j'lat
forui Iaw it-liI if Corn.
t.ltra niHii-it.ti'lv. in ki- t.ii.i.
other luxuries. A urn-! he pleas
antly am-nprMhle in lotni. pur. Iv Ji..l.
n; in c.), truly I . neliei.-il in
Mlect mid t'lil irelv lire In iin even iilijretiiiu
a!.le .(imiiiy. 'ri-;illv i) j,.- ,-..iult- a
Vhyieian ; if rimti;.iilei he u. - the gentle
family laKtive hvriiii .' I ig...
Why is butler worked " To lessen the
pwcntaee r.f water and caw-in.
of reason why yon should in
isist upon having I'r. 1'ieree's
PI. await IVIlets. ami u .thing
ehw in their j4a'i : -
llerau Tbey'r the Hmnlleiit,
and the Uatin1rl to tni.f.
Hn-mmft they're tho iuo st in
their way N j disturbance, no
reaction afterward lut-ir ex
feet taut.
They al fsoluti ly and perma
nently nor rtiliousiK'Ss, uuii
frtt.iiii. tViiihtifwition. hu'k Heail
ache, and Sour Htimiaeh. The
mow! common cause of I'ilm m
constipation. By rf 'Moving the
cause a cure is effected.
Motttitimfry, (hanw Co., .V. Y.
Da. Pir.BCK: Iih-w .s'lr I miff, nil unlolil
leery wirii niefdinir pura. i muM iret no
relief nUrUt or ilsy. until I commence! usmjf
your rieaaHiii 1'eiiei.i. aim now
year or more. 1 have not lnen tmulileil with
the pile; If mjr bowela (ret tn a crinslipateal
rendition. 1 uike a ohm-oI Dr. I'lenw' rl'-i.
ant Pallet, and the trouble is ail diH.ilud
oy next aj.
t enleiit Pump Pint form.
A cor!e)on'ii'nt f the American
Ak'ficulturi-t h;is jut tilted up bin
j'Uiup platfurin in a f'ouveti cnl wiy,
as seen in the enir;ivimr. AimIvihi iron pan tit teen inches arrows
and e ; k 1 1 1 inches dec),, ,f a semi
circular shape so as ti tit, snugly
airam-t tbtt pump, with an inch pipe
to :n m ey the water, is jdaccd jj.
rei:tly under the -jinit Into this
Iran all the drippings an I water that
slopo over fall, and are conveyed by
the pi.e Via Mower garden where the
conditinns in a dense loiesf than
tho-e wiii h trcvail in a he y.ird
wm re tiuiu rous hues are placed
fiear each i,tlier. Jn tlie forest
i-ee iiioin is tiotorien found, al h-asl,
duriuo the tlrst lew yens ii!c of the
colony. The hive in yard ought
not to be la rite r than the queen require-,
for blood comb and the honey
mpp'ics fur the winter. If more
space than this is ui en it is so much
extia work for the bees in flihtiii)
the moth. Mne iramts will trhe
Mt .fl souare ilichcs.of com), -in I th .t
lloyal IlllekM
For (fenerations t his leeii the cus
loin to mix the baiter for buckwheat
the cakes with yeast or emptyings, relain-
UiS a portion of the batter left over
from one morning to raise the cakes for
the following day.
It kept too warm, or not used prompt
ly, this baiter becomes excessively sour
and objectionable. 1 luck wheat cakes
raised by ibis means are mere often
sour or h -avy than liifht and sweat.
1 1 eaten daily tl ey distress the stomach
is r.uiliciciit lor most queens. If mote ftl1'' skiii erupt ions and itchim,'.
is irnen than the queen needs t will
be tilled w,th honey that will remain
from year to car and strongly attract,
the mollis. It Wlii u;0 ,B aut to
make the bees sickly.
1 arnur aid llnril Time.
Farmers reenper from bard tiiues
sooner than can any other class l osy
ha.e the in atn lor rcdiicinifexpeiises
and livinjf within tlieir income as
city residents cannot do At the
IMl liOVFO I I M,' CI.ilJollM.
T.i! i e'1-"111"1 is irriifated. by nil ntr a small
moiiku unci Hin:u ine pipe emiites
us- i, to save the supply for the flitches.
j i'.ehind the pump a trapdoor, titled
I strap h n'es and a ha-p. Ntapie
land padlock, opens into a convenient
receptacle in which butter. ream,
ST r . . ''-' i v,,Kctat.les to be warmed over, and
StephenSOn EleCtriC Belt CO. i m-'ats can l e kepi quite as well as in
I a rernirerator, and without the e
peiise for ice. The platform is made
, of a framework- of two by six inch
joists, with a Coor of matched lloor
intr na led on both sides, the inter,
ve inu' space heinif lllled with clean
sawdust. This keeps out frost in
winter and heat in Hummer, and with
the pro; Ision tor carrying oir the
dripping, it js always clean arid
ratrnicil August S'iiul. 1 M!l:l.
Til lu-t mi, Im: ri.M-l Kleetn Hell
manufucniifi. 1 In. n.ilv Lo-eiiii- Hill ih,u
reamrcs no vice. r n -)! to make it work
It Uwli r ii,-! i. 1 1 ua. u In mo c il'irnhle than
ny nttoer A i on I c ue for ilieninHiisin
netiriilgln s.'m! alt tiervoim iliw.-ae. cure-i!ti.-Iii.
cii.iipmlnii. lin-r ami ketney ill?
put' In tli k, Iniiiili Meiiknem
emeral ilelaltiy. relhue u,,il tirl fi-ellni
anil al! cbrotile ilis, n -
Heot prepnlil ,. leci'lpt of price an,
I.lheral (lln.tiiiU in , ueuip,. orresponileni'i
ullell, 1
.XmSur !! ok Ki an mi i n.r Co.
Mroin-lnirif, - eh
II !, note" . aaJ
Ki-epiif Tenoit lliuv.
It is one of the chief ditllcuities of
fanning on a small aercaire that the
necessary work to be done in plow,
iitlf culti-atihtf. and marketing ciojis
requires a full team part of the time,
while there is not suit cient work to
keep it employed all the t me. Idle
lioises sunn eat inure Ilia i their labor
during a small part of the year is
; worth. Yet the small farmer who
: relics on hiring team work done is
: alwa s handicapped by tlielinn ilfim
! possible to hiie teams when he ninsl
' needs t l)iii. The only other recourse
i is to chaniri; the methods of fariuinif.
; 1'ut on more labor an I 'capital er
acre, and thus urow crojn which will
! keep the teams bus u ol of the year
: ntiulinif them to mai ket.
! If there are days when no market
ing Is to le dotie. the teams cm be
, uinphned jusl in profitably hi draw
, i i : M manure. In most cases this on a
small farm will make it neces-ary to
! buy most if not ail the feed that the
i teams cat This s what market
j Hardeners almost invariably do. They
I cannot a for. I to k'low bay or krraiu on
j land that will pro uce live and pet
; haps ten times as valuable a crop in
, something else l'.uylii all their I
i fi ed tliey know just what it costs
them a d ar less likely to lose by 1
I kecpiiiK' teams idle. The chief dill!
' culty with many fai'iiuqs in mak tif
their larmitie- pay is not feciiriiljiir '
I that the leo.l which tliey row and
feed is worth its market value, and
that w tin lever eats such feed must
return at least what it has cost and
can he sold for. I nless t .ls is at
tc idcd to. t he losses from tion-payitikf
stock will eat, up protlts that can be .
made otherwise.
worst, the farm wi J a loro a home
and a suply of fo' il with -ome sur-
j pi s. It is alwa s the ri-i! vvlieti
; little money is eomiiu to t a,: farme.s
they reduce their e pe scs i.i jirop r
i lion, or as t he o'd s.iynu' is. . ut,
j their coat aci ordin to li.eir cloth.''
Three or four years lino Southern
farmers bad a succession of bad years,
j They were badly in debt, and the
price of cotton was so low that there
seemed little chance to yet out of
debt attain. Hut late iciorts fr m
the South are that they have done
so, and now owe Ic-s than in many
ears. Ti.c : outh now yrows m re
pork and b-.-ef than ever before. This
divctsiiication of its industry lias
helped i he price of cotton, the chief
money crop. Niinethiiit? like this
will result to Northern wheat-grow-iiiL'
fanners il the.v (liersily their
crops and thus tret their money from
a number of souices instead of de
penditikT wholly upon one
Imw ti! of Corn.
It is surprising liow low the aver
aye yields ol coin arc, taking the
outitryasa whole. Twenty t wo to
twenty-three luishels per acre is the
yield reported for i and ye I with
Hood culture and nianurnikf, yields of
more than M)0 bushels of shelled
Kiain hae been attained. No crop
litis Its yield increased more certainly
than corn by cuari uruikr and thcToutfti
culture. The soil cannot be made
too rich for corn, as it easily may lor
any of the smaller trrains. The av-j
eratrc yield of this crop Is, therefore, i
a fair test of the increase or decrease
of soil fertility. It Is doubt less urow
Inif harder to secure larire corn crops
than it u-ed to I e. The longer hind
Is cultivated with poor manauemcnt
the less euctable matter it contains.
So lontf as soil is full of its or u rial
siippy of decaying roots tjood corn
crops are (frown. Now the old condi
tions mu-t le supplied by manure and
the plow-ink? under of cioier.
Jns'e id of the old fashioned way we
have been makim; buckwheat cakes
'his winter wuhiioyal linking l'owder,
muiiig the batter tresii daily, mid lind
the re.-uit woiiuerfuiiy satisfactory,
(lliey are uniformly liifiit and sweet,
more palatable and wholesome, and
?aii be eaten continuously without the
lilk'htest d. festive inconvenience, lie
iides they are mixed ami baked in a
moment, lequirnii; no time to rise.
Follow iui; is l lie receipt, used:
Two cups of pure buckwheat Hour
not "prepared" or mixed); one cup of
wheat Hour, two tablespoons of Koyal
fiakiinr l'owder, and one half teaspoon
fill of Bait, a,l sifted well toifelher.
Mix Willi milk into a thin ba'ter and
bake at once on a hot griddle. Once,
pronerlv tested iroin this receipt, no
etiiei ctickule ut will bud its way to
your 'ab.e. ! luiiiest ic Cookery.
1 lie ypi-M rllxr'a Oi-i-upalioii.
A pn-tty typewriter, who is employed
at a large down town olliee, was talk
ing in a rather elevated tone of voice
to a gentleman of her acquasntauce on
an Illinois street car yesterday. He
was evidently unacqiiaintei with the
character of her occupation and asked
her what it, was. I'uiiching boles in
the English language," was the answer.
And there was ample indications that
she was speaking the literal truth.
Indianoplis Sentinel.
A Story of III- H ir.
Erilitusjast N";.w, mends, I dare say
the major can remove the skeptism re
garding the awful seenne of the battle
field; eh, in ij ir?
Major Y'-s-, -dr, j once saw snldiers
with tlieir in.ikets and clo'e3 drippin'
with blood
Nervous Lady-O, hush! And they
were slaying our dear friends
"Not zakiev' L'hey wuz carr'in
a stolen hog!" Cleveland I'hilaii-Jer.
Tlie Haii.-tka Ourrn.
Will the Ljucen of tbeKunlwlch Islands
a e a in si I on In r t liroueV This is oue of the
foremost questions in the public iiiinii. It
limy dejiend entirely u; on her .elf for an
swer, as a writer s;iy& she is almost a help
h ss cripple, lumbago, t he In l ell i
Kcn.e u'lit to he conveyed to her in adijj
lomalii' way. there Is no remedy on
earth a surer cure for it than ,st- Jacobs
(HI. as it Is ul-o a specific for sciatica, so
prevalent In the tropics. M,e can easily
verify tills statement by the use of the
Hh Erpeeted to Win.
Mamie I understand that you are a
candidate for the presidency of !h- So
ciety for the Suppression of Slang:'
Gertie Yep.
.Mamie Is there any opposition?
Gertie You just bet there is. Jen
nie Van Clank is runtiiug for it, o .
Mamie There will be a contest,
Gertie That's where you are just
hootin', but, you bet, she'll get il where
tlie bottle got the co-k.-X. Y fress.
61 If I k .
The most determined evil which af
flicts the clerical force and the ollicers
of the government is the habit of using
iMloxicattti r liquor. Hon. L. M. Mor
rill, in United States S'eiiate.
Too Kx penxi ve.
"I fear, sir," said the physician, "your
malady is appeudixieitis."
"1 can't afford it, doctor," replied the
patient decidedly. Yon may just
treat me for plain, common, every day
liver complaint." Chicago lieeord.
Old Lady What is the matter now?
Steamboat Captain We've run on a
Old Lady Well, why don't you go
over it? bat's your walking beam for
l'de like to know? New York Weekly.
Stranger What's the matter, my Ut
ile man V
Small lioy I I took mamma out
for a walk, and I've lost her somehow,
and I'me 'fraid she can't find herself
i anywhere. Boo boo boo! flood News.
A l'o-t utile I ciH-f.
A cheap porlah'e tewee is desirable,
sometimes, in establishing temporary
pasture grounds, fencing stacks, etc.
A ery convenient form of panel is
shown in tlie illust ration, i'he en I
of one panel locks within the of
j Vaseline should never be put on the
; face, as it will produce a growth ol
! hair very quickly on the smoothest
I akin. If the hairs are very stiff and
' coarse the electric needle may be nec
essary, nut the continued use ol pum
ice stone and cream will give wonder
fill results if persevered in for a lew
Asthma Sutterers
Who have in vain tried evei
re.iel should try srhiflniann's Asthin:
'lire" No uniting lor results. lisnctio:i
is immediate, di reel and certain, ns a simrle
trial proves Send to jlr. 1.'. li i liin ;i n ti .
M. I'anl, M inn., lor a free trial pacitngc,
but ask your druggist tirsr.
"Iain Post Master here atKl keep
a Store. I have kept August Hower
for sale for some time. I think it is
a splendid medicine." K. A. Lond,
P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y.
The stomach is the reservoir.
If it fails, everything fails. The
liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
heart, the head, the blood, the nerves
all jro wrone. If vou feel w'rone.
! look to the stotTuirh first. Put that
means oil right at once hy using August
Flower. It assures a good appetite
and a good digestion. $
The devil has both arms around tlie
man who feels confident that moderate
drinking won't hurt him. -Kurn's horn
I'.kkcium'h I'n.mliavc a pi
disguising the taste uf tlie
impairing its ellicacy. 25 ci
asaiit coaling
pill, wii limit
it s u box.
Oblonr silver chests, with covers,
when opened reveal manicure sets se
curely packed away.
Ac, are speedily relieved and if taken in
time, permanently cured by lr. I), .laviie's
Kxpectorant. You will lind in it also a
certain remedy for Coughs and folds..
Silver cherubs are utilized as silk
winders and are intended, for the work
Coughs and Hoarsaess. The irritation
which induces coughing immediately re
lieved by u-eol'"ovi's IWdnihiti'. Ttm-he.s'
Sold only in boxes.
l Avia.s ol i oin lm.K t itsi K.
1 1 i
Highest Awards '
World't Columbian 1
On th fullowiiiv article, i
8RrUr.ST (Of 01.
.KUin So. I f HMfOUTf,
jCMUU.1 KH ill (H0C0UTK,
For purity of materia!,"
eirIJiii flKvor," nt,d "uiii
foria ettti oucap-MiuwiJ "
old mr cwooaws vkwywmkbk.
t?$in HOG CHOLERA thii
liaauniaanilf aied In tlma.
tut Bitkina K,,p. Cleininii
Houi, Hoftonliiit Wtr, u
hftfl lin neurit. 'I'll bmi-ft
wlt liii,tfrier.t A al-
lilr oukllii rrelpr n
'i jnn. tt.r nli ,r
.,... c"TI
f - CURED.
TjZ NfUii unmk iricino
' Jtr9 en Ma Mm Trli
rxbit imI nkS kMbr fin, i
Fanners' IcetbiKn.
Kvcti though tht! farmer h s felt
to some extent the general lep es
sion of I Usincss libit litis preval ed.
tie can Ond much consolation in the
thought that "the fanner feeds them
aU," and no matter how other kinds
of business may I e effected the soil
will still be called upon to yield of its
a iind.ince to feed the hungry and in
directly clothe the naked, lor this
reason lai iucrs .should neglect none of
the opportunities offered tor social
intef.tiiirse and discussion of ways
and means of success in the asscin
I lages of all kinds that will occur
during the winter months for I he
considerati n and dlseu sloti of mat
ters connected with d liferent branches
of far in industry. It makes little
ill erencc what the meeting Is,
whether It is one of fruit growers
stock raisers, of those interested in
the breeding of horses, the produc
tion of Hheem poultry raising, or
lioti-ekeeplng: there Is an opportun
ity for training informal ion at a
small cost and at a season of the year
when the farmer is more at leisure
than at any-other time. Association
of those whose lives are spent upon
the farm Is betiellclal in Its way of
siiioolhlng off the rough way and
manners that are s iid to adhere to
those soniel iines denominated "hay
seeds.'1 Again every new idea, the
reception of the thoughts of others,
adds so much to the fund of knowl
edge a d general intelligence which
Is the true measure of the man or
woman. Fanners do not neglect any
'I ho Hiri of the. Ilea lllvm.
There Ic a common tendency among
beginners in bee culture to make the
hive too large. Tho Idea Is that the
iart(e hive has more room for honey,
and tht In fortified by memories of
largo hollow trunks filled with honev,
ome t linos found In bee trees where
colonies have worked undisturbed for
itun. Hut there are very different
the other. For iuclo-iitcs of any
magnitude, it would be necessary to
set it up in the form of a worm fen e.
In or e,- to give greater stability, the
cleat or slat at one end of i he panel
may tie left sit or eight inches long
when one stroke of tlie spade won hi
let it deep enough in the ea'th .'or
ordinary purposes These panels wilt
be fo'tid ery convenient on the
farm, even wbeie it is Intended to
use posts, as ,1 bit of wire will hold
them to the post, and they may be
removed again and again without injury.
Duck Hals n t ''.V Who e,ll'.
Mr. l'ye of Hast port, L I, grows
I about 2o,ooo ducks pc year. He
! buys his eggs and uses incubators to
i hatch them except during the list.
week of incubation, w hen the hen
does the business better than the in
cubator can do. The hen is kept at
work continuously and at the clos
ing of tho hatching season has be-
. come exhausted, and is given several
! mouths Ut r cuperate in. Mr. I've
! makes his ducks weigh from four to
j six pounds each, when they arc
; killed, packed In barrels and sent to
! the New York market. The season
lasts six to eight months, and the
1 shipments average mm ducks per
I week. Fifteen to :' cents per pound
! arc realized for ducks in the New
j York market.
Ivrm Notm.
Oausk hay may not be valuable as
good timothy or clover, but the addl
Hon of a lew pounds of bran may
' convert the Inferior hay to a valuable
food by giving a greater value to the
' ration.
j Tin-, ownership of a good horses is
I something whp h brings with it to a
, man susceptible of attachment to
the e iiiine kind, a fund of delight
and unalloyed pleasure which few
other pastimes can eijual.
1 siiKihsTiiiN is one of the most
serious disorders alleciing al! animals
and it gives rise to many diseased
conditions that have no apparent,
cause to one who does not under
stand how a disturbed digestion af
fects every function of tho s stem
Tiikuk Is as much dlhoreiice In
liecs as there Is between full-b ooded
and scrub stock, and, like In all oilier
animals, quality tells fullv as much
In bees. Hy a proper and jud
selection in breeding, a very consider
able and marked Impiovemcnt Is possible.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will snrely destroy the .sense ol
smell and completely derange Ihe whole
sylem when entering it Ihroiieh the mu
cous surfaces, such art iclcs shonht never
be used except on prescriptions from
repnlable physicians, as the damage tliey
w ill do is ten told In tin- good you rati
possibly derive from iheni." Ha T
i'atarrli Cure matiufaeturcil by F .,
Cheney it Co., Toledo, (., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure he sure and gel the genuine.
Il is taken internally, and made in Toledo.
Ohio, hy I-. ,1. Cheney A- Co Te-iiinouial.
VSold by Ih-uggisis. price 7,'w. pe
hoi I le.
In time of war France puts Ij70 on
of every l.OOOot her population in tlie
field ; (iermany, MO: Russia. 210.
See "Colchester's" spading lioot Ad. in
other column.
It is estimated that since the Chris
tian era began over 4,(i(Kl,(KX),(ibi) hu
man beings have perished in war.
Shiloh'n CniiRii nipt ion Cure in sold on a guar
Hiitee It cures Incipient Couninniiiioii. It i-
I lie bent Couilh Cure, -a ecnli. .'illi'eiil!, and ?! (In
Silver hearts are provided to clasp
the dainty bow of silk garters.
Kill HI S. Wllli lT IKII'I IIKI ,( KKS.
This remarkable yield was rej orted
by Frank ('lose. .Minnesota, on tw..
acre.- of Marvel Spring Wheal. S leak
ing id t!ii.s wheat,, this new sort taken
the cuke. It is tic greatest er. pping;
spring wheat in tho world. Famines
wh; tried it the a-' scas-ai bl.evc
noverny-iive 10 one liii.nned minuets
can bo grown from '.in- acre, and ai e
going to k-;t this yield hr l ll. At
such yield w'u.-a' )jy.- at .'itkj a bushel. is tlie largest grower of vegeta
ble and farm t-eeil in the world.
If ou vol. t in, l ins inn hihI Srntl It
with Te postage to the John A. Saler
Seed Co., La Cros-e, Wis., you will get
free tlieir mammoth catalogue and a
pai 1 k i igo. of. l,1" Pi'iil. wheat. C
jc jo very ditticuj
c o convince
children that
a medicine is
'nice to take"
this trouble
is not experi
enced in ad-ministerinrr
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil. It is
almost as palatable as milk.
No preparation so rapidly
builds up good flesh,
strength and nerve force.
Mothers the world over rely
upon it in all wastinrr diseases
that children are lioir to.
Propai l: SkiH f'.a iv, N Y. At! itrunrfita,
ely's Catarrh
Cleanses the WCATaAu
Allays Pain and trfftjCf
lllflc. Illlllillitlll,
rfcalsi the Sores.
Kent ores the
Senses of Taste
anil Smell.
A pnrticle is npplle'i into "-u h nostril and is
iiii'0(Mih'i', Price .V) cent nT ?)rri!r;:i' orb? mail.
KJ.V mioTuHks, .v; Wnrrrii si . Nt-vr fork.
V'Mll" Si
A Maniilicher rule which has just
lieen tested in hurope, is declared to
be inferior to the French arm.
Tlie Future
The fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla has
cured thousands of others is cer
talnly stifllelent reason for belief
that it will cure vou. It is the
greatest blood purifier, the best
nerve tonic, mid quickest strength
builder. Hemember
Hood'H Ha "tapnrllla i hoM
11 , nix for I
il hy
I'repiired hy (t. I
nil itrnitKiHts.
Ilooii A Co.,
II oiiil ruin arc a mihl rathnrtlc,
Jhe St, Joseph and Grand Island R. R
in Tim
fO u,!, NT
ASTsz- Union Pacific System
To i'nlif,iriiiii, OiPirnn unit all Western PolntB
ror infomiiiltoii reitnrdlnit rflten, fflr., cull on
.r n.Mn k liny utrrnt or H M. AlifUT,
,M. I'. llllltlNsoN, Jh , (ien. 1'iws, ARt.
(en'l Mnnfnter, Kt. Joseph, Mo.
York, Neb.
N. N. I(. No. 70-7.
dImm m mw tk kdrartlaamaat
! IbU Dapcr.
Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood is not right full of im-
Eurities, causing a sluggish and unsightly complexion. A few
ottles of S. S. S. will remove all foreign and impure matter,
cleanse the blood thoroughly and give a clear and rosy com
plexion. It is most effectual, and entirely harmless.
'."has. Heaton, 73 Laurel St. Vhx.. savs: "I have had for years a humor in
my blood which made me dn-ad to shave, a-, small boiis or pimples v;onld be cut
thus causing shaving to be a great annoyance. After taking three bottles of
my face is all clear and smooth as it should be appetite
splendid, sleep well and feel like running a foot race, all
from the use of S. S. S.
swift spranr: f.n ithnb c, fz
Vl Tltft f. ' ' r-S"Tt"' "'.-.L Tn. - . -,: r-r
kZ 77 r77 - nr ' i?73)amtmfrimm
KHjKM'ially for Farmora, Minors, R. U. HftnHs an other. Don bin Hole ex
tending d'.wn to tho h.M-l. KXTKA WKAKINGQUA LIT Y.
TIioiiphikJh rf liuMM'T Hiot wc!irpr f optify thifl ih th hoHt thoy over hud.
ASK YOUE DEALER FOR THEM and don 'IhR porsuHiIod into an inferior
art iole.
cquulft rustmn wrk, coslin from
tfi $), twt Viiluc lor llir tnnrif-y
tlie world. Niime und nrir-
stamped on the bHnm, Kvcry
pair wiirrantt d. T .ike no uh!iU-
hrc local nawm inr tun
description of our complete
lines fur ladies and ffcti -
tienim or Renn Tfr it ,
tutrated Catatotfut i
giving in
struction how lo or.
drrhymnll, Pntpp frrr. Vou ran ffct the best
bargaina of dr.ilrrs who push nwr hi toes. ,
PATENTS and PENSIONS Secured. No aitvancr Irr.
filzgerild Co., "ilhnu Ci," WhiiiKioii, U. C.
TrtOSHRP SIMPS! IN ,W'.ii.hli,Kti,,
I) (', No ully n fi-e inilll HtiMit ,.li
ulnad. Write fur Invt'iiiur'nUiiiae.
)Rst in (he World.
CMly mall, postaf puld.
bCl9 a r:'Kr una up.
'Of '. every onicr. I'nntirm
'tho worhl with ufetureii of
nil vurirtiiH. Send youra
land m1(?blior' uddresfi.
WWI 1 1 III 1 1 1 RWI MHWrock ford. - ILHtioll
If tho fffntlontiin who told his
r-ompiiiiinn on the train that n
won d buy lo.noibiinlii.n. i wl.faft
f lie Mufi Imw tn uit about it w 1 1 1 wi tin ' V ViM
WINKI.K At CO . 2K;I.aHHllf Htrei-t r!m mi i,n1 It..
cl"w htNinp, hf mil rer-lvn a copy of thf hoot,
"Kiciilatloii and How to Trade," fre uf cbare.
. ,i,
i', ....'' i-. )'.
.... ' y , ' I A 1 I.