The Sioux County Journal. I. J S1MWO-VS, Proprietor. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA SEWS. as Judge Norns is becoming famous lecturer. The schools at Ravenna are sadly over-crowded, Sports are spearing fish in the Re publican river near Arapahoe. Butter is selling in Champion at the low price of 10 cents a pound. May wood is proud of its cornet band. The boys practice every night. The riattsmouth Herald will be in running order again in a few weeks. The store of J. P. iiasniusseu at Columbus has been closed by creditors. Miss Clara Hold ot Columbus has a broken leg as the result of a fall on the ice. A large number of sick are reported atCbappell. La grippe is what ails 'tm. The Madison Star has been named tiie official organ of the Madison county aJlianee. Osmond has a new cemetrey con- ! tainini! four hundred lots. Now is the time to be buried. Two gamblers were arrested at Nor- ' folk and a jackpot of 50 was added to , the school fund. The business men of Alma have j tided over the lough times without scoring a single failure. A local board of the Lincoln build ing and loan association has been or- j ganizea at Waketield. A Knights of Pythias lodge will be ' instituted at Edgar this week with twenty charter members. The treasurer of Saunders county m- I Tites people to walk into the next room ( when the? want to swear. I Red Cloud has a new paper called i the Nebraska and Kansas Farmer. D. j J. Myers is the guilty party. i Jewell Bros, of I'latte Center have ( cleared about SHi.OUQ in two years rais- j Ing beets for the Norfolk sugar mill. The icemen of the state have har vested the crop and are now praying for an early spring and a sultry sum mer. John Penner of Logan county has a couple of hounds that have assisted him in capturing nine wolves this win ter. A Furnas county farmer lost his pocketbook containing ?3I0 and valu able papers. He offers a hatidsome re ward. Twelve new member rode the A, O. U. W. goat at Wdsoayille at one ses , Biou; The order is receiving accessions all over the state. F. TV. Fuller of Campbell paid SIS hiju cost ior uie lun ot whipping an editor and has a suit tor damages on his hands besides. W. E, Beach of North Platte, while descending the steps in front of the Pacific hotel, slipped and broke both bones of this right ankle. The books of the ex-treasurer of Thayer county will be examined by an expert accountant to locate a discrep ancy that seems to exist. The Deshler Herald, which had a great notion to move out, has bu-en in duced by assurances of a living pat ronage to stay and do i s town good. The people of Nance county will be asked to vote bonds in the sum of $17,000 to build a new court house. It Is thought the proposition will carry. Carl Picard of Hebron has started in to fast forty days, after which he pro poses to preach the gospel. He is thought to be a trine unbalanced mentally. Z. A. Cushman of Schuyler has been taken in custody for having more wives than the law entitles him to. He will be tried at Harlan, la, ior big amy In the first degree. Farmers in the northern part of the state are anxious for a special session vi me legislature, tnat means may be provided for harvesting the Russian thistles before they get ripe. Two Platte county farmers went to law over a lousy caif and when the case was settled the costs and attor ney's fees amounted to over twenty times the value of the animal It is estimated that more converts have been made at the various revivals this winter than the sum total for the threejpreceding years. Verily adver sity has its eternal compensations. Goods to the amount of 20 werd stolen from a farmer who stopped at a saloon to acquire a jag and left no one to watch bis wagon. The articles were afterwards found in a livery stable, but the thief escaped. : A few parties near Broken Bow are in the habit of coming to town once or twice in a while and leaving their horses tied on the street while tbey en joy the warmth of a saloon from morn ing tiU midnight. Where's the tar and feathers ? Rev. Trumbull has reisgned the pas torate of the Baptist church at Madison to accept a like position at Crab Or Chard. His parting shot was to the fleet "that he was going to a place where the church members were busi ness men who paid their debts and ; erect down in their pockets to support Cweburcn. Looking f.r Hurw Irtiiue. West Mtluioi:, Wi , Feb, 8. The srnad village of Owen, tst of tbiscity f n the Duluth, outh Shore & A lantic rilioad, is ail exci'.ed over the lynch ing of a fiend. Tiie name of the villain is Andrew Pikkarien. He is a Russian Finn and live a few miles from Owen, at a place caded Bruce Crossing. Monday Pi-ter Halted! and wife left their home to be gone for a day. Th--y left their eight-Vear-oid daughter at home in the care of Pikkarien. Her temporary gu.irdian put the little girl to bed early, but at about 10 o'clock at night he touk the sleeping child from the bed and carrying her to his own room assaulted her. Two other men witnessed the outrage, but they claim they were tearluior the power; ul as -ail-aut. Pikkarien was arrested as soon as the terrible crime lie had committed became known and laKen to Owen, where he was placed in jail. Head-; muted having commuted the deed. The child is frightfully injured and is exacted to die. As soon as it became known that Pikkarien admitted his guilt, fifty in dignant citizens wearing masks sur rounaed the frail structure in which he was placed, determined tojiynch him. Officers protested, but to no avail. The jail doors were smashed in and the cuf. pnt brought out by force, a roje was placed about his necic and he was drag ged eighty rods to a railroad trestle, where he wxs danced. The village is still wild over the out rage and sliouij the citizens find the guilty man's associates they wouid end the day with a triple lynching. Attempted E-egpe. Chestek, 111., FeD. 8. Three con viclsinthe southern Illinois peniten tiary made an attempt to escape. As the prisoners were returning from the bucket rack Convict Fred George, alias George Moricliff, slipped up behind Keeper Purry .-.tiff and pinioned his arms behind him, while Convict Ram age ciioked him. Convict Copeland hem Keeper Banner at bay with a shovel. George got possession of Stiff's revolver and holding him in front of him as a shield attempted to work his way up to the lower gate. At this moment Deputy Sheriff Randolph ap peared. The convict called on the deputv to halt and pointed the revolver at him, but Randolph approached until near enough to be sure of his aim, when he fired two shots at the convict, which took effect in his arm and breast. George Jell to the ground and was over powered. In George's pocket was found a dynamite bomb with which he intended to blow up the gates, which would have been followed by a rush of about twenty-five other convicts in the plot. The two comrades of George, Ramage and Copeland, surrendered a'-i were placed in solitary confinement. AffUx Jltt Baa. rrtATTANoouA. T.-nn Feb. 7 G. N. Iletuon, president of the Citizen's Bnk and Trust company, and also of the Rock wood and Ulluboma bank, ; fchot and killed J. B. Wert, a prominent , insurance man. aged fifty, married and tiie father of six children, in an elevator of the Richardson block, the largest oiiiee building in the city. Some six j months ago Mr. IR nson filed a divorce j uit against his wile, charging her with adultery and naming Mr. Wert as co respondent, lhc seuation was freely a;red in the newspapers, both men printing cards calling each other liars and calumniators, etc. The case did rot go to trial, Ilenson withdrawing the suit on account of his two children. w ert, however, was tried by a church Council and by a vote of five to tv o pronounced guilty and pubiuiiy ex pelied. They met in the eievator face to lace, and Hcnsoii shot Wert through I the lungs, inflicting injuries which re sulted in death soon afterwards. A i second shot struck a young lawyer, ! Lavin Thomas, producing a tlesh wound. The news spread quickly and in a short time crowds numbering thousands blocked the streets surround- ;lngthe building. The whole town is excited and the only topic being dis- ; cused on the streets is the tragedy in jvoivnig two of Chattanooga's best j known citizens. Medical aid was at once summoned j but Mr. Wert was beyond human skill i"e murderer was taken to the fourth j noiir 10 an attorney s oinee, Jfe was afterwards removed to jail by the chief ot police and sheriff, lie said when he .'aw Wert enter the elevator lie intended to get off, but w as prevented by the door being obstructed when Mr, Thomas entered. He said he thought he detected Wert in the act of placing nia nana in tits pocket and fearing bodily harm he pulled his pistol and tired. An examination of the dead man's clothing failed to show weapons or any kind. Public sentiment is divided, but no attack is expected on the jail. Mnce lienson s suspicions of his wife ere found to be a fact he has been almost crazed with grief, avoiding meeting his friends and wearing a downcast, dejected air. He tendered his resignation as president of the bank, but the officials refused to ac cept it mid offered him a year'B leave of absence. Ill Ik C clone's lei B Mkmphh, Tenn., Feb. 5. A cyclone eptover northern Mississippi late Satuiday evening, leaving destruction ir. its p'lth. The wires wera prostrated In I va HurrlraJiee, Kkw Yoiik. Feb. tS.-The Hamburg line steamship raortnma. Captain Koch, arrived (row Hamburg after a perilous voyage lasting twenty-two days. She and it is impossibiejto secure partic- j encountered two severe iiurncaues in l Klot Aneuu-the M arking-aiea. B EH! in, Feb. 9. A dispatch to the Vossiscba Zeitung from Perm, Russia, says that a riot has taken place at the iroc works situated at Nizhiiee Taghilsk, in the L'ral mountains, and nkrs except from a few points. The the gult stream, in one of which her j thut 5,oou workingmeii took part in the Win'l mammast was mapped off close to the decs. Tfje laoruima brought 133 Steerage pas-en gets. In the early part of tiie voyage the weather was fair. When near ."sable island, in latitude 40.50 and longitude o'J f i, she encoun tered a hurricane from the southeast, continued teany forty-eight Vogue: Uri. Oazzam Do you know bat baooptr st uttersT Oawn-Ht doesn't. Kn. OstfSui-WeU, I fitted him vJwut a fewer over then and be Mid: "ZittHwl Quartet l'.etrn Chun-lira Kansas Cur, Feb. 8. The kng de layed equity suit of the reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Lay Saints against the Church of Christ of Independence, to determine the title to the famous Mormon temple lot in In dependence, was taken up lor trial in tiie United -States circut court Wednes day. The suit is a contest between two factions of the Mormon church to determine the ownership of a piece of ground in the city of Independence, on which the Mormons expect to erect some day a temple which shall be the most magnificent ever reared bv the hands of man, and from which, on the List day of the world, it is believed, all good and faithful followers of Joseph Smith will ascend direct to heaven. The property is regarded by the con tending factions of the church as more precious than all the fabled wealth of the world. and Drowned. Pknsacola, Fla., Feb. 8. At an early hour Sunday morning saven men left the city in a small sail boat to go to Big Sabin, in Santa Rosa county, about seven miles from here. They were A. Rollins, the foreman; G. M. Washburn,1 A Turtle , Ted Mobley a finisher, andj Mossic, a machinist, all employees of j Harwell's furniture factory of this city, a Mr. Rounderna. an unknown man i and Hiram Brown, "the latter sailing) tne rxiat. A strong north wind was blowing. About four o'clock in the afternoon they started to return. The boat was capsized and the seven men clung to the boat for hours, but finally Rollins, Washourn, Mobley, Mossick and Brown became exhausted and sank one by one. The other men held on and were rescued about noon by a lumber lighter. They were almost In sensible. Rollins, Washburn, Mobley and Mos sick were recent arrivals, having come from Michigan and Iowa to work in the furniture factory. All of them I were single men, except Rollins, whose widow Is expected here in a few days. Cigar Lockout in Dtonir. Denner,Co1o Feb. 8. The Colo rado Cigar Manufacturing association inaugurated a lockout because the cigar matters rerosea December I to accept a 2 per cent reduction in wages. All the large shops in the city are involved and about 200 men are thrown out of work. Lo br 1 Ins, Savannah, Ga. Feb, ".The Savan nah Grocery company aud M. Ferst's mjus & Co., wholesale grocers, and the A ilcox & Gibbs t uano compary, manufacturers of fertilizers, occupying nearly an entire block of five-story buildings on Bay street, In the heart of the wholesale section of the city, were, burned out and other property suffered heavy damages. M. Ferst's Sons & CM are the heaviest losers. The loss on ; grocery stock is 8150,000. The ! Savannah Grocery company's Iors is 8130,000; Wilcox .V Gibbs Guano com pany buildings, 875,000; on the guano company's stock and buildings 15,000, making the total loss 8370,000. The in surance is as follows: Savannah Grocery company, SI 25,000; M. Ferst's Sons & Co., &J2.VSU0; the Wilcox & Gibbs Guano company, on buildings, t57,700; on stock of fertilizers, $12,600, making a total of 121,900. The fire started on River street, with in twenty feet of the river, but whether in tiie .Savannah company's or the Wil cox & Gibbs company building is not known. The fire spread so rapidly that the occupants of the buildings barely had time to escape wi h their lives, and it was impossible to save anything except a few of the most valuable papers. The lire was the worst with which the Savannah fire depart ment has had to contend since the big fire of imi caoie up from the south and pav"! through the northeastern por tion of the s'ate, crossing the Alabama line near Columbus, Mass., where the most serious damage is reported so far. IP f a dozen buildings were wrecked i'l Columbus, trees u:rooted. fences blown down and the street strewn with! which debris. In the vicinity of Macon the hours. farmers suffered great loss, but the ex- At 7 o'clork on the. morning of the tent ot the damage canuot be learned 3nt ulf, a big sea broke on the deck owing to the prostration of the wires, i and the men at the wheel lost control No lives were lost so far as known. 'of the vessel. The bolts in the main . boom were loosened and the boom .-ojisr ! veiopmiMili. Washington, Feb. 5. There were apparently no new developments in the Brazilian situation. Secretary Herbert received a telegram from Rear Admiral Benham stating that there was no change iu the condition ol affairs at Rio. Minister Thompson aud Rear Ad miral Benham will keep their resec tive uepartmeuts fully enformed of the course of events daily. It Is expected that the decisive action of the Ameri can admiral will be followed within a very short period by some move on the part of the insurgents that will bring the war to a speedy tnd. The state de pan merit and the navy dapartment ate in almost hourly uxpectalion of oflicial information that Da Gama has given notice of his intention to bombard Rio. After a aakurCuloa;, New YoitK, Feb. 5. An evening paper publishes an article to the effect that Col. William Cody, "Buff lo Bill," is, in a way, about to turn Quaker. Colonel Cody, who is at the Hoffman house, admits that he has heen negotiating with some Philadelphia Quakers to start a colony on his ranch, near North Platte. He hai 4,0X1 acres of land which he wants te divide into small holdings aud established a family on each division. He will construct an irr.gatmg ditch to furnish each tenant with water. Colonel Cody hopes to in duce the settlement ol 50) Quakers about him. in. it. Dknvkii, Feu. 5. While partially crazed with drink Patrick Phillips, liv ing iu B;ake street, was aroused from his slumbers by th sound of someone attempting to enter a rear door. An idea that burglars were trying to enter possessed him, and seizing his V- Chester rule he hastily ran into kitchen and fired. The bullet passed through the door and struck Mrs. Phillips in the left groin, .she was afterwari taken to a hospital, where, after an examination, the tihysicians pronounced the wound fatal. struck lifeboat No. 3 on the slar board side and knocked it overboard. Afiorwards, the boom, swinging Witli the roll ol the ship, carried away the lee rigging oi tiie mainmast, ami the mast losing its braces, snapped oil and went overboard. It was only by long and troublesome work that the crew were able to clear away the wreck. Oil in large quantities was poured on tiie troubled waters while this work was m progress. Meanwhile ths steer age passengers below decks were in an agony of terror. Some men were for hours on their knees praying, while others staggered about and cursed as they were pitched this way and that by tiie lurching of tne vessel. When the mast went by the board women screamed and some became hysterical. All expected the ship to go down. Captain Loch went among the men and women aud by personal apjeals succeeded in a laying their fears some what. In the height of the storm Steward H liberie! fell on the deck and was seriously injured internally. He was unconscious for four days and is still in a dazed condition. The big wave that swept over the deck broke a capstan, stove in a hatch and twisted the rails and the deck fittings. The hurricane subsided February I, but head winds were encountered, delay ing the Taormina further. disturbance, which Is attributed to lov wages aud the nihi istic propaganda. The local authorities were utterly un able to cope with the disturbance and cent for a strong force of trooj to quell tha rioting. The soldiers were ordered to fire upon the rioters. A fierce conflict followed, during which many of the rioters were eitliershort or stoned to death. The rioters finally made such a fierce attach urton the troops that the latter were repulsed and ! (l iven to shelter in a portion which j they fortified wlii'e awaiting ai-sistarice. An additional force of troops was sum moned, and the combined force of limitary moved upon the rioters and i succi eded in driving them from the works and in (jiielliiig the disturbance, Iho'igii many more were killed and wounded on both sides during this en gagement. The troops and police made a number of prisoners, who, it is under stood, w ill he dealt with in the severest manner. It. is said that the nihilists are spreading their propaganda in a similar manner in many parts of Russia, and that the authorities have been called upon to take the most energetic steps to resist tliem. Two Aulll. Mankato, Minn., Feb. 7. Jessie Andrews, wife of George Andrews of the Andrews Opera company, has brougiit suit iu the United States dis trict court against the Northern Pacific railroad company for 20,000 damages tustained in the wreck of the opera company's car at Brainard, Minn., two years ago. In ibis wreck Mr. Edward Andrews was killed aud the complain ant injured. Mrs. Andrews settled with the railroad company shortly after the accident, but her injuries will prevent her travelling. Another suit was brought by George Andrews against the Northwestern railroad for injuries sustained three months ago at El Roy, Wis., while coming to Marikato with the remains of his brother, Charles Andrews, who had been killed by the cars at Morris, 111., when the Andrews car was wrecked. The amount asked for is 850,00..). Kxctvt nieitt Hul,,lu!ng, Kansas City, Feb. 5. J. V. McNa- mara, whose recent anii-Cathohc lec ture awl subsequent trials for slander have resulted in much bitter feeling and excitement, was removed from the jail at Independence to the jail in this city. The former structure is insecure. the ollicials claim, and might not resist the attack ol a rescuing puny. The jury in the case where McNamara was charged with criminally sandernig Father Hilhs, after being out thirty- six hours, reported a failure to agree ana was discharged. The excitement has subsided somewhat, but may be revived when other cases r.-ainat McNamara come up next Thursday. Trying toftolva tha Mrtrj. Denver, Feb. 8. Mrs. AUie Block Cair was arrested upon a charge of complicity in the murder of her bos band, Harry Carr, a well known attor ney of this city. Bessie Sherwood, a elose friend of Mrs. Carr, f eddy" Dol on, Jim Tracy and a man named "Dutch" were aleo held for examina tion. An effort will be made to sift the information thus obtained In Abe Iwpo that toe mystery surroundinc the f Sunday night may be solved. On the Verge of Starvation Guthkik, OkL, Feb. 7. -A majority t the tribe of Tonkawa Indians resid ing upon their pllotted land In (he Cherokee strip are on the verge of star vation. Many have been without food or weeks and would have perished bad not friendly white settlers fed them. There are only about seventy members of the tribe left, a remnant of a once powerful people. Nearly every man in the trio; h' Ids an honorable discharge from the United States army. Hit Putnra -i fllctsd. Washington, Feb. 7, Admiral Ben ham's future may be much affected by the recent incident in Rio harbor and by the resolution introduced by Repre sentative Money, complimenting I he admiral. The thanks of congress is an honor very highly prized in military and naval circles, and it carries with it not only dignity and honor, but also several important official advantages. One of these is that the time of an offloer's re Uretneot is pot oft. lirutally Murdered. Ciucagc , Feb. 5. John Roos, a lie- I brew fifty vears of age and watchman 1 at tiie San Diego building, was brutally j murdered sometime during Sunday' morning in the boiler room of the ' building at No. i'J River street. When j found Koos' face aud head were beaten j almost into a jelly and blood and brains j were scattered over the front of the j boilers and ou the floor. There was no j indication that a Btruggle had taken 1 place. An iron "shake bar," used in shaking down the grates of the furn aces, was found in a corner covered with blood and ma ted hair. The police believe the motive for the murder was revenge, owing to the fact that Roos was not robbed of 811, the amount of bis week's salary, paid. Whoever com muted the crime is well acquainted with the premises and the methods of the watchman, aud this is strengthened by the fact that Roos recently returned to his old place, from which he was dis charged last spring, relieving a dis cnargeu employe whose name is Cnarlea Kern. SIkji Head. Chattanoog a, Tenn., Feb. 0. R.C. Ross, caehier of the bank at Niottsboro, was shot dead at Stevens m, Ala. The shooting was done by four brothers, Hob, Tot, John and Jim Skelton,- all prominent business men of Scottsboro, un I took plac; within fifteen feet of I the depot. Ross fell dead at the first i onslaught, with a load of buckshot in j his temple, fired, it is thought, by John jSkeltoii. F.I). JSioodworth, brother I in-law of the dead man, was wounded ! in the arm. The deceased was ac ! cused some weeks ago of seducing j Miss Annie Skelton, a sister of the Skeltons, and was intimidated into j leaving Scotlsooro. The brothers, who me very nign-arting, determined men, got wind of Ross' presence in the neighborhood and came on hirn at Stevens about 12 o'clock, when he was waiting for the Chattanooga train. The two men were taken unawares and did not return ttie fire. All parties concerned In the affair are highly con nected and move in the upper tendorn of society. Miss Annin Skelton was exceedingly popular in Chattanooga, where she at tended many swell society events, and was at one time reported to be engaged to a business man and society leader here. Information is had from a rel -able source that the young lady recent ly wrote to an uncle exonerating Ross j and stating that another was responsi ! ble for her ruin. The Skelton boys, j who were armed with shotguns and rules, were arrested and taken to the j county jail at iscottsboro. Consider- able excitement prevails throughout j Jackson county, where the parties were well known. Mill In Dnuht. Chh aoo, Feb. a. The end of the famous Coughlin trial is unexpectedly near at hand. At the opening of court Judge Wing of ihe defense moved an adjournment until today and an nounced that the defense's testimony was about compla'ed. "Only a few days remain before the defense will rest its case," said the at torney. -Before we clwn, we desire a day in which to look over our evidence iiid see if it cannot be shortened. Furthermore, I am ill and not able to conduct the case. Judge l utinil granted the adjourn ment upon the. recommendation of Assistant State's Attorney Boltum. After the court room had been cleared, Coughlin, his father and wife, together with Judge Wing and attor ney Donohue, held a long consultation. I he questions were earnestly discussed a he- iier or not Coughlin should take the s and in his own defense, and whether or not the testimony for the defense relating to Martin B-irke and portions relating to Patrick O 'Sullivan should be omitted. Ttie matter wai left largely to the decision of Mrs. Coughlin, the faithful little woman who has been in constant attendance at the trial. Coiighlin's father was Plso appealed to frequently by the attorneys. The pris oner himself had little to say, and was evhiiiitly trusting to ihe judgment of others. After the consultation, the attorneys said that the matter of" Coughlin taking . lie Hand w as still in doubt. A 'f raged y. Columbus. Ga., Feb. 5. James Thompson a machinist living in a suburb of Columbus, returned home drunk, drove his wife and children out or the house and subsequently pulled a pistol on them. A dear and dumb son, twenty-three years of age, came to the defense of his moiher and cut his father's throat with a razor. The father died in a few minutes. The son surrendered himself and wrote out at the police station a statement of the tragedy. Tha Mra Fia.iil. Faykttk, Mo., Feb. 5. Fire destroy, ed the Masonic temple. The loss to the temple and tenants is II6.WX), in surance 112,000. Crlmnali on Trial. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 6, The prelimin ary examination of C. H. Button, V, W. Clark and Charles Overton, charged with possessing burglar tools, was com menced in police court Saturday, These are the men who were arret tnd last Sunday night at Twenty-third and Cuming streets upon information fur nished Sergeant Snoop that a Chinese laundry was to be raided and robbed. The police prepared for the event and eaptured four men In the vicinity of the intended robbery. To Prepare tut a strike. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. C The chiefs of tiie Northern Paedic federated trades at St. Paul have wired the local union men here to prepare for a strike on the Northern PaciSic system, it there Is no change satisfactory to the employes in the situation before Tuesday it is exected the men will be called out, and that the strike will be made gen eral among the roads that have cut wages and have attempted to enforce new schedules that do not recognize union workmen. The Northern Pacific scored its flrstpoint when the wages of the dispatchers and telegraph operators were adjusted and they agreed not to federate. With the assistance of the telegraph operators it is claimed the company can run trains with raw bands. To Cut the Wage. Dkn vkii, Feb. 6.-The question of the wages of the Union Pacific employes will be arguod before Judge Hallett on Tuesday on the order of the receivers for the abolition of o:d agreements with employes. The men will resist the order, all their various representatives being present. The order of railway trainmen will be represented by the local committee, consisting of J. B. Mou ton and A. P. Butler. The new schedule, If enforced, would cut tele graphers 82.70 to 85 per month con ductors 80 to 820 and the engineers from 20 to 40 cents per hundred miles. Kid and hit band at Their llloi.d Work, Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 6. Authentic advices reached here f a battle the other day in the Bunker Hill mining district, about sixty-live miles from Tucson, between Hualspal Clark, a well known et-Unlted States scout, and a small band of Indians under the leadership of the renegade, Kid, which resulted in one squaw being killed. A number of cattlemen and minora are now In pursuit of the Indians. k'trr at the 1 air firnumlii, Ciik am), Feb. U. Wednesday's fire Aits discovered in the roof of the south west corner of the agricultural build ing at the world's fair grounds. The lire was soon under 'control, and the uarnage to the building was found to iiisigmiicatit. Twenty cases of exhibits were somewhat damaged by water. One hundred square feet of the glass roof of the building fell, nearly bury ing a detail of firemen who were fight ing the lire directly beneath that por t;on of the roof. All the firemen escaped without injury except minor bruises and cuts from glass. It is thought that a systematic effort fs be. mg made by incendiaries to destroy the world's fair buildings, F.arly In the morning a small blaze was found in a oile of rubbish near the building which was extinguished, and the police claim to have evidence that both blazes were the work of an incendiary. frni,l ,,r tl,r Kali,,!, ing. Topkka, Feb. Si. The people of eoiiiliern Kansas are in constant dread of another attack of the remaining members of the llalton g'ltig. Recently the Coffeyville "committee of safety" received a notice from what they con sidered a thoroughly reliable source which startled the people. It read: "The gang is ' organized for another raid ou the people of Coffeyville to take pkee within three weeks." Preliminary steps were at once taken to form a de fense. The city government put on an extra force of policemen for both night and day duly. Four companies were organized, with twenly-five men each, all well armed and instructed as to their duties and positions in case of an alarm. The result is every man who can shoot carries a Winchester or revol ver to his place of business every day, and is ready for business should the Daltons make their threatened raid. The Huhject or Anbeiatlun. Washington, Feb. D.-Contrary to the expectations of the senate commit tee on foreign relations another witness on Hawaiiun affairs was examined Commander Ludlow of this city at the suggestion of Senator Gray, appeared snd guve testimony bearing upon the subject of annexation and the general commercial value of the Islands. . I'ollra HUH ,1. Dknvkii, Feb. 9.-The Carr murder mystery continues to baffle the police. Mrs. Carr is still in custoday at the county tail, but there is as yet little ei cuse for holding her. She confessed she had been an unchaste woman be fore arid after marriage, but denied be ing Implicated In her hnsbsnd's mur der. There was no insurance on Carr's life, the two policies for 10,000 having been allowed to, lapse some months ag