i n f r The Sioux County Journal VOLUME VI. HAKKLSOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1804. NUMBER 23. TALMAGE'S SERMON. HE PREACHES AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ON FESTIVITY. n F.ntM-tulnmrnt Whrrw the Lord In tha , HaniutT aofl Aujcrl. Are the Uilicr-fri-An KfTtH-tive mid Karoeit Oowpel YlfU t the lucunverted. Ktady for a Fat Dr. Talmajre's suhiect wan "Festiv Ity," and the text iseftiotoil, "Come, for til thin'' are now ready:" Luko xiv, 17. It was one of tho mont exciting times In Kiitfliih history when juecn Kli.n Ixjth visited lioid IjeU'OHter at Ketiil tvorth C'Htli!. The moment of her arrival iu considered ho important that all the clocks of tho ca.tle were jtopjied, wj that the hundH mijrht jxiint to that one moment an licing the most sinilicunt of all. She wa,- greeted to thu gat'.- with tloatini; iriliimln and torches, and the thunder of cannon, ami firework.- th:.t et ttie riijfhtalilne, and a gi'i.'ut huivt of music that !if! d the whole Beetle into erfect enchant ment. Then Hhe wan introduced in a dining hall tho luxiirieH of which at toiiihtied the world. Four hundred servant waited titon the i'tiet. The entertainment coot f."i.(Mi em h dny. !rd LciceHter made that great Hu)ier In Keniluorth Cantle. Cardinal W'oliicy ontertainod the F'rom h emhiirt-u'loi at llaniilon 'otirt. The Ix-nt cooks in all the land fire pa red for the hun iuet. l'urveyoix went out and traveled all the kingdom over to find h)oilH for the tabic. The time Came. The irue-t8 w-re kept during tho ilay hunting in the King' park ho that their appetite, might Ins keen ami then in the evening, to the nound of thu tr.mpoter. they were intro duced into a hall tiling with silk and cloth of fold, and there were tallies ft;;littei with imperial plate ami laden t itli tho rarest of menu and ablush with the eoMiiioht wines, and wlo-n tho second course of tlie feast came it wan found that the articloH of fo.nl had been fashioned into tho shape of men, birds and beast, and groups dancing, and jousting parties ri(iitigugfiin-t t-uch other with lam en. Lord and 1'rinces and emlia-sadors. out of cuik filh'd to the brim, drank tho health first of the King of Kngland and next of the King of Franco. Cardinal VVolwy rejared that great hiipper in Hampton Co .rt. A l(4markalIc ltHmiiipt.. Hut I have to tell you of a grander entertainment. My Lord the King Is the banqueter Angels are the rmt- (ruents. Tin: hailo of eternal love, frescoed with light and paved ! with joy and curtained with un- i fading heanty. a o the tiaiKjuo! inn place. The harmonioH of eternity are the music. The chalices of lletven are the plates, an I I am one of the servants ' Oinin.' out with Uith hands filled with imitations, scattering litem everywhere, and, oh, that for your Holvea you might hi eak the seal of the Invitation and read the words written in red ink of blood bv the tremulous ' hand of a iljing Christ, "Come now, for all things are now ready.'' : There have been grand entertain ment where was a taken o I -'tins w i tie pAve out, or t he servants were P-bel-lioiiK, or the lijjht. failed, Jut I have ffone all around aiHi it.tliis sub ect and liKiked at the redemption wnich Chj ist has provided, and I come here to tell you it Is complete, and I swin open the door of the feast, felling you that ' "all thinj.rsare now reaily." j In the first phi' e. I have to iinnounee that the Lord Jesus Chiist himself is ready. Cardinal Wolsey came into ; tho feast after the tirst courno. He came in Ixxiicd and spurred, and tho irncsts arose and choored him. Hut ! Christ comes in at the very lie'innin of the feast- aye, he has been waiting ,H!i( years tor his quests. lie has b!on standing on his mangled feet, Hoi has hud his sore hand on His pune- tured bide, or no has been pressing Ilia lacerated temples - waiting, wait- j Injj. It is wonderful that He has not ; been impatient, and that He has not ; Baid. "Shut the door and let the latr- ; par i stay out," but he has leen wait- wg- , i So banqueter ever waited for hit) 1 (fuests so oatiently asChrisl has waited ; for un. To prove how willinjf Ho is to j receive us. I gather all the tears that , rolled down Hischeeksin Hympalhy for i your sorrows: I gather all the drop ot blood that channeled His brow, and Ills back, and His hands and root, in trying to purchase your redemption: I gather all the groans that lie uttered in mid night chill, an 1 in mountain hunger, and in desert loneliness, and twist them into one cry - bitter, agonizing, over whelming. 1 gather all thu pains that shot from spear and spike and cross, jolting into one pang - remorseless, grinding, ex cruciating. 1 take that one drop of sweat on His brow, and under the gospel glass that drop enlarges until I see in it lakes of sorrow and an ocean of agony. That being standing Itofore you now, emaciated and gashed and gory, coaxes for your love with a tallies in which every word is a heart ireak and every sentence a martyr dom. How can you think Ho trifles? For the Delayed iueu, Ahasuerus prepared a feast for 1H0 days, but this feast is for all eternity. Lords and princes wore Invited to that. Vou and I and ail our world aro invited to this. Christ is ready. Vou know that the banqueters of olden time used to wrap themselves in robes prepared for tho occasion, so my Lord Jesus hath wrapped Himscll in all that is beautiful. Hoe how fair Ho Is! His eye, HU brow, His cheek, so radlent that the stars have no gleam and the morning no brilliancy compared with It, hi face reflecting all the joys of thfl redeemed, His hand having the omnipotent surgery with which Ho opened blind eyes, and straightened crooked limbs, and hoisted tho pillars of Heaven, and swung the twelve gates, which are twelve pearls. There are not enough cii in Heaven to dip up this ocean of U-auty. There are not ladders enough to scale this height of love. There are not enough cymbals to clap, or harps to thrum, or trumpets to peal forth the praises of this one altogether fair. Oh. thou I flower of eternity, thy breath is the I perfume of Heaven! Oh, blis-ful day- break, let ail people clap their hands in thy radiance! Chorus Come, men '. and saints and cherubim and seraphim and archangel - all heights, all depths, ! all immensities. Chorus: Roll linn I through the heavens in a chariot universal acclaim, over bridges of of Iiosannas. under arches of coronation, along by tho great towers chiming 1 witli eternal jubilee. Chorus: "I nto ' Him who hath loved us and washed us from oursins in His own blood, to Him be glory, world without end!" ; 1 have a word of five letters, but no fchoet white enough on which to write it and no pen good enough with which to inscribe it. Che me the fairest leaf from the heavenly records-give me the H-ncil with which ihe angel ivcords His victory and then, with my hand strung to supernatural ecstasy and my pen dipped in the light of the morning, i win wriie ii out. Ill Uie oap- llals ol love, ".l-r.-S-l -S. ' It is one. infinitely fair, to whom vou this are invited. Christ is waiting for waiting as a banuueter waits for 'u, the delayed guest tin; meats smoking, the u-akers brimm ng. tiie , linstrels with lingers on the stuT string, waiting for the clash of the hoofs at, the gate way. Waiting for you as a mother waits for her son who went oil ten years ago, dragging her bleeding heart along with him. Vai1iiiLr! Oh. five me a rompari-on intense enough, importu nate enough to express my meaning something high as liea'. en and ucep as hell and long lisoternity ! Not hnping that, you can help mo with Mich a com-puri-on. 1 will say, "lie is waiting as only the all sympathetic Christ can wait for the coming baek of a lost fnw thfi lou'HCin'I kUi tho Hon Omio ;,nl wclcoL'jo, hiuni-r, orne. Il'iw Luther Saw thi Truth. Again, the holv spirit is ready. Why is it that so many sermons drop dead that ( hristain songs do not get their wing under the people that so often prayer goes no higher than a hunter's "holloy" It is because there is a bnk wanting - tho work of the holy spirit. 1'nless that spirit, give grappling hooks ton hermon and lift tho prayer and waft the song, everything is a dead failure. That spirit is willing to come at our call and lead you to eternal life, or ready to come with the same lniwor I with which he unhorsed Saul on tho nn.t broke flown"' ,ydia in her tine store, and li ted that .'I. ooi from midnight into mid noon at the Pentecost. With that power tho spirit of Cod now beats at the gate of your soul. Have vou not noticed what homely and insignificant instru mentality tiie spirit of ( iod employs for man's conversion' There was a man on a Hudson Kiver boat to whom a tract was olTered. With indignation he tore it up and t hrew it overboard. Hut one fragment lodged on his coat sleeve, and he saw on it the word ''eternity," and he found no peace until he was prepared for that great, future. Do you know what pas sage it was that caused Martin Luther to see the truth J "The just shall live by faith." Iloyou know there is one just one - passage that brought Angu-tine from a life of dissipation'.' "1 'ut ye on t be Iir i .Jesus Christ and make no provision for the llesh to fui lill the i'lsts t liereo'." It was just one passage that eon rled Hedley Vicars, the great soldier, tot'hrist. "The blood of .lesiiM 'hrist cleanseth from all sin." Do you know that t lie holy spirit used one ) assage of Scripture to save Jona than Kdwards? "Now. unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise Cod, our Saviour, be glory.'- One year ugo on Thanksgiving Day I read for my text, "Oh, give thanks unto the Ijord, for Ho is good, for His mercy endureth forever." And there, is a young man in the house to whose heart the holy spirit took that text for his eternal redemption. I might speak of my own ease. I will tell you 1 was brought to tho peace of the gospel through the Syro-i 'h i nician woman's cry to Christ, "Kven tlie dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the master's table." A (ilurlouft Chiirrh. Again, the church is ready. O man, if I could take the curtain oil these Christian hearts I could show you a K.reat many anxieties for your redomp tion. l ou think that old man isiwleep because his head is down and his eyes are shut. No: he is praying for your redemption and hoping that tho words spoken may strike your heart. Do you know t he air is full of prayer? Do you know that prayer is going up from Ful ton street prayer meeting and from Friday evening prayer meeting, and going up every hour of the day for the redemption of the people? And if you should just start toward tho door ol the. Christian church, how (juickly it would fly open! Hundreds of people would say: "(Jive that man room at tho sac rament, liring the silver liowl for his baptism. Clve him the right hand of Christian fellowship. Hr.rtg him into all Christian associations." Oh, you wanderer on tho cold moun tains, come into the warm sheepfold. I let down tho burs and bid vou come In. With tho shepherds crook I point you the way. Hundreds of ( liristian hands Iteokon you into the church of Cod. A great many people do not like tlie church and say it is iv great muss of hyjMicrites, but it is a glorious church with all its imperfections. Christ Itought it, and hoisted the pillars, and swung its gates, and lifted its urchos, and curtained it with upholstery crim son with crucifixion carnage. Come into it. Wa ara a garden walled around. ( hotien anil tnada peculiar ground, A lltlla npttt Inrloa 4 by Kraca Out of the world ! wild wlldnroan. Again, the angels of God are ready. A great many Christians think that the talk about angels is fanciful. You say it is a very good subject for theo- logical students w ho have just begun so sermonize, but for older men it is improper. There is no more proof In that liible that there is a Cod than that there are angels. Why, do not they swarm alxnit Jacob's ladder? Are we not told that they conducted I-az-arus upward: that they stand before the throne, their faces covered up with their wings, while thev cry, "JJolv, holy is the Iyird Cod Almighty?" Did not David see thousands and thou sands? Did not one angel slay Ml men in Sennachorib'sarruv? And shall j they not be the chief harvesters at the j judgment? Immortal Health. There is a lino of loving, holy, mighty angels reaching to Heaven. I suppose they reach from here to the very gate, and when an audience is as sembled for Christian worship the air is full of them. If each one of you has a guardian angel, how many celestials there are here! They crowd tho place, they hover, they flit alxjut, they rejoice. iook. that spirit is just come from the throne! A moment ago it stood Itolore Christ and heard the dox ology of the gloriiied. Ixiok! llright immortal, what news from the golden city! Speak, spirit blest! The re sponse comes melting on tho air, "Come, for all things are now ready!" Angels ready to bear the tidings, angels ready to droit the benediction, angels rea ly to kindle the joy. They have felt the Joy that is felt where there are no tears and no graves: im mortal health, but noin alidism:songs, but no groans: wedding liells, but no funeral toft lies: eyes that never weep, hands that, never blister, heads that never faint, hearts that never break, friendships that ar ) never weakened. Heady, all of them! Heady, thrones, principaliticsand powers! Koady, sera phim and cherubim! Heady, Michael the Archangel! Again, your kindred in glorv are all ready for your coming. 1 pronounce modern spiritualism a fraud and ashnm, i f ,j(,j,n Milton and Ceorge Whiteheld ; have no better business than to crawl ! under a table and rattle tho leaves, i they had I totter stay at home in glory. While 1 believe that modern spiritual ism is bad because of its mental and domestic ravages, common sense, en lightened by Hie word of Cod, teaches us thatour friends in glory sympathize with our redenipt ion. This Hible says plainly there is .oy in Heaven among the angels o: Cod over one sinner that repenteth. an I if angels re,,oiee and know of it shall not our friends standing among them know it.' Some of these spirits in glory toiled for your redemption. When they came todie, their chief grief was .that J'"11 were not a ChrliUau. .. TJevil- '"Meet mMri TTeitVf'ii."" ahd put ' tneir hands out from the cover and said, "Ooo lby. ' Now, suppose you should cross over from n sim ul life to a holy life. Suppose you should lie born into tho Kingdom. Snpj ose you should say: "Farewell, O deceitful world! (let theo gone, my sin! Fie upon all tho follies: O (.'hrist, help me or 1 perish! I take Thy promise. 1 believe Thy word. 1 enter Thy service." Suppose you should say and do this? Whv. the angel sent to vou would shout upward. "He is coming!" and the angel poising higher in the air would shout it upward. "He is coming!'' and it would run all up the line of light from wing to wing and from trumpet to trumpet until it reached the gate, and then it would Hush to "the house of many man-ions," and it would find out your kindred there, and before your tears of repentance hud been wiped from the cle-ek and before you had linished your first prayer your kindred in glory would know of it, and another Heaven woiul bo added to their oy, and they would cry: "My prayers are answered: another loved one saved. Cive me a harp with which to strike the joy. Saved! Saved ! Saved!" A F mil ICxhortHtloti. 1 have shown you that "all things aro ready," that Christ is ready, that tlie Holy Spirit is ready, that the church is ready, that the angels in glory are ready, that your glorified kindred are ready, then with all the concentrated emphasis of mv soul J ask you if yon art; ready? Yon see my subject throws the whole responsibility upon yourself. If you do not, get into the King's banquet, it is because you do not accept the invitation. Vou liavo tho most importunate invitation. Two arms stretched down from tho cross soaked in blood frm elbow to fingct tip, two lips (iiivering in mortal anguish. t woeyes beaming wit h inlinito love, saying. "Como, come, for all things are now ready." 1 told vou that when the Queen came to Kenilworth Castle they stopped all tho clocks, that tin! finger of time might bo pointed to that happy moment of her arrival. Oh, if tho King would como to the castle of your soul, you might widl afford to stop all the clocks, that the hands might forever point to this moment as the one most bright, most blessed, most tremendous. Now, I wish I could go around from circle to circle and Invito every one of you, ac cording to the Invitation of my text, saying, "Come!" I would like to t ike every one of you by tho hand and say, "Come!" Old man, who has been wandering (Hi or 70 years, thy sun has almost gone down. Through the dust, of the evening stretch out your withered hand to Christ, lie will not cast then oil, old man. Oh, that one tear of repentance might trickle down thy wrinkled check! After Christ has fed thou all thy life long, do you not think you can ullord to speak orio word In his praise? Como, tlioso of you who aro farthest away from God. Drunkard, Christ can put out tho lire of thy thirst. He can break that shackle. Ho can reslero thy blasted homo. Go to Jesus, liber tine! Christ saw theo whore thou wert last night. Ho knows of thy sin. YetlMhou wilt bring thy pollutid soul to Him this moment He will throw over it the mantle of His pardon and love. Merry for theo, oh, thou chief of sinners! Harlot, thy feet foul with hell and thy laughter the horror of the street! Oh, Mary Magdalene, look to Jesus! Mercy for thee, poor lost waif of the street! Self righteous man, thou must be horn again, or thou canst not see tho kingdom of Cod! Jo you thing yo l can get into the feast with those rags? Why. the King's servant would tear them off and leave you naked at the gate. Vou must le born again. The day is far spent. The cliffs begin to slide their Ion 2 shadows across the plain. Do you kiiow the feast has already lieguu - tho fca.-t to which you were invited and the King; fcit with His guests, and the servant stands with his hand on the door of tho banqueting room, and he begins to swing it shut' It is half way shut. It is only just ajar. Soon it will be shut. It is only just ajar. Soon it will be Bhut. "Come, for all things are now ready." Have 1 missed one man? Who has not felt himself called this hour? Thou I call him now. This is the hour of thy redemption. Wlillo Ood invite, bow l.lont tl.c day. How Bwent tint KfiHj el'H clutruiintf aouud! Com, sinner, ha-,te. ell. hHMe away, Wuile yet a jmidobiug- God la louud. A Siiccessl'iil Kxperi merit. For three years a iSeliatny cooking and eating club has existed in a Kan sas town, proy ng so successful that it seems likely to have a long life be fore it. Th club is under tlie man agemenl. of women. A large resi dence whs rented for the head iuar ters, and therein were nstalled a matron, cooks and table waiters. It is one of tlie indexible rule-1 of the club that there shall be no uebls in curred, and everything is pur hased for a--h. Not less than twenty fam ilies have been in tlie club, and often times there have been more. Three ladies constitute an exe utive om uiittcf. with full power to purchase material, levy asses merits, hire serv ants, hear grievances, etc This com I'jittee meets every Saturday after noon, lays out the work for the tim ing week, e-timates the expense and levies the assessment o.i the mem bers, whi h must be paid promptly Monday morning. The marketing is t!iou done, ana everything is paid for tt)e week. The dining rooms nre set with a number of tables, so thateaeh faJnily has all tlie privacy of home life. Complaints to any one except to the committee are absolutely for bidden, and mean exclusion, as it, is considered that no one should stay in tht ranks who is i ot fully satisfied w Hi existing conditions. The expense h'jiroved to m moderate and tho ' i'CT)LMatisf aeiory. Allowances are ! and guests are charged at a pro-rata of tlie expense per member for the week. The freedom from worry and work has appealed strongly to the j ladies of the neighborhood, and Hie servant girl question has been solved : for them. The girls at the house like their work, as it is systematized, j and they have a social enjoyment in j the pr.'S ti e of the other domestics. I'oiwiics and I'ountitt. I What may come of small economies, when once they are begun, is shown i by the interesting work of the i'eriny ; Provident Fund. This society, which has only been in existence about four years, has received over $10(1,(11)0 in deposits, and now has on its books ; over S;2o,ooo, all dejio-itcd in sums of i from 1 to 10 ce sts. Tho idea of tlie I orgatii.ers was to afford a chunce for I children and very poor people to lay by even the smallest sums; and fur i tlier than that, to encourage and urge the saving. Saving for spccillc ! objects is always encouraged, and I this plan yields good results. When a deposit reaches a com para-1 tively large amount, the owner is ad I vised to open a regular savings-bank account. There is no rivalry between j the Fund and the savings-banks; in I deed, some savii gs-banks have es- i tablishcd in their oibces stations for 1 sidling the stamps which tiie rutid furnishes, in denominations from 1 to 10 cents to be athxed to the cards and serve as vouchers for the depos its. On the other hand, the bitterest enemies of tho Fund have been keep ers of small candy shops, who have even sent agents to schools whore the caids are given out, In order to per suade the '. h lid ren that they would lose their money if they entrusted it to the fund. This general plan is so excellent and so greatly deserves permanent success that it is pleasant to add that it is self-supporting and rapidly ex tending its operations. Youth's Com panion. Having Pretty Pictures. A pretty nursery screen is made by I covering the panels with, any solid (background desired, black, dirk red, or brown, and pasting pictures cut : from nursery tales upon them. I One panel can be handsomely dec. j orated with th3 pictuies that made last year's calendar bucIi a thing ol I beauty Illustrating, as inanyof thera ! do -In Mich lovely fashion the pro cession of tho months. The plethora, indeed, in those days ! of really exquisite specimens of the j lithographer's art makes a disposition j of thorn after they have survived theii j brief present In current weekly, ! monthly, or annual, a real problem to those who dislike to discard them wholly or keep them forever out of sight. Hospital scrap albums are a good solution of tho dilemma up to a cer tain jKiint, hut there are more than enough In many households for even two or three of these. Oiiave.dkiokkh do a great deal ot work that is beneath them. I COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. Brkwstlr, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashisr. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, U.n. tkd States National Bake, Omaha, First National Bane, Chadroa. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. THE PIONEER P harmacy, J. E. PHINNEY. Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. ty ARTISTS' MATERIAL, School Supplies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. SIMMONS & mm Harrison, Nebraska, Real EOstate Agents, Have a number of bargains In choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to estate should call on School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, eta CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. THE- Nebraska. C. F. Corra, Vice-PresUMl UrBBUSHES. buy or sell real not fail to them. r I ! ' i i it t P 9' V tin