Men and Mn, The great iuner against society Is f be cynic, th i-coiTer, the disbeliever, tl man in wtioe giint negation nit enttiruiiml. "We are nve 1 bjr hoie." Ttie man who awakens hope, aspiration, eonfMenee in the spirit of men, con tribute something to thu welfare. Ha is a builder ra'her tli:in a destroyer. He helps to save men because he awakens in men the diHrxjsitioii'i and t lie spirit ual energies by whii-ii their lives are en riched and made uselul. Tobacco ( 'a used Con u in pi Ion Xoto bav Cure tUf Tobacco llaliit and ( oiluintlte ;elH Well. Two ItiVKKfi, Wis., Feb. 2. ;Sie Hai.l Great excitement and intirent has b en manifested in the recovery of an old time resident of thin town, Mr. Jos. Hunker, who hus for several years been considered by all hi friend a hopeless consumptive. Investigation' shows tliat for over thirty-two years lie ued threeand a half otinds of tobacco a week. A abort tiuie air" he w a in duced to try a tuliac-o-hmit cure called 'No-To-liac." Tulkin"; alsuit his miraculous re-.very Vi-day hu said: "Yes. 1 used No-To-fiac, and two b xcs ecmpletelv cured me. 1 thought and to did all my friend", that 1 bud con sumption. Now they say. as you say, 'how healthy and strong you look, Joe,' and whenever thev ak me what cured my con-wniption, 1 tell thorn No ToBac. The last week I y-el tobacco I lt four ) omuls. The morning I yan the uxj of No-To-liac 1 weighed T,t )miuii:h: tlay I wei'h I 'lit, a train of Alt jounts. I eat heartily and sleep well, lielore 1 Hied No-To-llac I u so nervou that when I went to drink 1 had to hi Id the fe'la-s in isith hands. To-day my nerves are jierfectly steady. Where did 1 pet N'-To-liac" At tlio drug store. It i made by the bteriinn Kemedy Vnany, general U'e-tern ofllce 4o Haniiolph St , ( hiia,'o. bit I see by tho I'rinted mutter thut it w sold by a 1 drut'iri-.ts - I know all the drutfri"tH in this town keep it. 1 have riCoininendt d it to over one hundred tsxiplo and do n t know of a single (allure to cure." ST. VITl-'S'S DANCE, BfMurns, ConvutM'tTiM, Dizziii, Fainting Hpell, Snrvous I'r'tnUon ami Ohjum nerv ous eonriitioii brought on by funrtimial din ordtars ar jrnutitintJy cured by Ir, IViwh Favorite HrtMTiption. It's a fctmiKtl.pnlrifc narvine and rwttonitive Umir, prrwrilHi! by an eminent Phyninan for all ihw distri lag wmknmtT' ami ii 'nutartim common lo wonwn Mm. ArA 11k rk Attxiny, ikrKn4,, 'a., wrtifn: " IK, K. V. I'liciKi: itrttr Str My iRtT, Mt Cor rt. hu Mcrk'-I, had Su V t tun's hum. H-r hii'l mill right arm moved or twlU-hi-d MinHtinitly; ah could nut wuik without txv. Intf h Id titidiT Ywr arm, hh- trv-d four doctor, lint without g-rKMl. After filtifu lunutha, huvlnif tn-OD utvt'D up hm a hnftttAriA invnhd, I tiotufht hr l)r. I'icrcc's tuvorttfl rrTljttirm ; in two months she was welt and strong PIERCE "SET CURE. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to lMTsonul enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet tor than otlipr and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly dapting the world's lt products to tbe'need of physical being, will atU'st the value b) lieillh of the pure liuiiid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, iyrup of I'i. u rxcellence is due to its proxr-riling in the form mont acci ptniile and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a jierfcct lax ative ; effectually cleaning the system, dispelling colds, betidfclies ami fevers ami permanently curing constipation. It ban (riven satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it ai ts on the Kid neys, I-ivcr and Ilow. ls without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable sub-tance. 8yrup of Yvf is for Hale by all drug gist in &0c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the mime, Syrup of Figs, nd being well informed, you will not ccept any substitute if olicred. The Greatest Medical DLscovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. KSIALO KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried It In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except In two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card lor bt.ok. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfeU cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the fume with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being topped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat Ihe best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all bruggists, ll E A L R U R A LKEADI XG WILL BE FOUND IN THIS DE PART MENT. Grtndatooe That l Ar With the Nuivll iUiy 4mtd farm and .ooa1 farm er t re of Food Wrr ll in Wurld fair Orftln. ! A Miryrle (.rtjidiitoue. The accompanying cut shows how I lirind-toiie ninv ie eaily and j clieaply set ut on any farm and in a manner so at to di-n-tise with the small boy as a motive powt'r. Two I solid triannular jdeccs of framewoik J should U; made, in ca'h of winch is a 8troni upright piece. I 1 with a gTimav 1)1) in which the axle of the grindstone reU lletweeti the tri- antfies should t-e placed a pan C, to IX yi I E lilllNUH'IOVK. hold'T. A wheel It is hun he. twcen the erindstoiie A and the j water pan C The wheel should be 1 of iron and the tire as wide as the : stone and the pan Kept tilled with j water so as to jU-t touch the tire of the wheel The wheel also has ped i ills, II, on the out-ide of tho ari- angles so the grinder as he in the ; ol I mowing machine scat, K, which i is fastened to th triangle, turns the small wheel by means of the pedals i The small wheel l.s kept, wet enough ; to the grindstone just about i as much as is needed. Tho grind- ston-' rests wholly upon the wheel j and as its axis Is kept within the slolt'd unriirht. it can move Ircelv ! and easily. As the wheel wears away i It gradually drops in the slot Farm : and Home. I The ( nrr at FihkI. 22 ! It is a very cnmruo'i practice to nut ' away food that comes from Ihe store , In the brown paper In which the i deaicr wraps IU Whl.e this may be j convenient it certainly Is open to se ' rlous objection on the score of health and cleanliness. Most of the cheap ; papers are made trom mat rials : hardly up to the standard of the , hou-ckeep r's Ideas of neatness, anil, : alt hough Ja certain degree of heat is employ d in their prostration, it Is by no means suilicient to dostny all j or the dl-casc germs with which the raw material may be filled. When j It is taken Into consideration that j waste paper of all sorts and those ' used for ail purposes arc gathered up and worlied over into new paper to i wrap our food In, it behooves the ; hou-ewile who cares for the health i of her fain ly to see to it that arti cles of food remain irk contact with such wrappings the very shortest pos sible time, it is not uuusu il to see meat butter, chee-e, and other ex tremely -ucc '(itable articles put away in the very cheapest, commonest brown patter, a practice which Is usu ally discontinued forthwith as soon as a realizing sense of the objection able material is borne in upon the inlnd. Immediately upon the receipt of soft groceries or fruits they should be put nto earthenware dKhes, and under no circumstances should they be allowed to remain In the, pa; e s in which they were dc.hcicd. 1 is useless t expect that a betsor class I of paper will be employed and so I we may as well make up our minds j to guard against trouble by shifting all articles of food to some dish that Is absolutely free from contaminat ing Clemen s. New York Ledger. (ItHxl Fnrliis Hnil ;hmI FurnuTH. The first essential of good farming is a good farm, says the American Agriculturist, and a good fanner is pretty certain to have a good farm. That close observation and sound 1 radical iudgment recjuis te to suc cess in tanning will enable iu jkissos sor to s led a good larm. If a good farmer by any chance or accident Inheritance for instance comes into possession of an It reclaim. ibl.v poor farm, he will not keep it long. He will not waste his energies in an at tempt to make money from a poor farm What kind of a farm would a good farmer select? He would avoid extremes: selecting neither a light sandy or gravelly soil, nor a stllf. heavy clay. specially would he avoid a cold, wet, shallow soil with an Impervious hardpan subsoil. A very light soil will not produce large, paying crops without inn much outlay tor manures, A sfltT clay soil too much subjected to climatic condi tions. When tho season is just right, neither too wet nor too dry. it may be cultivated well and produce large ci ops, but in a cry wet or very dry season it Is pretty sure lo ba'l'e all the efforts of the farmer, and result In failuie. draining will do much toward ameliorating such soils, but even then there are too many daysin the year when they are untillable, and It Is very difficult to a compilsli t he necessary work in the proper sea son for plant growth. SloMt.-r for Non-U. A very cheap and warm shelter may be made by setting posts firmly In the ground and covering with a rnof of poles or lo ;g rails. iver this lay a covering of straw or coarse hay. Cover this with a few poles or boards to hold tho straw in position, f-et other post two feat outward from the first ones. Wire a few po'es to each set, mi ing iu the spac s with ' ! raw ririu'.v crowded into position, j H ha ing a door at one side the re sult will be as warm a room as can lr made trom tmards and straw in a j barn basement for shedding rain rTojH r!y, make one side three or four feet higher than ihe other, or niae it level, putting a load of straw on top iu the form of a pyramid to shed the rain While this and other forms of temporary shelter aie cheap and require no direct outlay for material, vet rather than follow up Ihtir con struction ear after year a ixrrmanent utiucture of wood should be erected. This should te built in a sulistantial manner, making the foundations solid, and nailing each piece firmly in V sition. The roof should not be less ttian a quarter pitch, and. if possible, obtain all lioaids a year in advance that they may become projierly seasoned. To hill llf l ie. We bear a good deal about lico on roultry and ticks on sheet), but there is rarely any mention of the parasites , on hogs, tlioiuh these , n ui ils are tormen ed equally with the of hers bv little insects which fed on them freely. These para-itcs, which are doing their best to render our fatten ing ration of no avail, are ca-ily de stroyed by the ever-useful kerosene emulsion. When a dip in the mix ture Is not t acticable. a Fpraying machine can be used with good effect, 'lhekero-ene eniul-iou is made by lmilitig a pound of soap, hard or soft, in a gallon of hoi. ing water. Then add to ihs t w i ' i uarts of keros ne. and the lather of the soap will cause. the oil to mix so that it will not again separate Kerosene emulsion may i e mad with milk Instead of with s.iapsuds, but the best place to apply milk to hogs is on the inside. I or destioying vermin the soap lather oniulsion with kerosene Is quite as good, and perhaps better, as the soap helps to clean away anv scurf from the skin. .4. . - A j Convenient Tlf Tioa&hs. When a pig comes to a t rough for feed or slop he generally comes in a hurry, and Is not content with plung ing bis snout Into it, but must thrust his forefeet into it also. If these are j covered with mud and 111th, as very often they are, this Is mixed with the feed or slop, and certainly cannot DKVICKS Kill KKKI'INO Kl:i iJiOl'OrtS (LEAN. be very conducive to the health of the animal. It would be much bet ter for the pig, and the eater thereof, ifth'sshoud be pievented. aid the animal compelled lo Keep his dirty feel out or his dish. It should he borne In mind -hat the pig's neck is short, and that he cannot reach very far, and, theicfore, his trough must neither be high, wlue, nor de:p, and it should be so t laced that the bot tom is on a level with his feet. Some g' od forms of troughs are shown in the ilfustratioris from the American Agriculturist. ' A iciiT)tl I'urpsrKn Cow, A good many farmers are coml. g to believe that theie Is a general pur pose farm cow, in s ite of all that has been said to the contrary. Ily a general purpose cow is meant, of course one which Is good lor butter and milk, and which is sulliciently well bred to impress all her good characteristics on her progeny. Mie a av l e of anv one of several breeds, but. it Is a gieat r istake to suppose that, she a. i e of no breed at ail, ior then she would not posses; this last and most desirable qua! il y. This ideal farm i ow should have a large ,ra i.e so that hei n ale calves should be valuable beeves. Mie should be well pedigreed, so that the hei tr calves would have a pro i dsn to he co , e as good milkers and butter makers as hcrsel . .she should be handled for dairy urposes fro u the tl :;e she drops her lirst calf, so as to pro i ote the tendency toward a long period of milking. There are many farms upo i which such a cow will prove of greater value than one handled especially for milk or butter. ' Philadelphia Kti'juirer. Hulialng I ii r Flock. On a farm one of the cheapest as well as one of the b est ways of build ing up a (lock of sheep Is to select the best of the ewes ami breed to full blood ram ol a good breed cue that Is best adapted to yo ir locality and the purpose for which you are keep ing sheen. Keep on selecting the ewes, selecting a new ram every two vears In order to infuse new blood. There is live times as much prollt in mutton as in the fleece. A sheep may be (,fed for one-seventh of tho lood that an o.v requires, and will make a growth of nearly three quar ters of a pound a day for the first, iio days of Its life, when it. becomes excellent mutton, l or (Sou days it will make nearly a half a pound a day. Mich Hhecp will net ii cents a pound at the farm: "but such sheep, too, having a huge carca-s, will have a large He ceo in proportion. V. IHil of rntittopK, The average vield of potatoes In this country Is about fifty bushels per acre, yet In competitive trials as iiiany as '.hid bu hoU per acre have been grown, proportionately, on an experimental plot. This was done with care and . udicious uso of fer tilizes. It Is true that It would l.e ditliciilt for any farmer to produce aio bushels on an acre of land, but the low average indicates t hat some thing better can be done with such a crop Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I ABSOLUTELY PURE Lew Wallace an an Artlft. It is safe to say that non of General Lew Wallace's literary efforts has at tracted the attention that one of his paintings did many years ago. He painted a cupld with purple wings, which led to no end of discussion among the Hoosier art critics, who maintained that whne was the regula tion color for such appendages. The general is a clever ar'.ist as well as author lawyer, statesmen, diplomat and soldier. N. Y. Mail and Kxress. Iiupout's powder mills, in Wilming ton, l)td., are furnished with hinged roofs, so that iu case of an explosion the damage, will be minimized. In I ires ien there is a widowers' asso elation, the members of which succeed remarkably well in cheering each other. They comprise forty of the jolliest fei. lows iu the capital of Saxony. l ew save the poor feel for the poor. Tarifl and Tatation. Tariff duties and Internal revenue taxa tion on Incomes and corporations are ex clt.lnu pu title Interest, hut of quite as much Interest are those things which tax the syi eiu and require at once an oxternal reinudy. (in this ButiJdCt, with special recommendation, Mr. fierce I). Hrown, Bridewater, Mass., says: ln uccidints from all kind of athletic sports, to reduce sprains and bruises, I hare uied Ht .Jacobs Oil and always found it most reliable " Also, Mr. CL It Hands. Mar (turn, Okla., writes: "I have used fit. Jacobs Oil for sprains and rheumatism and would not be without ll for anything." Mr. K. Lcdbet ter, lienton. Texas, says: "1 have used St. Jacobs Oil and it Is the only thlni? I ever aw that would cure toothache In ten min utes' time," and It Is usually prompt and sure for frost-bites. All of these commu nications are of recent date, showing un abated Intcrosu Germany is proud of its success in training dogs for army purposes. They are trained to recognize the uniforms of probable enemies, and are taught to give warning of their approach uy pointing never by barking. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh tliat Contain Mercury, lis mercury will sorely destroy the s!:M-e of srncll and completely derange the whole system when entering it thromrh the nm ciius surl'uciH. such articles should never lie used except mi prescriptions trom reputable physicians, lis the damage they will do is ten' told to the good you caii possibly derive from them. Hail's i'iitnrrh Cur,' iiiaiiiiliietured .by V. .1. Clacticy ,t Co.. Toledo, ()., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting direct l' upon the blood and mucous sur faces i f t hi system. In having Hall's Catarrh Cure lie sure and gel the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, bv .1. Chenev ,t ( o. Testimonials tree. 3Sold by Druggists, price T.'ic. per hoide. Fire and sword are but slow engines of destruction in comparison with the babbler. ATTENTION, FARMERS. r.xchftnuc your Land or Fiirm for i:ood City 1'ron rlv and come into town slid educate your children m this ritv "f collees. I have resi dence 'roiu II, sin lo .:,) him! brick business Mods from tT.iUM lo Hu,"' nil rente, I and ttrilmiiei in yood income. I Irtide direct wiLh liie ftu mer uiiil nv no coin:;ilsio:;. Semi lor 1 il V list ol t opert '. I. . . Ilia Ksl T, Lincoln, Xeb For virtue's sell ma to much zeal be bad; lite worst of madness is a saint, run mad. See "Colcliesier's'' Spading Boot Ad. in nt Iter col ( Miserve the effects of race on those who deliver themselves up to the pas sion. Shiioh s Co!imiinttion cure is sold on ft guar antee it cures lucleient Co suiniilion It is till' best! ouifll 1 lire i edits, . ceo Is and JUKI. ' Music makes the people milder and gentler, more moral aim more reason able. Good Qualities 1 'assessed by Hoods s arsapa parilla are almost beyond men tion. Ilest of all, it purifies the blood, thus strengthening the nerves, it regulates the digestive organs, invigorates the kidneys and liver, tones and builds up theenliresyst.em, cures Scrofu la, Dyspepsia (.'atari Ii, Rheu matism. Its career of un equalled success proves beyond a que'tlon that HoQfTs5Cures Hood's fills rure all Liver Ills Hi k llcsd ache, ainiillce Indigestion. Tr box. I.e. :;oxal! INCUBATOR Ts thn itimnlewt and moil nor fort Seli-lifoulaling Incuoator on tho mark al. and wo inanii far turn th only nellreKuUt injr lirdnr in America. Cirfalam frn. Atldn- CEO. W. MURPHY & CO. QI'HrT. I1X H" A. W m.nnfr(ar Ely's Cream Balm WILL ( I BB CATARRH Prico o vnU. Applr Balm InUtmneh nottrll. L? B1KM..M Warron 81..N.Y. akin Poivder Lucy Hlune at Oberllu. It is interesting io read of Lucy Stones experiences in college during her four years' study at Oberlin. She never lost a day from ill health, and she took the college course with the men and held fair rank in her class. Nearly all the girls iu the college at that time were poor and worked their way through. They did their own cooking their own ironing, and some of them paid their way by doing washing for the men. New York Sun. Thk bkkatii ola c hronic cniarrh salient is often soollensive hat he becomes an obleet o' dlsgua. After s lime uh eralion sets in. tie spongy bones are attni ircd, and frequently des troyed. A constant sourc - of dw-oiufort is the lr.pfiing of ihe purulent i-eerelioii into ll:e mioHl sO'i-ctilrtes producing invelerate bron chitis, ul.icb is usually the exciting cause of puiiiionaiy disease. Ihe brilliant results by lis use for years past properly designate Kiy'r Cream Halm as by far the best and only cure. He who is most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in its per formance As a Sample yet Effective Remedy for Throat A licet ions, Brown's Bronchial Troches stand first in public favor. They are ubsolutelv unrivalled lor the allevia tion ol nd Throat irritation caused by Cold or use ol the voice. Five crematories are to be erected in Chicago, for the cremation of its garbage. Kach will have a capacity of burning 100 tons daily. IIekcuam's I', the certain cure lor biliousness and sick headache, are pleas antly coaled and nice to take, l'ricc, A cents. A double-sjat.ed bicycle was used by a couple of lovers in Shelby county, Ky. to elope to Louisville, where a minister made them happy. D ix'tAi.loh VocksKI.k to t ride with a Cold, and so encourage Ihe development nfsome Intent rulmoiiary and Brnnchui! disease, which often ends fatally. You had hotter cure your Cough or Cold by promptly resorting to Dr. i). .layne's Ex pectorant, an old-time remedy for all Coughs, I. ting and Throat atleet ions. Oliver Wendell Hoimes says that the three best tiooks are the ISible, Shake speare's plays and a cooil dictionary. KM'i.fiO Kilt A FA KM WAIION. The best wagon in the world can bo had for VL'y a barrel cart for II You Mill rut This On! and end It With fx: to the John A. Salznr Seed Co., Iji Crosse, Wis., you will receive their mammoth catalogue, where you can read about this wagon. C Throughout the entire world there are annually about 180,000 suicides. Mothers' Friend Is a scientific-ill v prepared every ingredient of recognized value, and in constant use by the medical profession. These ingredients are combined in a manner hitherto unknown, and WILL DO all tliat is claimed for it, AND MORE. It shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Vo:!ht and Child. cnt by l.;ri on kreeipt of Price, $1.50 per Kottle. Book to "Mot 1 1 Kits" trailed 1- KKK, containiiic voluntary testimonials Sold by All Dr agists, HRAUFIELD RnfllU.ATOR CO., Atlanta, 0. 1 m?m TMonrrsnn rlantine alzcr'pSepflfi npver irnows nf hard timfl. ' nif .,- 1 1 VV. I.. lHinil.AS &.'! PIIOF (Vju.ils cu-.tnm wuik, costing troin $1 I'1 .fc t11 st value lor llic niftnry GfNUIHE, in Ihe WfMld. .vinie aim niao ,WELT, tninjM-d oil the botrntn, Kvrry iv, 1, f , v JA pair warranlt j. '1 kr no Ruhsti. (UCdlllCSi, fcl lad'. Sw: l.HailpjKTs for full IYTMWmnn'dn'"riP,i"n,'"urcn",',,ctc ''IWlWUWljj TPUini-s f,,r l:nlics Olid prn. UUIT MttiT --"- how to nr. drrhvmail. IVKlar r free. Ynu can pet the liest bargains if diallers w ho push our shoes. I t jft ASTHMA i . rOPBAVR AHTHH4 8PFCIFIC ,tifi Kolirf in Kiv. MiDUb-i 'Irial i.'J'.T' l,u r B..I Ml por-iti.l ! r.T'Jt.Ki - reintofll mi. Hi R,,B 1 w Arid. vJfiyS Thos.Popham.Phila.Pa i IMIPTTtrsT BOOK FREE i I.K I KIM r O. k i lienp n.H din s ny or. ana m. One Cent a pkg. ' I I. If rnre. Sfc' l,0)ll).IMMatrn. H. U. UIM WAV, lio, Llurd, 111. riM.'KL. uF L-Nf6o AND HEAD HO'.m C US Eft I.Hilr Ki r-Okf.ii wtii-fi all rriri-llitfltl FREE J.6MTS MAKE S5 a Hay piT. U Lai Ih Ai c.u. 1 ToTMTiTiiiallolliie. Samplft poit paid, UveeonU. F01W11KK4 M AKIN Laocion.u.o 13H.Wrill:liKJ.1:r 'oniiiiniiIvr and people who have wnak hi nif or Aiih ma, nhould ue IMno'nCurt) tr (rin"nipilon. It hai cnr4 IhotiaitnUa. It him noting our. 1 1 til not ha1 to tak. It tithe bfiflicouifh nyrnp. Hold CTnrywhnrw. 9 Ac. i I f A Fatal Object. Manager Is there anything in yonr play to which the fastidious could take exception Anything that would be likely to give offense to a church mem ber, say, or that would call a blush to the cheek of the dramatic critic? Young Author (eagerly) -Nothing, nothing, i assure you. There is not a line iu it that I would not h ive my grandmother read; riot a word or phrase that is suggestive. Manager (decidedly) Then 1 don't want it. New York l'ress. Not a. H .t Indler. Daughter That man who advertised all the latest popular tongs for 8 is a swindler. Old Man Eh? Didn't he send you anything for your money? I'll rbport him to the authorities at once. "Ves, he sent the latest popular songs, just as advertised, hut they were only the words. No music at all. I can read them, of course, but I caa't sing 1 hem." "My dear, that man is not a swindler. !fe is a philanthropist." N. V. Weekly "German Syrup 9? Regis Lcblanc is a French Cana dian store keeper at Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Quebec, Can., who was, cured of a severe attack of Congest-! ion of the Lungs by lioschee's Ger man Syrup. lie has sold many a oottle of German Syrup on his per sonal recommendation. If you drop :im a line he'll give you the full tcts of the case direct, as he did us, :id tliat JJoschee's German Syrup .'r.;ht him through nicely. It vs will. It is a good medicine --'i in its work. 41 "COLCHESTER" SPADINC BOOT. BEST IN MARKET" t BKST IN FIT. BKHT IN WBABINQ & QUALITY. The outer or tap sole 'xtends the whole length down lo the iifi-i, j.rotei'Untf the !(i in (iiutux und iu oiher hard work. ASK YOUI'. hKALKB FUR THEM, and don't be put off with inferior floods. COLCHESTER RUBBER CO. SPECULATION 55 to $25 1'rotiiH ulnutlily on lim itfd ,ini-htm'iit ol tt0. Mend for Mir ClKCLLAa. Kimball, Greene &Co. lealiTK in Stork, Oram and Provision-; llnKirst N I tional Hank Hid.. KM Dearborn St.. hlra. liniment .11 1 . , K "MV v., IL. T...1M veil- Stephenson Electric Belt Co. I'HttMitiMl AiiKiiHl and, 1KII3. The IhIosi hihI most Imi roved Klwtrlf! Belt iiiaiiillncniK'.l. Ihe o.ily Kli--iric llelt tht ieiiiue no vliii'.Hr o neiits to mnkf It work. It iw sol i iretioiHiini;. It 1 mo e durahln thau niivoihor. A kmiI. curi' for iheiunHlinm, iienrHhiia niHl hII nervous diMeases. Cure ilyHH-m, riiiiMiimilnii, livi-r mid kidney dl eime.s, injna In the hneli. ieiiinie ink iiem, Keneinl ileliiliiy, relieves that tired feeling mid Mil ehroiiie rllm-im s. Senl .i. Mihl on ieeelpl ol price Y1 0). l.llieiul disciinntu io ngenlfi. Corrcsftondene "idieiti-d 1 UK KiKI HKN-ON Kl.Rf illlC IlKLT CO. .IroinHhurfr, Neb. oni' tpeclal flicl.ltlfit to OIK itor, iM ro or mi til. for triii iQif on luaralna III Hlook. Ui Hiint or f'rovUlonn. larltHt Icttnr I i4 .--. at 1 mvlnir latitNt rolindi'Iillll idvlcon. Ol r oi ! on onft per rent timriiliiM Our book. "acs.lln, or How to Trml." malted oa r.Ilil aiMo enil -Unii, C.I. ttN W I Mi I.K : ;l(l l a Sll Streot. ( liieano. IS, N, V, No : 0-0. York, Nfh. WIIKN WKITIM1 TO All! KKTIHKRH plraao naj you law the adrarttMuaat In thU papar. iff) mum