- , . ; V i Y v THE SIOUX COUNTY J. Simmon. Editor lud I'roprif lor. MC B.VR. H.TimeuUf. uolnf . Oohifr Kant. u. . mixed, II :5 5o. S, mixed 6: Bead ia this par how to get fifty world's fair view free. All kinds of wood work done at Prtddy k blacksmith whop, opjHwiU Thk Jotrkaj. office. An I. 0. 0. T. lodtre was organized . last Friday nirlit by Miss Anna Saun ders, grand chief templar, with about twenty-two charter members. The supplies for the Woodmen camp have arrived and the first meeting will be held on Saturday evening, February 17t.li. All who are ready to le initiated should lie present. A Senior Epworth league was or ganized at the church last Sunday night but we were unable to secure a li.st of the officers and committees of the or ganization. Thev will meet at the church Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The ladies aid society will ive a "box social'' Friday evening' Feb. 1(1. A box containing lunch for two and the ladies name ho will 1 your part ner for supper, will be sold for 2fl cents. Come out and have a good time. The ladies aid society met with Mrs. d. E. I'hinuey last Wednesday afternoon Und a very pleasant as well a a jn-oflt-able afternoon was sjieut. The next regular meeting w ill be with Mrs. L. J. Himmons Wednesday, February 2lst. Fine spring suits and overcoat-' mode to order from 'J5.00 to f-Jft.OO. PERFECT FITS GUARANTEED. Also cleaning and n'Jiairing done in lirst class order. J. Ckkxy, Merchant Tailor, Crawford, Neb. Rev. Edward D. Irvine, the Episco al missionary of the I'hadron district, Will visit Harrison, the list Wednesday In February, tile 2( fi iiist., und bold ser vices at the church at 1M o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. Alvin T. Clark tame up from Chad ron on Monday and has entered the law practice here. He Is norr to lie found at the Commercial Bank until he caif gel an office flxexl up. lie has bad exeri ence in the courts of Illinois and Nebras ka and people who need the services of a lawyer will do well to consult nim. The hearing in the commissioner contest last Monday did not amount to anything. Mr. I'rieshofTH attorney, Mr. Conley tried to get the case thrown out on technicalities and failing in that gut o idrltlriuance until the 2Ikl inst. to pre pare His answer. It dimply shows that the tactics will be to keep the case hang ing as long els possible. A y tl ie name of James Gads den, formerly a resident of Schuyler, Neb. , will bb Hero next Tuesday to ex hibit samples of tlie products of Alberta, British Columbia. It is likely that some of those who Have no use for Sioux county since being sal down upon are contemplating going there to locate, ns that province is said to be on a boom. The girls do not proiose to le out done bv the boys so tlley have organized an "old maids" club rind were pleasantly entertained at tea on Saturday evening by Mrs. J. E. Marsteller. Misses Lizzie (lerlach, Wanda and Myrtle Pontius, Louie and Claudia Hester, Lillie Henry, Maggie Limlem'an, Ida rfwdrtx, Minne Smith and Netu Marsteller were the maids present. The bachelars came lat er and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The farmers "who bring feed w ith tlrm for their teams' when they come to town complain that the town cow steal a good share of it from the horses and want to know if thtre is not on ordinance to protect them. There is such a law and it should be enforced at this season of the year. It may lie a little incon venient for the owners of the cows but it is no more than justice to the far mers. Saloonkeeper Richstein received through the mails on Wwlnesnay a let ter intimating that If lie did not change his course and do certain thingr he would have to suffer. Some consider it a joke, but if the guilty party is discov ered it may not lie very funny for him. The letter was signed "While Caps" and is a flagrant violation of the law. If any one does not want Richstein to vio late the law and go unpunished there is a way to get at it w ithout resorting to white cap work. , It is about time to consider that tlis i a civilized coinitry and the law should be resected and obfved by all, o , Th work of getting figures and prices for the creamery J progressing uicely and the prose ts are that it will cost less .than. was. expected. From what has been gathered so far, there is no question but what enough slock can lie placed so that he company can, be or ganised. The farmers, who are the ones to be most benefited, by the institution, are getting Interested in the matter and prnny inquiries are made as to the pro gress of the work. ,lt has been suggest ed that when the . organization is made tliat stares of .stock be. .made small enough to that farmers can take some of Jt The indications are that it will le a success even if it Is being opposed by , yiooe mho are sour about the work of 'ovoiuUr 7, 1PM. PERSONAL. 1). W. Woody was in town Saturday. J. W. blattery was at the metropolis Monday. F. W. Kuott was over from Gilchrist Saturday. J. A. Green is in town today and call- at this office. Geo. H. Turner was in from Antelope on Saturday. H. A. Cunningham is sullernig from an attack of quinsy. Eli Smith and J. W. Hunter were up from liodurc Monday. A. Southworth was doing business in Harrison the first of the week. Henry Prieshoir and Then. I'itktn brock were over from Montrose Monday. G. J. Martin and J. W. R.iliinson were in tow n Saturday and culled at thisottice. Attorney A. G. Fisher mine up Mon dap to mrticipate in ti e commissioner contest. Frank Tinkhaui and John Serres repre sented Five Points at the county seat on Monday. J. J. Z:imbrunuen, of Pleasant Kidge, was doing business in Harrison last Sat urday. Rev. Kendall went, to Gordon Monday to assist in revival work in progress there. C. C. Jameson, cashier of the First National Hank of Ch:ulron, was in Harri son Friday on business. Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton, mother of I. M. Sutton, returned Friday from a visit to her (laughter in Texas. Fx'Treasurer (Kiyhart returned Satur day from Lincoln having made his final settlement with the state treasurer. F. S. Lusk was a west bound passen ger Monday. He had just been appoint ed treasurer of Converse t'OUnty, Wyo. J. T. Coiree and wife passed through Harrison Mondav on their way to the 7 box L ranch in Wyoming, of which John is foreman. J. R Hurke and W. H. Zimmerman seturned Saturday from the western coal mines where they have been at work for some months. C. F. t'aileton has recovered from a severe illness and is on the road for the Alliance Milling Co., and was in Harri thll the first (if the week. Twenty-five Dollars Upward. The undersigned will pay a reward of I'Jo.OO for information leading to the dis covery of the person or ersons who sent the threatening letter to me through the mail, liearing date of Feb. !, Hill, and signed "White Caps." 1. Kiclistein, School Report. Report of the (Intmmar dej artment of Harrison School, lor month ending FeH. 5, lKil-l. Total number enrolled 22. Total number of davs all pupils at tended. 372. Average attendance 19. Names of those not tardy, Claudia Hester, Louie Hester; Garliett Kendall, Minnie Lunsford, Jennie Pontius', Myrtle Pontius', Will Pontius and George Wil liams. Minne E. Smith, Teacher. RepoR of the primary department of the Harrison School for the ihoillh end ing Feb. 5, 1H04. N umber enrolled, 24 Average attendance, 21 Names of those not absent a day dur ing the month: Isa Kichstein, Ned Simmons, Vincent Richstein, Failnv Riuhstein, Charles Richstein. Nelta Marsteller, Teacher. Roll of Honor. The following is the roll of honor of the Grammar department of Harrison School, for week ending February 2. Harry ( liurclull, Herliert Earnest, Claudia Hester, Louie Hester. Garnett Kendall, Myrtle Pontius .and Will Pon tius. Minne E. Smith, Teacher. Notice to the Children. The children of Harrison and vicinitv, lietween the ages of !J and Vi years, who lesire th unite with the. Junior Epworth league are requested to meet a.t the linrcli on next Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Parents are .welcome and urged to attend this first meeting, espec ially if they do not know of the benefits to lie derived from tins organization. J. w. keshai.l, Pastor. Advertised Letters. . List of letters remaining uncalled for in the, Harrison. Neb., nost-olllce on Jan. 31, 1K)4. John I nnnell. (cure of A. J. Lords) 2. Samuel Cox. Frank Summers. P. W. Tupper, Emma Yetter. Parlies culling for any oi tlie awve letters will please refer to them ns "Ad vertised." . J. E. Jlarsleller, P. M. Harrison, . Siub., Feb. 1, 1H!M. The mutter ,of ijn,.nrUtM.m . well is again lieing discussed l y llie people of this locality. The drill of the bilk now is to drganir.e Ii.sk ji company and pur chase the iniK hniery .and operate it. That is certainly the W't way as then the money for the. work could be paid to the people wk live, here. . There area good many people who would be glad to help such a thing along nnd it is hoped that those who know something ulioiil such work will take it up and carry it forward. If artesian w vler can ,be oli tained here it w ill do a great deal to ad vance this part of the coudtry. , , Sienking of fixing the,. court house calls out the suggestion that while they are at it the commissioners would do well to have a little work done on the outside. The iron rail which formerly ornaniuitad the lop has mostly d'snp peareirehid some of the ornaments which were in the vicinity of the tower have blown down and the (building liegins to look rather shabby, it would be good economy to have such things fixed up before gone beyond repair nnd it can he done now with little expense. There are also several panes of glass hroken in the windows of the building which should be replaced and the roof needs a little work on it, so that it is deserving of attention at the hands of those who have the power to look after such things. Irrigation Convention. The convention called to meet ;)t Craw ford on last Tuesday for the pt of P-utte, Iawes, Sheridan and Sioux counties to discuss irrigation mat ters was well attended by representa tives from all the counties except Sheri dan. County Clerk Blewett, J. W. Earnest, Judge Parker, James Slattery and the editor of This Jut'KNAL went from Harrison and were joined at An drews by J. 11. C(K,k, and in addition to these Senator Stewart, Lave Colville and other citizens of Sioux county w ho do business at Craw ford were present. The convention was called to order by I. C. Dietrick, vice-president of the state association, and L. J. Simmons, of Har rison, was elected chairman and A. E. Sheldon, of Cbadron, secretary. C. J. Grable, M. J. Blewett and Clark Olds were opiointed a committee on constitution and by-laws. A general discussion of the subject of irrigation followed and was participated in by a good nuiulier. Judge Barker was called out and by his knowledge and experience as a civil engineer be was able to give a great deal of valuable in formation on the subject. The general sentiment seemed to lie that every ef fort should be made to get a law that will ullow the use of all the water for irrigation that is not needed for domes tic use and at the same time protect the rights of all settlers along the st reams; to work for a state appropriation for test artesian wells, and also for inter state legislation and appropriations by congress, and if the proper interest is taken there is no doubt but what good can lie accomplished. After the constitution was adopted the following officers were elected: President, L. J. Simmons. Secretary, A. E. Sheldon. Treasurer. C. J. Grable. County vice-presidents: M. J. Blewett, of Sioux, B. H. McGrew, of bawes, A. Sherwood, of Box Butte, II. F. Wasmundj of Sheridan. The convention then adjourned to meet at Crawford on March C, 1H04, when officers will be elected for the ensuing year and all necessary steps taken to cairy on the Work. County Clerk Blewett, as vice-president for Sioux county) will call a meet ing of the people in the near future that they may express their views ort tlie subject so that a proper repoR may lie made at the next meeting of the district association and It is urged that every one who can will attend and take part in the work. Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and shoe maker. Cowboy boots a Specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shdp second door sbutll CouM house. A Card. To Tiite Prfiur: As the voluiue of business in the office of county superin tendent is not Hulltcient to warrant my presence at the court house at all tiilies, I therefore set aside Wednesday of each week for the transaction of pilblic busi ness, and those having business before the suierintendent should, as far lis pos sible; make it convenient to present it on those days. The third Saturday in each month, as provided by statutes', will also lie devoted to such business. W. 11. Davih; Co. Supt. Filial Proof otices. All persons having tliiul proof notices In tliis piipcr will receive a umiki'! copy or tlie p:per itinl ure reipicteil to examine their notice aud 11'. . any errors exist report tlie Maine VI tliis oillce Hi onee. Notice, fur I'ulilb'Htlon, Liuid Oftlee tit Alllitiiee, Neb. ( Knliy. I, Ih'.'l. j Notice Is lieretiy Riven tluil the fullnwliiK liaiiicd settler lias Hied notice ol hlslnten. thin tu iniike fluid proof In support ot his chilin, und tlint s.itd. proof will be made he lore (hits. I'!. Verity, r. H. ('. ( t. (bmr, ill Harrison, .Nehranku, oil Mureli SI, lrt'4, viz. Martin (Jnylmrt, if .Mmitrnse, Xeb., who made II. K. No. t.V.w fur thc.s. nw. i und li. , . w, 1 sec. I.., tp. ',14, T. .VS. He Hutnc tiU; following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon unit cultiva tion ol said land, vi : . ( onrad llelt.ieh, Jacob J. Wasserburifi r, Henry I'jckcnlirock, Theodore I'iekenhroi k, nil of Montrose, ulso Conritd llelllrh. of Montrose, N'ch,, who made IJ, K. No. 'i'f lor the se! if see. 15, tp. -M, r. .Vi w. lie iiiiDii'H the following witnesses to prove Ills roiiUniiiiUH residence upon Hint cultivn Uoo ol said land viz : , Martin (Jay h.irt, Janoli J. Wasserlicrger, Henry I'iekenhroi k, Theodore Ph'kenbtock, uil of Monlroso. it I ho Miirri'll liiileiliill. (if Ilurrlviii), Kid;., who made II. K. No. m' for tlie s. e. i.i i-ee. S"ij t). ;il n.,,r. rm w. . . He naines the following wltnespes tojirove bis continuous residence npmi und ctiltiva II. m of said laud, viz : .lames ) , Seutt, ( llarlos S. Scott, Kelllpn P. I.indsev, llUKh T. ( onli y, all "U llarrinoii. , K. M 'union Mi i on, , I'il lteglHUr. .Niillec fnr I'lililinilldil. , l.iiii(l Ufllce at Alliance', Ne.b. I heliy. lk IslH. ( Nelli e Is hereby ivrn that the following minivd settler litis tilvd notice of Ills inten tion tp make Itnnl proof in summit of Ills elillin, iinli that said proof will lie uiude Isi torn ( linn. K. V'iMity, rl'. s. ('. Ct. t.omr. at Hiirrlsoii, Nel on Mch. 10, 1M1H, viz: 0CHr A. Onrtpiijnf Ilnrrlsmi, Xeb., who niiide II. K. No. 7iM, for tlie sc. l4 nw. 14 A n. S an. ' A lie. 't se. t seeT 3, tp. M 11., r. iww, - .1 . He nanii's the following wltnnsiiCM to prove Ids eonllnnouN rejildnn, u upon and eultivu Don il , aid land, viz 1 Crlns lllidile' William lllrhle', John Don t, Homer T. Merrlum, all of Harrison, also a John Frederick Si'lpilfl, (if llnrrlunn, Nrb-l whnniiide II. Ij. No. "(I for the lots 1 nnd 2 slid bwx '4 n. i seiiafi, twp. Ili, r. Mi and nw. 14 hw. i4, see. :u, tw p. :u 11., r W iw. r . Ill) 11 limes the following wit nesses to lrove his eoiitlniioiis resldeneu upon and culllva tlnn of, said land, vl. : t'hsrles Klehle, WIIII11111 lileble, Itenjiimln V. Tliounts, hi I J. Wilcox, uil of Harrison, ulso Jerry II. Will, of Hsrrlson, Neb., who made II. K. No. SOT, for the southwest l r. see. 1:1, tp. XI 11., r. Ml w, He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivii lion of, said hind, vl, : John Herman, Charles K. Schllt, V.ll J. Wll COJ.(lmrle llleliln, nil of Harrison Nell. (11 Wj r. M. DllHHINttTON, uirif-irr. ALVIN T. CLARK, ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELOR AT LAW, HARRISON, NEBR. Practices in all the courts and before U. S. Itnd Oliice. LEAD THE WORLD. THE MOST CRITICAL PRONOUNCE THEM INCOMPARABLY THE BEST IN TONE, TOUCH AND DURABILITY. WTrite for Catalogue to ESTEY & CAMP, Chicago, III. QI LI.IVAN A COXLKY, Lawyers. Will i-kactk e in all the local, state and federal courts und I'. S. Lund office. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. t t 5 t i t t3T Office ill Court House, HAHiilKO .... NEBRASKA L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice. Good work and reasonable rhurgps. Shdp south of livery burn. HARM SON, NEB. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One boor South of bunk of Ilurrlson. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. KAZClRS AND SCIS8UKS H'T IN ORDER. Cive t m I a J Call, DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS Harrison, : . . . fieKrask! NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH Purchase Tickets and Consign Your Freight via the F, E.&M. V.S.C.&P. RAihiioltH. II. (i. BURT; Cl'erieral Manager. K. C. M'ok'khol'se, J. R. Brci'lANA.y, Gen'l Freight Agt, Oen'l Pass. Agl OMAHA, NEB. J. E. PIIINNEY, M. I). I'lijsician and Surgeon'. All Pulls given prompt attention, (ifflre in Driig store, fi ARR1KOK, - - KKBRASKA. McGINI.KY jiTOVKIl, Ilurrlson, Nehr. own following brand : 1 CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f Port prompt ninrcr ana an honcrt opinion, writ to MINNA; CO., who have bud ncurlr "ftr run xprlencA Id the patent businflfli. Commnnlca tlons atrlctlr oonndAntltt. A II onrfbook of In lortnfttlon oooonrnlnff Fatrnla and bow to ob lain them tent free. A I no a caialofua of mttbMV leal anil aulentlAo bonka aent free. ' Pumu taken tbroneb Munn a Co. rcealT pedal notloalnthe rlrnllllc Amerirnn, and ihtta are broutbt wldelf before tbe public with out coat to tbe InTentor. Thla anlendld paper, tMMd weeklr, elevaiit If lllnatraled. baa br far the laneat circulation of any aoientinc work to th world. Me rear, tiamelc couiea tent free. Bnlldlnf Bdltlon, roonllily, $2.90 a rear. Hint 1 onntea, 'i) cent. Ft err number eontalni beau Ufnl platea. In oolora, and pbotocranbe of new houaee. wltb plana, enabling builders to ebow tb Meet oealfns and eeeure ooDtraota. Addreea. ,. rnjiupgans f COPYRIGHTS. r THCBICCESfllOOT IN THfWoaur The above picture Attention TO THE MARSTELLER BROTHERS Have the larcest and most comulete stock of BOOTS SHOES Ever ofTered to the people of Harrison, and we are confident that we can suit all, both in STYLE AND PRICE. Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries; Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishing goods is Complete. CLOTHING! We have for Men, YOUTHS and Boys, which we are selling at Bargains; We also carry Hardware, Flour and Feed, HESTER SON, DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm implements Sash Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. HARRISON PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS fROCCIiED Press Claims Company. Equal, lyith the. interest of those having claims ngainst the Oovernmsnt ii that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of th incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to bbtain their patents! Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitor! to procure patents, for the value of a patent clep'encis greatly, if not entirely, upeni the care and skill of ine attordey. With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless ntttorney and of seeing that inventions fire well protected by Valid patents, THE FRESi CLAIMS QOMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice and it there fore prepared to, . , OBTAIN PATENTS, CONOCCT INTERFERENCES1, MARE SPECIAL EX AMIS ATIOHI, I'HESKt'UTE REJECTED CASES', REGISTER tKADE MA RKS and COPYT10HT8, RENDER OPINIONS RS to SCOPE and VALIDITY of PATENTS, PROSECUTE RiHl DEKEND INFRINGEMENT SUITS, JCTC., ETC,,- ,. : If you have an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANJ a sketch or phptograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the. best, course to pursue. Modelt are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are clvirged with infringement by others, su li mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter, , . The Press Claims Compakt', 618 F street, northwest WASHINQTOK, D'. jl ' P. O. Box 483. jcr . WKDDRRBtmit, managing attorney. ww im wi Ha W- ' wtti w 4"'T-t A6ENCV TOR BtMDLEY&METGALrt CELCBRAreO B00TS&SIIOES CSTABUSHCO W11 is uitendei! to call FACT THAT a full lln of MARSTELLER BROTHERS, Harrison Neb. NEBRASKA". BY THK ,;!JJ.1! , liweJtolWWawa