IT AtVAV. PIVn'l BO Ink r uif oced cat wearing rluiraj. w cnuii i mm, Mtn fin only Latrtlal n 11,4 ; bC Dever njre. but n tawbet great Injury, untieing tarikwiBiailon, at reticulation and death. HERNIA lEW 2 an alter of bow lotig aunulriir, or ot wUl eie. u lirominiy ntlr cured wnbout tbe kuife I wKaout latin. Atuiihtr M Conservative) Suraerw li tfctcurw. of riTllftPfl Ovarian. Fibroid ond other A U44VJV4J, varum-, without tin- pt-rila f rutUa otwratioiM. PILE TUMORS, feTUSR nlWW of tlio lower bowel, pnii;i(itly cured wfctb ut pain or remit to tbe knife. ATONE ln "'ad. matter h.w D X Vlt O iarfre, m cruarwd, pulverized, aaaf washed nut. thii ftToidiuff cutting. RTRIflTTTRE ur,r"T i . Dl V A UftB ala.i removed without cwtttotJ. Abutiduot Keft-rvocm. and fainph latavan above disease, sent n. ji.-i, , ,,.,, Ttiw, W eta. (tnml. Wiihi.h' Himun ayy MaPICL AariOCLtTION, iiutUJo, S. Y. Stephenson Electric Belt Co. ra tented August 2nd. IMiin. laa tatoid and moat Imiroie,! Klei-tuc B. si Taauafeetured. The only hlrctric licit thm Enree novliic.aro aid to nov n uori tIi generating. It l mo r duraide thi, . ttair. A pMtie cute for rlii'iiMa'iiii. arthralgia and all nervnm rNII, drftpei. cimMipatlnii, IHer aiol kiir.'v react, pai'.i In Hi- ).ak, female u.k:j.. eneral dehillty. relieien that tir.d fi-aiia and all ehmnle dlaca Kent preitatiloM receipt of price $!' it i IJtxral dmcuuuU to ernt, foi r'--(-ni.rin-. ottcttcd. Till tfTKI HIHrO.a Kl.K'TKIf hl.1.1 I n, ."tlmtii-htif rf, r eli. Cures rTsTng . . BREAST . . OTHER'S FRIEND" nnVred chllil-beanou woinan. h th creatcat Mftwtmg ev er hl-beanou- wmnan. I liuie Im-imi a tald-wlfe for manv rear-, und in e;e h rilf. wbera "Moiher'a f rknd" Inul Im-nuwl It h;f arcmpliKiwd wondrr and r'!irvil nnuh marine. It l th l-t t. iih 'Iy for rl-lnir of thw breaat kmmnf and worth rh rtr-tor thdt alone. .Mm. hi. M. J'.m -hi.. Moui'oiwfi v, b. Smt hr eirr. rhart'on m:iHjd, on Ti' iit f jirica, f IZ jr IkiiIp. BRADFIEfl) RE(il'LAT()R CO., Sold hyall druK-tit. Atlanta, .. Ely's uredi m&l w a aU k ' OATADHyg ApplT Hlm InUMW-U ti.ixtrtl. Wj9r2fj ST. JACOBS OIL IS THE r r mm SCIATICA FOR IT HAS NO EQUAL NO SUPERIOR. ALONE THE BEST. r lUrK .ru, K,rir Tlniotuj. lra., Poialoa.. ate.. In n.raiu. quantltlea. M. ia.,1 tor 11 i lllltl llVfvuilrti' S.J. our .rl S'.rtlirrn wl5St". o-l.-l " "M h.-r thlikM rv P, Oilaa mm ii li- ' rTal HA 1 "sV" r Mt" 1 KOXflLL INCUBATOR tm tUm, ona-l Trm1 IMtV 'Trt Mll'Krtfuiatino locuoat&r Ifl IIIO DlirKBL, wo mamt- f.t.. tli nnlv Mtf.rulaU. t'ir": Addrr CEO. W. hUAPHY A CO. yciprt, iu. rvn A- '02 DH EWARD Wit, hk euu To AMV MAM or WOMAN, Taaak m tm. Mm ia. ht m ii mm n, wt mm mmtff aa. fnll ti trt nwi ..o.r Lfcr 1,4 laalag fiaoa itunjtro.i wwmi;i'ia. and . oit aaaaaa. aaH i"r hiKuut wi.snimj aSkk kam aaf UB W mm Umr. Of Alt TOT 4 RAIN-IBRMItNIIIt: attcmrM, pialtU-t EATT VadrabU for A own, mmi tmpmrimM Tor Ik'w with plain RS Tat fwr wbirli n 1'fmi of abnwjf attirp wMmiJ lHT fcy putfiitO nrUU, Wil-hl btiJIlVM Mai vlbfff. COSTS KOTHIXQ TO TRY fcni ar lh arw rmulml to vm fh tw fnr ; a. aa.d' a..ailiavV iJaaU If rBP inmari ' lf PW WlrrtATlil tnti will m Wit Ht PtPB-rtii at thm I M aW. Tk writ famr unw -A AtvMvtB row mwVw an miUl thm te lU Mtdpp i Al. Wl. CI. Jrwfy Pity, N. J. a ail rwiaini to wd 0ny t tt-m-y IflaVfMfl l " "f" Z2& fit UD m ad noitri com flaf lll l "" r Vfc riU M www Jftvla iff 1 1 I Ul lO Bl(H ft IB'th 4 tlMll.. atltH and panpla waakaaa weak luniaor Aaik BkVataaMaaa I'lao aCvra fr Oiaa-aiaWn. It haa araal Umiili ft aaa aallajur aiaa. IIMaot tad to lata UllaM taatawawb afraa. M mtwaaia. a. 1 -3 8 HaW aaf aW l4a afaV. Tlie Indian I'arfi tiamber now in aU WiJ i peopl. Tht-yare and al whj have bH-n devoted subjects of her ma jtwty, and we may attribute this as luucn to a certain sympathy with western methods of thought over' eastern as to the fact that they would rather be ruled by entire foreigners than by those whom they niight them selves have contjured bad fortune fa vored I hem. In dornmtic relations the Parses hIiows favorable. He is gentle and courteous, while as is the cas with all children of the sun, his alfections are strong. His treatment of his women-' kind is not oriental. No petty jealousy cons, .me bjrn lest they should be as powerful as himself if allowed similar advantages. He is perh .ps uniirfcess arly luxurious in his style of livinir, ai.d this reacts on his character, making h'.in averse to miy exertion which would involve personal discomfort. Doubt lest it is not bis fault; lie has bee i too much thecenttrof but family's all'iTiions to lie anything but self re tarding by education. Nineteenth t enl urv. Hrr-HMiNg -"tr (lold hlnw. 'old slaw is one of the favorite dish es made from cabbage. Much depends on the dressing, and therefore this recipe may lie, of use: Beat the yolks of two egxs very light; ac"d a cup of cream or saeet milk and vinegar to taste. Season the slaw with salt and pepper and add the dressing boiled hot. Set aside to cool for l he meal desired. The longest legged birds have short tails. A birds tail serves as a rudder during the net of (light. When birds are provided with long legs these are stretched directly behind when the bird is llying, and ho art in a rudder. Mm.I' l virii i-. ' .linn int thi surrcwihii trim My for niwil hiiutii must In nnn Irri al io. ra' id Hi;ll-ntioii, and out; that will r, i,rti tht reiriotr Mitcgand iiii-i-rutrd mirlarei. I h" Mtory ot i In- -tort to irrnt i-i,tnrrh 1r pirrfil f.oitm- timt onlioiie reint'dy hiiicom I'hoivnii'l thrt- oiiiiltiini", and that la Kiy's r-nu'i 11 -1 in I tilt, -ufi- lid U-aant mmcdy li niat'Ti'd i aoitrli a noihliiic tJNe lias ever oomvaiiii notti i)ii n tana and (aitenu freely coic',lr 1 li (a t. William 1-. duty (llullalo Kill) is said to be quite gray and to have lost that appearance of robust health which distinguished him. lit loli a ( onaiioi ft Ion cure 1 nold on a Rtiat- li li I ef It rnr" llirii.ienl ro':MllnlUoli. It li ... . . . ' . ..A t mi Ui' t'M i oil.-hi Curl- I I'll 1, "IH lll" llo fi.w. Kx-King Milan has again come to he end of his liitancial tether. Since 'i s at ihcation he Is alleged to have spent nearly SUKiO.iM). Vfi- ( 'ohde-ier's" pnditig Hoot Ad. in ol htr I it in n. It is an excellent plan, according to i tinted photographer, for the sitter to i.nwder heavily so that the white is clearly visible. This will give a smooth and satiny finish to the photograph. The sins that shine kill the quickest.. KING-CURE. 0VE.R ALL KNOWLEDGE Brinp comffirt and improvoment nnd inrlH to iMTHonal rrijfymont when a;utlr nwa-l I'Iip innnv. who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting tho world's twst products to the'needs of physical being, will attest tlieralue to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tho remedy, !-vrup of Figs. Its excellence is lue Ut its presenting In the form most iti-cep table and pleat ant ft the tuste, the refivchinirand truly bencBcUil pro-rties of a perfect lax ative; effectually ( lesnainp tlie syatem, distielling colds, headache and fevers and KTiiiaiicntly curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions aa4 met with the approval of the medical profession, becatiHC it ai ts on the Kid novs, Liver tuitl itowels without weak ening them and it i js-ffectly free fro every object inmiblo sultiiiic. hyrup of Firs is for rtile by all drug lists in f0c ami 1 bottles, hut it is man ufactured by the t'liliforuiu Fig Kyrup only, whose nsine is printed on every package, also the name, tiyrupof Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if oflcred. BIG MONET- that retail for II Oil i K linmeor travellnit. Kamnlea and lermi for sue. Hlaiua or .liver. Area- .V to, Madiaon, t.unn. ACPMTf HAVE tK na.'trt"t K I When I ' laaal I inaralaatawl pld.flvceaM.POKHIIKK&MAKINciAtLui.,0 Vnrk. Neb. WHKM WMITIMO TO AOVKRTISICII1 firm mmj ya sow lb aalrarilaaaaaaf n fob aa aar. THE POWER OF ELOUQUENCE. How Jt Mareotha l ife of a Teiaa up for M uror. A prominent lawyer of the Loan Star State, who recently visited New Orleans, related to a renter the fol lowing story of a murder trial Id bo Texa-i home: The prisoner was on j trial for his life. The evidence had ill been heard. The State's attorney had ju-t taken his neat after a most incisive statement of the evidence . wherein he had demonstrated the ut ter failure of the prisoner's theory of si' The prisoner was a stranger in the county. The counsel for the prisoner was a stranger too, known only bv reputation to the judges and the bar, an I that reputa tion was one of great ability, perfect integi hy and a marvelous knacK of "sma-diiug verdicts" ea'h t me by ' some new turn This gaunt, yet graceful graylieatled man arose, seem ingly without looking at the jury, though each man felt that he was under the power of that wide open gray t ye. After bowing to the juu-e and saying a few alums; inaudible words of courtesy U. his lie tinned to the p isoner ami said: "You inns die. John-die bv hang ing. It will be for 110 fault of vours, bv no fauitof ihe.ludeorof his jury, or of the good people of the. county; neither will it be any fault of the law. The law of Texas Is all right, though you d e innocent The law, through its tna hinery may some times expose perjury, can t alwuys prevent the false swearing of wit nesses. Judges anil juries have not the power, they sometimes exercise the authority of Almighty Cod. Ttu'y couldn't look down Into the souls of those prejiiruu witness and seethe, hale and private purpose that Colored and twisted nil the facts. We ciin't help it now. You must die as you have lived, lik a brave man. I don't need to tell you that. The worn in who bore you, three months beio eyousaw the light of heaven, carried in her arms from on 0: t he bloodiest Ileitis of the late, war, the bleeding senseless form of your lather, while shot ami shell still shrieki d and the groans of the dying II I led the air. And your father, whose manned body we laid to rest last week, was not matched in all this land. Th se trusted you, and the r blood can betray no trust. The only message he sent you was. "'fell him we believe him." We will lay ynu licside them. In a few davs this old whit; head will be laid next to you. I'll not I e ashamed to be buried soon beside you. John. You are so like the other John that I see the visions of happy hot uihkI while taing into the same true eyes confused with these is the pride I have taken in my friend's boy. V bile, we lay these bodies in the churchyard over the mount tin we'll apieal this case. We'll t ry it all over again upyontl. r. " Then 111 a few of the boldest and grandest figures l.e sketched his Idea ot a trial m Heaven, where, as be said, "in that glorious presence the, false witness m dumb and tlie Judge needs not the aid of counsel or of Jurors." Then lie pictiircd in low, vibrating tones the eagerness with which tlie mother ana the culm con fidence w.lh whn-li the lat.herawait"d Heaven's verd ct, the tiiiick rush, the entrancing, soul-satisfying embrace of both al the words "not guilty." Then taking up loth Imnds of the pr soner, he looked down in his face for a moment Kteu'dily, then, bending forward, with mother-like tenderness, kissed him twice on the forehead, saying in a whisper audible to all, "We can wait for that':"' So, good-. bye, .loltn, my loy." Mowing respect fully again to the Judge he took his seat, atill holding one of the pris oner's hands. The i .1st' n't Attorney, who through all this sat with his back half turned to the speaker ami tti the jury, nervously and excitedly chewing his .toothpick and crossing and rocrossiiiK his legs, began a re ply which quick 'y ended after a good look at tbe jurors' faces in a stam mering request to tlieni to do their duty. The .lulgo.'s charge wan scat tering. He seemed to scarcely know what lie said. The jury d d not hear him. Not tbe slightest incident oc curred t' break the spell. They went 'ut, r 'tn ned, and In a very few minneaU the verdict of '-not guilty -was recorded. What was t.iie force that "worked" this resultV KMMfllllf 1 HlN I 'll! III-!'. He was the sou of a worthy Chi and he bad just returned from college. The father was a matter-of-fact man who had do Uking for anything duilisb and he noticed with sot row that his sua returned with bangs and various other insignia of ftudodotn. The old gcntlemaB sur veyed him critically when he ap peared in his office, and then blurted out: "Young man, you look Jike a fool." Just at that time aul before tbe young man had time to make a fit ting reply a Irlena walked, lo. Why, hello, (J orge, have you re tut ned v" he asked. 'Tear me, how much you resemble your father." "So be has Just lieen telling me," ircplicd the youth, and from that day to this tho old gentleman has found no faulii with hangs. Tex.'ia Siftings. 'I lie I'orre of (iravlly. 'J'he force of gravity or attraction of gravitation diminishes toward the' center of the earth; tho attracting mass tuvfng diminished, Its force likewise decreases. In the center of tho ea th there Is no attraction of gravitation, so thai a body tailing1 through the earth would cease to fall when It reached tho center of the earth, and would remain suspended, moving in no direction. Mkn are not divorced now In Bos ton. The term In too emphatic, so now the Bostoufan merely "seven bis bonds." I th N all receipts for cooking requiring a leavening agent ROYAL BAKING e POWDER, because it is an absolutely pure cream of tartar powder and of Greater lcavenin' a" other powders, best results. It food lighter, flavor and more wholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO Where l.tfe la Insren.e Some evening you look around the village and see tlie people at. their usual occupations, and later on retire to rest, writes Dr. Laws, in the Zenana kerord. Suddenly the midnight sti 1 ness is broken by a distant call, and, alert, you raise yourself to listen. The call comes nearer, and is taken up and pas-ed by other voices, anil soon you are convinced it is the cry of alarm war! war! A few minutes more and the village is astir, the people rushing hither and thither, seeking to find safety in tho thickest bush a mother calling for her children, or child for molher.but unable to find each other because of the alarm and scare which have separated them. You spend a wakeful and watchful night, not knowing where the enemy may be, nor where his attack may take place. After long, anxio'is. weary hours you are thankful to notice the first glimmer of dawn showing itself in the east. A dangerous hour passes by mid the enemy who has been ex pected is not seen ; but later on you see smoke rising from a village miles away, and in the course of a few hours you may see men, women and children w i tit terror-striken faces, lorn limbs and bleeding feet hurrying past, or it may be, coming to you to get their wounds dtcssed. As you seek to re neve their pain you hear of how one child is missing, another has been car ried away captive it rid a third miir deretl, and the homes ot ail, with the.r stores of grain, have been binned to ashes. Stati: Olio, ( 'tTI of I ol.F.nn , 1 1,1 nsl oi vrv. t FtnNK .1. ( iiknkv n i:i Lea oath that he is t he ficniiir purl iter ot tin- tirtn of V, J. f'liKNKY l'o., doing business in the City or Toledo, Comity noil Stale aforesaid, null t hut -aid linn will pay the sum of (INK 11 1'Mlli 111) IH(1. 1. A Us lor each ami every ease ot Catarrh that cannot he cured by the nse of II v i.i.'h Catmiuh I 'i kk. I'RANK .1. ell KN KY. Sworn tohetore nicaiid snhsfriheil in my presence, this tith dav of lleceinher, A. J). lH.SIi. A. V. CI.KASON'. A'nm y Vuhlii-. taken internally lood and tnncoit Send for testi- Hall's Catarrh Cure is nod acts directly on the I MiriHces of the s sti m, in nials, free. I.. J. t il KN KY X Tole -old bv DrngL'islH. 'i The most Improved placed on locomotives aiibraKes now are capable of controlling a train of 100 curs Not a Local liecause Ca'arrh affects your head it is not therefore a local disease. If it did not exist In your blood it could not manifest itself in your nose. It is a constitutional disease, and lo cure it, therefore, requires a constitutional re medy and a thorough blood purifier like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which expels all trace of the impurity in which the dis ease originates, and thus perfectly and permanently cures Catarrt:. Remember Hood's5" Cures Sold by all druggists. 1 per bottle; six for 85. Ilood'a I'llla cure all liver Ilia, hllllmianeM, jaundice, lndinnlion, ale headache J.'s-. Tbe Oretest Medical Discovery of the Aje. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., , Has discovered In one of our common i pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. j He has tried it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now In his possession ovrr two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty mile of Boston. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'penect cure Is war ranted when tna right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes hooting pains, like needles passing through them; the came with the Liver or Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts being topped, and always disappears In a week fter taking It. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change ef diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of It Dose, one tablespeenful in water at betV time. Rea4 the Label. SeM for Book. per cent than strength . J Aill will the give make the sweeter, of liner 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. s Seventy-one railroads went into r ceivers' hands the past year. KS.KOO IKIIM Tl X At Hl.S. C A. M. Lamb, a market gardener in Pennsylvania, cleared $.",so;i on five acres of cabbage and five acres of onions. The reason of this, he nays, was liecau-e Salter's seeds are so ex tremely early and wondrously produc tive. Lightning 'abbafro and King of tho Karliest Onions bo had in tlie market three weeks ahead of any other home-grown sort-, and cc nse qreritly received fancy prices. sends 11") packages earliest vegetable seed, - iiflicient for a family, for $1, postpaid. If You Will t nt I hi Out and Send It with ho postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La t 'rosso. Wis., you will re ceive, their ma ninoth catalogue and a trial package of "Cot There, Kli,"the sixteen-day radish. In 1720 Stephen (iray discovered that electricity nets at a distance. "Browu s Bronchial Troches' are ex cellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Sore Throat. They are exceedingly ctl'ective." --Ctiriylittu Worlt London, Kmj. The first electric machine, a globe of sulphur, was made bv (Juericke in hilT. ATTENTION, FARMERS. h.-liaiitc your I. and or Karin for Kood City I'rot-erty and come into town and educate your children 1 1 1 this city id ciilU-es. i have resi dence trotti $ to $-t,.:)00 and lirtck Inisiness liloeka from J7,(Kk) lo flil.lwli, all rented and lirititfini.' in yood Income. 1 trade direct with lie iHi iuer and iay no romniisNtonx, Sen,i tor in y list ot n operty. .). A. Hcckhtafi, Lincoln. Neb. 1 1 -, ;'";:- ''?i ' -j tST1 . Lr1"." "" 'U ' -i '" A Kspecially (or Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands and others. Double sole ex i tending down to the heel. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY. Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is the best they ever had" ASK YOUE DEALER TOR THEM and don't be perBnaded into an inferior article. SUMMER SNOW for .V) veam. ffic one nuniy peacn ; eonies inir rrinn eert - aredlilur ncacllen arc lianli est. Standi, tf to lOdeg. more cold titan others: ss-yr.-oltl trees oii tW'O - BtAK WHEN OTHERS FAIL If lutei eted in Trees, Krnlta, ivosei, irroainemai. trotr nir or chard Book, Guide, prlctl -will wive ynu tnnney, and MORE: mistakes. Pointer - Wheat Ma;, hit. .aim es $: :tc. apples nulftay f2 wheat. OLD OAK PROCESS Whole Itoot trees at e carefully prnpaateU re fardless uf cont hy the one kiinwn nirtlmd that glvea fruitful, luntt lived i t ees. They "live longer and bear better. "See. Morton. They GROW una customer planted 11.300 Without LoUng a Tree. You ran'f eel better at any price, nor equally irood for lean morjejr; oura are the LOWEST PRICED Nurseries In II. S. for good stock sent world wide during S YEARS. Head the lhnuatul of letters from cost inner w ho ord cr year af ter year. Men do not a a rule send the second, the third, and even the jot It order, ir not fairly dealt with. YOUR ORDER we want It.wheth er for one tree or one million, be cause we have the itock to llll It Kino acre Nurseries. Tested, and hardy, tit Choice fort -ito.nuo seres Orchard In lil Stales. We shin everywhere, ihlp all Winter IS Cool Rlonure I FREE FREIGHT. STARK BRO S NURSERIES 4 ORCHARDS CO. One bottle for fifteen cents, ) . Twelve bottles for one dollar, ) Kipans Tabules are the most effective rec ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Hut of any driiKilat anywhere, or tend price to TMK 81 PANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, in Seams Sr., New Vo. Orcbaraa. Plant, encourage your neighbor to plant. It takes, today, a b'uabelof wheat to buy a peck of apples orehards pay. ritark Bros' share or co-ojerative orchards fur-, nitdied without money an Investment for the well-to-do, as well as for men of limited means, and providing orchards which' otherwise they miht never get. A great orchard system on thorough, business like plans, something never before at tempted. We practice what we preacti, show our faith iu our orchards, in our trees. two million trees, co-operative 6 percent, plan already planed; over two million, over iJU.unu ares, share plan, and aildit.g over half million a year. Farms with orehards doubling in value annually; a sure income. Our helps enable beginners to succeed. Write ns See adv. A Maryland paper apostrophises the electric railroad as "the goldeo link that binds contiguous communities in the bonds of prosperity." Soonkii ok Later a neglected Cold will develop a constant c ng , horniess of breath, failing strength, and wasting of flesh, all symptomatic of some serious Lung aiiectfoii. which may he avoided or palliated by using in time Dr. I) Jayne'a Kxpectorant. The Wisconsin Telephone company operates coin actuated pay stations and is saitl to be suffering losses from petty swindlers, who use the telephone by inserting in the siot pieces of metal in stead of coin. Hkkihim's I'n.Lsare a certain en re for weak Moinocli and disordered liver, and are famous the worl i over, li T cents a box. Star photography is one of the most tedious processes known. F PJJTJ If you have not " received one of the August Flower and German Syrup Diary Al manacs for 1894, send your name and address-) on a. postal at once, asking for Almanac No. 29, and you will receive by return mail, free of all expense, one of the most com plete Illustrated books of the kind ever issued, in which you can keep a Daily Diary or Memoranda of any mattera j'Tm defy re. Write quick, or they "will be all pone. , Address, G. G. GREKN, Woodbury. N. J. ASTHMA .. CURED. POPHAH'g ASTHMA BPKCIFIO .ivM Kcuef in FWo Minute. Trad Pacfcige .enl FilF.K. Sold bv Dru KiBU. One Box not poet-p&id oo r ciptofsimi. Six aozes, $4.00. Add. Tho3. Popham.Phila.Pa PBFITTIKST BOOK CC C BP HVKIi Pltl Vt'K SEED I vnti'itiMKii. i a- Cheap aa ttirt by us. anu at. OneCentapkg. I r. ir rare. C .'ip. pure, bat. 1 ,000.000 ItrlW. Hsantifn IllnntrWeS llataloarjo fr''C U 11. all UM WAY, ltocklord, 111. cellars Free Pecking. Free EXTRA COUNT illforlOU n a, Louitiana. Mo., or Rockierl, lll.l mail.