I -, - - THE MOUX COUNTY k J. SUumm. Editor and Proprietor. r. E. M. V R, R. Tim. table. Going Want. Going Cut t, nliitil, 11:11 1 5u. , mlxM .65 Hides wanted at the liardesa shop. The hunt' report the crop of jack rabbit in this locality a good. Qorg Olinyer ha moved his fam ily into the limine adjoining the M. E. parsonage. All kinds of wood work done at Priddy'g blat'kHmith khop, ophite The Journal office. Don't forget the meeting of the cem etery association at Tub Jotrvai. ollice, Vat 2 o'clock on Tuesday, Jan. ltith. We will bell the Inez lump coal for four dollar per ton cash, until further notice. IIkstek & & s. E. O. Hough's two youngest mjiis, Guy and Otto have been suffering from an attack of lunsr fever for the past few days. Samuel Jenkins, practical boot anil ho maker. Cowboy boot a pecialty Repairing promptly and neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second 4oor aonth court houite. J. H. Bartell was at Lut-k the lant of the week and cloned tlie deal for a well drill which he expecti to bring down in the near future and operate in Huh lo cality. V, A. Hetr dmlocated bin aboulder gain on Monday while at work. II got it hurt some years ago in conllict with a bronco and it slips out of place very easily ever since. C. V. Croudson lias rented both of his farms and expects to return to Illi nois in a week or so. He has a (arm there but it is sjfe to predict that he will return to Sioux county liefore many rmwii pass. The cold of last Thursday night caught a good many of the house plants, belonging to the ladies, without Hiiffl cent protection and as a result there is mourning at numerous homes. ' Sheriff Dew received word on last Friday that his mother was very sick at her home in (Ireenlleld, Iowa, and he started that evening for there. He did not reach there untd after she died, how ever. He is expected home the last of this week. The revival meetings at the M. E. church, under the leadership of Rev. Kendall, still continue and a lively in terest Is shown, Several have united with the church and others are likely to do like'vise. It is not known how long the meetings will be continued. Wo are informed that a numler of jKOit-Miekers from Iowa will lie here Within the tiext few weeks to select land. There is a prospect of quite an emigra tion this spring and in the event of gen eral good crops in this part of the state the coming season settlers will come in here fatter than ever Wore. While fixing a sleigh a few days ago W. B. Wright drove a nail into his knee which has caused him a good deal of ufferinjrand has laid him up ever since. It t thought that no serious results will be sustained, but it is safe to lielieve that Mr. Wright w ill see that his knees are out of danger when he goes to driv ing nails again. We acknoledge th receipt of on in vitation and complimentary ticket to the eeventh annual hall of the Railroad Conductors which is to be held at Chad ron, on Thursday evening, Januray lttth. The entertainments given by the con ductors are said to lie highly enjoyable and it would pi caw in to lie able to at tend. By the record of the proceedings of the county commissioners which appear In another column in vlll be swn that the iiU'jt'nii-iil is made the ofllcial paper and tin-rufore will receive S'U cents a square for publmhing the proceedings of the board. Tlie action was no doubt aken for the purpose of rewarding that paper and its editor for the excellent Worll done by them In tlw last campaign to defeat the Independent ticket in the ouatjr. The magnanimity of the Inde pendent commissioners, Messrs. Welier and Ifirieshoffi should be rewarded with leather meikil. Tlie doings of the MiMtv rrwnm MHitrtiira win 11 mum r in ' Till JofMMI. even If we do not have the pleasure of drawing Mj cents square t i m . . ... . . . r .ii.. .. j irom wie county treasury lor me worn. , The transfer of tha affair of the ounty from tlie old officials to the new took place Inst T.mrsduy without any Jar. Mr. Lindeman will remain in the clerk's office to close up some tinllnishetl bttslnam of his own and will Inolilently Mist Mr. Olewett in becoming familiar With the duties of the nflicei Judge Balker has been balancing tlie lxioks In the treasurer's office and will soon hare that done and the complete transfer of that office will be made. On Tuesday tha commissioners apKlnld ItoU-rt Wilson to the county Judgxhip, his name having been before the independent con vention for tliat place ami his residence beinx close to the county seat he ran perform tlie duties of the office with as little incontenieoce as arty one. Henry v. frieehntf took the neat on Tuesday which had been held by F. W. Knott for . N mt ttita yean and will perform the ttttMaof tha ottlca until the trial in the MftUrkt oom is heard) at least, and how taw iMrtr will be dXJMikd k tlie Ctfli PEBS01UL. John L. Kay was in town yesterday and called at this office. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Tut ker were up from Andrews yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Peter Schaefer wre no from Bodurc Monday. Christ Burgel was doing businewat the county seat Saturday. Alex Lowrv -al led yesterday to that with us for a few moments. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ttbbet were up from Five Points yesterday. Ex-Treasurer Gayhart returned to his home Ht Montrose Saturday. M. Hrui k came down from Ilouglass Tuesday to visit for a few days. (J. W. Ih'ster has lieen enjoying a fceif;e of the grippe fur some days past. P. N. Kirkpatrick made a business trip to Crawford the lirst ef the week. i. E. Lunsford came down from Van Tassell to sjend Sunday with his family. Treasurer Woodruff went home Satur lay evening, returning the first of the week. 'Squire S. R. Story was in town l ist Thursday and called and gave us some cash on suWription. Rev. Heck, who was assisting Rev. Ken dall in Ins meetngs, was called home on Thursday by the illness of Mrs. Heck. (I. W. lavis was in from the north west the first of the week and called at this olflce and gave us some cash on suWription. On last Saturday John Coffee re turned from his trip to Texas. He talked all the time before he left that he was going to see his mother, as the mother in Texas was all the mother he had in this world, and here he comes Isick and brings a bride with him. It was a little shabby in him to fool the folks so, but the best wishes of all are extended to the young people for a long, smooth voyage down the river of life. Owing to the sickness of his child Attorney Fisher was called east a few Jays ago and the ca.se of the contest on the commissioner had to lie continued, A. T. Clark came up from Chadron (he last of the week and arranged for the eonlinuance on behalf of Mr. Fisher. Mr. Clark recently came from the cast in search of a location and has lieen mak ing his headquarters at Chadron, und we ire informed that he has decided to come to Harrison and engage in the practice of law. As it is at present there cannot lie a law suit without one of the parties going out of the county for an attorney, is Mr. Conley is the only resident law yer. With two attorneys there will be some show for litigation. "It is given out quietly that the F. E. & M. V. has surveyed the ground for a new round house at this place to con tain twenty-four stalls. If the rumor proves to lie true it means that the road ntends building west from Casper this season. It is known that John Berry has made several trips through western Wyoming during the past year, and that he has just returned from one of these trips, but whether he was scenting out a trail through the South Pass or was looking for an entrance to Yellowstone Park no one knows except John and the lioard of directors, and they wont tell until the iron and bridge timbers are well on their way to Wyoming." Chad ron Cilitcn. The water famine which prevailed here for some days on account of the pump having got out of order came to ;in end on Monday by the use of a little ingenuity. It seems that a valve had got out of shape somewhat and as soon as that defect was overcome all ran smoothly. The repairs ordered some time ago can now lie kept as a reserve, but the lioUKe which wus so long getting twuke enough to Understand a plain or der ought not lie paid until the goods are put to use. There was no reason for any delay unless the wople who handle the goods In the factory were all Cele brating so much that they were unlit to attend to business. It Is hoped that no such trouble will ngnin occur. ( hud ron Lor I lie I, and 0 filer, Tlie following is a copy of the ofllcial order discontinuing the Chadron land ollice as received by Register MoCnnn and ttecelvcr Powers on Tuesday! 'Notice of the discontinuance of the land office nt Chndron, Neb, and its con solidation with the land office at Al liance, Neb, Notice is hereby given that the president of the United States, by executive order dated ftept. 11, lHiili, has pursuant to law directed that the b. S. local land office how located ttt Children, in the state of Nebraskai be discontinued and Its business and archives transferred tc and consolidated with the Alliance land office In said state. Further notice of the precise lime when the hind officers at Chadron will cease to receive applica tion for and transact busihess relating to the lands in their districti prepartory to removal, Ind when the land ofllcers at Alliance will be in readiness to receive application for the lands transferred, will be given by the register and receiver at Alliance by publication. tliVen Under my hand ut the City of Washington this 20th day of I Member, A. I). )ntW. By tha president I H. W. Lamorbcx, Com'r Oeti'l I-and Olhco." h Is reported that the officer of Chad ron and Alliance will confer together And fix the date of making tlie change) ml it is thought that it will occur in the latter part of March, The change will cause those living irt this locality who have occasion to appear at the land efflce Home Inconvenience) but those who live eatl of Crawford are tha one who will ban Dm moat catfM to ktlcwi 0 MISSION FifM RECORD. lUKKIkos, NlHklHl, Jail. 4, 14. Hoard of county cwiuiuiwtioiieni met l. regular wuHlon. 1're.ent: ('riitiiini,nii r M .-ber, a mid lrleljolf mid clerk. 1 he elerk tiu hi-lru lf 1 to iiiskfl reqiiiMl tlon for ii-eir revenue hhoika. The folios Iiik upixiiiitiiieiitn were made: A. Uowluud, ovrriu-rr of higliwBys, district fio. 11, While Hivi r prei Inet. John W. IMredorff, constable, Wurbonnet preilmt. Churle N-xton, UHtu-sMjr, istigiir 1-oaf pre cinct. i. A. liii-kiuson, overseer of highway, dis trict No. IB, Srmke (.'reek precinct. Mm tin J. r ritz. ncur, sheep t'reek pre el net. Vulentliie Thomas, overseer of highway dlnlrlct No. 17 sheep Creek precinct. Thomas Hrodcrson, Justice of the jieuce eheep ( reek precinct. Geo. AlbcrtMon, constable Slieep ('nk pre cinct. J. W, (irove, constable, ('ullouwood pre clnct. John Melnliart, Justice of tlie pence, Five points precinct. Michael HulfiiiK, constable, Five I'oiuti precinct. James Wilson, constable Hut Creek pre einct. James Mcl'ann, overseer of hlKhwuy for district .No. 4 Hat ( reek precinct. John liclieno, asse.HHor, Montrose precinct. Joseph AHiiton, overseer of highways for dUlrh t No. 1, Montrose precinct. J. W. Karuest, assesorlor HiiiiuliiK Wat er precinct, J. y. l ook, Justice of tile peace for Hun nfnif WHter precinct. Irving WHhoii, overseer of highway dis trict No. 15 KuutiiiiK Water precinct. Abraham H. I'onard, overseer of highway district No. 14 Cook precinct. Octave Harris, constable, for Cook pre cinct. William liixon, overseer of luirliways for road uutrlct So. 7 of Hodarc precinct. Homer A. 1'rlddy, constable for liowen precinct. John I. Davis overseer of IilKhwiiys, dis trict No. IS liowen precinct. Itoliert Wilson, comity Judge of Sioux county, Nebraska. .Solomon K. I story, member of soldiers re lief commission of Mioux county, Nebraska. V. A. Hester, member of brand committee of Sioux county, Nebraska. Tlie following overseers of highways an nuul statements were audited and certifi cates orderd lsud on tlie different road funds for amounts to the respective parties as follows : John 1. Iiavls, certificate on roud fund of road district No. lit for the sum of fKI. John Melnliart, certificate on road fund of road district No. 11 for tile huiii of J7. Gerhard Uelndcrs, certilicnte on road fund of road district No. 1 for tlie sum of tJ7. Solomon It. Slory, certificate on road fund of road district No. 3 for tlie huiii of 21. II. II. Kusnf-11, certificate on road fund of road district No. 13 for the sum of 4I0. S. W. Hall, certificate on roud fund of road district No. II for tlie sum of :I0. James K. Wallace, certificate on roiul fund ol road district No. 3 for tlie sum of aw. J. W. Hlxon, certificate on road fund of roud district No. 8 for the sum of t'M, Iiellrlck Nelson, certlllcate on road fund of road district No. II for tlie sum of tl. In the matter in regard to personal prop erty of J. W. Illcedortr and Mrs. J. W. Wee dorlf not ls-lng properly assessed u taken uji and according to opinion of the county attorney complainant in said mutter tiouIi have made complaint to lioard of cciuull.u tion during session of said board in June, Isttl, In order to obtain relief. On motion, board adjourned until 9 o'clock, a. in., Jan. 10, 1SA4. Harrison, Nib., Jan. 10, ItfU. Hoard of county commissioners met as per adjournment. Present : Commissioners Weber, Johnson and I'rleshoff and clerk. Minutes of last meeting road and ap proved. The following accounts were audited and allowed and warrants ordered drawn on sol diers relief fund of IrtW for same: Lewis K. Rcidcn, services as com... fi 00 -oloiiKin K. sajl'V, " ' WHO The following account was audited and al lowed and warrant ordered drawn on bridge fund of 1 K'.tt for same : James J. Kiazler, lumber for bridges...! 10 00 On motion the county clerk be and he hereby Is allowed fnKUO as salary as clerk ot county board for year ls4. On motion the county clerk lie ' anil lie hereby Is allowed 14'M.OO for assistant in oftlce during year 1H!4. On motion the county superintendent of public Instruction bo ami ha hereby is ill lowed M..V) per dny for services for year ls4. On motion the Independent, of Harrison, Neb., be and hereby Is designated as the oftl cial paper for sioiix county, Nebraska for 1HA4. The iKJard then proceeded to siljust the accounts of the treasurer and statement of adjustment was filed with county clerk. Ofllcial bond of Hobert Wilson, county Judge was presented and approved. On motion, the treasurer be and hereby Is instructed to transfer tlie sum of tnO.ill from the bridge fund of law to the bridge fund of IHss, the sum of vliiU from bridge fund of IstiO and the sum of HJ7.il from the bridge fund of lsui and the sum of (ss. 70 from the bridge fund of IsW, and the sum of HII9.4I from the bridge fund of 1MM to the bridge fund of 1HM. Thu following estimate of ospenses for Slons county was made tor the year ls4i liist.net court cxHns'saj-...i.fc....H,.fii(0 fill salaries 2,01 stationery.... . 1MI Ki I'rlutiugaml publishing-. .... 4 0.1 U.iails and bridges...,,..,. 2,.'mi0 (m luslilule IIKI Oil Inelilental exis'iises ... 4. 1,ijoh Insane ami pisir Hind. ..i-. M soldiers rcliel lund I mo 00 Ofllcers' lees 4........t..i..j.. taMl Oil motion the clerk lie uild hereby Is in strueied to hare II, M. Sutton, furnish to the county a Car load of Deer Creek coal at price stipulated In bill on ft lei provided G. W. Hester A Son do not furnish same on or before Jan. in, 1S114. On motion board adjourned without day. M. J. IH.SWKTT, County Clerki file sleighing has been pretty good for some daysi but the temperature has been too low to nnilie It highly enjoy able. a-Vn acquaintance of our Who livBi some distance from the county seat on a rond w hich is traveled by a good many peoplei kept a record of the numlier who ate at hid house during the year 18B3, besides his own family. The record showed that three hundred and eighty one meals were served, ami of that num ber, tlx were paid for. That is a pretty fair !llustrmtin of wettora hotpitahtjr, I Kstray Notice. Taken up on my premise, nine miles I Moultiwest of Harrison, on November 17, 1HV3, ) 1 buy mare Htsmt 5 years old, branded A on j light neck and riglit shoulder and A on left "boulder; I buy yearling tlli.-v hr uided A on ilfit neck and Y "i left boulder: I black yearling Alley branded A on rigiil neck ami Y on left shoulder. W. I.. IlOTT. LEAD THE WORLD. THE MOST CRITICAL PRONOUNCE i THEM INCOMPARABLY ! THE BEST IN ! TONE, TOUCH i AND DURABILITY. Write for Catalogue to ESTEY & CAMP, Chicago, 111. s I I.I.IVAN A COM.KY, lawyers. Will i-kactice is all the local, statl and federal courts and 1". S. l.und office. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. XW Ollice in Court House, HARRISON .... NKBRASKA L. E. HELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Keputrlng done on short notice. Oood work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. IIAIUUHON. - - . sk U. L. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber & H .ir Dresser, One Doer South of Hank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. HAZOItS AND WISWIRS fCT IN ORDEIt. W'9 t me t a : ( all, DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS lUrrUon, - Nebmika. NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH Pnrrliiw. Tirliets ttnd ( onslsn Your FrelrfM via tlie F., E.&M. 10$. C.&P. RAILROADS. II. fl. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Moitfinot'HK, J. H. HfdiANAS, tJen'l Fl-Hfjrlit Afjl. ' (icnl Pass, At. oMaha, neb. J. E. PIIINNEY, M. I). Plijslclnn ftntl Snrsroon. All rails given iil-ombt attention. Oftlce In lnt(t store, HAItllian. . 1 Mi'iilNl.KV A sToVKll, HarrUon, Nebr. own follow ln brand ; .ii? ato Tnirtr AVtAIO.IItAUCMAKKSj COPYRIGHTS. I OltTAIN A FATCNTf f k iMiwer nd Ml Bonmt optnhwi, Wlit r wbnlitv but rti mir rvntfi ice Ik the patent bonlne m. Omntuuntfa ctl nrnimmtiai. A HntiananK i n awmsiIiu Ptm am new IO vh Mb ikaai aeM In AIM eatalogiM ot Patmt tefeaa tkrouth Muiin 0, NWI Mnraat eireaiatina of anr on.. 93 a rar. KainnK Kuni) onniM mnM, fiaa. BolMlM Kdlt monthly, ftJO a rear- P"t niuunar nmiu oaav nd nkotOiiaBki of aai .lint lKIr to akov k otraa, 44r . suit, aankr 1 tali I ! I I CAN inmuiin paaai ohwibib nrienime amniiii WW art brou(t wlrtaly barotwlh mMlovltb M Mt ta Ua inrenuir. I'hta apleMid Mm lM4 wtwUT. alaaantlr lllnitrnion. ba b fltr Ih aison like wot la tk Am You Want Cook M Stove ARSTELLER Good mm&smsm -.Mil Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COMIC AND LOOK AT THKM. They Have also put in the Largest Stock of General ieroliandise, ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. MARSTELLER BROTHERS. HESTER DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. Agents for the Buckeye, And Walter A. Wopd MOWERS, REAPERS k BINDERS. HARRISON FOE INVENTIONS I'mK't'Rtcri nv Press Claims Fii:il 'ith the Ititerest of IIhho linvitijf cluinm nKinNt, the Onvernrrifnl ia llmt of INVENTORS, who oftan losi. tlm hcnelll of viilimiions twiiii-w or the Inronipniituucy or innttelit inn of Ihc tit Hil-ne,V cniihiyd In nl.tnin their nitcnl. Too nnich cure cumiot U pxercis.Ml in eni.nvm, 'oniiclciil unit relinlvl.) wilicitotn to procure piilciitu, for Urn value of u iiinl tlcpontl. g-tvul ly, if not, pnlhvly, upon the cure ttml skill of l he nltorney, With it view of proH'ctitiif iitvcntoi-.t fmni worllilea or cuttle ntttornera nnd of Rcein tlmt Invent iotiH nre well prolccteil hy rnlkl putt-tils, THE PRESS CLAIMS UOMI'ANV has rvtnincil cohikoI expert in putent pmctice nnJ ia thera fore pivpuretl to (ihtain I'atknw, timrrt istkikkkntrs makr svjcmi. kxaminationj, I'HKiKt't'TK KK.I KCTK1I lIA'iKH, UKu ISTKIl TK A III! .11 lIKs und COP VTK111TH, KKNOKH Hl'INMINH to Smrfc mid V A I.IHITV of PATKNTS, I'linMiClIt ml HKKKNI INflflSlili.MKMT SflTS, KIW, KTt', If J'od Imve un liwetition on Iv.iml soml THE PRES1! (.'I.A1MS COMPANY n sketch tir phologmph thereof, to.dlier with it brief d,ci'ipli.m of tlie. iniportniit features, and yon will ho iu one itilvis-il n trt the hest conrsn to piir.no. MudeU nre not neceiMry nnlvns the invention i of n cotnplicntiKl mtttir. If other ui infringing rn your rihtH, or if ymi are ch iril with iiifrififfeniont by ol.lmra, M)b mit the mutter to us fur a rdinbla OI'IVKW Iwfore nctitig on iho mnlr. Tn :c Pkkss Claims C'cmvaky, m Ftrrtt, northwwt WASlliNQTOS, IX C P, O. Box 441 s a j wtErDRRB0in, nmiiuylni; itttnnwy, WWi I m.u aa It villi yr Im4(Vv4 Hardware. Deering NEBRASKA. Tim Company. a SOW,