1 1 I The ioux County Journal VOLUME VI. IIARKLSOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 181)4. NUMBER 17. A -1 I 1 1 ,'t "J (I '. I .V- - j t .- ? - ' f --.. TALMAGE8 SERMON. ACHIEVEMENTS MADE UNDER NATURAL DISADVANTAGES. Dr. Talouie Prrftrtic sa Eloquent fcerujon at alivllla HI I'i.-t urr) ii Tt Hplrltual KuruurmKHinit for tin Wwk and Humble A Ilrrcrjr ItUi'otintR. ' rlnt Xmt Conulnt. Rev. Dr. Talmne, while in Nah tille on hU WcMU-rn loiture Umr, m )ecUtl an hm topic for Sunday a b-xt full of Bpiritual encouragement for tbotw who labor under diadvanU((e in thewtrmrgle of life Tho text choMen wan Isaiah xxxiii, it, "The lame take th nriv " The utter demolition of tho Annyrian ! host wan hero predicted. Not only j robuht men should go forth and father j me K)1W o! oon)iiot. but even men cripplod of arm and crippled of foot should go out ami capture much that wan valuable. Their physical diwui-vantae-e nhouk not hinder their reat enrichment. 80 it hat been in the pat: so it i now: ho it will bo in the future. Ho it in in all department. Men tailoring- under i,cmin"'ly t'reut di.sad vantage and amid the most un favorable cireumtftanees, yet makinjf (frand achievement, jjettinjf tfreat blessing for theniHclven. (jreat bleswiiiir for the world, great blo-intf for the church, and mo "the lame take the prej.- CaMfH in rolut. Do jou know that the three ureal poet of the world were totally blind Homur, Mian, John Milton' Do you know that Mr. PrcucoU. who wrote that enchanting look. "The Cnnjut'Ht of Mexico.' never aw Mexico, could not even ee the paper on which he wan writint'? A framework aeroin the sheet, Iwtween which, up and down, went the pen immortal. Do you know that iambiwio. the sculptor, could notee tho marble before him or the tho chisel witft which he cut it into nhapeH bewitchim'' I k you know thai Alexander Pope, whose jxiem will htt a long a the Kmli.-h lantruae. wan to much of an invalid that he hail to be ewed up every norning in rou;h canvas in order to wtand on his feet at ally Io yon know that (Stuart, the eolrt brateil painter, did much of bin won derful work under tho nhadow of the dungeon wheie lie hail been unjustly ! imprirtoned for ucbty lo you know ; thai Dernofthcnefi, by almottt super- , human exertion, tint had to conquer j the lip of hi own Mpeech bnforo he 1 conquertxi ajiemblaj.'eu with bin olo-j - s. IHr-sm kfn.V" that 'Tta.'ofi . rtrusjj.'lel all through innumerable ( aickne,(.H.rt, and that lxu-d Hyron and I hit Walter Scott went limping onlub- j fxit tbrou(h all their life, and that ! many 0'. the (rreat poet and paiuterH 2 and oratorn and httorian and heroea I of the world had oomething to keep them bwk, and pull them down, and impede their way. and cripple their physical or their Intellectual move- 1 merit, and yet that they punhed on and j pushed up until they reached theHjioilH of worldly KUceoHf., arid amid tho huzza I of nation and centtirien "the lame took j the prey." I You know that a vatt multitude of ' theae men started under the diad- vantage of olwc.ure parentage -klum- 1 bun, the Don of the weaver: Kergumm, , the atronomer, the win of the nhep- , herd. America the prey of the one: ! worlds 011 world the prey of On1 other. Hut what, U true in avoular directions ih more true in Kpirilual and rcligioiM directionM, and I pr oceed to prove it. i There are in all communities many I Invalids, They never know a well ttay. They adhere to their occupa tions, but they eo panting along the utreeU wit h exhauMtionw, and at even time they lie down on the lounge with achingM beyond all medicament. They ' have tried all prem ript torih, tlnsy have j gone through all the euren which were j proclaimed infallible, and they have ! come now to eurrcnocr to perM:tual ailment. They consider ! hey are among many dUadvantageit; and when they eo thoHu who aro buoyant in ; health wish by, they almotd envy their , robunt frame and ear.y rejii ration. But i have noticed among that in-1 valid dam t hone who have the greatest knowhtdge of the liible, who are in neare)t intimacy with Jomum 'hrit, who have the most glowing exix;ri Anues of the truth, who have h ml the rmxt remarkable ariHwern to prayer and who have mont exhihirant anticipation's of Heaven. Tho ternptutloriH which weary us who are in robust health they have conquered. "Th Ijhi.i. Take lh I'rfy." Many who are alert and athletic, and J awarthy loiter in the way -"the lamo ' take they prey.'' Kobert Hail an In- j valid. Kuward I'ayton an invalid, Kich- j ard liaxter an invalid, Samuel Kuthur-1 ford an invalid. Thin morning, when , you want to call to mind thowt who aro I moot Chrint-like, you think of aomo ! darkonnd room in your father's hoiiMt from w hich there went forth an in- lllience potent for elnrnity. A step farther: Through tamed let- j tarn the art of printing han boon 1 brought to the attention of the blind, j You take up the Bible, for the blind, j and you clone your eyon, and you run your fingers over the rained letters and j you say: "Why, I novercould get any j information in thin way. What a slow, iumbrons way of reading! lod help; the blind.'" And yet I find among that clam of ; oemons, the blind, tho deaf, and tho dumb, tho mottt thorough acquaintance wlthf-KKl's word. Shutout from all other sources of information, no sooner does thoir hand touch tho rained let ters than they gather a prayer. With out eyes, they look off iiKn tho king doms of God s love. Without hearing, they catch the minstrelsy of tho skies. Dumb, yet with pencil, or with irradi ated countenance, they declare the rlory of Ood. A largo audienu) sw-mbled in New York a the anniversary ' tne l,,( nd Dumb Asylum, and one of the visi ors with chalk on the blackboard wrote this question to the pupils, "Do you not find it verv hard to be deaf ana dumbv" And" one of the pupUs took the chalk and wrote on the black board this sublime sentence iu an swer, "When the song of the angels shall burst upon our enraptured ear, we will ,arce regret that our ears were never marred with earthly sounds." Oh. the brightest eyes in heaven will lie those that never saw on earth. The ears mont alert in heaven will lie th'we that in this world heard neither voice of friend nor thrum of harp nor carol of bird nor doxolojry of congregations. A lad who had been blind from in fancy was cured. The oculist operated upon the lad and then put a very heavy ttanduge over the eyes, and after a few we.-ks had gone by the bandage was removed and the mother said to her child. "Willie, can yon see?'' He said, "Oh, rAamma. is this heaven?" The contrast l;twoen the darkness before and the brightness afterward was overwhelming. And I tell you the glories of heaven will be a thousandfold brighter fur those who never saw anything on earth. Hoi- of thit t'utur. A step father: There are those in all communities who toil mightily for a livelihood. They have scant wages, i'erhajts they are diseased or have physical infirmities, so they are hin dered from doing a continuous day's work. A city missionary finds them up in the dark alley, with no fire, with thin clothing, with very coarse bread. They never ride in the street car; thev cannot afford the Scents. Thev never see any pictures save t hose in the show window on the street, from which they are often jostled and looked at by some one who seems to say in the look". ''Move on! What are you doing here looking at pictures?" Yet many of them live on mountains of transfiguration. At their rough table he who fed the 5.(l'Ml breaks the bread. They talk often of the good times thutar-e coining. This world bus no charm for them, but Heaven en trances their spirit They often di vide their scan! crust with some for lorn wretch who knocks at their door at night, and on the blast of the night wind, as the door opens U let them in, is heard the voice of him who said, "1 was hungry, and he fed nje.'" A'o cohort of Heaven will he too bright to transort them. By God's help they have vanquished the Assyrian host. They have divided among them the sjsrils. Ijune, lame, yet they took the prey. Mr 'fcn In Point. I was riding along the country road one dav, and I saw a man on crutches. I overtook him. He was very old. He trA grrlngTery slowly". At t rat rate U would have taken him two hours to go a mile. I said, "Wouldn't you like to ride?" Ho said: "Thank vou, I would. God bless you." When lie sat beside mo, he said: "You sec, am very lame and very old, but tho Ixrrd has been a good Lord to mo. I have buried all my children. The Ixrd gave them and the Lord had a right to tuke them away. Blessed be H's name! I was very sick, and I had no money, and my neighbors came in and took rare of me, and I wanted nothing. I suffer a groat deal with pain, but then I have so many mercies left. The Iird has been a good Lord to me." And before we had got far 1 was in doubt whether I was giving him a ride or he was giving me a ride! Hr said: "Now, if you please, I'll get out hern, .fust help me down on my crutches, If you please. God bless you. Thank you, sir. Good morning. Good morning. You have been feet to the lame, sir, you have. Good morning.-' swarthy men had gone the road that day. I do not know where they came out, but every hobble of that old man was toward the shining gate. With his old crutch he had struck down many a Sennacherib of temptation which has mastered you and mo. Lame, so fearfully lame, so awfully lame, but he took the prey. A step farther: There are those who would like to do got si. Thev say, "Oh, if i only had wealth, or if I had elo quence, or if 1 had high sM-iHl ssition, how much i could accomplish for God anil tho church!" 1 stand here to-day to tell you that you have great. opjor turiitics for usefulness. Who built the pyramids? The King who ordered them built? So: the plain workmen who added stone after stone and stone after stono. Who build tho dikes of Holland? The government thatordered the enterprise? No: the plain workmen who curried the earth ami rang their trowels on tnti wall. Who are those that built these vast cities? The capitalists? No; the car penters, the masons, the plumbers, tho plasterers, the tinners, the roofers, de pendent on a day's wages for a liveli hood. Anil so in tho great work of as suaging human suffering and enlight ening human ignorance and halting human iniquity. In that great work, the chief part fs to bo done by ordinary men, with ordinary speech, in an or dinary mariner, and by ordinary means. The trouble is that in the army of Christ we all want to bo captains and colonels and brigadier generals. We are not willing to march with the rank and file and do duty with the private soldier. Wo want to belong to tho re serve corps anil read about the battle while warming ourselves at the camp fires or on furlough at home, our ftet upon an ottoman, we sagging hack into an armchair. As you go down the street you see au excavation, and four or live men nre working and perha)8 2) or M leaning on the rail hsikingover at them. That is the way it is in the church of God to-day. Where you find one Christ ian hsrd at work, there aro ?ii men watch ing tho job. Oh! my friends, why do you not goto work and preach tho gospel? You say, "I have no pulpit." . Vou have. It niav bo the crixnter's bench, it may be tho mason's wall. The robo in which you arc to proclaim thin gospel may be a shoemaker's apron. But woe uato you if you preach not this gospel somewhere, somehow! If this world is ever brought to Christ it will be through the unanimous and long con tinued effort of men who, waiting for no special endowment, consecrate to God what they have. Among the most useless people in the world are men with ten talents, while many a one with only two talents, or no talent at ail, is doing a gn at work, and so "the lame take the prey." There are thousands of ministers of whom you have never heard in log cabins at the West, in mission chapels at the Last - who are warring against the legions of darkness, successfully warring. Tract distributers, month by month undermining the citadels of sin. You do not know their going or their coming, butthe footfalls of their min istry are heard in the palaces of Heaven. Who are the workers in our Sabbath-schools throughout this land to-day? Men celebrated, men brilliant, men of vast estate? For tho most part, not that at all. I have noticed that the chiet cbarac teristicof the most of those who are sue cessful in the work is that they know their Bibles, are earnest in prayer, are anxious for the salvation of the young, and Sabtiath by Sabbath are willing to sit down unoliserved antPtell of Christ and the resurrection. These are the humble workers who are recruiting the great army of Christian youth not by might, not by power, not by pro found" argument, not by brilliant anti thesis, but by the blessing of God on plain talk, and humble story. and silent tear, and anxious look, "the lame take the prev." Oh! tiiis work of saving the youth of our country how few appreciate what it is! This generation tramping on to the grave we will soon all Iks gone. j What of the next? Not Talent. Hut KITort. An engineer on a locomotive going j across the Western prairies day after 1 day saw a little child come out in front of a cabin and wave to him. So he got ! in the habit of waving back to the j little child, and it was tiie day's jov to ! to him to see this little one come out in ! front of the cabin door and wave to him j w hile he answered back. ' One day the train was belated and it came on to the dusk of (he evening." ! As the engineer stood by his post he I saw by the heudlight that little girl on 1 ties track, wondering why the train i did not come, looking lor the train," ; knowing nothing of her peril. A great j horror seized uisin the engineer. Ho j reversed the engine. He gave it in : charge of the otner man on board, and then he climbed over the engine, and ; he came, down on the cowcatcher. He I said, though he had reversed the en- irine, it seemed as though it were : going at lightning speed, faster andi I faster, though it was really slowing Lupt and with alaoitturmV'rt! thftcu ' V... ...... tV,.,. ..Kilr! I... .,',. .....I 1 .niiui. kJinu 1 aim 111 tui; nun auu I lifted it up. and when the train stopped j and tho passe tigers gathered around to 1 see what was the matter, there tho old engineer lay, fainted dead away, the little child alive and in his swarthy arms. "Oh," you say, "that was well done." But i want you to exercise some kind ness and some appreciation toward those in the community who are. snatching the little ones from under the wheels of temptation and sin snatching them from under thunder ing rail trains of eternal disaster, bringing them up into resisictability in this world and into glory for the w world to come. Y'ou appreciate the engineer did. Why can you ap preciate the grander work done by every Sabbat n school teacher and by every Christian worker? Oh. my friends, 1 want to impress upon myself and upon yourselves that it is not the nnmls!!- of talents we pos sess, hut the use wo make of them. ..., t..,, f,...ii...l Tl.u. t 1 ...: " , . .:..' . : lilBitv n;u in, mnMiuiniicw iwui .jqlt1 ting to Heaven. At my desk in Christian Herald office I am in daily receipt of numerous letters from people brought up in good families, and who had Christian parentage, but who frankly tell me that they are astray a thousand miles from the right track and fear their case is hojieloss. My brothers, it is to you 1 want, to preach now. 1 have been looking for you. I will toll you how you got astray. It . was not maliciousness on your part. It j was Kjrhups through the geniality and ; sociality of your nature that you fell j into sin. You wandered away from ' your duty: you unconsciously left the 1 house of God: you admit the gospel to bo true, and yet you have so grievous ly and so jirolongedly wandered you i say rescue is impossiblo. J i t would tnke a week to count ui the ' names of those In Heaven who were on earth worse than you tell me you are. They went the whole round of iniquity; they disgraced themselves; they dis graced their household: they despaired of return Isjcauso their reputation was gone: their property was gone: every thing was gone. But in some hour like this they heard tho voice of God, and they threw themselves on the di vine compassion, and they rose up more than conquerors. And I toll vou there Is t he same chance for you. That is one reason why l liko to preach this gosi-el, ho free a gospel, so tremendous a gospel. It takes a man all wrong and makes him all right. In a former settlement where I preached, a member of my congrega tion quit the house of Gisl. quit re specUible circles, went into all styles of sin, and was slain of his iniquity. The day for his burial came, and his Isxl.v was brought to tho house of God. Homo of his comrades who had de stroyed him were overheard along the street, on their way to the burial, say ing, "Come let us go and hearTalmage damn this old sinnf r!" Oh! I had noth ing but tears for the dead, and l had nothing but invitations to tho living. You sec, I could not 00 otherwise. "Christ Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost." Christ in His dying prayer said, "Father, forgive them," and that was a prayer for you and a prayer for mo. A l'rntiil ApHnf. Oh, start on tho road to Heaven to day. You aro not happy. The thirst of your soul will be slaked bythe foun tains of sin. You turn everywhere but to God for help. Right where you are, call on Him. He knows yon; He knows all about you. He knows all the odds against which you have been con tending in life. Do not go to him with a long rigmarole of a prayer, but just look up and say. "Help! Help!" Yet you say, "My hand trembles so from my dissipations. 1 can't even talse hold of my prayer Unik to sing." Do not worry abort that, my brother: I will give out a hvmn at the close so familiar you can sing it ithouta book. But you say, "I have such terrible habits on me, 1 can't get rid of them.1' My answer is, Almighty grace can break up that habit and will break it up. But you say, "The wrong i did was to one dead and in Heaven now, and 1 can't correct that wrong." You can correct it. By the grace of God, go into the presence of that one, and the ajiologies you ought to have made on earth make in Heaven. "Oh," says some man, "if 1 should try to do right, if J should turn away from my evildoing unto (he lord. I would lie jostled, I would be driven back, nobody would have any sympathy for me." You are mistaken. Here, in the presence of the church 011 earth and iu Heaven. 1 give you to day the fight hand of Christian fellowship. God sent me lu re to-day to preach this, arid he sent you here to hear this: "j;t the wicked forsake his way. and the unrighteous man his thought, and let him return unto the Lord, who will hae mercy, and unto our God. w ho will abundantly pardon." Though you may have been theworst sinner you may ecoine the best saint, and in the great day of judgment it will be found t lint "where siu alxninded grace does much more alsiund," and while the spoils of an everlasting king dom are being awarded for your pur suit it will lie found that "the lame took the prey. " Blessed be God that Wo are this sabbath one week nearer the obliteration of all the inequalities of this life and all its disquietudes. " Yeai-s ago. on a Isiat on the North River, the pilot gave a very sharp ring to the Ull for the Isiat to slow up. The engineer attended to the machinery, Mid then he came up with some alarm n deck to see what was ,.he matter. He saw it wns a moonlight night and there were no obstacles in the way. He went to the pilot and said: "Why did you ring the boll in that way? Why do jou want to stop? There's nothing the matter." And tho pilot said to him, "There is a inlht gathering on the river, don't you see. that? and there iv'nfght gathering darker and darker, and I can't see the way." ',T lien the engineer, looking around it 1. ,,,..,.i',r,Ki irfjked into the face of the pilot and u ii'M ti- nun ft 1,1 iju. iuiiviui j ,'v 'hat he was dying, and then that W'Vm n ad." God gi UlWItatt when . 1.. .. . u our last moment comes we may oe found at our post doing our whole duty. And when the mists of the river of death gather on our eyelids may the good Pilot take the wheel from our hands and guide us into the calm hurlior of eternal rest! lirop tbe anchor, furl the Bail, 1 am gars ivlthin tli vale. flips IllsplaciiiK Chinese In Au stralia. The Japanese, who so long re mained true to their beautiful island, have now begun to follow the ei- ample of the Chinese and emigrate in comparatively laiye uuuiuers. xue ; Government looks with favor oo this j change Id the customs of the people, land encouraircs It as much as pos&i j blc Last year, according to the sta j tistics recently compiled, 24,(H0 men . and is, 000 women left .Japan to Bud homes for themselves abroad. Most of them went to Hawaii and Au- j stralia, and a few to Canada and to this country, in Australia me Japa nese easily find employment and are fast superseding tho natives in the j plantations about Cairns. Dungeness, and Mackay. I fie v accustom them- selves qu:ck!y to the now manner of j life, learn the language readily and I work diligently. Many Australians ' already prefer them to the Chiuese as house servants, gardeners and coach men. New York Tribune. A New Knamrl. The protection of metals from rust and other atmospheric influences has been the subject of many recent pat ents, and of these the newest is for an enamel for gas apparatus and dec orative work of all kinds For deco rative effect the capabilities of this enamel are gieat. All colors, the most delicate tints iu any number, are either dead or bright, arid both gold and silver, also either dull or polished, are obtainable in the same I casting, and all ailke are unchangea- ble. being affected neither by expos tire to the air nor to any heat up to a bright rod. The II I tn of enamel is so thin that the most minute microscopic details of tho metal are unchanged. Cast ings protected in this manner are not only capable of line artistic treat ment, but they are also claimed to Is) absolutely permanent and proof against dirt and smoke, which dis lluure other work so rapidly. Hitf Con 11 try, l.iltle Kong, The national airs of great coun tries are short, while those of little countries are very long. For In stance, "God Save the Ouecn" is 14 burs, the liussian hymn Hi bars, and "Hall Oolumbla," the foremost among the American airs, hasi'S bars. On the other baud, Slam's national hymn has 7 bars, that of I ruguay 70, Chile's Hi, and so on. San Marino, the smallest republic in the world, has the longest national hymn. The national hymn of China is so ions that when people want to hear it thev have to lake half a day off to 1 able to listen to Its strains. COMMERCIAL- BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. BKKWSThK, President. D. HGRISWOLD, CaXhier. AUTHORIZED CAPITA. S")0000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: Americas Eicha oV Nation t Ba.nk, U.vi'A SryTTES National Bank, Omaha, First Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tlTDRAFTS SOLD ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. THE PIONEER Ph y J. L PHWIfB, Proprietor Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, OilsXandV arnishes. t-ARTISTS' MATERIAL. School Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or iJight. SUNS & SUEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. THE j C. F. CorrvB, Vice-Prcsidrat. New York, National Bank, Chadron. macy, UTBRU8HE8 Scmrolies. . " p.- . , 'if: - v.. 5 , f V. , ..v r i .v. I ft. '. Q .'it ft r ' eu f