TbJU'i A 4 vie. Mr. Cbota taTiiir arrived at the old lighted air, did not reeogoiaa it, or did lot wish to commence t.e uae of plusies. 1q pleading .1 eanae h iia I difficulty in itaiug ln n rfr and in onirr properly jo decipher Ins manuscript, kept hold ing hU paper far:hr and farther off. Oh mi oeeaaion thi so annoyed the judge that be at lau burst out witU "Mr. I'hoie I would advise you to vt oneofto tbinga-eilher a p tir of tonfj cr a pa r Df pc'acl?."-Saii Kra.ieisoM Argonaut TB3J Is liable to great functional disturb an thronn sym pathy, bysjiqisia, or ludifrmt urn, nfirti CtUKl It U) pallrf- . tale in a (iistremniz I way. Nervous l'rue Itration, liability and I Impoverished Blond, laiso ruw its too rapid puliation. Many turns, Simml Affc'tion, cause it to labor onduly. Bufferers from surti Nerv oui Affartiooa ofton imni- themselves the T KU ma of organic btirt dtst-aw. all m:koi h dikeancn, as Pa ralysis, IxH-tmictiir Ataxia, l-l"fy, or VMM, rit. Vitus. l)aiw, HlnfplnwwiM. Nerv ous lYostraUim, Nervous Itrtnlity. Neural gia, Melanrbulut and Kindred Ailment, are treaUnl as a sm'iilty, with put ii"s, by the HUff of tlie Invalids Hotel. Kur Famphlet, Referewes, awl (funiculars, en close HI oeiit, in stamps for piattuge. Ad ins, H'oitl.n' DiHi'KNBART MjlDICaX, Asoociat:on. Uuirulo, N. Y. KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort and improvement and lend to pewonal enjoyment when rightly uwd. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with leaa eipenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best product to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Fig. Its excellence is due to it presenting In the form moot acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing find truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax tive; effectually cleansing the ttyfUrn, dispelling colds, headaches and leyi'it and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and liowels without weak ening them and it U iK-rfectly free from every objectionable substance. fyrup of Figs is for sale by all drug risU in 50c and f I bottle, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose mime is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of r igs, and being well informed, you will not accept anv substitute if offered. The) Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst bcrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. . , . A benefit is alwavs experienced from the first bottle, and a penect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being topped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. If the stomach is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Read the Label. Send for Book. Mothers Friend" nip CHILD BIRTH EASY, Colrtn. Ia, Deo. 8, 188a -Mr wife used HOTHXB'S FHJBWD before ber third sonflnement, end says she would not b without it for hundred of dollars, DOCK MILLS. Sent brexpraMoa receipt of price. per bot Us. took To Mothers "nulled free. BmADTIILO MQULMTO oo., sms sv m S4HM4WTS. ATLAMTA e)A Ely's Cra Balm Ul ICKLV CUBIC COLD III HEAD EE 3 ApplT Bslm Inwesnh ni(ir. r.I,T BBOS 4 Wnrrrn HI..N. f rHritiiiMt( noiici earn is wsT hnhi .imi wi ""i'1 r BEE f TTTIir-" sud people who hsvs week hisi or Ath .shoaMase riso'iCsrs for Ooas'SisiiM. It hss tmrrt Hmnr-1- It fees not Injer at mum. II Is not s4 u Isks. It It tse sett aoa(B irrsp. on vsrrwwrs, ft- J IUV "-TO Ha v mm mi m u LAW COUNTS FOR LITTLE. A Kailraatd Murvpjror'4 Kipertanca with m IMuptrtoaa rors;l saocMU.hl.ier. "A good many year ayo I was build nif a railroad in Gcorxia," sail a surveyor to a writr for the New York Tribune ! am a Georgian, and once, while following a survey. I saw a chance to ride acroM the moun tains and thence to my home to visit my father. It wa early in the 1 afternoon when I started on my long ride. The luoon was sMoing hitfh in the heavens when I began to climb. 1 was jogging peacefully up the in cline, when, from a shadow, a horse and rider came out from the side of tbe road ami fell in at m v side. "Good evening, stranger,' said, the man politely. J Good etenin.', Kir. 1 said, glad of even unknown company. i " 'W hich wav are you going?' asked my nsw con. nan ion. " () er the inountains' I an-! swered. " 'Reckon I'm going that way, too, ' j he said, an I then 1 had an oppor-: tunity to look at my friend's face. It ( was a strange face. Miiooth-diaven, young and vet old. It was calm and j placid, as expressionless as stone, and yet there was a certain set aiiout the j jaws that kept me uneasy. And no mailer now ouen i looKeu ai mm, i how i uickly I turned inv glance on ,' his face, his deep-set eyes were al- j ways watching me.. I felteve i when I d.d not look at him that he was watching me like a cat Wo rode, for hours, talking as one does with j that class of people, mil 11 at nearly; daylight we had crossed the moun-! tains and were making our way along i a comparatively lex el road. When j wc came to the river which we bail i to ford in;' friend reined up " -This is as far as 1 go,' he said. ' 'I'm sorry to loc you,' I replied ' civilly. " 'tranger,' he said, when rny horse's forelegs were In the river, where are you from?' ' 'Georgia,' I answered; 'this is ruy . State.' " 'Who's boy arc you?' '"Juditc S a.' " 'If that so?' he paid. in a calm voice. 'Why, do you know what 1 took you for? Ke otitic! Yes, sir, and I carue near shooting vou, sir. Half a doen times on that ride I ma le up my wind you were a reve nue, sir, and each time 1 was Just ready to do U. Hut 1 hated to i o it, sir, you looked so wjuare. I'm glad 1 didn't.' " So am 1,' I answered, with a false, jerky laugh, for that emotion less man gave me the chills, and I sent my horse across the ford. " 'Good-by,' 1 cried from t: e other side. . J . , . , ,rK I " t .ooo-uy, sii, ""n-u. nis norsc carn. u ...... . .. ... t..c K..j . light, and I felt a sudden sense of. zreat relief.' old New Orleans. Let us turn back to the I'rencn market. tor there is beautiful, quaint old Jackson Square, and be hind it the twin spires or St, l.ouis Cathedral, both of them ji:st where lilenville staKcd out the around for them 12.1 years ago. He called the square (and it was so called for more than a century) the I'lace d'Armes. The plan was for six streets to run behind the square parallel with the river-bank, w.th six crossing them at right angles on the square's left, and six others doing the same on its right, the whole having the levee In front and a wall of eaith and pali sades on the other three sides. Cer tain streets even yet show by their names where this old wall aud its moat were, ( anal street, 1. am part, Esplanade, making what Is still called the "vieux carre," the old quare. This is but a slender frac tion of the present Creole New Or leans ixdow Canal street; but it is the ;ld, the historic Creole Quarter; and there was not much more than this when Claiborne, the young Virginian, was the first Governor of the State of Louisiana, and Andrew Jackson, the savior of ew Orleans, parleyed, in vonder room whose windows still look out upon the old siuarc, with Latitte. the pirate of the Gulf of Mexico, and accepted his aid to drive oaCK IDC JiriMUl liivauci. tiiu long, thin city stretches up and down the bends of its river-harbor twelvo miles and more, and promises ere long to have a quarter of a million inhabitants. Just behind the "vleux carre," and facing Itaiupart street midway be tween Canal and Esplanade, iust as Jackson Square faces the levee, is a piece of public ground "whose pres ent namo of Congo Square," as some body says, "still preserves a re minder or its oiu uaruar.c pasumes. ror uvrts it js wuuhs mic v.. ilaves, when this was outside the town gates, used to dance their wild flances, the Bamboula and the Ca- llnda. Here, for many years, was ai d many a bull kasA Pa ronn lonoki Cavetano's circus flizht. Here is where 1'arson Jones preached, and whore liras Coupe was lassoed. You do not know them? It doesn't matter; they were only friends of mine; but 1 hope you will know them sometime, when you are grown older. George W. Cable, In St. Nicholas. One or Waller Hiiott's Heroine. The memory of Iteliecca Grat, the 'Iteliecca" of "I van hoc, has been revived recently t- su u t rt n fi i tf.ur.iii hr ,,M.iim i... w i,it- t....st. .r Mlc.kveh Israel College. Hut, un - known to the ma orlty of I'hiladel- nh'ans, two other monuments to her memory nave oeen long ai.anumg in their midst. Itebecca Grat. foundci tbe first Jewish Sunday school In the world at he time when Robert .lalkes In England and Wesley In America were doing the same service for tbe I'roteitant Church. She gatb arcd together fifty little Jewish shlldren of this city mod taught them every Sunday. That school, founded j by her, still meet at Touro Hall, j corner of Tenth and Carpenter, streets, and the membership has tw r. . u n frnm ft tsi 1 '.lid OfhilA 3 ' direct branch flourishes at tbe cornei of Third street and Glrard avenue. The Gratz mansion and orchard stood where tbe street that took her fath er's name now meets IiamonJ; and it was tbere that she was first intro- dur - ed to Washington Irving, who praised her to Mr Walter Scott, and who in bis turn gave her, Idealized, to the world Philadelphia Itecord. A New Monkey. j Monkeys, as a rule certainly as we in America know them are not! distinguished for go id manners, beauty, or tidiness and surely not for elegance or grace. Y'et now we j have a new s;ecies to consider, a ! monkey possessed or all these good J qualities, yet da ful and a tive as j any of its frisky kindred. For its ! introduction we are indebted to Dr. Ablsitt of Philadelphia, who discov ered it recently at Mount Kiliiua- N aro, in the ea tern pirt of ejua I torial Africa, and In ought hack to America tine specimens. Not only i are these monkey neat, itiieU and : well-behaved, but thev are among the most beautilul of annuals, and they are said to take the greatest care not to soil or to injure the hair long coat of with which they are adorned. The drapery of silky, silvery-white ba r begins at the shoulders, exteudsulong the sides of the body, and nr. ets over th lower part of the lack. W hen the animal springs swiftlv from one Uiu'h to another the floating of this beautiful mantle gives it the appear ance o f being winged. The chin, throat, lemp es, sides of the head, and a band above the eyes are also white, the rest of the body is covered with soft, glossy, jet black fur. The tail, which is unrivaled by that of any other monkey in the world, Is iringed with pure white hair that ; gl stens like spun glass, and the hair gradually increases in length as it approaches the tip, where it droops like a festoon of silvery grasses. The live brought here by Dr. Ab bott and presented to the Smithson ian Institution, are with one excep tion, it is believed, the only 8iei:i mens that have ev -r been seen out side the native home of the animal. The caudatus, as this species has been named, belontrs to a remarkable genus of so-called thuinbless monkeys which have in the last ten years fur nished millions of victims to the god dc-i-s fashion. Their lieautiful skins have been so tireatlv in demand lor robes, (apes, and iniitTs that the whoic race is In danger of extinction The spec es most valued lor this pur , p,,!,.,.,.., ,.,, ,,f Ahvssinia. - , , , u lneca,)da. . r'tUna it .(inskwal)iv. i though not nearly so beautiful. St N icholas. 'look H for a ;rHshopper. A distinguished naturalist of the California Academy ot Sciences was traveling in Australia where he saw a kangaroo In session and threw a stone at it The i.ig kangaroo im mediately adjourned, tracing against the sunset sky a parabolic curve spanning seven provinces and van ished lielow the hori.on. The distinguished naturalist looked intcreste 1 and said nothing for near ly an hour. Then he said to the na tive guide: "Vou have pretty wide meadows here, I suppose?'' "No, not very wide," the guide an swered: "about the same as they are In England and America." After another lontf pause the natur alist spoke again, "The hav which we shall 1 urchase for our horse this evening I shall i (!X)ect to find the stalks about fifty feet long. Am 1 right?" I "Why, no," said the guide, "a foot! or t wo Is about the usual lernrtli of ' hay. What can you be thinking of?" . The distinguished naturalist of the California Academy of Sciences, I made no Immediate reply, but later, ' as in the shades of night they jour- j neyed through th" desolate va-tness , j j,,, of the great lone land, he broke tne 'I was thinking," he said, "of the magnitude of that blanked grass hopper." Ah Sin's Trick. San Francisco customs officials j have just been convinced anew that ! they have yet much to learn of the j tricks and devious ways of Ah Sin. I Six months ago some ;t00 Chinese j "actors" were landed In San Fran j Cisco, under permission granted by 1 resolution of Congress, to form the , populaton ()f a Chinese village at the Chicago Fair. Th y were care fully examined and transferred un der guird to the train for Chicago. Hut only aiiout one-third of the num. b(,r thal ,cft San .i-anCSC0 showed , ,n lhe ?i al lhe fal. and in lr . ... the,closing days or the rair imtmiri-v could be mustered there. It Is time, according to the RchcduR for the .'100 "actors" to re-embark for China, but noshing has been heard of theru In San Francisco It now tran-plre that each of the alleged actors paid a Hong Kong ti rut of Chinese fr the privilege of bel mglng to the v l. lagc party. If any s' cceeded In elm' . '"K th0 vigilance or me i.mtpa Mates oncers ana seiiieu saieiy 111 una country, the ;!K0 was to b'long to a1 the firm: if comucllod to return the j numcy was rorunded. The Mrm Kowong, Hong, On Cu, has -4,000 i on ueptw.w aim 1.0..0 u. t..c actors seem likely to re-em nark, the Arm is reasonably well assured of Its ultimate possession. Davis Who says the day of mir acles la past? Judge Hogan per formed one yesterday. Henklns No? What was it? Darls He gve deaf man a hearing. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOULTTELY PURE Proving H foiot A certain little girl from whom the Listener sometimes hears is evidently going to be a great logician! When she as called upon at school the other day torecitsa verse lrom the beatitudes, she responded with, "blessed are the drecunakers, for they sha'l see God." ' Hut. my dear girl," exclaimed the teacher, 'it is not 'dressmakers;' it is peacemakers. Well," the child an swered stoutly, "my mother has a dressmaker, aiid she makes dresses out of pieces." A Morilfiril Wlialebark. .Ship builders have been interested in the construction recently at Sunc'er land, Kng., of a novel craft modili eation of the wbaleback. type, now so familiar on our western lakes. In the Misdescription of this new Knghsh steamer, the only one of its kind yet built, it appears, says Science, that the hull is shaped like other vessels from keel to water line, but from the latter the shell is rounded olf upward and inward until it terminates at the upper deck level in an upright structure termed a turret, running. fore and aft. The vessel has no shear, the deck reaching in a perfectly straight line fore and aft; the plating, curving in ward from the water line to the turret rk is thick and strontr like that of rhe hull proper, so that the whole skin -if tliH vessel Is of the same decree of thickness throughout. The engines ire placed aft, as in the construction -if wbaleback steamers, by which ar rangement there is a long, continuous hold from the engine-room to the fore jastle, this being interfered with only by the necessary bulkheads. Another feature nertaininir to this steamer is the location of the boats, and the. ac coinmodation for engineers and crew, ill abaft the enirine-room. though the captain and ollicers are placed, usual, under the bridge forward. .-,O00.00O Tolmcco Hill Saved. CuicAdO. Dec. 2:i. ISoecial.l -The Jhicago inter Ocean's Illustrated Sup plement, describing tbe great success iu.d merit of NO-TO-HAC, has made it famous iu a day. Mr. 11. L. Cramer, the active man, was seen today at his ollice, )." I!an doloh St.. aud in talking of NO-TO BAG'S growth, said it was hard work to keep up with the rapidly increasing demand, as every t.ox som aavertisea NO-TO-IJaC'S merit. lie said. "N.;- I'O-HAC is not sold on the strength of the thousands and tens of thousands ot testimonial statements, but under an absolute guarantee to cure, or money refunded." '' hat made a long story about merit very short, as it absolutely protects the user from physical injury or financial loss. "Why." said he. '-NO-TO-HAC will make 100,000 cures this year, and the saving will average ii0.00 for every one cured, or a grand total of $5,000,- 0 0 saved from going up hi smoke and out, in spit." .NO-IO IiAt is, indeed a God-send to the poor man these hard times. According to the testimonials, however, the money-saving is the least consideration, lor almost every one reports an Improvement of the nervous svstem. increase iu weight, and a re vival of physical and mental powers that is indeed miraculous. Prominent physicians look upon NO-TO-HAC as "a great success, and are very free fa prescribe it. Every wholesale drug house in this country and Canada sells NO-TO-li XC, and the retail druggists are pushed to supply customers, and the direct mail demand is immense. The cost of NO-TO-UAO compared with results is a small matter, as the saving in a week pays the cost of a cure for a life time. NO TO-BAC is sold for 11.00 a box. or three boxes for $2.50, with a guarantee to cure, or money re funded. A few extra copies of the Inter Ocean Supplement (8 pages.) illustrated in five colors, have been secured and will be mailed for the asking, by addressing The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago office. 45 Randolph St.. New York ollice. 10 Snruce St., Laboratory, In diana Mlneia' Springs, Ind. See "Colchester's' other column. Spading Hoot Ad. in G. Watanbe of the Imperial bank of Japan and O. Nagaski of the Yokoha ma specielbank visited the Denver, Colo, smelters. They expect to be in Wash ington this winter for the purpose of acquainting themselves more familiar ly with the national banking system, Hood's is Good BECAUSE Hood's Cures It possesses curative power peculiar to itse'f, and lias a record ofcurea unequall ed In the history of medi cine. The severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dys pepaia, Catarrh and Rheu matism have been cured by it. If you suffer from any of these complaints give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial told by all druKRists U Ir bottle; tlx for IS Hood's rills euro Constipation. 5, 11 J)imx The Student. Infant schooli were first established about the year 1815. The first modern medical school was it Salerno in the eighth century. The I'niversity of Tennessee has this fall opened its doors to women, and 40 have already registered. The George W. Childs prize for the best record made in the entrance ex amination to Princeton college hy a ennsylvama student was awarded re ntly to 'J'homas .II Jsham of I'tiila dplua. Wsrd I'umes liutu England that the .opt- teld out in some quarters about Mr. Huskin resuming bis literary la- ors have no foundation. Although hi go I health Mr. Huskiii is entirely untjd to any mental effort and, is Mowed to couverse only on subjects hich do not agitate his mind. Rochester Democrat; It may not ru in a nrui hnanciaiiy to propose 10 a girl, but it often temporarily embar rasses him. After Vas month the Columbian 'tamps will be on sale at only one post- llico in each state, and two years later they will be retired altogether. An old Roman pottery containing 'our ovens full of jugs has been discov- red at Treves, lhe information is ainfully deficient about the condition f the jugs. Tivn residents of the city of Mexico have established tlieirciaims as descen dants of Montezuma, aud will here- fter be paid annual pensions by the lexican government. Louisville Courier: There is a tender connection between the railroad en gineer and his passengers. IIkki'ihii'k Pi li will dislodge bile, stir 1.0 the liver, core sick headaches, and make von feel well. ' cents a box. Florence Nightingale recently cele b.-ated her 73d anniversary. For many years she has been confined to her house bv constant ill health. She makes ber home with her brother-in law, Sir Harry Vernon, in Devonshire. A Hard Cough distresses the patient. ntJ. raeks both I, unit and 1 liroat. Dr. Jav.ic's Kxpectora.it is the remedy wanted to cure your Congh. and relieve both the I'ul nonary and lironeh.al organs. John Morley. chief secretary for Ireland, has been ordered by his physi cian to leave London and rest com pletely in another climate. Mr. Mor lev is suffering from overwork. Trof. Hryce will assume Mr. Morley's par liamentary duties during his absence. An Extended Popularity. Brown's I!kon- r iiiAi. Trochks have for many years been tbe most popular article in use lor rcl.ev ing Coughs and Throat troubles. President Eliot of Harvard isn t afraid to stand up in public meeting and .declare that he takes wine at din tier end thinks it no sin, although he disapproves 01 public bars. ..No one can dispute his courage, however much opinions may differ regaraing the cor ectness of his views. ST. JACOBS OIL CURES SPRAINS, BRUISES, One bottle for fifteen cents, Twelve bottles for Ripans Tabules are the most effective rec ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Buy -if any dmsnist anywucrr, or send price to THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, 10 Si-ruce Sr., Ni-.w York. Improvement The Order of The Age. THE SMITH PREMIER. 1 Most Perfect Machine la Tne World. Ku-ellent material and workmanship. wAnrf.11 l.vfin. no shaft Iter. Moot compart, txt made. RVqi.lree lf movement to operate. A trial demonstrate all we claim. Wrlie lor CstaloBiia. Th smith Pnr.nir. TvrWRiTra Co.. No. rarnara at., Omaha, Heu. K. H. MiYHiw, MsBSK-r kcimea oa kw Tark. A prize competition baa been started by tbe Royal Scientific society of Got tinger for investigating the conU-nts of the hollow parts of the skull, chest, ab domen and back of newly born child ren, in comparison with those of adults thus establishing the gradual forma tion from the former to tbe latter. The (Jernian exhibit of engineering at Chicago will be displayed in Berlin as an exhibition by iUel! next summer. This is largely due to the unqua ified praise bestowed upon it by the Ameri can press and public. Tlit. Kp.ci.re Koseleaf jam is a common dish in Roumania, where roses are grown by tbe million. The seeds of dates may be removed and replaced by freshly roasted pea nuts shelled aud skinned. The date should then be dusted with pulverized sugar. ' An eminent statistician estimates that during the course of an ordinary life tbe average man will eat seven four horse wagon loads more food than is good for him. J. T. Van Alen has shaken the dust of America from his feet aud sailed for bis beloved Europe but not in the char acter of American minister. His de parture came within two days of the publication of his refusal to accept the embassy. Few of his friends knew he was going away, and some secrecy seems to have been maintained regard ing his departure. $100 Reward, $100. The reader of this paoer will .be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to ear in all its staiies, and that is Catarrh. Han s Catarrh core is the only positive cure known to the medical Ira term ty. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally, acting directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing us worn. 1 he proprietors nave so mucn taitn 111 lis cnrative powers, that they oner Une Hun dred Dollars for any case that it lails to cure. Send for testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENKY & CO.,Toletlo, U. t-old by Druggists, 7fc. Elmira Gazette: Jagson says the only way to elevate the stagu is to lower t he- curia m. Last year aoout, 35.000,000 packs of plaving c.rds were manufactured and sold in this country. We are, indeed. a game nation. August Flower' " For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said my stomach was worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food. On the rec ommendation of a friend I procured a bottle of August Flower. It seem ed to do me good at once. I gained strength and flesh rapidly. I feel now like a new man, and consider that August Flower has cured me." Jas. E. Dederick, Saugerties N.Y. ASTHMA . s CURED. FOPHiit asthma sricmo .ivi Belief Id Hh HudIm. Trlsl Fackige teat PAKE fold br Drag-. ffiiU One Bol Mat poet-Hit esrt-.-,ptofl l Mi Boiee. tM. Thos. Popham.Phf la.Pa U a Ski Tf n WEN tn TRAVEL. We PT S.SO WAll I CU to slot) s month iMasss. MONK A WKLLINUTON. MAOIMOW. Wll RHEUMATISM, NEURA LCI A. PAIN. SCIATICA. LUMBAGO. SWELLINGS, BURNS. mail. one dollar, "COICHCSTEH SPADING BOOT. BEST IN MARKET VEST IN FIT. BEST IN WEASIKU QUALITY. The outer or tap sol extends Ihi- whole Itnirln down to the hrl, proler-tins; the boot In dlsKing and tn oihi r bard work. ARK YOUR DISLIB FOR TURK, and don't be put an with Inferior goods. COLCHESTER ROBBER CO. PATENTS sad KNII0M awearad. No sdTescelee, t itigrrald A Co., "isthand C," Wanhlngiea, D.V. N. N. IT. Bio. --. York. Nvn. WHICH WRITIMO TO AtVrTHT!M:rjl. Tf adasaaa hi raw aaw ak sessrtfesaaaa) tat this a i'-'. 4 .. Sr.