1 7 "v HI SI3UX C IWT JOURNAL a. . IIHMOM, Proprietor HARRISON, XEI'RASKA. NEBRASKA NEWS. keeps np its Tbe Kearney Journal wir for paved ...u. , A new opera house will soon rei.lace tl t one lately destroyed by lire at Oieighton. I to formulate a line ot prosecution. Ad educational paper called The ! Some of these men attended the con. Teachers' Journal has been started in j ference, gave their opinions to tbe re C dar county, j presentative of the mate, learned the T. M. WPi-im . of Beaver City has policy of the prosecution ai.d now they gone to Battle Creek, Mich., to recoup' are to take the stand for the other siue. h i shatteied health. Tbe editor of the Shelton Clippei offers to take the ui.lk of human kind neas on subscription. Madison county is billed for another county seat fight in Norfolk wants to be the capital. The foreign grocery frauds lately dis posed of a car of shelf-worn prunes and things in Adams county ,7" MU,P "l ,urlu" 18 ialu "1- ! with a dislocated arm and many bruises j i the result of a runaway team. Mowing wells are becoming very pupular in Holt couuty, as suggesting the cheaper method of irrigation. Gregor McGregor of ilartington fell through a cracK iu t he floor of his hay loft and broke three ribs loose from the spinal column. The Hub complains that the gamb ling evil in Kearuey is not dying out as it should do, but is waxing stronger, bet the law on it. Bob McDonald of Pierce is short a beard and eyebrows, the result of heav- ing kerosene upou the glowing embers j in the kitchen stove. The sessions of the Xorth Nebraska Congregational club at Neligh were at tended by the leading ministers of that denomination in the state. A thief entered the dental rooms of Dr. H. J. Cole of Norfolk and swiped $10 In cash and $2 wor.h of gold plate. The fellow has not been pulled yet. Capt. J. P. Finly of Scott's Bluff county fell off the perch while plaster ing his own bouse and now he lan guishes with bis leg in a plaster cast While returning from Grand Island toherbomhin Merrick county, Mrs. Ott was thrown from the wagon ani sustained, among other injures a brok en arm. Frank Stromer, son of an Adams county farmer, was thrown out of tbe wagon by a runaway team, and has a broken arm and sore head in conse quence. J. B. Walker, the man convicted ol the murder ot sl.eveus, paid out $2,000, all tbe money he had, and now they want $500 more secured to them before be bangs. A team owned by Jerry, a farmer living five miles south of Stuart, ran away. Mr. Murphy, was thrown from tbe wagon, breaking his leg twice above the knee. The people of Shelton are caring for tbe needy in a most generous manner. Two wagon loads of groceries were donated in one day, besides several tons of coal and considerable cash. Daniel Lake, a farmer across tbe river from Niobrara' has just secured a bride from North Dakota in tbe person of Mrs. Carrie Brainard. The couple had never met nntil the day of the wed ding, but their courtship by the mail route seemed to have been satisfactory J. W. Brenneraan has a pet coon. Not an E'hiopian, but an animal of the four-footed variety with a fur fit for an overcoat. Of late this coon has taken it into his bead to have a little fun. The other night he went out to S. H. Campbell's, about two miles north of town, and scratched on the door for admission. The hour was late and all bad retired, but Mrs. Campbell arose to aee what was tbe trouble. As soon as tba door was opened in popped Mr, Coon, who scampered about until he reached tbe room occupied by Mr. Campbell, and seeing that gentlemen In bad be suddenly took a notion to have a nap, and jumped in also. Mr. Camp bell was not certain whether the devil had been turned loose on him, or whether it was jnst a den of wild ani mate. At any rate he did not appreciate the companionship of his new bed-fellow and vacated his couch with more alacrity than he had before exhibited In years. The self-invited guest was finally prevailed upon to depart. Fender Republican. Although tbey were only married N'avraber 29, this year, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Draw of Kearney are not living together any more, and they Have probably separated for good. Their marriage wai the result of a cowtahip by mail, though the man in Use oasw ta 57 yean old, and Mrs. Debe . JL UooHon of Dawson, Minn, who baoaaae ICra. Brown, has clebrated ber CA btrtbday. The couple were mar ried at Kearney after a year of corre iBBwaswee., but instead of taking hit fcka U a luxurious home, Mr. Brown eaattod bar to a shanty, whore aba was Urmi to harry out of bed in tbe morn. te& hciU tks Bree, prepare tbe meals Jtko ta washing to support her fL-rlM toast that If ber story Lt ti, ad she kaiat bargateed for any fcmtmt. Jast bow she is stop ':ttt good Samaritan's in Kearney to rfa mmk money to V ri to O fctato sU teat basis bar. utm, jCi'ratarrapa ,e3tJ ICS '-;- .:','h.- y- . a r if StUl tba. Trial Goea Oa. Chicago, Ic. 20. A teusation iu sprung in the Prendergast case rhn, at the adjournment of the morning session, lawyers tor tbe prosecution boldly charged that they bad been be traved. j 8 o dock Mr. Datnroscb appeared upon "The state has been tricked," said A. ' th. conductors stand. He was to cn S. Trude. "and some of the doctors who i du the Lohengrin overture. IU - will take" the stand for the defense are I1"" Te,J u""u,s wuu wr",lunl l" ' Kther eT tne state- alon8 wltb others, j armed with every possible data tl at the prosecution has gathered. You can say for me that certain organizations have raised money lor the defense of t;ie murderer of t arter Harrison, and I would not hesitate to say that money has been freely used by the defense in securing expert testimony. Most prominent among the witnesses examined were lr. Archibald Church and Dr. Dr. 1). E. Bower. Each of these gentlemen was asked: uom TOU .mDloved in tbii i case'"'" iu each instance Mr. Trude stren uously objected to an answer be.ng given and the objection as sustai id. After leaving the court room Dr. Church and Dr. Brower explained the situation as fo'lows, the statement be ing made by Dr. Church and agreed to by Dr. Brower as being equally ap plicable in each incident to himself. Dr. Church said: "I was employed by State's Attorney Kern to make an examination of I'ren dertrast and to report to him as to los mental condition and whether he was mentally responsible for the crime. I made tit : s examination and last Friday I made a report to Mr. Kern, telling him that I considered the prisoner In sano and that hohUng such belief I could not take the witness stand and say he was sane. 1 told him that I did not consider Pendergast ineutially re sponsible lor his crime and with niy t port I submitted my bill for the ser vices w hich I had been employed to reform and considered my connection with the case ended, for if the state tield the prisoner was sane they cer tainly bad no use for mv evidence which was directly opposed to that idea. .Since that time I have been ub pu'tiaed for the defense. Of course I h td to obey the law and come. I have told what I think of the man and that I consider him crazy. 'y reftisiug te goon tbe stand for the state I have refused a fee of several hundred dol lars. I believe that the poor devil wag crazy, and he will not be hanged if I can help it. He Knew If Win Loaded. Ft. Smith, Ark., Dec. 20. A tragedy was enacted in this city yesterday and r.s a result Miss Ida Dodsoa is dead itiid two other persons are not expected to nv-.Tbe affair occuired at Tucker's grocery store on Townsend avenue I about 2 o'clock in the afternoon I Birnie Patrick, twenty-one years old, j has been paying Miss Dobson attentions I for some time past. He was as the girl thought, too dissipated, and she j endeavored to avoid him as much as i possible. Patrick made a fruitless at tempt to see ht r yes'erday morning. ! About 2 o'clock Miss Dodson, Mrs. John Hendricks and Mrs. Ella Garrett w re in Tucker's store when young Patrick opened tbe door and walked I in. After some words with Miss Dod- in he produced a revolver and lired j The bullet penetrated Miss Dodson's breast and came out on her back, caus ing instant death. Patrick then levelled the gun at Mrs. Hendricks arid sent a bullet through her lungs. He then placed the muzzle to bis own temple, but about thistimeespied Miss Garret. Whith an oath he fired at her, the ball taking effect in her arm. He again placed the weapon to bis temple and pulled the trigger, the ball crash ing through the front part of his head from ri?ht to left. Murdered far Menejr. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 20 A dis patch to tbe Commercial from West Plains, Mo., says: A horrible tragedy was enacted thirty miles southwest of this place, in Baxter couuty. Ark., last night. As Hunter Wilson, a prominent stockman, and bis wife were sitting by the fireplace the room was entered by unknown parties, who immediately commenced firing at Wilson and his wife. Both were bit and fell to the floor. Wilson died ana bis wife was badly wounded, but is still conscioss. She managed to drag herself to a neighbor's and gave tbe alarm and a niessenger was immediately dispatched to this place for assistance, there being no sheriff in Baxter county. When be left the scene, the messenger says, the woman was only able to say a few words, but she managed to tell what occurred after the shooting. After finishing their fiendish work, as they supposed, tbe murderers, who seemed to be acquainted with tbe house, went to a trunk, took out over a thousand dollars and made their escape. Oaceftke Jarre r leaaea. New York, Dec. 80. One of tba jurors In tbe trial of Dr. Heory C. F. Mayan went crazy last evening and tba trial was brought to a sadden stop. jrraotborH will bo continoed or a new trial ordered la as yet an open quot as, Jastiot Barrett has requested Br. Carlos Ms-Posjaei to teat, ami maoa, of eawnv wd btaitfort. Tba sCiataa teat tras lrsrB. Lwwa, wto sas;::l km rsrcttjitttjcrr ' A Mat Strike New York, Ie. 11 A remarkabh. scene was enacted last night at t'arnef is Music hall. A large nHience was pre. sent to litten to cue of the concerts of the Symphony orchestra, of which Walter Damrosch is the conductor. At rai d his baton, but there se from the orchestra. was no re in astou- Spc ish lent be looked at Us musicians and agHlU waTed hig intw. Not the slight- est sound came from the musicians, Haising his baton a third time Mf Da urosch beat a few bars of the over ture but tbe same silence prevailed among the musicians. A sharp hi was beard in the fiont of the hou . It was taken up by row after row f j seat 4 and quickly spread to the gal I leries. j '1 urning to the assembly Mr. Dam 'rosctisaid: "Ladies and Gentlemen: I j am .-.rry to say that there will be no j con . i tonight My orchestra refi- es to p iy for me on account of my 'celi.at, Hej. r. I regret to tell you this; I re , grei i tell you the fabric which 1 havi I been patiently weaving for years is ! ruineu. I blame no one for these hard I facts. Your money will be refunded ! at the otlice during the week." The trouble was brought about by the trouble which Mr. Datnrosch has recently been having with the Musical Protective union. They protested against the importation of the famous violoncellist, Anton Ileguer, who has not been in this country a sufficiently long time to become a member of the union. On Friday night "Mr. Dam roscli resigned from theMusical Protec tive union on account of the persist ence with which the raemberi refused to suspend the six month rule In Hegner's case, and fearine (he union would be to much for them, the mem bers of the Symphony orchet'ra decided to follow tbe union's mandate. A Cowardly t'rln. Mason City, la., Dec. 19. A cow ardly crime was committed in London township, North countv. Friday. Frank Cherney had allowed a tramp to remain at his home to do chores. Mr. Cherney had been Belling grain at Lyle, intend ing to make a payment on his land, and the ramp became convinced that the mo'.ey was on the premises. Mrs, Cherney did not propose to give it up and the wretch gat down her husband's old army musket and threatened to sho"t her. The plucky woman refused fo disgorge, whereupon the follow fired upon her at short range, hitting her in the left side. Failing to kill the woman with the gun, the tramp tried to beat her to death with a fork handle, bnt the woman fought him off and got the club away from him. The authorities were notified and attempted to capture the scoundrel, but at last reports he was slill at large. Kr'lenrd ),. l',,rtr..llo City of Mexico, Mex., Dec. 19. Senor Joaquin Barando, secretary of justice and public instruction Iu the Mexican cabinet, will resign has port folio. The reason signed is in conse quence of the late r ssage by the cham ber of deputies of. ie bill making the tenure of office of tn judges of the su premo court for life or during good be havior. Mr. Barando is quoted as feel, ing that he ha been improperly dealt with by President Diaz in the way the bill has been handled. Mr. Barando has been one of the cabinet since I t0, and Ins administration of affairs in the educational and judicial departments of the government has always been most satisfactory and successful. 1 he atlunal Capital Washington, Iec. 19. Representa tive Simpson of Kansas has introduced a bill to place manufactured woolens on the free lixt. Mr. Simpson intends to urge this bill as au amendment to the Wilson tariff bill. George D. Alien of Las Vegas, N. M., I' as been disbarred from practice befo e tbe pension bureau for improper and inprofessional conduct AcUng on the report made to him by the civil service commission, Attorney General Olney has instructed the dis trict attorney for ll.e northern district of Ohio to look into the alleged viola tions of the civil service department In t i cane of political assessments at Toledo, O., by the republican central a mm it tee. Mr. Morgan, democrat of Alabama, r.liairmau of the committee on foreign r -si'i 'M, introduced a bill as to pro visional governments. It provides that whenever the United States shall acquire dominion over any foreign country or place by treaty of annexation or otherwise the president of tbe United Slates, with the advice and con vent of the sena'.e, may appoint a gov trnorioribe same and a legislative ouncil, to consist of any number of per .i., not less than five nor more than twenty-five, whose acts shall be subject to revision or repeal by con gress, and, unless otherwise pro vided said governor and council shall constitute and conduct the.provisional government for such country or place until congress shall otherwise provide by law. The bill was iroferred to tbe committee on foreign relations. SteatfaaMeae atoeelvaaj aatf Accepted, Washington, Dec. lit. Secretary Carlisle has received and accepted the following resignations. J. C. Boglin, amis tan t appraiser, New York; Dennis jBSgan. eoUoctor of internal revenue, dis trict of yiorMa; John j. KWgway, sur veyor of cosioms. Philadelphia: Theo, l. Willis, naval omosr. Nsw York; 'boras V. Cooper, collector of cus toms, FUlsmslfbla; Tbos. J. Powers, raval oCasr, Pbllatlariata; Wm. T. Xltrym, eoHattor of saatomt. Porta I. , v. r. PorrlKn MlnUtar Talk. Washington. Dec. 18. The British anibasHn ior. Sir Julian 1'auneefote, is keeping himself and his government fully informed conceruint the tariff developments. Only last w-ek copies of the wav - and means committee's bill were forwa ded to the British foreign odicer at l-ondon. A representative of the Ass.. . ited press, who called at the British -mbassy. was asked by Hon. Alan John.-'.jne, one of the tectretariea oftheeml y, to submit the exact questions i. wished to submit to the ambassador m writing. Tbey were as follows: "Will the ambasBidor favor the Asso ciate press with a brief expression, to be used witn similar expression from other embassies and legations, as to the interest taken or a'tentiou given to the revision of the tariff, as it con templates broader and more ir:tim.te commercial relations between the United States and Great Britain or the Rrltisli rntnr i'" '1 his Mr. Johnstone submitted to the ambassador and returned with the fol lowing answer. "The ambassador repr-s to inforn. the Associated press in. lie deems it inexpedient to express an opinion on the inteni'il legislation of the United Slates." Prince Cantacuzene, the Husian minister talked most entertainingly concerning the tariff question, as it re lated to Rush! a, but he would make no reference to the question as a phase of American legislation. The minister says that he regards the protective policy as essential to tbe developing of the industrial and manufacturing in terests of tbe count-y and regards such development .is outside the bounds of entlment and abstract theory and one of plain business calculations. This statement, however, the minister re stricted in its application to Kussia, a he would Dot discuss tbe American situation. Sen Don E. de Muruaga, the Span ish : .ster, said the treaty conferred man) commercial benefits on tbe United States. American flour was admitted to Cuba at a much lower rate of duty than before and this feature ha-resulted in the shipment of thou sands of barrels of A merican flour to ceived a benefit in the remission of duty on raw sugar. N'ow, however, there are Indications that a duty may be restored on raw sugar. As to tobacco, also, the dimmer. ,al relations aided by a reduction of the duties, but the indications are that tobacco will be one of the articles on which an increase will be made. At the residence of Baron A. Von Saurma Jell h, the German ambassa dor, the subject was discussed trom tbe German standpoint by an official of the embassy. "Germauy would be glad to extend her trade with this country," said be. "At the present time tbe balance of trade is stro..,'ly in favor of tbe United States, as Germany buys very heavily of your giain, pork and meats, which this country makes no corresponding purchase of the goods of Germany. The McKinle. tariff further restricted the commerce between the countries. It is to be hop d the new tan li will be In the directii. . of eucouragiug com merce between the two countries, but the drafts thus far submitted give little evidence of materially changing tbe present conditions, as they appeal to cling to the policy of protecting local industries against competition." 1 A - the Chinese embassy little could be learned as to the interest taken In the tariff. It was said by one of tbe official that no active interest In the subject had been taken by the minis ter. It was added the in. isterfavored a development of the cou..nercial rela tions and regarded China as a fruitful field lor American enterprise j lrftratd the Coiner. ' St. Jok, Mo., Dec. 18. For some months Harrison county has been oaded witb spurious silver quarters, halves, dollars and nickels. The coun terfeit was a very dan -out one and the government officials ave worked on the case for months, knowing that an organized gang was doing tbe work. Charles Holmes and E. M Ash ford were arrested and brought be fore United States commissioner. Four -rfect sets of dies for making I'Jie coins Indicated were found iu Holm' ' possession. Ash ford Is a merchant of Bethany, Mo., and Is .charged with passing the ttuff. He it worth 50,000. Other Nrrests will be made. Preferred Oraih tu Capture. Loni . N.Dec. IS. A dispatch re ceived ere dated at Moscow says that he police of that piace, assisted by a ietachment of Cossacks, surrounded vnd surprised a large number of nihil lists in an isolated house outside Mos row. The nihilisU made a desperate eslstance, fifteen of tbe police were ' -ounded. and live of the nihilists com jiitted suicide, preferring death to be ,nf captured. Twenty-two of the m otiists succeeded In escaping and fifty were captured. Sarah Hernhardt'a Meaaelra. Paris, Dec. I8.-Sarah Bernhardt is about to publish her memoirs. Tbey will appear in two volumes. Cloeee) ap the Lattery. Louisville, Ky, Dec. 18. Manager Douglas of ths Frankfort Lottery com nany announced that the lottery would tasjond operations for the present Thars are about forty offices in this city. Dr. Douglas said that bo believed that tba lottery had a vested right and that lbs eat would be taken to the United supremo court, Major v. w. sders. Urn ehlef legal mvisot of Tfc Chlcaf ElMllo. Chicago, Dec 21. The democracy of Chicago was victorious at the polls Tuesday, when a mayor was selected for the unexpired term of the late Ca, er H. Harrison. The new mayor is John P. Hopkins and his defeated opponent is Gxotge B. wift, now mayor ad Interim, who will resume his duties as alderman. The campaign was short and sharp and the cou'eat a close one, as shown by the following figures: Hopkins 112,16s, Swift 111,73;; plurality for Hopkins, 1.2J0. The total vote Klled was 227,307, there being two other candidates in the field. The election passed off quietly. A democratic majority of 10.1MJ was expected and the small difference be tween the party votes indicates that C hicago is not safely democratic at a local election. The late mayor's great ersonal popularity was responsible for the large democratic majority given him last spring. John P. Hopkins is a young man and 'has been only thirteen j ears a resident of Chicago. He was born In Buffalo X. V., October 2'J, 1H5H, in the old England ward, Cleveland and Biaell's ward. He was educated in the schools of Buffalo, but is not a collegiate. Like . I ins opponent ne is ciasseu as a oum- j ness man. lie resides ai tveiifingiou, near the southern limits of the city. His first work in Buffalo was in a foundry. Then he got employment in F.van's elevators, w here he was soon promoted t his first portion of re sponsibility, that of weight-master, which he held until lie removed to Chicago in 1879. Here lie began bis career shoving lumber in the yards at Pullman. He advanced in the Pull man company's service to store time keeper, general tirrekeeper, and pay master. Kobberi I be Uobbirn. Chicago, Dec. 21. Four men held up the cashier of Morgan A; Sbrin's gambling house on Quincy street and secured W iu cash. Two of them stood guard at the front entrance while the others entered the place and, covering the cashier with revolvers, coolly emptied the safe. Threatening the frightened cashier with deatti If he made an out cry, the robbers made good their escape. Four of the employes or the place were present at the time of the robbery O. l!aer, Henry Dale, John Keefe and James lioberts. The quartet was com pelled to stand with hands up while the intruders went through the place. Ills thought the job was done by ex perience crooks. Kklpprd In I.ixkI Tliritt. A l dniio.v, la., Dec. 21. A telegiam from San Francisco states that Chris Hanson, who is wanted in Poplar, a small town near here, for robbing re gistered mail while assistant post master, and for for King the names of prominent farmers, has been Hrrested in California by a postotlice inspector. Hanson was the manager of a general store at I'oplar, and had charge of the postoflice. Mories of crookedness leaked nut and an investigation was about to be made, tvlien Hanson de camped. It was found that he had forged notes to a large amount and had opened mail and taken all valuables. Hanson will be brought back at once. 1 he I'rUtHirr 1 iat not II an Chicago, Dec. 21. In the Pendei- iiast trial yesterday the evidence heard was mainly on ti e question of the prisoner's sanity. Most of the wit nesses examined testified to their be lief that the murderer is perfectly sane. There is not likely to be much more evidence Introduced and the attorneys are in hopes that the end of the case may be reached by Saturday. Attorney Wade who represents As sassin preiidergast, made a startling statement in court. The attorney is thoroughly imbuded with the idea that Prendergast is Insane, and he will fight a verdict of hanging to the highest courts. Said he: "1 will not consent to any form of a verdict, and 1 am prepared to state that the prisoner's family will not object to a sentence for life In the penitentiary or confinement jn some institution for the insane for tbe period of natural life. In fact I will go so far in my argument to the Jury as to suggest ttiat disposition of Prendergaal's case. Hut the prisoner must not hang. The jury can make whatever form of verdict it choses, aside from Infliction of the death pen alty, and I will accept It." Grave Kebheri Sentenced. Des Moimcs, Dec. 21. Judge rad overruled the motion for a trial in the grave robber cases and Con new Sen- tenced Dr. John W, Scliaeffer to six months in the penitentiary, and fined two of his associate, J. W. Sloan and James Martin. Judge Bishop, counsel for Scliaeffer, gave notice that he would tppeal th case to the a. i pre me court, where he hoped to get a reversal of the case on tbe ground that tbe court erred Ip refusing a change of venue, this community being preju diced against the defendants. This is the ground upon which the celebrated '"red Crafton murder case was recent-) ly reversed by the supreme court fleet h Sentence Ualarrd. Coi-LMBi s, 1 nd., Dec. 21. A sensa tion was created In the circuit court Thursday morning by the attorney of Cyrus Brown, condemned to death for the murder or bis wire, tiling an 'affidavit charging J. I. Griffy, a Juror, with being drunk when on tbe witness stand. Griffy Is a leading church mem ber. Tao court permlttod the filing of .AeilA mMs4mtaTlfa fear a( Wmw inmmmm I ajias?iac a diCarsnt state of facta. Tba B- retries 0 C., FaO. PrrrsBi RO, Dec. 16.-R. Patrick A fjo bankers, have cloned their doors. IV firm is one of tbe oldest private bai king bouses in the city. Their liabilities are 1000,000; assets, 700,000. The trouble began six months ago, when the stringency in the money market commenced nd the firm has every since been making a hard strug gle. Several times it was enabled to pull through. The immediate Clearing Ho..se association to pass checks amounting to 21,000. The firm was nnable to realize on its ssseu speedily and could not pay the chec-.s, and the only thing to do was to c ose. An assignment will be made as soon as the papers can be drawn. W. T. Wallace, tbe cashier, said: "This trouble was caused by the fail ure to realize on our assets, which con cluded to close, and will make an as signment so all w ill be protected." The assets include some valuable real estate, which, when realized on, will more thau pay all liabilities. Mr. Wallace is also quite wealthy, and de pcauors will be paid in full. Tbe sole survivor of the firm is W. W. Patricb, w ho had gone home and could not be seen. This is the first bank failure in Pituburg in years. Inrarrllng the Mjrulerr. Chicago, Dec. 15. The prosecution In the Coiiglilm case devoted Its en ergies largely to unraveling the mys tery surrounding the story of tbe wagon in which Cronin's remains were said to have been carried from tbe Carlson cottage to the catch basin. Policeman tSteib testified that he was on duty on the night of May 4. He was called to testify to having seen the mysterious wagon, but his evidence was strongly objected to by Judge Wing. The objection was overruled, however, '""1 the witness stated that at llo'ch on the night in question he saw three men in a carpenter's wagon drawn by a bay horse, in the wagon was a large trunk. He was unable to describe the occupants of the wagon. Hie vehicle at the time was going towards the catch basin where the body was afterwards found. On the cross examination Steib contradicted the statement made at the former trial re garding the color of the ( horse that drew the wagon. Then he said It was a dark gray, while this time he was positive that It was a dark bay. Ofllcr James Itiley was with Steib at the time the wagon passed and corrobor ated that officer's testimrny. It is stated positively that Mrs. Foy'a brother.'Joe McLaughlin, will sail for America within a few days and that an ocean ticket has already been sent to him. Unconfirmed rumors were current that counsel for the state has disagreed as to the manner of conducting tbe case, and that either Assistant Attor ney Bottum or Associate Counsel Scaelon may withdraw from the case. Married an Karl London, Dec. 16. The marriage of Miss Adele Grant of New York to George Devereaux Devere ( apel, earl of Easei, took place yesterday morn ing at the St. Margaret's church, West minster. The archdeacon of West minster, Frederick W. Farrar, assisted by the private chaplain of the earl of Essex, officiated Tbe church was crowded and included among the con gregation were nearly all the best known Americans in London, as well as representatives of the aristocracy of the United Kingdom. Among those present were Unit'-d States Ambassa dor Bayard and all the members of tbe United Htates embassy. The marriage was followed by a reception at Mrs. Grant's lesldeuce on Cumberland Place. The best man was Baron Detuyee, tbe bridesmaids were Miss Edith Grant, Miss Alberta Paget, daughter of Lady Alfred Paget; Miss Diana Stuart, daughter of Lady Florence Stuart; Miss Mary Colebrook.daugbte-of Lady Colebrook; Miss Gweffa Williams daughter of Mrs. P, W. Williams and Miss 1L Dorothy and Miss Sells Dswnay, daughters of Hon. Kustis Dawnay. The bridesmaids wore white Norman satin dresses, bordered with mink and blue velvet with Charles I capes and velvet toques, ornamented with fur. They carried Louis XV stocks surmounted with tiny gold coronets, the gift of the bridegroom. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. S. Grant, wore a cream satin dress, embroidered with silver and trimmed with point de Alcen lace and a veil of the same lace; upon her bead was a dlamod tiara, the gift of tbe bride groom. The service was fully choral and Sir Arthur .Sullivan officiated at the orgsn. , Heated fore Triple Mardrr. Bkockvili.k, Ont., Dec. 18. Chsrles Luckey was banged here at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. He walked smil ingly to the gallows and protested his innocence to the last. After two trials he had been found guilty of murdering bis father, stepmother and sister at New Biles, Octobe 8, 1802. Charged erllh Illegal Fnollag. St. Louis. Dec. 16. The ease in" volvlng an llleged Infraction of tba in terstate commerce act by tba Wabash Railroad company and other common carriers csme np In tba United Ntatot; district court. Tba road Is charged by1 !tba government with having gone lata a pool eontrary to tba proviasiont si jshio utorstats eommaros act. Tba aa kin day was davoted to argn moats. Ho dtsjsjstj was roasted. I: I ; ttltUfoMM MP. awm. e. :, t-V, , , , 1 " , , , , , v ; , r ' , 1