The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 14, 1893, Image 5

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Jim- u ... .inn . i ... - ,4 to I,. mwi iii.i i in ii
. . 'I . s .
X O TJ iR, IsT L.
1 i. Slmmuii. EliUr and Proprietor.
F. K.4M. VK.R.TlmtMe.
"- M'lMxl II :lt ! r o. . mlu-d j8:
Whfat-p.-r l,q ,1,1-1
!- x r l.u.licl
'oril-HT llUxllrl , '
Hiort- rxT huii'lrril t, "
Itrnri pi-r humlnxl .
rt-iipjWU.r Imnfireil ..
I'dtHUMt-JNT tjUslll-l
Dutlcr mt .
KKt"- IMT loi
Poultry cr loz
OlllOIIH JXT tl ...,
'om1pt tun
Wol-.rK.n1 .
I.miiW-r iiHtlvc-Mr in. ft
"l'orr'tHl pvrry Thursilay.
I 00
5 l
15 00
f licit s wanted at tlm Iiardesx simp.
for sale at Thk
Paper napkins
Jutiuul office.
J noma Haster received another lot
if heep from tlie wet a few dayajfo.
Hester & son ut up a new windmill
for Lou Larson Iiutt week.
KeineniherthatTlfK JotKNAr. office
is hi-adfuartcrn for job printing.
Yesterday ave Ikrtlett completed
a large water tank for J. II. Drown, of
Old paters for wile at The Joi-rkal
vlTl,... . .1
" "" r Mr. Smoke eipe. U to make his home in
if you want to wll your land, list it Sioux county in future,
with Himinons & Smiley, rtul estate
Mr. A. Castle w still quite low
t last reports seemed nlightly
1 '. V. Hough cami? down from
Douglas Ilia last of Mt week and
hrouirht wilh him a tin , uty h: v le
which hij won at a ralllu a blunt time
Rev. Kendall closed hitf meeting at
Bodarc after two evening Ther has
been Home sickness in that neighborhood
aod some had fear that the dieae
might spread, so the aliove action
decided oo.
A number of our farmers t-ontero
plate Rowing some alfalfa. Hester &
.Son exw t to get need for some who d.
sire ii i.ui iney will not curry It in
tt'jtrk mi i hat parties who desira st-ed
should leave their order with that firm
There is little doubt that tlm experiment
will pay.
While getting wood in tlte timlier
lew u i s ago D. M. Sutton found the
lair if some wild animal of pretty good
proportions acul the flrt of tlu! week, ac-
coiripanied by a couple of others, he
went out to capture the beast, but it
had taken alarm and departed.
Last tetluniay l . r. (.ode came to
town in a sleigh. It is gupjiosed that he
had Wn reading some eastern siper
which told of good sleighing w here it
was published and he thought that the
saiiio should be true of this locality, but
he was mistaken.
On Monday L. C. Lewia aecompa-
nied by Hiram Smoke, who is associated
with him in the sheep business at the
head of White River, called at this ollice
for a short time. They received that
day a line lot of bucks from Wyoming.
ah KinilH of w(mh1 work done at
Priddy'u blacksmith shop, opposite The
Jot RMAI, office.
100 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
lit a bargain, if taken soon.
Simmon & Kmiixy.
.he new tinuso of Miss Laura Am
brose is completed and occupied by her
and her brother.
I'. I. Sutton has engaged in the
coal business here nnd received his lirst
enr load last week.
Tarties knowing themselves indebted
to me will please call and settle before
January 1st. Produce of any kind taken
on account. H. A. l'mmiv.
hhenlr-clei't Dew has leased the
farm of C W. ("roudson, iwiuth of town
una win move there some time next
Rev. E. D. Irvine will hold Episcopal
wrvieeH at the church on Tuesday
evening, lAeceniber 19th. All are cor
dial ly invited to attend.
Take out a policy in the Preferred
.si ii i inn Accident Association. It is
heap and reliable. L. J. Sim.mosk,
Remember tliat The JocrnaI, clubs
with almost any publication in the
United States and can save you money
on your reading matter for the ensuin
Samuel Jonkins, practical boot and
Rhoe maker. C'owlmy lioots a spwialty
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second
loor south court house.
Iir. J. S. Romine, dentist, of Ch.ul-
lon, Neb., will personally visit Harrison,
professionally, in the near future, and
notice of tlie exact date will be given
later. He will have with him every
pain and lalnir device known to the
profession. l!r. Romine is well known
to many of our people and has dene
work for some of them so Hint hi
ability is established,
The mor the creamery matter is in-
vesugaieu me more tiesiramo sucli an
institution at this place. Every one in
this locality is heartily in favor of it
xcept a few who exjiect lo leave here
and those who are sour because of the
result of the recent election, but people
know what ha caused such ia change
their views in regard to the country and
its prosjiects and their atlempN lo cry
down a creamery or anvthing else will
liave very little elf:t. In speaking of
the matter a few days ago a gentleman
informed us that he owned a farm near I cattle along the Wyoming line and their
tlgin. III., which would sell readily at airaignmcut and plea of guilty nnd sen
9,v aa acre ami mat uie larm was used I tence to a year in the penitentiary of
for keeping ws whose milk was nold to that sta( has caused a great deal of
l creamery and tliat it .paid good inter- j comment. They sought the favor of the
est on tlie money. V. A. Hester says court by statins: that thrv were commd.
that witere he wan in Iowa a few weeks led to resort to stealinir to keen (heir
In another column appears an ad
vertisement of the Estey & Camp pianos
and organs. The reputation of the in
struments rmule by this firm is audi that
they commend themselves to all nnd any
who contemplate the purchase of a
piano or organ will do well to. corres
pond with this Ilrm befored making a
County Judge-elect (l.ivvey uunii uj
Crom his home in tlie south part of the
county the first of the week to make
some arrangements to move here; about
the first of the year to assume the
uuuesor llie omce to which lie was
elected, lie and Mrs. Gowey w ill move
to the county seut and the boys will run
the ranch.
Several loads of good wood are
wanted at this ollice as soon as it is con
venient for our friends to bring them.
Bad, cold weather is apt to set in before
long and then it will 1 hard to get
wood out of the timlsje and the printer
will lie shy on fuel, hence it is hoped
thnt a good-sized wood pile will adorn
our back vard in the near future.
We expect to be able lo give our
readers some ligures in next week! issue
in regard to the benefits of a creamery
to a community. The industry is being
discussed in a great many localities for
it is has be:.ome a recognized fact that
a greater diversity of crops and indus-i
tries is necessary for the welfare of thel
people anu llie creameries are proving
a great benefit where they are properly
Some of our (wople are talking of
making an elfort to organize a camp of
Woodmen of the World. This isa frater
nal organization and its main object is
the insurance feature. It is highly spok
en of by those who have been memlieis
of it and it should be investigated by
inose w ho desire to secure some insur-
mce outside of the old line companies.
Dr. i'liinncy has made un urrnrigement
whereby a camp can be organized at a
very small cost and he will explain the
matter to any who are interested anil
will Call on him.
rreijuent inquiries are made as to
wnen a n me agricultural so
ciety will bo held. Other counties are
getting their organizations in shaiie and
here is no reason why Sioux county
should not do likewise. It is important
that the president apppomt a board of
managers and that they prepare n set of
by-laws to submit to the meeting of the
society for consideration. It is hoped
that the ollicers will take hold of this
work anil see that a county fair is held
next fall.
The arrest of the men from Box
Butte county a few days ago for steuling
A. L. Ring was in town Friday.
Bob K?-l wa in town on Mon J r
Abel Olds was up from Andrew yes
terday. C. H. Underbill came up from Sowar!
on Monday,
t 'buries (Jrewe! was up from Bodurc
J. II. Brown adJs his nama ti our list
of readers this wtek.
Velvr Hnry was in Harrison Monday
and called at this office.
Judge Barker returned the l;ut of the
week from Agate Springs.
Octave Harris was doing business nt
Harrison the last of the week.
(i. W. C!obband J. W. Langdon were
in tow n from Antelojsj yesterday,
J. A. Orern was up from R.iyville
last Friday and tally.! at this office.
L- ('. Phillips was up from Bodarc the
lirst of the week and called at this
J. 11. Beebe. representing the Omaha
life., was in Harrison Friday and called
at this office.
Commissioner Knott was in town Mon
day and called at this otllce to discuss
creamery matters.
Joe Bush arrived from Montana last
week and lias gone into w inter quarters
on Running Water.
Clint Ames, Jack Cook and A. Mc
Ginley represented Running Water at
the county seat Tuesday.
Mrs. J. I,. Smedes expects to leave in
a short time for on extended visit to
friends at Kansas City and other points.
P. E. Baird, county Judge-elect of
Dawes county, came up from Chadron
yerterday to make final proof on his
timber claim southwest of town.
Write for Catalogue to
Chicago, III.
Reduced in Price.
On Novemlwr 1'ith the price of
was reduced in price to
No other paper in the country
12 pages or 48 columns of
ago there was a creamery at every town
aod some of them only four miles apart
ad ll were well patronized and pros
perous, ao that they must lie rob'lable
lo both owners and patrons, la eastern
Nebraska those creameries which are
conducted on business principles are
doing well. In oorthwest Nebraska no
teotliat been made. A company was
organized at Uiadroa a few years ago
d creamery put up, but before it
wai put in operation it was levied on
and sold a li.uo or two and lias never
been ruu. In this locality where pasture
and Imy land costs nothing, w here shod-
ingcaube built with no expense ex-
labor, where a creamery can Is;
aad operated at a much less rust
tbO " poxKibie in tlie east and tlm cx-
rel.lfyt market a Horded by the coal, oil
and fining region north and west of
tiara, Jreaiuery certainly w ould prove
u. vrv xifitable concern to all inter-
I L .. .....
v or Jodirocur.
familien from starving liecause of the
failure of their crops last season. The
Heruingford Onith says that such a
statement is a slur on the settlers of Box
Butte county and from arties who re
side in the south part of lhi county, we
are informed that the outfit which was
sent over the road did not get w hat they
deseved by a good deal. They were ex-
iertsat the business and the only crop
failure with them would be the failure
of cattle to gut in a locality where tliey
could get at them.
Fn For Farmers,
A very fine Photographic View of the
World's Fair, 8 x 10 inches in size, the
work of tlfo Ofllcial lliothgrapher of tho
L', H. tlov., and accompanied by a
griiphk', interesting and authentic de
scription, will beanut;w by tho Ch'
w jo WtiMy Inter Ocean to any farmer
( will rtend atamp for potgi. Ad-t-e
"IJhiarian," later (Xao,
tcr, can be had for less than $1.00 per
year. This extremely low price is made
by the publishers in order to enable
every Lnglish reading family in the
great west to read the best and greatest
newspaper published in the west. In
order to induce readers and others to
raise clubs the following offer is made:
two subscriptions will lie received for
l ive subscriptions will Isj received for
ten subscriptions will be received for
On clubs of more than ten the price will
be HO cents for each subscription.
Do not fail to take advantage of this
When sending in your own subscrip
tion send us one or more for vour friends
and neighbors.
Send us nn older for vour friends in
the east w ho should be told of the great
resources ol this slate, llie Bee pub
lishes more western news than any other
paper in this country and makes llie l st
immigration document thnt can lie sent
east. Address nil orders to,
The Bi-k Pnu.isiiiNu Co..
Omaha, Neb.
Fashionable Barber & Hsir Dresser
One DiMir South of Il.uik nf Harrison.
ilve t me t a I I'lill.
See the "Old Reliable"
And a Bonk Containing all the
Letters for One Dollar.
In answer to a general demand from
all parts of the United States the Toledo
Blade has published in one volume, c loth
bound, all of the "Nasby Letter" ever
written by the lato 1). ll Ixicke, omit
ting perhaps a few unimportant letters
on local or forgotten topics. Only a few
of there letters were ever published in
book form. Every body has rend some
of tilt-in, but who has read all of them?
The book contains over liOO large pages,
and all the Nasby Letters written during
a i'riod of twenty-five years: also a por
trait of 1). R. Locke from his last photo
graph. It would sell at one dollar or
more, but will never lie placed on sale.
One hundred thousand copies are now
being printed and bound, and one copy
will be sent postpaid by mail free to
every person w ho this winter remits one
dollar for the Weekly Blade one year.
Every body invited to send for a Hiwci-
men copy of the Weekly Blade, which
will give a lull description ol llie book
"The Nasby L-.'tters."
The Toledo Weekly Blade is the best
and most popular weekly newspaper
published in this country. It has the
largest circulation of any weekly news-
pas;r, and goes to every stale, territory
nnd nearly every county in the union.
Only one dollar n year, including ll.e
above mentioned book free. Kent! postal
to the Blade, Toledo, Ohio, for u free
specimen copy of tho piqier. Send tlie
addresses of your friends ulso.
Dr. Leonhardt
Limits his practice to diseases of the
Nervous system,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Keeling, Mo
tion and Will-power, Cranipv, Fits, Gen
eral Nervousness, and nil forms of
(As shown by Shortness, of Breath
Iain, Palpitation, Fluttering r:i . I I.. imb
ues in region of tho Heart.)
(Such as Skin Diseases,
si ve Paleness or Redness
Faintness, Dizziness, etc.)
Ulcers, Exces
of the Face,
1452 O ST. - - LINCOLN,
"MntIon this paper.
l'uri liiise Tickets anil ("inixipn Your I'tvi:
via llw
You ;
2 -arr. fJIWV;
i v&' ',;
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the Largest Stock of
General Merchandise,
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest; living .sa
Come and see us before you buy.
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Agents for the
Dee ring
Walter A. Wood
F., E.&M. V.S. C.&P.
irent 1,1 w to tU Kusl.
Tlie Burlington Route B. &. JI. It. K.
in running flcgnutly etuipMl .(laRxenfi-cr
traines without -liang- from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Neln-anka, dim t
to Lincoln, NVtmska, making connection
at that jioint with tlir -own t hrough
tmins for Lipnver, (Ijejwine, and all
point west, and for Kohh City, .St.
Ji"tr)h, St. fjoiii, Onialm, I'eoria, Clu
aijfo, and all point eaM.
It4'iiioni1T thi is the only line ly
vvhicli you can take rfpejiiiig :ar from
Cm w ford in tlie --rniiiR arriving in Lin
coln nnd Onmlm tli ivxt nftornoon, wnil
in OiU-iigii, Ptioriaaud St Imii the fol
lowing luorniiiL-.
For furtl5r inforuiation and tickK i-
pl to iMsuieHt, Hgent, of Dwlinoo J
11 ute R X It E. K.
II. O. nUKT. (iMioral MiHiriKcr.
K. a MmicrKH KE, J. It Dithasan,
fren'J I'roiglit Apt- fJoti'l Tusk. Agt.
J. E. I'HINNEY, M. I).
l'liTsiclan anil Surgeon.
All callu givi-n jiixiitipt ntlRiitton.
Ottlco In rng Krp
Press Claims Company.
Equal with the interest of those imvim
llnrrlMmn, Nlir,
oil rlVinr1ii tir:
tliiiois irnititit Jin, C.
tlmt or INVENTORS, whoftn Jo- the lienelit of valwtm lrM of
iiwt1enti.n of tl Mivttwy nn.jt4 to ol,1,-,i ilwir iitw,l5.
...v t-Himoi ,m excrtusou in n.pirWR foni-tenl nnd rclialiJ olinnr
to procure stents, for the vitlne 4 a i-vitent k;,,-mU gna.ll-, if not ntin-lv, mo
tlie cure and hkill of the attorney.
With a view of prota-ting inventor Tron. worthier or carder ..tUr-v
andofHoeingthat invention , w,, prolw l,y valid jtenls, THE PBttA
CLAIMS COMPANY Jws retain.-d i-ounsel expert in patent ilioe and i lir,
fiw pnpured U
J'Uokbcitk jh ii-:i--i:si JSr JUNiJE.VKXT M'1T!S,
KTi" ETC, ,
If yo liare an iiivoiilirm on haml THE PRESS CL VMS COMPATtY a
sketch r (.l.togr.ii.h th-r (, JoKHltir with a l.rief d.-ri,.i.n'of 1lJ.r1,B
featorw, and -mi will h a oc- wl .,,.,! nn tr, the W.1 to pnr. Mod-
re not nectary unle tin nvMitio. uof a Mnpli, tt. d mi turn. If tl..r ar '
infriKiif " ynr rights, or if jr.i r Hi ir.'l wild i-.friiiini,ot Uy ..(Item, mW
mit the ina(I-r to for ; f iMUe t)!. a iO -' Wfor m-ting m tti ntir. .
filM F 1r.-H. .imtl.. WAKlllIf(lT()', txc ;
P . O. Bos 4W. , ; wwrjw3twi, mttuuiing Umnt i
I' V
. -S3, 1