The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 07, 1893, Image 5

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L. J. Mniniuu. Editor and Proprietor.
F. K. i I.Vli. R.Tim-tnlW.
fining Wewt. OoiiiR Kt.
"o. 5, mU-d II :IS ! 5o. , wliivl 6S
H'ticat - r liimlii'l 'Jijfiiju
Out ) r ltii-ln-1 . 30
Corn-M-r liii-lifl . 40
M.ort- -r liiiwlrril t . I W
limn-t humlml f . .. M
Krt d )iopx-.--per liuiirrrl .... I 25
J'!;tt'K- pt-r lillHllK) .. 10
HtUtiT MT ! HI
Kair mtiIox 40
Poultry -jut 'tuz t no
im";i - t t t
tl'itlm- jx-r . AH
Coal M t ton.. . . 8 00
Wool jx-r cop-. J 60
I.UtiilxT- llktivtt-lMT III. ft , 19 00
( orriM tml every TliiirlHy.
Hides wanted at the hardens shop.
1'. N. Kirkatricl had the misfor
fortune to low; a horse n few day no.
--Remember tttat Tim Jx.kna(. oflice
is ln-adtiarters for job printing.
- Old uers for sale at Thk JoI'K.nai.
odice. 5 cent per dozen.
I. Hichstein lias been building an
addition to the south end of Ins ice house
vhi h he will use as a bum.
if you want to sell your land, list it
with Simmons & Smiley, real estate
All kinds of wood work done at
I'nddy's blarksmith shop, opposite THE
Jurn.NAI. olliee.
- rallies knowing themselves indebted
to ma will please all nd setlln before
January 1st. Produce of any kind taken
on account. If. A. l'MWV.
100 U'-res adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain, if taken soon.
Simmons & Smiley.
-Rev, K. D. Irvine will hold Episcopal
service at the church on Tuesday
evening, 1 ecenilier lllth. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
Take out a policy in the Preferred
.Mutual Accident Association. 11 is
heap and reliable. I,. J. SIMMONS,
.Sheri(T:ele t Ih-w'h family has lieen
pxssing through a siege of pneumonia
for a week past, hut at last account
they were improving.
The young jieople have decided to
have a tree and entertainment nt the
church on Christmas night. A good
program in being prepared and an en
joyable time is promised.
Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and
(dim; maker. Cowboy bootn a Bjx-cialty
Ueairiiig promptly and neatly done
Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second
door south court house.
Dr. J. S. Romine, dentist, of Chad-
don, Neb., will personally visit Harrison,
professionally, in the near future, and
notice of the exact date will be given
later. He will have with him every
pain and labor device known to the
profession. Ilr, Romine is well known
to many of our eople and has done
work for some of them so that his
ubihty isA'Htublished.
The flrrt of the week V. A. Hester
mid the editor of TllK Joi'KSaL returned
from the eastern part of the, state where
they had spent some days looking up
matter pertaining to a creamery. Par
tics were met who are interested in such
institutions both as stockholders and
patrons tnd all agree that they area
great help to a community. Tlie mer
chants of the towns where the creamer
ies are located report that it is an advan
tage to them for it relieves them of a
great deal of trouble in the handling of
butter ill which there was no prollt to
them and it increases the volume of
their cash business and also makes it so
that they can always have good butter
with which to supply their customers.
Tim farmer who sell milk or cream lo eiea' highly of the
rusults and in localities wherw the fops
were almost u total failure the it vwu
hou the income from their cows is about
till ttwe farmer have to keep up on and
the merchants of the towns in such lo-
caliliwn miy that wem it not for tlie cash
obtained from that scouree tii.-y would
not l able lo do business. There lire
two uhisse of companies, one in compos
ed of tbow who went into il for mi in
venlmwit nnd Hie other is wliere Hie far
mers are tlie utockliolders and they pay
o much for making the butter utl the
rest goes; to niy for the rnilU. In nil the
Investigations inivle there was not one
man found w ho did not speak well of the
institution. Of course it Is admitted
by nil that it Is nhnolutely necessary
that the tUFaim of such ft company be
properly mnniigedi but because crenrne
rie at some points have failed Is no
reason why Hie whole system niiould be
condemned tiny more tlruil ntionhl any
business be declared bad bects of occa
sioiml failure. In n short time some
written statements from putroiwi and
thorns inUirested In one of tlie most suc
cessful creameries will lie received that
our oplu may judge from them of the
lienellts to be derived. It Is nlso cx
scld tlt mmie iarlli.'s will lw here in
the near future to look the Held over
nd if proper encouragement is given
they will take hold of the project. All
Bgrw tlmt a creiiinoCjr lit thin place if
properly oomliK'ted will certainly be
profitable to both stockholders nnd
farmers and that I the kind of an ir.nti
,Mti"U tlwt ii wanted,
Phil Mei'ann sends us some
c-ah to
apply on hi subscription.
Thk Jot knaL in orde- -nt to J. W.
ILirtweil, Koanake ('it) , '.t.
J. II. Cook was up from Agate Springs
tlie llrst of the week.
Mrs. S. W. Hall was in town on Mon
day end t ailed at this office.
If. Priesholf and IL Piekenbrock were
over from Montrose the llrst ol tne
A. R. Kennedy came up from Craw
ford on 'Wednesday to look after bis
interests here.
E. E. Livermore went to Crawford on
Tuesday evening on an order to apiiear
before the examining board for an in
crease of tension.
Bert Eirnest and Harry Churchill nave
decided to take advantage of the Harri
son school and are now regular atten
dants. ('has. E. Verity returned tlie last of
the week from bis trip to Wyoming and
it is reported that he contemplates going
to Laramie City to take the manage
ment of a daily republican paper.
Mr. T. L. Poole and sister, Miss Addie,
two enterprising teachers of I)awes
count v. returned to their schools Satur
day, after siending Thanksgiving vaca
tion with their friend Miss Minne Smith.
J. H. Cook informed us a few days
ago that he expects to bring a large lot
of stock down from Montana in the near
future to his Agate Springs farm.
In another column aps?arsthe adver
tisement of the Wtvkly line. It has been
reduced in price to sixty-five cents a year
which is the cheapest of any piper in the
Subject of the Sunday morning dis
course nt the Methodist Church "Our
Requirements. There will lie no ser
vices in tlie evening as the pastor goes
to Hislarc lo commence a series of meet
ings. It is reported tliat an effort will te
made to organize a social club. There
is no reason why very pleasants parties
cannot I held during the long winter
evenings and it is hoped tlmt the prc
motorsoflhe project will proceed to
push it.
Henry PrieshofT, who on the face of
the returns was elected commissioner,
has filed his bono and w ill fill the office
until the contest is decided. The hear
ing of the rase will lie some time next
month lefore the county judge.
'Squire Wilcox knows that the
printer likes good things to eat and
brought us some nice spare-ribs and
sausage the first of the week. If there
is any one who nppreciates such things
lietter than we do let him hold up his
Some people who have made a suc
cess of nothing but failures seem to be
afraid that some one else may make a
success of some thing undertaken. A
spirit of that kind never did any good to
its iossessor and does not do much harm
to any one else, but what they expect
to gain by such a course is a mystery.
A good deal of cattle stealing has
been going on along the Wyoming line
south of here for some time if the re
ports are to tie believed and a few days
ago a number of men were arrested.
They clailned that they lwlonged in Box
Butte county, nnd some of litem set up
the plea that they were ipclled lo
steal to keep their families from starv
ing. We recieved a communication a few
days niro which we would have gladly
published but the writer failed to give
any clue to bis or her identity. It is a
rule which cannot lie violated that com
munications cannot be published unless
the name of the writer accompanies
them. Those sending anything for pub
lication will please ls?ar that fact in
mind. It is not necessary that your
name be published but it must accom
pany the communication. This rule Is
necessary for the protection of the pub
lisher. Some time ago some olio stole a sad
dle from the bnrn of J. II. Cook. It was
snpxsed it had lieen taken out of the
country, but a few days, or rather nights
ago, it was brought to the Lartiest ram h
and exchanged for a saddle belonging to
George Earnest. The Htirrups and cinch
was changed for some reason when the
saddles were exchanged. The owners of
the saddles would like to interview the
fellow who made tlie trade,
During tin absense of nearly two
weeks the editor of this paper traveled
over a ttiouvind mile and visited a
number of towns nnd cities. At every
point the cry of hard times was heard on
every Imnd. There are more cases of want
among deserving people than has1 been
known for years and a great (leal of suf
fering will he experienced before the
winter Is oVer. Ifl ttlmost every place
the charitable (icople are organising to
assist the otfli'ials ill providing for the
wants of those who are Unable to pro
vide for themselves nnd those dependent
upon them. The fraternal organisations
are preparing to do all they can to carry
out the Intent of their nrdern and hid
vidual effort litis plenty tf opportunity
for charitable work. The fact Is that
the people nftliia lovality are I Iter o If
tday, taken as a whole than are the
people in general in the older
tiltled countries. With the free fuel
here our people can defy the voli and
tliere are none who will he in any dan
ger of starving ami there in much reason
for our (wtlUrs to be glad that Mwy are
Henry Covey liui our thank for a
uii lot of turni. A little turnip now
and then, is relished by all printer men.
On last Tuesday the family r.' V
Si 'taefer arrived from Seward i.
Wednesday Mr. K baefer got here with
two carloads of sf.Ji k and goods which
he is taking to his farm near Rodarc
which he purchased of J. (J. Morns last
fall. He is well pleased with bis pur
chase and he is the kind of people who
will help to develop the country as lie
ha means w ith w hich to carry on bis
operations. There is room for a great
many such men in Sioux county and the
indications are that tliey will get here at (
a much more rapid rate in the future'
than they have been doing in the past.
Reduced In Price.
On November l-lth the price of
was reduced in price to
No other paper in the country pub
lishing 12 pages or 4s columns of mut
ter, can lie had for less than $1.00 per
year. This extremely low price is made
by the publishers in order to enable
every English reading family in the
great west to read the liesl and greatest
newspaper published in the west. In
order to induce readers and others to
raise clubs the following offer is made:
Two subscriptions will be received for
Five subscriptions will lie received for
Ten subscriptions will lie received for
On (dubs jf more than ten the price will
bs 50 cents for each subscription.
Ilo not f.iil lo take advantage of this
When sending in your own subscrip
tion send us one or niore for your friends
and neighlxirs.
Send us an order for your friends in
the east who shonld be told of the great
resources of this'state. The Bee pub
lishes more western news than any other
paper in this country and makes the best
immigration document that can he sent
east. Address all orders to,
The Bkf. Pt husiiinu Co.,
Omaha," Neb.
And a Book Containing all the TSasby
Letters for Oue IKilIar.
In answer to a general demand from
all parts of the United States the Toledo
Blade has published in one volume, cloth
bound, all of tlie "Nanny Letter" ever
written by the late D. It. Locke, omit
ting perhaps a few unimportant letters
on local or forgotten topics. Only a few
of there letters were ever published in
book form. Every body has read some
of them, but who has read all of ttieiu?
The book contains over 500 large pages.
and all the Nasby Letters written during
a period of twenty-tlve years; also a por
trait of I). Ii. Locke from his last photo
graph. It would sell at jine dollar or
more, but will never be placed on sale.
One hundred thousand copies are now
being printed and bound, and one copy
will be sent postpaid by mail frte to
every person who this winter remits one
dollar for the Weekly Blade one year.
Every body invited to send for a speci
men copy of the Weekly Blade, which
will give a full description of the took
"The Nasby LvUers."
The Toledo Weekly Blade is the tost
and most popular weekly newspair
published iu this country. It has the
largest circulation of any weekly news
paiier, and goes to every stale, territory
and nearly every county in the union.
Only one dollar a year, including the
above mentioned liook tree. Mend postal
to the Blade, Toledo, Ohio, for a free
secimen copy of the paper, (semi tlie
addresses of your friends also.
J 10 Star Amiiul Sutmlber la Urn
AadMaaf Practical Moa VtMi W
. TtM rra ao4 una WMkir 9
IAcMmIm satin Mm kttOn, W
I eouDtri,
J A Choice of File Pres Bods J
U firm erenr MSiul NhsrHker of tM Qfr W
on ruanm, A list x eo.uneu m
map) in imi m
to ioatn tmm-imeto
I'rw Fur Farmer.
A very fine Photogra.hic View of the
World's Fair, 8 x 10 incheu in inze, the
work t f the Official Plmthgraplier of the
S. Gov., and iti-coiiipa;iieJ hy a
Krapbic, interesting and autlieutic de
scription, will lie sent free by tlie t'h -cwjjo
Weekly Jiidr Cheat to any farmer
who will send stamp for postage. Ad
dress '-Librarian, Inter Ocean.
Uet Line to the East.
Tlie Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
is running elegantly eo,uiped passenger
traines without change from Newcastle,
Wyoming and ( rawford, Nebraska, direct
to Linc oln, Nebraska, making connection
at tliat point with their own through
trains for Denver. Cheyenne, and all
i point west, and for Kansas City, St.
t',e ! Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, ( 'hi
jaigo, and all points east.
! Remember this is the only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Ixiuis the fol
lowing morning.
F'or further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. & M. R. R.
WaSTKD Salesmen, to sell our choice
and hardy nursery stock. Many special
varieties to oiler, lioth in Iruits and or
namental'., and controlled only by us,
We pay commission or salary, give ex
clusive territory and pay weekly. Write
us at once and secure choice territory.
May Bhothekk, Nurserymen,
6-12 Rochester. N. Y.
See the "Old Reliable"
T. O.
Harrinon, -
- Mebranbt.
Dr. Leonhardt
Limit liis practice to diseases of tlie
Nervous system,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo
tion and Will-power, Cramps, FHs, Gen
eral Nervousness, and all forms of
(Ab shown by Shortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb
ness in region of the Heart.)
(Such us Skin Diseases,
sive Paleness or Redness
Faintness, Dizziness, etc.)
Ulcers, Exces-
of the Face,
1402 O ST. - " LINCOLN, NEB.
"Mentrfm thin pnper.
I'lirrhasp Tlrkots and (,'onslun Your Freljrlit
via the
F E. & M. V. S. C. & P.
ft. fl. BURT, Oeneral Manager.
Gen'l Freight Agt, (leii'l Pass, Agt,
J. K. PinNNEY.M. 1).
Miyslrlnti anil Snrgeim.
All Calls ftlVtm prompt iittlMi thin,
onlre In lrnf stm-r-,
lliirrlsmi, Nrbr.
own rnllttfflnpnritm):
Cook j ::m
Stove ;
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the
General merchandise,
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates.
Come and see us before you buy.
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors,
Lath and
Windmill and
Buckeye, Deering
Walter A. Wood
Press Claims Company.
Equal with tlie interest of those having dainiH upiirmt, the (loverntiient ill
that of INVENTORS, who ol't n lose tiiu lieiiedt of valuation tiecniixe ol In
inconiiietiteia-y of iliattiiition of the nttorlicvs ftriloynl to ohtnin their -ateiilft,
Too much cure ciinnot he exercised in eniployiny; competent, unci reliable wilicitor
to procure jmU'titR, fur the value of u patent depend greatly, if not entirely, upon
the cure nntl nkill of the attorney,
With tt View of protecting Inventors from worthless or cart-leu ntttorneyii
ami tif winf tlmt invetitioim nre well protected hy valid patentB, THE PRESH
CLAIMS lX)MPANV ha retained counstl exiert in patent practice and in there
fore pn-parwl to
ItKNDKH OI-I.VIOSS oa Mi MOI'r; nliit VAI.HHTV of l'ATKNT-4,
If you Iwiv an invention on lnvnd umid THE PHE.-W CLAIMS COMPANY n
sketchtir pliotoxmph thereof, toitther with a brif d-crlriti.m of tlte iiiiHirlujlt
fiitnr?, rvnd yu will lie nt n-v arlvis l an t the lie-.t t-oiirmi t pur-tun. MtidJ
are not necsftry tinles thi invention i of n coinplicnti'il mil lire. If olheni mv
infrinKing on your right, or if yon are h ir,'J willi iiifiiiiaiiient ly other, mth
mil lh ninllrf t i for n n l nble OIWTO ' lerira mstiiig on tin matter.
Tcr. Vrehs CLATKS CoMrAHT,
111 A F trw , nnrtli WASUIKOTON, 1. a
P. O. Box 484. ii wc;WSi;W lN, mnntttfiiHr allanwy,
rtil Willi aul mmI '! I yr TveW
Largest Stock of
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
for the -
1 Y Til!!
: .'....V-
..i t 4 f, . ,
- -y.
i if