. be educated firmer of today U plated almost beyond competition, wbiie lawyers, the merhaiiic and the doctor find talented commotion on wry cor dot. The ecieutiflc bud'i duration enabUa him to make the m toftheoceo.lt lawi of nature gov rt D( f arm life. Uy a know.edge of o..onoic botany he u able to maks the noat of bis toil au crop by a judi cioia selection of plan... Wat adapts to a farm, both as regards soil and 6 lu.at. 'August Flower" "What is August Flower for ?" As easily answered a asked. It is for Dyspepsia. It is a special rem edy for the Stomae! and Liver. Nothing more than tlis. We believe August Flower care Dyspepsia. We know it wilL We have reasons for knowing it To-day it has an honored place in every town and .country store, possesses one of the larTest manufacturing plants in the country, and sells everywhere. The reason is simple. It does one thing, and does it right. It cures dyspepsia KNOWLEDGE Prings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who lire bet ter than others and enjor life more, with leia expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to With of the pure liquid laxatiTe principles embraced in the remedy, 8yrtip of Figs Iu excellence is due to its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties i ' n perfect lax atiTe; effectually cleaning the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has riven satinfaction to millions and Met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acU on the Kid aeys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it Is perfectly free from very objectionable sulwtance. Bynip of Figs Is for sale by all drug gists In 60c andfl bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig 8yrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. "COLCHESTER" SPADING BOOT. Mm - m ,.rm Uttira ft R hand ndotiirra. tnli the whole length of the t.,le lm to the heel, pmux-tlne the shsnlt In ditching. llKKt8 snii other work. Htquallty throughout ASK VOI'K DKAI.KK. The Bettt Christmas Gift or tha bast sddltlon to raw's own library Is WMSTM'S MTMMTIOHU 01CTI0RY The New -lsafl 'Vambriated." iner inft Minora rinpliivwt, and over fMUjHQ cipeoded. A arssa ESacstsr Akftsst Iht Tbsss A Latrsry I HssM Inraltulile In the houwhold, snd to llielMuhrr, roft tiinsl man, or Ml( cducstor. b Sold by All BonktUtri. 47. C. Merrlmm Co. IhMMert, Spring fitld. Mam. wrnsTFirs ilKTERWraWLj tW l" i S"7 dmm phfto rmplilr reprfuu of luteal MllUona. rfHrnl tut tmt tipcu. DSfiF; .... miii aaiar coin 3E Caamiapllvr anil (Miopia who bur weak luftfior AUh aia.iKf iW H I'leo'tCiir (or Ooasmpunn. It S aar4 inmJT It has not iajar II IS Mt eonrn tj'mp. ok! Trrr" U3 - ' V Whan it is desired to use carbolic acid a a disinfectant It should be mixed with boiling water. This promptly overcomes the usual antagonism be tween the acid ana the water and con vert them into a permanent aolutlon, which will keep for weeka. Xotbing ean be found more effectual in removing brown spots from the akin than lemon juice. The most obstinate cases will generally fade awsy under the lemon treatment, or a mixture of vinegar acd wuter. f'igeons ald STalceas. Faleony may yet be restored, as it seems, though not aa a sport, but aa part of the terrible bus nesa, war. A Kussian officer, Caut. SmilotT, has been laming falcons to serve as dispatch carriers. The falcon has several ad vantages over thb carrier pigeon, saye i he Westminister Gazette. Not only is he a more warlike bird than the meek cou in of the dove, but he is swifter in (light and capable of great endurance, t he greatest swiftness ever known to be attained by the carrier pigeon is fifteen German) miles an hour, but this is the rate of t le ordinary nU'ht of the falcon. D'Au' usson, In his work on "Jbe Falconry of the Middle Ages," tells several anecdotes of the extraor dinary powers of tie falcon and length and swiftness of flight. For instance, a falcon which was sent from the Ca nary islanls to the duke of Lerma in' pain made the return llight from Au daiuaia to Teneriff in sixteen hours, which was at the express speed of six teen (German) miles to the hour. A German mile is not far abort of five English miles, so that the speed of this falcon must have been at the rate of about seventy-five miles an hour. A further advantage of the falcon over the pigeon Is the greater weight which it can carry. It is well known that a very alight burden is an oppression to the poor pigeon, so that dispatches are reduced in size to photographic copies, in order to reduce tha weight for the feeble little carrier. Capt. rimiloff says he has found that a falcon can carry a weight of four Kuuiau pounds, or 1,640 grams (thirty gr.tms go to our ounce), without diminishing its power or swift ness In flying. Besides, the carrier pig eon may fall a prey to the falcon while there is small danger of any other bird taking the farrier falcon a prisoner. Drfei Sea Hoondlnsrs, An elevation of the sea bed one hun dred fathoms would suflice to lay bare t he greatest part of the North sea and join Knglaud t Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France. A deep channel of water would run down the west coast of Norway, and with tbia a ma jority of the Herds would be connected. great part of the bay of iiiacay would disappear, but Spain and Portugal are but little removed from the At Ian .lc depression. The one hundred-fathom line approachea very near the west coast, and soundings of one thousand fathoms can be made within twenty miles of Cape St. Vincent, and much greater depths have been sounded at dsstaucea but little greater tban thla from the western shores of the Iberian peninsula. DvKfrrwA, impaired digestion, weak utoniach, and constipation will be in stantly relieved by Keechatn's Pills. 25 cents. A llornstone Mountain. Mount Klneo, which rises precipit ously seven hundred feet out of Moose head lake, in Maine is wholly composed of hornstones and is the largest mass of thnt mineral in the known world. There is no true flint in the United States, but hornstone so closely resem bles it that it takes an expert to tell the difference. This rck supplied arrow headi to Indians hundreds and thous ands of miles away. The discovery of these arrow heads In the Mississippi valey has led to the belief that a sys tem of commercial exchange must have existed among the red men in former centuries. According to an Indian tradition the mountain is the body of a monster moose that was slain by s giant. Ikhtkao or TttirMM with a Bad Ooj.d use Dr. 1). Javne'sKxpe-torarit, wliico will loosen the' phlegm, subdue iiiHatna tinn, and certainly tave your Limits and Throat much dangerous wear and teur. Many of the new costums show the pointed apron oversklrt. PIERCE CURE OK MONEY KETl'RNED. For over a quarter of a cantury, Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Dtaeovery haa bean etTw ting mret of Bronchial, Throat and Luiu affec tions The makers have such coafldenee in tbe "Dtaooveri.",for curing Asthma, bron chitis, and incipient Consumption, that they can afford to piaraata M. Mrs. Isaac unrnkn, of Thutiow, Iklavmrt Co., writes as follows : if a. is. . i lanca, iiui fslo. N. Y.: "iMarStr 1 wish to write jrou of my brother, Harry 0. Troup, who has been sick for tan years with asthma. He has been treated br ten different phrsldana, who have said he oould not be cured. He bad to alt up at nUrht, be got so short of breath; be suf fered with fearful head aches and had a bad cough. AfU-r taking Diwtor Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery and l'lnnsaiit Pellets, ho did H. C. Taooe. not get short of breath, and can slwp ail nhjbt" Ely's Cream Balm atflCKLT C1IKKH COLD 111 HEAD Apply ftalm Incooacli nut rll BOa.,IWrrl'"..'' V WANTED tlioo s jo"ihVstliS2I N. N. U. Ko 8"a. Vorh. Nab. TVBMf WftrrtMO TO . AOTBstTf ICMi 11 uImm ear raa sew the MtwrtltmatB ta Ibfa awr. W07.LO OF INDUSTRY." What Baay Mas aad W.i Arm Oatac Sfowa4ajs. lilCKLAYERS have 3)1 unions. Gekmany has 100,000 tramps. Mit. Fitts is a Missouri tailor. Fall Kivkk has 8,000 weav ers. LoNbON has 9, 500 union printers. All Fall River mills are 1 runniug. Colorado miners are organizing. Milwai'kee has 850 dressmakers. New IIavkn has a bi-metallic league. Moke Cohoes mills have shutdown. Tueke are 20,078 union cigaruiak era. France reporU 300 strikes this year. Colorado Is deporting its unem plo; ed. Nahville has a colored barbers' union, i Chickasaw Nation needs cotton pickers. Waiters' Alliance No. 9 has 500 j meujlier. Early closing has poor prospects at Hartford. , W(mm brin((s$4.25 to t'l per cord at riohe, Nev. i .Sachamknto has worklnernen's po litical clubs. TiUmim take possession of Call-: foinia trains. . CioAiiMAKERs have 1501,000 in their treasury. A r J-eattle a Chinese flrm will erect a four story block. Bos'i o garment workers will smoke union clears only. Qukenhland has sixteen labor members of the Assembly. Paris has sixty lalor papers. New York has that man .dead. Nationalists want a Secretary of Labor in the President's Cabinet Union ville (Mass.) cotton mill resumed at 20 per cent, cut In waxes Albany unions are making an ac tive campaign for the labor ticket. SritiKiNo printers run a paper at Richmond on the co-operative plan. Ukv, D.i. N. S. Holmes of Colum bus attacked labor unions on Sunday last. Mill dividends at Fall River, for the last quarter, show good average returns. Lyons buttonhole makers have organized under the banner of the K. of L. Two Milwaukee men will buy school books for an indefinite period for poor children. Half the country window glass factories are getting ready for com plete operations. The Salvation Army at Frisco furnUhcs sleeping Quarters aa well as food to the Door. , Lowell carpet mills don't run on Saturday, and the 'time for other days has been reduced. Representative workmen of Mon treal, are discussing the relations of the church to labor. Cleveland, Ohio,, has increased its Are force, but the cry for extra pay went unheeded. Oswkoo business men have started a movement to secure the location of factories in that town. lUVriMORE will prosecute work on se.wors throughout the wlrUer in order to furnish work. The McKce and Jeanrictte (Pa.) window glass factories are about to resume with 1,2,'jO men. The Salvation Army at San Fran cisco gave dinners to over l,:i.ro peo ple on one day recently. A Plainhelo (Ind.) womun bus sued three druggists lor sell i in toxicants to her husband. Machinery in a Pittsburgh steel works enables 2,000 men to do the work formerly done by 5,000. The Typographical I'nlon is mak ing a strong light for the Govern ment ownership of the telegraph. Riots have been precipitated at Los Angeles., in the work of exter minating Chinese garden workers. TiiK Central Labor Tnlon of Indi anapolis has indorsed the general cut In the salaries of municipal onicials. Salmon fishing 'a prohibited In the Slate of Washington between i p. m, on Saturday and the same lioiir on Sunday. Grand Rapid." is oRered free city telephones and the public the serv ice at H a year, If a franchise shall be granted a new company. The Woodworkers' Union, Carpen ters' and Joiners', Tailors' and Fed eration of Trades at Chattanooga have temporarily given up the ghost The Mayor of Indianapolis Is act ive in the movement to give work to the unemployed. I ahor meetings re held in the Criminal Court room. A Troy manufacturer of ladies' waists, wrappers, skirts, and corset covers declares that he has to com pete with convict labor in Dunne mora f e or the Word "Ain't." It would be an immense relief if that dreadful Americanism "ain't" could be gh en a rest tor all eternity. You hear it so frequently. The few exceptions among well-educated people scarcely make an Impression with an observer on the lookout for the phrase, it is surprising bow easily a fault In speech may be ac quired by (he ear, but in this part of tbe world, where our public schools are believed to really educate, it is quite common to bear grammatical riora, aa In localities lesa Intellectu ally favored. "I ain't, you ain't, ha or she ain't.they ain't," is tl un pleasant conjugation cf what verb? ''Ain't you going to tbe fair?" asks a well-set-up young person, who would bi highly offended If her social statu m was questioned "Oh, I ain't hal half of tbe party!" is another from young lips, and the nice-looking car conductor scares tbe life out of you by halloing: "Wait till tbe car stops! We ain't got there yet:" Purists will take no offense at this alue of grammar if it saves their necks, but if anyone would keep watch over bis tongue aa well and note the ain'ts that now afflict the American language, that offensive and mean ingiess contraction and ne gation would be abol.shed, and even tbe primarily-educated masses might say what they mean. Kansas City Times. The Cunniujc Armadillo. The armadillo, as eccentric in his habits as in his appeearance, does the duty of the domestic cat -among the Oeid mice, which are terribly de structive Voracious in his appetite, he is sedentary by Inclination, but he finds his game with very little troub e, says the Edinburgh Ceview. Mice are always more or less abundant, though periodically, and almost punc tually, their numbers decline, but in certain years they positively swarm. Then the dogs subsist on them: they fatten the poultry and great flights of fowls of the air are jierpetually on the hover over their breeding grounds. As for the armadillo, he goes to work methodically, quartering the plain like a well-bred eagle, and sniffing the earth with preternatural acuteness. When his noe Informs him that a mousj Is near, he creeps up stealth ily toward the spot, then, . slowly drawing himself up and making his spring, he traps the mouse, ora whole family of mice, beneath his body, i Put he does not confine himself to : a mouse and insect diet, and in at I tacking the snake he uses his impen ' etrable body armor as a weapon of offense A friend of Mr. Iiud on witnes-iod one of these encounters. The armadillo rushed upon a snake, which vainly sought to escape, and ! rocked himself to nnd on the body, until the vi tim was cut up into sec tions under the sharp edges of the armadillo's bony covering. Should animal food fail him, the armadillo falls back upon egetables, so that he need never take more than indis ; pensable exercise and can always keep himself in comfortable condi , tlon. Another inveterate enemy of ; the snakes is their congener, the iguana or great tree liard, of which Mr. Hudson tells a comical story, re lated to him by a Guacho friend, who was riding carelessly along, letting one end of his lasso trail behind, j He noticed a large iguana lying ap parently asleep in the sun, and though he rode by it very closely it did not stir; but no sooner had he passed it than it raised Its head and fixed its attention on the- forty feet of lasso trailing slowly by. Suddenly ; it, dashed after the rope and dealt it a succession of violent Mows with its tail. V hen the whole of the lasso, several yards of which had been ' pounded in vain, had been dragged j by, the lizard, with uplifted head, 'continued gazing after It with the greatest astonishment Never had ' such a wonderful enake crossed its , path before. -i Altogether Different. : There was a time when Charles Sumner was voted a vulgar fanatic in Kostnn liecause he had olTended cer- jtain ironi nent persons by his need- j lessly cutting remarks on their -'re- j spectahllities." tine (lay Samuel , Hooper whorepresented lioston in the National House, and who was an in-! titnate friend of .su inner, was asked by a wealthy commercial ac uaint-i ance how he managed to get along j with "that fellow Sumner.'' j "Oh, very well." was the reply. "I meet him very often. He appears to be invited to every party given in Washington. You can'tgo anywhere without s: eing him." "Vou don't say he is considered a gentleman? i ou don t say that he is a man one would ask. now, to dine at your table or miner" "No," replied Mr. Hooper, with the dry humor which was peculiarly his own, "1 don't think It would be come you to Invite him to your house; but society in Washington is mixed up;of elements such as we never find in Koston. There arc, you know, a lot of embassadors from the various countries of Europe, dukes, earls, barons, knights, and other persons with titles prefixed to their names. Sumner seems to he their favorite guest, but I would not, of course, ad vise you to invite liiin to dinner. In lloslon wo are naturally cautious; in Washington we can be less discrimi nating." And the best part of the Joke was that the victim of this satire re 1 mained quite unaware that he had . been so effectually subdued. Mot Canala, but Mountains. The results of ix months' oLserva tlonsof Mars have led Mr. Schacherle of the l.lck ubservatory to the con clusioncontrary to the generally received view that the dark por tions of the disk represent land and the llht portions water. This Is supported by observations of San Francisco Hay from Mount Hamilton, in which the bay appears brighter than the neighboring valley and mountains at the same distance. On this hypothesis the "canals" would correspond to rhlges of mountains al most wholly - immersed In water, while their doubling may represent parallel rid ires of which our own earth furnlshcscxamples. Examiner. Tub elrl makes the greatest ob jection to any public demonstration of affection before marrage; the man make the objection afterward. IF you wish the lightest, sweet est, finest cake, biscuit, bread and rolls, Royal Eaking Powder is indispensable in their making. For newspaper and music, to stand in tb i drawing room, are aedau chairs, viith'iut the poles covered in old bro cade and flitted in plush. These are in tended to replace the wooden cabinets usually doing such duty, as inside they are properly partitioned to serve their purpose. On a French tombstone -could it have been found on any other Is the inscription, "Sacred to the memory of Mile. ;died April 2, in her Slat year hbe never looked her age," lu tbe Cracks. A cigar dealer was recently com pelled to move from his down-town stand, which he had occupied for thirty-five years, because of the demolition of the old building, says the New York Times. He packed his belongings with many a sigh of regret. When he had got his thins all out he turned to the work men who were wailing to begin tearing down the building aad remarked, in a rather sarcastic tone: "Well, boys, you may have all you find in this old trap." The workmen began on the old floor, which had been worn into hollows by age. It bad not been replaced since it was originally laid. One of the men ripped up a board with his crowbar, raising a cloud of dust. When he got it out of his eyes he saw something shiny in the crack. fie picked it up and it proved to be a dime. Further investigation revealed the fact that the crack was lined with silver. This was an incentive to the work men. They plied ther crowbars with remarkable energy for men poorly paid. In this instance they were amply re warded. In every crack of tbe floor silver dimes were found. Some of them bore dates of nearly half a century ago. The men gathered the coin in handf uls. The cigar dealer, in speaking of the occurrence, said that lie hadn't the slightest idea that so much money could be lost throgli carelessness and a poor door, even iu thirty-tive years. "Hut it won't happen again,'' he added. "When I heard of it I immedi ately gave orders to have my new stores refloored with hard wood and no cracks at my own expense.'' A Choick Christmas Gift. In the se lection of a choice Christmas gift, or an addtiion to one's own library, both ele gence and usefulness will be found com bined in Webkbtkr't International Dtctionkry, which is the last of the va rious revisions and enlargements of the original "Webester." The Internation al represents fifty times the amount of literary labor that was expended upon ihe earliest edition, and is, without question, the most complete and relia ble work of the kind ever published in a single volume. It is warmly indorsed ny eminent scholars throughout the English-sjieaking world, and is a most useful book for the library, the school, the family, the student, and in fact for all who read or write the English language. It is expensive, of course to be 'dress rd" by Worth, but cost is a rela tive question, and if people want their gowns trimmed with real lace, gold and jewels, they ought to ascertain be forehand what the cost will be, unless they are in a position of fortune which does not oblige them to consider such sordid details. A certain Peruvian lieires paid Worth $2 1.0)0 for a frock trimmed with leal lace, 23,fi00 of which went for the "solids" of the garment. AHthma Sufferer. Who have in vain tried every other means of relief should try "Hchilfniunn's Asthma Cnre." No wafting for results. Its union is immediate, direct and certain, as a single trial proves. Send to Dr. K. hchillmann, St. 1'aul, Minn., for a free trial package, but auk j our druggist lirst. Mrs. Henry Peck (looking up from her paper)- Ah! well, poor Hyson is rid !of his trouble and misery at last. Mr. Henry Peck (in astonishment) -Why, I didn't know his wife was sick. When did she die?-Puck. Deserving Confidence. There is no article .which so richly deserves the entire eon-1 fidenee of the community ns Krown's Bronchial Trociiks. Those HulleiiiiK j from Asthmatic atid Hronchial Diseases, Coughs and Colds, should try them. 1'riee ,25 cent. ' Mamie I believe in woman's righis. Gertie Then you think every woman should have a vote. Mamie -eXo; but I do think every woman should have a voter.- Harper's Ba.ar. ' Pee "Colchester's" Spading Boot Ad. in other column. i He Wonderful score that of Henry's! j Why, he hit the bull's-eye nine times j in succession yesterday. She Yes, but just think of the stif- ferine ot that poor bull. Men are so cruel ! Boston Globe. MMMMMM.MMaMaM T. JACOBS 01 iSST PA0N3 AND AQC3S0. Fear of microbes has induced the members of a church in Fostoria, Ohio, to invest iu 4(X) wine glasses. Each communicant is to have a separate glass from which to drink tbe sacra mental wiue. , A recent craze in Paris has been for frames, dainty boxes, card cases, and the like, made of white or pale pink kid, painted w th a spr nkl ng of flowers copied from old Dresden china. Thia is a suggestion for using the upper parts of long white kid gloves. Speaking of Edwin Booth, a pretty girl says: "I did something once that I don't believe anybody else ever did. I made Booth laugh while he was play ing "Hamlet." You know the way he had of fixing bis eye upon some one person in the audience and apparently acting to that person? One night I was tbe one. It made me nevous. I could not stand it. So, in the solioquay what do you suppose I did? I made a monkey face at him. And he laughed. He certainly laughed", she ended tri umphantly. Bewarasof Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as merenry will mrely destroy the sense of smell andconipletely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu c.raa surfaces, mch articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by 1 J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure and get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. f)s"8old by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. it is said the practice of the wife assuming the husband's name at mar riage orginated from a Roman custom and became the common custom after tbe Roman occupation. Thus Julia and Octavia, married to Pompey and Cicero, were ca led by the Romans Julia of Pompey and Octavia of Cuicero, and in later times married women in most European countries si. ned their games in the same man ner, but omitted the "of." Two Things about Catarrh in the Head First It is a constitutional disease. Prof. Gross, a 1 ading scientist, say: "Catarrh is a constitutional diaeu which manifests itself by local symptoms." Dr. Dio Lewis says: "Catarrh is not a disease of the man's nose; it is a disease of the man." Therefore he says snuffs and other local applies ions are useless. Second It requites a consti tutional remedy, like Hood's Sarsaparill. which reaches and cure? Catarrh by purify, lng the blood ai d building up the system,' so as to throw olf the disease. Thousands who once suffered fr.mi Catarrh agree that HoodVvCures Hood's I'llls are carefully prepared and ar made of the best ingredients. Try a box. A remedy which. If used by Wives about toexpartenc the painful ordeal attendant upoa Child-birth, proves an Infallible speci fic for, and obviates the tortures of con finement, leacenlns; the dangers thereof to both mother and child. Sold by all druggist. Sect by express on receipt of price, SI-60 per bottle, charges pre paid. ; 7RADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA. O. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He lias now in his possession over two hundred certificates cf its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, aiid a'penect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a Week after taking it. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It wil cause soueaiuish feelmes at first. No ci:ange of diet ever necessary. Eat !je test you can get, and enough of it Pose- one tablespoonful In water at betV time. Read the Label. Send for Book. .i 3 1 IV, -A. Hi ..v, 1"