The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 30, 1893, Image 5

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' O n m ,
U i. Mmw. Miter m4 Pwr1etor.
F. E. all.TR. It. Thas table,
Uttln Went, ' - Gotna Kut.
Mo, I, mlawl..nll lit So. , liUt...,:t3
WhMt-pnr tiufcl.
OsU per buslfl.
I 00
f 00
t u
Oem-per bui4 ....
Rborts-per hundred
H run per hunitrml k,..
1 cUoppndprr lmndred l-,
PoUKM--pr iMMhel .,.-,,.. .
Butter,-per V.
ta rT dot..,,,. ,
Poultry ie da..-.
Onion per .
Beans per M.
Coal prr ion.
Wood per oord.
Lumber native pnr m, fl. .
MCorreetad every ThurwUy,
9 00
Hides wasted a4 the hardass shop.
Remember that Tki Jql-rxai. office
In headquarter for job printing,
Old papers for sa4 at Tub Jqurkal
office. 5 cent par doaafl.
Oearge Btersas youngest chili) has
bseo sick this wek but is tome batter
If you want to sell your land, list it
with Simmons A Smiley, real estate
fiats- ; ...
A. pleasant danoe at the lower 33
ranch is reported to have taken ilw.e last
Friday night.
All kinds of wood work dooe at
Paddy's blacksmith shop, opposite The
Jovrxal office.
The contest on the commissioner
matter has been commenced and will be
ground out io the courts. .
160 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain, if taken soon.
Simmons & Smiley.
The building oocupied by Marsteller
Bros, is receiving a new ''side" thin veelt
Messrs. WertsandGreenloa are doing the
work. ,
The Jocrxal goes to its readers this
week enlarged and improved, and we
trust our patrons will appreciate the
change. -
Tire Journal family return thanks to
frank Tinkham for a flne turkey with
which to carry out the proclamation of
the governor,
' A telepram received Monday by Mrs.
Frank Wright stated the serious illness,
at North' Loup, of he? father, W. 1L
Qreen, who is visiting at that pjace.
" Take out a policy in the Preferred
Mutual - Accident Association. It is
cheap and reliable. L. J. Swjioxb,
, ' 1 Ant.
' A new arrival, a bouncing baby girl
arrived at the home of Chris Cliristenson
of Andrews. All concerned doing nicely
except Chris and he is mourning because
it ts not a boy. . .- .
There will be services at the M. E.
dhurch next Sunday, both morning and
evening. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening, Every body cordially cor
dially invited to attend.
Samuel Jtnkins, practical boot and
shoe maker. Cowboy boots a sj)eciiilty.
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second
door south court house. .
Sitting Bear, accompanied by his
better half and three other companions,
went through town Saturday on their
way from Pfne Ridge to the Shoshone
agency on a hunt and visit.
-Wm, C. Clifton has purchased the
Wyoming ranch of Messrs. Ashbroolc A
McCoy and starts next week to take
charge of same. Mr. Clifton has formerly
been in their employ at the lower 33.
' There are a number in this commu
nity who would like to know who it was
that stole the ham from the court bouse
last Thursday evening that they might
tell them lust what they think of such a
contemptible tries.
The editor of the Jn'bpmdetU went
west Saturday morning and the editor of
TsW Jot'BNAL went east Saturday eve
ning- The devils hold the fort at both
newspaper shops and if the paper are
better than usual this week just give the
devils their dues.
There was no school on Thursday as
an odd day was taught while the
diphtheria was quite bad and teachers
and pupils had an opportunity to get a
wquare meal at the court house that day
and such things aro not to be allowed to
go by without being taken ail vantage or,
Dr. J. S. Ron-line, dentist, of Chiul-
don, Neb., will personally visit Harrison,
professionally, in ths near future, and
notice of the exact date will be given
later. lie will have with him every
:pahi and labor device known to the
profession. Dr. Romine is well known
to maoy of our ' people and has done
' work for ' soma of them so lliat his
sOalityhi established. ,
- Commissi oosr Wafer brought up a
lot of whsA is Basnss ttt tls ?Anmi earn
uditat saad last week wawobaoaass up
to aiWod the ajaetiag of the board. This
Mesial to bs the bast kiad of millet for
forage that has dMo tried lo ibis part of
the country, and a number ordered seed
from Mr. Wooer to sow next Buason. It
has bwn raised to someextent for several
years by some of the farmers on Whit'
ri"er nnd has proven very Kitisf' 'cry
If wliat is sAwn in thts loca)'y next sub'
:t '!wi well it wl'l 'Ic"' N rxv"'
i. i .
A Uaael AtUaaaaoa, U4 lHaasr, a
Uoo4 Paose, ad a 0o4 Tlam
lflt Thnssday was the date divided
on for holding the ratification dinner and
ball in commemoratioq of the victory of
the Ciiisep's ticket at the polls ia Nov.
7th. For tome time the work of prepar
alion had been going on and nlion
Thursday, arrived the details were as
near completed as could be. The day
was th ooldest of the season and
stormy weather was threatened ami
those condition det-red nianr from at
tending. As it was dinner was served
at the court house from I o'cloi k till "
and about two hundred people were ltd.
The dinner . was a success in every
respect and many were Hut compliments
paid to it by those who partook of it.
The program of speeches had to be
abandoned as it was impassible to ac
commodate those who came there to
dinner and carry out a program.
The danpe in the evening was well at
tended and over one hundred were served
with supper at Scott's restaurant, so
thai part of the arrangement cannot be
said to be a failure. The music was fur
nisiied by Messrs, Cunningtjam, Bartlett
and Dew and was of the same good
quality always furnished by them, so
that all were satisfied on that score
The attendance was not nearly so
large either at the dinner or ball as it
would have been had the weather been
less severe, for few were present from
any great distance from town and a
great many had expressed their intention
of being present who failed to put in an
A special invitation was sent to each
of the defeated candidates, but it seemed
tliat none of them are io a very good
humor for not one of them accepted the
courtesy extended, and their ill-natured
act simply shows they are mad because
the people did as they pleased and refus
ed to continue or put them in office, but it
did not spite any one but themselves.
Taken as a whole the entire atrair was
a success and all who attended enjoyed
themselves to a high degree,
Those who were interested in the
affair desire us to express their tlumks to
the ladies who assisted in preparing and
serving the dinner for thev realize that
without such assistance it would have
been impossible to have cared for all
who came to partake of the hospitality
Kkndaix On Tuesday morning, Novem
ber 27, 189H, Taylor Elliott, only son of
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Kendall, aged 8
years, 8 months and 17 days.
. So again has the grim Reaper visited us
and removed from among us, by the aid
of that dreadful disease, diphtheria, an
other young life that was most dearly
loved by all. The little fellow was first
taken ill a week ago last Monday, but
the true disease was not recognized until
several davs later. All that could be
done by human hands was done by lov
ing parents and tender friends, but all to
no purpose, he gradually growing worse
until Tuesday morning when the spirit
took flight, with seemingly much suf
fering to the little body. Taylor was
conscious up to the last moment, but
being unable to speak made known his
wants by means of signs and gestures.
He fully realized that he was soon to
puss to his lost beautiful Home and talk
ed freely of things which most interested
his parents. The funeral services were
held from the house on Wednesday at
11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. R. Jul
ian, of Chadron, presiding elder. The
community join in extending sincere
sympathy to the mourning family.
There Is no death l An ansI form
Walk oe'r the eurtli with silent tread;
He bears our best loved things away, and
Then we call them "Uoud."
Rkkahd Charlie, aged 11 years, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rickard, living near Bo
darc, on Friday morning, Nov., 24.
Again has that dread disease diphther
ia chosen another bright little boy as its
victim and the many friends unite io ex
tending sympathy to the bereaved family.
- Mrs. E. E. Livermore recieved the
sad intelligence of the death of her deur
old grandmother this week.
We are glad to see that Miss Claud
ia Hester is ablo to be out, among her
many friends, again.
Miss Minne Smith gave a "sheet and
pillow case party," Thanksgiving night
in honor of her friends, Mr. Tom Poole
and sister Miss Addis of Marsland,.
Eight couples were in attendance as
"gdhsls" ami all seemed to have a very
pleasant time.
"Smoke on 'Shorty's' boyTwasan
expression heard often Monday .occasioned
by the arrival of a bouncing baby boy at
the home of Mr. and Mm. p. 11. Qriswold
Junt after breakfast on tlie day mentioned.
All parties are progressing nicely, but
there is a Mispiciou that Coinmcmul
bank stock will be at a premium here
after. Ie ter Mchaafer is loading two cars
with bis farm utinsils, slock and house
hold goods, aod expects lo start for Hur
rifton next Monday over the Elkhocu R.
R, Mr. Schacfer has an abiding faith in
Sintix county. He has visited there mv
rxi times, nml was se welj plrnwd that
N brtfijHl quantity of ;!'', find in-
sell was up from
IL H. Ru
fi. I- Rinlt-y i-- dnnii from Pleasant
Ridir today.
A. M'liuley was at Ciaw ford tho last
of tle week. 1
A. W. Mohr returned from, his trip to
Iowa Saturday. t
E. W. Daily, a Crawford attorney, was
in town Tiiest'mj'.
Louis Larson was up front Kuuniii
Wat-r WrdnesiUiy.
C E. Verity returned from his wes
tern trip Jast evening
John i'luiikett caine home (rom the
we.ut Friday evening.
F. W. Knott contributed on subscrip
tion lat Wednesday.
F. M. Smith was up from Five Points
Thursday lo celebrate.
A. R. Seonedy came up from Craw-!
ford to help celebrate. . , '
F. M. Dorrington orders TgB Jdorhal
sent to him at Alliance. ,
J. H. Cook and J. A- Green went to
Crawford Friday evening.
Judge Barker returned from a pouri
ng trip to Rushville Tuesday.
Frank Tinkham made a business trip
to Chadron the last of the week. ,
J. U. Johnson, of Glen, was in town
on business the first of the week.
J. H. Newlin was in from Gilchrist
Saturday and calltd at this office.
j. H, flartull orders The Joi rnai, sent
to John Brown, Greenfield, Iowa.
C, E. Verity went west Saturday
morning to be absent about a week.
Mrs. T. O. Williams, George and 'Gene
returned from their Iowa visit today.
Miss Daisy Doune came up from And
rews Thursday to attend the ratification.
Mr. and Mrs, Thao, Trimbur came up
from Crawford to celebrate and returned
Friday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Ames were up from
the south to attend the ball Thursday
C, F. Coffee passed through town Sun
day on his way to his ranch at Rawhide,
Mrs D. M. Sutton and children return
el from their visit to Iowa last Satui
day morning.
Thomas Devenport and Joseph Decker
came up last Thursday to attend the
L. A. Tyler, representing Sslz, Schwab
& Co., Chicago, boots and shoes, was in
town Tuesday.
A. McGinley and daughter, Miss Min
nie, came up from Running Water to at
tend the jubilee.
John I. Davis came home from Alii
ance lost Thursday. He was quite sick
but is now improving. :
Miss Rose Woody came up from Chad
ron today to spend Thanksgiving with
her parents at Gilchrist.
Miss Addie Poole, accompanied by her
little brother Tommie, are guests of Miss
Minne Smith this week
a R. Story and his little boy, Oscar,
came over from Antelope Tnursday to
participate in the festivities.
Mr, and Mrs. ts. t. Moore came up
from the southeast part of the county
to help ratify last Thursday.
County clerk-eleut Blewett left Fri
day evening for Eldorado, Wis., on a
two weeks visit to his parents.
G. W. Cobb and James Davis were a
Marsland last week and got to Harrison
in time to attend the ball.
Miss Angle Thornton, who is teaching
in the Spring Creek district, went home
to Crawford to spend Thanksgiving.
Tun Sullivan, who lias been assisting
Sam Jenkins in the shoe shop for a time.
left for Casper, Wyo., Monday morning.
E. S. Kendall, brother of Rev. Ken
dali, came up from Rushville Wednes
day to attend the funeral of little Taylor
B. E. Brewster left for the east last
Friday evening. Thb Jocbbal goes to
keep him informed on Sioux county
Wm. Sherrill was in from Wanbonnet
Saturday, purchasing i supply If pro
visions and making other preparations
for winter.
W. R. Castle "was down from Hot
Springs visitiug hi parents Tuesday and
Wednesday. He was acconifianied by
his little son.
Ed. Campbell, of Adelia, made final
proof to his homested before Cleric Linde-
man Monday, having completed his five
years residence thereon.
"Trousers" Woodruff and M. J. O'Con-
nell were over from Adelia Monday as
witnesses for Ed CnmnlieU who wnsproV'
inif up. Mr. Woodruif went to Chadron
on business the same evening,
Tom Bingay, the pioneer of Boda
returned to Sioux itiunty Wednesdv,
after having wandered from his range to
a considerable extent during ' the past
three years. He says he has returned to
stay. .
John Garner retnrned Friday evening
from the Wyoming range, where he has
for the Huinmsr, beon in the employ of
the Ogalhua Catt le company. ll starts
next week for Almena, Kansas, his old
home, to spend the Winter with his
Catd of Thanks.
To those who have so kindly given us
their aid, sympathy and comfort during
the sickness and death of our beloved lit
tle Taylor, we desire to express our sin
,( thanks, and rnsy God's hlcMin??
l-ftnl ItlSrtn f.fot'JI,
lf.i.- h'lcxtm Thursday, Nor. 2u, W-i,
.j', i !i lyvidt-ncfj ot ihe blui'-'s parents,
iif-ai Bodarc, Sioux county, Mr. Francis
M. Hall to Miss Sarah Rickard, Rev. J.
W. KVnddiil otlkiating. '
TLis happy event was witness! only
by t!e lelulive. and a few of the more
intirnuta friend?) of the bride and groom,
but at a reception given by the parents
of the groom, Mr, and Mrs. S. W, Hall,
in the evening at their horne a large
nuiili'--r of friends gave honor to the
eveot. Doth the: youug people ai a well
known to us all and universally esteemed,
The bride Is the daughter of Mr. Loui
Rickard, one of the first settlers iq the
county, and tiie gtoom is albo a pioneer,
having settled here in the spring of 1W,
and has now a comfortable little home,
into which the young couple are now
cosily settled. The Jcji;hn"al j'ins with
their many friends in extending congrat
ulations and wishing them a happy and
prosperous lilts.
Rest Line to the East.
The Bu,rington Route B. &, M. R, R.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
t mines without changa from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at tliat point with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, aid all
points west, and for Kansas City, St.
Joseph, St Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cago, and all points eaxt,
Remember this is the only line by
which you can take , sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing mornintr.
ror further information and tickets ap-
ly to nearest agent of Ourlington
U.ute B. & M. R. R.
Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice
and hardy nursery stock. Many social
varieties to oiler, both in fruits and or
namentals, and controlled only by us.
We pay commission or salary, give ex
clusive territory and pay weekly. Write
s at once and secure choice territory.
l i May BKOTHEits, Nurserymen,
" 6-13 Rochester, N. Y.
Dr. Leonhardt
LimiU his p roc Ike to distant a of the
Nervous system,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo
tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen
eral Nervousness, and all forms of
(As shown . by Shortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb
ness in region of the Heart,)
'(Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces
sive Paleness or Redness of the Face,
Faintness, Dizziness, etc.)
1452 O ST. - - " LINCOLN.
M'Msntion ttais paper.
we ST
Purrtisne Tlrkrts and Condign Tour Freight
vis the
H. G, BURT, (Jeneral Manager.
K. C, Morehouse, J. R. Hcciiakah
Gen'l Freight Agt, Gen'l Pass. Agt,
Physician and Surgeon,
All oalla triven prompt Attention.
Office In Drug Store.
Harrison, Nebr.
own following brand:
m (u
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put In the
General Merchandise,
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates.
Come and see us before you buy.
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Agents for the
Buckeye, Deering
Wa lte r A. Wood
Press Claims Company.
Equal with the Interest of those having claims nguinst tho Government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of the
inoompenteccy or Inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents.
Too much care cannot lu exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors
to procuro patents, fur tho value of n patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon
the care nnd skill of the attornwy.
With a vifvv of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttornaya
and of aaring that inventions aro well protected by valid pntonts, THE PRESS
CLAIMS COMPAN T h;is rt tuincd counsel export in patent prnctica and is there
fore prepared to
If you have an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a.
sketch or photogrHph thereof, together with a brief description of the important
fentu res, ami you will he at once ii I viand as to the best course to pursue, Models
aro not neotsssary unless tho invention is of a coinplictited nntura. If otbera nm
infringing on your fight, or if you are charged with infringement by others, sub
mit the mat! or to im for a relinble OPINION before acting on the matter.
The Press Claims Compawt,
61? Fetrt, northwest WASHINGTOK r
P. 0. Box 463. ,ios wennm-BN, mpaing ttonit;',
Vpst mis est ri end tt wtfli yvmr tpitf -jm
Ma.- i'SxMSiMk: i' yStfflkJufisistf!a9llrVBMUfBUBBbK.
'. -.'i-Ur""Bissssil
Largest Stock of