The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 30, 1893, Image 4

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ciaanrr tahm n the eocxrr.
rim itblewed is ai vtv.
Subsrnption Pru. -0
I T fllawns. '- - E 41 tar.
Eatered at tbe Harriaoa poat ufKee a we
Ml class matter.
Tbttisdat, November 30, WL
The vacancy on the national repubii
eu committee still exists. Sine Ro He
water has t'ooe out of the party it is
important that a republican be named j
for the place. j
The Italian cabinet is oo strike and
King Humbert is oo a hunt fur new ad
visors. It appears that the pathway of
royalty ia not always as smooth, as
could be desired.
Jerry Simpson goes back to Washing
ton discouraged at the action of the peo
ple of Kansas in the recent election.
Jerry 'a constituents remain in Kansas
discouraged at their representative's an
tics in congress Omaha Bee
In the death of Hon. J. M. R usk, ex
secretary of agriculture, the nation lost
a mas of true merit ' He did good work
for the agricultural classes while in
office under Harrison and his death is
sincerely mourned all over the nation.
It seems that the constitutionality of
the supreme court commission has not
been definitely settled, for the Missouri
Pacific railroad company has taken steps
to carry the matter to the United States
supreme court. When that court passes
on the point litigants may know what
authority the commission has to review
The Sntrar Bounty.
Omaha Bee.
It is to be hoped that the decision of
the democratic members of the ways and
means committee, to retain raw sugars
on the free, list, reduce the duty on re
fined, and not to abolish the bounty at
once, will be sustained by the house.
There ought to be no doubt that this de
cision will be concurred in by the repub
lican members of the committee and of
both branches of congress, for it ia at
once a concession to republican policy
and an act of justice to an important in
terest which promises to become in a few
years the source of generous prosperity
to a very large number of our people.
The redocticn of the duty on refined
sugar from One-half of a cent to ona
fourth of a cent per pound would not
make any material difference in the
revenue from this source. ' The proba
bility is that the imports of refined sugar
under the lower rate would be consider
ably increased, and this could hardly fail
to be the case unless the price of sugar
should be reduced to a figure with which
the foreign producer could not compete.
In that event the 'whole body of sugar
consumers would be benefitted. Reduc
ing the duty on refined sugar and retain
ing raw sugars on the free list would un
doubtedly force tbe Sugar trust to lower
tne price, and it is to be presumed that
everybody not interested in the trust
would be satisfied with such a result.
Tbe policy of the present tariff law re
garding sugar has not operated to the
benefit of the consumers to the extent
that vas expected. The trust has been
able to continue its exactions and to
make an inordinate profit. Any lepsla
tion which will deprive this monopoly of
tbe power to plunder the public will be
universally approved. If that proposed
should fail to accomplish this another
congress may find it expedient to'put all
sugar on the free list. , t :
' A to the bounty it would manifestly
be a gross injustice to those ulo have
invested their capital in tlie business of
tevekjping tbe sugar industry to at once
strike down this support to their enter
prise. They were induced to embark
their capital in tbe business by, tbe as
surance that the bounty would be con
tinued for a sufficient 'period to' demon
strate whether the production of sugar,
particularly beet sugar, could be devel
oped to such an extent as to become a
valuable national resource. A brief ex
perience with the industry under the
th&ulatiag influence of the bounty war
rmsie the belief that this can be done and
fOmi before the expiration of ten years
tits United States will produce, if this in
tm) he properly fostered, a very con
stimbU proportion of the sugar coti
aanaai by the people. In the meanwhile
defskyiueut of the industry must
aariassrily tend to prevent any extreme
(Oat sa tbe price of sugar, either as a
mmnnmm of monopoly or diminished
tKpf elsewhere. ' Of course the true
pZej would- be to leave the bounty
'fcamfcls. It is not a burden noon the
r-ra, amennther annually to not more
LJI one-fan rtb of what is saved to the
:rzZitMkm raw sugars oa the free
1 A tm tin bast method of eocouraa-
f TCCwiliaiiat of thfc industry, if
1 n ar-ar industry and
Tl Mt of the
ia aaattar will not
z1.Uk loncwpariod than
i m m,- were m reason for
L fS. Msnsftad tn
J frC"? fawoarnth
t r-"t taskttoMBnsitv
UJ tm tOHsfoboaa..
i mam, inn oaiy sure method ofdo-
I tt. Eatthe proposal to abolish the
f ''"-trrWniftix it at taw rate of
( rrjr.a act tfiaturb toons who
lUsaisox, Ma., Nor. tit, 11.
Board of t on.eilioBre uiet as pet eali of
Present Cocutnlsaioii&rs Knott, Wrbarsnd
Johasuu and clerk.
Minnie oi last meeting read am spprov
tl. Ce:n tuna tea lion of raid ovcrvr ot rend
rliatiiiH So. aud other In reg-ar 1 to requir
tug aturu plank to cam pie te bruise ktuh
s&ui t n- k ia said roa4 district wm taki-n
sp, aui Kftfr du t-oiiii deration, it wa and
fcreby is orilere'l tliat the road overseer of
said ro;I dittiet be attHril to pa rehire
r,.W0 fet.-t of jilauk te Huith britlif and
preMTDt hill to .tioux coaatj to be paid out
of county bridjre fund-
Petition of S. I tllU aud others pruj ing
for the f .tablistoineut of a public road com
uieaeiuK at the uortbeust raer of aectkin
10. twp. 3S, range 47, ruuuitiK fltrnoe xootU
one-half mile; taeiite oue half tuile; thence
aoath one aud one fourth mUos; tlieuce rt
one ball mile; tbunce outb one bilf uiile;
thence east one-half mile, thence three
fourth tulles; thence eat one and oue-lialf
mile; thenee soatb . ue and oue half niUw;
thence out one mile terniiuuting xt connnj.
tion with county road No. i and praying for
the vacation of all parts of county road No.
52 ttint U not raited fur In their petition eaHt
of atartlug paint, aud all other paper In
relation thereto, were taken up and after
due consideration It wu and hereby in ex
UtbliMhed commencing at the northeaxt cur
nerof section 10. twp H, range 67, running
thence soutn one half mile; thrnre east one
half mile; thence south one and one-fourth
milea: thnce eat one-half mile; thence
math- one half mile; thence east one half
mile; thence south three fourths of a mile
thence east one and one halt miles; and
commencing at quarter corner on section
line Ix-t'-c ?n actions 31 and 32, twp. 33,
range Vi, and running thence east one mile
terminating at connection with county road
So.5. Aud It fin and hereby is further or
dered that all of public road heretofore es
tablished be and hereby is vacated com
mencing at the aoutheaht corner of section
10. twp. 34 range running thence in a
southeasterly direction to K rods east of
center of auction H, twp 33, range ST; thence
south one mile; thenoe east 0 rods; thence
ion tu 80 rods; also it was and hereby la or
dered that all of public road heretofore e
tablished be and hereby is vacated com
menciug m rods south of quarter corner on
section line between 13 and 2-1 in p 33,
range 57, running thence in a soulheartcrly
direction to qr. cortcr on section line be
tween section 24, in twp. 33, range 67, and
sec. 19, iu twp. 33 iange as, thence south one
half mJle.
Petition of A. R. Dew and others asking
for the establishment of a public road com
mencing at a point at the quarter section
stone at the northwest corner of the north,
east qr. of see. 29, ta p. 33, range W thenoe
toruiiaoulU oue.hHlf mile, thence diagon
ally in a southeasterly direction to tbe
southeast corner ol said sec. 29, and there to
connect with couuty road So, 3, was taken
up, and B. K. IsrewsUT, agent for Frauk
Brewster, appeanxi before tbe board and
waived all damages in case the proposed
road was changed from line petitioned for
to commence 40 rods west of qr. sec. stone
at the northwest corner of the northeast qr.
of sec. 29, twp. 33, r. 56, thence to run in a
southeasterly direction to intersect line
petitioned for 40 rods south of said corner
stone, and after due consideration, and it
being what is known as a consent road, it
was and hereby is ordered that the line
commencing 40 rods wert of qr. mx. stone,
at the nw. corner of the ne. qr. of sec. 2S).
twp. .33, r. S6, thence to run in a soulheakUtr
ty direction to 40 rods south ot said qr. stone
thence smith to center of said see. 29, thence
diagonally in a southeasterly direction to
the southeast corner of said wc. 29, and
there to connect with county road So. 6 lie
hereby is declared a public road.
Petition of C. E. Verity and other asking
fr the establishment of a public road com
mencing at a point 40 rods south of n w cor
of sec. 35, twp. 32, r. .VS.; running tnetiee
north a little west ot see. line about hso rods
to ravine; thence northeasterly along ra
vine acrass sections V and 25 in said twp. to
road Ko.'l thence along general course of
said road So. 1 to the north line of sec. 18
twp, 32 r. 36; thence northeasterly to north
and south qr. line of see. ", in lart named
twp. about W0 roes north of the south line of
same; thence north on qr. line of sections 1
and 8 to qr cornea on north line of said sec.
thence west on correction line to southeast
corner of sec. 31 twp. 33, r. 55; thence north
on ec. line to n-w. corner of sec. I" in same
twp. and range; ond thit all parts of road
No. 1 conflicting with above road be vacatcd
betweennorth line ol sections 18 and ", twp.
32, r. 6f, and southwest corner see. 21) and 7
twp. 32, r. M and all other p ipers in relation
thereto wepe taken up and afu-r duo consid
eration a motion was made and seconded to
grant al) of road petitioned for raom start
ing point tosoulh line of sec. 18 twp. 32, r.
95, that no part of road So. 1 be vacnti-d as
prayed forXaatimissioners Weber add Knott
voting yes and Coiumbjloner Johnson vot
ing no. t
It was and hereby is ordered that ail of
road pcttione for be and hereby is declared
a public road frofn starting point to soutn
line of sec. 18, twp. M, r. S3, and that no part
of road So. 1 be uaeated.
The following official bonds were approved
J. W. Uobinson, Justice of peace for And
rew precidct; "
J. W. Robinson, assessor for Andrews pre
einct. . .
J. W. Scott, assessor for Uowen paeclnct.
On motion Board adjourned till 9 o'clock
a. m. Nov. M 1MB.
(CoKCLCtirii Skit Week.)
Have Ton Ever Htopped to Think
that you are onl getting half as much
for your dollar when you are" taking a
weekly as you would fret tr you were a
subscriber to tlie Semi- Weekly Jimrnalt
It is a fact, however, because tbe Jour
nal gives you two complete papers each
week, with markets and. telegraphic
news, 104 papers a year, making it al
most as gootf as a daily. Just now we
are offering it to January V 18M, for
only one dollar. It is the greatest dol
lar paper in the west.. ' Is both a nation
al and state paper. The best editorials
the hest condensed news; the best stor
ies; the best special departments; the
best of everything, all for. 91.00 a year.
Our premium department is a hummer.
Send for sample cony of the paper and
see for yourself. Here are a few of
them: Handsomely bound copy of
Dream Life, Reveries of a Bachelor, or
Drummond's Addresses, and the Journal,
fl.25; Life of Soarawon, U. 8. History,
B'ftnloy in Afnen. or Life of Harrison,
the Journal, 11.40; Oxford Bible and
Jtfmat, P. 75; Handy Cobbler and Jour
tm, flSt; Itobraika Farmer and Jour
nal, (.LI V. Y. Tribune and Journal,
fl.le, mm a whole lot more. Wrlfn for
!nofn, Neb.
Final Proof Soticf-s.
All prroua bviC Snai liroirf nuttoe
Ui lF-r 111 rw-i.e a marked copy ut Ue
uotionandif any errors ni-.f report
siuu to this ofllor. at saw.
Vutire ft Publication.
iu&d Oir.e at t hadron, Scb. t
Suv. tint, iJ9. i :
Notice is breby g4ve that tbe followinif-Bn-1
mt tier has flli DttUi of Ilia lliUu
lion loiuxke Itnal uruuf iu support of Ws
I'lulm, and that said pruuf w ill Is- made
fore 4Mirad Undotuan, Clrrk uf the Uirict
Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on Ueceiuber
Hith, 1CJ3, U.
' Hobert Zinitnenuaan. of lluutrose, Srb.t
who made li. It. Now 242 fr the nurtheaat
qr nee. 31, tp- 34 n., r. M w.
He nsites the following w-it'H-Ne Ut prove
hiseitiuuous residence upun andcuitivs,
tiou lit said land, via;
. Iamus Uoitog, Frank J. MlllBr.of Ardnioi,
4. L., Ciiiml HelUch, Hury PneahoO, of
Montrose, Neb also
Louis Holing, of Anlmore. S. D.,
who made H. K. No. I54 fur tlie s. hi an,
see. 27, ne. it n. t4 snc. 34 A nw. (. sec,
35, tp. .'iS u., r. 54 w:
He naiiies the following wittwsiatw to prove
his eontmaoua reaHlaucu upon and cultiva
tion of smU land via;
Hubert .uninonuuiin. of Montrose, Neb.,
Frank J. Milter, Hubert lalvser, August
Meier, ol .Vrdmore, 8. 11.
W. It. M '"CAN'S,
J14j KegUter.
Xutire.-Timhpr ('allure.
V. H. LAMiOrrit e,
Alliance, Xk. Oct. 11, 1H63.
Complaint 5-W having bon n led at this of
fice h Anise L. Nicholson against Burgess
W. Mo lure for failure to comply with law
as to timber-culture entry No. 50U4, ilau-d
Oct. 23, lsn5, upos the lot i ti ami s. nw.
it section 3, township 27, range 54, in Monx
county. Neb., with a view to the cancella
tion oi said entry; contestant alleging that
aiiid iund has bsd no trees grow ing tttereon
since Oct. 23, Isl, and claiiUHUt has not
caused to be cultivated or planted to trees,
seed or cuttings any part thereof since Oct.
23, lsui.aitd said defects still exist; the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this oftic on the 11 day of Kec , lsa, at 10
o'clock, a. m., to resiMjnd and furnish testi
mony concerning said alifgi failure.
Testimony of witnesses will be taken lie
fore John A. oreeu, a notary public, at his
offices Kovvillr, Neb., Dec. 4, li, at 10
a. in. JAS. 11. Da.nskis,
i 13 Receiver.
QULUV.VX i CON LET, Lawjors.
Will rEACTicE is all the local, ktate
and federal courts and IT. S. jAnd office.
, Office in Court House,
Oyster Parlors,
. OF
Warm Meals at all Hours. Oyster
served iu any style. Give me a call.
West side Main Street.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on short notice.
Good work and reasonable charges.
Shop south of livery barn. ''
. There never wu a time in the history of
our country when the demand for Inven
tions and improvements in the arts and sci
ences generally waa so (treat a now. The
conveniences of mankind in the factory and
work shop, the household, on tlie farm, and
in official life, roqnlre continual accessions
to the appurtenances and implements of
each in order to save labor, time and ex
pense. The political change in the admin
istration of government docs not effect tbe
progress of the American inventor, who be
ing on the alert, and ready to perceive the
existing deficiencies, docs not peruiif the
affairs of government to deter him from
quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome
existing discrepenclcs. Too great care can
not be excercised in choosing a competent
and skillful attorney to prepare and prose
cute an application for patent. Valuable
Interests have been lost and destroyed In
innumerable instances by the employment
of Incompetent counsel, and especially la
this advice applicable to those who adopt
"So patent, no pay" system. Inventors
who entrust their business to this class of
attorneys do so at iinnieneiit r'-jk, as the
breadth and strength of the patent Is never
considered in view of a quick endeavor to get
an allowance and obtain the lee then due.
THK I'UF.M CLAIMS CO., John Wedder
burn. General uianage,r, til F street, S," W,,
Washington, I). C, representing a large num
ber of important dally and weekly papers, as
well as general periodicals of the country,
Waa instituted to protect its patrons from
the uimafe methods heretofore employed in
this line of busluess. The said Vonipany
Is prepared to take cbarge of all- patent
baines entrusted to it for reasonable tees,
and prepares and prosecutes appllcatfons
generally, Including mechanical Inventions,
design patents, trade-marks, labels, copy
rights. Interferences, Infringements, valid
ity reports, and gives especial attention to
rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter
Into competition with any arm in securing
foreign patents. . n r i
Write for Instructions and advice. ,
Jous Wbdderbcbs,
SIS r Street,
" Wuabtngton, U.tJ.
P.O. Box
Seth"0Jd Retkbln"
Sioux Gounfy,
STEADER, Free Homes for More
Than . 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
railroad and has no county
Fuel, Posts, Lefi and Lumber ( Lei per
Than at sur Othrr Place
in Nebraska.
Sioux county is the northwest county
of Nebraska. It is about thirty miles
east and west by nhout seventy miles
north and south and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
ef land. There nie more hright, spark
ling, small streams in the county than
can lie found in the same area elsewhere
in the state. It has rn'-re pine timber in
it tbn all the rest of the (4ate combined
Its grasses are the ricbost and mobt nu
tritious known so that for stock-grow inp
it is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a heavy Htiv to a
light sandy loam and is ca4.hle f pro
ducing excellent crops.
The principal crops are small Krain
and vetables, although food corn is
jjrowD in the valleys. The wheat, oats
rye and barley are all Of unusually fine
quality and command the highest mar
ket prices.
The water is pure and refreshing and
is found in abundance in all parts of the
The county is practically out of debt
and has over forty-live miles of railroad
within its borders, has a good brick court
house and tbe necessary fixtures for run
ning tbe county and there has never
been one dollar of counjy bonds issused
and hence taxes will be low.
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses Sioux county
from east to west and the B. &. M. has
about fifteen miles of its line in the
northeast part of the county.
Tlie climate is more pleasant than that
of the eastern portion ofNebraska.
There is still
OVER 600,000 ACRES
of land in Sioux tiounty yet opun to
homestead entry. It is lielter land and
more desirably located than that for
which such rustics are made on the open
ing of a reservation. There is no rail
road land in the county and for that
reason its settlement has been slow for
no special effort to get settlers was
made, as was done in tlie early days of
the settlement of the eastern part of the
'Good deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rates with government land
adjoining so that a person v ho wants
mors that) one quarter section can obtain
it if be hae a little means. ' , ,
There ir about 2,500 people in the
county ami there is room for thousands
more. .'.''"'
Harrison is the county seat and is sit
uated oo tbe F. E. A M. V. railroad, and
is as good a town as .the thinly settled
country demands.
' School houses and churches are pro
vided in almost every settlement and are
kept up with the times.
All who desire to get a homestead or
buy land cheap are invited to Come and
sw the country for themselves and judge
of its merits. Homestead will not be
obtainable much longer and if you want
to uss your right and get 1(0 acres of
land from Uncle Sam Iran it is time you
were about it.
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser,
One Deer "oath of Bank of Harrison.
hAZuMi and sessions POT ofton.
How to Est Twenty-Five
Hunded Dollars lor
Thf Winner h "lr f
Small Fortune, and the Losers
llstr Patent that may
Hi ins tbeai In ttllt
Would you like to make twenty-live;
hundred dollars? If you would read
carefully what follows and you may see j
a way to do it. j
The Pre Claim Company devoeU
much attention to patents. It has hand
led thousand of applications far inven
tions, but it would like. ' to handle
thousands more. There is plenty of in
ventive talent at large in tha country
needing nothing but encouragem&nt to
produce practical results. That encour
agement tho Press Claims Company
proposes to give.
:;or no hard as rr kerhs.
A patent strikes most people as on
appallingly formidable thing. Tha idea
is that an inventor must be a natural
genius, like Edison or Bell; tlmt he must
devote years to delving in complicated
mechanical problems and that lie must
spend a fortune on delicate experiments
before he can get a new device to a pat
entable degree or perfection. This delu
sion the company desires to dispel. It
desires to get into the head of the public
a clear comprehension of the fad that it
b not thegreat, complex and expensive
inventions that bring the best returns to
their authors, but the little, simple anil
clieap ones the things that seem so
absurdly trivial that the average citizen
would feel somewhat ashamed of bring
ing them to the attention of the putunt
ollice. ,
Edison says that the profits he has re
ceived from the patents on all his mar
velous inventions have not been suffi
cient to pay the cost of his ex eri merits.
But the man who conceived the idea of
fastening a bit of rublier cord to a child's
ball, sthat it would come back to the
hand when thown, made a fortune out
of his scheme. Tlie modern sewing
machine is a miracle of ingenuity
the product of the toil of hundreds of
busy bruins through a hundred and fifty
years, but the whole brilliant result
rests upon the simple device of putting
the eye of the needle at the point in
stead of at the other end.
Comparatively few people regard
themselves as . inventors, but almost
everybody has been struck, at one time
or another, with ideas that seemed cal
culated to reduce some of the little fric
tions of life. Usually such ideas are
dismissed without further thought.
"Why don't the railroad company
make its car windows so that they can
be slid up and down without breaking
the passengers' backs?' exclaims the
traveler, "if I were running the road
I would make them in such a way."
"What was the man that made this
saucepan thinking of?' grumbles the
cook. "He never had to work over a
stove, or he would have known how it
ought to have been fixed."
"Hang such a collar button!'1 growls
the man who is late for breakfast." "If
I were in the business I'd make buttons
that would'nt slip out or break off or
gouge out tho back of my neck."
And then the various sufferers forget
about their grievances and begin to
think of something else. It they would
sit down at tlie next convenient oppor
tunity, put their ideas about car win
dows, saucepans and collar buttons into
practical shape and then apply for pat
ents, they might find themselves as
independently wealthy as the man who
invented tlie the iron umbrella ring or
the one who patented the fifteen puzzle,
To induce people to keep track of tlieir
bright ideas and see what there Is in
them, the Press Claims Company has
resolved to offer a prize.
y To the person who submits
to it the simplest and most
promising invention, from a
commercial point of view,
tbe company will give twen-tp-five
hundred dollars in
cash, in addition to refund
ing the fees for securing the
It will also advertise the
invention free of charge.
This offer is subject to tbe following
Every competitor must obtain a pai
ent for his invention through the com
pany. He must first apply for a pre
liminary search, the cost' of which will
be five dollars. Should tbe search show
his invention to be unpatentable, he can
withdraw without further expense.
Otherwise be will be expected to com
plete bis application and take out a pat
pense, including government and bupaau.
leei, win ue ,
hether he secures tlie prias or sot, tha
inventor will hare a patent that ought
t 1 a valuable property to laru. Ttw
! price ill be aWiM j"1- conwU
j iog of thre reputable tffc attwueyi
! of Washington. . Intending competitor
1 11 ,ni l,a f,,lli.inu- bbktik Slid
truam mi " -
forward it with Usir application:
, 11A
"I submit thewiUiin described inven
tion in comptitioii for tlie twenly-0v
hundred dollar ppe offered by the Prew
Claims Ciimj'flt'y.
m blaih is nns tttMimTT. '
Thi is a competition of ratlur u un.
usual nature. It is common to uflW
prizes for the bast story, or picture, or
architectural plan, all the competitors
risking the loss of lelr ftml t,a
successful one merely sellrr.g his for the
amount of the pris. Hut the Press
Claims CaiuMiy' offer ' something en
tirely different. Each person is asked
merely to help himself, and the one who
helps himself to the best advantage is to.
be rewarded for doing it. Tlie prize is
only a stimulous to do something that
would be well worth doing without it.
The architect whose competitive plan for
a olub house on a certain corner is not
accepted lias sjient his labor on some
thing of very little Use to hint. But tho
person who tenU a simple and useful
device in the Press Claims Company
competition, need not worry if he fail to
secure the prise. Ho has a substantia!
result to show for his work one that
will command its value in the market at
any time.
Tlie plain man who sees any article in
his daily work ought to know better
how to improve it than the mei lmnii-al
cxpett who studies it-only, from tho
tlieorettcal point of view, fk-t rid of tlie
idea tliat an improvement can be too
simple to be worth patenting. The sim-
nt.. lt.n llln. Ttm tjtain wKll llOttt
,V, ..... ..v , - -
succeeds in combining simplicity and pop
ularity will get the Press Claims Conn
pany's twenty-five hundred dollurs.
The refjionsibihty of this company
may lie judged from the fact that its,
stock is held by about live hundred of
the leading nwspaiers of the United
Address the Press Claims Omputiy,
John Wedderburn, managing attorney,
CIS F utreet, N. W., Washington, D. C.
!.orenro Cronn..,..w.. ...Governor.
T. J. Major... Lieutenant Governor
J. C. Alien-. "-e rrtry of state
Kilgene Moore ......................... Auditor
Jonenh 9. Burtlev Treasurer
G. H. Hutting ...Attorney Genrral
A. li. Huniplirrr......Lri(j Commissioner
A. K. Goudy.......8tipt. Public Instruction
C. F. Manderon .. C. 8. Senator, Omsbrt
Win. V. Allen.. C. 8. Senstor, Msdison
W. J. Bryan, Con(rremn lt lit., Lincoln
1). H, Mercer, ,
U. D.McSklfJobn
K. J. Halner,
W. A. McKlfgasii',
0. M. Kern,
24 Onisha
3d Fnllertoa
4tb " Aaror
th " Bel Cloud
Sth " Broken Bow
S. llanrcll .,..... Chier Justice, Fremont
I". L. Korvsl... ...Asuocuiie Judge, Reward
A. M. I'ost... Autoclste Judge, Coianibtit
U. A. Camptiell..Clerk ud Reporter, Lincoln
M. P. KfiiksSd ...,..Judi-e, Oelll
Airred Burtow . CUadrort
Connul Liudeman......Clrk, llarrUon
8. Barker...... ..
C'mirad Llndeurtin.
M.. Gaylmrt
A. Sotitliwortb
Tho. lieidy
Geo. J. Shafer.
B. V. Thomas
.... ...., Clerk
.. ... ...Treasurer
. Jsnjit. I'ubllc Instruction
. Ssnrveror
...Clerk of Dlatrlct Court
....... County Attorney
Conrad Llndeman.
H. T. Coniey.,
Y. W. Knott (cbsirmaii )....
M. J. W etier
Benj. F. -'olinoon;..
litDUirii t
1 "
M f
II 11 .tmmai-t iUtoeit,.. t Ia ... ? 'J
L. t. Bnlden (cbalrninV. .'...Tru5U
C. E. Verity ,H
J. W. Hcott .... . ," ..
II. A. CanmnKhuui "" .. ,
Conrad Uiideuian..... " i
W. 11. Davis . .....!."....1i
G. Gutlin.. Tr'urer
J. 1. Duvli , Street Coinmbtslom-i-
. .no,"
Mr.E. G. Ilouth uireVt.'"r'
f; """teller...:... ..Moderator
0. W. Ilerter Treararer
Dl.trict Cour,-At Harrison, commences
April loth and November Ut, -sw. . ,
Connty Coart,-At Harrison, commence,
Brst Monday of eseb month.
M. T.. Cbarrb-FrtNtchina rai h slteriisla
Snsday at II :a. m., snd every Sunday vcji
Ing at J:. Rbt. W. o. ulbsssbb, l'tor, .
Episcopal (erylces on the second WMfles
day of each month, t T o'clock p. nr. (,'owi
manlon at t p, to. chas. E. svbi.t,
MethodUl Snndsy Hrhool meeto every Ann
day morning at 1( JS.
Mas. w. o. uussaa, w. u. iMviit,
ent ia toe regular way. The total
01 ve I m HI Oall,