The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 23, 1893, Image 4

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    Tta Crc Ccii IvmzI
aarr rm w m cocrrr.
n.T nrnucu rirrx n aiocx oomrrr.
a ni i imrr cmrXATic or ast
' fitb mum n bhcx oocvtt.
Subscription Pries, $3.00
LJ.taWi ... Editor.
bund at the llarrlsea moat emce as see-
TarawAY, K
S3, 1883.
TkaabfiTlaf PrerltMAtiM.
Birr. To the people of the state of Nebru
ka, greeting: Oberrvlug a revered limita
tion of a plooa ancestry, and concurring In
the proclamation of the preaident of the
I' lilted Htates, I do hereby appoint Thnrs
day. November X, UW, a day of thanks
giving and prayer throughout thla atate.
With that eenae of gratitude which sbould
move a people who, during tha year now
drawing to a close, have been favored with
plentiful crop and aa abaence of atonn and
peetllenee, Set aa ceaae from business oa
that day aad, with one accord, "Offer unto
God thanksgiving and pay oar vowe unto
tbe Moat High."
1-a teatlmony whereof, I bare hereunto act
my band and caused to be affixed the great
aeal of the atate. Dose at Llncnla, thla
eleventh day of November, In the year of
our Lord, one tbouaand eight hundred and
ninety-three, of the atate the twenty
ecvauth, and of the independence of tbe
United State, tbe one hundred and
eighteenth. Lobkxuj Cbodsse.
By the Governor.
Secretary of State.
Tbia office ia uoder obligations to Sen
ator Maodersoa for a oopy of tbe last
oonfreiaional aecord.
Jas, H. Danskin recently resigned bis
position as receiver of the Alliance land
office and it was accepted and Frank M.
Broome, editor of tbe Alliance Grip, bas
sen appointed to fill the position. Mr.
Broome bas been a straight democrat
for all these years and has thereby se
cured a (rood grip on a nice phat take.
Bad he been running after false (rods it
is not likely his Uncle Tobias would
have put him on bis list
It is said that an effort is to be
to establish a new morning paper in
Omaba which shall advocate the princi
ples of tbe republican party. At present
there is no republican paper in Omaha
as it is admitted by all that the Bet
amply represents Bosewaterism. but the
wisdom of attempting to establish a
ew morning paper as a party organ is
very doodtful, much as a republican
daily in Omaba is desired. It would
eem that the coarse panned by Boss
water ia the last campaign had pat biro
entirely out of the republican party the
same as the action of Maxwell did him
aad neither have any grounds 00 which
to expect recogaitioa from the party in
tbe future.
It is reported that tbe committee on
ways snd means will recommend to con
gress that the bounty on sugar be re
moved aad that the tariff on imported
sugars be re-instated. That will make
sugar higher aad yet will not cripple the
Industry in tbe United States. The cry
of tariff for revenue only has lost ite
significance for tbe tariff and other reve
nues are not meeting tbe running ex
penses of the (overoment by about four
millions of dollars a month. It is abso
lutely icissmry that the administration
devise some way of raising money to
earry on tbe government and instead of
reiaciag the tariff it will have to be in
Creased or the administration will run
agaiaet a financial snag of large propor-
Now when aay one talks about
for rsveaae ealy people know that
it dose aot sseaa free trade or anything
A great trig row has been going an for
a ceo pie of weeks over the action of the
rani lint m regard to Hawaii and the or
dar to lemtbrmio tbe deposed quaes.
Urn asost severe criticism have beaa
I apoa the pvsssaeot and hie mag'
'of state. The loudest
1 from tha members of
aNc party aad the
aaeOMlUs to ctaata still greater splits
ta the Mb) of tbe party ia power,
af tha Isaniaf democrats have
lewt ptaiot that tha president
las imaiashsd aad ail sedaa to
itsmtUwastioa of OWvelaa was
the aathorrty vested in the
I of tbe United Meant by the
The latest Mparts from
tstkMwtha aCaot that if tha
mtammti tttt Uartsi Bate aweaapts
m lalala Km aaaw that Un waoaaa
tt a safrsea free, the Baaa aad
stwtef Nsaaai Oas taa wrtaoat
etatar ifnisatiai)aad thai tha m
af fiatfaait CTawilajid, tHa.
kSmXrJZ aid ast nraauaja t aas
BtoaC?B9tofsTttBvwa. af
t-'-lh it
C-Ur:rC3rTfcvw tos aata af
1 t r i ca eta t
A rnnd republican jubilee was held
at Liooolo 00 Monday to celebrate tbe
result of the battle of ballos which was
fought at the polls n November Ttli.
Spcches were made ij a number of
prom i neot men. It was noticed that otK
E. Rroswater was not one of the speak
ers. A ereat deal of credit is given to
m : Cl . k AiA I
In the campaign and be is certainly en
titled to all be gets.
A Pointer.
Toledo Blade.
What has the shadow of coming tariff
reduction below the protective point .
cost be people of Ohio already ? Itcan ,
only be approximated, of course. There
are thousands of manufacturing estab
lishments in Ohio. On November
1X93 one year ago 00 Obio establish
ments made a report to tbe American
Protective Tariff League, which showed
that tbey then employed 23,838 persons,
and paid 1284,035 in weekly wages. On
October 2, 1803, these same establish
ments employed only 7,443 workers, and
paid but $60,050 in weekly wages.
A Flying Trip Ta Florida.
It was a sunny afternoon ia April that j
we boarded the good steamer Iroquois of
the Clyde Steamship Co., with Captain
L. W. Pennington, bound for Florida.
The dim, gray-looking shops that face
tbe East River, on old South Street,
looked dimmer and grayer still, in coo
trast with the fringe of bright blue bar-,
rein which trimmed the hem of the slip
upon which the wheels beat up emul
sive waves as the last tie was severed.
Down we went, past Governor's Island,
tbe Statue of Liberty, Fort Hamilton,
through the Narrows, out past Coney
Island and ber wonderful elephant that
never slumbers nor sleeps.on past Sandy
Hook, on out to sea.
In less than an hour the gong of Epi
curus went whang, cbe-whang, che
whang, whang, whang, with an appetis
ing sound.
In the twilight Loog Branch lay back
against a sky of purple and rose, while
darkness with its mystery and ita silence
began to hover,
"1 heard the trailing garments ef the night
Sweep through her marble balls;
I taw ber sable skirts all fringed with light
From the celestial walla."
Tbe morning af the second day came
with rain, and old ocean's melancholy
waste was gray indeed, In tbe wake of
the vessel a plume of emerald green
swept out like the feather of a knight's
cbapeaux; then a burst of light from
the sky turned the water all to bronze.
Margaret Lemon ta December Godty't
Aa Old Friend.
In a series of interviews with members
of the last congress. 81 out of 43 re
marked that tbey were readers of the
Youth Companion. For definite and
trustworthy information on the question
of the day it ia really unique, while the
high character of its stories, the wid
fields covered by its special articles, and
iu contributions from the most famous
writers in Europe and America, are well
Its program for next year seems
brighter than ever. 80 me at the im
portant stories are: "The Deserter," by
Harold Frederic; a Tale ot the Great
Mutiny in India, by Sara Jeanaette Dun
can; several Romances of the Sea, by ,
W. dark Russell-, Tales of the War,,
and of the Frontier ia Early Dars. Hen-'.
ry M. Stanley contributes two thrilling
narratives from Darkest Africa, and
Archibald Forbes writes of his "Closest
Call." Naval Battles are described by
Admirals, and Military Life by Generals.
Tbefl there articles on Choosing an Occu
pation, Boys Who Should Not Go to
Collage, Physical Training, Recreations
of all kinds, and many other practical
Another pleasant feature ia tha
charmina- trie tu re of a young lady of
colonial times, "Sweet Charity," repro
duced in colors from a painting by
Ferris, which is presented to all sub
scribers wbo send fl.79 for a new sub
scription or a renewal
Hate Tea trtr (Mappad U TMak
that yon are only getting half as much
for your doflar wbea you are taktag a
weakly aa yon would gat if you were a
swhscriber to tha Semi-Weekly JoeTnalt
It la a faetf however, because tbe Jour
ave. you two complete pspsnh f
weak, with markets aad telegraphic & iot(ing penetrates toanMck
aawa, 1M aapsrs a year, ssaking It al- areater distance than saere noise. That
roost aa food as a daily. Just now we . idea, says Jfoatb's Companion, has
a offering it to January 1, 1800, for gives rise to a new system of marine
only one dollar. Ilk tha graateat dol- pHg to beuseder st ntof
lar Daper ia the west. Is both a nation- tof based entire!
news; tha bast stor-
laa; Uas ksat ayaokl departawsaUi the
bast of eaYythrag, ail for 11.00 a jaw.
Ot mmwkm daaarteaaBt to a
Cead far ataai copy of tha paper
oaflfe fwaMstf. Bart an a law ef
l MiaassMwj bona, asvy of
Lafe,aWvarieaf a IWtialor, orj
- - - t m
tMOcr la Afwaa, ar Life of EvmJ.
J&mfHmt Q.7l Eaaav CkClaaf aad slsaf I
9mZai Wtvarasil IsVMeY saw
icCLOi V. T, Trttao aa JtjSMaf,
taaJtwaaataaaW WrKl lot
Heata of tbe Sell eat aad laterwetlag F '
twees af Tha Cewtral Uwvaraaseat.
The constitution of the Arjrpn'' ".
public iis, in its features, iUvU'.h.,! n
that of the United States, says Don
Juan H. Attwell in the New England
Magazine. Nevertheless there are some
differences worthy of note. The presi
dent is elected In precisely the same
manner as in the United States, but
cannot be reelected, and his term of of
fice is six years. lie has more power
than the preaident of the United States
as far as making appointments is con
cerned, since he only asks the advice
and consent of the senate to appoint
diplomatic ministers. Judges and officers
omc t hu
own discretion, but all his decrees,
proclamations, etc., most be counter
signed by a cabinet minister or else
they are valueless. Thus the constitu
tion makes the cabinet ministers re
sponsible for all the acts of the presi
, dent
j The members of the cabinet can an
swer questions and take part in the de
bates of the bouse and senate, although
, they are not members of either body,
j nor does any adverse vote on any,
measure of the government carry with
; it a change in the cabinet, as is the
; case in France and England, and is be
; coming the custom in Chili.
The powers of the Argentine congress
are similar to those vested in the con
gress of the United States, though some
what greater. The congress has the
power to lefrislate for all the provinces,
dictating codes to be applied in all of
them, thus securing uniformity of leg
islation. The provinces reserve the
right to elect their own judges, as well
as other officials that their local const!
tution demands. All federal and pro
vincial judges are appointed for life
and cannot be removed unless they are
iffi peached and condemned.
The White House Has Never Baew Oeea
pled by Wealthy Man.
It is still true, even in these days of
great fortunes undreamed of when it
was founded, that the American presi
dency may be aspired to by men who
are not rich. Our wealthiest presi
dents have been the first and tbe last
elected Washington and Cleveland.
Washington was one of the wealthiest
men in the country in his time
Adams was worth one hundred thou
sand dollars at his death. Jefferson
was "land poor" and in straits. Madi
son and Monroe had comfortab e es
tates for those days.
Jackson, according to the New fork
Recorder, was born in abject poverty
and never became wealthy Van Burea
was the son of a tavemkeeper, and had
a fight with poverty.
Johnson's youth was. even more un
fortunate than Lincoln's. He was ap
prenticed to a tailor, barely learned to
read in his minority, and was taught to
write by hi wife after marriage.
Grant was born only moderately poor
and never became rich. 80 of Hayes.
Cleveland's youth was one of privation
and toil.
Harrison was of good but not wealthy
family, and was, np to recent times, a
country lawyer in good circumstances.
He is but moderately wealthy.
The "aristocracy of wealth" has
never made any inroads upon the white
Stanley oa the
alt ef
I'artltlM of Afrtoa.
The partition of Africa among tha
European powers, as will have been
seen, was the first effective blow dealt
to tbe slave trade in inner Africa, writes
Henry M. Stanley ia Harper's. The
east coast, whence a few years ago the
slaves marched in battalions to scatter
over the wide interior of the continent
for pillajre and devastation, is to-day
guarded by garrisons ot German and
British troops. The island of Zanzibar,
where they were equipped for their
murderous nterpriaes, is under the
British flag. Trading steamers run Bp
and down the coast; the Tana and Jub
rivers ace being navigated by British
stearaenr, two lines of stations secure
oommunications inland for three hun
dred miles from the sea. Maj. von Wise
man is advancing upon Lake Tanga
bika; iierr Boorchert is marching upon
Lake Victoria; Capt Williams is hold
ing Uganda. These results have fol-
j lowed very rapidly the political parti
tion of the continent.
The final blow has been given by the
act of the Brussels anti-slavery confer
ence, lately ratified by the powers,
wherein modern civilisation has fully
declared its opinions upon the question
of slavery, and no single power will
dare remain indifferent to them, uisfef
penalty of obloquy and Shame,
A (Mass fetesafat Sswarsag safety free
oessa tsusaae.
It la a thery which see me to havf
A liMrfted aambcr of eombf nations of
a be BMkde to carry on ail tha
Wronalba maalsafy totwee ap
aroacMog vestals to avoid ootliaUn, of
Wtwaaa light-hone an aad daoroe
I roe aotaa. for vmmfa sam Uaakl
Wakh way ara fw kaadlagT'
vwoaiaaaat "ii
I J? .gtf LA Z?LH
af a krfVMfaV
a-assHI iW atYaalll ta- aSM
1 - - " U U iksva b
ataJaaano two laniea, Th
toVoad to agytea ta the ttoraf
FTwlMlM ba'tiafataisva'
ma. t iaaasKas jsS jasaaaa,
aasw Wf af pi owe asasww wr wwwwai
Final rraaf etje.
. 11 mhw, vin. ftn.l nraof notices in I
thU paper will reorf a marked oopy of the
uwr and are req Seated to assume their
nutlce and If any error esiat report the J
.me 10 liui once a raw.
Swtire for FabUnUea.
Land Oflce at Chadron, Xeb. (
gov. Snd. IMS.
- . 1 k. V. .Ka. IS. fflll.aWln.-
nutm u uwifwvj 1,..
named aetller baa Sled notice of bla Inten
tion to nwke anal proof In rapport of hla
' claim, and that aald proof will be nude be
fore Conrad Undeman, Clerk of tha UUUrtrt
Court, at Harrison. Nebraska, oa December
16tb, ltea, via.
i Habert ZlaunenaaaB, of Moatrnat, Neb.,
' wbo made H. E. Ho. SMi for tha nortbeaat
qr aec. II, tp. M n., r. M w.
He name the following wHneeae to prove
bU continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of mid land, via :
lxniii Holing, frank J. Miller, of ardmor.
8. Conrad Hetticn, Henry FiieaboB, of
, Montrose, Neb. alao
Loali Roliag. of Ardsiure, 8
wbo made 11. K. Ho. last for tbe s. H ae. !
ec. 17, ae. ! ne. V aec. M A nw. nw. aec.
41, tp. n r. M w.
lie nauiea tbe following wltneaaev to prove
hla con tin nous residence upon and cultiva
tion of aald land via:
I Habert Ztniinennaan, of Montroen. Kb.,
Frank J. Miller, Hubert Oleoer, Auguat
Meier, of Ardmore, 8. U.
W. 11. McCANN,
-lJ KegUWr.
1 Notice for Publication-
Land Cmce at Chad ran, Neb., I
Oct. is, una. (
Kotlce la hereby given that tbe following
, named wilier baa tiled notice of hla Inten
I Hon U make flnal proof In annport of bla
I claim, and that aald proof will be made be
fore Conrad Undeman, clerk of the district
court, at Harrison, Nebr., on Kovember
ST lb, 18S3, via:
Edwin D. Csnpbell. of Adelia, Neb.,
wbo made II. K. entry No. VtA lor the
north cant qr., sect. K, tp- 33 n., r. H w.
He names the following witnesses to
- prove his continuous residence upon and
, cultivation of aald laud, viz:
Michael J. o'Oonnell, frank I. Meyer.
Robert Harrison, Herbert 8. Woodruff, all
of Adelia, Hear.
J6 IIJ W. II. MCCAHN, Register.
Kotlce. Tlaibrr Caltsre.
V. 8. LaanOrrics,
ALUSKCB, MSB. i Oct. 11, im.
Complaint BSS having been fllad at this of
floe by Anise L. Nicholson against Burgeaa
W. MnClure for failure to comply with law
aa to tlmbnr-cnlturn entry No. aOM, dated
Oct. U, ISMS, upon tbe lot 111 and . nw.
it section 1, township T7, range 64, Is Slous
county, Jieb., witb a view to the cancella
tion 01 said entry; con Uw taut alleging that
said land has had no Irene growing thereon
since Oct. as, 1MI, and that claimant bas not
caused to be cultivated or planted to traaa,
aeed or cuttings any part thereof slurs Oct.
a, uai, and aald defects still exist ; the said
nrties ure. hembv summoned to appear at
tills uOlce on the II day of Dec., 10. at 10
o'clock, a. m., to respond and furnish testi
mony concernlnif said surged lanura.
TestlUMMiv of witnesses will ba taken be
fore John A. lireeii, a notary public, at bis
office at atovvule. Neb.. Dec. , ISM, at 10
m. rfaa. 11. imshii,
1-u; Kctelver.
Ql LUAS 4 COX LEY, Lawyers.
Will ratcrics is all tbe local, stats
aad federal conrts and t'. 8. Land mce.
X I t S X
' Office in Court House,
Oyster Parlors,
Warm Meals at all Hours. Oyster
served in any style. Oive me a calL
West side Main Street.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Bepalrtng done on short notice.
Uood work and reasonable charges.
Shop soatn of livery bars.
Tbre never Was a time in tbe history of
oar Country when the demand fof inven
Uone and Improvements in the arts and set
enosa eeneTallr was so great aa now. Tbe
coavenlenews el mankind la the f actory and
work-shop, tbe household, oa the farm, and
Id emclal Ufa, require cootloual secessions
te the appurunaneea and Implemente of
each In vrder to save labor, time ana ex
pense. Tbe political change In the admin
istration of government doss not efeet tbe
progress of tbe American Inventor, who be
ing on tbe alert, and ready to perceive the
existing deaclencles, does not permit the
swain of government to deter him from
oatckly eoneeivlng the remedy to overcome
listing dtavrepauclea. Too great sere can
not be eaeercteed iu choosing a competent
and skillful attorney to prepare and pros
mte aa application for patent. Vain able
wtereeaahave seen lost and destroyed in
munnravable thswncea br tbe ainplOTmrnt
ef In sam pe tent corniest, aad aspeelally la
this ad vice applicable ae I boas who twopt
-go patent, no par" system. Inventors
wbo entrust their bamnees to tameless of
Atorneys do so at tatmeoeat risk, ae tbe
breaaih and strength ef the patent to sever
coaamwred lavkawof a qalek endeavor to ast
an aUwwaiue and obaalu aba lae tbandae.
TUB raaaa ULAJIU OU.( Jeta Weddar-
burs, jenevaliaiesgirilar sweat, . W
Wsslaiagtoa, D.CrepramnStng a mrsw nam.
ber ef bBpertaateaSly aad WeeMlr maera,se
wall as gmissl pertodais a sae eeaaary,
(tlanltskd to DMtoSt ite astrato, frasj
the awaaf metbeea keaVMf ore eatatofeatai
tkto Itoeef aaaiaaai Taw ssto taapswy
toasaaarsa to hssw eamrga af ail
MJeeaaleaass. Hats
Un sinimiaa tnia it tmm
trrNs far kstlrwiHiai awaewvtos,
Aaeia waiisaWraWi
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Wmdmill and Pump Supplies.
Agents for the
Buckeye, Deering
Walter A. Wood
Harrison, Nebraska,
Rea 1 Estate Agents,
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring to buy or sell real
estate should not fail to
call on them..
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, etc.
J. E. PHIHNEY, Proprietor.
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
0110 and Vombhca
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or
Furnra, Ctfr.v C:i FlcSib end
TJndcrtalilnff fjooto p cmbalmlncf ,
PMtrn mmwn
Farm Implements,
am, to mail ordkim.
Geo. C. Rebd,