The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 23, 1893, Image 3

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    ? MWaa Hi. M-.uu
Same Tmn a o there lived in IVrtti.
Scotland, man of ty.nv.nai bab:t.
well known by bis ;iirttiiutt i.rtne,
Jamie. Qiier night in a ,, i ,
found Jamia lying at the of B ,Mli
Uie stair. "Is that you, Jamie? a.kcd
acquaintance in a Tmcr ot greaieM
matiishm-"t ".e, n' tuf." Tf iieii
Jaaai iat t jj of toni ties(gna foe
Have you laVn doori the sia.r? wa
Hie next qtietttkMi. ."Ays' 1 1H1 iIm
but 1 was I'utniu dorm whetner or n..
u orAaniNo irE or tan s as roiu.Li
aaiwiTU hu axraKi-Mt..
lYwuijry IrpotnRi(. C. ft. lmn,Krra!
f-rrrirl, JluJfiUti, .V. J'.
aIU'l Dl.TlMUEV MU.ll L AfSotlVTIf K;
ftaar Sin Fnrni rarljr cbiUhnrid I have- j if.
fared from a alutfpili Im-r witb ail in- u,
ArAart aioi.njiaimiiir micb a ,ni ;.ii.,ii
pnt-Vira' prfwriiiimna n-xt pii.nt w n,,-,
I aav used In tuiidau-, Uu-y rf.rjl
teniDorarr irlns!. I wiui rtv-i.ina'txf' 4 in try
Oc Pb-ree'a Hnaaant HalW-ta, I ul s;, tkmir
Oiam at nifht am two alwr lmi.r ivry
Ky lor two woka. I tlrn nilmssi tli rt.- k,
aba " Pellr dvurr day and criDiiniji-d tlii
paactloe for two month. I have In an muotaa
loc-raard In UJ tlnh, tweruy-aii poiiri'kv
1 am aa Uxr U-alth than 1 bat tn wnce
cnlMfiuod. Iirowuinw and unli-auut f.s'l-
bfa after mettia ha e compkoi'ly lappitrwl.
lUK-ctlully youm,
P.S.Inancu of Inmltfratloo.
Perfect Baby Health
ought to
meai glow
ing health
a ad robust
health in the
years to
came. When we see in children
tendencies to weakness, we know
tkty are missing the life of oai
tmktn. This loss is overcome' by
-Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, with Ilypopisr
phites, a fat-food that builds t"
appetite and produces flesh
rate that appears magical.
Afmosl n.i fal'f(!l'U in-"' '
la 1, my ton turfered my much frnro fanci
wt the mouth. I'T xlvic of phyHciana, an ;
trattoa wu performed, extending liora tb- )a
bone, which .. Kwy cr.i p.
.rr"w REUOVES p?.t
amy renwdiM In run, I cnmrnmtrd to gie Wit
S. S. S.J after in bott had been takiM
(hacaaccr di- ..... apirrd?ntit
JfaadthnHgh PAllPCn I '",?' hlv"
return, and I - h..a te 1
nauun to bplh- that ha ii per m.nentlr ' ured. II Is
J. K. Muaixx K. HuatiVte, AU.
TnaMn a Blort kia Divt Mnixl P.
I Powderasl al rarfuina.
L ' i praiae.
fTa ttim.Qtit and purat mada
t'Dlla othar i.ya. It tlug a Una
p wdr md iiackwl lu ae "ita
romi.Ta'ln lid, ih ntitil ara
aloyi rulT for a. Will maia
tba hi parfuaiwi Hard fww fria 'J
iniria'asM ilMiifeftWnf. It la lha
twi.t fur eloanah'; waata pia,
dlluf tin aln.a etcwa staa.
in. b-'-t ' pain's ireei.c.
i:n s. n i.r M'l- i. o
Uo. A4ta.. l'bila . I'
CMilnlll and Aifl ns to I'aientatillity "f m
vaatlna, hen.t rrln-ntiri Ouiiii'.iM Ii ' :
af-tMtt. Taioa oTaiiKKu, w ashie-xai . I ."
ureoinnns lon t haii'lla I rv rwni , ,, no
at Ink Kr-oer cie-ll u lukiink r
MBHe r-.rnrMI. t o., ,w r
, ...hTJT!iu Tl.n.r.. men pr.,le"im,al n.en. inen.m,-.. Inraiers tbrlr sons, rtaiijlhura
a elara. ofk for in lit jar mot o-r - . hula Ib.ut Tr- lio (on 1:11a-
. .... . ui .k.r. ..ti,,-faH -('tirartt
tasar plant ia ' -"'' '"';:: .':.' 7
HFSFrntaiH ' o O . " "'. tl,.ni.,t .rern-d. WrH-l, k irl.lnil a rafar
Mant. on aiWIr man. n w ,.iio . j , hauls Co.. S,l,.,n'tCi J ftp 1. IXHIhiasa. M, or
aaaaa. tui ui Hi a n Mao t aaaHiM lt'i., K.,,rt i r-rOr.-hard
IUcj-)KT. li t.. '"'?!' '.V. .''"" "(,h.,d.. -
, paifUtg'a(in ut ,iai,,i'ui
.. i.ti Var-u-ra. Miner. It. H.
tondlnt iwwi t He hwM.--fc.X"K
Iuiaiids of Ruhhei Boot wearers
ir vatt nrif.n FOR THEM
articl. m .
SLae4 Vrlia rotTaa IW Oalda.
Tarh. Nok.
Mow to Throw a flora- aad Kill lllaa.
Tliff ia a certain way tlat e-prlen
cii ttockmtfti kn.iw .f trioa boiM
iowi hi n t. b-.-k nt-i K and kill
nun at t on. An Ofimary liaJter n put
'Hi tii- taoran, tin atrap i TOO) it
ti;is-tj Ix-trtet-.J i- iiur!e' front eir, a
'urn bfini; takeu around tlie far one
iit-ar f lie f.-tiocn. The rxecufioiicr then
l'it f lie Jmrse a tliarp cut with a whip,
xiiil when he jt;mps up pul'a fctronsrly
9!i the'er tr:ip The horse strike
Vad fimt with th weight u his ueck.
-t-iiaiit ' fl.ivoh ' ceiitle anion ami
- othit . !1ccts of ynip of Kie. hen
ii iii-i rl if a la.ative, ajid if xh-t f.!'h"r oi
mot In-r le contive or litiioni",1 'the most
t'r.i'il . result fo low ita ne; so thai f
istli In-fit f.iaiili' remedy known, a:ol
very family thouUJ have a ho tleou hand.
One of tha best cure for red evel d
m to bathe them fn water in which il
distilled a little powderel borax. This
'miil-( lotion U altijost miraculoas Id
ill etlects.
SrTK ok Onto, Citv or Tolto, I
l.i ca tovxrr. (
I'kk J. t'liENry makes oath that he is ,
'lie seuiur f irt ser of thi hrm of K. J. !
utvrr A l .. ti iinfr huinew in the City I
or Tuh 'lo, f'otmty u.A Stnte afon anid, ani ,
' h:it nul ti'ni ill p:iv tin- um of (INK I
II I:MiI:KU ul,I.Altrt for eaWi and everv
M-eoM ai;irrh that cannot te cured by
Ihe tve of II u.i.'k .'atbkii ("i ttg. I
,.' ' '' - 1 RAS ti J, HKNKY.
Snof'i tol-etore meand aubxeribed in iiit
i-.etice, thi 6t h day of J)nuilier, A. l5.
A. W. r.I.KASO.V,
Notary I'ullic.
II. ill's Mtarrh Cure is liiken internally
.ii. d ai ts directly on the blood and mucous
Mirliiccs of the' system. Send lor testi
in null", free. :
1 l i. CM KKKY 4 ., Toledo, 0. .
(Br-ohl ly lrnpi;'iis, 7jo.
If you shut your finger in a door or
brnise it in any way, put it in water as
hot as you can bear. In a few moments
change it for hotter and keep it In
nater at least 13 initiates.
See 'i'orlieter'"
ytlo-r column.
-pr:iliti I!oot Ad. in
Mr. flayboy iwhi) is homely, to a
pretty servant girl) My wife talked
roneh to you, but you huven't given
any notice to quit. Tell me, candidly'
Jennie, is it me that keeps you In tins
house? ' ,' :
It IS HKl.t. TO Oi T CI.KAB or A (Jold the
!lit week, but It in much Iwtter und siib'T
to rid voiir-clf ol it the ti-t forty -eijjht
lioiirs - t lie proper remedy lor the purpose
bi ini,' lh. I). Jiiync's Ksprcloratit.
.Itiitite-Yes, it is, Mr. Cayboy. Una
is the only house 1 eve.- was in where
my sneethearl wasn't jealous of tlte
bo-.s. Texas Siftitic".
m i kvv anil s orbulical!ectiiiis, pimples,
mid Idoti'lies on tin skin are caused by im
pure blood which Jtewlitun n Tills cure.
Husband (the father of six daugb
ter8 Coiiim, Rosa, there . Is a gentle
man In the drawinj-rnom who wauU
to marry one of our daughters. He is
a wine merchant.
Wife A wine merchant? Heaveu
he praised! Then he will be sure to
select one f theolder brands, '
For Bronchial, Aatbraatlo and Pulmoa
iry Complaints, Hroun't liionchinl
frivh"" have reuiarkulile curative pro
pO li''S. m'y hurra.
"fAlldDtt bffists, birds and snakes art,
reported to be quite common in the
Pacific southwest
The ' demon" frog swallows fireilies
until it becomes as phosphorecent as
ils bvxl and shines its brightly as a 20
of the insects. 1
The. youittr of the "polype fffowi from
tiie body of the parent like buds,-and
when nlniost. grown are sn.t; u'ed by a
sudden jst-K.
rtu- N. rih -lit Vfttrt aorln Jor afary htaui In
::.,,..,, K,,i,a ,,..r.H- i,,,i,i ii, ,..,n
i,... iull of u.t inlorwattva about tr-ra and frulta.
i..a.)i .
tan Mr sole? ex-
Hands mid others
W EA H I M.i Ol ; A HTY.
teslifv this is lb be! they ' had.
mid don't la- persuaded info, iin inferior
A Kow Hampshire (Iruiu Sot baUaOrd
t.ira win. II U hUdrea.
A trentleinati wlin was ruoticatiraj
In ih- northern part of New Hamp
shire took a tramp among the hl.U
one day recent. y. jn oassing a hill
niUe 'arm he taw an aed granger
hoeing a erv stony potato fled i near
his hi-tise, aod tbegentleman atopjied
to converse with him.
"Your p"tatef aeeiu to be doing
well," I.e started in.
'Oh. 1 reckon I'll hev a few perta-t-
'," rejoined the farmer dryly, as he
si ppeid lioeitig the rocks off the vines
ai i glanced at the btran'er curiously
f) ia under the wide brim of his
w atber-beaten btraw hat.
'. .trier eroos good"
"dh, the crops Is .et tolerible, as
usual. I 'po-e," replied tlu farmer
Indifferently, as he came up to the
rail fence drairgintf h s hoe after him.
"Hut I'll tell yer jest how 'tis,
squ re,'' he continued confidentially.
I'm the fiio'-t untuttunit oie critter
In Cwis County."
"rarmiiig doesn't pay very well up
here, I supiiose.'"
J'ay! othio' pavs me, 'srjuire,
hut 1 did expict a b'et'e of suthen
from my crop of youujf uns."
"Children turned out bad, chV"
".les' so, fitrangcr. The hull on 'cm
has been a dead loss to me. Hati'l
1 named him for IanT Wetister an'
,ive mm a kocu euaicaiion tics a
hoss doctor; bract iced on my old
mare, an' bhe died, eke went inter
what they call the green goods busi
ness kcepln' a grocery store, I s'xsc
'.ut he bunted up, an' be writes uic
he's now working in a place called
r-ingSing, bays he's got a good, stlddy
Job, but the pay ain't good and he's
allers wantiu' to liorrer a dollar from
me, Sam au' III went ter brakln" on
the railroad an' I had ter pay the
funeral expenses of both of 'cm.
Maria Ann got married to a drum
mer at the onntv fair last fall, an'
went up in a balloon, but they came
down safe, an' hev ben honeynioonlu
with me an' the old woman ever since.
Llzy, my youngest, ain't wuth her
keep, an' she's a teasln' me to buy
her a bysuckle me, who hain't laid
eyes on a five dollar note sence the
war. 1 tell yer stranger, I'm the
most unfoittinit old critter with my
yo'ing oties that ever lived," he
"You certainly have ti bad luck
with your children."
"I should say b had. Now, there's
IM1 Duikce up ter Uolebrook; he's
had the greatest luck with his. They
supports him ia good style, and Hill
hain't dotie a stroke o' work fur five
"All smart and htcady, eh'.'1"
"That's where you miss it, 'siiuiin:
they ain't any on u ih taken that
"How Is it they get along so wi ll,
tlienV . -
"Tlicy are all freaks, an' hae all
got good stiddy ol a the year around.
Sal weighs 'bout a ton. Mirandy's
got tromeudotis long hair air his old
est boy was born without leg An'
here I 1 without even a mammoth
hog or a two-headed calf," sighed the
aged farmer as he went back to his
nectng. , '
Trial of the Pyi.
The annual cerctu' ny of tctiti
I the standard tlnenoss of the gold and
i silver coins of the I'nited States, as
! wi ll as those of Ureal iiritain, is
called the "trial of the pyx." Ihe
j custom is very ancient, and the name
' is derived from the "py." or chest,
in which the coin reserved for exam
ination were formerly kept In toe
j I'nited States the trial, which is pro
vided for by law, is made on tbe
bc ond Wednesday of each recurring
February before, the Judge of the
, United' States 'District Court, the
I Comptroller of the Currency, the As
' sayer of the New York' Assay office
and such other persons ns the J'resl
dent may designate. A majority of
the person constitute a competent
Isiard, and t he examination is made
in the presence of the Director of the
The coins thus icsei ved for trial
are wade up from those selected from
each delivery made by the chief coiner,
deposited in the - pyx" and kept un
der the joint care of the Superinten
dent of the .Mint and the Chief As
gayer, ca h of wlioiii has his separ
ate lock and key.
Coins from other mints are trans
mitted quarterly for examination to
the Director of the Mint, or in lieu
of this lie may test any niece which
falls Into his hands. The examiners
detailed to make a "trial of the pyx"
arc not sworn, but they make a cer
tified report of their doings. If this
report shows the coins to be within
the limit of tolerance In fineness and
weight, it is filed. If not, the fact
Is cert! Med to the I 'resident, and If
he should deem It projicr so to do he
may order all those implicated in the
trior to l thenceforth disqualified
from holding office.
The Vlsctiuntess Sherbrooke, wife
of Ilobert Lowe, the. well-known Kn
allsh statesman, was a woman of
strong character, nnd she challenged
criticlatn iu that she was lu the habit
of saving whatever came into her
mmd at the moment.
She had sense and Courage, n heart
and a head, and she bore a large part
lu her hu' anil's public life.
One repartee ascrll ed to her shows
that she was m least ready with
loyalty of sueecli. The French Km
bassador one day said to her some
what patronl.lntfly,
"You know Knglund Is said to 1a
land of shopkeepers. " I had no Idea
ot flndloif there such great military
"Ah," ihe replied, -the people of
different countries do not understand
each other. Now, I have actually
been antler tbe Impression that the
French were a treat military n-tlen'"
Don't Forget
it is
that makes the deli
cious biscuit, griddle
cike and doughnut
'ot a Money-making Kchem".
"'t costs considerable more to run a
far n than people imagine." remarked
a r an to a Boston Herald contributor
a f w days ago. "A man may support
ay cut, go oil on long cruises, enter-tai-liberally
and gain the reputation
of i dog a hail fellow well met; but 6ft
ir s, it ban been asserted, tbe running
of farm Is still more costly. People
as rule labor uu er the impression
)ha the returns more than offset the
out ly. They figure that the owner
rati 8 enough of vegetables and frt it
jo l-st him from year to year, and the
facf that he can enjoy home-made but
ter 's something not to be disregarded
In rimming up the profit and lose
No that idea is entirely erroneous,
Wh di 1 think I can prove to your sat
is f: tion." Then, settling himself in
his eat, the speaker went on to tell of
the igricultural experience of William
M. Evarts, the famous -New York law
yer wbo has just celebrated his golden
we ding on bis farm. He realized at
one time, it has been said, an income ol
over $50,000 yearly from bis practice.,
lie was also tbe owner of the place at
'Windsor, Vt., on which a gang of men
was constantly employed, (in one oc
casion lady, hearing of Mr. Kvai ts'
larae Income from his profe.sion, ex-
blatmed in the presence of the attorn
ley's wife: "How rich they must be!"
to which the latter replied, In a quiet
manner: "You forge', madam, that we
own a farm.,' It is also related of the
distinguished lawyer that, while en
tertaining a number of friends at his
home one evening, he produced sevetal
bottles of champagne and a quantity
of mtlk. Turning to bis guests he
said, without a sembalance of humor:
Gentleman, here is some milk from
my farm and here is some wine. You
can take vour choice, they both cost
the same."
A hward.
A bride tells of a difficult moment of
tier recent wedding trip. A few days
of It were spent with an uncle of hers.
Very deaf and very pious. When they
sat down to dinner on the night ot
their arrival, the uncle asked the groom
to say grace. Much embarrassed, as be
was unaccustomed to officiating in this
way, he leaned forward, murmuring a
request to be excused. Whereupon
the uncle, watching htm only waited
until his lips stopped moving to utter a
sonorous "Amen!" in response. It is
ihardly necessary to add that the bless
ing for that meal went unsaid.
Tlie"Mn Shear, r" Npidar.
Yucatan is the home of an uncanny
snecies of spider, known all over Cen-
tral America as the "mule shearer
This queer representative of the my gale
family has a habit of creeping up tbe
legs of mules and horses aud shearing
oil the hair that surrounds the hoof.
especially the fetlock. The hair gained
in this curious operation is used by tbe
insect for nest building and is removed
from the leg ot tbe mule or horse by a
strong pair of mandibles, w hich resembe
those of a pinching bug. Animals bit
ten by tbe "mme shearer' always lose
their hoof.
Sapphire blue peacock blue aud deli
cate shades in silver mid swallow blue
are tor tills und the coining seasou
either combined with black moire or
trnnined with jetted gimps, black silk
passementeries or black fox fur.
Something of
during 1894.
it C..r4 TWa btlf.,l Colors Plrlar-, "w--t C-arltr." a" Tfl- (lift
ysW&fit to tea mr-Halml. Ita rlrlmraa T eolarias amaianli !!" M MIC Will.
. VT VV'' aMMtlM. Ita aablrr ia m . ladr of Colonial tlmaa. Thrra -r
I, nirl ksn- that tha iilclur will not ornamMif. "Im "' -
- J- .99 la-ha. It will braaat t all a aw aabarrlbara Th. n fU- fflf
UtiaritV w. m m una -ut u with i.t i-r vyi or inc I COM
J aahaertptlM. and In addlttoa Ih twr will fca .
Sum., ISM, and far a faU twar frw-t that alat Jaa., tS. PW 1 .
The Youth's Companion. Coiumbu ATtn. Boston, mmi.
I.eanes aiMl its-fmoa
Some of the rules by which the ten
ants of the Astors are bound are curi
ous. For iustam , says the New York
Hun. although tbey will make
almost any repai : that a tenant sug
gests before the lease is signed, even
though the repair may cost more than
the rental, they v II not spend a cent
on the projierty during the e-iitence oi
the lease. A lad- who rented a bous
iu Forty-fifth street from the Attor
was told that she could have any re
pairs or alterations she wished, but no
chandeliers. She hud the house deco
rated from top to bo torn, and many
expensive repairs made, and there wa
not a remodBtraoce, but she bad to
supply all the chandeliers, at the cost
of sixteen hundred dollars, herself. Of
course, they remained her property,
apd she cau take them away wheu she
A curious incident is related by an
other tenant in Forty fourth street,
she leased a house at a rental of two
thousand dollars for one year. When
she came to renew the lease for aii
o her year she was informed that the
rent would bs only eighteen hundred
dollars. She wa3 told by somebody
who pretend d to know that tlu reduc
tion was dubto a deterioration in Ihe
value of the property, and that the
Astors did not want more than a cer
tain interest on it. That, however,
was not true, as was learned upon in
quiry at the ollice of the Astor es'.ates.
The clerks there said that the reduc
'ion was due simply to the fact that
during tbe first year they had charged
a percentage for repairs and changes.
s none was required the second year
the precentage was taken off. Never
theless, it. remains the fact that t lie re-
iuiiiion was voluntary, and to the ten-
t unexpected.
Wonderful Marina l'lauta.
The diatoms, of whieh there is an
nfinito number of forms and sphecies,
belong to Die seaweed family and are
microscopic organism of wonderful
shapes and rare beauty. Tbey are
ingle celled plants and are without
'oubt the most minute representatives
f the vegetable kingdom. They are
ound iu every imaginable shape and
form circular, oblong, flat and square
cubical, watch shaped, oval, triangular,
wedge shaped, crooked, screw or cork
screw shaped, use pui Doxes, ieaa
pencils, boats, turtles, etc.
l.eueroslly Itaelf.
Struggling Pastor - Nearly all the
congregation have subscribed liberally
lor the building fund, and I feel sure
that, I can also have your hearty co
operation. How much will yon-
Mrs. Leader Let me see. Oh, I am
the onlv member who has a carrage, 1
"Yes. tbe rest fii'o poor."
"Well, 1 will drive around and col
lect the 'subscription." Demorest's
It lias been ascertained by actual in
vestigation that it takes a snail 14 days
to travel a mile. .
I Wri for ti
Uisiii ftii'l l cHturrh
tlint lireil l'liit find
weeks with rhtMiiua
tt' tin' sloiuai-li. Mh
n ncrvoiH, I 1.00k
Hood's Srrsaparilla
Had it lis-1 given mi1 slffnMli m llittt I chii ilo
my own hiMisi vork. My .Nr also feel
butler anil hItiiiikit. I have sroo.l apixMlte,
ami the iin ami troii'ili: in my sloiuaeli linvc
nut annoyeil iiieslnee. That nwful lirwl feul
Iiir and a .sevori' emmli i.evi'f Iroulile mi1 now ."
1 ,1 71 k Hi Kiisil, Ki'ini'-ii Si( iih re. I'a.
IIimmI's HIIIscuH! sfi'U tii-aulaetie . irc.
It Comes Every Week Only $1.75 a Year.
siccial interest and value for every memli-r of the family will be given every week
Full Illustrated Announcements lot the 6SthVolume, with Specimen Copies, Free.
Famous Contributors.
Prof. Henry Drummond. - The Duke of Argyll. - Sir Robt. Stawelt Ball. - Lady Jcune.
l1enry M. Stanley. - Archibald Forbes. - W. Clark Russell. - Bret Harte. ,
.Sir Archibald Oelkle. - Gen. Wesley Merritt. - H. H. Boyesen. - Mary A- Uvermore
Marion Crawford. Frank R. Stockton. J. M. Barrle.
Important Features for 1894.
Nine Serial Stories. Capital Short Stories. Sea Adventure.
100 Adventure Stories. Household Articles. Health and Hygiene.
Practical Advice to Student. Over 700 Urge Pages. Popular Science Articles.
Illustrated Weekly Supplements. The Beat Illustrations. Charming Children's Page.
Double 1 folirlay Number at Thank-giving, Christ mat and New Ycat ', Free to rseh Sabscriher. .
a-sston at imm,- .....
"Going tu lodge Arthur ?" exclaimed
tbe young wife in surprise. "I didn't!
know you were a member of any
"Why, aw yes, Georgiana," said the
young l.titiband. "1 belong to the Or
der of Elks." ' ' ' '
"And would you rather spend tilt s
evening with a lot of Elks than with
your own little dear?"
And Arthur meekly hung his Bat up
again Chicago Tribune. (
Blinkers All this talk about back
men overcharging is nonsense. I ixh
hacks whenever 1 am out with lay wife
and the drivers never try to get a ce t
more than the regular fare.
Winkers How do you manage?
Blinkers Very simply, 1 mer ly
remarked in a loud tone to my a fa
that I'm glad she's got, through oer
shopping at last. After the hack man
hears that he is thankful to get out of
me what I actually owe him. N. Y,
Two bottles of German Syr p
cured me of Hemorrhage of A
Lungs when oth -I remedies fail 1'
I ara a married i f n and, thirty-;, x
years of age, and ive with my wife
and two little girl.) at Durham, Mo.
I have stated this brief and plain so
that all may understand. My case
was a bad one, aud I shall be glad
to tell anyone about it who will
write me. Philip L. Schknck, P.
O. Box 45, April 25, 1890. No man
could ask a more honorable, business-like
Cleanses tbe
Nasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
Heals the Sores.
Restores the
Senses of Taate
and Smell.
A narllnlc Ih n 11 nl tori Intrt fmrh il.HitxU'. Prim M vt nt.s ut Druiegists, 'r tT tu-vil
ELY Bl.OTHKK. fa Warreu St., New fork
is a sure euro if used in tlrna
Knr rtnulnx syiap, , lot ulna
r, II
hH no oqtial. Tbu Uoum.
wifv's b?nfnen,i. A lu
tw4 nn.- For bf all
(iiK'(r.-. wllleurprlsr yom
Sheridan County, Wyoniing;(only 1 ,,,, f, - cot f lotiinf
by the completion o .ui extension
of the Kurlhigton Rail
TL. road), offers greater aud
I 11 U nlore l'l'"'il'aule opportun
ities to farmers, bnsinesi
men, in vestora and prospectors than
any other section of the Unitei
States. Finest agricultural and
stock-raising region under the sun.
270,000-acresof magnificentirrigatest
land, fertile as the valley of the Nile.
A million .'"' ' iM;rM an
more still IJnilfnir vacant.
waiting IlKVlKl the coin- I
ingof the.". ,,V. husband-'
man. Brisk, rapidly-grjwing towns.
I tich mineral lields less than a hun
dred miles from the county seat.
Perfect climate, pure water, cheap '
fuel coal and wood. .Send forj
free descriptive pamphlet; tkirty
two pages .
uB. Northwest
J.'FUANCIS, General Passenger
Agent:, Burlington Poute, Omaha,
a..a ia
(m 1