Kl SIOUX C U1TT JQU1IIU. t, 4. mnnon. rroarsator ARB1SON, NEBRASKA DiEAfcWOOU, S. D, oV IT lit weal horrible cnui ever com :u tried m H ilia was committed at nuuu r.' erday by Joseph Tha-i, an Daiian nn. T. Tbe crime wii fiendishly yla-.rie d deliberately executed iiiie tim igo Thas' wife left him, owing t- !i:s deesolate babits, and went to U vt- with er eusiu, Jacco'faumta, an-l bis w ite. Tbas en several occasions sougn' !o daks his wife live, with him. but in no purpose. Yesterday noon be called at he house aud shortly after the neigh, on heard foar shots at iutervais ot few Moments, but nothing was thought of it At 2 o'clock a peddler called at tl bouse aud beariog groans enter , thinking somebody was sick. A hor rible sight met his gaze. Lym,' in ibe woodshed was Joe Tbas gasping with a mortal wound ii his head aud a 3S eaiibre revolrer in his hand. In tbe kitchen, lying si ark io death was Jacco Taenita, Mrs. Jacco Tannita, and Mrs. Toe Thas, with blood streaming from ier hrrible wounds, inflicted by Tbas' .evelver. lu addition to tbe bullet VMsda, Mrs. Tannita bad been struck is tbe head with an ax. Bank af England I-o-. Boston, Nov. 17. The Herald's London correspondent cables the 1 -lowing regarding tbe trouble in tne Bank of England: Another sensation has buret npon the financial world involving no less an institution than the bank of England, dome days ago it was publicly an aeuaced that Chief Cashier F. iiay the Bank of England had resigned his est after twenty years of service, and twM retire on a pension liberally voted by the directors. It now appears that Cashier May. so I am informed, not only retires, nut his resignifion was demanded by the directors and no pension is given uirc for the reason that he has involved tbe tank in a heavy loss. The cashier was intrusted with almost absolute power hi Baking investments. A short time tats the directors found cause to ques tion, the soundness of his judgment, which was subjecting the bank to un accustomed loss. They voted to retire him on a half pension. After a further investigation of the nature of bis investments they decided te retire him peremptorily and re: used la pension him; Think Tarr Have a t)u. Cuicago, Nov. 17 It was annouiK i that the police bad obtained a slight to tbe identity of the two men 'yesterday robbed Treasurer J. A. Brake of the Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa railway of over 'i0,000. A news boy was found who said ibat in mak ing his round he saw two men hur riedly em-rge from tbe Rockery build ing; where the robbery took place, about the time of tbe assault. From tbe description given by the boy, tbe po nce professed to fiink they would be able te apprehend V robbers. Mr. Drake, the victim of the assault was able to be at bis office today. A Mt over the eye and a large lump on is bead were the only ' wounds be re seived. lrake was apparently ex tremely nervous as a result of the af fjslr and re'nsed to be interviewed. Kid Nat fiml the "Manrf. New York, Nov. 17. A special rom Peterson, X. J., to tbe Eveniug Hun ays: A crank who gave his name to ibe police as Joseph Mitch, is now lock ad ap at police headquarters for threat ening to blow np St. Honeventures monastery in this city. Mitch called at tbe monestary and demanded from the matter superior 15,000. He threat ened te blow up tbe building with dyn amite uolej his demand was complied With. Finally he went away and re turned this morning and renewed his threat to destroy the monestary with dynamite if be did , not get tbe money. Tbe mother superior telephoned to the police and the crank was arrested. tamped ibe track. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 17. At La Fayette, Ala., at an early hour yester day morning, while the passenger train from Opelide on the East Alabama railroad was entering town, ruueing fteen miles an hour, the entire train except tbe engine jumped the track or. a curve and roiled down a ten foot em bank meot. Tbe train was filled with passengers and immediately after tbe accident, the wreck took fire from the overtiming of the stores. A panic feflowed among the terror-stricken Driver of LaFavetu. mhn was ridins? in the umnkin Mr ease under a neat and berore bt aacU to rescued vu burned to a crisp A3 tJm others were gotten out. aUperts Caeeemee. Turn Haute, led., Nov. 17-Sena-ti Tnsrnam has rstnmed noma and ft Cae heart. Tto senator says that -ctJ ?e4ewe giving purported ' TtttHwtm Btmmtf aad8eore 13 tzit the fsteal if.lt l fCw Urn atmitatifr ntia Rawatmn eoattea are Ub -J a Kail a ay. Chicago, Nov. 10 Daring robbers beat the treasurer of the Indiana, llliu ois A Iowa rai, w iv into iiiseniubility yesteniay moruai; and got away wiih- : sonittbia Use i j.1 (AiJ in cash. The victim o( tiie assau.t was John A. brake, tbutv veart old. a sou of F. M. lrase, preiiaent nd builder of tbe "Tliree IV road, an 4 the crime was committed ia the Ci jpaoy's oiliceson ibe ninth floor oft iiookery Duild inj, one blocs from e board of trade. It was an easy ru ter fur tbe tiiuijs to m..ke their esca from tbe great bui'ding, which upac'icaly deserted at 7 o'clock, the hou at which tbe rob bery was committer. Tt.e nioiifiy take represented tbe seuii-mouihly pay r .11 ot llie com pan. Mr. Irae ititeud-. to take the 7:3(7 train on the .Nickel Plato for Knox, Ind , tbe eastern terminus of the 'lbree from which poiit be has been in the habitof woikiugto tbe western terminus at Streutor, 111., with bis pay car. It had been u.e cumiu of the Coiniiajir lo nv it .n'ii:ove in h.-li aitcgetber, payable to t-earer at the hanks on tbe lin, and afterwards a ctiMRge was made to part checks and part cash. But it was susp-cled that dummies were ou the pay roll, and He last change to paying currency led to tbe discovery of two dummy employes Th i Tariff arhedoJe. Wasiiikoton, Nov. 15. Despite the precautions of the house ways and means committee to prevent its secrets becoming public property, some of tbe details of the workou the tariff bill are leaking out There is apparently no doubt that wool, coal aud iroo ore will be placed on tbe free list. It is under stood also that a material reduction will be made on steel rails. The duty on tin plate, as has been previously an nounced, will probably be reduced from 2:10 to one percent. A meeting of all the democratic members of the com mittee was held touay, at which tbe sub-committees having in charge the various schedules submitted their re ports. 'The work of adjusting and harmou izing the redactions will be continued until tbe bill shall have been com plei- ed. It is expected that this result will be reached the last of next week or not later than Monday following. Tbe bill will then be reported to the full com ma tee and made public the same day from tha llaltoo liang. Arkansas Cnv, Kas, Nov. V The Daltons have been heard irons again and it appears that tht-y are get ting to be common highwaymen. This evening E. Higginbo'.ham arrived in ibis city from Ulackwell, a town twenty-three miles southwest of this city in Wie Cherokee strip. Mr. Higiubothain has been engaged in tuuhug lutnber frora this city to Ulackwell for Charles N. Hunt. While he was returning in this city yesterJay morning he inei two men, who baked him, prilled theii Winchesters down on l.iai ;ind de manded his money. He told them that 92 was all be had and the high waymen took 1, with the rtmark: 'There's nothing small about us; you can keep the other dollar." The men rode away then. Iligginbothaui re cognized them as iliJl Duton and "Dynamite," two of tbe Dalton gai g. Caught Tham ifapp a(, Ijkix)X, 111., Nov. 10. The Lincoln pol'ce have caught the Peoria, lcatnr k Evans v Die train b-.ndila. While searching for stolen clothing and jewelry the officers faced three guns, but having tbe drop on the deaperadoep they forced them to submit aud took them out of bed. They found three new revolvers and landed four prison ers in tbe county jail, named William bhells, Edward Van Meter, Clarence Howe, all ex-convicts, and Shell's daughter. Ida is a prosecuting wit ness. Tbe arrested men fit tbe descrip tion of the trio who attempted to hold up tbe train and were away from borne until 2 a. in. the morning following the nigbt of tbe holdup. Cold Weaihar la lb (. Dlnkikk, N. Y., Nov. 16. A ter rific snow storm is prevailing here, as suming blizzard proportions at times. About eight inches of snow has fallen. Oot door bnsiness is practically .sus pended. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 16. The first snow of the sessou occurred yes terday. It is general throughout the northwest and may continue, with brisk northwest winds, for ihe next twenty-four hours. The present cold wave extends from tbe Mississippi t. tbe Atlantic and as far south as the gulf with temperature lu9 to J8 - lx low the normal. ' rnlkH la Kxaloda. Uloominotoj, 111., Nov. 16. An attempt was made yesterday morning at 2 o'clock to blow open tne vault in the People's bank at Lexington wh dynamt e. Tbe robbers drilled into the outer door of tne vault and exploded a dynamite charge, which failed to open tbe door. Frightened by the terrilie explosion the robbers fled, leaving their tools. The aaaUaa Ertle, WashijiTO!I, Nov. 14-HtMttreUrie Greaham and Cfcarliale ad a ewafer eawersfrnwiag tbefinmtaa exiles or eewvttawho werereeewtiy landed Id Urn Frswsmuo. It is understood, from t to evidence MfcmJtted by the com f Icrnttoa at Saa frm- eiseo, tlatswwau ttemssisi trts- Mt tltnrfata ami an UmteeuCsJto kmX Ctt tote kmct McH-gn aft Klra la a ihirrli, I CliK ioo, Nov. 13-lhree butidred ' wen and women were momentarily j pun c-lr ckec last evening in the Uel den avenue baptist church when tbey discovered tbe structure was on tire, but presence of miud on tbe p trt of tbe j Pa ,or- 'i-H. H. liarbour, s-kii re siored order and the rut. r congregation escaped to the slieet in safely. There were aorue pushing an J crowj.ng at times, but no one was injured. The pastor had s:okrn about ten m iiutes w ben be no' iced a reutleuian who had occupied a aeat ia the center of the church arise and come forward. He walked up the main an toward the pulpit and beckoned Ilev. Haibourto one side. "There will be a panic soon if we are not careful," he whispered. "The church is on fire. Spartss are falling fr m the dome." jev. ;.irbiur glanced up at tbe dome aud saw sparks tailing. He told tbe ! congregatiou that I nt be continued. the services could "There are god reasons,' he an nounced, "why I c.itiiMt preach to you toidgbt. We will even dispense with tbe closing hymn and benediction, and I ill ask you lo leave your seats qi etly and in order, but with as much haste as possible." .Several who were seated in the center of he church saw the lailiug sparks. A cor arose hastily and started tor ex te In tbe rear. Others aroe, not knowing what was the cause of the ai louncemeut. Soon the church was eo otied. The lire caught in the dome from a leak in the large gas pipe lead in to the chaude!ier in the center of cb rcb. lly the litre tbe congregation ha left the church the dome was in (U oes. In the meantime the blaze ha I been s-eu by parties outside tbe church and an alarm turned in. Quick work by fire department save the building from destruction and con lined tbe fire to the dome. The lo?s is es timated at ?7,.V. Witili to Kltl the M tyor. Jolikt, 111., N'ov. 13. Fur several days a man has been noticed in I'on- ! tiac, 111., acting in a suspicious man ner nod was frequently heard to mut ter the name of McdaugLrey coupled with threats. The stranger called at the reforraatory and a-ked for Major McClaughery, but was informed thai he was out ot town. Mrs. MeOlung!: rey, hearing of his suspicions actions, notified Ralph Bradford the poetraater who hunted up the tiiys'cri'itis indivi dual and loutid he ha 1 a dangerous crank to deal with. UradiorJ inforni him that Major McCla-'ghrer I ved at Monmouth, whereupon the stranger departed. Uron arriving a". .Mon mouth the stranger was finally arretted and upon being searched turned out to be a walking iirsenai. He ha been recoguized as an ex-convict, Dr. I'etri R. Laugdon, alias Lwigfor l W. Hose, who was released from his second term at the Joliet prison in September last. He has often been heard to make threats to kill Major McClaughrey. If inh 'a, wip lu 1. nrulH. Lincoln, Nbr., Nov. i.'J. Two highway robberies occurred last uight between 10:13 and 11:30 almost in the heart of the city. Two men did both of the holdups which were done with neatness and dinpa cii. II. W. Sprin gate, a travelling man, was halted at Fourteenth and M streets and comman ded to hold up his bauds. He oneyed and at the same time lookedjdown the shining muzzle of a revolver, at the east eud of which he could perceive a oiammy cartridge of no mean calibre. The robbers relieved Springate of about 30. After thus reducing .Springate visi ble assets, the men moved .west to Eleventh street near L where tbey awaited another victim. James Crot ty, who lives in the city block, was tbe unfor.uuate man. He was relieved of cash aggregating between $3 and 17 and a buuch of keys. He says the men called biro opprobriocs names because be was so shy on cash. Springate was unable to give the po lice any description of the men except in a general way, but Crolty is positive be would know tbe men if he saw them again Trlag to Urine Him Hack. New York, Nov. 13. Adrian Van Sindern, embezzler of trust funds amounting to t2o,00,000, who became a fugitive from justice after his indict ment for grand larceny in 1801, and who was believed by everybody to be dead, has come to life. He has beeti traced by detectives to Berlin, (Je:- many; here lie has been living incogni to. District Attorney Lindsay has eft for Washington to arrange if possible with the German minister and Secretary Oresham for tbe return of Van Huiaern to this country for trial Tbe extradition -treaty between the United Mated and Germany is said not to provide for a case like that lit ques tion, bat Ibe creditors of Van Sindern are trying to bring about an act of comity between the two countries pro. riding for bis surrender to tbe New York authorities. Mar at- ftaleMa. St. JosErrt, Nov. 13. Henry Duva, a prominent merchant, left home Satur day to make some collections, telling hit family be would be back in time for supper. Saturday nigbt a boat was tetrad floating ta lake Contrary and ia twwaDuve't coat Hie believed be was fUeod late tbe boat and rob. toi. m body was found Saturday fX Tbera m Matttva ertdeooe (f UeJrwy.aad -etaioa la divided as toreador UMa earn of murder or All li t at t. Mfmphi, TeDn.. Nov. H.-Fire i broke out last mtrlit abou' 7:13 o'clock in the Selima,tz-IU-i i block, on main street, between Monroe an I I" neon streets, before the flames were controll ed at 8 p. in. several lives were l S'. and nearly I. a t a million doiiars worth of property went up in stnuke. The ex art number of lives lot at this hour (1.3l a n. ) is not known, but a conser vative estimator pi ice i it at four, while four or live were injure! some fatally, in jmrii.ng from the turning building. About a quarter pat seven o'clock, people wvre startled oy ths report of an explosion and a fl ,.h. In an instant flames were pouring trum the lower floor of the six-story j;lding occupied by the lmiI r-Ke Hardware com pany. Ihe second, ninl, fourth and fif'.h storn-s were occuiwed by tbe Y. M. C. A. and it was in this pl ica that the loss of life occurred. The fire start- ed from the exploti in of a larj;e coal oil lamp near the sta rway, and within Cve secondi afier the explosion occur- red the front end of the building was a seething muss of roaring, crackl t g flames. Tbe second floor was used is the lecture room of the , M. C. A, while the third storv was used as a li' brary. It was in tt. s death trap that the holocaust occi.Ted. The flames leaped up the stairc-w so fast that all egress was cut off. Iii iiui ForHiHr Medal Washington, Nv. 14. There is much comtilaining among exhibitors over the great delay in awarding the World's Fair medals to successful com- petitors. Congret-s has. received nu mereroas letters on the subject, bat in-, quiry at the treasury does not reveal any indication that 'he medals will be ready for distribution for some months to come. As many t.f the exhibitors expect to make the most of their medals in an advertising way, some of them desiring to incorporate the design in new trade mark to be adopted, they complain that the great delay will rob them of much of the commercial advantage which they expected to reap in return for the heavy expenses involved in making a world's fair exh.bit. The design prepared by St. Gardens for tbe official medals has not yet been accepted and it is still even uncertain whether the work may be done by the United States mint. The plan of the treasury, which is very detailed and contemplates medals of elegant work manship, would require four or five months, as it would necessitate the stumping of some of the medals 400 or 600 times. Hut a cheaper process of manufacture has been suggested which would make it possible to turn out the 23,000 in a few weeks. This does not meet with much favor, however, auil unless the indignant exhibitors bring the matter to the attention of eongrei s it is not likely the medals will be ready before next summer. The treasury department suggests U '.hat the delay is attributable to Mr. Thatcher or the designer, who should have furnished ihe designs months ago, in order that the manufacture might have been began at a much ear lier date. Thfj rUoln to Kit In. Bitiixit roiiT, Nov. 14. Articles of agreement were signed here for a ten round fight between Tommy Kyan, now of this city, and Dick Kgan, well known in sporting circles as tbe "Mon tan Kid." The contest ill-take place near here within a few weeks for a purse of $300. the winner to take all and the gate receipts, i.yan is bacs ing himseif, while Mike Haley ,a south -em sport, is putting np the money for Egan. Tho men will light at 140 lbs. Egan has met Jack Deiapsey, young Mitchell, Charley Turner and Billy Hennessey, and is considered a clever fighter. Atlaniot to Miirdrr. Cleaklank, Nov. Ii. A vicious at tempt at double murder, followed by an attempt to commit suicide, took place ou Davenport street at noon yes terday. Michael McNamara shot and probably wounded Mrs. Ellen Sweeney and her daughter Mary and then shot himself in the bead. McNamara will die. She latter boarded with the Sweeney family. The cause of the shooting is unknown. Kervral Arretted. Cleveland, Nov. 14. The society of Coblngs has offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of the person who attempted to rob their bank and murder Secretary and Treas urer Derrick ou Friday last. Several parties answering the description of the man have been arrested, bot Colonel Herrick fails to identify his as sailant among them, and the suspects will be released. The police now ex press the belief that the fellow was pimply a bold thief and not of tbe crank type. Ip r Alrahallam. ST. Louis, Nov. 14. -Phil V. Taylor, a prominent attorney, was found dead yesterday morning by his partner and Janitor. Taylor had been indicted for forgery aud would soon have gone to trial. Since his indictment he hss been drinking constantly. Thy Coald not Agraa. Nashville, Nov. 14. The jury in tbe ease of Frank Porterfield, cashier of tbe Commercial National bank, in dicted for fraudulent payment on a note out of tbe funds of tbe bank, re. ported to United States District Judge Bag Mat tbey could net agree. A jattrlal was accordingly entered, a! pad abewed that eight were la favor of1 watletlou and four for acquittal. Thia, fcjaaly eeeof a antnber of indletmoata matPortortewt . i A Hmw Varttaa if amiingtov Nov. 13.- iin J. S. Hastder, formerly chief cleik of the Iutenor department, and now receiver of tbe laud otlice at Enid, Okl, is in Washington. He brings a new version of the complaints about the opening of the Cherokee Htrip The fper ing, b says, was generally sansfictory and the complains come from those who desire to make trouble and bring the administration into msrepute. Captain Ha&Mer says the chief promoters of dissatisfaction are a iuail f iction of iinno-rat-S, who were aiiirerrd by the fact tha' the land officers and other f'fticials sent to Oklahoma and the Strip were from outside the Territory. Tbe sending of ouL-ide men. he said, broke up the schemes formed to cap ture the best land in the Strip, and a number had missed an opportunity of making the money tn.it they had antic- ipated. To these dis ippointed demo- crate were joined some republicans who were anxious to make political capital ,tutofthe affair, an this resulted in all the charges, col' ,lainU and calls ; for investigation. H hays the outcome j will be a vindication of the pursued b llie department. St 1 1 1 K-f.ln- It Dark. Washington. N'-v 13. It appears that tl,e d-p"meiit of state has heard from Minister Willi.- y telegraph from San Francisco, for it is learned that dispatc'ies received at the department confirm the press reports of Minister Willis' arrival at Honolulu and other event tip to the time of departure of the China. The Hawaiian minister, Dr. Thurs ton, ca'led at the department and was privately in conference with Secretary Gresharn until the hour set for the meeting of the cabinet. The secretary still declines to make any statement touching Hawaiian affairs, and it is be lieved that if he had any intention of making public atthlr time Mr. itlaiinl's report of Mr. Willis' instruct ions that Idea has been abandoned, and that the next olllcial statement that will be giv en to the public from the department w ill probably appear in the communi cation to congress of the entire cor respondence, relating to Hawaii, which has passed since President Har rison rent the annexation treaty to the senate. Minister Thurston had a second in terview with Secretary Greshain short ly after Ihe cabinet meeting. Tbe Con ference was devoted to the discussion ot the Hawaiian situation and lasted piree-qunrters of an hour. Mr. Thurs ton sal3 the interview developed noth ing new and that the matters talked over had already been male public. Annual Church Cong n-M. Nkw Youk, Nov. i5. The fiftee nth annual congress of the Episcopal church, was opened with holy c mroun ion yesterday at St. Bartholomew's church Madison avenue and Forty fourth street. It was expected that Bish op Totter would preside at the meetings and his absence in Europe is a great disappointment, llhhop Dudley of Kentucky occupied the chair at the opening proceedings. The address of welcome was delivered by the lit. Ilev. William Lawrence, Bishop of Massa chusetts. There was a large atten dance of prominent ministers. 1 lie session will last four days and the re mainder of the meetings will be held at (flickering hail. T he first of these look place at 8 p. ra., when Bishop Dudley delivered the inaugural address after which the assembly discussed the topic, "What Shall t'e Done With the Saloon?" "Moral and lieligious Educa tion in tbe Public Schools" will be dis cussed tomorrow rnoming,and the "l.'s, and Abuse of Hituals" in the eveu ing. All the sessions will be open to the general public, and especially those i people interested in the subjects nn : der discussion. Kliiglila of l.anor fcoaaluH PiiiLAlr".M'HiA, Nov, 15. The sev enteenth annua session of the general assembly of the Knights of Labor be gan yesterdny morning. General Matter Workman Powderly read .his annual report. Alter referring to the work done by the order, Mr. Powoerly re plied to the attacks mnde upon him by proteetaut clergymen, who charged that be was conspiring witb the Itonian Catholic church to overthrow the country. He says: "There is but one conclusion to arrive at. No sensible protestaut has anything to do with these matters. No elf-reepec:ing man could descend to such depths of slander and villainous misrepresentation.' He then asked that a committee of men who are not affiliated witb the Homan Ca'bolic church be appointed to inves tigate and report upon tiie charges.! He denied that tbe present meeting would be the last one. He spoke in favor of fiee silver and pade numerous recommendations. The ses sion wii! probably continue twelve days. Salt mk. Malik, Mich., Nov. 15. The big steamer Centurion, the largest boat on tbe great lakes, Is stranded at tbe middle ground, liound Island. She went ashore last night and ner forward compartments are taking water. Tnga have gone witn iigniers to try and re. ner. Tha Order Uraalrd. Washington, Nov. 15. Tbe mo ion made a few days ago in behalf of Russell Sags to strike out tbe reply of Delia Keegaa to hit defense that her action to recover 50,iXK) damages for jbreaea of promise was barred by tho 'atatate of Umitattotsa, was granted yes terday morning la the oeurt of moa pleas by Judge BooksUvor. tbe fudge graam tha aottaa wtta osoto aaa fjiwam aa ordor dmie oaMa NKHKASKA -NEWS. Hushville l.ai a public reading roam. Corn la D'lg ',alt m' sixty bushels per acre. ' i-.i vik i.f Battle Creek is very I ir. ' - - low with typhoid fever. A bar association has been orgaaiaed '- by the attorneys of Ord. j The brick work Is completed ter s new plow factory at Superior. I The Columbus Journal has beee running almost a quarter of a t atery. I Ctiolera Is working have ainng th hogs in the neighborhood of Tekamah. C. II . Uoetcher of Colfax county is ! feeding T., si"!' f"r iU ''!"" Br ' ket. Bev J. W. Knott has been iustaBed ! as pastor of tne Pebytenan cburu a Hoidrege. The Northeast Nebraska Teacket l association will tuee! at Kmermo, December 2. Kearney talks of making a eT ment for hbetter roadn " by avig he main business street Colonel Buffalo Cody has turned ever 2,'JXJ of his world's fair proli's te churches of North Platte. Wallace has organize! a coaneeg club, and iU first tournament w; )h held on Thanksgiving day. A good many country papers crewd ed out much valuable news to staks room for a ultry displ iv. J. L. Thirty acre is the name man living out at Seiica. What's the matter with making it forty. Ed, A Fry of the Niobrara Pioaeer felt good enough over the eleclioe t4 Issue a pink edition of his paper. The miiiar factories, are tnaatug pries in their contracts lor next year a', ih same rates as this ?o a toa. ' I, W. Hills of Dawnon conntylsi 250 acrei of winter wheat that promises a big crop, it was pu0u with tlrils. B shop Newman will lecture at Ver foik next week. The receipts of wis lecture to lie used m the church budd ing fund. Hun. W. H H. Miller of Indiana polis, attorney general in Presldear Haraison's cabinet, ts at Broken itow oo buiiuds. While shingling a li mie at Cit-igli-ton' M. H. Wilson and I,'. E. Pitt were thrown to the ground and considei ably injured. . S. A. Moslier, htatiuu agent ot W Elkhorn at Hasting, has Ix-en pro moted to ihe j(iti-ii of traveling freight iigtnt. The Nnperville Piets aiinoiiitces ta elec ion of ilolcomb. by irom ",( t'i 10,000. Najx-rville has need of tele graph service. ,Dr. Corder of B'linhulle attempted t end his life at the ltidmn agency by cutting bis throat. H- failed to reaeh u artery and will get well. Fairchild and Garwood's geaeral merchandise store was ourglartzed tha other night uud the mieaks escaped with about 2tiu worth of plunder. The people of leshU-r are feeUag blue over the ruin wrought by the flames, but are not disposed to give sp the ship. The burnt dnlrlct will be rebuilt. Lionel W. T. Howard of the tSt-hsf ler sun has been elected school super lutendent of Colfax county for the fourth time. Von can't kep a good man down. G. Webster WilUe lias sued a cerre Epondeut of the Uaiidul) h T iru.-a for 10,000 dam ige u, his rair name and fame. Ten to one he would be glad te compromise for t'.ft. 1 The OrJ Jun.iial, an iudepeudeot paper, which has been for the last lw years under the maiiageinent of Dr. J. M.KInker, has lieen sold to B A Brewster o I Omaha. The Norfolk trill have secured an other governuieiit contract for Te.OWJ pounds ol Hour, 'I hese mills limvt furnlilied Uncle stun with Bft.M pounds of hour i his fail. A ("isappainted paper out west says: "There are times in every man's Ufs when he feels that he would like to cut loose from ever) thing and run, if U only knew where to run to." The greatest war whoop from mortal lungs, says tbe Baudolph Times, spree itself on the air Wednesday moriiisg when your Uncle Jim Harmon gavs vent to his joy over the republican landslide. The sere cure medicine men of Fre mont have found It nee. asary to secers a four story building for their growing; business, if anything alls you tbey have the panacea. Full direction on the bottle . Ne testimonials. While riding bis bicycle on tbe side, walk at Columbus, Editor Kllilan collided with an ancient enemy, who smote him once for bis carelessness and several limes on old scores. It coat the editor 93 for violating an ordinance and tbe other fellow a 10 for aeeault. The third annual missionary ceo fereuee and state convention of tms Nebraska Gospel Union will be held in Fairmont, November :,"U December I. The Y, . o. A or Fairmont pre vide free siitertainment for all wbe at tend. Parties planning to go should notify T. M. Wright. ' Mies Dolly Gaudy of Table Hock was made dangerously ill by having used S knife to spread a piece of broad that her father, who it a physician, had eareleaaly left oa the table after eeav pounding a prescription with it The mlatako was not discovered until tbs young wdy was vary slk. 8 ,e will re. oovor. Tklrty-Ove eejual wffrft-e 'as lraaad TakteVU- oa uMk7 MrytBf a feaaaor oa wticH wMaJ. Hanasl -Crty rn U Urn."