The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 16, 1893, Image 4

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' i" i i i i , i
r tfnt b m oocvrr.
t bbwt rins ni C0C3TT.
MLt ivnucii patb aocx cocstt.
w m ubgbt dBCTXAtioai or asy
rim rnunm a boci cocstt.
SoUcnption Price, $3.00
i.J.NiM. - "Iter.
Kalerttd at tbe Usman post o-! aa see
Md ela matter.
TkuUuctrlBf PrwteMatie.
BKT. Ta the people of the Mute of Hebraa
ka,(Trttng: Observing-a revered institu
tton ef a pious ancestry, and concurring in
the proclamation of tbe president of the
United Mate, I do hereby appolut Thurs
day, Ncrrewbsr SB, h3, a day of thanka
giviAg aud prayer throughout this state.
With ttaat aense of gratitude whk-h should
sere a people wbo, during the year now
drawing to a clone, have been favored with
plentiful crops aud an absence of Moral aud
pestilence, let as cease from business on
that day and, with one accord, "Offer auto
tsod thanksgirtug and pay our vows unto
the Moat High."
Is testimony w hereof, I bave hereunto aet
my hand and caused to be affixed tbe great
sal of tbe state. Done at Lincoln, tiiin
eleventh day of November, in tbe year of
oat Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-three, of the state the twenty
seventh, and of tbe independence of tbe
United States, the one hundred and
eighteenth. Lobes io CaocxsE.
By the tiovernor.
Job C.,
Secretary of State.
There ia need of a republican being put
00 the national committee. At present
there ia a vacancy.
The latest reports are that Harrison"
plurality will reach 11,000. The exact
figures will not be known until the offi
cial count is made.
It is reported that the downfall of the
Gladstone administration is one of the
posaibtllities if not a probability of the
ear future. While the people of Eng
land have had great confidence and re
spect for the grand old man, yet time
brings changes which it is hardly likely
that tbe aged statesman can accomodate
himself to.
It is stated that upon the report of
those sent to investigate tbe condition of
affairs at Hawaii that Secretary
, Gresham has reported in favor of the re of the deposed queen. It
nay be that a vote of the people of the
islands will be recommended in order to
batter obtain their , views and desires
,cooceroiog the government under wtiich
they are to live.
The action or Congressman Bryan in
the late election is said to have been
ticb that he has forever killed himself
with the democrats of tbe state. It was
a mistake for him to set himself up as a
bigger man than the president. When a
man gets a notion that he is greater
thao his party he generally gets sat
down on pretty hard.
The result of the recent election
Interpreted in different ways by many
leaders of the various parties. Tbe
fact that the ways and means committee
of congress has decided to reconsider the
bill which they had just ready to submit
to that body is pretty clear proof that
the members consider tbe returns as in
eating that the people of this nation
an not ready for free trade and do not
wmat the tariff tinkered with to any ex
tssH for they have witnessed what effect
tiw a prospect of free trade had on the
wUrioeat of the nation and that is enough
to satisfy them. The result in Nebraska
Wilt bar a tendency to prevent any ad
i legislation on the sugar industry
I that will be a great thing for the
It is considered to be the worst
rebuke ever riven to an administration
ioos the government was established.
Tba administration will now be very
ft to use every effort possible to regain
Ua foilowiog it baa lost and in its work
for that object iV may do something
i will benefit the country.
Taw course pwiwed by Rosewater io
Cm Into otwpaigt baa proven beyond
iUwMthat be baa i o sight to bold the
jsftfcaaot member of the natiooal r
Ml.lw cooasaittee a k! m demand is bc-
tEXmmtt by tbe repnbiicMs all over tbt
ftlSa tor the Mate oentoal eowmittea to
t Ca4 toassJstr a4 depose "TtUU
ZSmmi pta republkM on tb
3m to ill tbs vaeaacy. Thar fa,
'. r :Zm sftio baa watched tba cxmmm oI
H will m commit tbatb
r-r-t toiiaailaa Mbr oTtb I bh) paper bw
rt 9kU to tbrow aatie
C.; mm ba wyiit,
i v
Tb. signs of the time point to He-
Km ley an the CMKlxLit- of tbe repuNi-
cu party fur preauki .1 tbe campaign
of Ia the raueot campaign in
Ohio Neal, the democratic raoditJate
against McKinley. declared the contest
to be natiooal ami tbe people of tbe
Buckeye state leera to have taken bim
at hi word aod voted in a manner that
showed that they prefer the principles
---4 1 lv l. 1. inl-,' rt ttat
ntewwawnux. j - ' . .
rwnmieDted bv the douiioeot party in the I
. -
nation. ith
McKiniev as leader in
1886 the party
vould march to victory-
Aa 014 FrfeM.
Id a series of interviews with members
of the last congress, 31 out ol 4J re-
larked that they were readers of the
Youth Companion. For definite and
trustworthy information on tbe question
of tbe day it is really unique, while the
high diaracter of its stories, the wide
fields covered by its special articles, and
t contributions from the most famous
writers in Europe and America, are well
Its nroeiam for next year seems
brighter than ever, home or trie im
portant stories are: "Tlie Deserter," by
Harold Frederic; a Tale of the Great
Mutiny in India, by Sara Jeanoette LHin-
, T. I .1 V...
can; several iiomances w urc oj
W. Clark Russell; Tales of the ar.
and of the Frontier in Early Uavs. lien
ry M. Stanley contributes two thrilling
narratives from Llttrkest Africa, aod
Arctiibald Forbes writes of his "Closest
Call." Naval Battles are described by
Admirals, and Military Life by Generals.
Ttien there articles on Choosing an Occu
pation, Boys Who Should Not Go to
Jollege, Physical Training, Recreations
of all kinds, and many other practical
Another Dleasant feature M, the
charming picture of a young lady ol
colonial times, "Sweet Chanty, repro
duced in colors from a painting by
Ferris, which is presented to all sub-srril-rs
who send 1L75 for a new sub
scription or a renewal.
Have Toa Ever Stopped to Think
that you are only getting half as much
for your dollar when you are taking
weekly as you would get if you were a
subscriber to the Semi- Weekly Journal
ft is a fact, however, because tlie Jour
nal gives you two complete papers each
week, with markets and telegraphic
news, 104 papers a year, making it al
most as good as a daily. Just now we
re offeriiifir it to January 1, 1895, for
only one dollar. It is the greatest dol
lar paper in tbe west. Is both a nation
al and state paper. The best editorials;
the best condensed news; the best stor
ies: tbe best special departmenU; tbe
best of everything, all for 1.00 a year.
Our premium department is a hummer.
Send for sample copy of tbe paper and
see for yourself. Here are a few of
tbem: Haodsomely bound copy of
i)rtam Life. Reveries of a Bachelor, or
iJrummond's Addresses, and the Journal,
41.25; Life of Spurgeon, u. S. History,
Stanley in Af nca. or Life of Hat-noon,
and the Journal, 41.40; Oxford Bible and
Journal, 2.75; Handy Cobbler and Jour
nal, 12.25; Nebraska Farmer and Jour
nal, $L50; N. Y. Tribune aod Journal,
11.25: and a whole lot more. Write for
sample copy. Address,
Nebraska State Jocbxal,
Lincoln, Neb.
There never was a time in the history of
onr country when the demand lor inven
lions and improvements In the arts and sci
ences enerally was so (Treat as now. The
convenience of mankind in the factory and
work -shop, the household, on the farm, and
in official life, require continual accessiona
ia tiia iinnaTtenances and Implements of
each In order to save labor, time ana ex
pense. The political change In the admiu
istration of government doe not enec me
prowreas of the American Inventor, who he
ms on tbe alert, and ready to perceive the
existing deficiencies, docs not permit the
Affairs of government to deter him from
quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome
existing diserepencies. Too great care can
not be eseercised in choosing a coinpeUrat
and skillful attorney to prepare and pruae-
cnte an application for pateut. vainaoie
interest have been lost and destroyed In
iBtnamerabie instance br the employment
of incompetent eoansel, and especially I
Ihia advice applicable to those wbo adopt
"no natent. no fety" sysUm. Inventor
wte entrant thulr hasinas to thlsclaas of
Honeys do so at imiuancot risk, a the
breadth "d strength of th pwtaat is never
wasidevwd In view of a qoiafc eudaavor to gat
sa allowance aod aotala the tee then doe.
THt rHM UUKUU CO., John Wedder-
mis, iranaral nsanagar, lis r street, V,
ifaahlsajtae. D.CrwpvwseaUng a large nam
her at jJwpMraawt f ur aad wasfcty papers, a
wHansjiairalssWtal of tte esontry,
waataasUtwhaise pretawt H.Mtrna froas
lias f sswlawfr sMirstnf sfs tm ylirrnl in
Ms ssm' eisis rm ml w-w
at MgNaJM W lM shafgl sat patens
lets far rssiXs I.
1 tJTa fla
its, slM-
-. -" r
sssliga'afsliMlwl kavwatsstast
fetot liaw to tbe EL
Tbe Burlington Route B.IM.R It.
is running elegantly equipiwd ; . erfi. .
traines witliout diange from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Neltniska, irect
to Lincoln, Nebraska, nuking connection
at tliat point with t!sir own tlirougb
trains for Denver, Ctieyenne, and. all
points weot, and for Kansas City, St.
IrJ, Si TMiia. Omurui. Pterin, till-
" ' -
cago, aod all points eat.
Renieniber Uiis is tlie only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving ia Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets -
olv to nearest areut of Burlington
Route B.4M.RR
Waste) Salesmen, to sell our clioice
and hardy nursery stock. Many special
varieties to offer, both in fruits and or
namentals, and controlled yoly by us.
We pay commission or salary, give ex
clusive territory and pay weokly. Write
us at one and secure choice territory.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
6-13 Rochester, N. t.
Dr. Leonhardt
Limit his practice to diseases of the
Nervous system,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Fteling, Mo-
tioo and Will-power, Cramps, i its, Gen
eral Nervousness, and all forms ot
(As sliown by Shortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb
ness in region of the Heart.)
(Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces
sive Paleness or Redness of the lace,
Faintness, Dizziness, etc.)
1462 O ST. - - LINCOLN, NEB
M-Mention this paper.
Pnrrhaw Tickrt and rBifrn Yonr Freiplit
via the
IL O. BURT, General Manager.
K. C. Morkhocke, J. R. Been AS AX,
Oen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser.
One Poor Heath of Hank of Harris .
Give t me t a I Call.
do you vziT ivjter
See the "Old Reliable"
rtarrisMk HebrMka.
Harrison, Hebr.
own following brand:
flMl Prswf X4rs.
All jienon having Bnal prooT Borim in
tlu imim r will re--ivc a mre cuiiy va uu
up.-r1'i nr r-iue.lJ la riuunm uni
notice ud if any errors exUt reywn ute
saiue to this iiaacc at ouce.
SiAirr fur Publication.
Land Oflk at C'badron Keh. I
ov. god. Idle. f
Xotice it hmby gives that the tallowlng-
ns.uHKl settlor has 0'.d uHce ol his intuit
tion to nmk. b1 ltroof ia snppnet of his
cl-oiii, sud thst M proof will be uisd be
fore i'onrad l.ludenun, i lk oj IU lilHct
ourt. t llmii, acoraa, on vsw"ua
Mix, 1U, vis.
Hurbert .iim-nan, ofMontros. Seh,
ho aisdc U. K. Ko. t4t tvr the northeast
qr kc. si, tu- M n., r.M w.
iiHnif.), i iiKiw" 1 - c :--
his eonliunuu m-IUeuce Wuu and oeltlvw-
111,11 of saw UiMll, via:
Ixiuis liollng, irnua J. Mllier.oi iramuir,
!.. toured llcttti-k, Henry fnesbolT, of
MoJitrame, hab. aj
Lunlt Bulins. of Ardmore, 8
bo made II. E. No. 124 for the a. ae. i
wc. T, ne. lie. "4 e- 34 A nw. nw, 1 mx.
36, tu. -V ii.. r. 04 w.
ii.. nmuo. the followlnK wltneaatw to prove
Is conttuuou n-siileuce njiun and (
ua ui uitl Uud v:
HurljBrt iUiiiiiierniHa, of Ilontrose, 'eb.,
Frank J. MillT, liobert weser, AWust
M.-it-r, of ArUiuore, 8. l. , ,
w. II. am an.-,
114 J EegUter.
Not ire fur fnblicatiua.
Ijind CBce at fhailron, Seb., (
(X L III, Ma. i
Kotioe is ben-by g1rn that the following
ii.i viurr bo dld notice of his inten
tion tu niuke final nroo! in supiiort "f Ills
!h1ui, and thst sld lirool will ue innne ne-
luiw (on rail IJndeman, elers ol me uisinci
court, at llarnsou, eur., on ovemoe
lb, lct, vU:
Kdain I), (ampliell. of Adrlia, Sth.,
who made II. K. entry !o. 4 lor the
,...rih a-i nr.. sect. rl. ID. S3 n.. r.lA w.
II.. nunit-s tlie following wiuiwscs ig
prove hi continuous rekidence upon aud
UlllVMllOU OI Sttl'l 1KUH, VIZ,
MlrhiH-l J. u'Connell. Knink I. Meyer,
Kobert llHtrlson, Herbert S. Woodruff, all
of A'lella, Ncbr.
lii-lIi . 11. mouass, itegisici-.
Sot Ire. Timber Culture.
V. . LAwuorncs,
A I.LI i MX, I'.B. J Oct. 11, WW.
rmiiiilaint 5s having b!cit (lied at this of
fice bv Anise L. Mcliolxon aKuinst liurgess
v . wii.iure lor isiiunr u coinpiv wiui iw
as to tiinbrr-culture entry No. SOU4, dated
( t. a, IS"4, iiKQ the lot i & 4 and h. J nw.
Ii scciion 3, uiwnsnip zi, range m, in j-umi
oaiity, heu., witn a vit-w to me cancella
tion of said entry; contestant alleging thst
siil l.i ml has had no tree itrowiuif tlie.rein
nice Oct. 21, Kji. and that clulinaiit lias not
cwuscd to be cultlTatrd or plantud tu trees.
i.-o or cutlinifH anT Hart tbereol sinre (ct
IsVI. and sum dulcet hi ill eisi: inr sttiu
niirtles arc hereby siiiiiimiuod to aiimiar at
this ofili oil the II (lay of lice, Isia, at 10
o'clock, a. in., to reHHiini mid lurnuib testl
oiony co.-iK-riiliig nlil alleged laiiure.
Tiwliuiuiiv (II I f-wd-its ll u taacn w
ire Jolm A. (.recii, u uoi.iry iiublic, at Ills
olliec at liovviile. eb.. Uee. 4, nt 10
in. jas. ji. lJA.aiff.
7 13 1 Itecclver.
gl'LUVAX t OMiEY, l.s)er.
Will pkacticb iji all thk ucal, state
and federal courts and f. s. Land office.
' S X S X
V Office in Court House,
Oyster Parlors,
Warm Meals at all llours. Oynter
served in any style. Give me a call.
1 door nortii of the Journal ollice.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Kepairlng done on short notice.
Good worlc and reasonable charge,
fibop soiitli of livery barn.
a WiendAo
tVve cause
Are you wiilln' to work for the cause
of rrotccti'on in )!acing rcliaWe pifor.
mation in the hmuls o( your acquain
tances? If you are, you should be identified
Protcctive Tariff league,
133 VJ. tSO ST., K5W YORK.
Cut flit mrtee e i awl "-"l H "nr.o,
SalliK yjiX ! UU-, :aA v..c s 1 '!j.ii5 l"d.
Every patriotic citizen should ive hls
persorial effort and influence io isia case
tlie circulation of his horfio aer which
teaches tlie American policy of Trotec.
tkm. It is his duty to aid in this r.npect
fat every way possible. After t!.u liome
papeT is taken cars of, why not sub.
scribe for tba Axmican Econou.'ST,
published try tte American Protective
Tariff Lea gtss 7 One of its correspoD
dents says i No true American caa
gsi along wtthoot H. J consider It tt
Create a4 twaat jWIUcal teahar la
Oa United Etsi-aa,"
: Cawl aovUl card waaat fcr tm
ctslaconr. AAJiias mr f.tTaka.
,r " CwwJt.twtrr. l;j Ct;J
mm i i
Lumber. Coal and
Sash, Doors, Blinds. Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Agents for the
Buckeye, Deering
Walter A. Wood
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring
estate should not fail to
. call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, etc.
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils and Varnishes.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or
Fumiftira, V.lridow Shades, Pictures and
Wall Parar.
Undertaking goods 9 embalming.
Farm Implemcnto,
& suiley,
Estate Agents,
to buy or sell real
Geo. C. Reed,
i I