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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1893)
'i t 1 4 11' 1 V.;; V,. fcJ'V Tb !C3C County Journal. CTAMJ!B 1899. aumn Tkrtm a the ouistt. MKT FAPKR DC THE COCJiTY. 4H.Y KBTBLJCAJ PAHf IN SkX.X COCXTT. tU THI LABOB6T CUaCTLATtO.f OT AXT ira rcwjareD a siocx connr. Subscription Price L. J. SlUMS, - $2.00 Editor. Entered at the Hutmob post oJllre a tee ad etas matter. Thi-bSat, N'ovmBEB 9, Thaaks. On behalf of the candidates on the Citizens ticket and himself, the under signed desires to return most hearty thanks to Chas. E. Verity, Ringmaster, editor of the Independent, manager of the court house ring and commander-in-chief of the little ring of cute people, for toe valuable assistance rendered by him and his paper in electing the Citizens ticket oa last Tuesday. His efforts will ever be remembered by all. Respectfully, Tws "Little Fool," who runs The Jockjcal. The "little fool" seems to be in it Only a ringmaster out of a job. Chas. E. Verity. I can't figure it out just right- I had Andrews precinct all fixed to go solid for me and then on election day I hired a livery rig and sent two men down there so as to get their votes, and when the returns came in behold I had re ceived but one vote in the precinct E. 0. Hough. Ringmaster Verity said in his paper a week or so ago that Woodruffs name would be "trousers" after election, and as Mr. Verity could not be mistaken and cannot tell a lie, it must be that Mr. "Trousers" will take charge of the finances of Sioux county early in Jan uary, 1894. Hon. John H. Higgins, of Columbus, was found at bis home lying on the stairs with his head downward and life extinct, on last Wednesday night Tlie circumstances surrounding him indicated that be had slipped and fallen and lay in such a position that death resulted in a short time. He was an old resident of Columbus and was one of the leading democrats of tlie state. He was re ceiver of the land office at Grand Island under the first Cleveland administration and in 1800 was the candidate of nis party for attorney general and later was private secretary to Gov. Boyd. The funeral the late mayor of Chicago was the most largely attended ceremony of the kind ever witnessed in that city. There were said to have been more than fifty thousand people in the procession and over half a million who were specta tors of the great funeral pageant A great many of the business men of Chi cafo were very bitterly opposed to Mayor Harrison at the time of his elec tion and the feeling had not died away to any great extent, but that did not deter them from sincerely regretting the fact that he, as the highest official of the city had been slain in the midst of bis duties by a crank, and the whole nation will watch eagerly to see that the fiend who committed the act is dealt with as near as he deserves as the law will permit During the progress of the worlds fair the Chicago Inter Ocean has been issuing , floe colored supplements, illustrating features of the great exhibition and they have been the same as all the works of that paper, first-class in every respect The crowning production was the sup plement to the paper on the closing day of the fair, "The Vanishing City." It is a full page picture, showing typical Chicago seated by the lake front with a aad, yet satisfied expression on ber face watching the great white city which has been such a revelation to millions of people, which is gradually fading from ber view, just as the angels of the Morning herald the advent of a new day. The picture is grand, both in its con ception and execution. Congress closed the work of the extraordinary session and adjourned be fore taking any action on the tariff question. It was hoped that some move would bo made which would indicate what was likely to be done in order that the great business interests of the coun try nicht be shaped accordingly. The laW of Nebraska ia very much inter as the greatset of her coming depends largely on the action of oongr i The people interested the beet agar industry bad become so well aatiaOed with the results so f ar at- tbat they coatees plated extending oparatioMia the state, bat the by the adauaistntioo a the bounty question was soch that to pause. If legisUtioe ad to the interests of the industry there will be bo mors sugar .but if the proper ee ls aCorwad it will be but a tbrcaMtii ft state of KibtBsts , tUfCttc nasi of iot EtKJ'mm ww has a OHIO 79.001 REPUBLI CAN lew York in the Repub lican Col umn. OVA REPBLONS SNOW BOIS UNDER BY 30,000. NEBRASKA ELECTS H0LC0MB BY A CLOSE VOTE. The election on last Tuesday was full of surprises as usual and in some in stances the results demonstrate that the oolicy of the administration is not satis factory to the people. In Ohio Governor McKinley was elected by 70,000 niajor- ty, which indicates that his protection ideas are becoming more popular as the people come to understand them better, nd it proves that very little tinkering ith the tariff is wanted. New York is also republican by a good majority, but the figures are not definite. In Iowa the democrats attempted to force Boies on the people for third term, but the republicans decided that tliey had enough of hira and snowed him under by a majority of 30,000. In Nebraska the probability is that Hoicomb is elected supreme judge, but the vote is close and the returns not all in. Mark Twain's Latest Komaure of an Esquimau Maiden. A magazine is usually satisfied with one strong feature for the month. The Cosmopolitan, however, presents for November no less than Ave very unusual ones. William iJean uoweiis gives uie first of the letters of the traveller, who has been visiting this country, from Al truria. We have read Mr. llowells' im pression of the Altrurian; but in this first letter we have the Altrurian's im pressions of New York, with some com ments upon our government and society, calculated to awaken the roost conserva tive minds. The second feature of the Cosmopolitan in the portion of the mag azine eiveo ud to color work, do less than ten superb color illustrations being presented for the first time in magazine history, accompanying an article by Mrs. Roger A- Pryor on "Changes in Women's Costumes." The third featur is "American Notes," by Walter Besant, who was recently in America and is do- ng the United States for the Cosmopoli tan a la Dickens. The fourth feature is an article by General Badeau on "The Forms of Invitation Used by the English Nobility. Tlie article is illustrated by the fac simile of cards to the queen s drawing-room, to dinner at the Princess of wales, and to many leading bouses of England. Finally, we have a new and very curious story by Mark Twain called The Esquimau Maiden's Romance. It is in his happiest vein and is illustra ted by Dan Beard. "Sweet Ouray." In the Artists' Exhibition of 1893 at the New York Academy of Design, there was exhibited an oil pointing by J. L. O Ferris, entitled "8weet Charity." Its richness of coloring commanded instant attention, while the lesson taught was so impressive that one naturally re turned to it for a second view. Its subject is a young lady of colonial times who is on an errand to one of the poorer families of the towo. She has a sensible, charming face, which expresses with remarkable fidelity the sentiment of her errand. There is not a home that this charming picture will not ornament (t must be seen to be appreciated. "Sweet Charity" was purchased by the publishers of the Youth'i Companion and has been reproduced in colors large sise,14,x3L It will be asot to all now subscribers to the Youth' t Companion who send 11.75 for a year's subscription, and the eaaer wlU also be seat free from Uaae the sabeoriaiieo Is received to Jaa aatv, 1594, aad for a full year f rasa that 4b to Jaooary, 18. TWs offer is eSMss tsjoy Wilis Hmt Line U the L-t. i Tlie BurliiigU.0 Rut B. A. M. T. K s ruumojj elegantly equipi! , traines without c lianjre froru Newt-astle, Wyoming and Cruwfunl, Nebraska, Uirert to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at tiiat point with tlieir own through trains for Denver, Oieyeiine, and all points west, and for Kau"As CSty, St Joseph, St Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all jxiints east. t Remember this is tlie only line by which you can take bleeping car from Craw ford in tlie evening arriving in Lin coln and Omalia the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route R11LE.R. Wasted Salesmen, to sell our choice and liardy nurser.7 stock. Many special varieties to offer, both in fruits and or namentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice territory. May Buotheks, Nurserymen, 6-12 Rochester. N. Y. Dr. Leonhardt Limit, his practice to diseases of the Nervous system, (Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, tits, Gen eral Nervousness, ami all forms of Neuralgia,) HEART (As shown by Shortness of Breath, Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Jumb-. iin, Palpitation, Flutterin: ness in n?ion of the Ilwtrt.) BLOOD, (Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces sive Paleuess or of the Fitc-e, aintness, Dizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAMP3t"; DR. LEOXHARDT, 452 O ST. - - " LINCOLN, NEB. SiTMentlon tbi paper. NORTH iill WEST EAST SOUTH Purchase Ticket snd Consign Your Freight via the F., E.4H. V.vfS.C.&P. RAILROADS. H. O. BURT, General Manager. K. C. MoitHiot KE, J. R. Bcciiasas, Oen'l Freigfit AgL Oen'l Pass. Agt OMAHA, NEB. B. L. SMTJCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door Sosth f Bank of HarriwB. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 1 2 . RAZORS AND 9CWBORS PUT IN ORDER. Give 1 nc I i I Call. DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, fUrrlMW, .... Nebmk. McGIULKT ft BTOVKB, llarriaon, Hebr. 5. own f ollowlnf brand : mil ? ''' ... , ,.' Filial Proof Notiws. All nertiim ttwvlnir niml proof tiotlow In tiii tier w III receive marked etipy of the 1...1M r mill are. reunited to etjiiime tlieir notice win) if Buy error exiat report the aame to thla oJnee al once. Xutie for Futilicstloo. Uinil OfBc at C hwlron, Kb. I Nov.Jnd, 1B. I Jiotioe tn hereby given that the following nameil m-ttler baa filed uotlcw of hlamten turn to limke filial proof tn aupport of hit rlaim, and that aald prtjof wilt I made be fore ikjnrail Unde-maii, t:ierk of the lMlrict Court, at llarnaun, Xebnuka, on Ueoeiuber IMh, ).K3, Tlx. Hurliert Zimmerman, of Must row. Neb., who maiio 11. K. So. WJS for the Dorlbeaat qr 31, tp. 34 n., r. M w. He iiainea the following witiawea to prove bit continuous residence upuq and cultiva tion of aaid land, viz: lxui UoiliiK, Frank J. Millar, of Arduior, fi. l..lonrad llettick, Henry rrieaboff, of Hontruae, Neb. alao Louis Rollug. of Ardmore, 8- DM bo made H. K. No. Wli for the . X ae. wc. Ti, ne. , lie. ec. 34 it n, i nw. , acc. 51, tp. & n., r. M w. lie iiauiea the following -itneea to prove lilacoutinuoua residence upon and cultiva tion of aaid laud vie Hurtx-rl Zlininennan, of Montrose, Neb., Frank J. Miller, Kobert Ulener, Auifust Meier, of ArUmore. 8. IJ. W. H. McCASS, t-UJ IK-Kiater. Nutlt for Pnljlieatlun. J-and t fflee at t hadron, Seb., ( Ort. W, la. i 'otlee la hereby (riven that the following nauml aettlrr haa filed notice of hla Inten tloatoinake Onal pnaii lu autairt of lila t-lalin, nnd that aam pnan win oe inane fore Uonrad l.tndeinun, clerk of the district court, at llarriaon, Nebr-, on November Kth, 13, riz: Kdwin I). Campbell, of Adelia. Neb., ho made II. K. entry So. 24 for the north eant nr., aeet. tl, tp. 3S n., r. 4 w. lie nauiea the following witne-e to prove bin continuous residence uajn and cumvauon oi aaiu ianuf viz: Michael J. O'Conncli, Frank I. Meyer. Hubert llarriaon, Herbert 8. W oodruff, all of Adelia, Nebr. tii-ll j W. II. McCAN'N, lirgUter. L.gul Notice. To John ;UKenlKiuKh unci Mrs. ;nuK-n tmurh, iil wile, (-linxtiun same unknown, iioii-ri-HHlnit lie! rmlant. You an ht-rtrhy notitli'd that on thff ftth Ibv of Mhv. Iua. Kuriictt h. ( renin, iiIhIii till iH-ri'in, Mnl hl (K-tittori tn t!it amulet (-ourtof sloux county, Nebraska, itfJiihl John t.uiiKi-iiuurKh, .Mr. iiHiij-'culiiUitili, ln wilu i-hritiu itHiitft unknown, jumi An Ion imil Mm. A-blon, hit wile, chnxMuu iiiiim-unknow n, tin- oUJi-tt ami prayer oi mm hurt-to lorecione a curiam moriKHK' i-iTHll bv uM .lonn Ituuio'iibttUKh to tin? N CHiern turui SlortgnK'" too. puny uiwn I n. 'a of wrllon 32. lown.-lill) :a. r.iiiif-M i-it. In Muux county. Nebru.-k-A, jriv,-n to mt-un- prouiin-,ry nolo lor ' in of iltilc tln-ru 1th. line II vl- vi-iii ! f rom .t, with Interest t 7 ir omi wr 1 hi-iiUiintlff In now- the owner hihI holilur ol Haul note nnil iiiortiriige ami ilelault ii.k 1k- ii muili; In the pnyinent tnereol Hint In the ti-nii unit i-otiilitions of imhi niciri ffoifi. anl theie now ilm thereon the uiu ol IXA f cen i h with int-ri-,t nt in iii-r cent I rom the am liny of May, Ka. oil are reijulreit to :inwi-r ;it'l petition on or liefore the, S7th ilv ol Nciveiulx-r, IP-XL KAK!KST K.l'SKfIX, I!y W. W. Woon, Inn Attorney. 1st pnlillc-iilion CK't. I'.i, ii3. Hj Order of Hearing on IVi; iu lor Appoint ment orAniuih.tlrator. STATE OF NEBUiUK.l, , SlOfX (VillNTT. I " At a amnion of th County Court, lield at tiie Hjtntv lourt room, In und tor wild county, (c:U)ler U A. Ii. I'rewnt, is. Hurker, County JudKC ' In tlie matter ol the iMtute. ol Hoett.i M, Ma-Mill, ilcceuacil. On ri'jtium and ItlliiK tlr ,i.'.ViH of Jauii-a 1 . Maoii, ravini thn. .inn., intra tlon of aaid patatu Kin' be Kl in. - 'I to iiiui u aduiluiMtrator : UKiiKKl.o, ihitt November 13. A. I. Kn, ut 11 o'cliM:k a. in.. it.--.iiued for hi-arin aaJd letitition, when an H-rnoi. iti:ercu-ti in a.iiil uiaiter may upiM-ur at a tooii:?- I 4urt to la-held in anil lor said countv, ami nhinv cauat; why the prayer ol - petitioner Kliould not IX? KrauU:d ; and that notice of the pendency ol aald M-llllon, ami tn hearing thereof , la', givijti to all H-i'noua tnterenu-d In aaid mtitu-r by publlahliig a copv ol Una order In the Mot' X lnlM l JiM KNiL, a weekly newspaper print. l in aaid county, tor four ucci!ive wtkit. prior to aaid day of hearing. hiLJ i true copy.) -!) h. Bakklu, County Judge. Notire.-Timber rullure. r. h. I.Axn OpricE, i Alliance, Nkm. Oi l. 11, Comnliiint 5 haviiiK been flleit nt thla of fice by Aniae. L. Mcholaon BKalnnl IliirKeaii W . Md lure for failure to comply with law a to timber-culture entry ho. M04, dated Oct. US, iaA, upon thn lot 3 4 4 and a. nw. a acetion a, lowindiipai. rantfe M, in mohi county, eb., with a view to the cancella tion ot aaid entry: contestant Hllctflnif that aaid land haa hail no tree erowiutt thereon ainceia-t. ill, I j-'J t , and that claimant haa not cauacd to Ije cultivated or planted to tree, aed or cutlinKM any part thereof ainco tict, a. IMU1, und aaid Ui-iei-ta hi ill exut; tne nam nurtlea are hereby nuuinioucd to nptiear ut thlH office on the 11 day of lec, liai, at 10 o clock, a. in., to reond and furnlan teatl- ninny couceriiuifc eata aui-Kcij iaiiuro. Teatlmony of wltnesaea will le. taken lw- fore John A. t.reeti, a notary public, at hia office at lUivvlllc, Neb.. Iwjc. 4, !!, at 10 II. JAS. it. IJ A Me KIN, ; 13 lleci-iver. glLLIVAX k l-OSLKY, Lswyers. WILL I-BACT1CI IK ALL TflR UXTAL, STATS and federal courta and U. 8. 1-and offlee. LEGAL PAPER8 CAREFULLY DRAWN. X S t I t I t fy Office in Court House, BAJL&uSON .... NIBRAnKA RESTAURANT AND Oyster Parlors, OF C. S. SCOTT, Warm Meals at all Hours. Oyntr served in ariy style. Give roe a call. 1 door north of tlie Journal office. L. E. BELDEW & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on abort notice. Oood work and reasonable rkaxge. Shop aoath of livery barn. HABSnoM. J. E. PHINNEY, M. D. rhfileiM gargcoa. All calls given prompt atUaUoa. omet In rirsi Rtora. DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. Agents for the Buckeye, Deering And Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. HARRISON SIMMONS & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Kstate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. .CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED, THE PIONEER harmacy, o J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. ST ARTISTS MATERIAL. School Supplies. ' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. A PULL LINE rQJJVrrr 1 Furniture. Window Shades, Pictures and Walt Paper. Undertaking goods embalming. T or PROMPT ATTKNTIOS GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS, Geo. C. Reed, s 01, Farm Implements,! NEBRASKA. to buy or sell real tarBRUSHES. Crawford, Neb. f .