The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 02, 1893, Image 4

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farr n tsx ooomr.
rana rcauMB) or aorx oocxtt.
BuUL-nption Price, 13.00
. . . Editor.
at the HarrlaoB pout oSVee M see-
tmsmbvt, Xovaano S, ISM.
KrasslhAs State TklrU
Mr jMttoe of the Supreme Court,
T. O. C. BABM80K, of Grind lslaud.
far amain at tke State l'ulverity (fall
CHAXUCS WE8TOJI, of Hay Spring..
tof the State l nierity (to.'flU
Q.W. KALET, of Webnter.
CUtoM Ceaaty Ticket.
Far COoaty Traasarer.
H. 8. WOODECIT. of rte Polnta.
roc Coeaty Clerk.
M. J. BLEW ETT. of M on truss.
far Oooaty Sherif,
A. R. DEW, of Warbonnet.
Foe County Judge,
O.J. GO WE V, of Cook.
Tor County Superintendent of PnbUo In
true t Ion,
W. IL DAVIS, of Bowen.
For County Sn rveyor,
8. L. ELLIS, of W srbonnet.
fttr County Coroner,
J. E- PHWNET, oTBowen.
Cltisea District Ticket.
r Cennnuwloner, lt DUtrict,
FRANK TINKHAM, of Five Point.
ft tke leasslkAes ef Hleax Coast j.
In view of the fact that the republican
party in convention assembled did not
place Any men before the people as the
candidates of said party, we denounce
any one attempting to run for any of
fice in Sioux county, in the campaign ol
18M, as republicans, as doing so without
Authority of the party and should not
receive the support of republicans At the
polls. M. J. O'Connzix,
Chairman Republican Co.
Central Committee.
The senate passed the bill for the un
conditional repeal of the Sherman lan
en Monday and In all probability the
act has keen sif9d by tle president be
feja tMe tfase. This proves that some
,fjjatjaM plan must devised. It is
quite ectasia that no wild legislation
wUl fee passed so that business should
I in the near future.
It makes an amusing spectacle to be
hold Ringmaster Verity attempt to
make out that the Citizens ticket is
being run by a few who expect to be
benefitted by patronage. Where would
the bank which Mr. Verity managed for
bout four yean have been had it not
been for county patronage? It might also
be asked where would the county funds
and Reformer Verity have been had
that case in the 'supreme court against
bis bank not been beaded off?
A fire at the penitentiary at Lincoln
ast TbarstUy was a severe one. The
tats is loser to the amount of $80,000
M other parties will lose nearly or
eats as much. The state camee no m-
earaace so that it loses all. It is not
Kbrtr that the building which was dV
ttjoffi will be rebuilt very soon. No
fives war lost and no convicts - escaped,
as the Ore ocenrred at a time when the
aaost of the Inmates were in their cells
fa a building at a safe distance from the
Verity makes a great
pttfl about bow the Citissns ticket was
tawfaj kef are Mm petitions wars gotten
r but he has sot got honor or falrnce
faoF if hat BMba-up to state toe fact
C3 tan? eae-foarto as many
CT attached to fee petitions ntd ia the
C.r oOoe as there will be votes east
C$ t poSa, gr. Verity must bear
ft the people bare not forgotten
QniniiadBBir Kaott received
rrJftJoa at asstttf of the alliance,
C fix as could gala
r-rs?rt is- pet
. - VCr" th(6af fltfiSedV
it zs, m kBMrhiy n r
V -33. ttt was
: trcicf tcArcalar ooa-
- -Jt ells' tEsaMal &i&
f V.T : CI Jr3la. ,1s
' -'YfiJcft
TV cruet worlds fair U At au seal so
far a the gPTernsaea b coooormxd and
the greatest show the world has ever
amii i now a matter of history. Ti
fair hag tfiven the aut.oi.. tl,a world a
better ulea of what the United State i
tliaa tlwy have ever bad before and tlx
people of thitt country know more of
the world than they ever knew before.
Maxwell has finally let tit people
know "where be is At" He das written
a note to BoaewAter that be i in favor
ofHolcomb. It is but Another prool
that office holding is a disease, and tlie
longer a mAn Itolds office the stronger
the malady fastens its bold on him and
he will hesitate at nothing to keep him
self in office and when tie is turned
down lie sours on those who stood by
him for years. It is quite certain tnat
the ill-natured act of Maxwell will low:
Harrison no votes.
With this issue the campaign, so fur
as this paper is concerned, will be over
and the battle of ballots will be fought
before our next issue. THE Joowal has
the satisfaction of knowing that it ha
advocated none but men who are worthy
of the positions to which they aspire.
Ringmaster Verity has given a number
of reasons whv his ticket should be
elected and for fear our readers may for
,'et some of them we will enumerate a
few: Because the editor has cot always
paid his notes promptly; because he is a
little fool; because be is a liar, a coward,
a sheeny, A wharf rat, and some other
equally strong reasons which we cannot
recall. Tliere is no doubt that such
reasons advanced by so wise, honest.
honorable and unselfish a man as tlie
records of tto courts and other records
show Mr. Verity to be will cause the
voters of Sioux county to vote just as
ba bide tbem. The question for the
voters to decido is whether they prefer a
set of officers who have held the posi
tions far four years and were put up by
a packed convention, controlled by Ring
master Verity or a set of men who have
heen attending to tbeir own business
and who were put up by a petition
signed by over a hundred of the electors
vrf the county 1
On last Saturday morning Carter
Harrison, mayor Of Chicago, was shot
to death by a crazy crank named Pren
dergast, who claimed that the dead offi
cial had promised to appoint him to an
important position in the city. The as
sassin called at the borne of the mayor
in the evening and said be must see the
executive and when he saw him shot
him three times, inflicting wounds from
which he died within A few minutes.
A servant heard the shots and arrived on
the scene and chased the assassin who
ran to a police station and gave himself
up. Great excitement prevailed in tlie
city. It is the first time in the history
of Chicago that an official of the city
has been murdered and coming as it has
just at the close of the great fair it Talis
with more than usual violence on the
city. It is one of those cases wherein
the law is inadequate. The crank who
did the deed, like the slayer of Garfield,
wanted notoriety and thought that bis
rash act would bring that to him and he
would have a long trial and the eyes of
the nation would be upon him. When a
(lend deliberately does such an act and
knowledges it the long, expensive
process of the law should be dispensed
will) and the criminal sentenced and ex
ecuted with as litttle ceremony as pos
Toe last issue or the nog organ con
tained a most pitiful whine for the peo
ple to elect Ringmaster Verity's ticket
on next Tuesday. It tries to make out
that the men on that ticket are the only
honest men in the county and thatr they
are the men who paid off the county
debt and for that reason they should be
kept in office. There is not a man on
Verity's ticket who did any of the pay
lagofthe debt. It comes with very
poor grace for Mr. Verity to attempt to
cram such stuff down the throats of the
voters when be as one of the old officers
helped to contract the debts and he and
his business associates in 1890 attempted
to get an order of the court which
would have pot the nuances of the
county in a worse shape than they irr
were, lie says keep only tried and true
mea m ofSoe. If thai works the voters
for a third term the riag will use it two
years later to bold a foratb term sod so
have a perpetual asap, until they
aad thee a new mea would bare be put
ta. Because ao official has doae as bis
oath and hood deroea' Vs ao res son why
he should hare a life lease oa the salary.
Er. Verity to ao more oomsstsat ia Us
why hie ticket should be elected
k is m Mythar elee, Ee says in
eae pise is tie peps that be has atth
ttf to say asiaK$ay of C mm eathe
GHteesja tiotat mi la tmmmr be aty
tiatestrktf tMmt mmU k
fiaafcj a presaliiai 'oa saaasty. Ce
loamtoeury ma a Ot n;iaan
ri Ci tttct to -:-: "t t ft7
3" I
The Cltbtas Tfcmet.
Duriag the past week tlie petitions f.-r
the Citiseos Ticket la ve been filed in Cm
office of the county clerk. T
u( the CAodidstes were put on um ji.
liofts after having been discussed by
twenty-wsveo men, rerewntin eight
preciox'ts and the petitions as filed are
ined by ooe hunored and twelve of the
electors of Hioux county.- That fact
proves cooci Jwvelv that they are not
the candidates of any little riog or
clique who desire to control them io
their official capacity.
Every man on the ticket is well
worthy tbe support of any man. Eacb
one of them is fully qca lifted to perform
the duties of tbe office for wbicb be is a
candidate. There is not a man among
ibem whose record will not bear ioHpec
tion by alL They are men who are sup
ported the most earnestly by those who
know them best.
At the bead of the ticket appears the
name of
tlie nominee for county treasurer. He
is a middle i'ed man, has a family and
lias resided in Five Points precinct for
the four years. lie has resided in
Nebraska for nine years and has been en
gaged in farming and stock raising. He
is a man of good personal appearance
aud is thoroughly qualified for the posi
tion. He I ins never Un a candidate for
ollice before and consented to enter tlie
race only at the solicitation of bis
friends, lie is a quiet, unassuming man
and those who have known bun for
years all vouch for him as a man of
honor and integrity.
Tbe next name on the ticket is
tlie candidate for cnunty clerk. Mr.
Blewett is quite well known to tbe peo
ple of Sioux county, having resided in
Montrose precinct for tbe past seven
l lie came here a poor boy and
has bad to work for all he has and his
surplus earning have been used to im
prove bis land. His standing as a man
and a citizen is equal to that of any resi
dent of the county. He has the ability
and education to amply fit him for the
office of county clerk and tbe , eople
may rest assured that if that important
office is entrusted to his care every in
terest of tlie. county will have proper
care and attention. No ooe need hesi
tate to vote for him.
Tlie third name on tlie ticket is that of
A. R. DEW,
the candidate for sheriff. To those who
are frequent visitors at Harrison and to
tbe people of warbonnet precinct, which
is his home, there is no need for us to
say a word for they all know Cert Dew.
He lias resided in Sioux county for more
than five years, and has had as much or
more to contend with than the average
of the homesteaders, lu addition to bis
family he gu)ort an aged and crippled
mother-in-law and three orphau nephews
which fact goes to prove that lie is a man
of good principles. He is a man of
honor and those who knew hiin in the
east report that his record there was
excellent, both for honestly and ability.
He is not a giant, but he has nerve
enough to go wherever the duties of
sheriff would call him and not "lose his
head." lie bas had mu':li business ex
perience and is in every way qualified
for the office of sheriff and tliere is no
reason why be should not be earnestly
supported at the polls.
On the ticket as candidate for county
judge the name of
a J. aowEY,
of Cook precinct, appears. Mr. Gowey s
home is so far from tbe county seat that
he seldom Kete here. He and his sons
nave resided there for some years and
are engaged in farming and stock-raising.
He is a man of sterling integrity and
good judgment and would perform the
duties of tbe office of county judge in a
fair, honest, and impartial manner. He
was for years a resident of Seward coun
ty where be enjoyed the confidence and
respect of all who knew him. He bas
never been n office-seeker and is well
deserving of tbe support of all.
There is no more important position io
the county than that of superinteodeot
of public instruction and for that office
of Bowen precinct is tbe nominee. Mr.
Levis bas almost grown up in 8ioux
county. He is highly qualified for tlie
office, as he holds a first grade certiftuate
and bas had two years experience us
nriocipal of the schools of Harrison, He
has Iweo an active worker in tbe iosti
tubes of the county for years so that be
is ia touch with the school work of the
county and will babble to handle the
work of the office to the best interest of
tbe taxpayers and the patrons of tbe
schools, and the people of Sioux county
will be adraaciaf their owa interests by
aiectiag W. H. JJfcrie,
a, U
of Werboenst precinct, is tbe nominee
far surveyor. Be Is a mea of food edu
eaUoa and aatatal ability "he baa re
eUejl is gioex cottoty for some
Ce mlS 03 13w pQoe at well as any
who is net a tralaid imjiasir aad kjssws
eawesh abort the aasiaem to UU aha of-
Boo to the mtlefastfea of ait. Asa
BtestaaataeBca aal any oa
scrrertskJai 1 hare ae reasoa t
pCsssl fcr . jaWJ , aasVflaopM. , aT
dietr ct fipoesd of Afctetopr, F, .
Points, Hat Creek. Montrose and War
bonnet precincts have nominated
U Five Point precinct, as lb Citiaeo
candidate for county commissioner. It
is needless to say a word about him to
those w!k know him for he stands high
with tbem. He is a man of honor and
good busioeM ability, who has a mind of
his own and would t under the control
of no one in bis official acts. Any wbn
do not know him need not hesitate to
vote for him if tbey want tbe affairs of
the county looked after in an lionest and
intelligent manner.
There you have the men who compose
the Citizens ticket. All are good men.
All are honest men. All are men quali
fied to fill the offices for which tbey
liave been nominated. Look tlie list
over carefully. Investigate the men
and their records arid you w ill find tlwi
every one of them is worthy of the sup
port of all honest men at the polls.
Final Proof Sotim.
All persons hnvlnif Hun proof notice lu
II. la p..T will rcwlve a marked copy of tin
,jjrr mm are mjurwM m ramnm. mi-h
noliee and if miiv error, estot report
lame to tlli office st once
Xvtlre for Pnbllratlon.
Land Cfflce at Chsdron. Neb., (
Oct. I, 13. i
Notice l hereby r1en thnt the following-
nnwrd settler b.ut Xiiel notice of his InU-n-Hon
ui H:miI nrool in Miimort of til
clnini, anl Hut mIJ proof will be made be
loin l-lnoeiiiaii, tiers 01 u awmci
court, at llHrrUon, elr., ou soremner
arm, im, rit:
Ms in 11. ( smpbelL of Adelia, Nrb,
wbo made 11. ' entry Ko. Vt for lUe
north ou.t qr., seel. , tp. M n., r. M .
prrjve bin continuous r-l'lem-e upon and
lie nainan me ioiiowin wnn.wn iu
uniVHiion oi nii iano(ixi
Mklmil J. u'txnnelt, 'rank I. Mfyer,
Kolx-rt iarrion. Herbert S. Woodruff, all
of Adella, Sebr.
Jjgil Xutirr.
To John GsuKenbansh and Mm. (isuecn-
tmugh, hl wile, chnnlian name unknown,
nouwwWent defendant.
You ure hereby notified thHt on the nth
lav of Muy. Isia, tarnewt E. t'repin. plain -
Iff herein, Bled bin petition lu the ditrtct
our tof Minn county, Mebraka, (tilii'-t
aolm GaUfcenbniKli, ir. l,HU(eiibaU((h, UU
wife iliriliua uuiue unknown, John A.u
un and Mrs. AsbUm, bin wife, chrUttan
iiatue unknown, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain uivrigMge
xecuxtd by a)d John i.aniteubaug'h to the
extern r'arra Mortvuire i ou.paiiy uiv.u
the u. i". t of secllou Si, township Sit, !.,
range M west, to hioux co Jiily, ebraika,
given to secure a promiuory note lor
ftfTA Wof even dale tbop-wlth, due Dve years
roiu ual-, with Interest at 7 pur cent per
aiiuuui ami leu p-r cent at'er nmlurll) .
1 lie nlaintlff Is now tbu owner and hoiiler
ot said note aud uiorU.ig and default has
tHM.1!) mude In the payment tnereol and in
the toTitis iol eondttioim of Siid mortgage,
and there i now due liiereoa tbe sum of
AS.' 2s cents with inU-rexl nt 10 s r rent
from the nrst day ol My, 13.
1 ou sre requiriHi to answer sain pennon
on or before the nan any ol oviiiljer.
ISU3. hKSBT fc. t SKflN,
Iir . v . ,,, ti,m Aiitjruey.
1st publication Oct. I, 13. lli-J
Order of Hearing en IVl im for Appoint-
pieiit of AtliuiiiU t stf,
STlltOrNEHKiSSl, (
ifi'x t'ocKtr. j '
At a session of tlie County Court, held at
tbe totiity Court room. In and lor aaid
county, K'tolr 12, A. t. 118.
freMrol, H. Uaraer, tumy ju-i's.
In the matter ot the estate ol .M jilla M
Maaou, tleceaved.
On reading and filing the petition of
Jaun T. Manou, praViug that ndiniiilntm
tion of laid estate may be granted to him aa
Ukoksko, that Novemlier 13. A. I). IMiO, at
II o'clock a. in., is aiMigued for hearing aald
uvtitillou, when all peraon hitereated in
aid matter uiay appear at a Louuty Court
xo be held in and lor said connlv, and Dhow
caiiMi wuv me prayer ol petitioner
Hhou Id not be gran toil; and that notice of
the peudeucy of aald petition, and the
hearing thereof, be given to all peraou
interested m aaia uiatu-r uy puointning
copvof thU order in ihe Hioux tot'tr
jcaAL, a we-my uewnpaner nrinti in
aid county, for fodr eucceitHive week,
prior to Mia day of hearing.
inmcj A true TOiy.
lu-V) ti. Jtaata, County Judge.
Kotlce.-Timber t ulture.
V. 8. IksnOrricB, I
ALtUNC'E, 'EB. Oct. 11,
Complaint Ml harhig been filed at this of
flee b) Aniae 1.. Nleboiaon againit Hurgemt
W. McClure tor failure to comply with law
as to thuber-eulture entry ho. MM. dated
Oct. , HWi, upou tbe lots A 4 and . H nw.
4 aeciuin a, vownauip xi, range at, in nioux
county, ieo.t win a view to ine canceiia
lion ol aaia entry: contestant alleging tbtt
aid land haa had no treea growing thereon
nine llct. St, Im!I:, and Ih .l claimant biu not
cauaed to be cultivated or planted to tree.
acei or cutting any pari tuereoi winre uci.
iiwi, aim aaiu aeiecM mill ejit: toe wiu
p.irtle arc hereby uiuuioned o appear at
. i . I . .Ml . . .1 ... . i . I .m . . in
o'clock, a, m to rexpoud and f nriilab tentl
'I . ... 11 1 , ',11 in. u Ol I '.TV , A M , IV
oiouy concerning aaiu aiiegea I inure.
leaiiiiiony oi Wituease will be taken be
fore John A. oreeo, a notary publn', at hU
ofliee st Hoy ville, bvb., tiee. 4, IDaS, at ill
111. J AS. ti. JJASSKIS,
HU Receiver.
QlLtlVAS 4 COXLEY, Uwyert.
Will rsAcricc is 414, Tas local, stats
aad federal eearta aad 17, s. taad oflee,
uioal PAPcna OARcrui4v drawn.
I I It I I
tlT Office in Court House,
HAWUSO. ' , . .
Oyster Parlors,
Warm Meals at all Hours. Oyster
served ia My style. Oive me 1 call.
1 aoqr north of lbs Journal office,
Wtjon and Carri
seiirlag eeea ssarf atiee,
r tcr
-4 e
1 m
MM Jl lUllu
LAiip5 IN
Lumber, Coal and
Saab, Doors,
Lath and
Windmill and
Walter A, Wood
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Estate Agents,
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring
estate should not fail to
call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, etc.
the piora
J. E PHIHNEY, Proprietor.
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils and Varnishes.
School pplles.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
f Mti,r'f MfW Vr--r TUs-ivJ LJ
UndcrtaWto pocp embalming
w tzTx Ammoz omx to hah ccww.
Geo. Rbejd,
'. , ... '. :"' 1 ' ' V'vil 4 A"-r J 4.-
a urn
-t y
Ui IVVil.Q
Farm Implements,
Blinds, Lime,
Pump Supplies.
for tlra
to buy or sell real
' ..:
- -4