The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 02, 1893, Image 1
r County Journal, HE rro. SIOUX L. 4. f'BHm. Esiter sad PrasriH. V. , adxed..U :i I Io. , nixed Jt , C & Scott now -occupies tbe old Bmitfa buikting aa s ntdmrt,' . A 4iythUiliVrid'i( lbs borne of r. aod Mr. David Uartlett on Uut Friday. . Ail kinds- of fotif worl doo at Priddye blacksmith shop, opposite Thi Jowal office. Sfmtkffofdtasftias tf candidates oaths CiUnaa tldpt tf iLy have mm oo promises, Verity and hit ring to tbe contrary, notwithstanding. J. W. Soott inform us that be baa decided not to leave Harrison but will eontinus to do business at tbe old stand opposite Tnt Jockxal office. Mont of (fa) farmers And that their , Cora does not yield as well as they ex pected. Instead of 85 to 40 bushels per acre tbey are getting from 20 to 29, Seward Blade. Joseph Sturdevani, an old-time cow boy of Wyoming, has located on a homestead near the head of Sheep crwek aad will engage io stock raising. Ai family is. with him on the claim. A prairie Bra southeast of town last week destroyed a large amount of grass. Cars will have to be taken in regard to fires or stock owners will be short of winter pasture. A good load of good wood on sub scription would be acceptable at this 6fflce. .. Don't be afraid that we have too much . od band. "We have plenty of place oo which to pile it , Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and shoe maker. . Cowboy boots a specialty, Repairing promptly and neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second door south cotfrt bouse. Rev. Kendall has secured enough material and money to build a barn on the cburcb lota. He proposes to keep bp bis part ami is doing the work him self. - '. , ; A deal was mads a short time ago Whereby E F. Johnson attain became owner of the livery barn and 0. W." Stereos got back bis farm south of town. Tbe latter still owns the stock and continues the basineas having rented.tbe buildings. Every one should see what tbey can do in toe way of getting milk cows so that when word is received that the par ties who coo template building a cream ery her come ts look aver lb situation they can find out about bow many cows they can depend on to supply the insti tution. W, B Wright took a bran new set of harness out of the shop tbe last of the week which H. A. Cunningham hat mad to order for him. Mr. Wright is a practical huruetuiruakur ami while east he got an idea of what he wanted and when be got home be bad a harness put bp to suit him. .11 believe in patron' lain bom industries and he know that Mr. Cunningham can do good work. The people along the stream should bear in mind that trout can be obtained la tbe spring with which to stock the Waters. Ho not wait until the ear geu bar and then expect to get a lupply ol nsh. Put in your application in time so that the necessary number can be ' brought out It costs nothing but the trouble of coming to get the fish and fttttioftbsm in th water. Speaking of the opportunities of losx county a few days ago J. J. Bodg sn said be bad lived in Sioux county for laven years and was not yet ready to leave. Tbe past season he raissd nearly two hundred bushel of potatoes and bw twasa five and tin hundred bushels ol small grata. Tbe yield was net a large a it has bees some years but it makes Una good living. -On last Monday A. E. Upton, of Sew ard, and J. O. Wortendyke, of Lincoln, arrived here, Tby came to as about the sbtpoteet of a nook of about atx thousand sheep belonging to tb former. Tbey will b fed atFramoataad Oosbo- r daring tbe winter and eeot front those points to market Tb sbssp sands a train of twnty-nla doable decked oar aai wan loaned at Aadrsw. - Oa Inst Monday the order wa re oeivsd fraat tb deoartnieat at WaMtaf- toa for th rssaoval of th aostoffltw , trass IU for r ktoation to th stars ol KarstaUsr Bra., and tb flatarts war winsi in tiss saw loaati oa Tnasday swte tt wifl maa it great deal MtvfaMW ua tot tan pestmc acd ttorrana and friSl adait of the ; tZatZZM jaawtatoaj a- (ml tanJ fester K t lam rri- 73CT3M3C cy aa a try fc C Ci "& T ail matt rr cxan t cj PSSMSAL. JilseTrsejr Will went1 to Andrews the lest or the week. J. B. ttaofc Me a trip to Crswford the ant of the week. Mrs. E. 0. Boegch retornetf from Cbudron talswierntef la qoiiea feeble condition. ' Mrs. II. A. Cunningham ratnroed Friday freer. iw visit to Vonten sod Butte. Mrs. W. B. Wrts;ht went to Wrtttfey Hon day evenlnfr. John L. Kay returned Monday from Idaho where he had upent the numnirr. A. MeOlnley sad CUut Ames came op from the sooth on Taeadayr Henry Werts retarned yeaterday from s protracted rlalt to the east. Oeorfle Wafktr came down from Caaper last evening to attend eonrt. Z. d. Deuel was down from Pleaaant Rldce the arst of the week. D. Velaon waa np from Glen on Saturday sad called at tMs offifee. Dr. Hbafer eaiae np from Rtuhville on Monday ae4 will remain for a few dava looking after his biiiinea Interesta. B. B. Cowdery arrived yesterday to exam ine the condition of the bank of ilarriaon, and called last evening to see n. John Pteteraon waa aver from the north part of the eOtfnty ynrfterday and made a abort call at this office. A. Q. ruber, Jodge Crites and D. B Jenckea, of Chadron and Chambers Kellar, of Mot Springs, are out of town attorneys attending court. E. Collshaw was over from Indian creek and remembered tbe printer with a couple of sucks of very Sue potatoes. All such things are fully appreciated. District court convened yesterday Judge Bartow on the bench.. A report of the proceedings will be published next week. A lively tilt has been going oft in the papers between Bunk Wrecker Monlier and "Pilate" Rosewater. Tbe former seems to koow what kind of a man tbe latter is and as they used to work to gether be tells things which certainly cannot be very pleasant for. Roste water to bar mode pnblic. Wise Mr. Verity warns people not to believe what Tux Jochkal says this -veek. He know that he would till hi columns .with the records and acts of those whom he oppose if he had the same cbauc tliat we have. Tbe "little fool" who runs Thk Jocrnal will not warn people as to what Mr. Verity will say in his last issue before election, for tbey know the methods of him and hia ring. ' -Ringmaster Verity in the lust issue ol bis paper warns the people not to believe the statements which appear in tbix issue of Tub JrjRAb as they are Iks. He is a very wise man. So wise thai should lie send a copy of bis pop paper to tbe lost known postoftice address ol Solomon, that worthy would, no doubt, turn over in his grave nod groan with grief to think that lb Ringmuster ol tb perpetual odlce-seeker's advocate should so far excel him m wisdom. The ral fact is that Mr. Verity is aware ol the records that are in existence and ol the disreputable tactics that have been resorted to by bis outfit wilhih the past few weeks and he knows that some ol their tricks have come to light and he also knows that some people have rec ords which wilt not bear very close in vestigation and be thinks to avoid the results by telling bis readers not to be lieve what Thb JociutAL says. This is tbe fifth campaign in Sioux county thai this paper has gone through under tbe same management and the people know about how much to depend on what it says, regard lees of tbe instructions ot Ringmaster Verity. WkatPcaaat tra OosdFor. Tbe magnitude and universality of tbe homa-coosumption of peanuts are some thing startling. Thar are few towns too small to support at least one vea- der, while in tbe cities the picturesque stalls and roasters are a feature of tbe business streets. Tb peanut baa a great commercaal importance aside from it roasted state. Th seeds contain from forty-two to Jlfty per cant of oil, which is easily ob tained by cold or warm expression. Th Brst method yields a superior oil, which none but an exyert can detect from tb tro olive-oil, and it may be used for the same purpose, both on tbe tabto and in pharmacy. In tb latter method tb baas are but slightly heat ed before being submitted to pressure, and th yield is much greater; but tb color is much darker and th odor mors pronounced and Mas agrees bis. This second Quality of Aracbai oil, aa it Is known, w used for fin Maps, cerates, and ointraanta, Pertumesr uss it a the basts of their cold cresms and pomades; and it la also used for lubricating watch and delicate machinery. Tbe wast coast of Africa produces an almost iooalcuiabl crop to supply the atarotsMM clsmand, Marseilles sJons im porting in oa year over ten million bushels forsuee ia th sjanufactur ot ohooalats, whits Uliions of bushels are yaarty earrted to ladtm, Hamburg, Esrtin. and other Btoosa, for oil. Vary targe auantUM at growa la India, for bom asss. trass!, wfctoh Is tit tra sutusical boss of tka ftat, doss litUs ax K2,mr-'j- n u saanqit. " " rr J -i 4. "v m uh CoanBBBleatcd. Bad' Lands, Oct 28, 1893. Eutob Journal.; I Ak for a Rmtted space in your columns that it may be tbe means of showing to the people to wbat straights the court house rin is driven in their extremity. It did not re quire any supernatural vision at the independent convention on the 14th of October to see that the delegations from several precincts had been fixed for the ring. It showed plainly that Lindeman held the Montroae delegation in the hol low of his hand and it was but natural to suppose that after the many promises to Cottonwood and her delegation being solid for him, that he would make some attempt to turn the votes he controlled to Cottonwood's interest and thus unite tbe two strongest precincts in the coun ty. His egotism got tbe better of his judgment and he came to the conclusion that his popularity would carry him through and tbe balance of the riog with him, xd be concluded that be could sacrifice Cottonwood and her interests and still carry tbe county. Time will tell whether this political trickster was right in bis superior wisdom of not and recent development indicate that they are iu a sad plight They have got down on tbeif "marrow bones", earnest ly beseeching in piteous tones for help from Cottonwood or they perish. Peace to their to their ashes. After they got down and wallowed in the mire of humi liation it seemed to arouse their waning courage and tliey turned loose the party whip and threatened a certain party with dire vengeance next fall. Their threats have about as much effect an pouring water oa a duck's back. "He must hasten to fix things up on Cotton wood" or their dire results will follow. I beg to inform the trickster who makes such threats that we know bin). We supported him once for office with all the vim and energy in our power. The next fall he had it in his power to return tbe compliment and he sold us t ut, root and brunch, and we don't fear his threats and the party lash has no terrors, and further that the lambs of Cotton wood wilt not be led to the sliiughtef' on tliu 7th of November in behalf of the court house rityr, and furthermore there is no power on earth that can change the vole here. The only hope tliey can have is to seek divine aid and I fear that if they try that the good Lord will say "depart ye accursed into everlasting puitLthmuflt prepared for the devil and his angels." , piext lau is a long way on unu we will trust to the futuie to take care ot itself without any threats or promises. "Now is the accepted time, now is. the day of salvation. Ihe members of the ring may deny the above chargos. Slum I J they do so and demand proof, I will meet tliein at OVoonell & Jordan s store at AUdia nim hurl tbe lie in their teeth and produce the proof on any oay tliey may name. AH IBDEP&ffDBNT. A Plain Statement. Glen, Oct. 28, 193. Editor Journal-. Will you kindly al low me space in your columns for a few words in regard to the coming election. I notice in the Indtpeitdtfit that Mr. Verity continually refers to the old outfit running the county in debt some $8,000 as an argument in favor of the present incumbents. Now it ill becomes Mr. Verity to use such matters as campaign talk for be was a member of that same outfit at tbe time those debts were con tracted, and if it had not been for tho then county commissioners Mr. Verity might have been ousted from bis office in dis grace, which fact is, I believe, of record and he cannot deny. I say again it ill becomes bim to kick those who at one time favored bim. Now I do not intend to defend those (myself being on of them) who con traded those debts because they need no defease, as any intelligent man (Mr. Ver ity not excepted) knows tbe reason of those debts at that time, and I will say right here without fear of contradiction, that if the present county officers bad beea ia office at that time they would have been in tlie same fix, unlass tliey had gone down In their pockets and paid for about $6,000 worth of records, sup plies, etc., the first year when there was no tax levied and not a dollar in the county treasury. Mr. Verity knows that fact as wall aa I do but it won't do for him to say so now for fear of losing his bread and butter but I should not think it would taste very good when obtained by such disreputable mesas. do not intend to enter into a discussion of that county debt business for I car not a whit who believes the old officers guilty of dishonestly administering the county affairs, for there are those who could not ba convinced by sledge.iara mar argument that it eras only a cam paign lis four years ago In order to get tb present incumbents in office. I have no Seed to sling mud at any .body, but will amy that a ohang in county offteers now and the Is very beneficial to th couaty and Is saying so I only cbo tbttr cry af for years ago. . Yoars Truly, ; Uahikl Kubi. Godeys magizin for' NdrtfrotW, is in tlie opinion of the publishers,- the most attractive of any in the' new series of this old-time favorite. It is rich in Con tents, afli illustrations. The complete novel is from the gifted pen of Mrs. Amelia E. Barr, and is called' The Flow ers ofdafa Water. It is profusely illus trated by Theodore ' Hempe,- and the story itself is in Mrs. Burr's most inter esting vein. This" number also contains illustrated articles on A Holiday in Spain, by Floyd B. Wilson, and A Pretty Mocking of the Life, by Eoh WilHs New England's Children is the Thanks giving story by George L Putnam, and there are sketches by J. M. Levereque and Oliver Bell Bunce. All tlie depart ments, including Godey's famous fash ions, are excellent. The poems are by W. J. Henderson, Clark W. Bryan, Dan iel Doane BidwelJ, Sara Ring Wiley and ethers. Mrs. Arthur Rotch of Boston nd Miss Bertha Luddington Barnes of Chicago. Literary Xote For October. f Marion Crawford opens up a new line -of thought in his article entitled ' Rome, the Capital of a new Republic," appear ing in the October Cwmvpolitan. It is not likely that the October number will have the success which attended that for September. Tlie extraordinary spectacle was presented of a 12 cent magazine selling fur 50 and 75 cents, and many hundreds were even .told at 1.00 each. Probably tlie record remains without a parallel, in periodical sales, of a number proving so interesting that, after 211,000 copies had been sold, he News ompuny had orders for 50,000 more than they could supply, while dealers in various purts of the country, discovering the entecm in which the magazine was held, immediately raised their prices to double, treble, quadruple and in many cases to eight times the regular price. fhe publishers do not yet know what their real circulation is, owing to the limited capacity of their presses; but machinery is being put in place which will supply an edition f -r lcember ex- .ceding 300,000 a;id dui iug that month t will be possible to determine how many CuamnpiAiiant the public wili buy. Notice of IlUsoIlitii :i. Notice is hereby given that the linn f Orisvvold and M irstelle is this day dissolved hy mutual consent, u. H, (jrriNwvld retiring. They will be suc ceeded by J. E. Marsteller mid W. B. ILu'sU'ller under the firm name of Marsteller Bros, who will collect ull notes, bills, etc., owing to said firm and pay all liabilities. I). II. Griswold, J. K. Maksteixer. Harrison, Neb., Oct. 10, On account of tho change in ihe firm it is desired to have a settlement of nil accounts on the books of the old firm and all knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Griswold & Marsteller are requested to call at their earliest con venience and make a settlement either by cash or note. Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice and hartly nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer, both in fruits and or namentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice territory. May Bkotheks, Nurserymen, 0-12 Rochester, N. Y. B. L.8MTJCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door Moatli of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNOAV rftOM 9 TO 1 2 . RAZORS AND BCW80RS ITT IN ORDER. Give I me t a I Cnll. DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, Nebraska. McOlNLKY A STOVKlt, Harrison, Nebr. own folloalua brand : THE COMMERCIAL (ESTABLISH CD fSSSJ Harrisons Nebraska, P'restwt ) 6RI8W6LD, Cashier, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50 000, .. ftansacts a General CORRESPONDENTS.' America Exchange National Bam, New York, United States National Bank, Omaha, ftRST National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. KJ-DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. You Want a Good Cook Stove MARSTELLER i Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME They Have also put in the General Merchandise, ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. MARSTELLER BROTHERS. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS PROCURED Press Claims Company. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Government that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuntinna Wn f IncomDenteccv or inattention of the nttornev emnlnvcH tn nktain th.;. v 1 a .v. . NimiMi Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for tbe value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, spot), the care and skill of the attorney. . , -,. - With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttoroeys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PEES3 CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert io patent practlos and Is tiwrs fors prepared to .'.y-y. . - . , N, OBTAIN PATRNTS, (TONOtTCT INTRRrKRKNCKS, HAKE SPKCIAL CXAMfll ATtOSS, fRKSKnt'TK EJKOTKD CASKS, BKUMTSBTBAUE-MARKSaod WrYTIOHTS, RKNDKR OHINIONB as to SCOPE snd VA1.IPITT of PATENTS, - FROSECUTK nnd DEFEND INfHINOEMCtlT 8VITS, 1 ETC., ETC If you have an Invention on mind send THE PRESS CLAIMS CO MP AST sketch or photograph theraof, togthar with a brief description of tbe Importatt features, and yon will be at once advised as to the best coorss to pursue, ttad!;' are not necessary unless the invention Is of a complicated nature. , If otbars art minnging on your rignts, or ir yon sre mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINIO iHE Oia street, northwest ' P. O. Box St. jcm BANK; C f CtnilA' tiee"P!rsde4 Banking Buoincca; 7V 7" t MJVi BROTHERS AND LOOK AT THEM. Largest Stock of Hardware. BY THE the charged wltb iofriagviMMt by otbsfA, r before aoUsg oa lbs Matter. Prkm Clahct Ocrrx" '"WIST wrsosssamia. m -.1 1 ,.-v-. -i . 1 8? - ) 1 i w ' n "oat aat m ssaa rvai row : ; -. 1 ' ikii IK- ;4 : w A '1