The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 26, 1893, Image 4

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    Tfc3 Sioux County Journal.
ran Aaixsa ed l 8S8. j
fapeji pi-bushed rs fciocx oocsnr.
Subscription Price, $3.00
L. J. Siauaons, Editor.
Entered at the ilarri aoa pout office a ee
OUd claw nutter.
THTOfcDAT, OtTOEEB 26, 1S93.
republican SUU Ticket.
tot Justice of the supreme Court,
T. O. C. UABRI-OS,:of liran-' Nland.
For Regents ot the State University (full
H. D. ESTABKOOK, of Omaha,
CHA8LES WESTON, ol Uay Spring.
For Regent of the State I'niveraity (to.'fiU
C. W. KALET, of Webster.
Cltlwns County Ticket.
Tor County Treasurer,
H. S. WOODRUFF, of Five Point.
For County Clork,
M. J. BLEWETT, of Moutroae.
For Coosty sheriff,
A. B. DEW, of Warbonnet.
For County Judge,
O. J.GOWEY.of Cook.
For County Superintendent of Public In.
W. II. DAVIS, of Bo en.
For County hu rvcyor,
S. L. ELLIS, of Warbonne..
Tor Couuty Coroner,
J. E. miSSET, ofBowen.
Citizens District Ticket.
lor Commissioner, 1st District,
FRAJ. K. TINKHAM, of Five Pol nt .
To the Bepublicans of Siom Count y.
In view of the fact that the republican
party in convention assembled did not
place any men before the 'people as the
candidates of said party, we denounce
any one attempting to run for any of
fice in Sioux county, in the campaign of
1893, as republicans, as doing so without
authority of the party and should not
receive the support of republicans at the
polls. M. J. O'CO.VNELL,
Chairman Republican Co.
Central Committee.
The Citizens Ticket.
During the. past week the petitions for
the Citizens Ticket have been filed in the
office of the county clerk, The names
of the candidates were put on the peti
tions after having been discussed by
twenty-seven men, representing eight'
precincts and the petitions as filed are
signed by one hundred and twelve of the
electors of Sioux county. That fact
proves conclusively that they are not
tbe candidates of any little ring or
clique who desire to control them in
their official capacity.
Every man on tbe ticket is well
worthy the support of any man. Each
one of them is fully qualified to perform
the duties of the olfice for which he is a
candidate. There is not a man among
them whose record will not bear inspec
tion by all. They are men who are sup
ported the most earnestly by those who
know tbem best.
At the bead of tins ticket appears the
name of
the nominee for county treasurer. He
is a middle aged man, has a family and
bag resided in Five Points precinct for
tbe past four years. Be has resided in
Nebraska for nine years and has been en
gajfed in farming and stock raising. He
lit man of good personal appearance
and is thoroughly qualified for the posi
tion. He has never been a candidate for
office before and consented to enter the
race only at the solicitation of his
friends. He is a quiet, unassuming man
aad those who have known him for
year all vouch for him as a man of
honor and integrity.
Tbe next name on the ticket is
the candidate for county clerk.
Bkiwett is quite well known to the
pie of Sioux county, having resided in
Montrose precinct for tbe past seven
yean. He came here a poor boy and
baa had to work for all he has and bis
sorjilus earning have been used to im
prove bis land. His standing as a man
aad a citiieo is equal to that of any resi-
I of tbe county. He has tbe ability
I education to amply fit bim for the
I of connty clerk and the people
Mf Nat assured that if that important
i is entrusted to bis care every in
to! wo county will dove proper
iMt aUeetioa. No one need ten
ia to vote for him.
Tb third name on tbe ticket is that of
A. B. DEW,
tte eaaeVlets for then ft. To those who
aja fN a,asst via tore at Harrison and to
the people of waafroaaat preoinct, which
k fcte bone, than is no Med lot ne to
MY ft word for they all kaow Bert Dew.
E kft rwtded to Bioax eeunty for more
tta lv years Ml M bad ae much or
em to alm frith tau tte average
ifClliWinf"'- to atUWoa to as
CrJ ej?toft Cd aad crippled
' E ft. MM
,3tibi Urn
tt tbe
exciV-nt, both for hootitl y and ability.
Ge ia not a giant, but he lis nerve
euouh to go wherever the duties of
siK-riff would call h'l i ". 1 not "iu b's
he:..)." He L liad .jiu-.'i business, ex
perience and is in every way ualib4
for the ol'ic of sheriff and tiiere is oo
reason why he should not be earnest ly
Kuplorted at the polls.
On the ticket as candidate for county
judge the name of
of Cook precinct, appears. Mr. Gowey's
home is so far from the county seat that
be seldom gets bre. He and his torte
have resided there for some years and
are engaged in farming and stock-raising.
He is a man of sterling integrity and
good judgment and would perform the
duties of the office of county judge in a
fair, honest, and impartial manner. He
was for years a resident of Seward coun
ty where he enjoyed the conlldeace and
respect of all who knew him. He has
never been an ottice-seeker and is well
deserving of the support of all.
There is no more important position in
the county than that of sujierintendeot
of public instruction and for that cilice
of Bowen precinct is the nomiuee. Mr.
Davis has almost grown up in Sioux
county. He is highly qualified for the
olfice, as he holds a iirst grade certificate
and lias had two years exnenre as
principal of the schools of Harrison. He
has been an active worker in the insti
tutes of the county for years so tliat he
is in touch with the school work of the
county and will be able to handle the
work of tlie office to the best interest of
the taxpayers and the patrons of tbe
schools, and the people of Sioux county
will be advancing their own interests by
electing W. H. Davis.
of Warbonnet precinct, is the nominee
for surveyor. He is a man of good edu
cation and natural ability who ha re
filled in Sioux county for some years.
He will fill the oflice as well as any man
who is not a trained engineer and knows
enough about the business to fill the of
fice to the satisfaction of ail. As a man
bis standing is good and any one who
supports him will have no reason to
regret it.
of Bowen precinct, is the nominee fcr
oroner and as there is no one against
him his election is certain, and all will
find him honest and capable.
The people of the first commissioner
district composed of Antelope, Five
Points, Hat Creek, Montrose and War
bonnet precincts have nominated
of Five Points precinct, as the Citizens
candidate for county commissioner. It
is needless to say a word about him to
those who know him for he stands high
with them. He is a man of honor and
good business ability, who 1ms a mind of
his own and would lie under the control
of no one in his official acts. Any w ho
do not know bim need not hesitate to
vote for bim if they want the affairs of
the county looked after in an lionest and
intelligent manner.
There yo"u have the men who compose
the Citizens ticket. All are good men.
All are honest men. All are roen quali
fied to fill the offices for which they
have been nominated. Look the list
over carefully. Investigate the men
and their records and you will find that
every one of them is worthy of the sup
port of all honest men at tbe polls.
Ringmaster Verity attempts to make
a little capital by naming lot of county
officers, protesting that he cannot control
all of them. Ha will fool no one that
way. The people know what ones obey
the crack of bis whip.
It was reported that a compromise on
the silver question been agreed to and
later that it had fallen through. It is
quite evident that the matter will re
main just where it is until after the
The attempt of Ringma.ter Verity in
the last issue of his ring organ to make
people believed that there is no such
thing as a court house ring managed by
himself is quite amusing. He might
have come nearer to fooling the
people before he had his convention.
The reports from nil over the state in
dicate that the republican state ticket
will be elected by a largely increased
vote. Tbe men on the ticket are all
able, clean and honest. Not one word
has been said against one of them and
many are the words of praise which are
spoken of them. They should receive
tbe full republican vote in Sioux county
on Nevember 7th.
Mr. Verity attempts to make oat that
the "little fool" who runs The Jockral
slandered Judge Barker in stating that
he was a republican, and tries to mix up
business and politic. Tbe treatment ac
corded Judge Barker during the time the
editor of tins paper has resided ia Sioox
county has keen fully as coosisteot and
honorable as bas that given bim by Mr.
Verity, and Barker has never Med moe
ey matters to influence the policy of this
paper, f or months the editor of TBS
Jonas AL advocated that Barber be do
oatad by the repttbticaw aad be was
almost as much snrpriata M wm Ring
master Verity when be came before tbe
lodepeadeat eeaveatioa aad said bs awe
ia fall sympathy wit the priactpwj af
that party. It si twtfif m aftespt by
Vevtt to awM afcO.
Rinemaater Verity's whip wa long
eiHUi.'!i to control tt) couvtotiou and
put up hi ticket, but will it reach Ifie
voters on elec tion day ?
We have felt it in our bones a'l along
tlint -uit dire 4-;!;iniity ouUi overtake
us 1 fre the caaipainn wis over, and
sure enough -t has 1L Grammar Stew
art k stumping the county. What have
tlie people of iawes county doue tliat
tliey siiould be made to suffer in this
manner? Stewart may be laying the
pipes for congress to suoveed Kem, but
even that is a xor and inuflicnt ex
cuse t'hadron Cili& n.
Ringmaster Verity, ho is a very wise
man, annouiiced that tolTee was to run
the meeting whieli decided who hould
be put on the C'itizetis ticket to oppose
tlie ticket put tip by Verity ut his circus.
As Coffee was oot in town on the day
the petitions were gotten up Mr. Verity
put in his pajr tliat Coffee's hired man
was put on for clerk. Mr. Blewett in
formed us on Saturday tliat lie had never
woikexl for Coffee in his life. The near
est he came to doing so being when he
worked for F. W. Bartlett when lie ai
running the 7 box L outfit in Wyoming,
in which Coffee had an interest. Such
a course is all that can be expected on
the part of Riugmaster Verity. If the
"little fool" who runs THE Journal said
any such thing Mr. Verity would call
him a liar.
Tlie pop editor who played the part ot
ringmaster at the convention of the
tiarty which he is running this year, ap
pears to take it very much to heart lie
cause The Journal refers to E. G.
Hough as a bolter because he insists on
going before the people as a petition
candidate for county treasurer under
the title of republican, when tliat party
made no nominations. The card of the
chairman of the republican county cen
tral committee which appears elsewhere
in this issue shows the jiosi'-ion which he
takes oo the point. As Mr. Verity is a
very smart man he would do nothing
without a reason and perlmps by a little
effort the cause of his position may be
found and in order to do that a little
history may help along. In the sum
mer of 1889 E. G. Hough came to Sioux
county and made pre-emption filing
and later in the season his family ar
rived. At the election of 1889 he ran
for county judge and was defeated the
worst of any man on the ticket. About
a year after that he got himself ap
pointed postmaster at Harrison. He
proved up on his claim and before he
had become a legal resident of the vil
lage he got himself appointed as one of
the village trustees. In 18Q1 in order to
have a linger in school matters he set up
the pius and had his wife elected a mem
ber of tbe school board. In 18H2 while
he still was postmaster, he w as a candi
date for tlie legislature but failed to get
the nomination. Mr. Verity, kuowing
Hougti to lie a chronic office-seeker laid
his plans to use him. A little smooth
work by Ringmaster Verity accomplish
ed what he desired and Mr. Hough was a
red-hot candidate for county treasurer
before he was out of the postollice. It
was quite evident at the independent
convention that Judge Barker's action
did not suit Ringmaster Verity and he
only allowed him to be nominated be
cause be did not dare do otlierwise after
having gone as far as he had. It is well
known that Verity and his ring have no
use for Barker. That has been prove o
by the last three village elections and
tlie ring does want some one it can han
dle and everything indicates tliat if
Ringmaster Verity can get matters ar
ranged properly the outfit will desert
Barker and throw its strength to Hough.
That is why the editor of the Indt-peruleni
is standing up for Mr. Hough and when
the return come tbey will prove it.
Most be Taxed.
Tbe following is the report of the opin
ion of tlie supreme court in tlie matter
of the assessment of improvements on
government land before final proof has
been made. It will be remembered tliat
the question came up at the meeting of
the assessoi s in I8S1 and the opinion of
the county attorney was asked. He
said that in his opinion improvements
should be assessed, but the assessors by
vote decided not to list them. County
Attorney Conley then decided to take
tbe question to the supreme court and
have it settled and the following is what
appeared in the Lincoln Journal of
October ltttb: "
Btate ex rel Sioux County vs Tucker.
Error from Sioux county. Reversed
and remanded. Opinion by Commis
sioner Irvine.
Improvements on land held under the
pre-emption, homestead and timber cul
ture taws of the United States, on
which final proof has sot been made, are
subject to taxation against Mm persons
owning such improvement.
2. Ttw leasaboid iatemt of a tenant
of school lands belonging to tbe state is
abject to taxatioa.
S. Sdmol lands sold by the state but
to wh' .h the equitable title of the pur
chaser has aot been completed by full
payment of the purchase money are sub
jsct to taxation to the extent of the pur
ebasar'e iatarsat therein, soxb taterest to
M deteraaiMd by tbt amount paid aad
qvsta la improvMieate a sarb land
Final Proof Sodm.
All persons havinr Una! proof iottc- to
this pjper will ml a marked copy of tbe
paper and are r-que-ted to eiaiimi tl-ir
uur.t and it any error exl-t report t:e
U ti.i onWe ul oil'.e.
.Wir for JlibliratiiiH.
Land ( flice at I'liadron, Neb., (
Oel. Mi,
Kotii i hereby iriren tliat the following
nnti.e.1 .lliet U;u tiled Uollee (rf tl.teu
tion to u ake Dual prot in Mipport uf his
rlaill". and thHt ..,id prutrf will be made ne
fure ui.rad l-indemaii, elerk of tuediotriet
rwurt, at llnrritou, Nvbr., on November
r.Ui, li3, rn:
1 iiin V. amplrlL of Adlle, Kcb..
b. made If E. entrr Ko. 4 for the
north esiM qr., wt. T2. tp. 33 n., r M w.
He luiues 1 lie following wiliip- to
prove liU fuiitiiiiioiix ieideiu Uou and
cultivation id id land, viz:
MU-ba"! J. OVouneil, trunk ij. M,yer.
Robert Hi.rr.Min, Herbert . Woodrnti, all
Ol Adelia, ebr.
Itf 11 1 W. II. M A".S, Register.
Nothf l'utiliratluu.
Land Ofllee nt Children, Neb. I
wp. I'.', li-Kt.
Kotlce in hereby given that the follow ing
nainel teiiler l.n filed notice ol blsinten
tion to make final proof in n.Mirt of lua
claim, and (taut t.nbl pioof will be made !
fore I'ouiad Liiidi ( lerk of the liisiriet
t onrt, nt Harrison, ebraka, on October
fc-i, WSJ, iz.
Edward P. Maine, of IlarrUnn. br.,
who made II. E. So. XVil for thp loU J & I
A e. . , wf. 4, t. SI n., r. M .
lie i.nlne the following wltnesaea to prove
his continuou reideuc upon and cultiva
tion ol aid land, viz:
Iw iuht 11, uriowold. i.rant (iutbrle, John
E. .M:iru Uer, Eggert kohwer, ull of ilarri
hoii, Nebr. alo
Edward P. Maine, nf Harrhtnn. Nebr.,
who made T. ('. E. So. lott tor the lot I, see.
4, t. 31 n., r 56 .
He named the follow ing witnee to prove
hU eoiitinuou rcMdeuce uja,n and eultiva
lion ol wild bind viz :
iiw iKht H. i.ririwold, Eggert liotiwer, John
E. Mai-nieiier, Orant CiUtUrie, nil ot Ilarri
noil, 'llr.
2 7j JieglUT.
Sberltr halo.
fly virtue of an Allan order of wile illrwt
el to nie from the clerk of the UiMrirt
ctiort of fioui '.iiintv,, on a Jmlg
mriil obtained in s;dd court on the third
dav ol AngUNt, l'.tf. In lavor of suritb C.
I. KuMett an dnintilT and against irank
11 n MnmiiH, Mary sinionn, Surah E. IinvU
and li. P. Iiavii a defendant, for the auui
of 1017.4 and coat- laed at fll.9 and nc
cr.iing eo-itn, I have leviivt on the follow ing
real e-tate an the property ol defendant
to Mitixfy Kld order of mile towit: Ixit
numla-r MxU-en ( Hii In Hlia k number i-ix
lij in Uie village of llnrrioii, Sioux Coun
tv, N'ebrika, and will olfer the aame lor
tutle to the liighfHt bidd'-r for caxh tn hand
on the twenly-eight day ol Oelober, 1,
hi two o'clock, i'. ., ill wild day at the
front door ol the Court Hotine of Sioux
Cotinty, Nebra.-ika, that being the build
ing In which the hint term ot the Iintrlcl
ioiiit whs held, at which time and place
due attendance wlil )e given by the un
di-r-igncd. Tuna. KKmr,
ill Hieritf of said County.
LeEid .N'mlce.
To Jolin tiaugentmiiKti and Mrs. (iangen
baugti, bin wile, chr.sMan aaine unknown,
non-reidrnl deiendanlt.
Ion are hereby notified that on the sth
dav of May, bi(i3, E;irnri-.l L. t'repln, pbiin
tiff herein, filed bin petition In the du-trict
court of moux county, ebraka, ng.ttnit
John liaiiKenburgli, ir. angenljaiigh, hl
wife christian naiuc unknoivn, John Ath
lon and Sr. Ahion, hli wil, chriatlan
nanii' unknown, the object and prayer of
which are to loreoU? a certain mortgage
executed by said John liaiigcuhaugh to the
Western rami Mortgage t'ompany njxin
then. e. i ol -tcciion '.1, township n5, S.,
ratig M weft, lie Monx ( ounly, ebraka,
given to aecure a prfimU.ry not lor
i5.oo ol even date therew ith, due five year
from date, with Intercut at 7 per cent per
annum and ten 'T cent afer maturity.
Ibc plaintifT la now the ow ner und bolder
ot aaid note and mortgage and default ha
beep made tn the puymenl thereof and In
the teriiiK and conditions of aaid mortgage,
and there ia now due thereon uui of
.i54.H cents with Intercal ut i'f per cent
from the dint day of May, MCI. Ik
'on are required ti answer a.iid pettWjn
on or bi--iore tiie 7ih day ol November,
lrt-a. Ekskst E. Ri:eiN,
Ily W. W. Woiin, bis .ttorut-y.
Est publication l'., Pd3. j
Order nt Hrai'lnj nil lVIItinu fur Appoint-inf-nt
of Admhiis'tritor.
State or m:hrm!a, tK
At a srsalon of the, County Court, held nt
th Cotntv Court room. In nnd tor sttltl
eounty, icuit-er li, A. II. sj.
Present, M. Marker, County Judge.
In the mutter of the cttc of lio-etta M.
Masin, di-ceawcl.
On reading and filing th? petition of
James T. Mason, Jiraving that nduunlstra
tion ol atd estate may be granted to bim n
OKhcaeu, That November 18. A. I), ixet, at
11 o'clock a. in., is aisigned for bearing said
petilition, when all iiersona lnt-retx-it In
said mall it may appear at a County Court
to le held In and for aid county, nnd allow
cau-xj why the prayer of petitioner
ahould not be granted; and that notice of
the pendeucy of said petition, and the
hearing thereof, be given to all persons
interested tn aald matter by pnblisbing a
JocaSAL, a weekly iiewspufa-r priutisi in
aam couiuy, ior lour ucceMive week.
prior to aald day of hearing.
iK4i,j i a true copy.
i . IiAHtlt, Comity Judge.
NoUce.-Timlier Ctiituie.
I', ft. l.AKb OFFK K, I
auum e, Sa. ( o t. 11, 1
Complaint tm having been filed at thin of
fice by Anise I.. Nicholson against rsurgeas
W. MeClure for failure to comply with law
an to ilmher-cnltiire entry Ko. WHM, dated
Oct. !, IM5, upon tke lots 4 and a. nw.
H -tlon S, tuwnidilp?, range 54, In fjioni
eounty, .Veb., wttb a view to the cancella
tion oi aaid entry ; conteHtant alk'gtng that
said land has bad no tree growing thereon
Kincc bet. ZU Ixt'l, and that claimant baa not
cau-wa to la! cultivated or plauuM to tre,
aeed or cuttings any part thereof aince Oct.
H, m, and aaid defect still eii.t; tbe aald
parties are hereby auuiuioned to appear nt
thixolllee on the II day of lire., leWi, at 10
o'clock, a. in., to resiHind and luruUU teutb
mony concerning said allegid failure.
Testimony of iliieHes will m taken lie
fore John A. t.rcen, notary public, at. his
OlMe at Kovvillc, Neb., I see. 4, ltf'3, at 10
a.m. Jas. II. liAS'sai ,
17U Kecelvtrr.
and ftilcral courts aad V. J. Laud office.
fW Office in Court House,
Oyster Parlors,
Warm Meal at all Hours. Oyster
nerved ia any style. Give me a emit.
1 door north of the Jiromal offloe.
i. R PHINNEY, M. J).
Pbysldaa nnd Harreon,
All sail t iven prompt ittentloa.
usee ia Iruv etore.
Lumber, Coal and
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Agents for the
Buckeye, Dee ring
Walter A. Wood
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Estate Agents,
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring
estate should not fail to
call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, etc.
Turner sells Prints
and Gingham's at
Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and
Wall Paper.
Undertaking goods 0 embalming.
Farm Implements,
to buy or sell real
C. Reed,
Cra7f ord, Hob.