Dvnog lb ttun of Mary named George Camp ball eaUred lVJta burgh oasts for tbe purpose of steel ing tba queen' crown. Io his effort, eeys Iba 8 an Franotaoo Call, La waa partially successful, in tbat Us did as eura nioa larga and valuable diamoed from tba eruwn Bed mad bia ssoap from tba country, la order to raatort tbaaa precious stones a tai, against which a very general outer aaa raiaad, waa laid on tba people. They char acterized tba tax tha curaa of Scotland. Another and parhapa atill battar rea son grew out of battla of Cullodao, by which tba bopaa of tba Stuarts war cruehed, and waa ao called a natioaal curaa. Tha duka of Cumberland waa a great card player, and always bad about him a deck of card. When be bad won tba battle of Culloden be drew from bia pocket a oard, and ea ita back ba wrote a diabatcb declariag the fall of tha bouaa of Stuart and bia great victory. Tbe card happened to be the oiae of diamonds. Still another reason. Tbe infamoue massacre of Glenooe waa tbe work of tbe eldeet son of the earl of Stair, who signed lr order for Its consummation, and was at that time secretary of stats. Tba family coat of arms waa a abield on which wai tbe nine spot of diamond. tbe people called that coat of arm which bore tbe di amend spot tb 'curse of Scotland." The Mountain of ffortuteee. Mount Kineo, which rises precipl i Duel 7 TOO feet out of Moseebesd lake, o Maine, la wholly corapueed of horn, atone, and is the larieet mass of that ininsral io tba kjown world. There is no true flint in tba United States, but hornstooe ao closely resembles it that it takes an expert to tell the dif ference. This rotk supplied arrowheads to Indiana hundreds and thousands of miles away. The discovery i f these arrow-heads in tha Miesisaippi valley baa led to the belief tbat a system of commercial exchange must have es jsiad among the red men la former nen tunee. According to an Indian tradi tion tbe taouotalos are the body of s n oDster moose tbat was slain by a giant. A British farmer on board a steamer, luffsred a goed deal from tbe rolling, laid to a fneod: "This capt'n don't ua derstand bis business. Why don't be keep in tbe furrowet Argonaut. a mimvz tz::i are llcateaed when she turns to the right medidae. Tbe cbroais weeSsMSsss, daUsata drraagementa, nod paiaful disorders that afflict bar eei. are eared be Or. Fisreee Favorite frearrtottoa. Ia beerisf -down seiuatUme, pertouseaJ pains, aJosswOM. b flammsUon, and every kindred ailiueat it's a positive remedy. DB. E. v. risaca, Buffalo. W. T.i Dear Mr Please sseest mf thanks for the eood your snadtctnes save ooae for ms. I truly believe toe Favorite nassilpBoa" saved my are : Klsasuie Kd eertaM sure. I an) via perfect aealtai 1 en eteut and cma flta sll rnr howsework. Iverr lavalld Isdy "U"',, t'svortUFraealBtlonsnd Golden Mediae! Dteoovery. Vours, BOZZII FUOATE. PIERCE Jr. CURE OK ONET KKTTJRMKD. ely'8 cat CREAM BALM Cleans the Nasal Paeeages, Allay a Pain and ! inflammation. Heals tbe Horee. Keetorre the Aenace of Taste and Hmell. TRY THE CUBE. liViiH A particle la applies Into eeota aoetrti end if Kl.T BKOTTrSll. 6t WurrwHli.. ew Voit. Your Strength AND YOUR RUNDOWN SYSTEM BUILT UP AND REORGANIZED. A few bottles of S. S. Renewed will do It. If J"0 m.iIIjmI with oettl 4, Ian (eld feelta-, "d V" . Jm" blond a rlffht, awl needs purifying. f- Wi thoroughly clear awar sll ha- I I purities sud Impart new vior and mm fllejotbe whole syeUm. ,' "leave need" your medicine ofteo for tbeij sleet ream, en.l feel ess In aTln tbsl It Is Iks Bt ceaeral health raetorer tn ihe world r. H. OIS.)!, Bateevlll. Ajfc. Ow Tmllll oe Sl u4 kSm 4tuMn MilS Ami Stiff affOnC CIIMIiy. Wssta.es. tklsfiess Mssklsaiaeassi WATERPROOF COAT KXSri? lu Ik WerM I TKee. a. rnwn, rtktMN. MASS. m iieiMstTwnwAse.aiMPeiiB Cswswsiplless sad asos)s ebe have weak less s or Asth ma. shesM ass nss'sOarefcr CeseaeMsa. It has sired IL is ni f fthsseetlaJar- sdses. itaiBoteea ww l Is lis best ssasi srrae. totd ertfrebere. Me. . 1 ARmM DOMESTIC ECONOMY. TOPICS OF INTERtST TO FARMEU AND HOUSEWIFE. Twe Wave or Wborhlac I era-The fere ef ABfBes Velue of Repalattaa Ivs Farmer BeltlaK itllng-t-Bei for Welllns Hay, artllnj l'att(. Id settinir ifrarje, currant, or other cuttings in the oen ground :i trench is often plowed or dug, the :ut i inH placed in position, and the caitli thrown back. Many make Ui gnund as meilow as xssihle, and wuli a pointed tlck it sharjienc-d in.u mii make a bole of the proper depth and Inclination, and insert th cutliiic Tbe operation can I urvdty expe dited and heaK-ned, say the Ameri can Auriculturisi. I.y tin! liana ed too'- dibble shown ia the Illustration, FIU 1. roar UIUBLP. no. 2. OriDINO BOA MX Flit. 1. A blacksmith can make one from an old fork. OUinirs are usually placed about fuiur inches apart In the row. Hence, have a three lined fork made with st aipht tines four Inches apart, live inches n length, thre.i eichths of an Inch in diameter and pointed at. the cruls. The oicrator walks by 1he tilde of a line or mark and forces the fork into the ground, tour inches, apart, at any Inclination desired. fl the ground be hard the foot is used to press the fork down. a uniform depth can bo secured by runoini; ! lie t .nes through a light strip of wood slvwn in tin 2. After the cuttings ;ke In place, the dibble should be aga u jircs.scd into the earth w. thin two turtles of tbe cuttings, and movx-d hllghtly tx press the earth firmly against tbe cutting at the bottom. Test tlii by trying to pull out the cus.ling. Walk ing along both sides of i Jie row tills all interstices, and growth Is assured as far as proper setting is concerned. HIiik kliii; I orn. There are various ways of buJdtng a shock, says C V. Curtis in l.ural Life, but we have settted , down to one of two ways, depending upon the corn and other conditions, viz.: The solid shock or standing sck built close around n jack. The former Is made by placing the llrst artnful Mat on tbe ground, the next ac'ovi it at right angles, and followed by Idling in tbe other .ingles and building up solid from the ground, keeping as much of the fodder corn from coming In conta' t with the gnrfind as possi ble. The Jack used in the second metnod Is made froai a -x ' scantling fourteen feet lonir. with two legs supporting one end about four feet from the gr-umri: ihnot.hr on the ground, and about end reslS ' three and I one-half feet from the upper end p it a four-inch fence board seven feet long through n mortised hole in the scantling, it the Intersection of the board and the scstutiing be In the center of the shock, and make a good big solid one and bind it tight at the top. When the kIiock is ' finished re move the Jack by sliding the board out first, and you will then have a laige, well-built shock psttially quar tered, permitting the access of sulll clcnt air to prevent the fodoer from spoiling, even If quite ijrecn. I had stiiiie fears when I began to use this nieth' d that the jack would leave the shock too open and cause It to bleach and take does not. Corn may. iMti tnit It. be put up In this uiani er as green as it ever need be cut If not wet wlthdcw and It will come out In perfect condition. The. method is not so satisfactory if the crop Is somewhat green, and It has the further disadvantage of benu more subject to the ravages of Held mice, but it be.tts the old plan of ty ing tbe tops of four hills together for a foundation. ttrr ot Aipl. There is no question about the im portance of so far as possible prevent ing the bruising ot the fruit. From what has been said In strong terms concerning the barrier of a tough sklu which nature has placed upon tbe apples it goes without saying that this defense should not be ruthlessly broken down. It may bo safely as sumed that germs of decay arc lurk ing almosteverywbere, ready to come Id contact with any substances. A bruise or cut in the skin is therefore even worse than a rough place caused by a scab fungus as a lodgment pro Tided by the minute spores of various aorta. If the juice exudes, it at once furnishes the cholscst of conditions for molds to grow. An apple bruised la a fruit for the decay of which uea ui which . terms arespnrlalay Invited, and when sucb a specimen Is placed In tbo Idst of other fruit, it soon becomes a point of Infection for Its neighbors on all sides. Seldom Is a fully rotten apple found In a bin without several others near by It being more or less affected. A rotten apple is not it brother's keeper. Tbe surrounding eondltlons favor nr retard the growth of the decay fungi. If the tempera tarots near freezing, they are com paratively Inactive, but when the room la warm and moist the fruit eanoot be expected to keep welL Oold storage naturally checks the de ejay. Tbe Ideal apple bas no fungous defacements and no bruises If It could be placed Id a dry, cool room, baa from fuugooa farms, It ought to P keep IndeflBlUlr ouill change ruins It as an NriMe of food. Valae ef a Btepeiatloa. ! Have yon ever ober ed that bodM farmers can act a lf ter price) for exactly the same grade of cattle than can be obtained by other men? There is nothing uiysUrii.m al.nut it It ' Is simply Ik'c:iiisc they bare a reputa ! Hon tor that kind. This is a princi ple ut profit In cat tli. growing too much over cikel. Jet a reputation. : for hav!iir sup -nor f tock all tbe time, a -id ton will always get the top price, or a In i: more, m cause there will i l Mime one on the watch to buy your cattle M iicii they come on tbe market ' 'c the I est class of Hires even if you have o ly (,'rade cows, and it Will help not only the actual quality of : wiur pm! net, but your reputation as 1 well. A pure brcil Mill of a high ; record dairy family you well know J will stamp t qii ility on your dairy j lier.l. a id the merits of your cows ! will Lecoinu so wi ll known that too i w 11 le able to procure fancy prices. The same thing holds nood, only per haps not to fo pronounced an extent in breeding beef cattle for market i'hiiadelphia Inquirer. Hoi for Wrttlnc liar. The illustration represent a box used for wetting bay. To use, crowd a feed of hay Into tbe box, set an empty pail under the open gate awl pour the water over the nay from an other pall. If one pouring does not Bi KOB WKTTTWO HAT. wet suilicicnlly, reverse pails and jour again, ( round grain may then in mixed with the wet hay, If one wishes, although 1 prefer to sprinkle it on aft"r putting the hay Into the ina:ii!cr with a fo k. If one has suf i cifiit, rui tu. the box may be made hiiir ciiouuh to wet hay for two or more lior.o-. For convenience, it should stand in front ot the manger. Til i I otto :i of the box slope about an inch to tbe foot In length. In wet ting hay this way. all surplus water quickly drains out and the hay doe not need to l-c cut J t requires na shoveling over, or mixing over ia order to get it all wet Hrdisf for Hlis'lr llaeee. It is often desirable to have hedge alonu lines where trees are already growing. K ergreens are wholly un fitted for the e situations; only de ciduous shrubs cm be employed. Among the tsst of these are the varioiu varieties of I'rivel. They ftand dry ground belter than almost 1 anything elsa It is not so much the shade which injures the hedges In these situations as it is the drying of tbe ground by the roots of the treea When we imagine the enormous amount ot moi-ture transpiring from mousanas 01 leaves 01 irees, vemu readily see how dry the ground must Tie which has to supply mis moisture. Hut those who have practical expert- ence un erstand this without a th ught of the philosophy involved. Medians' Monthly. Kruotoit (iraes Innutritions. So soon as hard frosts come, every thing dependent on pasture requires extra feeding. The elTect of frost Is to expand and burst the vegetable cell that contains sweet and nutritious Juices and el; her dry them up or blacken and tot them. This with cows affects the quality as well as the amount of milk, making the cream harder to churn, as it contains a greater prowrwoii 01 nun; buy casclne and less butter fats. I e a Fmldrr Cutler. The fodder cutter is one of the most useful and important imple ments on the farm. It is not used as much as It shoul I be, for it de man s hard work if there Is no power t I e obtained, but It will enable tbe fanner to use a large amount of coarse food that Is usually wasted. Ihcfo dor cutter should be kept In constant use during the winter. llrlrf Uinta. Tiik funics of a brimstone match will remove berry stains from tbe lingers Tar stains are removed by apply ing oil, and then removing tbe oil with benzine. Moist hands are frequently relieved by bath I uk them in lukewarm water containing a teaspoonful of borax or ammonia ly a shelf in the closet Is infected with red ants, carpet It with flannel and t ie tiny insects will not attempt to invade that limited precinct. A si-oMiK large enough to expand and fill the chimney after baring been squeezed In, tied to a slender (tick, ,-,k. .kin. ik kink i.. . , i,i.. 8 In' some ot the tuu in bluing has been discovered that certain), properties in poor bluing, com bin I ng with qualities of certain soaps, will produre an Iron rust or stain In ths- clothing. To dhaw linen thread for hem- stltchiug take a lather brush andsoap f an I lather well tha parts where th ' threads arc to be drawn. Let UM linen dry, and the threads will come out easily, even In tbe finest linen. Oct rid of moths by drowning then. In benzine. You can soaa the most . delicate silk with betirJne and oat In lure it. A 1 wave ha saraful. kom ver. to avoid a Sra of any kia4wBW nslaa bsotloa. Hillions of Housekeepers A RE daily test ing; Royal Bak ing Powder by that most infal libleofall tests, the test of practical use. They find it goes further, makes lighter, sweeter, oner-flavored, purer and more wholesome food than any other, and is al ways uniform in its wrk. Its great qualities, thus proven, are the cause of its wonderful popularity, ita sale being greater than that of all other cream of tartar baking powders combined. A BeUstleas aiaa relator. ThedowB of AUIebore is in a state of exottament relative to the action of aoese crai-k who ia painting on the (aea,aud onraetonse of the street isahancss which Uatl to sUrtle thr aervews, saas tbe Boston Herald. North Mate street the etreete on the boulevard bee been decor a tee! wilk auoh quaatians "Are you ready for the bride- f "Do yeu want to flee from (he wrath to oomef "Are you ready for JesasT" ' Now repent, fear Ood, These sentences are done in black paint and the letter are two or more Inoaea in length. Tbe owners of the feacee wkiee hsve been ao decorated entered a complaint to the town au tboritie. Tbe selectmen voted to m- ploy an officer to ferret out the painter and bring him before the court. Oa the other hand, some ot the ohuroh people say that tbe one who paints tbe religiaus warning on the fences has as raueh right to do so as the patent medicine men have to ad' vertlee in a similar manner tbeir pills and bitters. One of tbe olothing bosses in Boston bad stenciled on fence n town: "Do you wear paste? sad following this the religious painter had pat the words: You had patter re pent." The human it item needs continuous and oereful atteatlea to rid itself of its im purities. Bescbam's Fills set uks magic 26cts. a box. ,3 In the closing of tbe world's shooting ; tournament at Watson's park Chicago, I the Boston gun olub defeated the club if Columbus, O., by a score of 224 to .319 outof a possible 500. 0 t ruww Mr nri 'tv,l-.,. t Proprs. of Hall's Catarrh Care, offer $100 Tewsrdtler anv case ot Catarrh tbat cti not be cured bv taking Hall's Catarrh Curs. Bend for testimonials free. Mold by ilruggtsti, 75c. . At (Jrown Point, Ind., Judge Lang- ataMSt firat refused to hear attorney in sb Hoby osse, but later oonsanted. After hearing arguoisnts, however, he mfassd to make a deoMon. He did not imutk taat then waa any necessity far a eceirer for tb Columbian athletic ilnk. ST. JACOBS OIL SPA A INS, DHUISES, An aasarsaeessl variety f ct special lateresaaa value far The Werlc rise j V I "A' ur 'eVewUyleesr fit- nek a WAt Tha Qirlhood of Queen Victoria. By one who knew her well, Bova who ourht not to go to Ceilef. Ad important subject. Some Rsmarkable Boys Tbe Boybood of the Russian Emperor. How the Cm was Trained. Serial Stories. f 7 Vint Serial Stories fill be given The Deserter. t By The 5My Sahib. S Sara ;'t1bs Wawsi Sprites, si By ' Hersa ssnl I. By . Dowsi tsa Qrand Canon. Oonhle Holiday numbers Sweet Charity', Is I ' m IN ; 11 ! 8 r at I 9 . 1 I fk Eaglisk'Bearrow. The idglieh sparrow baa two uus iiods, io fact,' as far as heard from. Owe is to eat up the beetle peiU Jhat re destroying by wholesale the (pUo lid pine, spruce and hemlock forests of 'be Allegheny mountains, particularly in Writ Virginia and Maryland. It is laid tbat they have already aaved maay bouaand dollars' worth of pine timber. Tie well. We can spare a million English sparrows for tbe pine forest ret too. Uil ibem be boxed ana sent to the AUegheaiee at once to begin war n -he pioe beetle. People ia other parte of tbe country are ao gererou hat tbey would not think of charging anything for their aparrowa, but woui let tbe pios fvreat inhabitants Imv uem as a gift and welsome. Trie. .here ia tbe other mission of tbe wretch iltle dirty-coated bird. It is to b boiled and eated on toast A govern ment otoithologist reported some tim. since tbat tbe English sparrow vw really very palatable. Tbe flash it espeoially tendei and appetizing in tl.i fall, after tbe creature bas gorged itsei on the farmer's grain crop. The "Ear or Dtoujsliu." A cunningly constructed prison caver. consisting of a large chamber aouuecteo with one of smaller dimensions, situatei ear Si racuae, Italy, has gone into leg endary history with tbe title of tbe "E n if Dioaysius." Tne smaller chamoe aa unknown to tue prisoner kept it this underground dungeon, ani tit yrant by wboee name it was know .tad a babit of secreting himself then .0 listen to the conversation of the cor, viots, who were mostly political offen ders. An ingenious device consiructec t tbe smeltr rend ot the larger chamb-i ransmilted the sounds through tb partition, thus enabling the suspiciou ruler to bear even tbe whispered cot- ersations of his suspects. THAT jorroi. FIELIHO With the exhilarating frw of renew licslth and strength and internal cleanli ness, which follow 1 he um of Syrnp Fiefi. if unknown to the lew who hsve progressed heyon 1 the old time, medicine and the chesp Hiibctiiufes sometime; oflered hnl never accented by the well in tonued. A dispatch from Huron, S. V., my Word baa been received from Desmet 1 h. .ff-t th it. i.hers is ereat indignati. n because of Thonatson reprieve an rlencrar of lvnohing. Aa imaiini-e crowd is gathering and the exoiiemei t is high. In the "Louisiana marshes," on Lde Borgue, all the houses o( tbe fishern were wreched and the occupants nie notaocjuoted for. Supplies are flov- Ino-inandthe needy are being eartd for. HunJreds of dead bidiee to be seen floating on th shore. Hood'sCures "nave sunerea aeren teea yean wtth itosuch trouble! brought on li loverheatins the blocxl end then drlnklsg cold water. I became rent lew at nlgnt ana 11))' food distressed me. 1 grew worse and doctor declared my esse In curable. Iledlcinec tailed to help me until upon recommendation I toek Hood's Saraapartlla. Mf heart trouble has subsided and I am free trem palu. ) can now eat heartily without dlatroM, thanks to Hood's SarsapariHa The past year I have been able to work, some thing I had not been able to do for two yeart previous. I gladly recommend Hood's Sarsa pariHa.", A. P. Cooi.it, Franklin Falls, N. H. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's SarsapariHa. oeel'e Fills cure nsuses, slek hsadaobe, indigestion, bUliouenees. Sold by all druggists. RHCUMATIOM, Men PAIN. SCIATICA, LUMOACO. SWELLINGS. BURNS. rarity of Snttriwining tmd JrutrutvM Article will be pebliibed la the 61th volnm every sssaibtr of th family every week. Full Important Articles. nava the seat. Bv the Sunt, of the Csnsut. of the Boys' Brigade. By during 1894. Harold Frederic. Jeannette Duncaa. C. A. Stephens. Myren B. Qibson. By A. Ellbrac. at Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's aad $175 to Jan. 1, 1895. Twla beautiful Cslored Ftetare, "Sweet Charity," asast be sees te lie appreciates. Its richaess ef eelertac eesa aaaes lassaat attantto. Ita saajest Is a yeas tear of eelealsl Manes. There la net a kease tke the Bieiere wfll et rseeaeat. Slse ltl hashes. It win he sen safety to all BMW sahsetsbers te The Teeth's Cesaeaelsa whe Will eat est this slip aad seas. It with Ol.TS fee s year's eeh ssarlirMesi. aad la addluoa the Baser will he teat jTtee te Jaa. 1, l a, aad for a I all year fresa tha sate I Jes. MOs. THB YOUTH'O OOMSASMOtl, Syrup William McKkan, UragtutK Blooming; dale, Mich. ' ' I have bad tbe Asthma badly ever since Xcaaei out of tbe army and though I bare? been in tbe drug business for fifteettj years, and nave tried neany every-j thing on the market, nothing ha1 given me the slightest relief until a few months ago, when I used Bo- ichee s German bynip. I am now ?lad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. 1 am greatly reliev ed during tbe day and at night go to sleep without tbe least trouble." 0) TuSfcogStio to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a cold and a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed "Con sumption from neglect." Scott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but it if re markably successful where the ough has become deep seated. Scott's Emulsion is thi richest of fat-foods yd the easiest fat-food to take. It arrests waste and builds up healthy Jlesh. rrepril t.rSntt k Bn. W. V. AM drosstie" 1 evsyvVef Sheridan County, Wyorainooniy recently opened up for settlement hy the completion of an extension of the rwrungton tuui road), offers greater and more profitable opportun ities to farmers, business The men, investors and prospectors than any other section of the United .States. Finest agncnltural and stock-raising region under the sun. 270,OuOacreof lnagniHcentlrrigated land, fertile as the valley of the Nile. A million acres and more till Mm sain P vacant, waiting IIKVIjI the com ing of the husband man. Brisk, rapidly-growing towns. Rich mineral fields less than a hun dred miles from the county seat. Perfect climate, pure water, cheap fuel coal and wood. Send for free descriptive pamphlet; thirty- two pages with illus trations and map. Northwest J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebraska. seewvsvvvev. NO HATCHET HEEOEI TO OPEN THIS CAN. for H06 CHOLERA thii LYE Is a surs cure It seed la time. For making Soap, Cleaning Houses, Snftentai Water, It bae no equal. The house wife's best friend. A vala sMr waeBlae reelpe la eacb bid. For sale br all Grocers. Itwlllsarpriseroe EilEITii IBiS&tjlBXft Bxamlsatlon and Adrlre ee to PetenUMlltr at In TfDtlon. Send for InTenlors'Oulile, or How toQet a Patent. Patbmk OTiuaEU, WeshlngtiA. I. 0. fit tniMH-jrine traot of timber land, well looav I ed ; etuellent fanning laud; ae iacumbrance; will eiekanf e tor territory tn (ood salable patent. A4 eress ixosuices. ? Waaa. St, IniiiaapoUs, lal. . 2f. V. No. aS4-S. York. Meb. WBtTara to i to auraumsaaa eaw the eSTei llieaaeaa ease ear vee KHt e ae lew a srfee.' ef Tai CourAxiox SeaeMiiac Illustrated Announcements Frss. Robert P. Porter. Lady Jeun. By Prof. Stanley Hall. Prof. Menry Drummond. Isabel F. napgood. m Adventure Stories in great variety aad over 100 Short Stories. Out ef the Jaws of Death. Henry M. Stanley. My Clossst Call. By Archibald Forbesj Three Romances of the Sea. Ctaric Russell. Sailing tha NsjbsIsm. By Stlnson Jarvls. My Narnrwest Escape. Edward Whymper. Easter, Free te eacb subscriber. The Gift ot The Year.