The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 26, 1893, Image 2

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    tt tin turn
l J. nmmmn. ruiiuin
Corsrallswa Workman Crashed
Msagled at Eldsn.
BrWff Kh la Hs
i Pufmw ChUm-U(w
f the Aenadt-at ,
, Ottumwa, In., Oct. tl There wm
a awful accident at Eldou yesterday
haotnhig, by which oue insn lost ba
. (Mr were fatally hurt and six sert-
aas lajured. Tb accident occurred on
a bow bridge in course of constructloa
M Des Moinea river at thai
, nr which lair William & Co
of this city are contractor!.
- sveuaen men were engaged takiaf
awn the third span of the old bridge;
mom puwmg m laite work when It wi
la aa. .
wb. ca rhompson of Booth
Ottoman was killed outright; John
ration had his skull fractured and rt.
wived bad icaJp wounds and will pro
aahly die; Mike Murphy wai crushed
through the breast and internally is
irae man cannot live; James Coutsfl
raw also badly injured. Fallon anal
if urphy were both of South Otturowa
(William Burke Kideu was UrnbM
naked and a bolt waa imbedded deep
la ha tab, and his recovery la dewbtJ
fOl Cit Nichols. Frank IWI --
Womlj wounded. The rest of thai
bar received slight injuries.
Tha structure on which trior win
Hag was part of the old bride, audi
pronounced unsafe befsra thai
ark on the new bridge was begun.
(Thompson waa married aad leaves a
rife and four children. Fallea aad
jouans are married and hare large!
bailies depending upon them. Aai
toon as the information was received!
era, paysteians were immediately die
aatohsd to the seme, and together wKh
m Meal physicians of Eidon. are do.
lag aU possible to alleviate the suffer J
ags er uie victims.
Hawallaa Nti.
Honolulu, Oct. 20.-Rumors ofj
seiitieal plots by the royalists to J
Kora the queen have been preraleotj
bat nothing definite has developed.
It is stated that the object of Robert!
Uuis Stevenson's visf here is to study
Jans regarding Samoa. The Germans!
ehiaataaed to send him out of Samoa
' the islands were annexed by
Uoraany and Stevenson is trying toi
prevent Oeraan annexation to save'
is) Saaean estate.
rreeiueni Adie returned yesterday,
saraooo, but it is boubtful if he as-j
a office at once, as his health Is
A A . 1 . '
pw ye gaoQ enougn.
The subsidy of $1,253 due the!
Oceanic Steamship company has not,1
bean paid for several months, and it
ill not be paid in the future unlaw
ardered by a vote of the council itisj
bettered here thatbpreckels has formed
a alliance with the Pacific Mail where
by the latter company will aot compete!
far Beaolulu business. The Pacific;
Malthas raised its passenger rates t
aa Oraneisco 25 per cent over
Baiaofca' rates. It is tailored this!
eesabinaUou is the reason for the mar J
it's determination to dv no
i subsidy to the Soreekeia Una
The financial condition of the gov-'
annasot is very satisfactory.
ran r 8aeriB(.
Qvntcat, OkL, Oct. 20-Every town J
tathe territory is filling up with people
Iwoa the Cherokee strips who come in I
old aad without a cent oli
f. They are all willing to worki
tha oorwd is so great there is nej
sar them and those who alii
(watt for
tag are suffering from hunger .
am rerry.ueear Kostler of Comabi
aeariy dead frea hi
and was sent to h
while aaahar of other
- - eew pewaneee are Doing)
tar wf charitable tastitutiooa-
vary aay brings news of the
of oaaar aoreaf the unfortunate
tH,aa4 the sofartag asaeng the
ftavlrflsBt people whoraebed lata
Urtp with ae money aad na aeai
asaitJagallTelihood will be terrible this)
, Pakis, Oct. 20, An enormous uuva-i
mt9t tslsgrsas of eondoienee hasi
fasalTad by tha family of field
MasMahaa, who died vsnsM
sU. Lsslndsd in tha number are mos-i
Praatdeot Caraot, Cardinal1
M Oeaaral Loizilleu. aiatel
ef war, who tslegrschs an kahaM
Hassff aad tha fraash arav. Tha
(aaataj asrvlsss wUl be
ft aasa Eatewaay at the Moat
t Voeal officials u
rrjtaabody. Tha raaains wilt
2satmStSf fea Mat to parte anet
p-ari tsaiialryla Us vault off
..e .."a aterah. A saUU fun.
r-JtlkaUJ tovaras tha aad c
. CrrCd a-Tiktrjsa of tka
i T7i nwg wtiaa cH
a g- - spSaaaa t aa I J
,a J...w 7sVia sseiaa1sfV mZ
;r )t.Ztamiz?za to ka
7t: j en
y c o
A rm Lag for Cre,
DcNrKR, (.let. SL The News pub
UMbes a eetisational story to the effect
that Dr. T. Thatcbw Uravsa, the fam
ous prisoner wiio was supposed to have
rommitttd suicide in jail is not dead.
It is maintained that a pine log occu
pied the eothu instead of bis body.
The story is given on the authority of
Charles X. Chandler, a wealthy citizen
3f Thompson Centre, Conn., Dr.
Graves' Old home and eliom tha Ivwi
was supp-ioed to have bren buried, i
Dhandlar and a fulln t.nin 1
taphen Morse, are now hre. Tbey
ledare the coffin was open at the grave
gainst the protest of the widow, and
found to contain a pine log, and thtt
he supposed dead doctor is now enjoy
ng nis freedom m a foreign country.
& rumor has been current here for
tome time that the body carried from
rCe county jail was really wax, and
.hat the parties to deception are tome
jigh officials of a secret organization
aui rumor is strengthened by the re
fusal to allow the remains to be viewed,
;xceptby the most intimate friends
ind by the further fact that the widow
efused to allow the remains to be em
The story is laughed at by Messrs
(Valley & Koliins, the undertakers
nis city. Tbey say that tiie remains
ere tint placed in a zinc casket.
Thich was made air tight. Then
lnc box was placed outside and the
over soldered down. The casket was
accompanied by Mrs. Graves herself,
uo unuouuieciiy saw that no oppor
tunity wss affored to tamper with it
jineetben Mrs. Graves has written
fi them, thanking them for the man
tar in which the whole affair was con
lucted. The story, they say, is simply
mother one of tne wild tales that have
rom first to last characterized the
TkmlcDid by Rag-malar.
JruxTON, Oct. 2 L Cotton planters
ire receiving notices from regulators
o cease operations at their gins till
he staple sells for 10 cents per pound,
ncendiarism is threatened if the
be notices are disregarded. The fol
owing sample was posted last night:
"To Whom It May Concern: You
tre hereby notified to immediatelv
top operations at this gin until cotton
as reacneu me price ot Hi cents per
tound in the different markets of toe
auntry. Failing to comply with this
equest, we will assume no responsi-
lility for what may transpire in con
lection with the gin house and its con
ents. Regulators."
W. C. T. V. aad tha trmrmrn.
Chicago, Oct. 21. The report of
Urs. Matilda B. Carse on the financial
tatus of the woman's temple was the
opic of interest at the W. C. T. U;
convention yesrerday. It was finatty!
idopted unanimously, with slight
iterations. The discussion develoned
nucb heat and unquestionable signs of
lostility to the temple scheme by many
imminent delegates. Many questions
vere asked but all were apparently,
atia&ed in the end. Memorial ser
rices and miscellaneous addresses oc
:upitd the remainder of the session.
In the good roads congress addresses
were made by Charles I'. Chase of
Tlinten, la., and William Fortune of
Indianapolis, advocating alterations in
:he methods of taxation to raise funds
ay which roads could be kept in better
The general session of the agricul
tural congress was opened in the after
noon with the reading of a paper on
'The Market End of the Farmer's
i ear." by S. M. Owen of the Minnesota
Farm Stock and Home. He was fol
owed by F. M. I'almer of Illinois, with
t paper oo "The Utopia of a National
farmers' Union, and Its True Purpose."
Dther papers were read, among which
was one by B. F. Pratt of Nebraska, on
"Farm Work and Social Culture in
Harmony Promotes Good Citizenship."
CMMvee lasprera iha Oeeartaalty.
Chicago, Oct. 2!. The school cbil
Iren overran the filr grounds again,
rbeir numbers were Increased by addi
tions from the neighboring cities and
by two trainloads of newsboys and
bootblacks from the city. At noon tha
sbUdran rang tha liberty bell in honor
of the anniversary of the surrender of
Lord Cornwallia, giving a grand signal
of stokes, and for each state
and territory and one of welcome to
the Hawaiian islands.
It seemed that, after a walk through
be principal hotels, as if every other
man now in the city is from New York
prepared to celebrate Manhattan day
Saturday, everybody is taking abou
that day and it is expected to be second
only to Chicago day Itself. All Um
railroads report that tbey an breaking
tha record for excursions between this
and Gotham. Mayor Gilroy of New
York, Richard Croker, Tammany'i
i i let tan. Chaunosy M. Depew,
Mayor Grace, Joseph J. O'Donohos
and many other prominent Haw
Yorkers are already here aad more art
Chairman McDowell, of the Oolunv
bian liberty bell comaittee, is actively
engaged la and endeavor to have th
new liberty and peace bell take a pro
minent part in tha celebration in
Jerusalem at tha opening of tha
Twentieth osntary.
Clat raaJaaoa' far
Awnoroua, MA, Oct. Si. Tha court
aartial now In session at tha mm
aeaasay has found verdlete ia taras at
Qm oaas of basing aadr traL, Calsw
Dattl r. Bayd, Jr WiUiaa Jsn sat
WlrC. Leahy were foaad gsCty a
aUTi sad recoaaeaoel tat O
sj'" Tha aupa laCiiaJjiJt aastakaag
Kezltxthamto mm aoaCa's i
f :aat bawd ta rsalas aad
lJLzzj,mi Um Utitt to ft
Corn buskers are finding plasty of
tort in Dakota cw.oit.
The Racket store of W. E. Ay res at
DeWitt has been closed by credlters.
The little daughter of Ageat Davie
of Oedar Bluffs, died from enlarge
af the heart
f lit store of Thomas L. Cornell ol
Violet was burned to the ground, eausJ
ing a loss of !.
A hopeful exchauge thinks that
times will soon be so good that tramps
will ride horseback.
The railroad shopman at Grand
Island are now getting eight instead of
seven hours work a day.
Kev. David C. 1'attel of Aspen, Colo.,
has been called to the rectorship of
Trinity church, Cdr ilaplds.
Burglars blew open the safe of Spar
lings drug store at Belvidere and s
cured 846. They used dynamite.
(i.C. Miller of Furnas county has
found broom corn a profitable crop,
lie lately shipped a car load to Chicago.
F H. Agnew of Arapahoe, bluffed a
brace of would-be-hold ups by pulling
( bis coat and daring tbem to coma
II. Mallory of Pierce beheaded a
h r acre of beets in three hours and
fit minutes And ciaiau the champion
h. p.
Charles Brown of ITilsenviUe haa
fni eu heir to go.000 as his share of tbo
estate of a deceased brother in Paaa
Fire in the Burlington hotel
Wymore, was extinguished by volua
teer firemen after it had done WOO
worth of damage.
The Norfolk Beet Sugar company isj
ready to contract with farmers for tb
acreage for next year at so a ton for
beets showing 12'' per cent saccharine
Some sinner in Antelope precinct
Dawes county, set Ore to the granary ofj
. 1 V . . J i . A ...K tJ
O. Li. mOO re, UU ll waa uauJi "-
eether with over I6C4usheU of wheat!
nd some farm tools.
The one day fair at Fullerton
catch a crowd from all parte ef the
tute, on account of the oppsrtoalty
i or seeing so mauy famous horses troll
md pace against time.
And now eames Logan county with-
seen men whose combined weight is
l,o70 or 224 pounds each, aggregating
for the seven almost a hundred peunda
m re man a ion oi coai.
Whila Ram fVtla of Fairmoat was aU
ending church, leaving his horse;
hitched outside, somebody took the,
n.'irnt from the animal and subsu
med fur it ;.n old, wornout affair.
.rs. h i;. Lamb of Genoa jumped
rn her -'uggy when the horse ran;
i-,v.-y ana struck ner neaa oe iue
i . . v a il.
itroiind. It was a marvel that sbs was!
ha kiilnd for she weighs X) pounas.
It is thousht tbst the reported short-j
a.'e tr r,a Iiacxenoerger, vreeaurer oa.
Hall county, was hurried out before,
he completion of tbe labor of check i
nif his books, for strictly campaigBf
Just two hours after his arrival in
Albion, to visit his son, Mr. William
ailof Atlanta, HI., died of heart
disease. He was apparently in as good
ealth as usual, and was giving some
resents to his sou's child when he felf
ver and died in a short time.
Kuperintendent J. B. Phelan de-J
parted last week for McCook to prove)
up on nis uaner ciaim near raraij
He has held it ten years ana pantea
1,000 trees besides nearly seven acroa
walnuts. His ranch near Parks'
contains 16,000 acres and is one of
linaat nuassa for cattle ratsiBg in tl
tuts, controlling sevoa ailes of
front and easily worth $t6,0OO.-AUi
Dick Stanley, an aecommodatli
hired man who worked tor 8. E. rinydei
l Hay Springs, U missing, aad so
me of Snyder's valuable horses. T
other night the family was distur
jj eattls about ths house and Bten
ffered to drive tne animais away oi
lorseback. Ho Snyder helped the)
roong man to mount and start the cat j
leeway. He is evidently driving tha
uiimsls a good deal farther than la
William Pnencer. a farmer near Mir
, Sheridan county, who bad been
nored bf don TisiUng his cellar
varying away aaat, arose esrly
stber morning on bearing a noise
thm eauar. aad with a shotgun In hi
hastened to tha oellar door to iatei
the dop oo their way out J use the
a man who was stepping with hia
ver night came around the onwr of
i ne bouse to see the shooting, aad ad
I dog came from tbe oellar it ran in,
,e dlrectka of hia. Mr. Spencer,
fjawareofthepreesoosof the stna
er Jlred both barrels at tha degiatag
us mark, but filling tha body af tht
aan with shot. A phyaMaa was
d 41ed snd a great maay of the shot re
moved, but the vletla suffers a great
eal of pain aad a ia a precarious mm
Jotamte Mantoaa af Hay Springaj
tried to drivs his father's team, but bd
aod tharf
oat EJ
d aai M
a fatal
ran awtr. thrawiag hii
atrwek oo tha baok of hit head
is feared his injuries will prata fataL
( Otar CtaCk lOdt hat km aaasiag
iiiaaaalm faasatlT Wf
tMttmCi la tte fJatoa
. ,7 g a ...a- a fia ana-"tx sabs
t - 7 rTV r i
Zty. Htawswav
HArTER IX. raallaaa.
The little boat was ready to ave.
A haatv farewell wan asii tn tha
groups of native standing by, the host
was pushed from the shore, trong arms
speedily rowed to the fillip's eide, the
anchor was hauled in, the wiles un
furled and the .Sober Fritz was out at
The llvlnir were rone. Now to care
for the dead. That same young maiden
had gone unbidden into the cabin where
Louis' body was lying, and way now in
an excited and nervous manner, pour
ing a liquid into the mouth andnoa
tnV Others came in auietlv and soft! v and
looked in as if understanding the
grave nature of the proceedings, and
anxiodslv awaited the result.
The girl never took her eyes off the
marble face before her. She expected
the life to return, and she was not dis
appointed, for In a short time, Louis
opened his eyes, gazed languidly about
the room, and, ae if exhausted by the
effort, fell asleep and slept all the
night through.
On awakening, he was told of the de
itarture of the ship, with his compan
ions on board, of his supposed death,
the surmise be had been poisoned, and
the result of the application of the
antidote. He was told that Captain
Bodflsh pleaded for the body to be
taken on board the ship and how pain-
lui lrwae lor tne physician to refuse.
All, everything, showing the devo
tion of his companion wax told him.
and he listened and wondered what it
could mean. During the day strength
ening drinks were admlniHtered to
blm, and on the morrow he arose from
his cot seemingly stronir and f nil v re
covered from his Illness.
The mysteries that now overw helmed
the poor lad nearly drove hlra mad.
He had been poisoned. By whom? He
was told that when his life was thought
extinct, the doctor's daughter had de
tected evidence of jwison, and the
changing hue upon his face had re
vealed the nature of the drug he had
taken, and enabled the maiden to ob
tain the antidote that restored him to
conaciousneag. The locket containing
Marv's picture and a lock of her hair
had been removed from about his neck.
Who did that? Perhaps it was Cap
tain Bodflsh or Charles, who would re
store the precious gifts to the affianced
wild tne story of bis death in a strange
land and his burial bva atranire neooTe:
or it might be the girl who had saved
his life had removed it and bidden or
destroyed it
Could it be that this zirl adminis
tered the poison when the shiu hove
in sight, and, with her knowledge
of the drug, kept him as one deed un
til the ship had sailed and then an-
plied the antidote that brought his life
back to him? That could not be. be
cause even while his companions were
taking a last look of his face, the girl 1
who made one of the group around i
his cot. suddenlv rushed from the room
and fled like a deer to the mountains.
nor did she return until the last boat ;
had been pushed from shore.
On the mountain side she had irath-
erod the life-restoring herb, had i
steeped it in boiling water, and not a '
moment too soon had oiired the thn
down his throat Had she given
the poison, would she not have
the antidote ready at the exact time to
apply it? No it could not be the girl
whosoughthialifeonlytosaveit Who
was it?
boner Fritz" was at once got-
ten under sail and by night fall wm far
out to sea. Cant. Bodflsh could not con
ceal bis feelings. The tears come
freely without bidding. He felt that
he had not only lost a a-ood friend, but
all tbe circumstances connected with
his death were sad In the extreme.
Could he even have brouirht the bodr
on board the ship and given it a burial
oeneein ma waves, neoouid nave been
the better reconciled to the fateful
events which had occurred.
Charles rove, vent to his feellna-a hv
loud expressions of sorrow. lie had no
tears to shed, though he often wished
the tears would flow, but he had olentv
of words of love and affection for hU
dear friend, and he never tired of
speaking of his merits and extolling his
goon qualities.
At the first port made bv the "Hohae
Fritz" an American ship was taking on
coal, and the Americans found no
trouble in engaging poo age to Boatoa.
The voyage was finished in three
months, and Capt. Bodflsh and Charles.
having feelingly Darted with their two
companions, went to tbe nearest telo-
grapn otnoe where capt. Bodflsh notl
Bed the owners of the "Lucky Star" of
her loss and of the captain's arrival in
Boston aad hia need of funds.
On board the shin the contain and
Charles had iointly prepared a true
statement oi tne voyage made by Louis
to India, of the "Lucky Star" sailing
for home, of the ship wreck, and tha
events which precoeded Louis' death.
The letter was fall of sorrow for tha
sorrow -stricken mother aad heart
broken Mary, aad, being sealed aad di
rected to Mrs. Patterson, was deposited
la tbe portoOoo by Captain lkMlashT A
few minutes after he had gone oat af
the buildlBg Charles asked that tha
letter, minutely aoscriMng it, alght
."7 ae esauwag W M
a wnsar. aaa stasis that aa wished
Obtaining the letter, he never re
malled it. The sanio day, the money
arriving. Cbarlos was loaned a suffi
cient nuro for his preaent purposes,
which he romid to return m a few
days, and the two bidding each other
farewell, the captain went at once to
New York and Charles hoarded a train
for his home in a New Kngland cltv.
ri .... i . w. - .1 ... ! ,.t .......
lery awui iu young uaa.ei ru iu"i
now mingling with the people among j
whom he had been brought up. He
bad frequent interviews with a woman I
dressed in black, and who never failed
to have a heavy Diaex veu ni-awn o r v-lt.n Charles Manning w ent out
her fate. She may have been youiiir j fn ti,e seen! of (h ath he realized
or she may have iwen middle-aged. t)iat n;s first lld deception, extraor
She may hare been beautiful or ugly, i dinary it hal been, was nuecessfuL
Fosnibly Charles Iciww. No one c'so i Vat once took jMM;wion of Mrs.
could, unless it were the woman her- j Patterson s farm, and as thtre was
self. 8h came mysteriously, and went ; one to ,.nv h)H ,.Hjra as the legal
with the casual air of unfiimiharity j jJMjr tt, ih estate, he wii --ure in lie
with theoutsidu world. So one except . ,.,.,,,, nev. To enable him to maln
Charlea seemed to rare who hhe , tain hi 'deception, he had provided
what she was. or whither she went. ! himself with everv conceivable wea-
I narle. at on.-e oitaniei a position
where be could learn telesfrfphinif and
railway station business.
In his conversations with Louis on
shipboard, Charles had heard his com
panion speak of his knowledge of tel
egraphy. What Louis knew, Charles
oever tired until be learned the same.
In connection with his duties In the
telegraph office he became a diligent
student, and was soon quite as familliar
with questions of polities as had Louis
Kor several weeks the woman In
black was misled. Ijsm her return,
she and Charles held many Interviews,
and, seemingly as if In somewhat con
nected with these meetings, Charles
one day sent the follow ing telegraph
Hallfat. Jans , IK-,
Mas. Matilda Pttfbox; 1 h)nt lauded
Dsn sad will Hurt at onos lor horn: Ms?
laaen you bf Tunrwlar. Wai kldnapl, taken
to Calcutta; on iha voyags lewis ass inp
wrarkad, dtal sd on aa ankimwa land fur
sari; two ran. Will tall you all iUi I m
jou. 1xt to Mary. Hops you ara both alL
lorill I'ATTRftMOX.
When the the messenger brought
the dispatch. Mrs. Patterson was lying
on her couch sick almost unto death.
She was surrounded with loving friends
who sought to prove their devotion by
little acts of kind nea-, but neither kilt
nor kin were there to comfort her.
Vet Mary Nordruiu had lieentoher
Mother Patterson all that child could
be. Their tears had mingled together;
their hopes centered on the same ob
ject of afflict ion, and the heart of one
knew no win the other didn't experi
ence, except the mysterious secret
about Major Nordruiu s will, which the
sick woman, for some strange reason,
refused to divulgo.
Mary read the message first. The
trials and sorrows she had experienced
nerved her for any event, no matter
what it miirht Int. Kor a moment she
was overcome by t he glad news. Her
thoughts went out to Mrs. 'atterwm,
for she feared the effect of sum jovful
tidings upon Iuis mother. With
head lowed upon the ioor sick woman's
breast, wid with arms tenderly en
twined around her neck. Mary told her
adopted mother of the expected ar
rival of her sou.
Mrs. Patterson listened unmoved,
then turned her head toward the wall.
as If she would be alone with her i
thoughts. An hour pucd. Then,
arousing herself and iM-rkeoning Mary
to come to her" bedside, she simplv
said she prayed to live loug enough to
take her dear boy by the hand, place
it in Mary's, biess her children, and
commend her spirit to the God who
gave it.
Was her prayer answered?
Several days and nights paed, and
the hour of IjOtiLs'evpected arrival was
near at hand. A kind ueighlsjr had
offered to meet Ixuis with a carriage
and bring him to his. home.
During the day Mrs. Patterson ap
peared to sleep. Her eyes were closed
and she breathed naturally. Suddenly
she raised herself up in bed and looked
eagerly about the room. She was not
excited, but calm and self-comiosd.
Lifting her hand and pointing her
long, bony fingeis toward the open
window, throiiifh which the setting un
shone bright and clear she cxcla.m-'d.
in a voice loud and distinct for one so
near the grave:
"See there! Look vonder! What a
beautiful light: How brilliant it Is!
How grand: Watch its golden rays
spreading out on all sides and in every
dlroction. Nearer and nearer it comes,
wider and wider its pathway la ex
tended, and Itrighter and brighter
grows its glittering rays, and now it
seems to cover tbe land with new life,
new joys, new hopes, new expectations,
and a brighter future."
Onandonshi went describing her
wondrous vision shaking as one in
spired. Suddenly she stopped and
gazed upon the wondering group. The
silence was then broken by the sound
of rattling wheels of a carriage ap
proaching the house. The expected
one has come. The little group around
the bedside retire, all save the weep
ing girl, who haa clasped her band In
that of the dying woman, and the at
tending physician.
The door opens, a young man bounds
noise leas I V in. ruadea in tha tJ.l.i..
kisses the pale cheek of tbe emaciated
woman who lies their so waak.
so calm, then affectionately embraces
the trembling girl, who stands motion
less and white as a statue of the purest
pare an marble, and implants a kiss
upon ner ups, watch salutation she
feelingly and lovingly returns.
The sick woman gazed first upon the
young man then iipoo the young girl,
and, without moving a muscle or utter
ing a word, closed hor eyes. Tbe sob
bing girl appealed to the dying woman
to speak to her, and beseechingly Im
plored her to "give your ohlldrea
your Louis, your Mary your blessing."
"Ob, sainted mother, the angola ask
this of you. Do not, oh! do not. I be?
of you, do not withhold Itl"
There waa a motion of tha lias, a
pressure of the hand, aa effort to spook,
aaalloltalghtbo-asrhaps itres
aad Mary Nordcum believed the bios
tat she craved was mentally bestowed
rya her and hor lover.
Tha physician aottciag tha ithsaas
eaug over tha sick woaaals ooWo
aaaee, stofpod to tbo aeor aadtoAe
the watting sttstidsats aaaata Po?
stviag thai aba waa aaaiag aa r rrt
wllL She smile 1 as if pieaeed that hat
desire was understood. Then, turning
her face tow ard the window through
which the last rays of the sotting sua
were dimly flickering, speaking in a
low voice, vet dis-im tand clear, so
thai with the niienre thatthepreaenco
of death invoke, in make her words
audible and rr-adilv underatood, she
exclainred. nlo.i.y, Hthough weighing
the meaning of each w ord alui sy
"The -will - is -a - :or ger y not
my s .''
The eye eliwed. the It jw irted, not
only to make r irn 'or a sweet smile,
joined byasof. mellow light that en
circled the iiiii. lingering there a
moment, th-n it flitte I and Muttered aa
I if it were thi' reflection of the soul
. ' ' -
aud life and light
. - -,!.,,,
j and Miu disap!&red together.
(Hm.K xi.
; 1(on in l)le k.i.iui.' of a shrewd, cun-
nim.' liisn. he could ask for nothioir
I more than he had at his command. He
was in js-Hisession of a fund of information
that would enable him to meet and re
pel any suspicion that Mary Nordrum
or anyof her neighlstrs might enter
tain as to his identity.
He started out with the knowledge
that through deception he possessed
Mary Norilrum's love Ifiveaa pure and
guiltless as innocence itself. While it
was really love for another, it rested
with liiui to be able to so personate
that other throughout the twelve
months cutom hail fixed should elapee
between a death in the family and a
marriage, its to never give cause for
the shadow of a suspicion of the decep
tion. Charles Manning had made himself
believe that he was not committing a
crime in thu dexperste game he waa
plating, lie did" not even think it a
game, lie had imbued his conscience
with such plausible arguments, in de
fense of hi Intentions that It became
seared and callous as far as any sus
ceptibility to a moral impression was
concerned, and he had only to commit
with that inward monitor to find a
counselor that would second any
scheme he might undertake.
His soliloquies were ingenious, ana
to his conscience were convincing. If
Mary Nordrum believed he was her
lover, if Heaven had fashioned two
men as much alike that a maiden of
ordinary intelligence, who had given
her heai-t lo one, after years of Inti
macy and devotion, should continue
that love to the other, and after a long
period of similar intimacy with that
other, fail to detect a shadow of de
ception, he could not see wherein any
wrong existed.
He had i-o js?rvetied hia conscience
that it concealed from him the evil
which was in his heart when
Louis Patterson first told him the
story of hia love for Mary Nordrum; that
it concealed froui him tho evil that Was
intensified and develoKd into an un
pardonable crime when he gave tho
drought to hi companion with the in
tention of preventing him from enjoy
ing Mary Nordruiu' love: that it con
cealed from him the infamy which
made, up the d' sjiate wheino he had
planned to secure the love of ono that
Isslieved that she was loving another.
Charles Manning may ttave oon
flcieutiously Isslieved if .Wry Ncrdrum
never learned of the deception prac
ticed upon her there was no wrong
done. This thing of conscience either
takes to c-urious fits and startling
terms, at time-, or else some other
force crowd it out of place.
Charles Manning had made himself
believe tun! hU conscience approved
of every s -'lenit: he di vled to cheat
and deceive Maey Nordrum.
"r't: mi!-, uau' ueru tunes in
his career, wh. ii id mscience. not
withstanding t ': stir 'oundings. told
him thai ho was a criminal of the
j deepest nye,
j He sjK iit the most of his time in the
company of Mary North am. Tbe two
I farms were managed by hired help,
which gave the owners plenty of time
t for reading toue'licr, strolling in the
woods and lieius, rowing lu the lake
and love making.
Mrdel Havings Bank.
The greatest savlnas bank In this
country Is tbe i'rotideot Institution
of Boston. It Mas started in 1816,
and has run until thin time with, to
use tbe words ,f Its President, Henry
Lee, "not the loss of a dollar by dis
honesty." 'There is a tradition,"
said Mr. Lee, -that tha bank waa
founded partly at the urgent request
of good Bishop, afterward Cardinal,'
Cbeverus. that his 'people,' as ha
railed tbem, might have a place of
deposit; so as not to spend or lose
their little savlnes.
A few years later, at the Bishop's
suggestion, the plan of partial with
holding of the hank's earnings and
the declaration of surplus dlvldencs
every five years was adopted. This
was to induce the tame people to
keep as well aa to depo-dt their sav
ings in the bank." The institution
now has over uo,ooo depositors ana
over 3 000, 0()0 In deposits. The
largest depo It which the manage
ment is allowed t accept is 11,000
The I ank in tho early period paid ft
percent Interest, but the rata is now
i par cant The surplus dlvldenda
very Ave years are no longer paid, aa
th law of the State now requires tha
(suing aside of a reserve fund.
Jm tbe Other Way.
There waa a tight between two
Irishmen In Washington a week or
two ago, aod tbe Pott reports a coo
vsmtlon overheard not long aftar.,
"You had
a light with Murphy, I
IB tVsa. n '
Hi A Tall.
"I bad that'
Aed he give you a Mack eya
That's a lta. That black
black ay
M oo tha other fcV
- t fat