The Sioux County Journal, VOL. 6. HABBISOIT, ZtSTEB.. OCT. 26. 1893. THE SIOUX COUNTY J" O XT IR, IsT .A. L. o L. J, SImwt)u-. Editor ami Proprietor. P. E.4 M. V &. 8. Tiiuc table. Going Wiwt. GoinK East. Ko. I, miio.1, 11 :16 Ho. , tuliixl 6:25 Jack Ilogurt has the log out for bin bouse. V. A. Hter liax been building a new house for Andy Christian. 1 P. N. Kirkpatriclc ha .moved into the Weir bouse for the winter, The old Smith building is nearly ready for occupancy, All kinds of wood work done ut Priddy'n biucksmith shop, opposite The Joibnal otfice. f The stone foundation for the new house of Miss Laura Ambrose is com pleted. Dave Bartlett will do the car penter work- S The reports from all directions are that the court house ring has been iu power hs long as is for the interests of the county. II. T. Merriam brouKhl us a sample of blue victor potatoes grown hy him with no water except t he rainfall and they were monsters, Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and fchoe maker. Cowboy boots a Npecially. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second door south court house. Five cars of cattle were loaded here Friday evening. Three belonged to Brewster & Anderson, one to John Fitz gerald end one to Alex Steele. Nel. Anderson weut to Omaluv with the shipment, Semi tor Stewart is putting in hit time doing political work in lawei county. That is a pretty good sign that lie was not very well pleased with the ticket Ringmaster Verity put up in Hioux county. J A surprise donation nnd reception wax given to Kev. Kendall and lady at the M. E. church on Tuesday evening. The affair was well attended and showed that Uie people of Harrison feel kindly toward those who have come to labor among them for theenuing""year, From what has been ascertained ' there is no question as to a large enough 'number of cows being secured to make a creamery a success and those who are looking after the mailer hare written to the parties in the east to get ready to do something as the people here will furnish lots of milk. The matter should reive the encouragement of all. Such an enterprise will do much to develop the country and bring money to every pne, The people of the school district can form some idea of when the license tiiou py is likely to get into the school trens pry. The case in regard to the taxation (if improvements on homesteads win taken to the supreme court early in 18U1 and as there was no opposition then yrere no delays ami it has just been df pidrd. Tlio suit over the license nioncj Wil take some time to get the isst joined so that it will be years before the jlistrlct Will get what belongs to it. 1 It l a fact that this year has not Jjeeq a very good crop year in this local ity ,byt the potato crop is far from a failure. On Saturday E. A. Higelow brought in sums of the mammoth earl Variety which show up pretty good. Six- ' Jeep, of them weighed twenty live and piilf pounds and were all that could V jUji Julo a Ivalf buwlel. They were jjfOVi'a on the high table land a fen northwest of town and had no fluaiture except the rainfall. A place wci such results are obtained is a I'.foif W here people need have no fsar of K-Vesitfcrday 15- E. O'Hrieu with the ptatu car was in this looality dis tributing carp, crappies and black buss to Jhose vvha were prepared to care for li ui, The people of Hioux bounty arc " v i.ii.iiih, a giod deal interested in llsh piilture for tliey see they can soon have S'ltlifctliinjf that will olford both pleasure (iid pro III with little or no expense, Mr. U'Brien had a number more than ap plied for to that he was able to furnish all that came with fish but in future ii be oecessiiry for ull to havo their applications in before the ctr leaves the hivtcherie. Twenty-six .lots of fUl Wert thutribuled. to, Biouxt coanly ixiopla and that will give our readers tn idea of the Interest being taken, There are ft great many more v ho vould easily make ponds and, it is hoped Unit they will do yu and git them, stocked, 'file fish cost yoUiing and it will bo but ft. Jeur or two after they are planted until they will furaikh lot of lood. Mr. O'Brien Iw promised to write noma luggoaiiont us o the best method o( v"'htrut ting pond and caring for t lu fi st, nkich we Mil publish (or lh berwtjt of Mym How They Bun the tillage. All who know anything about the way the affairs of the village of Harrison have been run for about two years know that they have leen controlled by C'has. E. Verity and Conrad Lhideroaa. There is no question but that those two indi viduals have swayed the action of the board of village trustees and to a great extent the actions of the minor olflcials who are resKnsible to the board. It is also well known that the viKage treas urer refused to turned the license money over to the school district treasurer on an order from the board and when the dibtrict court issued a writ of mandmus ordering him to turn the funds over he carried it to the supreme court, thereby banking it up for some years. What part the domineht member of the vil lage board played in that act can only be judged by circumstances. They cer tainly did not disapprove of tlie course taken by Mr. Guthrie for they have al lowed him to retain possession of the oHico of village treasurer for three months hist past, when under the pro visions of the statute the otfice has lieen vacant, and the village board has ignored the law and failed to do its duty. Section 2HJ of the Consolidated Stat utes of H91, defining the duties of the village tr-asurer says: '-He shall, at the end of each and every month, and as often as may be required, render an ac count to the city council or board of trustees, under oath, showing; the state of the treasury at the (late of such ac count, and the balance of money in the treasury; he shall also accompany such accounts with a statement of all receipts and disbursements, together with all warrants redeemed and paid him; which said warrants, with any nod all vouchers held by him shall be filed with his ac count in the clerk's oltice; and if said treasurer neglect or fail, for the space ol ten days from the eud of each and every month, to render his said account, his oltice shall be declared vacant, and the city council or loard of trustees shall fill I I he vacancy by appointment until the next election tor city or village ollicers." The records iu the office show that on May a, ISM, Mr. Outline Med a report is village treasurer from April 2,1, lHUU, to April 23, im. On June 6, lv;l, he liled a monthly resjrt, but :nce that date he has filed no report whatever. Thtre in no question as to the taw. It is plainly mandatory and provides that the board shall declare the otfice vacant, Out tlio great reformers who control the affairs of the village do not see fit to go according to law when It effects one ol their most plialit tools. If Verily and Lindemaii desired to protect the interests of the taxpayers and "were uot in sympa thy with Mr. Outline they would see that the funds belonging to the village were placed in the hands of some one who would not retain them in the face of an order of the court. This condition makes it apjiear that the whole matter connected with the village election was a conspiracy. The result of the smooth work of the little ring of cute people in the village election has evidently led the conspirators to think that they can do as they please, regardless of law. The fact thut village trustees give no boud leaves nothing hold tlieiu but their oath aud what does an oath uniount to with any one who is not honorable when not under oath ? FEKSOXAf,. T. B. Snyder returned Monday from his trip to Omaha. H. K. Brewster was at Chadron the ileal of the week. I'. N. Kirkpatrick adds" his name to our list of readers this week. O. II. Turner and E. O. Hough went down the road rriduy night. John Plunkett has gone to the Node Miction lor a month. W. l, Lalt'erty called on Tuesday and added his name to our list of readers. B. II. Andrews called Monday and gave us some cash on subscription. J. L. fcinedes started Saturday evening lor Kansas City to engage m, railroading. 11. VYusserburger way ovoc from Moti- irose Monday and made a pleusant call at this ollire, A. T. Hughsoil was up from Andrews estcrday and added his rinniw. to our nt ot reudurs. '' . Mr. aud Mrs. E, V, Pontius urrived yesterday trom their trip to the world lair and other easU ru kjiuIs. - J. J, Rodgers was up 'Amui White Uivef on Monday aud called and added his uatne to our list o( readers. f J, B. Burke acd W, ii. Zimmerman eiit to the Wyoming voal mmus on Mouday where they will tpeud the wiu tcr. ilr. T. 0, Snyder and daughter, Mr. W. 11. Walker, are iu thu east. Beside seeing the worlds lair they will visit in Michigan for bouie month. Mr. T. J, Long aud son, Joltu, luother and brother of Mrs, A. llaMulquii, who have b-.ftri Vnitinf here for a, time, leave the l.c-.l of the Mii( (or lueiT UVIU t Rt jwtil, lows. THE PIONEER P harmacy, J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. "ARTISTS' MATERIAL. School Supplies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. Horn. Plimpton. At Locks Village, Mass., on Friday. Olols-r i:t, lS'j:!, to O. 1). and Millie I. Plimpton, of Bodarc, Neb., a daughter. Ebt.IH. At the familv residence north west of Harrison, Nebraska, on Sun day, October 83, to Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Ellis, a son. Married. Asn.E Stkkn. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sleet), parents of the bride, at Wahoo, Nebraska, on Wednesday. October IS, 1W, by Rev. J. W. Keaiirook, pastor of the M. E. church, Mr. Frank A. Castle, of Harri son, Neb., and Miss Jeanuette Steen, of Wahoo, Neb. The contracting parties are both well known to the people of this locality, The groom is the popular assistant, cash ier of the Bank of Harrison, and the bride occupied a position iu the schncl of this place last year. The new married pair arrived here on Tuesday from a short trip to Chicago aud will settle down to bouse, keeping in Harrison, with the good wishes of all for a long and happy married life. Died. Johnson. At the home of. his sister, Mrs. Edna Wickard, near baton, Weld county, Colo., on Monday, Octotier 10, IH'JH, at 3 o'clock, p. m., Charles Howe, son of W. S. and Fhuhe John son, of Olen, Sioux county, Neb., aged 11) years, 6 months and 13 days. Deceased was a promising youth who will lie sadly missed by a large circle of friends. One brother, A. O. Johnson, his sister and her husband were all the rela tives tiiat were with him and they did all in their power to sooth the sufferings of the the afflicted one. The physicians who attended him pronounced his ail ment a lock in the stomach and bowels and his condition was such that he could not tie removed to a hospital at which an operation of so difficult a nature could be performed, so his case was known to be ho3less ami after a week of sicknefcS death came to his relief. Ho was buried aCFaton, Colo., the funeral services being conducted by the ( ongre gational minister. I he many Inends of the stricken family deeply sympatic with them. Brother, we miiBt sadly mU thee, (), how we would have then t:vyl Yet 'tla Ji'Hiis Unit has ml ted thee, And He knows tlie b"it alwuy. Dentil Im plucked then like flower, Dut i) hope nmilii to meet W here pain nnd partings nil are over, Huppy at the Savior's feet. A I UIEXO, . Martin. At tlie family residence ten miles south of Harrison, Nebraska, on Sunday, October 23, or diphthe ria, Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Martin, aged 3 years and 1 1 days. As ull the dipthoria patients la ami m ar town had recovered it was hoped that no more serious cases would occur hut the disease laid its hand on this little one so heavily that she passed away on Sunday morning. The funeral service was Itcld at the house on Monday by RVj J. W. Kendall, and thu remains laid to rest in the wmetery south of town. Tbe siufsire sympathy of all is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Martin in tlieir bereavenicut. , ; t i .. '...i.1" . ': VotelM, which do you prefer, tick et put up by more than a hundred eloo loes or one put up by a packed conven tion controlled by Ringmaster Verity 9-rvlce will Ixi held by Rov. Ken dall next Sunday at Harrison at 11 a. m. and at Hudaro at 3 p. m. All iervlces t Harrison will begin (UtoU minute (tor tb ringing of tb bat). t'fiRrSHES. Iu Memoriam. By Mrs. Ida Brown, Greenfield, Iowa, in loving remembrance of George ard Bertha Kartell. How slemler is life's silver cord I How hooji 'tis broken here! Eueh uajiiieut brJntfs s p'lrtiny; word, And uiuny a f ulling tear. And tlio1 thewe 3;irs to mortal ifiven Are lllled w il Ii (jrlef and p.iiu, TaiTi! Is a hoie-tiiu liojieol Ib'aveu, WhiTfi loved ones meet squill. One by one cartir tier! are broken, As we see our ioyo decay; And the hopes so fondly elierlHiied llriglitoli but to puss uwuy. (me !.y one our Uopes vm UilKhter Ah we ui'ur tlie Mliiniiif shore; For we know across tiie vivr Wolt tlie lovei oni'S gmie before. liiev,. lovely liudu so young so fair, Culled hence by early doom. Jn-d. come to -how, how sweet a flower la paradise could bloom. Kre sia could harm or aorrow fade, Hen til cioicO with friendly euro The openlni; bud's to Heitven conveyed . Aud bade tlieiu blowsoui tliere. JioHrc of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Griswold and Marstelles is this day dissolved by mutual consent, L. H, Oriswold retiring. They will be suc ceeded by J. E. Marsteller and W. B. Marstelier under the firm name of Marsteller Bros, who will collect all notes, bills, etc., owing to said firm and pay all liabilities. D. H. Griswold, J. E. MaKKTELLKI!. Harrison, Neb., Oct. 10, WO:!. On account of the change iu the firm it is desired to have a settlement of all accounts on the bonka of the old firm and all knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Oriswold & Marsteller are requested to call at their earliest con venience and make a settlement either by cash or note. Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. Many special Varieties to oiler, both in fruits and or namentals, and controlled only by us, We pay commission or salary, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice territory. May BnoTHKiiH, Nurserymen, 6-13 Rochester, N. Y. B. L SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser, One Hour Snuili of Pank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. RAZoits asu w.'issons ruT in oitrKit. (live ? mo l a J Cull, DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, . . . Nebraska. McdlNI.F.Y A HTOVKIt, Hiirrthon, Ndr, own following brand i oil THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. BilliWSTLR, President. D. IL GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: Amkrioan ExcnANOE National Bank, New York, United States National Rank, Omaha, . First National Bank, Chadron, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. -DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. You t-rzTsa Want fJ " . a & Good ; . Z7 V V Cook : y ujv v) Stove h-ZS2? ARSTELLER Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME They Have also put in the Genera! lore! ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. MARSTELLER BROTHERS. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS pnocuioii) Press Claims Company, Equal with the interest of those having claims Hgainst the Government Ut that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of th or inutteution of the attorneys employed to obtain their pntsut. Too much (.'1110 cannot ho exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitor to jirocure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and akill of the uttomey. " With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or carolem atttorneya and of neeiritf tlittt inventions aro well protected by va,U'i pntonts, THE FREJSS (. I.MMS COMPANY ban reUinud counsel expert in pntent practice and ia tlier fore prepared to. OBTAIN PATKNT. WVCW tXTKHrRUliXCKS, MA K K tnXUAL EXAMINATION fltKHmiTK KWmm TASCs, ItI(,(srt:H TUADK M AKKHuhJ COPYTIOHTH ' HENDKB Ol'iNlDNS a tt, SCO PR ftmt VA11D1TT of I'ATISNT, VU'WBtH'TK ana lKKKN INHMNiKlK.N'T TITS, KTt, KTC. If you have an Invention on hand nd THE PRESS CL.1M3 COMPANY ft stietfh or photoxnipii tlwreof, tolh-T with a brief description of the Impnrttnt rcuturei, and you will he at once advised as to the bent oonrw to puwue, UoM$ nra not nc wisary tinier tlw Invention la of a complicated nature. If othert infrin-iii'; on your rights, or if yon are chared with infrinniont by otherf, mb tnit tho nintler to u or a liuhlo OPINIO f before acting oo tlie matter.- ' Thk, Clwii CoAii'ANr, WPtitivst, ii;.rtliwe;t WSlllNOTO, Ok p, p; 0. Uox 4tW, jt(.s wtPCMm H), oranatfiotf tirMV. Nebraska. C. FT Corrp-K, Vice-President. BROTHERS AND LOOK At THEM, Largest Stock of Hardware. bv tub handise, t'i 'V is "ft- r .J''""''' .', "V' ,H((MMh!fcI!. - 113 V'.T v.. :