The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 19, 1893, Image 4

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TtaErjx County Journal.
raTAHjam 1688.
rim published w siocx cocktt.
Subscription Price, ?2.00
L.J. (iiwHH, . - Editor.
Entered at the Harriaoa post office as gee
end elans matter.
Thursday, (Xtobek 19, 1893.
BefablieM Mate Tit ket.
Vor Justice of the Supreme Court,
T. O. C. HARRISON, of Grand Island.
For Regents ot the State University (full
H. U. ESTABKOOK, of Omaha,
CHARLES WESTON, of Hay Springs.
For Regent of the State University (to 'fill
t". W. KALEY, of Webster.
Citisene County Ticket.
for County Treasurer,
H. 8. WOODRUFF, of Five Points,
For County Clerk,
M, J. BLWETT, of Montrose.
For County Sheriff,
A. R. DEW, of Warbonnet,
For County Judge,
O. J. GOWKY.of Cook.
For County Superintendent of Publlo In,
W, H. DAVIS, of Bowen,
For County Su. rveyor,
S. L. ELLIS, of AVarbounet.
For County Coroner,
J, E- rHIN.NET, ofTiowen.
Citizens District Ticket.
For Commissioner, 1st District,
FRANK TINKIIAM, of Five Points.
To the Kepubltcans of Sioux Count ) .
In view of tbe fact that the republican
party in convention assembled did not
plaoeany men before the people as the
candidates of said party, we denounce
any one attempting to run for any of
fice Ml Siotix county, in the campaign of
1803, as republicans, as doing so without
authority of the party and should not
receive the support of republicans at tbe
polls. M. J. O'Connell,
Chairman Republican Co.
Central Committee.
Those interested in irrigation should
bear in mind that the kind of water used
Is of great importance. Eosewater if
used in large quantities proves fatal, as
was proven in the case of Maxwell.
- IV wflf now be in owler for Verity to
deny that there is a ring in the independ
ent party of which he is leader, but it
would be hard to make any one who at
tended the convention of that party at
the court house on Saturday believe it.
A gentleman living in Oklahoma for
tlie time being, wrote a Seward acquain
tance the other day and in speaking of a
person who died in this city some time
ago, said: "He must have gone to
Heaven, at least the poor fellow is not
down here," fitewara Blade.
Nowt independents, stand by the ticket
Which I nominated at the convention.
AH yu W! to do is to vote as I tell you
and J will do the rest. Reformer Verity,
independent-for-county-patronage, mana
ger of the court Iioaisb ring and com-WWdeiR-chief
of the little ring of cute
In attempting to wiggle out of the 6
per cent a month matter Verity talks
VifOi a liferent transaction than was
jeferred to in these columns. He talkb
about his records. It is quite likely that
ftBy one as smart as he and unscrupulous
eBPVJEh ti dp such a. trick would also Bx
bit records all right to protect himself.
losewater says that Harrison is not
tfc Ctice. o th,e republican party of the
e.tte and that it was known for ten days
Bfipx o me convection that the opposi
te fc.Jt?veU would be centered on
bjm. How did it happeq that Boaewater
WIWWWH Umw against Harrisou
t W against all the others yio, were
known to be candidates ? Rosewaterjs
H VHW Mouger,
Heformer Verity says he never ore-
tewN. t be a friend of the editor of The
J0PR5AL but that he sometimes pitied
tt$ 'kittle fool." Now that he calls at
wlwn to U it does look that wa,yv We
hve befrienaed and defended Verity and
We associates on numerous occasions.
WMiBg them to be honest by the rep-
JWMWMft WHg ny tnern, a.nq as Mr.
Twjrw tne result 0f hii smooth
9k M dQtlbtlew smiled and pitied the
4Hfe foal."
Jwo years ago when tbe opposition
MwN Oonnd Lindeman so bard that
j the editor of ThJoltuial into
fea)trk'offceao4 toW him be was
take ( PttH Off we ticket, We advised
ttK24 WwMtodo so and the re
CfftftftotM stoyed on the ticket
c4f W we had not
t ft feel" would hav )ei
Cirff tW ee that a im
Th "little fool" who edits Thb Jocr
KaL desires to correct the statement
made a few weeks ago that Judge Bark
er was a republic::". Had be been
a smart man like 1L4. Verity he never
would have made such a break. Jude
Barker stated at Mr. Verity's convention
that he was an independent and that
settles it.
Yes, we have been a "little fool"' on a
number of occasions. If we were ouly
as wise as Mr. Verity what a great dif
ference there would be. We might get
to be county judge and follow bis pre
cedent by discharging a prisoner and
Doina witness who was not on trial. If
all the men in this world were as smart
as Verity and there were no "little
fools" like the editor of The Journal
what wonders would be accomplished.
Steps are being taken by the people of
Box Butte county to submit a proposition
to tbe voters of the county at the com
ing election to" authorize the county
commissioners to sink a well on the
county poor farm to obtain artesian
water if possible. That is a very f,'ood
way to get at it for it is important to
all just in proportion to what liiey have
in the county and if the expense is paid
from the public funds it will not be
heavy on any one.
Business men who have been in the
habit of using government stamped en
velopes will note the fact that as soon as
the contract for printing runs cut yea
can only get envelopes printed at your
home oltiee, as the government will stop
competing with the printer in printing
addresses thereon. Also, by a recent
ruling, your letter will be held thirty
days unless you have printed on the en
velop the number of days yon wish it
held. Seward Blade.
Senator Allen will soon have a record
as a calamity howler which might be
envied by Mrs. Lease. What good can
possibly come of his misrepresentations
as to the condition of the people of the
state where he resides? It simply pre
vents men of enterprise and capital from
coming to Nebraska and thus does he
retard the progress of the state. Sena
tor Manderson is to be commended for
the manner in which he proves by figures
the falsity of Allen's assertions and up
holds the interests of his state.
The case of the defaulting treasurer of
Holt county seem to be growing in im
portance in a number of ways, the
shortage is now said to be over a hun
dred thousand dollars and a number of
prominent men have been arrested and
some indicted by the grand jury as hav
ing beep implicated in the steal. It will
be a glad day when some way is devised
to prevent officials from getting away
with public funds entrusted to their
care. It was tnought wnen tne law was
made limiting the treasurer to two
terms would protect the public as it
would force a settlement at least once in
four years and later the law providing
for state examiners was enacted but so
far little or nothing seems to have been
accomplished by it.
While the pure, clean, untarnished
and untarnishable creature who spreads
his pure and ennobling thoughts through
the columns of the Independent is telling
all about the "little fool" who edits
fHE Journal it might be in order for
him to tell about his watching a chance
and sneaking into this office and trying
to find out about things that were none
of his business from a child who was
left alone at the office for a few mo
ments. He might tell his readers about
the part he played in the matter con
cerning W. B., Wright. Also it might
be well for him to tell of the little
trick he worked in regard to the village
election in 1891 whereby Barker's throat
was cut. It might also be interesting to
his readers if he would tell them where
he would in all probability have landed
had that case in the supreme court not
been headed off. If the high-minded,
high-toned, high-priced, high-moral edi
tor of the reform (for what there is in it)
organ would tell the truth about those
things it would place him in a position
nearer where he rightfully belongs than
he is when he attempts the Cfceorge
Walker act and poses before the people
as a greatly injured innocent. His work
on last Saturday showed how much, he
and his ring care for any one but them
selves and their own interests.
At the head of our columns appears
the names of the men who have been se
lected to go before the electors, of Sioux
county at the coming election under the
title ot umzens ticket. J ney were se
lected, by representative men, from va
rious parts of the county and they rep
resent the different localities, Tbe
superintendent of schools and coroner
are all that are residents of Bowen pre
cinc, vonirast w,a Wlln the rg
ticket which has men from this precinct
for al of the important offices, The
men who compose the Citizens tickej, are
such that not one word can b aaid
against them, They are honest Without
being under oath or bond, They are un
der no obligations, to any one and np.
man or set of men has any string on
them and to tbe event of their election
tfeej will be in the best possible pmdtioa
t0?t tbe peopls of the ooupty the best
Mwittbisf pever. Then is stKWf
no man should held an office more than
two terms. Had that opinion been re
spected the' scenes at the iudependtat
convention would not have bee; '
But,the proceedings of that .
showed so plain that tbe court house ring
liad determined to !i!d on to the control
of affairs that it has aroused the people
all over the county to a realization of
the fact tlat their interests are in dan
der. It. is well known that a desperate
attempt will be made to whip the
independents into line to support the
ring ticket Can it be done is another
question. It rests with the electors to
decide which they prefer. A ticket put
up by Ringmaster Verity in the interest
of himself and tr? tools or a ticket put
up by men for the best interests of the
county. A choice between a set of men
from one precinct in which the county
seat is situated or a ticket composed of
men who reside in various precincts. Do
the people of the county' want men in
office who want to monopolize all the
fat offices and who will hesitate at noth
ing to carry their point or do they want
men who will administer the aifairs of
the county as they should and be ready
at the end of their term of office to turn
it over to the choice of the people
From the actions of the court house ring
it looks very much as if they have come
to the conclusion that they are masters
rather than servants of the people. If
Sioux county belongs to the ring it is
time for those who do not "stand in" to
begin to move out. If the county is
still the property of the people it is
about time that they showed Ringmas
ter Verity and his strikers that they
have gone far enough. Voters, which
will you do? Submit to dictates of
Verity and the ring he commands or tell
the outit by your vote at the polls that
you have no further use for them?
Purchase Tickets and Consign Your Freight
via the
F., E.&M. V.S.C.&P.
II. G. BURTt General Manager,
K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan,
Gen'l Freight Agt, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
Wagon and Carriage Makers,
Repairing done on short notice. (
Good work and reasonable charges.
Shop south of livery bam.
licst Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
traines without change from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
trains for Denver, Chej'enne, and all
points west, and for Kansas City, St.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cago, and all points east.
Remember this is the only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. & M. R. R,
..... .
Dr. Leonhardt
Limits his practice to diseases of the
Nervous system,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo
tiop and Will-power t Cramps, Fits, len
eral. Nervousness, and all forms of
Neuralgia.) ,
(As shown by Shortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb
ness in region of tbe Heart.)
(Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Kxces
sivo Paleness or Redness of the Face,
Faintness, Dizxipess, etc,)
14ft 9 it. UN09M, HIS.
Final Proof Sotices.
All persons having final proof notiees In
thi iier will rtwive a marked eopy of the
paper and aro requested to examine their
ui.tuv and if anv errors exist report the
i.:o.e Uj this oJ!ice at cuce.
Sotice for Pnulidtloa.
Land OBce al Chadrou, Neb., I
Oct. lti, 113. i
Notice is hereby given TJiat the following
named settler has Bled notice of his in ten
tion Ui umke final proof in support of hie
claim, and that aaid proof will be made
fore Conrad Liudeiuan, clerk of the district
court, at Harrisou, Kebr., ou .November
27th, isaa, viii:
" Edwin D. Campbell, of Adelnt, Seb-
who made II. E. entry So. 4 for the
north east or., sect. 2i. J i). 83 n.. r. 64 w.
He named tbe following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation ot said land, viz:
Michael J. O'toniiell, Frank Q. Meyer,
Uobert Harrison, Herbert s. ooarull, all
of Adelia, Ncbr.
Ifi-llj W. H. SICCAKN, llegister
Xotic for Publication.
Land Office at Chadron, Neb. I
tj. 1, 1. i
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice ot his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Conrad Lindeinuu, Clerk of the District
Court, at Harrison, J.ebraska, on ocuuer
id, 1U3, viz.
Ednnrd P. Maine, of Harrison. Xehr.,
who made II. E. No. 2M4 for the lots 2, 8 & i
4 sc. 't nw. i sec. 4, t. 31 n., r. 56 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon uuil cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Dwight II, Ciriswold, Grant Guthrie-, John
K. Murstullur, Kggert Holiwer, all of llarrl
sou, Ncur. also
1-dwurd P. ilaiiie, of Harrisou. Xehr.,
who made T. C. K. No. 1048 for the lot 1, see.
i, t. 31 n., r ! w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said laud viz:
lHvight II. liriuwold, Egjrert Itohwcr, John
K. Marateller, Orant tiutbrie, all of Harri
son, Kebr.
2 7J Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at chadron, Neb., (
ben. 11, ).J. (
Notice Is hereby given that t!'.e following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Conrad Lindeuutn, Clerk of the District
Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on October
2:id, 1K3, viz:
Anton Elieln, of Montrose, Nelir.,
who made homestead entry No. 67rl, for the
no. !j seo. 27, t. 34 li., r. 65 west of tle fith
p. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Theodore 1'iekeiibrock, Conrad llittich,
Henry Wasserburgcr, all of Montrose, Nebr.,
l'eter'llenrv, of Gilchrist, Nebr.
1 1-0) Itegibter.
Sheriff Kale,
liv virtue of an Alias order of sale direct
ed to me from the clerk of the district
court of sjoux County, Nebraska, on a judg
ment obtained in said court on the third
day of August, 18tr2, in favor of Sarah C.
1. Uasselt as plamtin and against rranK-
lin Simons, Mary Simons, Sarah h. Davis
and D. 1'. Davis ns defendants, for the sum
of JI017.4S and costs taxed at $11,511 and ac
cruing costs, I have levied on the following
real estate as the property of defendants
to satisfy said order of sule towit: J.ot
number h'ixtcen (Hi) in Hlock number Six
(() in the. village of Harrison, Sioux Coun
tv. Nebraska, and will o.'er the same for
sale to the highest bidder lor cash in hand
on the twenty-eight unv of October, la3,
at two o'clock, 1'. of slid day at the
lront door ot tne court i louse ot Sioux
County, Nebraska, that being the build
ing in which the last term of the. District
Court was held, at which time and place
duo attendance will bo given by the mi
dorsigncH. Titos. Hv:rry,
1 2-7 ) UerilT ot stl e I Coimt.y.
Xotiee of Expiration of Time for Kedcinntion
From Tax Sale.
To William II. Benson, Owner:
YOu are hereby notified that the time of
redemption on the sale for taxe-i of the east
half ot the northeast quarter of section
th irty-three and the south half of the north
west quarter of section thirty-four, all in
township thirty-three north, of rnnge tifty
tliree west of the sixth principal meridian
in Nebraska, taxed in the name of William
I. lienson, and sold at private sale lor taxes
on the eighth day of February, 18112, by the
treasurer ot Sioux county, sonrasiin, to tne
undersigned purchaser for the taxes assess
ed thereon for the year 18i;0 amounting to
eleven dollars, will expire on the eighth day
of February, 184.
Dated September tt, isus. lii-aj
Minnie L. Marshall,
Legal Notice.
To John Uaugcnbaugh and Mrs. Gangcn-
baugh, his wife, christian name unknown,
non-resident defendants.
l'ou are hcrebv notined that on the nth
day of Slav, 1MB, Earnest E. Crepin, plain
tiff herein, filed his petition in the district
court of .Sioux county, Nebraska, against
John tiaugenburgh, Mrs. Gaugenbaugh, his
wile enristiam name unKnown, jonn ami
ton and Mrs. Ashton, his wife, christian
name unknown, the ohjoct and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain lnortgaiiO
executed by said John Gaugenbaugh to the
western rami mortgage company upon
then. e. i of section 32, township 35, N.,
range 54 west, in Sioux county, Nebraska,
given to secure a promissory note tor
275.00 of even date therewith, due live years
rroni date, with interest at per cent per
iinuum and ten per cent after maturity.
The plaintiff is now the owner and holder
of said note and mortgage and defatilt has
been made in the payment tnereoi ami in
the terms and conditions of said mortgage.
and there is now due thereon the sum of
S354.2S cents with interest at 10 per cent
from the Hi st day of May, 1893.
X ou are requireu to answer saiu petition
on or
before the, 27th day of November,
EAKNtST li. CltEl'IN,
Hy V. VV,
Wool), his Attorney.
publication Oct. Jl, 18U3. U'JJ
Order of Hearing on Petition tor Appoint
ment of Administrator.
At a session of the County Court, held at
the'Cotnty Court room, in and tor said
county, October 12, A. D. 18(13.
Present, S. Barker, Comity Judge.
In the matter of the ('state of l'.osetla H.
Mawjhj dc.ecaaod.
On reading and filing the petition of
James T. Mason, praying that administra
tion of said estate may be granted to him us
Okiikuko, That November 13, A. I. 1893, at
11 o'clock a. in., is assigned for hearing said
pelltition, when all persons Interested In
said matter may appear at a County Court
to lie held In and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted ; and that notice of
the pendency of said petition, and the
hearing thereof, be given to nil persons
Interested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order In tho SiOux Count
Journal, a weekly newspaper printed In
said county, for four Htcvvs8tVfi week,a4
prior to said (lay of hearing.
MALJ 1 A WMJ) cony.
yriw, l AW TM MWAI.. TAT
sod federal courts ana V. 8, W eWce,
(Oh in Court Koumi
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
Agents for the
Buckeye, Deering
And .
Walter A. Wood
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Estate Agents,
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring to buy or sell real
estate should not fail to
call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, etc.
Turner sells Prints
and Gingham's at
Furniture, Mow Shades, Pictures and
Walt Paper.
Undertaking goods embalming.
C. Reed,
Or&Yrtord, Nob.