The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 19, 1893, Image 3

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    Tb Tela of Oltf kta.ka,
a. youax mm writs from 6t J jtepi
,M&, to dealer is this city that be i.
iotTsriaf (or sale, through stress of t-irc
ituskse, a very rare book. prtaumeb;
;"ta oldest book in America. " Tq vol
an is p no tad in Dutch, is to perfect
ocoditioc and was published more that;
300 yean ago. The present owner
.whoa latter proclaims hi illiteracy, La
lievsa that he bat a veritable treasure
He will be terribly shocked when he
discover that his treasure la worth io
the market oot more than $0.
Age alone give value to but very few
boosts. Yet the average person baa a,
idea that it a book was printed long
ago it must neossarily be valuable, and,
what is curious different people differ
as to the date that make a book old
There are those who fancy that a volume
printed ICO years ago must be esteemed
very old and very valuable. Other show
you with pride a lludibra s printed
we will Biy in 1750, or a Bible printed
300 years ago, and these volumes sre
cherished because of their antiquity.
A very worthy lady living in Massa
chusetts recently exhibited with an
elaborate fluriah a volume of sermons
bearing the date of I7S-0 a volume she
revered, loved and treasured because of
iU age. A few moments later he gave
up to the writer without any hesitancy
a charming little 1827 reprint of the
New Eogland primer. Chicago Record.
Spain has only a few more than 3000,
000 horses, or about ons horse to every
GO people, M wt of the "cavaliers" ride
on donkeys.
Italy, with a human population of
more than 30,00(1,000, has only 720,000
horses, but it bas almost twice as many
mules and donkeys as horses.
Mis Edna Lyall is at work upon a
new Dovel of Irish rural life, having
paid a visit to Ireland to give it local
Frederics: Hurl bus, of Woodbridge,
Va., having been spurned by the woman
he loved, committed suicide. In obedi
ence to bis dying reijueHt, be bas been
buried where the woman who rejected
bim can view hit grave-stone from her
A St. Lous phvii.jinu wisely declares
that only healthy people should mairy.
"If I had my way," he 1 dds, "blonde,
should never uiurry eiiuh other. A
blonde ahould secure a brunette for a
partner. If this were done, e should
become more 11 1 ifu I ah n race, and
itronger, and longer ived."
srv TO IT
that you're nut put off
with iin pixr substi
tute, when you usk for
Pr. 1'ierce's Oolden
JluJical Iiiacovery. Get
It of on honest dealer.
As h blood cleanser,
itrenirtli restorer, aad
nt-xh-lHiiHter a certain
remedy in every disease
caused by an inactive
liver or bud blood,
there'i nothing else tout's " just as good" as
lbs " Discovery."
It's the only medicine flH'iiWwil to bene
St or cure, or tbe money is refunded.
(Urn Itronk, If. C.
Tin. K. V. FmacK: fMi- Sir- Twelve
months ago I was hardly iiii!" t" work at all.
aiiffesrd frotn nnrvniisnms und mmukiii'SS, nail
atari cough. 1 can work ull Urn time now and
nee. latins i"" " r-
snd feel that It s all due to the
a. k. d."
Yoasg ijilicro!
W Oy er Ton a BemUf
vMeh Imnru Safety te
lift of Mother and CIM.
Jtebs Confinement oiM
Pain, W .-rnr atidBUh.
etaMiiiMub!tt!.'.at ""? other's Frli
suffartHltmt ilteio 1 .ii,iiti1ui iiut ciperUmeaUiei
IiiUiph ulUTW..i.t ' I lu mu.Ii caea.-JL.
SJaua QQL,Lumav, uik J..U. I sin, 1391.
asat by ernrrss, eljars prepaid, on receiptor
StlM, (1.90 pur ixju ! 3. 1!i lo M' ' liera mailed tree,
KADi'it i.t9i:n;ti.4tou co.,
! AT ..n':m. OA,
i ec;x i;f ' m. lit .i.-iista
Tie Best
In the
- b..?u in. vv'k i" virirTP f wrimntpd Wttf-
nrorf. sihl will kn i ".I. y l:i llio hril.;i.uiorm. ins
lirwi-OHMl.l. Ml K Kills a perlMt rsii i cost saw
Urenraa enure a. . newcM "?"'"";'':":'
ti Alai'.'ieJ ir.-.' J TOWKK. IKnUm. Mass.
$io A Day Free 1
Enclose in a lell. r containing
your full name ami ai'dr. ss, the
ouiside wrapper if o l.olile of
Smith's Bile Deans (either size).
Ilvourleiier i the lirw one opened
In the first morning m 'II of any
day except Sunday be
aent you at once. Ifiiie ail, 3d,
4ih, 5ih or 61I1, Si. Ak fur the
SMALL sie. I u'.l "si in liledto
all who send pnHuv.e t'.rii (sets.).
Address J. Y, Smitll & Co.
No, 955 Greenwich St., New York.
Not a trip;
iXJtSj In a barrel of
, them "
IsVSaifesl i...( SoMgngl
a..Ha.aiaBwa.A.II. WilularSwkttsmUrllar
ClltCHCU WAKTKU. Free prepaid out
OSL OMin in. "lie "r
earned o"r?".0l0 In live years. PSION, V. O
1S71, New York.
af at riPirn xra t tiuvh., w t mm
WAllTBU (0 IO a month sipmm
Bssj iSonth jmp. TaMaeUwX OS I I
I tJ
Care and Management of Dairy Calves
4 t ore Gate Li-h Clover ma aa Auul
lujtry to Wheat by Frostr-Krera;rawa
for Windbreaks.
Meeure f-'astenina tor Gate.
In the far west a barnyard Is
called by the Spanish name. corraL
A gate to a corral that is proof
airairiBt beinit opened by swine or cat
tle should always be provided. One
that is excellent for security, and
that can be easily constructed by anr
far : er, is shown in the illustration
taken rrom tbe An erican Agricultur
ist H may U of any desired width,
but It over three feet wide, it should
be provided with a diagonal brace,
extending fro n the lower hinge
corner to the opposite upper corner.
Tbn gate s made of one-inch lumber,
four inches wide, with bottom pieces
six inches wide. The vertical cleats
on the sides are double, and secured
by wrought or wire nails driven clear
through and clinched. A sliding bar,
a, with pg b extending through for a
handle, is notched on the upper side,
and placed between two of tbe gate
bars. Two cleat-, c. of lx inch
stuff, are nai.ed arms, two bars on
the hinge side of the gate. To these
cleats a drop catch, d. i-i fastener by
a wooden pin, so t: i, it will allow
the sliding bar to I aver-e beneath.
When the. sliding liar is pushed for
ward Into a nioitise. in the post, the
catch falls into the notch, and no
cow or horse can possibly remove It.
How to. Slake Insert Powder.
There are few people who have
any idea to what extent the
flowers of Chrysanthemum cinarari
o'folluiu are cultivated in Daluatin,
for the sole purpose of making the
powder which has such a reputation
as an Insect destroyer. The whole of
the supply of these flowers has hither
to been derived from the Aut Ian
province of Deltnai 1 1 and the neigh
boring state, Montenegro. Trieste
is the m irketto which theso flowers
aie brought, and from whence tbey
are distr btited to the average annual
value of '40,000 to c",0,ooo. The
plant is one that'ls easily cultivated
in any kind or soil ami almost an7
climate. Within tiiite recent years
It is said to have liecn introduced
into Australia, Cul.iotuia, and South
Africa, in each of w Irrli lit cultiva
tion on an extended scale, lor com
mercial purposes is contemplated. In
tbe noigborliotl m 1 e liti it Is also
stated that the plant is yrown largely,
but up to the prose hi, time Dalmatia
la the chief source from whence Eu
rope and America draw their princi
pal suppl e-. Tli h trvest commences
at the beginning ol un', and in the
face of the report thai the plants had
suffered much from 1 1. e severity of
the past winter Wo crops are looked
forward to ulni much anxiety.
Gardener's Chronicle.
f rost Injuring Wheat.
Dr. Galen Wilson gives some good
practical advice in the New York
Tribune about sowing wheat and
clover, lie ii'lvocates u compact seed
bed which experience has proven best
for wheat Hut when he attempts
to give the reason lie tails into error.
Ho says truly, "Krost heaves clover
only when the soil is deep and soft;"
but he ailds, "Like wheat roots,
those of clover penetrate the com
pact undersoil, and frost has no ef
fect." We have often seen clover
roots snapped at the surface of the
ground by frost, while the lower part
of the root was held in frozen soil.
It is not that the compact subsoil
holds the wheat or clover root firmly
that saves wheat and clover from
winter killing. The shallow seed bed
in fall with a comp'ii t st rata beneath
It prevents the win- a mot from go
ing deeply. . o soon as the young
roots strike this hard pan they branch
out horizontally. The top also does
the same, nraklng the 'sp eadlng
habit of grown." which all growers
of winter wheat so much desired.
Then, when cold weather comes this
mellow seed lied is generally raised
in a body with its wheat roots spread
out and not much injured. The
lower strata is only mellowed by
freezing, and tn tbe spring the wheat
roots that have wintered without in
Jury strike down into the subsoil
ofteu to great depths. They ought
not to do so in the fall.
Care of Dairy t aire.
Prof, ltobertson says that breed
and feed are to a cow like two wings
to a bird one alone is of but little
use. A rule that will apply to a ma
ture cow ought to apply with full ns
much force to a young calf. A calf
may have descended from a good
strain of animals, those possessed of
good milk and butter qualities and
yet be Injured in bringing up. A
calf may be injured by extremes in
feeding, by feeding too much of too
concentrated food and by foedlng too
little of poor food. We havo seon
nuinoious instances of tho latter
treatment, and carried a llttlo too
far for the hoalth and even tho lire
of the calf. As a rule, we are favor
able to a natural course unless It Is too
uncertain and expensive, and believe
that the milk as it comes from the
cow Is fullv as beneficial as any arti
ficial food that can be produced; hut
the Question of profit aftar a time
comes la and the cream can be better
employed than in making calves, so
after one gets & lair start skim milk
may be employed with dry ground
oats The oats are fed dry so as to
secure a healthy degree of salivation
wblcb by aiding digestion ensures a
heal thy system and ati mulates growth.
A regular healthy development of a
calf is likely to prove far more satis
factory than an abnormal and un
natural development German town
Telegraph. '
Tb Teafilaa Heifer.
The heifer with her tlr,t calf is but
half a alf, as tbe saying goes. She Is
but at tbe dawn of ber development
for the purposes of the dairy. It Is
at this point that tbe necessity of
careful and prudent management
steps in. Tbe man entrusted with
the development of a cow for the
Ural year of her milking impresses
his defects or excellencies on her
milk production ever after. At this
period the heifer's teats are inclined
to te small, but if the man handling
her at this period is a competent
person these will be enlarged to their
normal si.e under his manipulation
and remain so during her life This
is the critical point in the heifer's
career, if she is to grow into a profit
able dairy cow, and should impress
on the dairyman the importance of
having her looked after in an intelli
gent manner. She should be man
aged bv a careful person who possesses
her confidence In the fullest degree
and whose method of treatment Is
acceptable to ber. This is the point
where to avoid the mistakes of the
past that you committed in tbe train
ing you used with your former year
ling heifers. American Dairyman.
Hrlei tlUs t'OWS.
In selecting cows fordairy purposes,
care should be taken to get them of
a uniform type if possible The head
small and ' lean, eyes full and mild,
neck full and thin, backbone promi
nent and open between joints, hips
wide, legs short and fine boned, bar
rel well rounded and large, deep
through behind the shoulders to give
plenty room for heart and lungs, ud
der large, running well forward and
back, teats, short, but thick and wide
apart. Avoid those whose udder
shows a tendency to collapse after be
ing milked. Such cows are usually
large milkers and may be set down
as thin milkers. The skin should be
soft and mellow to the touch,. covered
with thick, soft hair. Do not mis
take si.e for constitution. A cow
weighing nine hundred pounds is a
large as I care for.
(Jlover as an Annual.
A writer in the American Agri
culturist claims a valuable discovery
in the fact that spring-sown clover
cut Just after harvest bas produced a
good crop of seed the same season. If
he had waited until spring he would
not be so enthusiastic. Treating
clover in this way, seeding early on
rich land and cutting close to tbe
ground at mid summer, be changed
clover into an annual. This is some
times done with other plants, beets,
radishes, and carrot, but the plants
after seeding will at once die. What
is most. needed with clover Is to make
it perennial. This to some extent
can be done by entirely preventing
seeding the second year. This re
quires several cuttings. The plants
should not even be allowed to blos
som, for that also is exhaustive.
American Cultivator,
The Useful Skunk.
The true usefulness of the skunk
Is fast becoming understood. When
the sun sinks low and the injurious
worms begin to feed and cut the corn
the skunk, holding his head down to
the ground, walks slowly, listening
intently at each plant; and, hearing
the movements of the worm, he digs
It out with his snout and quickly
swallows it, of which a hundred
hardly suffices for a meal. This ani
mal has some disagreeable habits, it
is true, but it is to be taken with all
Its faults and made the best of for
what it really is worth. New York
Farm Motes.
The margin of profit in farming it
too small to admit of any unneces
sary waste.
Incricasino the size of the pieces
of seed potatoes increases tbe yield;
result of three years trial.
Soktkn up the collars of tbe work
ing teams bv pounding with a stick
and kneading with the hands.
Eveuy farmer should feed his
products so as to make all the manure
possible, and then apply it wisely.
Plenty of shade and fresh water
are needed the hot spells.
Keep the water in the shade and re
new tre (uently.
With really good roads, the farmer
six miles from town or the railroad
station would find the cost of trans
portation no more than one now three
miles away.
Tub foundation for success In
live stock farming lies In the econom
ical production and use of feeding
stuffs. Then, given uood stock, the
problem is pretty nearly solved.
It has boen found at Ellersllc, Mr.
Morton's famous (iuernsey farm, that
one acre of ground will produce en
silage for from three to five cows,
while It takes two acres to produce a
similar supply of hay.
Tub total yield, or the yield of
straw nod grain, was some fifteen per
cent greater on the plata Irrigated
at night, and the ratio of straw to
wheat was theretoro much greater on
tho plat Irrigated at night.
Thk beginner Is specially warned
against spending his money lor any
novelties In bees unless he wishes to
test them In comparison with what
are recognised as the best) and can
afford to spend money for such iwr-Vote
Powder surpasses all
others in leavening power, in
purity and wholesomeness,
and iS indispensable for use
wherever the best and finest
food is required.
All other Baking Powders contain'
ammonia or alum.
.AAAAjlr. A A A
The King 01 Si t
honee, but slielie'
bis own family. II '
and 72 children. II
eps a boarding-
1 he mem here of
- 'J ollicial wives,
brothers and
sisters ounil er 50, I he tut 2vS uncles
and aunts. Thev all live with liiui.
A strange appl -tree, which is koovn
to have been U'.i years old, was de
stroyed by a reciii s'orm. on the pro
perty of M's. IJ'lit llotjlik'ss, in
Cheshire, Conn. It btr fruit every
yeur, but only on one side each year.
The side that ixire one year would be
barren tbe next. It yielded 110 bushels
a side.
Toek Her Fm tier's Neat.
Butte county's umnt popular daugh
ter today is A nnu Morrieon, wboss fa
ther, Hei tf M irr'i o is one of the
Boat fatuous i.-liMnicleiB on the coast,
says the Hsu l'rancisco Chronicle.
''Hen" Morrisun h.-m driven the coach
fron Chi rokee Kl.ii iIdwd Mjrria ravine
to Orovil e fcr i! theKe many years,
lie is a t;)Cil old-time aUge-dr ver,
hs!e, bluff, hearty mid good uatured,
who could f.ot livti imy where else but in
H.e reg'ou in uim li he has spent the
i'.te" portion of Ms .f. the mountain
iivion of northern CiiliforDia. To him
'I' '1 Cup riiV'O , S Hainan revine and all
the d ..ens 1 f it. II s in the mountains
itv Hr fitm lin, i. I, .pa's fountain is to
the slatuus of Kearney street. For
- with it In dee" h s -pecial mission in
life to I rmg d'n the gold from the
1 untuin recesses to Oroville. Few
nf . I'oiii'l ettfrly drive a coach over
.1 .. roa 1, but 11-11 Morrison had been
t if :e so long that it lintl uever occurred
to anyone that he might meet with an
accident or be called away. 80 a short
time ago when he was thrown from hie
ouch and had hia leg brokeu there wae
ilin'.reas in the community. "Who can
liM ins place?" whs the main question.
The many deeds of valo and kiodnees
of i he old stage driver, his many bat
tle?, by physical exertion and the aid
of his reai'y gun, were recalled. There
did not aeein to be anyone to succeed
him. 15ut the stage went out the next
morning just the same. When the
horhee had beou hitched and all the
minor details had been attended to Mies
Annie Morrison, the charming daughter
of 1 he unfortunate driver, jumped into
the box, took up the reins, cracksd ber
bip and drove sway.
Throughout ber father's illness sbe
drove the stage, sn 1 did it as well as
Old Hen ever did. Her independence
and bravery commanded attention and
forced respect. Miss Morrison is only
about twsnty years old, and is a refined
and well educated young lady. She bad
miide the trip with her father many a
time and had sometimes driven tbe
horses. Why should she not do so
during tbe conval. scene of her father?
With her to think was to act, and for
nearly a month she manipulated the
Big 'sh in the Hudson.
For a number of years the United
States fish commission, cooperating
with the New York commission, has
b'en engaged in stocking the Hudson
and its tributaiies with salmon fry,
This river, though never a salmon rivsr
seemed to present tbe natural condition
for the establishment of the species.
There are, however, according to the
Washington Star, on both the main
river and tbe tributaries, natural ob
structions which would prevent the as.
oent of salmon to the spawning grounds
at the sources of the stream. It was,
therefore, determined to test possibilites
in this direction by continuing to hatch
out and plant the fry in the bead.
quarters, in the expectation that they
would go to sea and on their return
show themselves at tbe different ob
Itruotions in tbe river.
Several hundred thonsand fry have
been planted in the river each season
tor some yearn past; and two years ago
ten thousand yearling fish from the
Maine station were also planted in the
river below the Troy dam. Though no
salmon fishery la prosecuted in the
river, and no salmon were taken only
incidentally in tne shad nets, recent re.
ports from E. C. Blackford, of New
York, indicate the taking during the
present season of more than eight hun
dred salmon, varying from ten to twen
ty-flve pounds in weight.
With proper protection in reference
to the fishing, and with provision made
to permit the salmon to reach the head
waters of the river, there is now no
reason to doubt that tbe Hudson will
become as important a stream in this
respeot at is the Penobscot in Maine
Mr. Hume-Tones, the Enttlish artist.
is engaged upon the interesting task
nf naintlna DOrtral' of Mr. Uiadstone a
vnnnsxt sranddaunhter. Dorothy Drew
this little blue yed msden of 3 years is 1
aald to resemble the grandfather start-1
Mount Kioseo, which rises precipit
ously 700 feet out of Moosebead like,
Maine, is whoely composed of borne
atooe sdi.' is tbe largest mass of tbst
mineral in tbe known world.
Tbe River St". La wren se, it is esti
mated, covers 90.000 square miles; and
ss nearly the whole of this area averagsa
600 feet In depth the aggregate volume
of water cannot be much abort of 10,300
solid miles. It is computed that a body
of water of this si.s would require more
than i years to pass over tbe Falls of
Xiagaara the rate of 1,000,000 cubic feet
in a second.
Catherine da Medici's Doctor.
l'hHinelius, like many other physl-
ciaus. was much addicted to pnuosopny
sod imithematice, but having taken to
medicine he speedily attained b great
practKse. Ileciy II as dauphin and aft
erwards as king wss his constant friend.
Amoiu the moat grateful of his patients
wss Catherine de Medici, who believed
that his skill had saved ber from a state
of childlessness, and who gave bim on
the birth of her firstborn 110,000, order-
ng that a like turn should be paid to
him at the birth of each succeeding son
3r daughter. I think that Cardano
iked Pharnelius bettjr than he liked
Sylvius. He says be was a pale, lean
man of about SO, who loved bis study
mid was full of domestic affection. He
wiis the professor of medicine in the
universe ty and the first court physician
but he must have puzzled Casssnate
greatly, for he had an undisguised con
tempt for court society. Blackwood s
In some parts of Mexico, tbe party in
power maintaiu tnetr positions oy
throwing into jail their petitical oppon
ents on the eve of an election. When
the election is decided, the disfanchised
are released.
After reading a long Congressional
debate on tbe silver bill, a man in
Uuxbury, Mass., coughed up a dime
which he had swallowed some months
before, lie evidently favors silver as a
circulating medium.
In the Henry mountains in southern
Utah is a mound covered with the giant
sryetals. Prefect prisms of selenite C
feet long ate found there.
In the lost ten years, 140.000 residents
of the Province of Kuebeo hare
emigrated. Moat of then have taken
up their residence in the United States.
The most populous horse country in
the world is Russia. It has 20,000,000
of horsee.
Tr rlrnnsv after a rood nirht's sleep.
there is indigestion and stomach disorder
which Beecham's Pills will cure. 26 oents
a box.
I know, or rather ussd to know, a
village in Dovenshire in which every
able bodied man used to subscribe re
gularly to a common fund. It was an
ancient custom and possibly still sur
vives. To what purpose do you suppose
that fund was applied? To making
every subscriber that is, every able-
bodied man in the place drunk, dead
dunk, I fanoy, but certainly drunk, on
cider, on certain appointed high days
and holidays. Talk of tbe temptation
which a great city offers to a country
man to fall into drinking habits? What
singular notions some folks seem to
hsval-AU the Year Round.
and is taken internally, and acts directly
upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the
system. Bona ior lesuiuumuis, iree. duiu
The Turkish Sultan lately deoided
bis 167 wives should be vaccinated. A
doctor was called to the harem, and he
stood on one side of a temporary wooden
wall, through which a hold was bored.
No outsider is ever permitted to gaza
upon the faces of the hultan'g wives,
An arm of each woman was paased
throush the aperture, and the doctor
vaccinated tbem without getting
glimpse of their faces.
I Am Truly Thankful
For Hood's Sursanarllla. Muring the war
contracted typhoid fever, and fever and ague
leaving mo with ma
larial and mercurial
poisoning from which
I havo suffered ever
since, In neuralgia,
rheumatism, nervous
prostration and gener
al debility. Much of tho
time I have been unable
to work, and the doctors'
treatment failed to do
me any good. Since 1 Mr. Btlllman.
began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla I have not
lost a day's work in three months, weiio tei
peends more than for years and am In better
health than any time since the war." J. H
8TILLM1), Cheltenham, 1'a, Get Hoods.
Heart's Pills beeoms lbs favorite cathartic
With every one who trlei tbem. 55c. per box
A miniature fort has beeoer'(d io
(be play ground of the socs of tbe Ger
man Emperor. It ie furnished with lit
tle cannon, and tbe lads are taught to
fire then, and bombard a hostile camp
One of the jtost singular prod acta of
Hawaii is a vitreous lava known ea
Tele's hair.'' It is a silky, filamentous
substance olive green, soft, but very
brit'e. It is produced by tbe wind
catching the fiery spray thrown up from
the great crater of Kilanea.
One fact has been brough out with
conspicuous clearness during tbe dis
cussion on the financial stringency aad
that is tbe banks are responsible for a
good deal of the trouble and that they
hare helped along the state of things
with which tbey bare been struggling
in their greed to use depositors money
to the bast advantage to themselves. Io
this effort tbey have encouraged Wall
Street speculators and have contribu
ted to the aid impracticable enterprises
because there seemed to be great im
mediate profit to themselves, and they
haye so acted in many cases to the de
triment of legitimate business enter
prises. Our wbole banking and cur
rency system is in a most deplorable
mudd'e and it will take years to fully
clear it up. In tbe meantime business
will go on improving, and before many
weeks the work will be so fully ovei
that the panic will be regarded as an
incident of the past.
Any sudden change in the condition of
the atmosphere is certain to bring its har
vest conghs and colds. These, if suffered
to run on, are likely to terminate in con
sumption: but theyJiay he readily cured
by Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup.
Mary Osborne and Palo Alto were tbe
only two animals foaled at his farm that
Lelaud Stanford ever named.
I have been troubled with dyspep
sia, but after a fair trial of August
Flower, am freed from the vexatious
trouble J. B. Young, Daughters
College, Harrodsburg, Ky. I had
headache one year steady. One bottle
of August Flower cured me. It was
positively worth one hundred dollars
tome J. W. Smith, P.M. and Gen.
Merchant, Townsend, Ont. I have
used it myself for constipation and
dyspepsia and it cured me, It is the
best seller I ever handled C. Rugh,
Druggist, Mechanicsburg, Fa.
Brings comfort and improvement an!
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who lire bst
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's beat products to
the'needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the)
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is Que to its presenuns;
In the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing uuiuvipaviuu.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval 01 me meuica
profession, because it acts on the Kid
Tiara T.iver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
ejvsry oDjecuoiiauLv iuiiuw.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 60c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
The) Oreatest Medical Discovery
of the Age-
Has discovered In one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred
:ases, and never failed except in two cases
.both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of Its value, all within twenty miles ol
A benefit is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity Is taken.
When the lungs are affected It causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver ot
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears In a week
after taking ft.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
causa squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enough of It.
Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed
time. Read the Label. Send for Book.
ff. M. V. Xo. SS3--4S.
Terk, Web,
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