The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 19, 1893, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal, VOL. 6. h:a.:rr,iso:n neb., oct. 19. 1893. zero, e. THE SIOUX COUNTY o L. J. Simmons. Editor and Proprietor. F. E. k M. V li. E. Time tnb!e. Going West. Going East- Ko. I, mixed, 11 :15 1 So. 6, mixed 6:M -O. W. Stevens has rented tbe DeBrown bouse and will move into it in the near future. H. A. Priddy and S. L. Ulery re turned the last of the week from their hunt. J. W. Scott informs us that he ex pects to remove to Rushville in a month or so. All kinds of wood work done at Priddy's blacksmith shop, opposite The Jqi'rxai, office. Foe 8ai Cheap My residence prop erty in Harrison, or will rent to respon sible party. Mrs. Haas. A marry party of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marsteller last evening. Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and shoe maker. Cowboy boots a specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second door south court house. -C. 8. Scott has leased the Smith build ing and will fit it up and occupy it as a restaurant about the first of the month. His present quarters are not large enough to accommodate his patrons. J. E. Marsteller has purchased the Northrop property occupied by A. R. Pew and will move into it in the near future. Mr Dew will occupy the house belonging to Mrs. Haas, and she expects o go to Chadron to reside. - -From the Rushville Standard we learn that S. A. Beers, formerly of this county, was injured recently while help ing to move a building at flay Springs. The report stated that he was slowly improving. It is hoped that he will soon fully recover. Word was received this morning from the superintendent of the fish hatcheries that the fish car will be here pn the regular train on Wednesday, Oct. 25th. All those who have applied for fWh should be on hand ready to get the (Ish and take them to their ponds. - r When a smart man like Mr. Verity cannot see that his room is better than bis company he should not feel bad if lie does get snubbed. But when he does get snubbed he should not come down street and circulate false reports. If the i'little fool" who edits The Journal did Such a thing Mr. Verity would say he ied, By a notice in another column of this issue it will be seen that the firm of priswold & Marsteller has been suc ceeded by Marsteller Brothers. Both of he members of the new fiam are known o our readers and the business having been up tier their management for some time there will be no change in anything except name and ownership. Mr. Gris volif s duties as cashier of the Commer cial Bank and W. E. Marsteller having satisfied himself that Harrison is a good business point he concluded to buy Mr. pjriswold's iuterest in the firm. It is sale to say that the new firm will main tain the reputation of the old one. pn last Saturday the petition of E. G. Hough as a candidate for county reasurer was, filed in the office of the pounty clerk. The Journal has said fhat if would not support any man whose record was such that he was un fitted for an office to which he aspired, e have a copy of a circular which was gent from a town where Mr. Hough formerly resided which is pretty good evidence that he is not a suitable person to ha in charge of the finances of Sioux CPAJfityi and we do not feel that we wplu be doing our duty to the people fit m ?ynv 11 we . nt ca" attention to the fact. The people of the county jW? ft f'Eht to know the record of the men, who asp t$ be entrusted with the lie funds. Oil Tuesday a number of representa tive, men, trom djfterent parts of the county met at the court house and in formally discussed the matter of getting up a ticket with which to oppose the ring picket put up by Verity last Satur day Eight precincts were represented aqq after thoroughly discussing the matter it was decided to. get up petitions with tbe names of the men who appear - i tfhe Citizens ticket which appears at t,he head of our columns as candidates foj the various county offices. The vot ers of the county should look the names pyer carefully and investigate the men ang their records and if they are not proper persons tor tne iiuues wnicu jroujjd devolve upon them they, should 0 0 $ be supported. If on the contrary V?3! W. (9und to, 9 wofthy they sl'oujd bj) supported by every man who has any (purest ii the Welfare of the county and jftyg dssire thpt hfy public affair be r (b,e poptrolo tb,e people, and po wt tor vh urt 4 to THE POPS POP. THE GREATEST ONE RING CIRCUS ON EARTH. , THE BESOWSED CHAS. E. VERITY APPEARS AS BIXU MASTER. The Court House Ring Under Command of Verity Runs tbe Indepen dent Convention. Hursuant to call the independent par ty met in delegate convention at the court house in Harrison on last Satur urday at 2 o'clock. The convention was called to order by Commissioner Weber, chairman of the county central committee, and the oall read by the secretary, H. S. Clough. Senator Stewart and Commissioner Weber were nominated for temporary chairman aud a vote resulted in the election of the the former. A number were named for secretary but all declined but at last Will Gay hart was induced to accept the honor. On motion the following committees were appointed: Credentials, Burson, Priesoff and Ger lacb. Resolutions, Clough, Bradley, Orton, Weber and Southworth. Later Mr. Weber asked to be excused and Mr. Guthrie was appointed to fill the va cancy. Permanent organization, Raum, Ver ity, Hamaker, Langdon and Biehle. While the committees were at work Senator Stewart was called on for a speech, but did not get fairly wound up until the reports were ready. M. J. Weber was made permanent chairman and Will Gayhart permanent secretary. On motion an informal ballot was taken for clerk with the following re sult: Conrad Lindeman 32 0. H. Puddy 4 A formal ballot resulted in a unani mous vote for Lindeman, of Bowen precinct, and he was sent for and re turned thanks. On motion of Senator Stewart a re cess of ten minutes was taken, and when the convention was called to order an informal, secret ballot was taken for treasurer with the following result: S. Barker . 13 F. W. Knott 5 R. S. Q. Hamaker..... 9 J. S. Tucker 4 M. J. Weber 3 S. R. Story 2 Then the fun began and Senator Stew art raised the point of Barker being an an independent. On motion Messrs. Gerlach aud Biehle were appointed to wait on the Judge and request his pres ence before the convention. While the committee was absent a number delegates spoke in opposition to nominating an new converts, or as Raum termed it 11th hour independents. The committee returned., accompa nied by Judge Barker, who informed the convention that he was in full sympathy with the principles of the independent party. But that did not go down and Stewart made an impassioned speech in which he urged that none but time tried independents be put on the ticket, but it was of no avail, the formal vote was ordered, Ringmaster. Verity cracked his whip and the result was: Barker 19 Knott 1 Hamaker 13 Weber 2 Story 1 Barker, of Bowen, was, declared the nominee. While White River delegates ground their teeth and those from Cot tonwood roared. Informal ballot for judge showed: Robert Wilson .l 16 Geo. Bowen.. 7 S. Buiker 7 Wiq, Dixon 6 First formal ballot: Bowen 13 Wilson. .......................13 Barker 7 Second formal ballot;; - Boweu 19 Wilson .................10 Barker .' 7 Mr. Bowen, of Hat Creek, was de clared the nominee. A formal ballot was taken for. sheriff aud resulted as follows: Thomas Rekly 21 ii. Sy ciough.. Mr. Reidy, of Bowen, was declared (he nominee. . When the result of the ballot was an nouuped the pent up wrath, of the dele gations not subject . to, the lash of the Ringmaster broke out. The. highhanded manner m which the courfc house ring was running things called forth loud protests nod the remarks of the dele- THE PIONEER Pharmacy, J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. tW ARTISTS' MATERIAL. School Supplies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. Verity could not stand it and raised a point of order and shut them off. The informal ballot for superintendent showed: W. S. Hall 14 J. W. Graham 14 B. F. Thomas 8 The Ringmaster had the votes cast for Graham of Cottonwood in order to make that delegation feel good, but Mr. Gra ham flung the act in the teeth of the ring as an insult. A formal ballot resulted as follows: Hall 28 Thomas 8 Mr. Hal) of Bodarc was declared nom ited. For surveror B. F. Thomas received 24 votes and on motion it was made unani mous. This was rubbing it in a little harder than Thomas could stand and he took the floor and declined the nomina tion in a manner the audience will not soon forget. Mike Ruffing, who has been once ap pointed and once elected to the office but failed to qualify in ether case, was made the nominee for surveyor. For coroner, Dr. Phinney, a life long .epublican, was named, but no question was raised as to his politics. After transacting a little party work, the Ringmaster smilingly bowed and the circus was at an end. The delegates of the first commissioner district met within the district and named Henry Prieshoff as the indepen dent candidate for commissioner. PERSONAL. John Coffee was in from Rawhide yesterday. C. E. Schilt arrived from his trip to Ohio. Tuesday. S. W. Kemp was up from White River Wednesday. Charles Newman returned from Chica go yesterday, Dr. G. J. Shafer returned to his home at Rushville last evening. J. F. Schulz returned this morning from the east part of the state. G. M. Burson added his name to our list of readers on Saturday. J. T. Mason was. up from White Riv er Thursday and called to see us. David Anderson was over from Ard more on Monday on business. F. M. Procuuier passed through town, Tuesday on a trip to Colorado. County Attorney Conley returned yesterday from his trip to Oklahoma. W. E. Jones of Indian creek was doing business in Harrison Monday and called at this office. B. E. Brewster arrived from the east on Monday to look after his Sioux coun ty interests. ' Mrs. L. Gerlach is expected home in the near future. The little boy is recov ering rapidly. W. W. Wood, of Rushville, was in Harrison Thursday on legal business, and called at this Frank Castle went east the first of the week and it is expected that he will bring a bride with him on Ins return. G. M. Burson was up from Cotton wood yesterday. He says the swearing train got home safely Saturday night. Rev. Kendall started last Monday evening for Rushville and will return the last of the week, accompanied by his family. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright returned Monday from the vvorlds' fair and other points in tne. eas,t. Aiiey repor a very pleasant tuue.'- ' ' ' ' M. J. OCounell, chairman of the repuQiican county cerai couiiuiviee, came over fcuni Adelia, Saturday to, see Verity's pop circus. John Mosley and John W. Mxou were up from Sunar Loaf on Saturday and culled at this office, the latter enrolhug himself as a reader of The Jouiwal. J. W. Smith arrived home a few days ago. It had been so long since his par ents had heard from him that thuy bad become alarmed and bad sen tv T -BRUSHES. Notice of Dissolution, Notice is hereby given that the firm of Griswpld and Marstelles is this day dissolved by mutual consent, D. H, Griswold retiring. They will be suc ceeded by J. E. Marsteller and W. B. Marsteller under the firm name of Marsteller Bros, who will collect all notes, bills, etc., owing to said firm and pay all liabilities. 1). II. Gkiswold, J. E. Marsteller. On account of the change in the firm it is desired to have a settlement of all accounts on the books of the old firm and all knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Griswold & Marsteller are requested to call at their earlieat con venience and make a settlement either by cash or note. Card of Thanks We desire to thank our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our darling baby and our prayer is that they may never have to pass through such trials as we have, in the past few weeks, with their loved ones. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bartell. Married. Looue Trolper. -At the county court room, in Harrison, Nebraska, on Fri day, October 13, 1893, by S. Barker, county judge, Mr. Harry R. Logue and Miss Lucy Trosper, both of Lander, Wyoming. RESTAURANT AND Oyster Parlors, OF C. S. SCOTT, Warm Meals at all Hours. Oysters served in any style. Give me a call. 1 door north of the Journal office. J. E. PHINNEY, M. D. Physician and Snrgeou. All calls given prompt attention. Qfllce In Drug Store. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser, Oiie Boor South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. Give t mo J a t Call. DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable'1 WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, Nebraska. McGINLEY & STOVER, lliirrison, Nobr. Own following brand: THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Brkwsteb, President. P, H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, United States National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. EDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. MARSTELLER BROTHERS Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME AND LOOK AT THEM, They Have also put in the Largest Stock of General Merchandise, ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. MARSTELLER BROTHERS. PATENTS for inventions; PROCURED BY Press Claims Equal with the interest of those having claims agains the Government that o.t' INVENTORS, who often lotse the benefit of valuations because of the. incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patent Too, much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicited to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if pot eatirelyt ynm the care and skill of the attorney. " ' " With a view of protecting iuveotors from worthless or careless atUoruev and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patejit THE PRESty CLAIMS CO.MPAN ha,s retained counsel expert in patent practice a,nd i$ her. fore prepare toi ' ' ' - OBTAIN PATENTS, 0ODV INTSRFEBENCSS, MAKE SPECIAL EXAMPfATKkKa. r?B9EOUTB UE4E:TKlXC.4iliS, RISTKK T Hi DE-MARKS a nil COPYTHSHTS, R$HR pl'lSIQJSS as V SCOPE aUd VALUUTV" of PATENTS ' ' PROSECV'TE au BEFKND ISruiIWJEMET SUITS, ETC.," ETC ' ' If you. have an invention on hand seii THE; PRESS; GtAIM 0QJiFN.Tf 4 sketch or photograph thereof together with a briel- descriptwu 9 the. import, features, and you will be at once ad vised a fyx the best course to, pursue are not necessary unless the invention is. of 0, complicated nature. l ptfapiji m infritiKing on your rights, or if you am charged; with infringement by other mil the matter to us for a reliable OPINION Wore acting on the matter. The Press Claims Compaq, 018 F street, northwest WASUINfmiw' ft P. O. Box 408. XMX CJ. F, Copteb, Vice-PreaMeati Hardware. THE Company, WEDDBRBCRH, UUUMMIOIt attOIMA', ' 5 -A 5 ir tl 1 T, 1 ' ...9 it