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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1893)
-,..' 0 si .j t is fi 'A s ... 'I Th3 Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISH ED 1!S. HJET PATES d THE COCSTY. BEST PAPEB IS THS OTV. OJO.Y P.EP1 BLICAX PAPEK IS SfcAX COl STY. HAS TUE LARUEsT C1KO. I.AT1' OF ASY PAPER PI BLKUED IS SHA'X COCSTY. Siibsi-i-iiJlIrto K, L. J. Miumous, - - Editor. Entered at the Harrison jwst office as sce- OUd Ciaaai UllltUT. Tbxbsday, October 12, lSJi Republican State Tt.'Iii't. For Jnstic" of the Supreme Court, T. O. C. IIAKBIsOX, of i;r.::i'l Island. For Begems ot tlu- state University (full term.) H. D. ESTAIJIIi KIK, of Omaha, I'HAHI.ES WK-TOX, of Hay spring-. For Regent of the SUte ruiTiTsity "All vaeancj,) C. W.'KAI.EY, of Webster. TV nrospects are that the northwest will k .settled more rapidly withiu the next year than ever before. Rent lms advaticvd ill the east ' many w ill seek homes in (lie west. ...x co'.iuty get its sliare. The Harrison Jntt j it'U ut lias at hist passed .uto the hands of ". K. Verity a iiiove we had been expecting for sev eral niunlhs. Mr. Verity lias owned the outlit a ouniber of times before, or lias owned it all the time, we caa"t tell tvlr.di. Uemiiifdord Guide. Verity says that Simmons lied about the school book matter. Simmons" in fortnutii'ti came from the director of the school wliu gave Supt. Southvvorth as authority. As we have never seen the laws which were passed by the last legislature report is all tlie" way we have to get any information and when reports uni credited to officials they should be reliable. Hurrah tor Harrison 'i At the republican state convention the west and northwest were strictly in it. Nebraska went for Harrison in and in 1893 it will do so again. It has become an establisned fact that repuli licans born in Ohio are winners in politi cal campaigns and Judge Harrison was born in the buckeye state. It should be the aim of every republi can in northwest Xebrasku to see that the full party vote is cast for the entire republican state ticket. There is not a man on the ticket who is not qualified to fill the position for which he has been nominated. The reports from Washington are favorable for the retention of tlie land iiifke at Clisulmn. It would lie a great hardship on the settlers in the Chadron district to have to go to Alliance to do land office business and when tlie case is understood by the government it is quite likely that some means will be de vised to keep the ofiice going. Tlie people of tlie sixth congressional district of Nebraska would forget thai they have a representative in' congress were it not for an occasional reminder like this fronrthe pen of a Washington correspondent: '-Mr. Kem is supposed to be in Washington, although it woulu tuke a Lick observatory telescope, joined to a Peary exploring expedition, to dis cover his general whereabouts. He is occasionally seen drifting around the floor of the senate or walking in melan choly seclusion down the avenue. He exhibits no desire to become acquainted with, or to mingle with his associates, but flashes op with great regularity to draw bis monthly pay of $416, at the office of the sergeant-at-arms." Kear ney Hub. The republican state convention took such action as showed Ilusewater where he was at. Had sui-h a course been fol lowed at Kearney in 1VJ2 the party would have been much better oil'. The way he was laid out puts things in ex cellent shape within the party. Now if Rosewater has a grain of honor left lie will either give Jud;,'e Harrison hearty support or resign as memiier oi me national committee. The light over tlie silver question is still on in congress. Unconditional re peal is said to be out of the question and even tlie chance of a compromise has become doubtful. There is some talk of :m Miliniii-nnient before anything is ac- j - complislied. ' Ju liiat event all the good that will have been done by the extra session he that the country has been given to understand that nothing but good money will be given to the neonle and that every dollar will be as good as every other dollar. Reformer Verity -;ives a very plausi ble excue for Senator Stewart's failure to explain, his action iu regard to t'.u contest matter. Tlie fact is great reform Senator is tlie ssti:. ;; j pe.ipie as Verity, it is known that he is ! a reformer for niii.v ;;') should he tell the truth h1ki'5 ihu contest matter it would prove that he is a rfcfci nier for i boodle. Stewart dare not tell the pait he played. Owing to the fact that our space is largely taken with the tax list tins ween we are unable to devote as much atten tion to our friend, Simmcns, as we would lil.e: but if anything will punc ture! his rhiiKxeros-lil.e hide and cause him to shed briny drops the presence- of alxint two hundred dollars worm oi legal notices in this paper will ito it. Twill hurt him worse than when lie oe- l came a convert to oeiaocr.;. y. nii.'i- IKitdht. The appearance of tlie legals referred to above is a monument to tne domi neering, rule or ruin policy of Verity and the ring of county ollicials which he ontrols. It is proof positive of the appreciation the ring nas oi any one whom the commander-in-chief or his strikers cannot control, it in tne way- Verity and his gang repays the editor of The Journal for aiding them in time of need, because he would not sell out to them, body and soul and advocate the fallacies of the pop parly for county patronage when, had honor been con sidered this paper would have had it all the time. The legal in tlie pop organ are to repay the editor of The Jol'RXAL for all his work, in delense of Verity and the county ollicials when the opposition was making Hie a uuruen to litem, both for ollicial acts and business relation. It is a monument to the in gratitude, treachery and perfidy of the ring of which C. E. Verity is the leader. The pink of purity who presides over columns of tlie pop organ continues to crack away at the editor of this paper in the hope of keeping people from investi gating the little tricks of the ring ol village and county officers controlled and managed by Mrv Verity. The outfit realized that their case was desperate and they found that even after they had bought the former editor of the Inde pendent that he would not defend them in their dirty work, but expressed satis f act ion, verbally, when The Journal denounced the methods, resorted by Mr. Verity and his tools in the village election. When the motive for the effort to con trol the village board is looked up the vidence that it was a deep laid con piracy on the part of Verity and bis outfit becomes -quite conclusive. Not only was the 500 license money thereby retained by the ring, but about $800 belonging to the bond fund of school district No, 7 was also retained in tlie bands of Mr. Verity or the institution then, under his control. With such an object in view it was all right to resort to deception to get signers to a petition, and it was all right for one of Verity's strikers to call on one. Of the legitimate business men of Harrison shortly before th village election and told him that if be knew on winch side his bread was battered be would stay witb that outfit. It is all right for them to do such things lor they are "reformers." One of the illustrations of kind of "reformer" the angelic individual the pop editor is is tlie attempt , he and hi associates made to have the court. con psl the commissioners issue warrants for 1st of old claims which were held by Us institution then under the control ol Jig. Verity, before the expenses c'. tbe cowoty for tbe current ear of 1890 wsre The democratic state convention at Lincoln last week was the most remark able ir,itliei-in' of that narty that has occurred ia Nebraska for years. There has been a irood deal of friction lor a time between the administration demo crats and the Bryan democrats. The state convent ion was made the battle ground of the factions and Congressman Bryan came from Washington to lead his forces in the fight. The contest was hot and ' the speeches spirited and at every turn the administration was sus tained and the congressman from the first district sat down upon. He was roasted on one side and then turned over and roasted on the other until in a speech he threatened to go into another party, but or. that point he hedged to reat extent shortly after. It is quite certain that among the democrats of Nebraska Grover Cleveland is recognized as the representative of his party. In addition to turning down Congressman Bryan the convention nominated Frank Irvine of Omaha for justice ot the su preme court, and Milton Doolittle of Holt county and J. M. Pyle of Wayne county were nominated as regents of the tate university for the full term, and n. A. Kloman of Custer county to till the vacancy. Xuliw f'r l'nhU-a:.on. I-and office nt ChHdroi), S. I)., I n-i. li, isin. Sotire i he reb given Hint the lollow in" it-, I ,.nli- Iihn llled iH.tie-. ol i t int mi titH' M niiikc Ana! lirmif t support ol in . , .i n, an. I thus proof i:i ! made be fore i oiirad I.iudeiuuii, h-rk of the in-lrn l ) Court at Harri-uii, Nebra-ka, on (k-Iooi r id, ltf3, viz: Anton libi iu. tif Montr.Ke. lir who made bo trad entry So. 751, tor the hc. i4 .M.'. I'ty tp. 'M li., r. jj eet ol the th p. m. He nautili tlie lollowiiijr witnesses to prove his continuous re-ideiiec upon and cultiva tion of Ktid land, vi.: . Theodore l'n kenhrock, Conrad Hittieli, lleiirv asMTlmwr, all of Montrose, Sehr., Peter Henry, ol l.ili-hnst, Seor. (1-tii W. 11. Md'ASS, liegifter. Mieriif Sale. V.y virtue of an Alias order tif sale direct ed to me from tlie clerk of the district court of Sioux vomit v, Nebra-ka, on a judg ment obtained in wild court on the third dav of AniruKt, 1'.'-, in favor ol Sarah ( . 1). lla-sett as plaintiff and against Hank iin si-noii-, Mal'V silnon-i, Sal-all E. lavi and II. I. Ila cU as defendants, for the sum of !017.js and costs taied at !1..'SI and ae criling costs, i have levied on the billowing real cslate as the property of di lendants to satisfy said order of sale towit: It number sixteen (Hi) in Block number sis Ho ill llin village of Harrison, Sioux Coun ty, Nebraska, and will offer the same lor Kile to the highest bidder for cash iu b oui on the tvventv-eight dav of Oc toiler, i-W, it two o'clock, I'. -M ., OI sain uav hi uie front door ol the Court House ol siiiun oiilitv. Nebraska, that being uir ouiki- ing in which tlie hist, term of the District olllt was Held, at wlnen nine aim piaee lue attendance, will !e given by the un dersigned. Tho". HKinv, 'l , t Miel in oi sain couui.v. Final Proof Notices. Ml persons having final proof notices in tMu ,.,oi..r will receive a marked copy oi tne nailer and are reo nested to examine their notice anil if any errors exist report same to this oftiee lit once. Xotire Timber Culture. I. S. l.ANII lllTICK, I'llADIION, NlUI. August 29, ISM. Complaint 2.-ih having been entered at this ofliee by i'eter scliaeier against Albert li. Thome for lailurc to comply w un law as in timber-culture entry No. :u:i, dated Aiigusi Hi, iw.l, uixm the se section I, lowiisii ip .u, range J ', in Sioux eountv, Nebraska, wun a view to tile ciilieellalion of said entry: con testant alleging that ehiiniaut has wholly ibandoned said tract in mis lo-wn: i.j- fleeting to break, plow or otherwise euiu- v!iie itnv nortion of said tract since making said ent ry ; that no part ol said tract has ever been broken, plowed or m any w ay emu- v,ii...l un to .hitii of making this affidavit. The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ofliee on the ltlilay ol October, iH'.ia, at Hi o'clock a. in., to respond and lur- h testimony couc-rning sain anegeu failure. , est inonv ol Wllncssse.s win tie laaen before I). II. (Jr swold. a notary puuiie, in his ofliee in Harrison, Ncbr., on the 12 day of October, ls',0, at 10 a. m. T. K. Powers, MI, uecciYcr. II. T. Con ley, contestant's attorney. the Notire for Vindication. Land Oftiee nt Chadron, Neb. J Sep. l'J, IH'.M. i Notice is hereby given that the following .........d settler 1ms bled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prool will be mane be i.,v.. I ...iri.rl l.iii.lenian. Clerk of the District Court, at Harrison. Nebraska, on October li, li-'.ej, viz. Edward V. Maine, of Harrison, Xchr. who made 11. K. No. L',U for the lots 2,3 & 4 si. i. nw. i; sec. 4. t. : n., r. sti v lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva- li,,.. of land. VI.: Dwiiht 11. Griswold, (irant Guthrie, John K. Marsteller, Kggert Kuhwer, all of Harri son, Ncbr. also . Kilvvnril V- Maine, of Harrison. Xebr., who made T. 0. K. No. 101H for the lot 1, sec. 1. 1.. :il ii.. r tki w. He uanies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnueiuiiva tion of said land viz: Dwight II. Griswold, Kggert Uohwer K. Marsteller, Grant Guthrie, all of son, Ncbr. W. II. McCANN, 2-7J Uegister. , John Harri- Tbe fact is that there is just a much f a rintf among the village and eounty 4osn cootroUed by Verity a there Was is Um ssrly day of the county con tfOsW by SattsrVM, , All that is- needed later thf ring to gets goo grip on the $&ni the county for aaother tern mA Uwr wUI b m spsctad for tbe tax' yrs to wHusit In their frantic f'srt torMry tMr pvwt tiny are nmk icTMry &rt to stir mp strife sod dis- ttttm'TBm whom Umj cannot CZ3ri nt RHfi mow weir mmbm CJUO JM Wmlili by m nm. Tke r Irk W ttw faopfe itt tanmf fmn tmd win , ,as to awy tstwi The republican state convention which was held at Lincoln on last Thursday was the largest convention the party has ever held in the state and it was also ne of the most harmonius. The result could not but be in the interest of the party and the nominees are men well qualified in every respect to entitle them to the loyal and hearty support of every republican. The contest for justice of the supreme court required five ballots and resulted in the selection of Judge T. O. C. Harrison of Grand Island. He has had twenty years experience as an attorney and a judge and has a clean record as a man and a jurist, whom ever; Rosewater has nothing against, and whose ability is recognized by all who know him. He is a plain, every day man who does not feel himself above the people whota he has served for years as one of the judges of the eleventh dis trict and it is safe to presume that the added honor to which he will be elected next month will make no change in his demeanor. For regents of the stale university for tbe full term but one ballot was required and Charles Weston of Sheridan county and H. D. Estabrook of Douglass county ware declared the choke of the conven tion. A ballot was taken for a candi date for the unexpired term as regent and C. W, Kaley of Webster comflty was the unanimous choice of tbe con vention. A high compliment was paid to Mr. Weston, the candidate from the nortl west for regent, when he was given the highest Dumber of votes of any man in tbe field for the . place, receiving 811 votes. BradD. Slaughter was elected chair man of the state central committee and Tom Mr Cook., secretary, so that a busi' rtess campaign May be looked for. The platform adopted lias- the true' re publieaff ring to- it. There is no dodging" or hedging, but the position of the party is clearly defined. With clean, well qualified Melt as can didates and energetic able mea m charge of the campaign the republican parly goes into the fight with every prospect of mooes, sod when the result of the Tote of November 7th is mado' known it wiM prove that tbo people otf Nebraska: rsoognice tbe fact that tb ffepuUicao party is the one wWcb brings prosperity U tbs oat tort, .. Notice for Publication. Land Office ut Chadron, Neb., j Aug:il, 1J3. ) Notice is hereby given that the following 11 n mod nnti.lp.r has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, clerk of the district nnnrt. at Harrison, Nebraska on October ltitll, 1893, viz : William Keith, of Ardmnre. S. Pali., who made homestead entry No. 404 for the sc. u uee. '21. to. 8ft n., r. 04 west 01 tin lith 'p. m. He mimes the following witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol, said land, viz: .loshna. M. Plumb. Isaac Hoy, David An demon. George W. llenibry, all of Ardmore. S. Uak. , ..... w . il. jiu:i a-.i, 52-5J iiegister NORTH Alias .Notice. -Timber Culture. V. S. I.AM) OFFICE, I ALLUN'CK, NKB. i : Aug. 4. 1SW1. Cnmnlaiut having been entered at this office bv I'eter Jinan against. Mahlon A. suy ler for failure to comply Willi law as to iini- hcl-eulture entrv o. KLjlli, daleu Dec. i.i, IKsil, for the ne. 1. section :i5, township -24, ranee ."i7. in Sioux county, Ncbr., with a view I,, a. iiei.ihitioii ot said entry: contest ant alleging that "claimant plowed about live acres of said tract during the first year of said entrv: but that since tlie first year of entrv claimant has failed to backset or cultivate said live acres, or any portion ol .same and has failed to break the secouil in i acres as required by law and the said tract is .mil bus been for the last live year uoi- iv iibioiilmied mid grown no to grass ami weeds, said delects remain unciired to this date, May '27, lswi." The said panics are hereby summoned to appear at tins omee on the '27 day of Sept., l -'.ti, at HI o'ciock, a. iu. to respond and furnish testimony concern ing said alleged I allure, 'ivsti.iir.iiv of wi t.i i esses will be taken be fnni W. II. 'Ilulbcrt. I'. s. ct. Com., at, his olllce. in Gering, Neb., sept, ai, lH' 10 a. m 4'.l-2l ,JAS. II. l1A.s;.i, ueeeivui. (I. W. Gardner, Ally for co itestiint. Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them. Notice of Kxpiriitinii of Time for Iteilrmption From hix Sale. t.i iviiiinin 11. Unison. Owner: '(i(i are hereby notified that the of i..wl,.,iititl.m nn the sale for taxi - ol tile east halt of the northeast iiuartci' of section tliirtv. three mid the south half of the north west, nuarter of section thirty-four, all in t..,wiishiii tbirtv-three north, of range lifty- three west of the sixth principal meridian b. Ni.iii-n.ska.. taxed in the name of William 11. Henson, and sold at private sale for taxes on the eighth day ol t obruury, isuz, ny un. treasurer of Sioux comity, Nebraska, to the iiiiiiersiened nurchaser lor tho taxes assess ed thereon for. the year 1800 amounting to eleven dollars, win expire on tne eigum uay of February, 1WI4. Dated September '2'2, 183. 3-"l Minnie h. Mahbiiali., Purchaser. T iTANTF.b Men to sell our hardy varieties V of nnrserv stock, our own growing, sai ary or commission. Answer with references. 1. G. lillAOO CO., HU1IIIIIH.U11, l.iiii. WEST EAST SOUTH Purchase Tickets and Consisn Your Freight via the F., E.&M. V.S. C&P. RAILROADS. II. G. BTjRT, General Manager. . K. G. MOREHOUS, J. R. Bt-CMANA, Osnl Freight Agt. Gen't Pass. Ag8, OMAHA, NEB. Ilest ine to the East. The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Kewcastle Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own througl trains for Denver. Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. .Tosenh. St. Louis. Omaha, Peona, Cln cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which vou can take . sleeping car from Crawford in tlie evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria ami St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further infoiTrw.tioi and tickets ap nlv to nearest awent of Burlington Route B. &M..E. W. L. &BELDEN& SON, Wagon ad Carriage Makers.- ftepaiTlng do oi short nofiae. Good Work ami reonble etinTgcH. Shop (ntWof liverjTbitTn, HAKRUWN. ma- s UiXtV'AN k COSLEY, Lawyer IVlSM-BACrtNJB K AM. THB UtOkh, ST1 Slid federal 60Wta and V. 8. hunt oflieS. LIQM. PArtB OARtFULLY PRAWN.- tP SflW ftt CiWfft Hothw, Dr. Leonhardt Limit his practice to diseases of the Nervous system, (Su-h as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power,. Cramps, Fits, Gen einl Nervousness, and all forms ol Neuralgia.) HEART, (As shon by" Shortness of Breatlv, Pain, Palpitation',. Fluttering and Nurnb ness in" region of ttie Heart.) . BLOOD, (Suclrfts Skin Iliseases,' Ukers, Exces- uive PaJenesor Redness of th Face Faintness, WnziwSiw,' tc.) CONSULTATION FREE! AODRCSS WITH TAMP ' ' DK. LEONHARDT, MtfOSt. ' LINCOLN NCI ,riCstrflW tian.' HESTER A -SOI HEALERS IN umber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. Agents for the Buckeye, JJeermg , And Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS, HARRISON NEBRASKA. SIMMONS k I Real WILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Kstate Agents, " ..." School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. GEO. H. TURNER, UBALBEi I3ST roeeries -AND- (general Mercliandise. Look at my Goods and Prices Before Placing Orders Elsewhere McCo ck Binder Mowers- an We are at the Bottom for Cash, JL A PULL LIN Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and Wall Paper, "Undertaking goods embalming, J'ROifPI,-' ATTFNtlON GIVfiN T'OM'AIL 0fii)RRS:, GEO; C. RjBKD, I "Tfl P ."N't - 'if- 4 K , .1 : 1 f'.r"'5 s -. 1. I,