The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 05, 1893, Image 1

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V TOL.6.
1 HE
" 6
L. I. SUhmm. E41tor a4 Preartetar.
f. E. A If . V K. K. Time Uble.
Going Wert. OoliurKaat.
Mo. i. mixed, 11 :li Ho. (, mixed.. 6rK
Wheat per bube , ... .,,
OaU per baabeL
Oorn per bnaheli
borto-Der hundred 1
1 00
Bran nerftundred t
feed chopped per hundred .
Potatoes per bushel .
Batter per t
Egge per do..
Poultry per doz . ...
Oulone per
Beans per
Coal per ton ,
1 40
s SO
wood per cord.
' Lumber native per rn. ft .
WCorrected every Thursday.
15 00
H. A. Priddy is on a hunt and W.
E. Moore presides at the forge.
October was hustled in with a roar
and a little snow fell on Sunday but it
amounted to nothing,
G. M. Burson and D. A. Publow
were up from Cottonwood the first of
the week on business,
t-WAirrRD One hundred bead of
cattle to winter. For terms call on me
at my place northwest of town or ad
dress me at Harrison, Nebr.
Geo. Olinokr.
-Arrangements are being made to
construct a private telegraph line from
the depot and Griswold & Marsteller's
store so that the boys can practice tele
graphy. Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and
Shoe maker. Cowboy boots a specialty.
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
Satisfaction guaranteed, Shop second
door south court house.
The voters of Andrews precinct are
requested to meet at the school house at
Andrews on Wednesday, October 11,
863, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose
pf discussing precinct matters,
It is expected that school will open
again next week. It might be well for
the board to make an order that the
children in families where the diphtheria
has prevailed should not attend school
pntil given permission by the doctor.
After this month the mail route
from Harrison to Story will be discon
tinued and that office will receive its
mail from Ardmore, S. D. Care should
be taken to keep all such things as they
help both the town and the country.
-r-Charles Schilt received the sad in
telligence on Tuesday of the death of his
father at Defiance, Ohio, and he lety on
$he train that evenipg for that place.
It was not learned how long be would
be absent.
It would be a good plan for the vil
lage board to cniplete the repairing of
he sidewalk destroyed by rhe fire last
fail. As it is now it is liable to cause
some one to get hurt who is not ac
nuainted with the condition of the walk
and then the town will have a bill of
fijtfaages to pay.
With his usual disregard for the truth
Mr. yerity stated in the pop organ that
fr. Devenport qf Cjlen was campaigpiDg
the county in the interest of Dan Klein
fpr county clerk. Mr. Deyenport re
guests The Journal to state tbat there
is not a word of truth to the statement
ppd that Mr. Verity could not have done
hta a more unfriendly act'tljan J 4iJ
phen. published tnat repon.
Conrad and Henry Lindeman and
Marcus yaldez fiave secured a bunch of
2 ipeep from the National Sheep and
Lw Company. They expect to range
um pn Spripg creek. With that num
El'gDotf test of the sheep business in
thin locality can be made and the ex-
jjwnVwillbe watcljed, with a good
gff pf interest.
Lm. T. Conlev expects to start tompr-
eYening for Oklohopia and the
rokee strip. He will visit friends in
fiiiiritory and will look over the
atrip vjjtji a view to locating in some of
t&jjfiir cities. The rapid settlement of
that country is certain to create a large
ggpunt pf litigation and consequently it
will aaorq a gooa ppui$ iwf
. y-Towpship 88, range 6g, baa been
Cottonwood precinct and a
precinct created to be called Sugar Loaf
bncinct. ana me vuuu fr n
Epacct will be "at Adelia. A part pf
Point and also a portion of Mont
imiH of beiria made ft part
ofttw new precinct but the law
MI Bliow in as fjw w T "
T- Ka fhanrraH nftener
I11II1H WUHV , ' ,
-an poot in three years &nd it baa not
-to so long since w wtpw vt? "t
,-Li. Whan the modm time comes
J. P. Cook was at Crawford the Brat
of the week.
Mrs. H. A. Cunningbam started Thurs
day evening for a visit east
Jacob Henry was doing business in
Harrison yesterday.
Mrs.Heatb, a sister of Mrs. J. H. Cook,
left for the east Monday evening.
Ed. Patrick was in from Rawhide,
Wyo., yesterday and called at this
W. S. Johnson, the White river cheese
man, was doing business in Harrison on
L. E. Belden returned from his visit to
the worlds fair and his old home in the
east this morning.
B. F. Johnson returned yesterday from
his visit to the worlds fair and his old
home in Iowa.
J. B. Burke started Monday evening
for Lincoln to attend the democratic
state convention.
D. W. Woody started Tuesday even
ing for Lincoln to attend the republi
can state convention.
Misses Montgomery and Zeigler went
to Chadron Thursday evening and re
turned Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smiley started for
the eastern part of the state last even
ing. The latters mother is quite sick.
Ed will likely attend the republican
state convention to which he is a dele
gate. Remember that The Journal office
is headquarters for job printing.
J. W. Scott is building an addition
to his residence north of the court
Remember that potatoes and other
things for winter use are taken on sub
scription at this office.
All kiuds of wood work done at
Priddy's blacksmith shop, opposite The
Journal office.
A. W. Mohn expects to go to Iowa
in the near future to take charge of his
father's business as the latter's health is
quite poor,
Mrs. E. G. Hough expects to go to
Chadron tomorrow evening to see if the
oculist there can do anything to relieve
her eye which causes her intense pain.
The reports from the sick are that
all are improving as well as could be ex
pected. No new cases are reported so
all feel that the worst is past.
William Melosh has sold the grain
and some Of the stock which be brought
here from Seward and he will ship the
rest of his goods and he and his family
will return there. His family seems to
think that this is most too new a coun
try to suit them and while we are sorrv
to lose them it would be unpleasant to
them to remain and be discontented.
The change of postmasters at Harri
son occurred tbe first of the month, E.
G. Hough retirjng and J, E. Marsteller
assuming control. W. H. Davis will
continue to act as deputy under tbe
new official. As soon as tbe details are
arranged Mr. Marsteller will move tbe
office into the store of Griswol4 & Mar
steller, as it can be conducted there with
less expense and will also be a conven
ience to patrons as it will enable them
to gef raaij at any time when tbe store
is open.
The superintendent of the fish hatch
eries writes tbat the fish be will bring
to those who have applications in will be
from three to five, ipcbes lqng and there
will be a hundred in each lot. Those
who have applied should be prepared
when they are notified of the date he
will be here to come and get them. A
large can. boiler or tub should be
brought by each person who is to get a
supply so that they may be taken care
of properly. Notice will be given in
time so that all can be here ready to
get their supply.
Commissioner Weber was ud from
tbe east part of theVounty the first of
the week to attend the meeting of the
board and called at this office. It was
his first visit to the county seat since he
returned from the state fair. He says
he is well pleased with the result of the
exhibit and that had be known as much
afeput the work when he comrneQced as
be did when be got through he could
have done much better in many ways,
Mr. Water like the others believes that
now is the time to begin to get ready
for next year.
A young man bjr tbe name of Theo
dore HUIebrand arrived last week from
near Lincoln and af ter 'wpiing some
wys lopamg RTJF ww country pe con
eluded that i waa good fQojjjj) for bJm
and he filed on a quarter Motion of land
near tie farm of C. t. Scott and be also
purcnasea a quarter of deeped land from
D. M. Sutton'. He has a. house on pis
homestead already and wij remain' here
righ. along. H expect (fis brother
from Viermany pnween now and aprlpg
nd together tbtj W ffl foffofof
the Pioira
J. E. PHCT, Proprietor,
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils and Varnishes.
School Supplies.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night,
Proceedings of the Republican County
Harrison, Neb. Sept. 30, 1893.
The republican county convention was
called to order by A. R. Dew, chairman
of the county central committee. M. J.
O'Connell, of Cottonwood, was elected
chairman of the convention and W. H.
Davis, of Bowen, secretary.
On motion chair was authorized to ap
point a committee on credentials, also a
committee on order of business.
Chair appointed Messrs. Hunter, McGin-
ley and Holliogsworth the committee on
credentials, and Messrs. Woody, Deven-
port and Bigelow the committee on or
der of business.
-On motion a recess of fifteen minutes
was taken While the committees were
preparing their reports.
Committee on credentials reported as
' We find the following named persons
to be entitled to seats in this convention,
according to tbe credentials presented:
John W. Hunter and John V. t,ber-
specher, Bodarc;
A. nciiiniey, irving wuson, riuqmng
water precinct;
F. M. Smith and Prank Tinkham, Five
Points precinct;
rJ. fc. miley, r. a. uigeiow, w. a.
Davis and J. H. Bartell by W. H. Davis,
proxy, Bowen precinct;
Thos. Devenport and W. S. Johnson,
White River precinct;
M. J. O'Connell and Nels Rosenburg,
Cottonwood precinct;
C. B. Holliogsworth. D. . Woody,
Hat Creek precinct. '
We recommend tbat the delegates
present cast the full vote of the precinct
they represent, and further recommend
that any person present from precincts
not represented be seated as delegates
from such precincts- '
On motion the report of the committee
on credentials was accepted.
On motion A. R. Dew and Leonard
Daut were admitted to the convention to
represent Warbonnet precinct.
Committee on order of basiness re
ported as follows: '
1st Selection of delegates to state
convention, ' ' ' v
2d Selection of county central com
mittee for tbe ensuing year.
3d Nomination for clerk. '
4th Nomination for treasurer.
5th Nomiuation for sheriff.
6th Nomination for superintendent.
7th Nomination for juaee.
8th Nomination for surveyor,
9th Nomination for surveyor
10th General business.
The report was, on motion, accepted
and committee discharged.
D. W. Woody and E. E. Smiiey were
elected delegates to state convention by
acclamation and a resolution adopted
that the delegate present at state con
vention be authorized to cast the full
vote of the delegation, and that no prox
ies be admitted.
M. J. O'Connell was, ejected chairman
of the county central committee for the
ensuing year and W. H. Davis, secre
On motion it was decided that one
committeeman from each precinct be
selected and that the delegates from tbe
various precincts name their own com'
mitteeman, and the result was as
Bodarc J. W. Hunter.
Bowen David Bartlett.
Cottonwood Nels Rosenberg.
Five Ppinte-Frank TinkhVni;
Hat Creek M. C. Doan."
Running Water A. McGinley,
WarbonDet eTj. Iilcox. -'
White River W. & Johnsqn.
The chairman of the county central
committee was authorized to fill all
vacancies on the committee. '
Moved and seconded tbat tbe ra-
nuUnder of the order of business be dia-
j in. '' j. -i.i..iJ' "lv
nanaail wltii. Hapniwl iinnhlmnnalvl
On motion the ponveoUop ' adjoufrorL
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned take this means of
returning their most sincere thanks to
the friends and neighbors who so kindly
came to their aid during the severe sick
ness which has prevailed in their family
and at the time of the loss of their son,
for they fully appreciate that friends in
time of need are friends indeed.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bartell.
160 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain, if taken soon.
Simmons & Smiley.
For Sale Cheap My residence prop
erty in Harrison, or will rent to respon
sible party. Mrs. Haas.
Dr. Geo, M- Jones, a dentist from
Crawford, was in Harrison last Thurs
day. He contemplates making regular
visits here.
The building belonging to H. A.
Cunningham and occupied by Sam Jen
kins as a shoe shop has been fixed up
and made comfortable for the winter.
Wanted Salesmen, to sell our; choice
and hardy nursery stock. Many special
varieties to orfer, both In fruits and or
namentals, and controlled only by us.
We pay commission or salary, give ex
clusive territory and pay weekly. Write
us at once and secure choice territory.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
eochester. N. .
. AND '
Oyster Parlors,
Warm Meals at all Hours. Oysters
served in any style. Give me a call.
1 door north of the Journal office.
. Pjjjsclan and Surgeon.
AU palls given prompt attention.
Office in Drug Store.
Fashionable arber& 1-jair Pre$ser,
One Door South of Bank of Haulgop.
Giro ! ne t ' Call,
See the 'Old Reliable1'
Htrrison, ; ' Nebraska..
" Harrison, Nebi.
own following brand;
Harrison, Nebraska,
B. E. Bkkwbtlb,
D, H. GRI8WOLD, Cashier,
Transacts a General Banking Business.
American Exchange National Bank, New York,
United States National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron,
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Haye Ju$t Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the Largest Stock of
General Merchandise,
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates,
Qome and see us before yon buy,
Press Claims Company,
Equal with the interest of those haying claims against the Ooverstneot ia
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit pf valuations bepasj) pf tb
iqcQnjrjeiiteccv or inattention pf the attorneys employed to obtain tbair Mtmta,
Top muphi care cannot be exercised in employing competent aw reliabje splicitcm
to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if 'not ehtirelr ur-
the re and skill of he attorney. ' ' ' " - ptf'
yKtha view of protecting inventors from worthless gpiaM atttpnwM
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by alid patenU,vTE3 E"f.
" " ' fBWtepf an(l fEEE;9'
If f9H liaxq M invenUoq pi( ItanS 'Ht' fBp6 CLAQS e6TJf p.
slcnth or nholoirninh thrn(. tnmithnr with K: t4: -2 Z . i f
features, and you will be at qnce advised as tp ie bes ooiipM to Ducaua. '
are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated patup. If ftvA'"f
infringing on your rights, or if you are charge with,nfriq'merjt b r
mit the matter to us fpf a rejiaWe OPINION btfor acting on tho r- "V""
18 F street, north wee "' yfj" u
ltwfM WrlK
. S
i - a
T. n Daws.
iff to .ysjt,.
" VviVSj--Jit' -mv