The Sioux County Journal. established 1888. oldest paper in the cocsty. best paper k tub coustt. only retcblican pafek is hol'x couxtv. has the largest cikci'latiox of a'y pap el! published is sioux county. - o Subscription Price, $2.00 L. J. Simiuous, ... Editor. Entered t tho Ilurriitoa p'jst ollice as soe oud cl&si mutter. Thursday, Septeaibeii 21, 113. Republican (mint? ('ouvfatmn. The Republican electors of loux county, Nebraska, are requested to eyil delegates from their several precinct, to meet in con vention in Harrison, Seb., Saturday, .Septem ber 30, at 11 o'clock a. m., I or t he purpose of electing delegates to the state convention to be held at Lincoln October 5, and for the transaction of such other busiuess as may be properly presented to the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT, The aeveral precincts are entitled to repre sentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. J. S. Hartley for state treasurer in 1892, giving one delegate-at-large to each precinct, and one delegate for each ten votes and major fraction thereof : Precinct. Del. Precinct. Del. Andrews , -2 Antelope 1 Bodarc i liowen 4 Cook 2 Cottonwood 2 Five Joints 2: Hat Creek. Montrose.. Kunnnitf Water 2 .Snake Creek- -)heep Creek 1 V hite Hiver. 3 War tymnet. THE PKIMARIES. The primaries will be held in the various precincts for tho election of delegates on Thursday, September 28, at the following times and places ; Andrews School house at Andrews, from 4 to 6. 2 delegates. J. V. ltobinson, com mitteeman. Antelope At residence of S. E. Story, from 4 to 6. 1 delegate. S. R. Story, com mitteeman. Bodarc At Bodarc school house, t rom 6 to 7- 2 delegates. J. C. Kberspecher, commit teeman. Boweu At the court house, from i to 6. 4 delegates. J. II. Bartell, committeeman. Cottonwood At the store at Adelia, from 4 to 0. 2 delegates. SI. J, O'Connell, com mitteeman. Cook At the residence of Nicholson Broth' ers, from 4 to 6. 2 delegates. L. II. Barnum, committeeman . Five Points At the residence of Frank Tinkharn, from 4 to 6. 2 delegates. Frank Tinkham, committeeman. flat Creek At the residence of J. E. Hol lingsworth, rom 4 to 6. ? delegates. I). W. Woody,.committeemuu. Montrose At the residence of Uriah Adams, from 4 to 0. 2 delegates. E. Cowli phaw, committeeman. Running Water At the residence of J. U. Cook, from 4 to 6. 2 delegates. Irving Wil son, committeeman. Snake Creek At the rosidenco ot V. II. Corbin, from 4 to 6. 2 delegates. W . II. Corbin, committeeman. Sheep Creek At the residence of T. B. gnyder, f rom 4 to 6. I delegate. T. B. Sny. der, committeeman. Warbonnct At the Warbonnet school bouse, from 4 to 3. 2 delegates.. John limit, committeeman. White Biver At school house iu district 'o, 19, from 4 to fi- 2 delegates. Thomas Devenport, committeeman. W.H. Davis, A. K. i)i;w, Secretary. Chairman. One of the duties of the republican State convention vyjien it meets on the 5th of October Will be to show that the party in the state is independent of Rosewater, , In the last issue of the . Indeptndtrd Chas. E. Verity and Conrad Lindeman said that among the independents there is a strong sentiment in favor of Con Lindeman for clerk. A few months ago Chas. E: Verity and Conrad Lindeman said in the same paper that they were pot candidates for village trustees. There was just about as much truth and sincerity in one statement as in the Ptlier, For the past few years everything in Custer county of a political nature has been controlled by the pops. They have ''reformed" everything in their own interest and against the interests of the masses and the people have become ired of it and a mass meeting was held ft short time ago and a county ticket nominated. Last week the republicans of that county held their convention and endorsed the nominees of tiic mass con vention. The result will be that the Wformef6-for-office-only in (.'usler coun ty Will be wiped out the polls next Jfovembe ; The great race fox claims in the Cherokee strip started at noon on last Saturday and before night the territory was populated with more than 75,000 meg and womer.. . Some got land, some gat lots and more got left. Thousands took the first train they could get on for tt ftt and thousands more are at the town along the border without the mmi to get away. On the strip rour dm were numerous, but aa every was vltlMge to every one else the names and, homes of the dead, are hard to learn, A gmt deal of suffering was encountered by the borne seekers on account of the , kick of food) and water. Thousands are nid to ha.vV"eft in disgust a.'ter having wmred otafcns as the land did not prove Job foo&iiucb. suffering is certaiq M gfjl.tQ settlera; many will die, other wilt tw forced to leave to make a - and others will stick to what they lt-juSi eventually come out all right, l'Jf tbe same as any other new coun- t&k tint And hard wnrlr in f vj7 r. - tftm- but the euddennesa with iC ttfatabeep settled make its pro f :JLwM " W some plan eouW be 1 ""Mm ororrd like that to f Jjit wwW soJm the Ju-'e Doane has secured a verdict iu the Lancaster count' court against the impeachment committee for the $."500 balance due him for ! ; ' nl services in the cose. The coii...jiUo un!crt:ik t gig back on its contract with liiiu to pay 2.500 hut it didn't work. Two thous and dollars is still due to Attorney Greene aud we may look for a raid by him through the medium of the courts. Two thousand dollars is a pretty ?ood sum these times and will hold the wolf at bay a good h;!e-provided the saloons are closed. Fremont TrUumv. Fi r the iirst time in more than thirty years the tide of emigration has turned away from the shores of the United States and more are going to other countries than are coming here. It is said that a great proportion of those who are leaving are people who came from foreign countries to belter their condition financially. During the pros perous times that have for years pre vailed they have prospered and now as the hard times have come and many are thrown out of employment they return to their Dative country and take their savings with then), as they can live much cheaper there than here, and when the good times are again restored they will be ready to return and again enter the labor market. The report of the consolidation of the Chadron and Alliance land offices and one being done away with at Chadron has stirred up people all along this line of railroad as far as the district extends. There is a strong effort being made to have the districts retained as they have been. The department seems to have fixed it up to suit itself without making any inquiry or investigation as to the convenience or wishes of the settlers. To compel the people of the Chadron land district to do all land business at Alliance would work a hardship which homesteaders are not in a condition to stand. What the idea of the adminis tration can be for abolishing either of the northwest Nebraska land offices can hardly be imagined. The fees of the oflices pay the expenses and there can be no plea of economy made by the depart ment and there are enough democrats who are willing to fi 1 1 the positions. It is hoped that, the effort to have the Chadron office continued will be suc cessful. Great Men Season, Small Men Fight. Inter Ocean. That the higher civilization will dis countenance war is so positive a theory of intellectual progress that the enthu siasts are persuaded it will dispel war utterly. In a remarkable speech to. have been addressed to veterans of one of the greatest of modern wars, Colonel Henderson, of Iowa, said to the army of the Tennessee on Tuesday: "Art, poe try, romance and history have mag nified and glorified the soldier, but the time is coming when these great instru ments of power will desert their favorite theme and will pay homage to men who lead the great forces of thought away from the slaughter-house up to the higher fields of human action.'' And presently he added, "The great man reasons, the small man tights." No thoughtful man, certainly no man of high-minded benevolence, may dis sent from the wisdom of these words. Hon' to dispense with war is one of the essential problems of civilization. That which prevents its solution is the stub born force of unreason that makes ''the small man fight." But until education has eliminated the "small man," by which Colonel Henderson means the small intelligence, the glorious limes when all differences may he amicably adjusted in the forum or council cham ber is far removed from present survey. The great bulk of mankind is ignorant, easily influenced by prejudices, and alto gether too ready to fight either in de fense of its assumed rights and privi leges, or in support of its convictions, however fallacious. Inflamed by his passion or led away by his folly, the "small man" precipi tates the conflict in which the "great man," having deprecated it with all the seriousness of his reason and with all the earnestness of his, soul, is forced, in behalf of principle, honor, humanity, to participate. No man ever entered upon war meas ures with more reluctance than those Veterans of 1861, to whose representa tives Colonel Henderson spoke. It was only when the flag had been fired on and the integrity of the nation assailed that tbe union men who had deprecated war (lamed into the fury of righteous wrath and rushed to the defense of the union. The spectacle was the more sublime be cause the patriotic impulse was so strong as to turn a nation of peaceful citizens into a camp of soldiers battling for union and peace, and at the close of the strug gle the leader of the tinioa forces was the (lent to say ''Let us have peace.'1 There never was a question or a 'cause, save that of deliberate invasion for the sake of conquest, that might not have been determined wisely without re sort to arms but for the "umafll roan," the headlong, impulsive, inflammable, unthinking majority that frequently overrides or sweeps along with it the "great roan," the rational, dear-sighted, jusjUoe-defloinf minority. Though Colonel Heoderaoa has put Into Um form of u aphorism tbe work 1jt prtacipU of th nloakwoth irt twe tieth centuries, it is very doubtful if the end of another thousand years will have seen its exemplification in the conduct of mankind. There must cor ':' speedily, however, the time :. lions shall put away the spirit of war from their councils, and conferences and treaties, aud when the fighting will be nothing worse than local eruptions of short duration, not attaining the im portance even of internecine strife, but representing insurrections against law, or possibly revolt because of injustice tyrannously exercised. International wars must le few and far between, and internal wars will be looked upon as a Sx;eies of suicide. The soldier is disap pearing from the eye of civilization. America, the greatest nation of the world, thrives without him, and the empire of Germany is witnessing that extreme refulgence of military fame which is the brilliance of the expiring flame. Verily the crown of the future will bear the jewelled words: "The great man reasons; the small man fights." Filial Proof Notices, All persons having final proof notices in this jmpcr will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any errors exist reixjrt the same to this oilice at once. Xutiro for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb. Sep. Ill, 1SB3, ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice ol his inten tion to make final proof in support of.his claim, and that said proof will be m::de be fore ( onrad Lindeman, Clerk or the District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on October 28, lsftl, viz. Kilward P. JIaiiie, of Harrison, Nebr., who made II. E. No. 2524 for the lots 2, 3 & 4 & se. 1i nw. 1i sec. 4, t. 'M n., r. f(i w. lie names the following witnesses to prove? his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Dwiglit II, l.riswold, (.rant outline, John E. MarsU'ilcr, Kggert Hohwer, all of Harri son, Nebr. also I'd ward I. Maine, of Harrison. .Velir., who made T. 0. E. No. 10J3 for the lot 1, sec. t, t. 31 n., r. a) w. lie names the lollowinir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol Mild land viz: Dwitfht II. Griswold, hgfcrt Kohwer, John K. Marsteller, Grant Guthrie, all of Hani sou, Nebr. W. II. SICCA SN, 2TJ ItcKister. Xotice for I'lihlirntina. Land Office at Chadron, Neb. j Aug. M,M3. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof m support of his claim, mid that ssrid proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of tin? District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on Sept. 25th, lain, viz: Kli Smith, of Hotlarr, .Nebr., who made Homestead Kntry No. 757 for the lots Ulis.X nv. l-4 sec, 4, tp, 32 n., r. 55 west of the tith p. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Julius 11, Uurkc, Alexander Steele, Lewis Riekanl, Krust IJunge, all of Bodarc, Nebr. I W. W. II. MCCANN, Itegister. Notice for Publication. Land Olfice at Chadron, Neb., t Sep. II, W. i Notice is hereby uiven that the followIiiK named svulcr has tiled notice ot his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on October 23d, 18113, viz; Anton lihein. cf Montrose, Xclir., who made homestead entry No. (.751, for the no. sec. '27, tp. 34 n.,r. 55 west of the litli p. in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Theodore Piekenbrock, Cor.nid iiittich, Henry WasscrlmrKer, all of Montrose, Nebr., Peter Henry, of Gilchrist, Nebr. V. 11. McCAXN, I !-( Hester. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., ( An 31, 1J3. ( Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler lms filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, clerk of the district court, at- Harrison, Nebraska on October Kith, lb93, viz : William Keith, of Ardmore. S. Dak,, who made homestead entry No. 4(104 for ljie se. n gee. 21, tp. 35 n., r. 54 west of the (ith p. in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Joshua M. Plumb, Isaac Hoy, David An derson, George V. Hembry, all of Ardmore, S. Dak. V. II. McC ANN, 1 62-5 J Itcgister. Notice for Publication. Land Cfiice at Chadron, Neb., i Aug. 21, 18U3. I Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler haa filed notice of his inten tion to make final proot iu support of his claim, and that waid proof will Ik' made be- lore tuc KegiBU'r sc. Keceiver ot the Ij. s. Land Olfice at Chadron, Nebraska, on Octo ber Third, 18!i3, via: Michael D. Jordan, of Siontrosi Nebr., who made homestead entry No. 12K3 for the se. X see. 12, tp. 31 n.t r. ?& west of the 0U p. in. - Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence mton und. cultivation of said land, viz ; Christian ISurgel, Joseph Hoffer, Theodore. Piekenbrock, Gerhardt Keinders, all of Montrose, Nebr. 150-8 W. II. JICCANN Register. Notice for Publication. Lnml Office at Chadron, Neb., I Aug. 22, 18113. ( Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler Una tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof In supjxirt of his claim, and that said proof will be' made le-fcu-e Conrad I.lndcuiaii, Clerk of tbe District Court at Harrison, Nebraska on icpt. sutn, nswt, viz.: Solomon Bvrkv, of AriHuore, S. Dak., ' who made Homestead Entry No. 1279, for the hc "i sec. -a, tp. io n., r. ix west or t(e (ith p.m. He names the following witnesses to prove residence upon ana cultiva tion ot, sind land, viz: David Andersun. Peter It. Piunih, all of Ardmore, S, Dakota, John Debano, of Montrose, Nebr, also William S, Hall, of Bodarc. Nebr., who mud Humes Kntry No. 'Hi for the lots 2 A a ho. !i nw. i, A sw, Vj no, "4 nee. 6, tp, 32 nr. 94 w. oJT6h, J), to. He obiiics tbe following w Uncases to prove Ilia continuous residence upon and cultivii tlon of, said land, vitj ; Kmst nunge, Julitu B. Burke, Lewi Kick aril, all of Bodarc, Nebr,, Joseph U, Morris, of Harrison, Nebr. aim Samuel V. Hall, of Bodarc, Nebr., who made homestead Kntry No. TIMS for tbe lot I see. 0 A Iota 8 and 4 A aw. nw. soc. S, tp. 82 n r. M west of the 6th p. ni, fle.namea tbe following witnesses to prove his contluuoua reshtenfcc upon and. cultiva titw of, aud land, via : fcru Boom, Lowli Kiekard, JuUoa B, Xoum.tefUttr. The ( locks of Paris. The public clocks of Paris. They are as innumerable as the puff balls of the "what's-oVlock," whose tiny moons mingle with the gold stars of the dande lions which intrude on a summer la vn. But .he oldest of them all and, indeed of all France, is this great ornamental clock on the tower of the Palais de Jus tice. Its date is 1370. It is best seen from the flower market, on what the people call the little island or He de la Cite, recently described by Theodore Child as "A sort of acropolis or secret enclosure devoted to great pub lic monuments." Imagine yourself, then knee deep among the flowers that crowd the quai to which they give their name. One could forget time altogether in such a perfect surrounding of light, form and color, were it not for the near and sonor ous striking of the clock. Every quarter of an hour this memen to mori strikes from the clock tower of the Palais de Justice. Eleanor E. Urea torex in October Godey's. Itest Line to the East. The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipjied passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St, Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha tiie next afternoon, and 111 Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R. R. Sheriff Sale. Hv virtue of an Alias order of sulo direct ed to me from the clerk of the district court of Sioux County, Nebraska, on a .lodg ment obtained in said court, on the third (lav of August, I8H2, in favor of Sarah C. !. Bassett as plaintiff and against Frank lin Simons, Mary Simons, Sarah K. Davis and 1). P. Davis as defendants, for tbe sum of J1017.4S and costs taxed at JI1.59 and ac cruing costs, I have levied on the following real estate as the property of defendants to satlsly said order 01 sale 1.01 number Sixteen (l(i) in Block number six () in the village of llarri-011, Sioux Conn tv. Nebraska, and will otter the same lor sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the twenty-eight day of October, 18H3, at two o'clock, P. M., of said day nt the front door of the Court House of Sioux Countv, Nebraska, that being the build ing in'which the last term of the District Court was held, at which lime and place due attendance will be given by the mi dersigncd. T,ios. Hkidy, 2 7) SUeriir 01 said coitnty. Notice-Timber Culture. I', S. LAM) OrFICK, CM AllltON, NKI!. Aug''-' 2V, MKi. Complaint 220 having been entered at this office by Peter Scbaefer agaiu-.t Albert K. Thorne for failure to comply with law as to limber-culture entry No. 13i3, dated August HI, iss'.i, upon the se. V section 1, township 30, l'unge iVI, in Sioux county, Nebraska, with a view to tbe cancellation of wiid entry; con testant alleging that claimant has wliolly abandoned said tract in this to-wit: By neglecting to break, plow or otherwise culti vate anv portion of said tract since making said en t'rv; that no part of said tract has ever been broken, plowed or in any way culti vated up to dale of making this affidavit. The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at tills office on the I'll day of October, 1m!, at 10 o'clock a. 111., to respond and fur nish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Testimony of wilnessscs will be taken before I). 11. Griswold, a notary public, at his office in Harrison, Nebr., on the 12 day of October, HS3, at 10 a. 111. T. V. Poweks, I IS Keceiver. II. T. Conxev, contestant's attorney. Alius Notice. -Timber Culture. I". S. UM) OFFICE, ( ALLIANCE, N'Kll. i Aug. 4, ISM. Complaint having been entered at this olfice bv Peter Mans against Mithlun A. Sny der for 'failure to comply with law as to tini-ler-eultnre entry No. 1051(1, dated Doc. is, issfi, for the up. U section :, townJijp 21, range 07, in Sionx county, Nebr., with a view to the cancellation ot said ontrv: contest ant alleging that "claimant plowed about live acres of said tract during the first year of said en try 1 but that since the first year of entry claimant has failed to backset or cultivate said live acres, or any portion of same and has failed to break tbe second five acres as required bv law and the said tract is and has been for the last live vears whol ly abandoned and grown up to grass and weeus. said delects remain uncurcu 10 1111s date, May 27, -ls!." The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on tlni27'davof Sept., isict, at 10 o'clock, 11. m., to respond and furnish testimony concern ing said alleged failure- -Testimony of witnesses will be taken lie- fore W. II. Hulbert, V. S. ct. Com., at his office in tiering, Neb., Sept. 20, is'.ffl, at 10 a. 111. I4SI11 ' Jas. II. Danskin, Receiver, O, W. Gardner, Atty for contestant. TTT'AXTKI) Men to sell air hardy varieties If O l,l...v n,,v., W", W" ...... ary or co,iu.nusi?lon. Answer with relerences, 1.. i)jiM, , v.o., i ainiiiiiiotj,', ,.itvn. Dr. Leonharclt Limits his practice to diseases of the Nervous system, (Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness, an all forms, of Neuralgia.) HEART, (As shown by Shortness of Breath, Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb ness in region of the Heart. B1LQOI3) (Si5cti as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces sive Paleness or Redness of the Face, Faiotness, Dirtiness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! AODftCM WITH TAMK3 DR, LE0NHARDT, 14ft 0 ST. LINCOLN. NKI. CTMenttos, tb.lap.tper. HESTER k SOU, DEALERS IN . . Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. Agents for the Buckeye, Deering And Walter A. Wood . MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. HARRISON SIPHONS & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. GEO. H. TURNER, (General Look at my Goods Before Placing Konnlck Mowers. We are at the A FULL LINE 1 Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and , Wall Paper. Undertaking goods 0 embalming. T tlT PROMPT ATTKNTION Geo. Farm Implements, NEBRASKA- to buy or sell real rocenes and- Merchandise. and Prices Orders Elsewhere. Binders and Bottom for Cash. T GIVKX TO MAIL ORDERS.. C. Reed, Crawford, Neb,