The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 07, 1893, Image 2
s- nxsnx cican jnrul X. s. wn, BARS1SOX, - NEBRASKA tike Heme Bill. Lohdoh, 6ept 1. The house of com sees met to consider l ha homo 'rule hill Gladstone, amidst a storm of ar fUma, moved the third reading. le eitad a number of cases la history in fastifioaUoa of the propped change in the relatioai of England and Ireland, fend declared thst throughout European and American literature it was not taribie to And a writer who attempted apologize for the shameful history of England's conduct toward Iceland sicee the anion. Oladstone, continuing, said he. had regarded closnre as an evil that ought to be tolerated only for the avoidance of a much greater evil Those opposed to the bill had adopted a coarse never before adopted partly to attempt to deliberately destroy the measure by a mate of amend men is, partly to try to take back in morsels the boon conferred In its principles. It was not the com plexity of the bill, bat the complexity of the amendments which consumed the time. It was contended ttat the bill would separate the Islands, destroy the consti tution, break up the empire, make Irishmen supreme in British affairs. I Suppose these falsehoods wgnHfftTaT Have they notUrgna "terrlbTehold ud- fourselvesr Must we not admit cur ,700 years of British connection with ! inland? The result of our treatment i that we hare brought her to such a State that she cannot without danger ft ruin undertake responsibilities rhicb In every other country are found te be in the capacity of the people and taught with the richest benefits. Pro longed nationalist cheers. We deny that the brand of incapacity has been laid by the Almighty upon any parti cular branch of our race. We have jfaith in national liberty faith in its efllcacy as an instrument of national education. We believe that ex perience, widespread over the whole jrasttteld encourages us to work at every point. Prolonged cheers followed from ite Irish and ministerial benches, the eon Motion of Gladstone's address. I Lenard Courtney, unionist, moved the lejection of the bi'L j John Redmond, leader of the Tnr BeWtes, said the bill was defective in borne respects and disappointing in Others. The financial arrangement was ungenerous and nobody in his senses could regard the bill as a final and satisfactory settlement of the grei t uettiona at issue. The word "pr evialonaf' was stamped on every pa.e, Newa Tram lit Storm. -: Aotjsta, oa, Sept. 1. News from the storm swept district of Pert Royal and Beaufort is still very meazre. There is nogtelegraphic communication with these places, the only news obtain able being sent by raaiL News received by the Chronical to night brings the startling Intelligence that seventy dead and swolled bodies (were taken from the Coosaw river to day by a searching party. Not half the horrors of the storm have yet been told a messengers from the surrounding sections arriving hourly bring news of the death and terrible havoc caused by Saturday night's gale. The result of the day's work of re lief puts the number of missing at over 100. In several places along the Coo saw river eight or ten bodies were found lying on the bank close together. Graves were hastily dug near places of discovery and without ceremony the storm victims were placed beneath the earth. The suffering ia some localities among the negroes is reported as being distressing. No news of a definite character has been received from St. Helena and pther surrounding islands. They are Cot the most part thickly populated tad it is feared the loss of life was porygreat. TJaable to Meet Demand. New Yobk, Sept. 1. United States trudge Benedict appointed Thomas B. Atkins of New York receiver for the Nicaragua Canal and Construction eomyany, on the application of one ef hetockholders, acquiesced in by Presi dent Warner Miller, who says the com pany has no longer the means to meet obligations. The late scandals in France over the Panama canal seriously affected the American company, and ' he uncertain nature of the work pro. Joeted had the effect of making capitsl- taU caution about monetary stringency farther embarasssd the concern until CaraSr the officers became usable to A Oaaaiae Caae of Leprae?. IumAxrJt, Wye, Sept 1 A genuine 3a ef leprosy has been fonnd in tbe geertentiary at this place. Ed. Fisher, ; a toe victim. He has been by a number of physicians 1 C fast few weeks and they all units lftef th U teprosy. Fisher is thirty years of age and was sen I to two years Imprisonment, Went.. - Tnamn. N.J. Seat 1. The Wil- ' a twin asuts raaunau won yester- Statt wce a V'.. , Political lalaree la Gmumy. Berlin, Ang, 21 The succession of the Duke of EdinburJ to the rtUershlr, of the duchies of Saxe-Coburg of Gotha dominates political interest in Germany and widely divergent rumors In regard to the matter are every where circulated. Putting all these aside, there is no doubt' the succession of an English duke has surprised and dissatisfied the nation, though the fact is quietly accepted by the duchies concerned. It is probable that Emperor William would have preferred that Prince Alfred, the only son of the Duke ofEdinburg, should have suc ceeded Duke Ernest. Indeed it is be lieved that his majesty hoped that he might induce his uncle, the Duke of Edinburg, to waive his claim to the succession in favor of Prince Alfred. His majesty is reported to have told the duke that under any circumstances a regency would be impossible, and that he must take the throne himself .. .. or abandon all connection with thei", . ..,'.. .,,, duchies. Finding the duke resolute in : his determination to forego none of bis ... . , . . . , i right,, and also finding his mother, I riiAn Vienna annnnrrinir him m hia Queen Victoria, supporting him in his ; attitude, the emperor put on the best ; face possible and acquiesced to the j Jukes succeeding. The extremist press, radical and con ; ierratlve aliKe, ia indulging in Anglo- j phobia criticism. They harp upon the ' r.p,.... nr aWiimn-liViYinTTn Ot jJtrtveff ui foreign bouse into the so. j ;rets of the federation. ! Nothing Is yet publicly known as to j the disposition of the late duke's proper ty. It has always been supposed that he was immensely wealthy. Certainly his estates are expensive enough. A part from the palaces, castles and shooting lodges owned by him in Ger many, lie was the proprietor of the laest sporting domains in Europe, litaated lu Austrian Tyrol All these properties are entailed and pass to hi successor. A cyclone passed over Eastern Silesia Thursday night. One hundred houses It Neustadt, Kozel and Oberglogau were unroofed, the crops destroyed and ieveral persons killed. The youngest daughter of lion. Theo- lore Runyan, an American minister to Sermany, has entered the St. Augusta sducational institute at Chnrlettenberg. A Terrible Wreck. Loxo Island Citt, L, 1. Aug. 28. A frightful accident occurred at Bush wick Junction, on the Long Island railroad. A Uocksway train ran into 'he rear end of a Manhattan beach train about 11:33 o'clock, telescoping leveral of the cars. Eight people are reported to have been killed and about thirty-live others more or less injured. Sixteen dead have been taken from the wreck and their bodies are now ly ing in llavenmyer's tinshops at Laurel Hill, which have been converted into a temporary morgue.' It Is now i Uraated that the number of injured will reach in the '.neighborhood of thirty- Sve or forty people, many of whom, it is believed, will die. Owing to the lack if telegraphic facilities and the lateness f the hour, it is with utmost difficulty hat any particulars con be obtained. The cident, it Is said, wasaue to the negligence of the tower man at Laurel Hill, who let the Rockaway train in on the section before the Manhattan beach train had pulled out. Shot by Robber. Danville, 111, Aug. 28. As Henry flelmick, one of the most prominent litizeus of this eouatry, was returning some from church, with his wife, twelve miles north of this city, four highwaymen attacked him. Two of them grasped tha horses' beads and the sthers climbed ' Into . the - buggy, Helmick struck the horses, which brokf loose from the robbers. One of tbe robbers in the bnggy fired, hitting Helmick and causing his death. They then alighted from the buggy. A search for the robbers was organized and the men of the neighbor hood and the police of tbe city are now searching for .them. They held up three other parties on the same road previous to the attack on Helmick. A Bald Bobbery, PrtASKt Tenn., Aug. 28. News reached here of a bold robbery west of here. J. N. Bolles, a farmer, drew (1,000 from the bank here a few days ago and hid it tfader the edge of a car pet. At midnight two masked men gained entrance Into his house, covered Bolles and his wife with pistols and de manded their money. Bolles refused to tell where it was. Then the robbers bound and gagged Bolle3 and his wife and with a pair of pincers began to pull his toenails out. After suffering the most horrible agony Bolles dis closed the hiding place. Tbe robbery secured the money and escaped. Where KrpBlleaas Gala. Paris, Aug,- 28. The second ballot for members of the Chamber of Deputies, made necessary through the failure of many candidates to get the requisite niaioritles In the general elec tions on Sunday-last, will result la the return of at least sixty five republicans giving that patty a majority of 170. it for Ge renter ef Oeas'. Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 28.J. H. Blount, Gnlted (Kates commissioner to tbe HawrJian islands, wtfl ran for tbe governorship of ibis state. He Is to be tbe administration candidate, the state meat having been eoniientiaUy made that ur. Cleveland could hot earn Gtorata the light of recent eveata lo game bat bean aeevtea and ta nTi for iaomate eatiiaatl0tt the r".:t wia errrars 15 eor. :o te it M ii .'allien, -d) .,,..!( ' A.' .. , Fearteea Lire Loet. Long. Island City, L. I., Aug. 29. An accident which cost the lives of fourteen people occurred shortly after midnight this morning in- a little vil lage In Berlin near Calvary cemetery in the town of Newton. The Ing Island train that telt Manhattan beach at 11:15 was overtaken by the train that left RockaAv teach fifteen min utes earlier. In the frightful collision that ensued the two rear cars of the five that made up the Manhattan bsach train were demolished and the middle 'car overturned. cause axd extent of ttie disaster. The accident happened at 12:30. It was over an hour before the news reached any outside point It came by a messenger who walked into Long Is land City. The railroad company im mediately dispatched a relief train with all the physicians obtainable, consist Ins OI Dr. Valentine Mm Riirtrpnn of VT" ,' ".Y :,"' Z' "i uppaumg mate or auai s. me Aian- tram nad 8Ulldin? s in the block to allow of another train ahead getting at a safe distance. The llockatray beach train came dasliing along behind, ran into the same block crashed into the rear end of the Man hattan beach train. Both were crowded last trains from ti.o respective resorts. There were five cars iu the Uauhatten beach train, all of them open can. The Rockaway train plunged in and ploughed its way completely through the two rear cars and partly wrecked the third. Passengers ii the three cars were maimed and mangled horribly and: heir shrieks of terror and pain were awful. The Rockaway engine was wrecked. Its smokestnetc resem bled a pin cushion from the timbers of tbe wrecked cars sticking into it. Up on these timbers human beings were impaled some dead and others gasping their last. High upon the top lay tbe dead body of a man, yet unklen ilied. Upon one ot the timbers was imDaled the body of iMrs. Oscar Dietzel, twenty nine years old, of 122 East 114th street New York city. Upon another was the body of Sidney Weinsteln, a boy thirteen year old, of 519 hast Fifty eighth street, New York city. BELIEF FOB THE UNFORTUNATES. The scene of the wreck was indes cribably horrible. The deadend wound ed were massed among the wreckage, beside, upon and beyond the tracks. Everything was showered with the blood of the dead and wounded and the cries of the latter rose high above the hissing ef steam and the calls of fran tic trainmen. As fast as the wounded were taken from the wreck they were carried to tbe relief train and cared for. General-Manager E. R. Reynolds and Superintendent V. II. Blood wi re at the scene early. They stated that the cause of the accident was still unkuowu that it was a question of veracity be tween Tower Switchmen Nutt and Engineer Coucrite of the Rockway train. The latter bad reported that a heavy fog prevailed at tha time, which was true. He declared that the- signals were set at safety, indicating a clear road, and be went ahead without re ducing speed. Suddenly Fireman Robert Price, his companion, exclaim ed: "My God! there is a train ahead!" Looking ahead the engineer saw through the mist the red lights that always hang at the rear end of a train, and be declares that he immediately reversed his engine and put on the steam brakes. Then he and Fireman Trice jumped for ' heir lives. When tbe wrecked engine was examined this morning the statement as to the re versed lever and steam breaks was found to be trua. Tbe only remain ing qnestion was as to whether he or N,i)tt was right about the danger signal. This morning it w?s at danger and Nutt insisted that it had remained so ever since he set It to warn Engineer Concrite. Manager Reynolds and Sup. intendent Blood took all the statements and will hold a rigid investigation to morrow. - An Atroeloui Murder. Maeshalltown, la Aug. 29. An Atrocious murder was committed last night about 10 o'clock four miles north east of Greea Mountain. AnnaWeise, twenty-one years old, daughter ef lienry Welse, was visiting a neighbor and started home, in a fw minutes' the neighbors heard a scream and started down the road, when they found Miss Weiss lying dead by the wayside, with her throat cut from ear to ear, ten stabs over her breast and skull chushed. Sheriff Fence and assistants left Mar sballtownat 4 o'clock this afternoon In search of the murderer. The sheriff was lead to suspect a young man named Thompson, who lived at Glad brook and who had sought 'to marry tbe girl but who had been refused, lie lettGladbrook Tuesday morning, it is supposed, for Dubuque. Tbe sheriff has been unable to find him today. Over onehundred of the neighbors aroJ scouring toe country fur him and if they catch him he will never receive a trial by Jury. AaArmjrldle. OnAXGE, X. J., Aug. 29. -There are established here the largest manufact uring plants for soft felt hats In tbe country. There are tome twenty-eight factories in Orange district, giving em ployment to W 0 mm, Fully one-half of these are heads of families, so tbe rhumber of persons In the distriot de- fwodeat upon the batting Industry is betwseseUnO aird Mum There 1 doc ft ft oew ef these rreat hives of ln- wd Dead. AE-IAK9AB Citt, Kan Aug. 30. About May 1 M. Jajgerson, aged sixty five; arrived here from Iowa for thi purpose of taking a claim oa the-strip Soon afterward he drove into the terri tory and began cutting hay and haul ing it to the city lor sale. Yesterdaj his body was found at his camp, twelve oiiles southeast of her, with a gunshot wound iu the bici of his bead. Hi had no family or friends uera that car be heard of. There is an organization which makes it a part of its business tc go after sooners wherever foundmd It is likely that soma of its members art responsible for Jaggerson's death. No inqurst wan held, as Coroner McDow- el, who went alter the body, has no jurisdiction in the str p. Old timers predict that thfre will be mora bloodshed at the opt'tiingof the Btripthan when Oaklaliouia was opened The country is lull of sooners and the feeling against them is strong. If aay of them come out to register they will be closely watched and prevent d from re-entering If possihl There is said to be a "sooner" schema ou foot, how ever, by which parties out of the strip will get certiilcat-s for sooners now in and take them in to them. The "sooners' are mainly located a'ong Turkey creek and other small streams miming Into the Arkansas river, and along the bor ders of thel'on'ca and Otooresen?.UoiiS.N The troops ara Inadequate to properl y patrol the strip, as only ' one troop of calvary, containing sixty men, ia here to handle tha whole str. p. The Missouri Pacific railroad brought In three carloads of boom ?rs this morn ing, one from Missouri, one from Wis consin and one from Nebraska. Wagons pass almost continuously through the town to camp along the river. The trains continue to come In with crowds of men of all conditions, who are unenenmbared with baggage and who belong to the town lot contin gent. If every man who has declared his intention of getting a town lot suc ceeds large cities will spring up all over the strip; - S. rune; ta a Trcs. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 30 Between 1 rind 2 o'clock in the morning about thirty men rode into Newcastle Ky., and arousing Jailer IJead CoTulTim they had rprisoner. When Head made his appearance with the keys the visitors, most of whom were masked over powered him and let themselves into the jail They were after a nerro named Leonard Taylor. Securing their man, they took hi in about a quar ter of a mile out on the road to Frank hnton and striiug him up to a tree." The crime which aroused the mem ben of the mob into action was a bru tal and unprovoked assault upon an Italian boy peddler. It occured a week ago. The negro struct the boy over the head, fracturing his skull, 'fie was brought to this city, which was his borne, and the people at Frankltnton learned yesterday that be had died. At any rate the crime was such a dastardly one aiid the negro was so visious that the people concluded that public safely demanded that he be put out of tbe way of doing harm. Nina Prisoners. Caddo, I. T., Aug. 30. Inspector Faison, Judge Uolsou of the Wilbur ton county court, and District At -orney Simon Lewis held a lengthy conference here regarding the shooting of. nine condemned Choctaws at Wilburton, September8. They tried to keep the object of their meeting a secret, but it was learned that the Chostuws bad be come very tried of being fooled with by the United States gove-nmnet and demand of Inspector Faison that they be allowed to execute tha prisoners ou the day sot, or that, the United States government take the prisoners in baud and do us they please with them, say ing that they would not bold them longer than September 8. Inspector Faison objected to this mid proposed that tliey give each of the nine prisoners 100 lashes on their baro backs. Tbe judge and district attorney would not consent to anything short of shoot ing or turning them over to the United States govornmeiit, and Colonel Fals.-n left for borne without reaching an agree ment. A Lynching Party Contemplated. Danville, 111, Au . 30. The high (ray robbers who killed Henry Helmick in his buggy while returning from church last Friday night are in jail. One of tbe gang, Charles Harri3 a painter seventeen years of age recently of Chicago, has confessed that lie Harvey Pate, Frank Starr and Elias McJenkina of the cty made up the plan at a saloon in this city. Fate formerly worked for Helmick and knew he bad money. The arrests are very important as the gang has com mitted robberies all over Eastern Ill inois. 1 he farmers from the region where Helmick lived are in the city en masse today and armed to the teeth. Tbere may be a lynching. A crowd of nearly 2,000 gathered about the jail this evening and threats of lynching were made, but the advice of cooler heads prevailed and the crowd finally dispersed. ; Will Cola the Gold linlllna. Wasiii otos, Aug.. 30 secretary Cnrlfsie has ordered the mints of Phil adelphia and Kan Francisco to be fully manned and the full caiacity of both mints be utilized In the coining of gold bullion. The Treasury department poss: sues from 88'),030,000 to t95rQ0u 000 gold bullion, which is a part of the reserve of the 8100,000,000. Gold ban ootmet be used as currency so it feat teen decided toooia too fcajfea ta Deelraycd if Ike Flrenaa. New Yokk, Aug81-Reskaway Beach tbe famous Long Isisad summer resort which was destroyed by fire last fall and bad just recovered from the dU titer, was visited by another conflagration early this morning. The fire started in the station of tbe Rockaway teach railroad. A number of employes with their families who slept in the place, escaped with difficulty, several being burned or otherwise injured. A fierce gale was blowing at the Use and the flames spread with the utmost rapidity. Daly's hotel was the next to go. The guests had barely time to es e. ) in their night clothes. Reynold's h 1 followed and then the new Seaside lit- tha largest in the place. A heavy raiu began failiug then a id the fire ceased to spread. The damage was heavy, as the structures were all new. A Terrible Storm. New Youk, Aug. 31-The storm which swept over the city and tha surround ing country last night from midnight till 8 o'clock this morning, like the one of a few d.tys ago, originated in the Yst Indies, but instead or following the coa3t it swept mora inland an;! reached out in every Jireciion for a dis les.ljn eable to . 1 tauca of in re than 1.5J0 miles. jjjmost a'.l telegraphic connoctioi or en, the siiwA virvico isjierab. V'h . j complete report of its course or the exact direction, but local observa tions indicate that it probably found its way to the sea through the St. Law rence valley. The tide iu the bay here is unusually high, owing to the southerly wind, and the wave3 are angry looking. Vessels found difficulty in making headway against them. Many houses in this city were tin roofed or demolished and wlre3 of all lescriptioiia were broken. The Long isiond nnd Jersey shore resorts suffered more than from the storm of last week. Several wrecks on tho water are repo? t 'A nnd when the storm abates others are expected to be heard from. Roll road communication ' between the Jersey shore resorts and Piiiladephia bas been cut off. DELAWARE RJVEE VEKY I1IOII. At Philadelphia twoelec rocutions oc- -mreii . is inonniii as a result of the itonn. L'he Delaware river is higher shaii for years and the wharves and iiructures along the river' front in Philadelphia are flooded and consider ible damage has resui.ed. The dry locks at Cramp's ahipyards were dam iged to the extent of 31j,ia0 by the ugh tide. Heavy damage to property was done tt JCew Haven,, by the storm. Shade trees went down and chimneys ind roefs were blown off in profusion, l'he oyster beds ar thousht to iw iltnost entirely ruined'. Telegraph and telephone cmiojiiiihalion has been ivanting nil day. The fruit orchards n Connecticut suffered v- ry much and .ome wore ruined. It is impossible to iccurutely estimate th, damage at present, though it rauut amount to jver a million dollars in Sew Haven ounty. XiVwls and Wailo Die. McAlesteu, I. T., .( tig. 31. Sillian Lewis and Simon V.'ada, Choctans, n list die. So saw. Inspector i iiison )n the part of tho United States to Cioveruor Jones of the Choc aw nation. Monday of this week, in response to a telegram from Inspector Faison, Gov arnor Jones, Jiidg llolson and District Attorney Lewis met that gentleman at Caddo to determine what liunl arrange ments, if any, could ba amicably ar rived at in reference to the condemned men at Wilburton. The position taken by the United states government was that tho number sentenced w:is tltogether too large; that it would t ot subserve the interest of the Choctaw people to execute all of them nnd that the leader or the leaders only should be -hot. After a long parley and u revi w of the evidence in . the case it -was agreed that Sillian Lewis nnd Simon Wape, the pronounced leaders, should pay the death penalty on September 8, ;iml the o'.iier sentence prisoners will be granted a new hearing. SI my Lives Lort. Savannah, (ia, Aug. 31 The great storm of Sunday and Monday did con siderable minor damage In the city prop er. Fifteen people urn known to have been drowned, as mentioned last night. Mora are missing, but it is impossible yedQ estimate the number. In addi tion to the vessels in the harbor wrecked as reported last nlhC number of oth er wrecks were heard of todny. More than thirty vessels are reported wrecked so far and many railboads were lost. Nothing has yet been heard of the steamship City of Savannah, which is many hours over due. Had that portion of the city known as Tybee island boon washed away (he destruction could not have been much vi one than it is. At least half the hous es on the island wire blown douu or. oadly damaged, andveu (lie n.nroad tracks were carried up by Mia win 1 and water until parts of them stood up like a fence. ' ; Newer ftataa. Washington, Aug. 3L The official vote on the passage of tie Wilson .bill shows U latner, democrat, of Louisiana and Cnpehart, democrat, of Virginia, not voting. This rrakes t'(i number ol ayes fellrnaTS, l0 Private advices from &mi Pranelteo saya that Pay master ttullivan.U. , . recently tried there on the charge ol embettelment, has been acquitted. - The senate conilrmod B, J.&peiaua f Wast Virglula rsier oltiwtaBd NEBRASKA NEWa Dry weather has ruined the earn erop ta some parts of Howard county. Cus'er county wants to get rid of its expensive township organisation. Tbe new populist paper at KeUgb sails under the title ot "Fubiio Opin tou.'' The pay roil In the beet deMaat Nor folk amounts to more tiuu $3,003 per week. " Tbe Evening News blooms abovetBa" ashes of the late lamented Kearney Telecram. ' TL T l mm, ! . I. u "i (rrmirat muimz annyauj le manuiaciunng rye bout oy we patent roller process, ' The Xaws complains ttat there is a sugar panic in Norfolk and a factory at (heir very doors. ' The postoflice buildingat Fremont is well along, carpenters being now at work on the roof. Light frosts are reported from var ious sections of the state, but the dam age to crops is trifling. The Gandy I'ioneer thinks the first principles of agriculture ' should be taught in our public sbools. Tbe normal college at Wayne had 2T,2 students last year, and expects a larger attendance this year. Tbe farmers of Inman, Holt county, re after the men who scare prairie iickens to death before tbey are ripe. Union Fcific employes whose tala- riea are less than C0 per month are not disturbed by tbe recent reduction of wages. A goodly number of Dodge county men are preparing to capture the Cher okee strip when the critical moment arrives. The Niobrara Pioneer is nineteen ye .rs of age, and Ed. A. Fry has beeu at tbe helm all tb&t time. He deserves a pension. Mtb. Susan Michael, a lady of ninety summers, walked to Omaha, a distance of lifty-six miles, in seorcli of a way ward son. Twenty cars of ne hay have been shipped from luman to the eastern market. It netted the farmers nearly 85 per ton. 'v Mrs. 1L. W. Lyman, of Fremont, has deserted her lawful husu ind and only child for the charms ot a traveling man from Texas." The defunct Holt e unty bank at O'Neill will not resum- but the ex aminer is satisfied that all creditors will be paid in full. The Blair Courier Hys that times are getting better in Washington county and trade is about us brisk as it ever is this time of year. .Tnccb Br.uidr, section foreman at Fierce, captured a live bald eaile. He has built a cae for he ugly bird and is teaching it to s:nK'. ThcBonofMr il.iyburg, living near ninoiiilielil, Knox couiiiy, was thrown from In? h'KSi vhil.j cliiisiiig cattle) and fraetiii't-.l (us CtJ.iar bone. The tcn-m.i!it!:s-'M daugh'er of Mr. and Mrs. JniMM -. Hunter 'of Piatta mouth h;is u whole month full of teeth. She spoiti-d four tender toothlets when but throe uiouilu old Since the first of March 114,500 hogs have been kiimd and p icked at Ne bruskn City, nua-rm 75,1);)) for the same period hist year. ebriiaka is all right, ud so is Neunuka City. Kev. John J. - hlii'glor, pastor of the trinity .VI. K. riiurch. lit Kearney will shonly remove to South Dakota to pre lide over a Congregational body. He :t quitting churcu aui state. '.';. While the family were at the world's fair bu.yi.iri entered tha residence of : ony Cornel; ii at Kearuey and took .-.hiii tiiuy wanted, l'hu los cannot be .'siimattd till ii a iuiks coma home. Ur. Culoe Douglas of Nuckolls jouii'y, died from ' tho effects of a can--3er, Ifiivin? a Uu baml and five child ren. 8he wns forty-nine' years of age md had long been a resident ot Ne jrnska. ; The liitlo (laughter of J. W. Edwards )f Norfolk, took a small sip from a, Dotd- contnining carbolic acid, And the family physician was seriously troubled in pulling her back from the brink of '.he grave. ' There are rn roars afloat to the effect '.hnt wlih the return o: c- od times the railroads will consider a proposition to ;ivo Omaha a passenger depot near he site of (he present shop shed that Is used for depot purpose.!. While raking hay on his father's farm In Buffalo county, the fourteen-fear-old son of O. B. Ilently was hemmed in by a prairie Ore, and in thr runaway that ensued, he was thrown m a blazh.g win row and horribly, tmrned about the face and nook. Be Rill recbv.r., 1 A. L. Carries, living two or three, nlles north of Seward raised the pump silt of the well for the purpose of ileanlng the "well, using a derrick in mis ng It. Mrs. liarnes was helping tim, and after tbe pump-had been raUed to a considerable height the top part fell off, striking Mrs. Barnes on the head. eutMna- unite a laahl extend I Ing down on the forehead. - -.: . A. P. Woodward, living a few ttuea last of Hastings, brought the No raskan four ears of com Saturday ' picked at ranuom from his corn Held, that are a foot long and nearly Ave . riches In circumference, and oa which ! tvery grln la well developed. The , laid from which Ibe samples were ken f eighty-five aerss and Mr. I Woodward says will yield at least sixty MTMai toifca. t-re. Cera Mafia ( J 1; if., j II'