The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 03, 1893, Image 4
Vs- . .Vv ft ) - 7 -AT ! mi. : .4 The Sioux County Journal. flSTBU-WED OLDEST PAPEB LS THK COl'XTY. BEST FAl'tB LS THIS COUSTY. OSLV REPl BUOJLS FAhEU IS alOl'X COUNTY. HAS THt LAHGBST C1BCCLATKW OF ANY PAPER rl BUSHED IS SHX CiX XTY. Subscription Trice, $2.00 L. J. .Siiuiiious - Editor. Entered at tlic ltairiauu post oiBee as n-e-ond clas matter. Thibsday, Ai(iUST y, A strong pressure is being brought to bear on Gov. Crov: v for tlie reniovul of World's Fair Cou.,.:. . uer (iarneau. If one-lialf of w hat is reHrted Mm is true be should liave been removed Ion;; ago. From a ol:iicul standioint a change should have been made last w inter, and his word goes to prove what has often been noticed, tliat holdover oltieials as a rule are failures. Ap- Kintive otlicials who are not ready and willing to step down and out when a 'hange in the power which put them in dice occurs, are not the kind of men to mke a success of a public undertaking. Every citizen of Sioux county is in duty bound to help cany the agricul tural society to success. The first step is to attend the meeting at the court house on August 12th. Tell your friends in the east who are paying high cash rent for land and have had a short crop or a failure to c-on,e to Sioux county and see what they can get on laud for which they will have to pay no rent. The pop convention will be held at Lincoln on September 5th and there will be S66 delegates. Of course no pop would ride on a railroad pass so that the freight paid by the delegates will be quite an item. The governor of Colorado got mad and thumped a reporter a few days ago. Wonder if that is the way he expects to collect enough human gore so that he may ride through the crimson Hood up to the bits of his horse's bridle, as he ex pressed his intention of doing if a free silver law was not passed. fi e legal suits growing out of the ic-w freight law are somewhat amusing. The attornevs of the B. it M. went into he United States court and obtained a miin ary injunction to prevent the state otlicials from putting down rates ana he business men of Lincoln by their at orney have gone into the district court and obtained a like order to prevent the B. & M. and Missouri Pacilie railroads from raising the rates. The new law is said to le very much against the inter ests of the wholesale business of Lincoln and of much benefit to those of Omaha nd as a result the two cities will likely I . .1 A 1U. 1 1 inaUe a liglll tor anu against me m unu the re-t of the state can wait for the re- ult. The trial of the case in the feder al court will be for life or death of the rate law and will be of a great deal of interest. A brutal hobo killed an old man in Denver a few days ago over the price of a glass of beer. A large crowd gathered and after two hours hard work forced an entrance to the jail and took the tiend out and hung him to a tree and filled his body full of bullets. It was no more than he deserved. The war cloud which was hanging over France and Siam has been cleared by the latter government having acced ed to the demands of the former. Na tions do not rush into war as readily as they did a few decades ago. A war now means the sacrifice of mill ions of men and money, and diplomacy is fast taking the place of force. Secretary Morton made a strong ap peal to the farmers when he said: "The Jranite Mountain Mining Company pro- uced refined silver in the year 187, or 18sS. according to its report to the secre- ary of the treasury, to the amount of nearly 3,000,000 ounces, at a cost for re- ned silver of 12 cents an ounce. The whole output cost that year was $36,800. Coined at 412 grains to the dollar, it would make over $3,000,000 of legal tender for over 3,000,000 bushels of wheat, the labor cost of which is more than if 3,000,000. That is, by free coin- e, under law, $36,800 of mine labor is made and forced to an equality with $3,000,000 of farm-labor cost. By law this free-coined silver will, when it rep resents only $36,800 of mine labor in Montana, be made exchangeable for $3,000,000 farm labor in Nebraska. Farm and Fireside. The capitalists of Colorado who have raised such a row to gel the government to pay them an inflated price for the product of their silver mines and in or der to further their interests have dis charged thousands of men who are now without the means of support have be come alarmed lest these men take it into their heads to take forcible poses sion of tlie banks of the cities in order to get tlte funds needed to supply them and their families with the necessaries of life. A lot of hungry, idle men with families to provide for is not a pleasant thing to have in a community. On next Monday congress will convene in extra session' and it will not be long nntil the party in power will make known, to some extent, at least, what its policy will be. President Cleveland was elected on a platform favoring free trade and tlie repeal of the tax on state lenk notes. If lie and his party intend to pass laws to bring about such things, manufacturers and business men will trim their sails to meet the storm which would certainly follow, but if, on the tut her hand, the administration shows that it is not going to inaugurate free trade and wild-cu banking, business ac tivity will be renewed at once for people lave full confidence in what ha"? been 1tt are afraid of what is proposed. The adtoeates of free silver fortve pretty bard not to erack in the agree ment of the wholesale merchant not to accept the checks of their customers in payment of bills. The merchants of va rious towns have notified those houses tliat they will buy goods in cities- where , m sticb rwle vtm force. That does very teHv but how wohW such a thing work internationally? Suppose the marrafac tersof tin plate in the oW country Notify their customers in the United States-that they will accept nothing but in payment for their goods. It is Wt of the question for this- country to fet along without tin plate ami as there otrl be Bo- other place from' whence to J Sttpply,' the result would be that pAt would have to he given for" the Mwrwylity. If goldiatapremitttnfhe Aflertonce wHl have- tor be paid' by the MMiBtaner aw there- is t& way to' !Woid Ht ftn plate iB only one' of the' many iiig whieh' it is necessary for" we peo- ffe of this nation to' buy of foreigners aneV until' this nation1 gets' to' producing everything it! nee it will Have' to' con tinue to buy in' foreign maritetsr and pay MWnY will' have to1 lie' mac' in' rhoney AM) iB gootfin'flfo Mnintry front' Whence (Me 0ood ootne:- A buMnesr man' fljieck is all- lflgft aWUnff his' tOWii1 Where Ae iirlrnOWriV but it is- not coufcidcfed Mod' in' tnv eastern- marltetk Stiver ay be aooetttoblb if baclfed' utt1 by flbe . aredlt of the government m tW country fat! in dealings With foreign nations fOkrWill & denwrj&tffttttf it) Witt have W obtained at a pwmlatti' bV pLy for tfetiuTBOt' produced1 iu Hir country, tffttot oftiM free rtlW tgiteionr will f!fljfcbow fortify ttUotu uta? b Final Proof Jiotiws. AU i-rsmifc having dun! pre, ; . iu t!u.- jiMer ill rwt-ivf lutu-ktMl copy ol the Hint are reiiietet to examine tueir iii.lne mill if ! errors exist reion the banie to this oitli-e at once. Notice for l'ulillration. Land oflice at 1 ha'lron. Neb., t Jul. ui. lrf.i. Notice is hereby yiveu that the tollowing iirtmeit settler hat- lileil uolice ol hi.-intention to make final proof in sup)ort of his claim, ami that aid proof w ill be nin(le lie lore onrud l.iiiiti'iiian. t'lerk of the liistrict Court at Harrison, Ni-bra.ska, on .September lltli, 1J, viz: t lijirles T. Snyder, of Hoilare. Ndir., lu litaiU' homoitead entry No. Xli, lor the tiw. m. '4 & in-. T-i sw. '4is, , sw. '4 sc. 22, tp. S3 11., r. "H . i.tll p, ill. lie names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence unii and cultiva tion nt said land, viz : Michael Kuninp, Henry Hunter, Joshua Itakcr, John Christian, all of llodarc, Nebr. V. . 11. McCANS, ; 47-52. lii'uister. Nocii-e fur Publication. Land Ollice at Chadron, Neb. ( Jul. 24, ls'.S. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following naini d .settler lias fili-d imtiee ofhisinteu tinu to make final proof 111 support oi his claim, and tliat said proof will be made be fore 1 onrad l.indenian, t lerk of the District ourt. at Harrison, Nebraska, 011 September 4tu, issta, iz. Oscar W. story, of Story. Nclir., hi) made Homestead Kntrv No. 1345 for the . y, se. ', e. k '. see. S, tp. 'M 11., r. SH west of the litll p. 111. He names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: l.eorgc W. Cobb. John W. l.angdon, Aug ust 1.. Iling, Wilbur K. sliepheril, all of story. Nebr. also (ieorjre V. Cobb, of Story. Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 223s for the lot 3 & ne. '4 sw. i4 & w. se. i4 sec. It), tp. :i4 li.. r. .Vi w. litb p. in. He names the f dlow ing witnesses o prove bis continuous resideuce upon and cultiva tion of said land viz: Oscar V. story, John W. Langdou, Wilbur F. shepherd, all of story, Nebr., (ieorge 11. Turner, of Harrison, Nebr. also .loll 11 V. I.aiiirilon. of Story. Xebr., who made Homestead Kntry No. :nl for tlie sw. .L4 see. 10, tp. 34 11., r. .W west of tlie lith p. 111. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Oscar V. SUiry, solemon H.Story, George V. Cobb, Frederick Stemnier, all of Story, Nebr. V. 11. McCANN, 4(1-51 J liegister. Notice for Publicntion. Laud Off-ce at rbadron. Neb., t Jal.S, 10. t nil e is heri-bv given th;-.t the followi naniHi srttlcr has illed notice ot biaint-u- ion to make final proof m suppun 01 :ii iHim mill tliat said uroof will bemauibe foreConj-att l.indemau, Clerk ot the District ourt at Harrison, Nebraska, 011 August urn I18B, viz : DwiL'lit H. liriswolil. of Harrison. Xebr.. w ho made homestead entry No. 3478 for the s. X ne. i, Sl 11. it se. i4 sec. i, tp. a n.. r. i--t it tin-lit 1 it. 111. He names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon raoi-uiun- . umii still, vix: Kdw ard V. Maine, Charles E. Verity, John Davis, Kggert Kohwcr, all 01 Harrison, Nebr. also Williiini Itielile. of Harrison. Nebr., who made homestead No. t.,20 tor the e. si-e. 32. ti. Si n.. r. 51 west of the nth p. ni. He names tne louow ing wmicsst-s mi'iy" lis con tin uous resilience uhu aim emula tion ot, said land, viz: 1'hoina.s o. W llllams, Oscar a. uarujn, Charles K. Schilt, Ia-wis oerlach, ail 01 nai rison, Nebr. also iiircus Vaklez, of Hurrisnu. Xebr., w ho made homestead No. ISO!' for the w. X sw. ' see. :ti-. 'A at-. t sec. , ip. m u., cu: wi'si ot the lith 11. 111. lie names the following w ilnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon ana euitna lion ot. said land, viz: Joseph li. Morris, JOIIII l-lunKl'Tl, Anion Moraveck, Joseph J. Kipp, all ol Harrison, br. " I1- 3iot.-AiS3, 1 4:j.4S 1 liegister. The reports from the commercial agencies and other sources are that the financial trouble is about past. The gold is coming back from Europe in large quantities and the banks have for tified themselves and are ready to meet any demands which may be made upon them and the masses of the people have come to the conclusion that their cash is safer in the banks than it would be in a stocking leg and most of the funds have been returned to the proper channels and are again coursing through the arteries of trade. The retail merchants through out the country, with the exception of those in districts where mining opera tions have been suspended or crops have failed, report business as good as it was at this season last year, so that taking all things into consideration there is great reason for the country to feel re lief over the lact that ttiere was really nothing to get scared about. Notice for Publication. Laud Office at Chadron, Neb., j J'll 10, W.I3. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make Until proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made lie fore the Register & Keceiver of tlie 1'. H. Land Office at Chadron, Nebraska, on Aug ust satli, WJ3, viz: William E. Jones, of Ardmore. S. Dak., w ho made homestead entry No. 2440 for the w. X se. sec. IU w. X 11c. J sec. 30, tp. 35 n., r. 54 west of the (ith p. ni. He names tlie follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Klienezer Cowlishaw, John Peterson, all of Ardmore, S. Dak., Joseph lioffer, l'eter Han sen, all of Montrose, Nebr. W. II. MCCANN, 44-50J liegister. Notice for Publication. Land Cilice at Chadron, Neb., ( Jun. 2fi, 1SU3. I Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of ids inten tion to make final proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will be innde be fore rvniriid I.indetuan. Clerk of the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, 011 August seventh, 1893, viz ; Albert K. Kennedy, of Harrison. Xebr., who made lloinestead entry No. 12i for the sw. a sec. 11, tp. 32 n., r. 57 west of tlm lith n. 111. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George W. Hester, A. K. lew, Benjamin F. Thomas, Delana M. Sutton, all of Harrison, Nebr. 42-4tj W. If. McCANN, Register. A good deal of talk is being indulged n by some of the advocates of free silver for the United States to declare indepen dence of the bank of England. It sounds very nice and doubtless stirs up a good deal of feeling favoring such action. To declare and maintain independence of a foreign nation in a political way was all right and comparatively easy, but to dec lare commercial independence is quite another tiling. To do so is to say that this nation does not want to have any dealings with foreign nations. That its people will use what it produces and do without what it doM not produce. The iresent administration was electeit on a free trade platform. That cannot be and the country declare itself independ ent of the bank of England or that of any other country for people will buy and sell where they can do the best unless pro fited and the only way to do that is for the government to impose an import ana export tariff heavy enough to make it prohibitive. The unwritten laws 01 commerce are much harder to change than the statutes and talk about being commercially independent of foreign nations is all sentiment and no sense. Notice, for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb Jun. 23, 1K93. Notice is hereby given that the folltrwing- liMmed settler ba's filed notice of his inten- ion to make final proot 111 support 01 111s a in. and that said nroi win ne maue. ne- ure Conrad l.indenian. Clerk of tlie District ourt at Harrison, Nebraska) 011 Angust Seventh, lSiW, viz: Herman Kroeninir, ot Montrose, Xebr., who made Homestead F.ntry No. 3440, tor the se. U sec. 20. li. S5 11., r.- 1.1 w est 01 tne tun 11. in. lie names me toiiowiiih witnesses w oiovi.- lns continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot, said land, viz: ui nam Mcver. rraiiK inaver r riuia hl- to, Charles &r Williams; all of Montrose, NebTi also fosenli H. Montgomery, of Bodarc, Nebr. w-hn made Homestead No. 711 IoT the e ne. see. 21 .t 11. X nw. k sec. 22, tp. S3 ., r. 55 west ol tith p. ni. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cuitiva tion ot. said land, viz: Fred W. Knott. JamcB VtUsOn, J times Me'cann, all ot Gilchrist; Nebr., Joseph c, 'arsons, 01 nouarc, nenr. also .Tallies Wilson, of Gilchrist, Xebr., wio made homestead No. 7575 for the n. y., sw. H s. X, uw. '4, sec. 10, tf'. 33 11., r. 55 west 01 the otn 11. 111. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and euuiva tion of, said land, viz: Fred IV. Knott, Daniel W. Woodf Vnlen timi Wohlheter, James Mc'Cinm, all Of Gil Christ, Nebr. 142 47J v. H. McCamn, liegister. Senator Manderson is at work in an effort to find a pJan wrtereby the' terri tory in this state known as the "sand hills'' may be settled more thickly. He seems to think that to pass a lrfw where by the land cowW be leased or purchased wotrkl be a gooti way. So far as Sioftx county is concei'ned,- antt in fact,- the four northwest counties' of the state they are not in the "sand1 hills" so' that it does not apply to them',' but even m that district try Which' the term1 applies a plarr by Which' the' land 6ou1d be pur chased or lea'sed' Would haVe' a very dif ferent effect frdrn' thai desired1 by' tf senate".- Iti ttte event of suteh1 laW beinf made CapHtalistS" would get ftold of large tracts of the laud and' freeite out the small holders and instead of increas ing the population it Would diminish' it. Irt conversation' With a' nurhbef Of men engaged in different branches of bUMness in thie and other countiei on the subject th nreVailldlT Otilnloh iS' that it would be a good plkn to let welt enough alone. iTh matter of msttlemetit seems to be aaiusttnir rant u time duns ana: 10 go to' tinkeriur with the bad law t,i i ;i im when otbtn1 thlnfi ut to' tiniWUW MnU MMttlalw diV tMnV etaa HESTER li SOI, DEALERS IX Notice.-Timber Culture. I". . I.ASI) I IFFIt.E, ( ( HAllKOX, NKUH. t Julv 14. 1SII3. Comlilaint having la-en entered at this of 1 iv William T. Jones against Millard Nel- 111 for failure to comply with law as 10 t inber-cu ture entry Mo. Mr.i, uaven jiaicu 1 s, issii, upon tlie sw. ''-4 section 34, township 1 31, range 111 moux county, icoi-asKa, nun a view to the cancellation ot sani entry, ,,i, ,1 pM-nttr t nit p itimaiit Has laiieu to tireak. nlow or cultivate ." i-.cres of said tract, the Si-eonu vear alter manui saiu entry, and has tailed to plant any trees, Tree scens or euiTings oil sain unit now ibiv nt inakiuir said enlv to this date. 1 he I said parties are nereoy sumiiioiieu iiiuri" i" 1 at this oince on tne -2.1 miy 01 AugusL, mn.,, m lOo'i- ock. a. 111.. to respond ami inrnisu ies- timony concerning said alleged iaiiure. 4.1-.HI J 1 . J . I u .ns, nnmii-i. Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. Agents for the Buckeye, JJeermg And . Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. HARRISON NEBRASKA. Kstray .Notice. Taken 1111 hv the undersigned on his prem ises in Wai-lxinnet precinct, Sioux county, Nebraska, on May at, iXKI, one nrown siainon supposed to be 4 vears old, ho brand, two white hind feet, small white star ill fore head, weight about MX) pounds. 4--47j jtjmi 11. H11.1.. SIMMONS & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Estate Agents, Real JJfst Line tot lie East. The Burlinsrton Route B. &. M. R. R. is running elegantly eijnippea jiiissener tniines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route Bi & 51. R. R. Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND FCISSORS fl'T IN OIWER. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. Give i me t a I Call, QL'LLIVAN A CO. LEY, Lawyers. Will pkactick ik all TiiK local, state and federal courts and Ui Si Land office. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. t t i s X Cg Office in Court House, HARRISON - NEBRASKA GEORGE WALKER, Ationiey-at-Law. Will practice before all cotfrts and tlie U. S. Land Oflicc. Business entrusted td my car will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA, Notice Timber CuMww. V. S. Land Office CHAllKOTi, NKB, . JlflV l?.-18fl:i. (,oim)laint'J01iaviiiir been entered at thi ollice dv l'eter Schaefer against Albert II, J liorne for iaunre 10 conniiy wim ntw an 10 timber culture entry No. i:ti3, dated August Hi. lssHMinon tlrtj se M HectiOn 1, towrrshin 30, rane WL in Sioirx conntf t-Nebraskaf witti a view w tlie cancellation or sam entry; con testant alleifintf that claimant has wholly almndoWed said tract in tills towrt: Ily neglecting to break, plow or otherwise culti vate any portion fit said tract since nmking said entry ; that no part of said tract haf ever been broken, plowed or 111 any way culti vated up to date Of making this aftfrtuvit. The said parties are hereby summoned to nptiear at this ollice' 011 tlie 30 day of Atrgnst, 1KSM, at Iff o'clock a. m. to resiifnd and fur nish testimony concerning slild allCKed failure. Tftstiinon-y of wltiWssscs wrll lie taken before Ovcfrgn Walker,- a uotary pubWc, at his Otlice hf llarrison, Nebr., on tlie 'tt day of Augunt, IsW, at 10 a. 111. T. K. Powerh, li WJ Receiver.- H. T. tXiNLEY. contestrifit's atrorivey. Dr. Leonhardt Lirriits his riraxtice to diseases of the Nervous system, (Such as Loss of Memory; Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cranirls, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness and dll forms of Neuralgia.) HEART NORTH Y7! (As shOwn hv Shortness of Hfoath, Fain, Palpitation,- Fluttering and Nttnib- frtss in region of t!ie Heart.) BLOOD, (Such its Skin Diseases, ijlcers; Exces sive Paleness or Redness f the Face, Faintnes, Dizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION REEl ADDRESS WITH STAMPEi-. DR. LEOxNHAHDT, UB2 O ST. -" -' , LINCOLNt NEB. -Mention tills pnpe'f ; AST vM the F.E.uiv.s.c,ap, RAILROAD. K. 0; MonSaot'S, I ft. mHAMAHi GEO. H. TURNER, roceries - and - CS-enera! Merchandise. Look at my Goods and Prices 'MnnHMnaaMMMMMl trains 1 iwimmMwr"'! mi 1 n Before Placing Orders Elsewhera McCormick Binders and- Mowers We are at the Bottom for Cash. FENCING MB L A FULL LINE n. nil, i Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and Wall Paper Undertaking1 goods r embalming, IT PROMPT ATTkKTTlt)N OIVRK t MAH nHlKH8s Geo. Q Reed, Orawford, Neb, ,' 1 . . 1 '.I . ' J -en