The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 03, 1893, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
"VOL. 5.
HIIRISOIN", -A.TJQ-. 3, 1893.
IsTO. 47.
L. J. Stannous. Editor and Proprietor.
F. E. Jf. V K. E. Time table.
Going West. Going East.
No. 5, mixed, 11 :1 Ko. 6, mired 6:25
Wheat per bushel
Oats per bushel
Corn per bushel J
Shorty per hundred ft
Bran per hundred fl
Feed chopped per hundred lb
Potatoeu per bushel
Butter per ft .
Egss por doz
l'oultry per doz
Onions per lb
Beans per lb
Coal per ton
1 00
1 25
4 90
3 50
15 00
Wood per cord
Lumber uative-ptr m. ft..
S"Cotrected every Thursday.
-The rains of late have been of great
benefit to the crops to this part of the
If you want to sell your land, list it
with Simmons & Smiley, real estate
Sioux county will have a great crop
of potatoes and they go a long ay to
ward making life worth living.
For rent or sale at a bargain, a busi
ness lot and building in a good location
in Harrison. Simmons & Smiley.
All kinds of wood work done at
Priddy's blacksmith shop, opposite The
Journal office.
James Clark passed through hers on
Sunday going to Arizona or New Mexico.
He wauts to get further south before
winter comes.
Take out a policy in the Preferred
Mutual Accident Association. It is
cheap and reliable. L. J. Simmons,
Sam Tebbet was in town Monday
and took out binding twine wjth which
to begin harvest on Tuesday. He says
his crop is good, except a small piece
which he did not put in properly.
VJ-From now until August 15th tickets
frota Harrison to Hot Springs, S. 1).,
good returning for thirty days, will be
-old for one fare for the round trip over
the F. E. & M. V. "
The rate sheets which were issued
in conformity with the new law on
freight rates were called in b the rail
road officials and the old rates will be
in force until Lincoln and Omaha get
through fighting over the law.
On July 24 and 31 and August 7 the
F. E. & M. V. will sell round trip tickets
on the excursion coaches to Chicago for
one fare for the round trip. Such rates
will not be in effect on any other dates and
will be good to leave Chicago returning
on two dates only, four and eleven days
from date of sale.
When a person gets out and sees
what is growing in the gardens about
the country he will be convinced that
there is not much to feel bad over in
this county. We saw as fine garden
truck the first of the week as any one
could wish and it had never been water
ed excejjtby nature.
A-4he farmers have already got up a
good deal of hay but the rains of the
past week have set the grass to growing
again and some will wait for awhile and
let it grow. It is a good plan to put up
a good supply of hay and then if the
winter is hard the stock will not suffer
and if it is not needed and is properly
stacked it will keep over for another
year with little damage.
In another column appears a call for
a meeting of those interested in a county
agricultural society and an exhibit at
the state fair. Last year some pre
miums were won and the money was sent
to the treasurer of the society and the
time has come when the organization of
the society should be perfected and the
thing got in running order. It is not
only intended for those who have taken
part in the work before but for every
one in the county to come and take a
hand in the matter. In the society no
one person hawpore rights than another
and the more there are interested the
more certain will be the success of the
undertaking. The secretary has moved
out of the county and the vacancy will
' have to be filled and other work done
which will be of importance. At that
viAf(niF fha nutation of hnlriinp n. cnun
wt.a -i oi
ty fair will come up and also whether or
not Mi exhibit will be made at the state
fair thin year. With the poor crops
which prevail on the high priced lands in
too eastern part of the state a good ex
bibit at the state fair will be a winning
card for Sioux county. Among the new
tattlers are some who have been identi
fied with state fair work for years and
tbay will be a great help in the getting
ud of an exhibit that will win. It is
hoped that a large number of people will
Attend the meeting on Aug. 12th for
food result are ure to follow the pre;)
Agricultural Society Meeting.
A meeting of the people of Rioux
county will be held at the court house
in Harrison on Saturday, August 12,
1K93, at 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp, for per
fecting the organization of the county
agricultural society and to consider the
advisabilty of holding a county fair and
of making an exhibit at the state fair.
tvery one interested in such a move
ment is urged to attend and help the
work along.
A. W. Mom:,
James IL Cook,
Jeremy Stimson
Eu Smith,
Executive Committee.
Screen doors at the lumber yard.
A new girl arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Tipton on last Friday
Old papers for sale at The Journal
office. 5 cents per dozen.
The Perkins windmill is the'' best;
Sold by J. H. Bartell, Harrison, Neb.
Don't fail to attend the meeting of
the agricultural society 'on August 13th
Come and bring your neighbor with you.
100 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain, if taken soon.
Simmons & Smiley.
The managers of the state fair are
trvinK to make the exhibition of this
year the best that it has ever known,
The tiling for Sioux county to do is to be
there with her best clothes on.
D. M. Sutton returned Friday from
his trii to the hills. He sold some of
the horses which he took up with him
but the market was not as good as lie
had expected ' so he brought the rest
back again.
'. -
-A good deal of petty thieving has
been going on in some parts, of Dawes
county of late and the people have made
up their minds to put a stop to it. It
will be the same way in this locality if
the pilfering is not stopped.
Dave Bartlett has fitted up a place
in Priddy's blacksmith shop, opposite
The Journal office where he is prepared
to do all kinds of wood work, wagon and
carriage work. He is well known to the
people of this locality and all will be
glad to know that he has opened a shop,
J-k6o& rain fell here on Thursday
arte'rnoon; a light shower fell on Friday
and another good shower fell on Monday
night. It has helped out the crops
good deal and grass is growing right
along so that hay will be much more
plentiful than was expected. Nearly an
inch and three quarters of rain has
fallen during the past week.
The poor crops seem to be prevailing
in many parts of the country. Mrs. E,
G. Hough received a letter a few days
ago from her daughter who lives in
Oregon which stated that the crops
there are very poor and that the season
has been vary cold, a Are being necessary
for comfort almost every day. That
not very encouraging for the people of
that state.
Parties who will have ponds ready
for fish this fall should get their applica
tions in as soon as possible. A list will
be sent from this office in a few days.
not later than the 15th and any who
desire us to send for them should notify
us at once. Remember there is no cost
to get the fish and no contract or agree
ment to make. If you have a suitable
place you can get the fish simply by
making application.
The reports of the seining in the
streams of the county are still coming
in. The best way to put a stop to such
work is for some one who knows of the
work to make a complaint and let the
law take its course. A good heavy fine
would cause the seiners to realize that
the laws still exist in this part of the
world. If the fish commission gets after
some of the law breakers it will make an
interesting time for they are not respect
ors of persons. If the fish are not worth
protecting they are not worth catching,
As time passes the evidence that the
action of the little ring of cute people in
the village election becomes more cer
tain. The' bond on which to carry the
case against the village treasurer, in
volving the license money to tne su
preme court was filed and approved and
it is understood that a summons issued
as that is the way in such cases, but no
summons has been served on the school
board. The action of the ring goes to
prove that the scheme is to delay the
case as long as possible so that they may
have the use of the $500 which the court
has said should be turned over to the
school district treasurer, and the tax
payers of the district can continue to
pay interest because of such retention
the funds and can also pay the expense
of carrying on the suit in the courts.
Such shining lights of reform are exun
pies for the public to gaze at.
A. R. Kennedy went to Crawford on
Miss Evelyn Miller was in Harrison
A. W. Mohr was up from Gilchrist
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs J. II. Cook were at Craw
ford Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Zerbe were in Har
rison yesterday. .
M. E. Knight, orders The Journal sent
to him at Carthage, Mo.
S. M. Thomas gave us some cash on
subscription Saturday.
C. F. Coffee was doing business at the
county seat AVednesday.
W. S. Johnson and H. H. Russell were
up from White River Monday.
F. A. Castle a business trip to
Ardmore the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Octave Harris were up
from Running Water last Friday.
Parson Tinkham was up from Bodarc
yesterday and called at this oflice.
Julian Lever of Cottonwood precint
was in town yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smith were doing
business in Harrison last Saturday.
County Attorney Conley returned
Monday from his trip to South Dakota.
J. L. Smeiles returned Monday from
California where he had been for some
Jeremy Stimson was up from Glen
last Saturday to attend the meeting of
of the executive committee of the agri
cultural society.
-Remember that Tire Journal office
is headquarters lor jou pruning.
J. O. L. Ragland has the contract
for putting up a lot of hay at Van Tas-
sell, Wyoming.
J. H. Barron's bank at Lusk went
to the wall last week. It was a small
affair and had been considered shaky for
It is reported that George Walker
has located at Casper, Wyo. , to practice
law. If that is true,all his friends here i
will wish him success. I
-A large part of the sheep which have,
been at Andrews for some time will be
moved out in a few days. The rest will
be shipped from where they are.
-While loading a mower into a wag
on a few days ago S. M. Thomas got into
such a position as to strain his back so
badly that he has not been able to work
Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and
shoe maker. Cowboy boots a specialty.
Repairing promptly and neatly done-.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second
door south of court house.
The work of running the line be
tween Nebraska and South Dakota and
setting the monuments is going along.
There will be no change in the line as it
has been, but it will be plainly marked.
P. N. Kirkpatrick was so well pleas
ed with Sioux county that he will move
here in the near future and others will
follow as soon as they can arrange their
business efTairs where they are now.
There is no doubt that many new set
tlers will come here to secure land in the
next few months.
The crop reports brought in by the
farmers from most localities are quite
encouraging. Some say they will have
as good crops as they had last year and
some claim even better. Of course
there are streaks where there will be
little or nothing, but it should be borne
in mind that this is a streaked year.
C, Y. Hough went to Douglas,
Wyo., on last Monday to take a position
in a business house of that town. Clint
is a young man of energy and has had a
good deal of experience in the mercan
tile business and will no doubt prove
himself to be of value to his emyloyers.
W. H. Hough will take the place made
vacant by his departure from the store
J. E. Wallace got pretty badly used
up a few days ago by having a runaway.
Ho is reported to look as bad as John L.
Sullivan did when Corbett got through
with nim. He is improving but as he is
quite well along in years he feels quite
sore and will not likely fully recover
from its effects for Borne leme, Ho was
fortunate to have escaped with no bones
E. A. Weir and his mother came up
from Chadron pesterday to look after
some business matters agd visit friends
for a few days. He has decided to lo
cate at Chadron and practice his pro
fession. Itr, Weir is a man of energy
and ability and has do voted years to pre
paring himself to do battle with disease
and his many friends here will hope to
hear of his success.
It would be a good plan for some of
our farmers to get a proposition in shape
for putting down a test well for artesian
water. There is no use in fooling about
the matter. If a test is to be made let
the preliminary work be done and the
well put down. There are a number
who would like to have the test made
on their land and all that is necessary is
for them to make a proposition and let
the subscriptions be secured and then
the work can be commenced. The
opinion of those with whom we have
talked on tiie subject is that it should
be arranged to go not less than a
thousand feet if the move is made. It
is well worth the effort. Who will
make the proposition ?
It Promises to Surpai all Preceding
Exhibits in this Columbian Year.
Never was there a time when Ne
braska state fair makers, exhibitors and
patrons should more bestir themselves
than now. The management fully com
prehending the situation is leaving noth
ing undone to make the fair this Colum
bian year world's fair year, the best
and most extensive ever held. Indica
tions are that there will be a large atten
dance from abroad. Arrangements are
ennsumated to sell round trip tickets
from the world's fair at Chicago to the
Nebraska fair all the west and leturn
at the same reduced rates as to that
great e.v position. Also that live stocl.
on exhibition at Chicago will be released
anu bv stiecial trains reach the Nebraska
state fair in time for exhibition. Thus
the finest in the world will be with us.
From all parts of the states advices
are, says the secretary, that there will
be an unusual presentation of products.
Colorado, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri
have accepted invitations to join with
Nebraska and compete in county collec
tive exhibits. This will insure the
greatest exhibit in that line any state
has ever presented.
Extra efforts are made for the speed
ring and other attractive features. Over
two hundred speed entries have already
been sent in. This' betokens rare enter
tainment for lovers of speed.
No one should fail to attend the Ne
braska Columbian year world's lair and
exposition at Lincoln, September 8th to
loth next. See that wife, and especially
the children attend this object lesson
Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice
and hardy nursery stock. Many special
varieties to olfer, both in fruits and or
namentals, and controlled only by us.
We pay commission or salary, give ex
clusive territory and pay weekly. Write
us at once and secure choice territory.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
6-13 Rochester, N. Y.
AGENTS WANTED on salary and Com
liy GAIL HAMILTON, Ilia literary executor,
with the co-operation of his family, and for
Mr. Blaine's Complete Works, "TWENTY
Y EARS OF CONG HESS," and his later boot,
tus for these .1 I1KST SKLLING books in the
market. A. K. P. Jordan of Me.., took 112 or
ders from first 110 calls; agent's profit $l!
Mrs. Italian! of O. took 15 orders, 13 Seal Rus
sia, m one day ; prom qzn.zo. i-v. Jt. niee ui
Mass. took 27 orders In twodays; profit $17 .2,".
J. Partridge of Me. took 43 orders from 3fi
calls; prollta 75.S5. E. -A. Palmer of N. Dak.
took 53 orders in three days ; prollt Ssis.25.
exclusive tkbkitory given. If you wish to
wake LARGE MONEY", write Immediately
for terms to
The Henry Bill Pub. Co.,
Norwich, Conn.
See the "Old Reliable"
Harrison, .... Nebraska.
Harrison, Nebr.
own following braiTd:
Wagon and Carriage Makers,
Impairing (lone on short notice.
Good work nud readout. bio charges,
Shop south of livery barn.
H.UUH80N. - . D.
B, E. Brewbter,
D. II. ORIS WOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General
American Exchange National Bank, New York,
United State National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Wailt felil
a mM
C00k r
& M
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the Largest Stock of
General Merchandise,
A. 1ST
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates.
Come and see us before you buy.
Press Claims
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Government is
that of INVENTORS, who often loso the benefit of valuations because of the
incompenteccy or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents.
Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors
to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly,' if not entirely, upon
the care and skill of the attorney.
With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttorneys
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PRESS
CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice and is there
fore prepared to
If you have an invention. on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a
sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important
features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pur.iue. Model
are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others ur
infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, sub
mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter,
The 1'uKrts Claims Company,
(U T street, northwest; WASHINGTON, I), O.
T. O. Box 4fi!!. ,k fs wKiriiKM!RN, maoaglng wttornoy. '
ul Wil ot ftiiU Kind it lib J -uuv liniMry. j '
Banking Business.
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