Tti3 Sioux County Journal. Tbstabushed 185. oldest pap eh is the cocsty. bb5t paper is the colsty. OMLT REPUBLICAN PAPER IN MKX OOCKTY. Hah the largest cikctlatios of any FAPES PUBIiSHED IS SIOUX COUKTY. Subscription Price, f3.00 L. J. Miumoosi ... Editor. Entered at the Harrison post office u ec- una ciud waiver. Thursday, July 27, 1K93. Jay Burrows' populist pa(r lias giveu up its young life and tlie other one the Alliance-Independent is on its last pegs. The crop seems to be pretty badly blighted, Fremont Tribune. Th Crawford papers have been chang ing around of late and A. V. Harris now appears as manager of the Tribune and Frank R. WlDgfleld succeeds B. H, McGrew as editor of the Gazette. The policies of the papers remain the same as iney nave been in tne past. The village treasurer of Crawford teems (o have bei deslrious of holding on to the license money the same as the village treasurer of Harrison and the school board did the same as did the school board of this district and a pre- emptory writ of mandamus was issued ordering the l unas turnea oyer at once. The Crawford treasurer seems to know when he had enough and disgorges with' out delay, The treasurer of Crawford is no hog, . . It looks as if the chances for war be tween France and Siani were pretty good and if the ball is started there will be other nations mixed in it. England, Russia and China have already gone so far that it is impossible for them to keep Out if war is declared. The United States will be ready to furnish all the nations who engage in the war with sup plies they need and will put an end to joe cry of hard times in this country. Th,e first issue of the Recorder, the new Chadron paper, vras issued last week and geems to be a healthy, well-formed infant with good prospects for existence. The name of Claude T. Taylor appears at tb masthead and he says it is to be run n the interest of straight democracy. As long as Chadron is to have a demo pratic paper it s to be congratulated on . the fact that it is to be straight and not fuie of the popocrat sort. One of the leading pop papers at Lin coln l-as gone to the wall and the other Oiie nearly there indicates that the peo ple are catching onto the fact that they have been worked for suckers by the reformers for office or revenue only. Host, if not all, of the men who run pop papers are at it simply for what there is o it and not from principle and those who read papers conducted on such lines have no confidence in what they say and Bjen of honor and principle will not ad vocate what they do not believe. Matters seem to be pretty badly mixed as to what will be done in regard to. the freight rates. I( was reported that the fates fixed by the law would be put into eflect Ijbe first of August and no fight naade in the courts,, in the belief that' the aw wo,W spoa become so unpopular hat a demand would be made for its re peat Later news is that the 13. & M. has gone into the. federal courts and asked that the state officials be enjoined from enforcing the new, Law. The busi ness men, of Lincoln are, making a hard fght against the law fas its provisions ase suck that the wholesale houses of Uiat city will be driven from; the field. Bow the matter will end- is hard to pre set,, but a good deal of litigation, is pertain, to result. The commissioner's record which ap ea in another column, of this issue up aqpthercase of "fopl economy" on the paxt. of the legislature in. which he senator f JO m. Ibe northwest district ije presented a, pact o$ Texa,. Id the past an. amopoi has been, appropriated to supply a Reasonable number of. statutes o each county for the use of. oljieials. jt seems, that was omitted, probably the went to pav Bill Greene's jag bill, and a,s a, result thp taxpayer of each, county Ijaye to. dig up, and. pay (of statutes ob- tojse&for, the use of. the, olfi,ials, and it Vut t-eaapnojble tht, bcin.-j purchased ia, small, lots, a higher price will be $-i-ged, It is abou.t as consistent as 9hylpck settijjg himself, up, as a pop teader and howling for reform and relief ijor the poor farmers and. then, charging '4P0estaderK six per cent a month, for iffffifey tpaneu to-tuem on goou segunty, jtfwidtwdB.of men, ae out of employ' njt in Colorado and are working their iffM. astwd,as. fast; as. possible. At liflgs.last week; a. Inrge nuiflbei of p mpn- UiUBpingeast got on.a freight toM, rid. The. dejjpt golicema,or- MetttJiemfrfbufeWjey dtd, nob go, and W, wordi being, "Wfc tp, SupejnteadeBt Miguel! an order, waa; issued tp.lst; them i),afld;Ufi, maypc of; Haetiogai-Bentia agoo.loadiOfi prpvMpo, e tinmen, bo- fonth tttilt. PH4l Qttk 1?Hfc MflanT Wfet atao, orrtw, tfoaJt, uhp bjLMfed to awib mtn-on, Uift way and if;tce4fj to put extra, carp, on.fpr ttf(r aicomodatioa. Ttm- report, ai ttiaVth9Uanof.Q(hp.wiU b: fprRtd tp jpfe out oftba stata t Qbttfn tb WXa0of life. IpiOtber, plaoM it is wn0i,tl awna.. In, Indiana. Vhoawwfc (tfrtBfa ar mv of empioyroant and mas? o( tbam suffering for bread and in Hm. aod Hamrjthira tba, cotton ttpttf, wt- down, throwing mapjr rw, , of; WSiDg m uiu .HmaQlh tba woSU of Nor f f K rm Mi; iar www. A THRIVING PLACE. Ilirruon, Sleb,, aud its Future as by a Visitor. Special to the Denver News. Harrison, Neb., July 19 Sioux coun ty is the northwestern county of Nebraska and Harrison is its flourishing and progressive capital and chief town. Harrison is located on the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad; has a population of 200; has a 10,000 court house constructed of brick and stone, the building material being of local product; lias a good public school building, with two department; has a handsome Metho dist church building; has a good hotel; has two banks, two newspapers, a city water svstem derived from a fine well with steam pumping as the motive pow er, and business houses of heavy invest ment and active custom. The business houses include the Ranch Supply House, Lewis Geilach proprietor, carrying groceries, dry goods, clotlun, boots, shoes, etc.; Griswold & Marsteller, general merchandise and hardware; Geo. H. Turner, general merchandise, flour, feed, groceries, farm machinery, etc.: G. W. Stevens, livery; Dr. W. E. Bridg man. drugs; H. A. Cunningham, harness and saddlery; I. Richstein, liquors and cigars; J. W. Scott, restaurant; G. Guthrie, grain buyer; Hester & Son, lumber, coal, grain and agricultural implements; Montgomery & Zeigler, mil linefy, and various minor places of business. The active legal talent of the town comprises tL T. (Jonley and Oreorge Walker, Esqs. v The county officers, Thomas Eeidy, sheriff; Conrad Lindeman, clerk; M. Gay hart, treasurer; H. T. Conley, attor ney; S. Barker, judge; A. Southworth, superintendent of schools, are giving ex cellent public satisfaction. A MILL WANTED. Harrison is in need of a roller process flouring mill and her people would give a liberal bonus toward the erection of such a mill. Harrison is the center of one of the finest wheat sections in the est. A mill of at least fifty barrels capacity per day is wanted. DIRECT DENVEB CONNECTION. The business men of Harrison, in com mon with all other western Nebraska lo calities, are eager for direct and close Denver railroad connections, both mail and freight. With such connections and equable freight rates Denver wholesale houses would almost exclusively supply Harrison merchapts. An increase in service on the Cheyenne & Northern would fully accomplish the desired connection, and even a favorable, change of the present Cheyenne & North ern schedule time would be of material assistance. TH COUNTY. Sioux county is 30x70 miles in extent and contains about 1,300,000 acres, over 800,000 acres of which i,s still open to homestead entry. Within its limits are copious, bright and sparkling waters White river, the Running Water and Hat creek with, numerous tributaries, together with many gushing springs, making a perfect water network. The region is well covered by the rain belt, crops of all kinds fully maturing'. The Boil varies, from- a heavy clay to a lightjsandy loam, and te, of, exceeding general fertility. All the grains,, potatoes and. garden vegetables yield heavily and are of ex cellent quality, while reports from m- tial fruit culture are of the most Satis factory character.. Pine timber of fine quality is plentiful, the great Pine Ridge running through the county. Sawmills' are active. The county- lias forty-five miles of railroad, the Fremont and Elkhorn and the Burlington passing through, it Not $1 of bonds, railroad or otherwise has been, issued,, and, the cpun,ty is entire Iv out of debt. Deeded land can be bought at reasonable rates. The county has now thirty-three school districts, and. nev ones aw W1 in process of organization. Dotting the region, aie many . valuable and extensive stock, (asms,, among which qpted tboae of B. E. Brewster, C. F. Coffee,. McGinley Stover and. J.. W, Earnest, the two latter fprrafe lieipg owned, by Colpradp.nKOv. NOTES The Harrison newspapers,, The Sioux. Couhty Joprnal, L, i inHpoas djipr and proprietor,, and the. Independent- A. L. Banrogafitoer, editOK and proprietor, are able and enterprising journals. The. Commercial ban, D. JS, Gnsw.old cashiehiiaa.a,DaA.UD capital of 110)000 It is solid and popular, Agricultural implements havea hea.v- y anfl, i)eady Harrison sale,, . Last sprang, brought the. county large and valuable immigration; from, both Eastern Nebraska and. Illinois,, this, fall iseiqu.heayy. additions, to, tfie farming populatiofl.fficw; tre sarmi.ipcaJtties.. Xhe baokof;ftrwsoq;is,an, mswtuwon of,haodom capital and! largS) business. ItaoaWeriia.Cbrlw,B; Verity,. The cora crop ofi th. ofluqt Willi be lexcejlent Uiis-season,. Adfalfa-,is.bng successfully tatwdufe jed,,. Timothy and olovftr fioa mpWr jiqg Hg raisiqg. l, nrofl table,, fpur jWwSs.oId; plgsi wiling, usually,, afc Mn writing, , at IS.Wjeach,. . T. . I I i. A u!iL 11.. tlon of tha gaoaral droutn saasoo of, WQ IjtoMoountf buliad artpUTainfall, raising region. Every farmer can have his small herd of range fatten heves in addition to the products : - . ..-n The natural grass being line Harrison will put in next year a regu lar standpipe cty water system. The town is incorporated. A prosperous German colony is locat ed in the northern portion 01 the county Montrose is a prosperous Sioux county town and settlement. Outside capitalists are investing large ly in land in the Harrison vicinity, one purchaser alone thus acquiring 1,500 acres. The Harrison tiouse is an excellent hotel. Scandinavians ars heavily settling the southeastern corner of the county. Fine horses, both draft and roadsters, are being dred. Cattle strains are also being excellently improved. In this county, on the Running Water is the famous Agate Springs ranch and stock farm. . This is the ranch which was the beapquarters of the Grand Duke Alexis dusing his western hunting tour. Agate Springs and its magnificent nat ural meadow surrounding, is now the property of James Cook, the once-noted Indian scout. Mr. Cook is raising horses of pure Hambletonian strain. Harrison is the supper station of tha east-bound Fremont and blkhorn passen ger trains. . The Sioux County Fair Association will probably hold its initial exhibit at Harrison this fall. Harrison folks nearly all take the great daily, the Kocky Mountain Jwtm. Gkorue R. Caldwell Fiual Proof Sotices. All nor son liavinc final nroof notices In this paper -ill receive a marked copy of the paper mid are requested to examine tneir notice and if any errors exist report the same to this office at once. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb. t Jul., mm. I Notice is herebv sriven that the following named settler 1ms filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in supiort of his claim, apd that saia prool will oe maae oe fore Conrad Lindeman. Clerk of the District C ourt, at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 4th, 1893, Tin. - Oscar W. Story, of Story, N'ebr., who made Homestead Kntry No. i:J45 for the w. o. h & e. sw. X sec. 8, tp. 34 n., r. 56 west of the hill p. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: (jeorge W . Cobb. John W. Langdon, Aug ust L. King. Wilbur F. Shepherd, all of Story, Nebr. also George Y. Cobb, of Story. Xelir., who made Homestead Entry No. 2238 for the lot 3 & ne, H sw- h w. X se. H sec. 19, tp. 34 ia r. oo w. tn p. m. fie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land viz : Oscar W. Story, John W . Langdon, Wilbur . Shepherd, all of Story. Nebr.. George H. Turner, of Harrison, Nebr. also Jolm W. Langdon, of Story, Nebr., who made Homestead Kntry No. 341 for the sw. a sec. 10, tp. 34 n., r. 5ti west of the lilh p. ni. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi said lanu, viz : Oscar W. Story, Solemon U. Story, George W. Uobb. Frederick Stemmor, all of Story, Nebr, W. H. MCt'ANN, 46-51J Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., j Jul 10, 1893. I Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register A Receiver of the U. S. Lana omce at unauron, Acorasaa, un Aug ust 25th, 1893, viz : William E. Jones, of Ardmore. 8. Dak., who made homestead entry No. 2440 for the . se. S4 see. w. , ne.. sec au, tp.. ) ., r. 54 west of the 6th- p. in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot, saia lana, viz: KbenezerCowllshaw, John Peterson, all of Ardmore, S. Dak., Joseph lloffer, Peter Han sen, all of Montrose, Nebr. w. n. iict;A, 44-50J Register. Notice for Publication. Land Cfllcc at Chadron, Neb., j Jim. 26, 1893. I Notice is UereUv given that the following. named settler ha filed notle of his Inten tion to make final prool in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Conrad, Lindeman Clerk of the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on August seventh, 1893, vie : Albert K. Kennedy, of Harrison, Nebr., who made homestead entry No. 1208 for the f. X sec.ll, tp. 32 n., r, 57 west of the 6th P. m.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George W . Hester, A. K. Dew, Rcnianiin F. Thomas, Dolana M. Sutton, all of Harrison, Nebr. 42-47J VV. H. SICCANN, Register. Notice for Publication.. Land Ofllce at Chadron , Neb., j Jun. 23, Wi3. . Notice is hereby given that Wie following- named settles has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be innde be fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on August Seventh, 1893, viz : llerniaii Krouuins, of Moulrose, Nebr., who made Homestead; Kntry- No. 3440, for the sec. zu, tp. 33 n., r. west ot tne oui p. m. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous resiuence uppu anu cultiva tion oi, said lanu, viz: to, Clijurlus. S.. Williams, all if Montrose, it Hiiniii DU'i ci i i.i.ii & iiiniui.imiia.nui Nebr,. also. Joseuli H. Montgomery, of Bodnrc, Nebr.. who made Homestead! No. 718 fos the e X, ne. ! sec. 21 A n. H nw-.k sec. 22, tp. 33 n.. r. 55 west of 6tli n. in. He names. the following wiUiesncs to prove ms contipmavs resiaence upon, ana cultiva tion of. said land. viz : Fred W... Knott, Jamas Wilson, James Mc'Cann all of Cilcbrlst, Nebr.,,Jcpll C Parsons, of Ikxlaro, Nbr. also James Wilson, of Gilchrist, Nebr.,. who nd. bomestetid No. 7975 foe the n. X, sw. a & . H, nw.. , sec. 10, tp. 3Ji n -r. M west of the 6th d in. : He names the following witnesses to prove pus conHnnous residence upon ana cuiuva tion oi, saia itnu,,vB Fred W. Knott. Daniel W. Wood, Valcn tine Wolilheter.James Mc'Cnn,,all of till chrlst, Nebr.. fS-47J W.U.McCann,. Register, Notlce-'Tlmber. Culture.. : V, S. LAXDOmci,, ClIAOROK.NeB.. JuIt 17: 1893 Complaint JtHOliftVingbtwi) entered at this iomc uy. i;eter. winacjer, against Aiosrt k. Tltornefpr failure tpxsomnly.with law. as to itlmlKtr-culture entry. No. 1371. dated August 10, ,1889, upon the e 5tloii l,,townshlt30, range w,in nioux. eocntVi ,wcbriilta, witn. view to tlio-canoellatlon or said- ontrv: con tcstant alleging; tUt clalmanti hw wholly absndone4 saldi traot in this. to,wlt- By neglecting to break, plow or otherwise cultf: vato any portion oJ aald tract since making salden trv ; thatno part of said tract haa ever, been broken, plowed, or In any way, culti vated np to date of making this aflWavlti i The airid .parties Are hereby, summoned to appear, at tola omce on tne BO day of aui la ofilce on the 80 day of Aug pat, ivm, as lun-ciQca.a. in., w- nupona- anu inr- . in., to rtuuond and for Inlsh, teatltnony failure. ' concerning, said, alleged will be- taken btfoce Oeorta Walker, a notary public, at m viaoAa aarTMuu, nwr, up thedy.f roniwi Notice for Publication. Land Ofllce at Chadron, Neb., ( Jul. 3, ls"J3. i Notice is hereby given that the follow! ,g named settler has filed notice ol bis inti-ii- tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk ot the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on August 14th 18U3, viz : Uwlght II. Griswold. of Harrison. Nebr., who made homestead entry No. S478 for the s. ) ne. A n. a se. U sec. 4. tp. 31 n., r. 56 west of tne 6th p. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous lesidence upon and cultiva tion oi, said lana, vre: Kdward P. Maine, Charles K. Verity, John 1. Davis, Kggert Rouwer, all of llarrbjou, Nebr. also William Bielile, of Harrison, Nebr., who made homestead No. 6720 for the se. i see. 32. tp. 33 n.. r. 56 west ot the 6tn p. in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or, saia land, viz: . Thomas O. Williams, Oscar A. Gartou, Charles K. Schilt, Lewis Gerlach, all. of Har rUon, Nebr. also ilarcns Valdez, of Harrison, Nebr., who made homestead No. 1309 for the w. X sw. a sec. 2 A e. X se. sec. 3, tp. 32 n., r. 5t; west of the 6th p. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of. said land, viz: Joseph li. Morris, John Plunkctt, Anton Moraveck, Joseph J. Kipp, all of Harrison, ebr. . ji. juct a, 143 481 ItegisUr, Notice. Timber Culture. V. S. Land Office, j CHADHON, NEBB. ( July 14, 1893. Coiiinlnint liaving been entered at this of fice by William V. Jones against Millard Nel son for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 5329, dated March 8, 1886, upon the sw. 'i section 84, township 31, range 56, in Sioux county, Nebraska, witn a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that claimant has failed to break, plow or cultivate 5 acres of said tract the second year after making said entry, and has failed to plant any trees, tree seeds or cuttings on said tract from day of making said only to this date. The said parties are hereby summoned lo appear at this office on the 25 day of August, 1893, at 10 o'clock, a. in., to resiwnd and furnish tes timony concerning said alleged failure. 140-WIJ t. r . l UnKKH, neccivcr. Kstray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned on his prem ises in Warbonnet precinct, Sioux county, Nebraska, on May 20. 1S93. one brown stallion supposed to be 4 vears old. no brand, two white hind feet, small white star in fore head, weight about 600 pounds. Iia-4J jekbi 11. Best Line to the East. The Burlington Route B. &. M. R R. is running elegantly equipped passenger traines without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all pointsVeast. Remember this is tle only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omalia the next afternoon, and m Chicago, Peoria and St. Louts the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R. R. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS, AJS'D SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. Give I me J a 1 Call, QULLIVAN &. CONLEY, Lawyers. Will practice in all the local, state and federal courts and U. S. Land ofllce. LEGAL PAPER8 CAREFULLY DRAWN. t $ t t i UP Office in Court House, HARRISON - NEBRASKA GEORGE WALKER, Attorney-at-Low. Will practice before all courts and the U. Land Ofllce. Business entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. nARRISOS, - - NEBRASKA. Dr. Leonhardt Limits his practice to diseases of the Nervous system. (Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness,, and. all forms of Neuialgia)i HEART, (As shown by Shortness- of Branch, Pain, Palpitation,. Fluttering and. Num b iness io- region of the Quant). BLOOD, (Such au.Skin Disease Ulcers, Exces sive Palenesror Redness of. the Face, FaintneSH, Dizziness,, etc.); " CONSULTATION FREE!: ADDRESS WITH 8TWllr v DR. LEONHARDT,, 1402 O ST. - - - LINCOLN,. NEB. WMentlon tills paper. 'Ejuuaji wa una firjry, Lea, Jteiitf dRiJt te. own rnMnmi nnutsm mk-UWTTi . Ill tUCIHG v - m HESTER I .SOU, DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies, Agents for the Buckeye, Deering And Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. HARRISON NEBRASKA. SDNS & SCHLEY, Harrison, Nebraska, , Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc.- CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. GEO. H. TURNER, TDZE-AXjIEIR, I2ST -and (General Look at my Goods Before Placing cCormicfc We are at tie Mowers. A. FUIvL LINE 1 rai; U!ndQ7 SliadHS, FTcoo ran ftpsK, IThdertaking goda eintafaij:. T '. Geo. to buy or sell real roceries Merchandise. and Prices Orders Elsewhere. Bottom Jttr Gash. ifT Gi.Rkio ' Binders and