The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 27, 1893, Image 1

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The ioux County
-BJIUB.. JUXSr 37, 1003.
. - -
f . t i U. tT JL R. That table.
6'. f, rtied, :18 1 No1. ; mixed... rirfc
w ijeat-per brirfi:.-;ri'.-::"ri:;
Oats per bushelujr.-i:.-.':.-j
J 00
iBbrts-tJer titfnSrift
Bran fSH- hundred i6r;.-r.---.v:-.-r.-.-.-
P6tatoe3-jr Mdiel c::;::::::
Butter rier
Ifffs per &iit.;:x-
Poultry "jfer" iM -.-.,-. :- -r-v
onions ti A'--'- - -
Coal per ttfn;;-.":;:;.-;.-.;.;.;;
Wood-per fc't(M:..ii.v;ii:i:
LnWwr-riattvetiei m. ft.ii
WCorrected evefy Thtfrstta ,f:
i n
Is oo
. A life girl arrived at the home of
C. S. Scott a few days ago.
P-Tf jo-ti wattt to S611 iOtir labd; list it
with Simmons A Smiley; real estate
For rent or sale at a bargain, a busi
ness ldt and building in a good location
in Harrison. Simmons & Smiley.
A man a few miles south of Craw.
ford has a croo tit barle for Which ha
lias beeH bffered fl,000 as it stands in
the fields.
-Takeo'uta policy in the Preferred
Mutual Accident Association; It is
cheap add reliable: L. J. Sritxoliis,
Rev. Glasner will preach at the
chtirch next Sunday morning at 11
tj'clocit and at Pleasant Ridge at 8:30 in
the afterdoon:
The efforts to get the drill out of
the well at Henry Covey's has been auc
cessfdl and he Will soon have a well to
jHipply him with water.
The reports from Lancaster county
Bre that date are yielding ten bushels
per acre arid Unless rain comes soon the
crop will be a total failure.
Frdm how until August ISth tickets
fftttt Harrison to Hot Spring S. D.,
IftWd rtriMiing for thirty days; wQl be
tlflfco fare for tbf round
-9arhttl fehkihs) a practicai 'shoe
Wfcfcr HU opened a shop id the buildiag
ktitii 0t the hanlM $iop altd it Mady
tytm Um at Work thftt the oeopW
"Orbe artesian well project seem s to
bP6Wia4 id tavof at paopltf tbittk it
Brfsr. AUthatis oeecWlUfor eonM one
W frl a proposition in shape and it
WttiW require but little effort to secure
JhbUf h funds to put down a test well.
NBert tinderbill "swapped ponies'
with aa Indian a few days ago before
He knew it: What he supposed to be
the introduction fof a talk the noble red
man took to be a trade and Bert accept-
m the situation
A letter was received the first of the
Week by Mrs. Qlasner from her sen who
lives in Perkins county which stated
. .. ....
tnat unrass rain came mere within a
week they would have no corn or pota
toes) anal that not one-fifth of the small
f rain can be cut.
On July 24 and 81 and August f the
F; E. & M. V. will sell round trip tickets
Oh the excursion coaches to Chicago for
One fare for the round trip. Such rates
Will not be in effect on any other dates and
Will be good to leave Chicago returning
8h two dates only, four and eleven days
torn date of sale
When the commander-in-chief of the
lttle ring of cute people sneaks into
this office during the temporary absence
Of all except a child and questions it
about what is none of his business, be
bows how devoid of principle and honor
his outfit is and to what methods he and
his tools will resort.
The farmers of Sioux county should
investigate the culture of alfalfa. It
ban been tried in numerous, places and
the result have been very satisfactory
and there is no reason why it should not
be a profitable forage crop in this local-
At a meeting of the school board on
last Saturday evening Miss Muwe E.
Smith was elected to teach the advance
department of the school and Miss Nettie
Marsteller the primary department.
Both are experienced teachers. School
will open on September 4th.
A man in Dawson county got
afraid of the banks and drew out $1,500
which he had on deposit in one of them
and took the cash home with him so
that it would be safe. A couple of man
with their features covered with masks
called on him and compelled him to give
the money to them. When man get so
foolish as to take a lot of mooey from a
safs place and oarry it home to keep, it
is no mors than mtriog thsm rurbt U
they lose it. It is such fool actions
tbat of the Dawson county man Un-tlpeutwluieaythiug if the proper, aftV:
has caused much of the trouble of late, is not mads. .
Screen ftW It the lttmber yard.
-Old paper to ttfe tft THSJcvkral
office; 5 cents per dwelt.
cut. baub four tnousand ewes,
lambs and yearling QUI on me at
Andrews; or address me at Harrison,
Njfr. B. Brow.
The horse belonging to N. L. Tipton
wnicM had its leg broken had a setback
fewday ago but Tip still believes 1
can bring him out all right.
an. muey nas been weannsr
style for the riast few day! oh' account
of having let a log roll on his foot. He
will likely dodge quicker in the future.
the pops of Sheridan county have
already called their county convention
It must be that the enthusiasm is dying
out and something must be done to
keep up the excitement.
W. T. Moore received word last
week that his mother died on July 10th,
Deceased was for some years a resident
of the place. The cause of her death
was congestion of the bowels:
It is reported that a good many men
from the west are passing over this line
of railroad and as no order has been
issued to let them ride the train crews
have to use a good deal of care and help
tham off the train frequently:
rf Robbers maae a raid oil a bank at
PMnview a few davs aero and eot awav
witn about fs.uuu in cash. It was
necessary for the bank to suspend busi
ness for a time. That bank bad better
invest in a good safe in which to keep
the cash in future:
From the reports from the east and
the letters being received it is quite
certain that a great many people will
come west to get hoMesteads. They are
getting very tired of paying cash rent
for the high priced land in the east and
then have their crops fail every other
year wien by coming west they have
just ai much assurance of & crop and
haveiio rent to pay.
n last Friday morning a Are occur-
at Tamora which destroyed about
half the town. Among the losers was
Dr. Phinney whd intended to come here
in a few Weeks. He lost a good deal and
it has nottl learned Whether it will
cftitse hinixchantfe his rilam ot not.
Jis buMbsauttf f roft? tht adjoining
so wat tnere soooia us wo trouble w
settling the insuAaee and It it quite
likely that be will be hate about the
time be strpeetsd to
While Hugh Smiley and his wife
were away from home one day last
week some one made an entrance) into
the bouse through a window and carried
off a watch and revolver belonging to
him. It Would be quite unhealthy for
the burglar if he is found out A per
son who will do such tricks should be
dealt with in a manner that would
teach him better. A term in the pen
would do him good.
Since the last issue of Ttte Jochnal
a good many, including school officers
and patrons, have expressed the opinion
that an institute for one week would be
a hardship on the teachers and a farce
by those who run it. In View of such a
feeling it would be a good plan for the
county superintendent to call the thing
Off. Teachers cannot be expected to at
tend in easy number and to get any one
here on the strength of what the teachers
are to contribute Would be "obtaining
instructions under false inducements."
f. IN. Kirkpa trick and family came
up from Box Butte county the first of
the week to visit friends and see the
country with the view to locating. They
came from Seward last spring and rent
ed a farm near Berea and they will soon
be residents of Sioux county. Mr. Kirk
patrick is a man of good judgment and
knows a good thing when he sees it and
he is highly pleased with this part of the
country. A number of others will
come from Box Butte county to this
place to get a piece of government
Bert Underhill arrived the last of
the week with a car of cattle from Sew.
ard. The cattle were poor in flesh on
account of the short pasturage which
prevails in that section as a result of the
drouth. He says his father cut eighteen
acres of tame gnus and got ten loads of
hay. Phil Unitt cut 180 acres and got
thirty loads of hay. Wheat will not
average ten bushels per acre and oats in
proportion. Corn in some parts is fair
but those who have high cash rent to
pay will be in hard lines when they
come to settle with their landlords.
H. Bartell brought in a sample of
fall wheat on last Saturday which shows
up in good shape. There has never been
a lair test of fall wheat made here yet
and it would be a good plan for some of
our farmers to get some ground in good
shape and put in some wheat 'early
enough so that it will get the right kind
of tort. It should be put in an early
as September first, Um same as it Is in
other plaosf. Success aonot hi es-
The Perkins windmill is the best
Sold by J. H. Bartell. Harrison. Neb.
180 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain,- if taken soon.
SiMMoss & BanttY.
It is reported' that in some localities
people are using nets and seines to catch
fish. There are good many young fish in
the streams of Sioux county that have
been planted there and will; if let alone
for a few yean, stock the streams nicely
and people should refrain from the use
of unlawful means to capture them
Some people have been to 'considerable
pains in this work and they will not
tamely submit to the destruction of the
fish contrary to law. It might be well
for those who want to seine to look up
the law on the subject and then they
will know What to expect:
James Clark is over from Montrose
J. A. Green was up from Boy ville the
last of the week.
J. B. Burke was in town Tuesday and
called at this office.
Ct T. Hough made a business trip to
Lusk yesterday.
S. R. Story and John Warn were
from Antelope today:
Henry Covey gave us some cash on
subscription on Tuesday.
J. H. Cook returned from a business
trip to Crawford on Friday.
Presiding Elder Julian was in Harri
son between trains on Saturday.
Tbe editor of The Joubnal made a trip
to Crawford the first of the week.
Ed. Sierer sends us a remittance from
Iowa to apply on bis subscription.
C. t. Coffee returned this morning
from Chicago where he sold bis cattle.
J. Ganz was up from the sheep camp
at Andrews today and called at this
A. Castle, of the Bank of ' Harrison
went to Hot Springs, S. D. Monday
Mr. add Mrs. W. H. Hough arnved
from Omaha Monday to visit relatives
for some time.
Mrs. Case and Miss Minnie Spear, sister
and sraice of Henry Covey, left for tbe
sMTbesday eveaiug.
Chambers KelUU, of Hot Springs, and
David Anderson, of Ardmore, drove over
to this place on Tuesday.
George Vii' wnt to Casper Tues
day morning, It may be that he will
decide to open a law office there.
M. J. Blewitt was in town Tuesday
and let the light of his countenance
illuminate our sanctum for a few mo
ments. ,
H. T. Conley leaves this evening for
Gregory county, S. D., and if he finds an
opening that suits him ne may go there
to live.
In Memorism.
For the first time in the history of the
W. C. T. U. of Harrison we are called
upon to announce the death of our noble
sister, Mrs. Martha A. Moore at the
home of her brother in Middleton, Mont
gomery county, Mo. She departed this
life July 10, 1893, aged 57 years. This
sister leaves several children and grand
children to mourn her absence.
Appropriate resolutions of condolence
will be be passed at our regular meeting
which will be held in the church on
Friday, July 88th, at 3 o'clock, p. m.
Caroline H. Qlaskxr.
Commissioner's Doings.
On July 19th the county commissioners
held a special session at which all members
were present.
The resignation of John S. Tucker as jus
tlce of the peace for Andrews precinct was
accepted. '
The petition of Robert Ferguson and oth
ers for a bridge in Cottonwood precinct in
road district No. t was taken up and the
overseer authorised to purchase enough
14-foot 2-inch plank to cover a 11-foot span
and present bill for payment out of the
county bridge fund.
The clerk was instructed to purchase S
statutes of 1893.
Petition of Foster Speas and others for a
road was granted and I. C. Pratt allowed
damages In the sum of M.
Petition of E. G. Hough and others for a
change in road was laid over until next
Petition of G. M. Burson and others for a
road in township n, range 63, was granted
and Wm. Bennitt allowed ttt damages-
Warrant were ordered drawn on the
county road fund of ISM for the following
L. D. Harmon Sit 00
H. 9. Parks S6 00
John Boeal.
O. Dot
St 00
10 00
4 SO
i M
4 00
4 00
Wm. Bennitt..
Bob't Ferguson, locating nwl
L. J. Slmmena, publishing notice
J. F, Schuls, appraising damages
Wm. Klsbery. " .
. A. Dove, " , " -
it. u. raiiy, "
K. Wallace, "
X. J. Wiloox,,
j. u. sneaa.
A. R, Dew, road commissioner
I Baumgartuer, publishing notice.
The treasurer was ordered to transfer the
snm of tMl front the bridge fund of 1801 to
Ufa spepUl debt faw) of isM.aad warranto
for (be f otto wing vers ordered draws
agatuat it
ltd C, Lpckwood, ease expenses--.- 411 at
r 19
8. W. Carey fot building a bridge aj al
lowed a warrant ea the brldg I and at ISM
for S100.SO.
Warrant were ordered drawn on OH Vn
erai tana or ism for tbe rouowlng!
M. J. Weber, ser as (So fi ft
O. w". Cobb. Jury f - - - a n
A. Southwortb, serving inry venire f 90
State Journal Co., records.i.. ft
a. it. Baumgartuer, printing and pub
lishing . : . XI 09
Board adjourned without day.
that Pretty Ef aagellM
We published recently under the head
of "A Pretty Surprise" a notice of a
new and very charming edition of Long
fellow's most celebrated poerh, "Evange
line' Upon examination, the book
proves so delightful in every way that
we believe it will be a favor to our read
ers to refer to it apain. It is handsome
ly illustrated, mainly by Birket Foster,
one ot the most famous of English art
ists, and bound in exquisite taste in a
combination of white and blue cloto,
with gilt edges and ornaments, and
sold Only by the publisher direct (not by
booksellers) at approximately the actual
cost of manufacture by tbe hundred
thousand 19 cents a copy, plus 6 cents
postage, if by mail. His object is to
place an example of his book-making in
the hands of a vast number of readers.
He could certainly choose no more ex
cellent volume, to please all people of
good taste. His catalogue of books,
covering every department of literature,
a veritable feast of good things for book
lovers, and at wonderfully low prices,
considerably over 100 pages in size, is
sent postpaid for 2 cents. Address,
JOH! B. Aldbn, Publisher,
57 Rose St., New York.
Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice
and hardy nursery stock. Many special
varieties to offer, both in fruits and or
namentals, and controlled only by us.
We pay commission or salary, give ex
clusive territory and pay weekly. Write
us at once and secure choice territory.
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
6-12 Rochester, N. Y.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing done on Bhort notice.
Good work and reasonable charge.
Shop south of Uvwry I
AGENTS WANTED on salary and Com
By GAIL HAMILTON, his literary executor,
with the co-operation of his family, and for
Mr. Blaine's Complete Works, "TWENTY
YEARS OF CONGRESS," and his later book,
tus for these 3 BEST SELLING books in the
market. A. K. P. Jordan of He, took 112 or
ders from first 110 calls ; agent's profit 111)6.50
Mrs. Ballard of O. took IS orders, 13 Seal Itus
sia, in one day; profit 036.25. E. N. Rice of
Mass. took borders in twodays; profit 047.25
Partridge of Me. took 43 orders from
calls; profits 075.15. E. A. Palmer of N. Dak.
took 53 orders in three days; profit SM.25,
EXCLUSIVE TEBRITOir given. If you wish to
wake LARGE MONEY, write Immediately
for terms to
Tim Henry Bill Pcb. Co.,
Norwich, Conn.
See the "Old Reliable"
Harrison, .... Nebraska.
Purchase Tickets and Consign Tour Freight
vis the
H. O. BURT, General Manager.
K. C. MoRxaocsB, J. R. Buchanan,
Oen'l Freight Agt Gen'l Pass. Agt.
Harrison, Nebr.
own following brand:
tCSTAiLliHIO 188&J
Harrison, Nebraska.
Bi E. fiafrwufiti,
b. ti. eSlrJWdLD, Cs-hi.r,
Transacts a General
American chano National SaNk, New Yorlff
Unitbd Status National Bank, Omaha,
First National Ban, ChadroH.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the Largest Stock of
General Merchandise,
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates.
Come and see us before you buy.
Press Claims
Equal with the interest of those hnvinir
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of the
incompenteccy or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their pateuts.
Too much care cannot be exercised in emnlnvms- mmnatunt ami ki.
to procure patents, for the value of a patent
ur tfcuu twin oi toe attorney.
With a view of Drotectinr inventors
and of seeing that inventions are well motected bv valid n.i. Tun ddho
CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice and is there
fore prepared to
I'BKSKi'tn'K RICJiriTlcn riira nm-.nnii u .
If you have an invention on hand send THE PBKHS rr.Aiwa min inr
sketch or photograph thereof, together with
""'"i ""us auviseu as
are not neoessarr unless the invention la of
infringing on your rights, or if you are charged
uui. us uiMwr w u. lvr n ruiin'MH (jrtinuAn
i HE
18 F street, northwest
P. 0, Box 449, .loiitf wwwwikw, mniqf attorney.
rit obit wt ml send HwlMi yir Inanlry.jjt '
Banking Busing,
0 - j.-v.. . u.n. luimi.K, awuviiurs
depends greatly, if not entirely, upon
from wnrthUam i - .... .
a brief deoeriptioo of tbe imporUal
to tne oest course to pursue. lfodeU
a. cnmnliratxi
with lnfrigmeot by othara, Mk
ourors acting on the matter.
Fkkhh Claims fV IWP1WV
WASHlNrtTrtM t
St J
it -4
t f ' i .