REAL RURAL READING A DEPARTMENT FOR OUR LOCAL AGRICULTURISTS. Farmer SJumld Keep Aronn. JIo.s to Destroy Canada Thistles Extra Largo Bone Cndpstrable Cure for Cut-Worm Hints for I le Cook. Farm Accounts. Farmers, as well as business men, should keep hooks to show them how they stand, says a correspondent of the Gerruantown Telegraph. May 1st is a Rood time to commence. At this time all tho crops of the year arc usually disposed of and there la no guess work about it. First make an Inventory of your horses, cows, .sheep, and other live stock; do this honestly, otherwise your books will bo of no use. Then when you sell any bt jck of any kind for money place it in your total cash sales and also to the credit of each of the different kinds of stock; at the end of the year if your stovk Inventory atrrees teparately and to gether, as it did the year previous, you have made, just what you received in money. If your stock Is worth more place in total cash Kale, if less deduct the amount from your total an you have whit you really havo made on all stock durii.f; the year. Do this with every crop, wheat, ecru, oats, hav, etc. 1 usually set down the date sown or planted and when har vested, and everything connected with crops. Also have a page headed 'Total Accounts," and here write all tho little accounts that jou owe, if you have any debts due you place them in your account book. Make a com plete list of nil notes civen when due, rate of interest, etc. in short know, what tho farm is doin;: by y.'iu, and what you arc doinii hy the farm. A common book, obtained at book stores at a cost of from 15 to "" cents, is lare- enough for everyib rf told here. When your year is lay your book aside and get another one. One can tfet so accustomed to this that they can keep these books with out any trouble whatever, it cri abl'H them to see whether they are Kai linu or losing money on any crop or slock, and what the net results of each year has been. In short, fann ing becomes more of a business, and less of guess work, than formerly was done. In conclusion will say that the aggregate net sales will be more than most farmers suppose an(1 their expenses greater. Fodilor Com. Fodder corn, sown in drills three feet apart, or planted In hills, three feet apart one way and two feet the other way, should be a regular crop with every dairyman. If a dry season corner when tho pastures do not furnish feed enough, it can be cut and fed green, though right here we will say that it is much bitter to al low a day or a day and night of wilt ing before it is given to the cows, particularly if not quite grown when fed out. In cloudy or rainy weather it is better even when cut longer than that The wilting not only takes out some of tho water and renders it le-s liable tor cause indigestion, but it brings about a chenii al hangt; in it that makes ;t more valuable fur milk production. 1'iobably the sarno In crease in the solid matter of the milk would make it worth more for cheese making. Any that is not used green can be saved tor tho silo or cured by drying for the winter feeding, and it - is good eit her way, and good lor milch cows, working oxen or growing young stock. It may be that some of the lately Introduced foreign e:op5 are better than our corn fodder, but we sha.l continue to be very skeptical about them until ex erience has shown their results. We know that we can grow more fodder to the acre from corn than from any crop we have tried, and it will induce, a larger flow of milk, and of uil.k that will l,o richer to eat and will make more butter than we ever could get from any other fodder, although good clover comes v; ry near to it if cut just at the right lime; but cut too earlv or too late the clover io noH; very good, while the corn fodder, whether sown expressly for that purpose, or stover from Held corn or from the garden sweet corn, is good from the time it tassels out until the cars are formed and the kernel glazed. Destroyliii; Cunada ThUtlits. We have always had best success in klibng the Canada thistles by wait ing until the plant had got into blos sop and then when the top is full of sap ilowing deeply, so as to get under all the roots possible. Tho green tops w.ll decompose rapidly at this time, for it is during the hottest weather of the year. But it is too late for any ciop excepting buck wheat or white turnips, and, in fact, , this way of destroying thistles was usually made the occasion for a thor ough summer fallow in preparation for winter wheat Ily vf rking after the first plowing wholly! 1 the sur face, and frequent use & the roller, a reasonably compact seed bed might be had. - Hut to destroy thistles tkus re nires thorough cultivation of tho surface at least twice a week, the ob ject being to prevent a single green shoot of green thistles to appear. The part of the root attached to the lop will usually tot with it, but how ever deep tho plowing, more or less of the horizontal roots will lie beneath the plow point, and theso will con tinue to send up shoots until nearly September. It Is impossible to kill thistles by plowing on stumry or stony ground, as in such places the plow will be thrown out and tho thistle roots i unnot be turned up. In such cue covering the tops with earth as fast as they appear, bruising the tops t the same time to prevent growth through the soil, will do tho work. Where hood crops are grown this covering of thistle tops with carta is move effective than Is cutting them off with cultivator or boe. Exchange. Tha large Horse. At most agricultural shows it Is the largest horses that attract most attention from those who pride them selves on appreciating utility rather man "fancy" rjotuts. "See how large he is, and, of course, ho inu-t be strong in proportion to bis size." This does not follow. The coarse built animal has less compact bone and less highly developed muscle. There are places Where such over weighted animals have their value, but merely to carry their excess ol fat and weight consumes far too much of their strength. Besides, these ex tra heavy horses cannot bear service on hard roads even at slow paces. For all-around work on tho farm. Includ ing cultivating and road work, there has never been a better horse on this continent than tho old Morgan strain. They arc compact, and both muscle and bone are developed, so that their bulk is only a slight indication of possible strength. Merely to make ellicient work horses a strain of the best trotting horse blood is no detri ment. Worked Too Much. Dairy housewives tell a great deal about working butter, laying stress on what they consider an important part of the program. The fact is one weaK point of dairy butter is that it is worked too much, says the National Stockman. As the buttermilk has not been washed out while the butter was in a granular state, it must be laboriously crushed out with a ladle. After this come3 the salting with ac companying working, and by many housewives tho latter is again re worked after a few hours' rest. Of course this continued harsh treat ment cannot help but make tho pro dirt salvy, a most undesirable 'tulit.y. Poisonous Cheese. An exchange says that blue litmus paper enables ono ta determine whether a cheese is poisonous or not It is applied to the freshly cut sur face of a cheese, and if poisonous there is a change In the color of the papur to an intensely red appearance. If the cheese is dry, a part may be moistened with water, and the paper then applied. It may be stated, how ever, that this method is not an in fallible one. One authority we have noticed states that there is only one sure test, and that is in eating the cheese. The one great drawback to this method is that tho party may not live to ever make a second test. Kitchen Recipes. Good Ice Cream. Take two quarts of new milk, two cups ot su gar, five eggs; make a custard. When cold, add one cup of cream and flavor to taste. GiNGEiiniiEAD. One cup of molas- les; add toaspoonful of ginger or one teaspoon ful of allspice, one cup ot sour cream (not thick), one teaspoon ful of soda, two cups of Sour. French Toast. beat two eggs thoroughly and add to them two cups of sweet milk and a little salt. Dip slices of bread into this mixture and fry on a hot, buttered griddle. Sweet Potato Waffles. Take two tablesooonfuls of mashed sweet potatoes, one spoon of butter, one of sugar, one pint of milk and four tablespoons of wheat flour; mix all together and bake in waflle irons. Washington Pie. Three eggs, one cud of sugar, heaping cup of flour, tablcspoonfu.l of melted butter, small half cupful of milk, ono toaspoonful of soda, two of cream tartar, pinch of salt. Bake in two deep tin pic pans. sugar Cookies. Two eggs, one and one-half cups of sugar, one cup of butter. B?at together very light Add one-half cup of milk, one tea spoonful of s .da, two of cream tar tar. 1 lour enough to roll out thin Baked Aitle pudding. bin a pudding dish with apples, sweetened to taste; make a cream tartar dough crust; cover with a deep pie plate. Place on the back of the range, and bake for about an hour. Serve with sweet sauce. Quince Dltmpling& Pare and core your quinces, put them In a sauce pan with very little water, and as soon as they begin to get tender take them out. Make a paste of s x ounces of butter to a pound of flour cover the fruit, tie them in dumpling cloths and boil them. Raised Ghaham Biscuits. One pint ot graham flour; one pint of wheat flour; teaspoonful of salt; tea spoonful of sugar: pint of warm milk quarter of a veast-cake. Raise over night. In the morning, drop into gem pans and raise the same as bis cuits before putting into the oven. Bake iu a hot oven. BLACKBERRY P CODING. Make a crust by wetting two cups of wheat meal and one cup of fine corn meal, with boiled rice enough to make a paste that can be rolled out one-third of an inch .thick. Mix about one quart of blackberries with half a cup of wheat meal and pour them Into the rolled out crust, draw the latter over them and pinch together; then sew the whole in a cloth and steam for one hour and a half. Let it cool for a few minutes, then dish with a spoon, trim with sugar and serve warm. Scrambled Omelet. To make scrambled omelet a tablespoouful of milk is put Into a saucepan, adding a quarter of a teaspoon of buttC"and a tinv pinch of salt Beat ono egg Just enough to break the yolk, pour It into the hot milk and stir until it begins to stiffen, scraping It from the bot tom. It should be taken from the fire in a liquid state and poured ovei a snuarcof hot toast Jollies, pre serves or fresh fruits, may be spread on plain omelets be oro folding, and then garnished witn tno wnnio iruiu The preserve may be put up un-sweetened. I You want the Best I f 5s: Royal Baking Powder never disappoints; j never makes sour, soggy or husky food; jfi never spoils good mate-nab; never leaves f lumps of alkali in the biscuit or cake ; while & all these things do happen with the best of cooks who cling to the old-fashioned methods, or who use other baking powders. If you want the best food, Royal Baking Powder is indispensable. Cl.i.-i k ' Itibine: "You think you !i"p, i.! p i kitbf.ok in Yaikrby's lore? Tn"n you r in right h ick t' ere, you cateiiw boy, and inquire for it." "There's no hurry, mamma. It 11 be right where il Ml. Yil'orby .loisn't advertise." West P.. hit, Ga., ran bo.-ut of the oungttst telegraph op-rator in the anion', Little Kuphra, the live-year-)ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Dawn has been about the telegraph of fficca g-eat deal with her motln r, and has, with furpriiin; readiness inn1 c racy, picked tip the M rse alp't ihet. Food Opportunities Wasted. A unique opportunity for eating an extinct mi'iister was lost wien tue Siheraii mammoth was discovered in cased in ice the first instance, we sup pose, of fiozen meat on record. Bi.t in the mat cr of flesh the old proverb, "Of lie man's meat is another man's pois .n," still holds good. Wenreg'al to av.til ourse'ves of the frui's ami vegetables of dit tint countries, b it we cannot bring ourselves to eat their meat any more than they can be induced fometiines to eat onis. We eat eels, but cannot be induced to touch snakes; shrimp's, bat not spiders. Other people Bu-hmen and New Tal donians are said to enjoy spiders, and we have heard of a German a fcient lie German, of course who spread them on his bread like butter, but the taste is not a European no any more than a taste for caterpillars, cockchafeis, ants and wire-worms, all of which are eaten in different parts of - the globe. 1mdon Spectator. A Orand Mar ne l"lionoiiienn. A beauti ul marine phenomenon iu tiie s ape of an elect! ical storm is re corded by the Sunderland steamer Ful well on her voyage from Bremen to Baltimore. The electrical display oc cured after dark. The most peculiar paitofthe occurrence was ttiat while I he lih ning flashed a vi liter gale w as b'owing fu iously, and the sea was tun ning very high. Tho storm lasted about two hours, and the captain stales that it was the mt remarkable he ever wit ness d. The ship at times seemed ti'!aze fore and aft, and while no dain ;i:e was done, it was several t mes : bought that she had been struc . The very beauty of the scene was awful. The blackness of the night was con verted into unsurpassed brilliancy. Even the ocean B-.emed ablaze, and the waves as they dustied upon one another re-embled tongues of fire. Lightning. Woman Who Likes to Work. There is a woman in Fairfield who "does" 13 washings every week, ironing and all. At tho same time she carefully looks after her own househould and workB out nearly all of the time helping to Clean house. Every morning she arises- at daybreak and performs the washtub chorus. Then, when the i lotljos have been hung "out, she looks :ifter the breakfast, puis on her hat and starts out for a !ay of houseclcaning. Back home at night, and the clothes up on the line a' o dry and ready to be ironed in the evening. This woman pr udly boasts that she never was tired iu her life. Lewiston Journal. An Unique Way to Secure Oiie' l'ay. Tat't"'. ing is K iil a favorite personal decoration with sonic of the natives of Samoa, though not so fashionable there as former'y. Those who practice the art havo an effective way of securing thrir pay. Th" color e"ends from the waiBtto the knees, no other part of the body Le in;.' marked. In the small of the back the design shacks off to a point which is n ver finished by the tattoo r till bis bid has been paid. .As tho incomplete design is public evidence of the wearer's indebtedness ihnnrtist fcldom has to wait long for his money. Youth's Compaiiiuu. Charlemange was fond of hunting. Sciatic Rheumatism Mr. B. D. Wheeler tho ' popular deputy sheriff at Wlnooski Falls, Vt, says: "I suffered terrible tor ture tot tO years with sciatic rheumatism' I began taking Hood's Barasparilla. Binee taking it I den't have Kr. B. D. Wheeler, any pain and can get around all right. If Hood's Banapsrilla ooat $10 a bottle, I should continue using It." R. D. Whiiir, Wlnooski Falls, Vt. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Panaparllla. 000' mil act eaaUy, yet promptly nd efficiently, on UUrey and bowi 2Se WW?? i.T WiXrXlr Tf ?V XV During a recent storm six persons at Oak Forest, Greme county Ph., found it necessary to climb a tree to escape from the rapidly lising water, and were compelled to endure the s'nrm unpro tected for several hours. Many animals- were drowned in the neighborhood. A caHe has developed in Pittsburg w here a child was held for debts. Tho power to wag the.ear is common anion ' the West Indian halt iireeas ana the Moya and other derivatives of Mexico and Central Aaierica, and many whites have the power who hard y realise the fact. The Dream ofa Smart Uoy. "Pop," said young Philip Gratebar to his father, "I had a dream last uight." "You don't mean it!" said Mr. Giatebar. . "Yes, I do," said Philip. "I dreamed I was going along the street, and I got awful thirsty, and I went into a dru Bt re to get some soda water. The soda fountain there was the biggest one 1 ever saw, and the man tending it was a giant. lie looked down on me and asked me what I'd have, and I said I'd like strawberry with ice Cream in it. "The giant set out on the counter a glass about two feet high and he put in it a lot of strawberry syrup, and then he took tho cover off of an ice cream freezer that was pretty near as big as a barrel and scooped out about three platefuls of ice cream and pui that in. Then he put the tumbler under the soda water spout and whirled the wheel around and the soda went sz-z-z-zt I ez I ztl and then the giant pushed the glass over iu front of me, full, and with thick creamy foam running ever the top, and I didn't touch it." "What!" said Mr. Gratobar. "No," said Philip, "1 didn't touch it. I felt in my pocket, and I found hadn't got a cent." Mr. Gratebar understood. Then Philip went forth in search ol a fountain, not of the fountain he had seen in his dream, but of ono as nearly like it as he could find iu actual life. New York Sun.- Thb progress of science in medicine has procuced nothing better for human ills than the celebrated Beeoham's Pills. How a Lawyer Lost n Client. A demure little man w ho looked like a dried up pea pod entered one of the largest office buildings in Broadway the other day. He approached the big black mustached man dressed in a blue uniform with brass buttons and asked him if a certain person had an office there. The big fellow referred him to the elevator boy. "Say, what is your business here any way, may I inquire?" asked the little man in a squeaky voice4 frowning. "To throw people out I" came hi arsely and savagely from the depths of the blue uniform. "You needn't throw mo out. No, you needn't, I assure you. I will go ov.t myself. I'm such a little fellow you could throw me clear across the street." With ihis the little man bolted out with a "World's fair flier" rapidity, and a lawyer on the top floor lost a client. New York Press. N. K. Brown's Essence Jamaica will-cure dysentry. None better. 25 cents. Ginge Try it. Worms In tbe Brain ofa Bird. April 7, 1890, two common bittens were brought to me to be mounted. One of them was still alive, but did not seem to be just' natural, seemed to lack what we might call bird intelligence and was smaller than the other and poor in flesh. This bird was given to one of my pupi s in taxidermy, Miss Bernice Pike, to mount. When the head Lad been skinned and was ready to sever from the neck, which was done by cutting thrgugh the skull, the brain cavity was found to contain a mass of threr.d worms occupying about one-third of the brain cavity. These were seemingly like the ordinary gordius or hair snake, about the size of a gordius that is 3 iuche lone, and coiled in a mass in the upper posterior part of tho brain and extend ing some down into the spinal canal. As near as I could say without remov ing them they occupied the subarelinoid space and had absorbed much of the cerebrum and tha upper part of the oerebellum, the outlines of the arbor vitae being plainly visible. I have never seen anything like this in any other bird, nor have I se?n any account of worms being found parasitic in the brain before. G. H. French in Science. Collector Will you subscribe towards the decoration of the solders' graves? Mr. Trager No, sir! The men whose grtTM I want to decorate ain't dead yet. When you see a worn id going a Ion the street with her chin e'l up and her (raze above that of her fellow mortals, don't think she is haughty t eirlusivc. She is merely practicing the projr walking pose, which directs that s lie bin must be "raised above a h- r'nzon tal line, as if looking at t he l'p of a ( ar riage." New York Time?. A distinguished clersrynian, speaking in a Washington church, likened a ce.--tard spiritual formula to "an infallible remedy for an incurable d's a:-e " li should be leited in th- ime-et of science. v Effucts of Petuiclou Ifii t-nU. The food of the county needs improve ment. Something is beiii'i done iu cookery, but the iiimroveuient must o back of this and deal with the m .It-rials, besides the inspection of meats and their feeding for market, i'er ; ', hour and vegetables need quite a. much sup ervision to prevent the standard of health running down by ovrrfin and wasting food. It will be news to mo;t r-ulers that a food commission of able and i-'.-ieiitiiii jien is now organized ano t ying to .-ain recognition for its important work, which coive.ns every home and ever) child in the United States, but it wit obtain the interest of Ivuropean govern ments long before it gain? the civility Oi our own. Tho manner of breadniaking has been the subject of inquiry hi- a health com- miseion in England for several years, the result being that travelers find themselves unable to -eat the bread at the best American hotels with satisfac tion. Leaving out the vexed question of coarse nersus fine flour, all physicians agree that fermented breads eaten tliu same day they are bakfctl are pernicious. Yet the rule all over the country is to use bread raised to tho last degree, not fully baked for fear of losing weight aw. eaten fresh as possible. Tiie result is indigestion, which hackr ami wrecks the nervous system ; loss ol nutrition, which involves falling of hair l-.cay ot teeth, weak sight, dull and hick complexions, bad tempers anc tired brains. Further on this develops painful intestinal disorders, espcciall) peritonitis and tumors of the abdomen ana snares much ot the credit oi Bright's disease and neuralgia. I doubt if one reader in a hundred will ail these facts or see their possibility. Bu. eminent surgeons and inicroscopt-l know it. ihirlev Dare in New York Herald. ARE YOU HAPPY. The man or woman wnois proiiutolv em ployed is genera dv happy, if you ;.v n nappy it may ho because you have i:' lonnd your proper work. We carnc-i nrge alt shcU persons to writ.- to Ji. : Johnson & Co., Richmond, Yiu, and iln can show you a .work in which yo . can ; happy anil profitably employed. A Cage la Point. "I dou't believe in this chirography business," said Hawkins. "You can't tell any one's fortune by looking at hi hands." "I don't know about that. Take Mrs. Newrick's hand, for instance. You can get an idea of Uer fortune by estimating the value of her diamond rings." Kx change. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.. Proprs of Hail's Catarrh Care, offer if 100 reward tor any case of catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh (.'lire. Send for testimonials, tree. Sold by Drug gists, 76o. Byron's household, according to Shelly, consisted, resides servants, of 10 hojsCc, eight enormous dogs, three monkeys, five cats, an eagle, a crow and a falcon, and all eycept the horses went to and fro in the honse at their pleasure. St. Louis Globe-E'emocrat. Is it probable that what a millio-. women say after daily trial is a mistake; They say bobbin's Perfect Soap is the l3.-l oc soap ever made. Have your groc-'r order of his wholesaler. Try it. Only.'w. Sister I dou't think that girl you aro engaged to is very pretty. Brother She is beauiful when she smiles. "Yes, but shs won't smile much after marrying you." "LOOK TTF, and not down," if you're a suffer ing woman. Every one of tht bodily troubles that come to women only has a guaranteed cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro scription. That will bring you safe and certain help. It's a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and it builds up and invigorates the entire remote system, n regu lates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches thn blood, brings refresh ing sleep, and restores health and strengui. ulcerations, disnlacement. bearinir- For down sensations, periodical pains, and all 'fomalo complaints" and weaknesses, "Fa vorite Prescription " is the only guaranteed remedy. It it over fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. In every case of Catarrh that seems hopeless, you can depend upon Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a cure. It's proprietors are so sure of It that they'll pay $500 cash for any Incurable case. Sold by all druggists. 'eons Positively cure Bilious Attacks, Con utipation, JSick-Headache, etc 25 cents per bottle, at Drug Store Write for sample dose, free. J.F, SMITH A C0.,-New York. $78.00 tO $250.00 mo"thworkn for K. X. V. Mo. 8S9--S8 lork.Meb. ft Wlp,,,Bl MR Take pretty colored picture and ptut' tlm. on cardboard. Then with ahsrp scissors cut them all np aod let the tit le ones put them together again. Paper. soldiers are nice cut out, and paste wood at the back, so they will stand. My boys have bad six companies on the floor, with a !anlin front. Cor. New Becorder. Tbe fic-a p'ague in Earl townsJvp, Lancaster county Pennsyvania, broke out in John Siryder's house, and the in- aecte were taken th. re in a hat. His iaughter is a milliner. He spent 1700 to get rid of the fleas. 'August Flower 99 "One of my neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, bas been sick for a long time. All thought him pastreeovery He was horribly emaciated from the iuaction of his liver and kidneys. It is difficult to describe his appear ance and the miserable state of his health at that time. Help from any source seemed impossible. He tried your August Flower and the effect upoi him was magical. It restored him to perfect health to the great astonishrrnt of his family and friends." obn Quibell, Holt, Ont. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy Kfe more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly bencfieial properties of a perfect lax ntive ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Fyru'p of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, vou will not accent any substitute if offered. HEED 1 WARNING Which nature is constantly giving In the shape of boils, pimples, eruptions, ulcere, etc. These show that the blood ia contaminated, asd soma assistance must bo given to relieve the trouble. 13 iae remedy 10 xorce out west) puf sons, and enable you to GET WELL. " l have had for years a humor in my blood, -which made me dread to shave, as small boils oi pimples would be cut, thus causing tho shavingto be a great annoyance. After taking three bottles my lace is an clear ana biboow b should be ppet ite splendid, sleep well, and fret like running a foot all from the uso oi 8. 8. 8. Chas. Heaton, 73 Laurel st . Phila. Treatise on Hood and skin diseases mailed free SWIFr pvpriuip. rn.. Atlanta, Ga. IEWIS' 98 LYE I Powdered and Perfumed. JL (rA-ntirrsB.l The ttronatst and purest Lye made. Unlike other Lye, it being a (In powder and packed in m can wiw remova le lid, tha contents are always ready for use. WUI make the beat perfumed Hard Soap In 90 minutes without boiling. It lath best for cleansing waate-plpet, disinfecting sinka. clouts, was. lug bottles, paints, trees, etc. fEKNA. Skl-T Mr' CO, Gen. AgU., Phil., Pa. Worlds Exposition Souvenir coins Sent post-paid to Any address On receipt of One Dollar. NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER TOJI0H. YORK, HEBBASTA, Flao-i Remedy for Catarrh Is Uw 1 I Best, Katl t to Tfn, aid Canpul. ) I ioMIlnMornMferMa. 1 L I o, E T, HaMttis Wana, lk - J