The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 13, 1893, Image 2

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    tee mu c pn mmi
l . union, rirkiw
to lk tMftil Ika riUtu
Sr. Pa.SU, 3dj A Pioneer Pre
special from Tacoma, Wash., says: Mgr.
SatollL ablegate of Pope Leo, states
through Tver. D. O'Gorman, his inter-
prater, that there are pending diplo
matic negotiation! to bring the Greek
church of Russia, now under the per
sonal control of the czar, into the keep
tag of las aican.
Father O'Gorman was asked to re
duce this statement to writing and have
Mgr. Satol i sign it, in order that there
might be no question as to its authen
Ucity. He said: "That is unnecessary,
I speak for Mgr.Satolli; 1 have talked
the whole matter over with him and
you can say that he says it through me,
his interpreter." Father O'Gorman is
professor of ecclesiastical history in the
Catholic university at Washington, and
here and elsewhere during the tour of
Mgr. Batillo and party has been the
spokesman of the pope's ablegate.
Churchmen take it for granted that
If the czar is to place his state church
under the control of Home, it is in the
interest of Leo's hope to effect the dis
armament ci the great nations of the
world nad secure ultimate uuiversal
peace and the arbitration of interna.
Moual quarrels.
A Mow Ksgsilne Blfle.
Washington, July 6. Several
changes affecting the military and
navy establishments went Into effect
Saturday when the appropriations for
these services became operative. The
army feature of the most general in
terest permits ordnance authorities to
commence the manufacture of a nevy
magazine rifle. They lost no time in
carrying out the new law, and the
manufacture ot Kraig-Jorgensen rifles
commenced at the Springfield armory1
Saturday. Annually the output of
the Springfield armory is 35,000 stacks
of arms, besides repair work. That
number of the new type will hardly be
turned out during the first year, as the
workmen will require some time to be
come familiar with its manufacture
It is expected that a sufficient number
will be completed during the fiscal
year to supply regiments of the regular
army, 20.U00 being sufficient for this
purpose. As ftst as the new weapons
are supplied Springtields will be called
In and stored away in the arsenals.
Ihere are over 1,000,000 of these weap
ons already in reserve in addition tu)
those in the hanas of the organized,
militia. Wnen the regular army has
been supplied the new weapons will be
issued to the militia.
, Another acceptable change allows an
increase of pay to non-commissioned
officers of the line, which will keep in
service efficient first sergeants.
Another clause prohibits privates from
re-enlisting after ten years service.
Officers and men are up in arms against
this provision, and petitions are pour
ing into the War department for its
repeal, which will be urgently recom
mended by everybody connected wit'
the War department.
In the navy the new appropriation
will enabe that department partially
to remedy desertion. Enlisted men of
the navy and marine corps will be per
mitted to purchase their discharges,
this privilege being enjoyed by the
A DMfenu 8hoolla( Affray.
Texarkana, Ark., July 6. At 9:3)
o'clock Monday morning, wh le the ex
amining trial of R. E. Lee, for the kill
ing of Mrs. Jesse Hale, which occurred
In this city Thursday evening last,
was in progress before Justice Edwards,
Hale, tbe husband of the deceased, en
tered the court room with his two litile
daughters, and, advancing toward
where Lee was sitting in the prisoners'
dock, seated his children and drawing a
45-CHlibre Col 's pistol opened fire on
the slayer of his wife. Hale fired five
times, the second shot striking Lee in
the thigh and making a dangerous
wound. Lee owes his life to a large
stove, behind which he took refuge.
Tbe scene in thecourt room was a wild
one, the judge, lawyers and witnesses
taking refuge from the flying bullets
Hale was placed under arrest and Lee's
trial postponed to awalc the result oi
bis injuries.
Spotted Bis Xaa.
Chisago, July 6. Postoffice Inspec
ton James E. Stuart of Chicago re
turned from Port Huron, with a great
feather In his cap. He did in seven,
days, dressed as a tramp, what the en
tire force of postoffice inspectors of
Canada, the pollc authorities of the
Grand Trunk and thirty United SUtei
yostofflcs Inspector failed to do in twe
years. For two yean the loss of mail
open tbe Grand Trunk, including the
American pooches consigned to Canada
and ibc mail from Montreal and Toron
to, consigned to all the western states,
kaa been a source of gnat annoyance
to Canada and toe
United HtaiM. i
gtoart today arrested Charles Ford,
rayeriatendent ot repairs for tht
Crassd Trunk at Port Huron, ox-mem-tar
f tho fort Gratis council and for
fiamnsof tho
I trusted employes
it? Grand Trunk, Three hundred
C J f artyastssl letters were found up-
jn3f9H of Feed, who confessed
fcSsv It
Totes has promised
the ia tore with
Wmwrna at Um Watar1
Sr. Paul, Minn, July 7. The big
steamer Beth.!, anchored at the foot
of Sibley street and used fur the last
three years as a lodging and boarding
house for about 2G0 poor people, was
burned to the water's edge at It o'clock
last night. At the time the Gre broke
out there were fifty persons asleep on
the Bethel. So rapid was the progress
of the flames that those aboard the
boat had to jump for their lives in their
night clothes. The steamer Sydney
was tied to the Bethel, but by quick
work in cut-in,; her hawser she was
floated down stream uninjured. The
loss on the Bethel is 10 000. At 1
o'clock this morning it is known that
at least six persons were burned to
death. Three bodies have already been
recovered. Those of Mrs. . Peake, ma
tron of the Bethel, t an unknown man
and girl. Miss Lulu Morgan, a
girl of twelve, daughter of Rev. David
Morgan, pastor of tiie Bethel was taken
to the city hospital in a dying condi
tion. The bodies of two women are still
in tbe hull of the boat. When the
second story of the boat fell in they
were seen to fall, clasped in each other's
arms, into the seething cauldron oi
(lames. The fire w:is caused by the
explosion of a lamp in the wash room
C'litcag-o FveU Be ter.
Chicago, July J. Chicago is now
beginning to realize in a practical and
substantial way upon its investment in
the Columbian exposition. In the
period embraced within the last 120
days of the fair it is estimated that a
sum ranging from 8120.000,000 to$i50,
000,000 will be brought to Chicago and
left there. The estemte a is based on the
assumption that between July 1 and
November 1123 days the average
number of visitors in Chicago above
normal will be 1:0,000 to 125,000 and
that they will spent not less than $10 a
day each while sojourning here. On
that basis the amount spent daily will
aggregate 81,000,000 to 81,250.000, for
123 days, $123,009,000 to 8154,000,000.
The city is already experiencing the re
lief that follows the receipt of liberal
sums of money from all quarters. The
theatres report an immense business,
notwithstanding the great show at
Jackson park. The business str ca
are crowded with great moving arm es
of men, women and children and tne
great emporiums of trade are doing tbe
largest business iu their history.
Rreculuc the Victim,.
London, July 5. The rescuers have
brought eighty-eight bodies of victims
of the Thorr.hill mine disaster to he
surface. Two men were brought ui in
an unconscious condition, but still
breathing. The physicians who have
been around the pit's mouth nearly all
the time since the accident accurred at
once took them in charge and hopes
are entertained that they will recover.
S x men who had sustained no injury
whatever but had been imprisoned le-
hind a huge mass of debris, were dug
out. When they sppeared at the mouth
of the pit they were greeted in a most
touching manner by relatives and
No reason has been given for the ex
plosion, but the conjecture is that it
was caused by carelessness on the part
of one of tbe miners in opening his
Eight men and a boy have been res
cued from the mine. All hope for the
o, hers in the pit is abandoned.
Phelps Argument
Paris, July 7. In the course of bis
remarks before the Bering sea tribunal
Mr. Phelps declared that the value of
the sealing industry was the chief con
sideration in the purchase of Alaska
by the United States. The country has
little other present or prospective value.
The pelagic sealers include many
Americans who were getting their ves
sels registered as British or Canadian
sealers. A limited number of these
hunters consisted of persorjs of other
avocations, who entered the sealing
ousiness as a speculation.
Many persons in London were em
ployed in the ' trade of dressing seal
skins and Great Britain should, there
fore endeavor to preserve the seal herds
In order that these people might hare
Bestowing Empty Titles.
London, July 7. The duke of York
has been made a knight of the most
ancient and most noble order of the
thistle, by Queen Victoria.
Dr. William H.-Broadbent, the phy
sician who attended the duke of York
during his attack of typhoid fever
some time ago, alsd came in for re
cognition by her majesty, who created
him a baronet.
Fire Deaths.
St. Paul, July 7. Wednesday
nights fire at Union Bethel on the river
front resulted in at least five deaths
and a large number injured, some of
whom will probably die. Mrs. Jeanny
Peak, .matron, and ' n man raamed
Shaughnessey and three unidentified
men are dead. Lulu Morgan, daughter
of Superintendent Morgan of the
Mission hospital lies in a precarious
condition. A dozen other are mora or
less seriously hurt.
- Used Baaor.
LocisriLLK. July 7. Near Brada.
well. Kv.. Ruble and Mar. Ha. mA
ten and sixteen respectively, daughters
of John S. Ray, were brutally outraged
and then murdered by an unknown
nan, their throats being out. Then is
no definite o ew to the identity of tbe
brute who committed the crime, but
the manner of the work nolnta to .ma
MM and tbe use of ton razor lndioteaJ
Mr more great exeHeusent
fad if the eftrtt U aught then 121
Bwssawair -w
CHAPTER XX Continued.
Sir Edward, much surprised, dls
mounted very unwillingly. Bis horse
was a quiet old animal, titled to carry a
man with one arm in a sling, and he tied
him to a treo and signified to Jaques
that be was ready to listen 'to him. It
seemed doubly bard 1 list now bo was
going to meet his fate; to lay all his
love, bis pride, bis poverty at the feet
of bis fair lady; and the hope that he
bad won her lovo made all sacrifice seem
as nothing to him.
What could Jaq.ies have to say to him?
Bis rugged faco was as palo as ashes,
and his eyes were troubled.
"Wo eaunot talk hero, sir." he said
rather hoarsely. "Would you mind com
ing a few steps with me into the shrub
"I do not mind standing, Mr. Daub",
and we can speak just as well hero. I
am rather in haste."
"I will not keep you that is"
"You will forgive me, if I ask vou not
to detain me long If you could call on
me at the Graupc, 'or instance. I should
be able to attend to vou better."
'No, I must speak to you now sir."
'Verv well," said Sir Edward, Impa
tiently; '! am all attention."
"For what object have you overcomo
your horror of entering vourown home?"
"You presume, Mr Daoby; that is a
question you have no right to ask."
"X have a right" cried Jaques; "and
If ynu will have patience with me, I wilt
show you that 1 have a right."
-ir Edward leaned against tbe great
osk tree, and looked at Jaques in in
creased astonishment.
"I decline to answer your question, Mr.
Danny," be said.
aques raised bis eyes and again looked
at him with that earnest look that had
made Edward Norton feel that ho was
endeavoring to read him through and
through; then he said abruptly
"I cannot talk here, air Ldward; we
are in lull view ot tho windows; for
Heaven's sake do what I Left of you
follow me!"
Kdwin Norton's curiosity was aroused,
and. tightening the bridle on tho branch
of the tree, ho followed Jaques, who
strode on before him into the wood.
Dauby thrust aside the boughs, and as
he did so the remaining dead leaves
rustled to the ground, and he pushed his
wav into a small open space where two
paths crossed, and tbero was a seat; It
was well shut in from sight. He threw
himself on tho sea, and stooping for
ward covered his eyes with one hand. the
elbow resting ou his knee, and began to
speak at once.
'Sir Edward," he said, "I take you for
a man of honor."
He did not see the half-mocking bow
of assent.
"I wish to save you fro:n either com
mitting an action that you will always
regret, or one that fou cannot do with
out forfeiting that honor."
"You speak In riddles. Mr. Danby."
"Sir Edward, I am not clear or eveu
clear-sighted, hut I have discerned your
love for our Perdita."
"I desire you to bo silent sir," said
Edward Norton, angrily."Theso mat
ters concern no but myself, and I will
not permit Miss Lovel's name to be
used. You assume too much."
"Has no one feelings but yourself?"
cried Jaques. starting up. "She is my
adoration: she has loen my Idol since I
first taught her little feet to walk, her
sweet voice to lisp my name; for years,
years have I loved her you have only
known her a few short weeks."
"This is Intolerable." muttered Sir
"I did not call you to tell you that !"
went on Jaquis, excitedly. "I called
you to prove your love; to find out
whether it has power to breax through
the traditions of your haughty race.
Have you considered well?" he said, in a
strange, hard voice. "Perdita Is not
your equal."
"Mr. Danby."
"Hush! I will not detain you; but
have patience with me, I beseech you."
Something pathetic in tbe voice of the
strange being before him made Sir Ed
ward put aside his indignation and re
solve to listen.
"You bave considered how far beneath
you she is In position?"
"I have."
"That tbe Levels are of very bumble
origin; be a bookseller in London, sbo a
petty farmer's daughter, trained to milk
tho cows."
"I know."
"You know them to be honest, good,
and true, although such homely tolka"
"Yes all else Is nothing."
"You know that tbe world will say
that, for the sake of Sal ford, you have
bowed vour nrldo to wed the daughter of
a tradesman."
"I do not care."
"Your love, then, Is strong enough to
overcomo more obstacles than these?"
"There are no more "
"Man! man!" cried Jaques, eagerly,
"you are t.ot equal"
"la everything!" cried Sir Edward;
"for she brings such adower of goodness
and Innate nobility, that my poor ad
ventres or birth scarcely levol tbe
"You love her so woll that If If "
"Whs d you mean?" cried Sir Edward.--
"Tbl -oi think to wod the child of
OMst jolks a bride whoso birth, though
of busaMo orlrr., Is as bouest as your
wn. This Is a t so."
"What do you mean? Spoak, or I will
"Perdita is no child of theirs; thev
took her orphaned from the workhouse,
aud she has no name."
Sir Edward staggered back against the
tree as white as death. Jaques laughed
"This straw has broken the camel's
back," he said. "Yes, it is quite true,
she Is no fit brldo for you too low of
biitn, and a thousand times too high for
the scorn of your noble family! I have
warned you; for if you had pledged your
truth, and. hearing the truth, bad broken
it, by the Heaven above us, I could have
murdered you! I have saved your pride
or your honor, Sir Edward Norton."
"1 have been grossly deceived."
"I have undeceived you now. 1 was
right, was I not? Tbe obstacle was too
"Leave me to think you will drive
me mad! The workhouse! a nameless
orphan! Danby, arc you telling me the
"As I hope for salvation. You can
look in the case-books of tho Worl; house
in King John street, Soho, snd you will
una Ao, 14. The rather at least was a
gentleman, the mother an Italian,
"Stop, stop, you torture mo, Dsnby,
you are right; tbe obstacle is too strong,
O Dlta, even for you! A look of agonv
passed over his face, and he almost
broke down; then added suddenly "All
this, of course, is quite privato between
ourselves, and she need never know."
Jacques was standing watching blm
fixedly: "I JudgoJ rightly." ho said be
tween his tooth; "and It would have
broken her heart."
Sir Edward was turning away, when
ho suddenly came back.
"You meant well," he said, hoarsely,
"and I am not ungrateful."
"I do not care tor your gratitude,"
said Jacques, roughly. "I bave saved
Perdita from what she might bave had
to bear if the truth had come too late,
and proved too hard.''
"And you lovo her also?"
"I love her as mortals love tbe angels
she is the idol of my lifel"
"And I?
"Take refuge with your dignity;" and
Jacques broke through the trees and
was gone."
Mr. Lovel camo Into his wife's siUing-
room. Perdita sat on a stool by her
sofa, her bead in her mother's lap,
while Nannio played with her yeilow
bair; her rosy lips smiled with the shy
joyousness of a child.
"After all, Dita, our visitor has not
come in," said he, in a dltun ed voice..1
"wnen be came out of the shrubbery he
mounted his horse and galloped off like
a very madman, nor looked once behind
A little shadow passed over tho young
girl's brow, a light seemed to bave g:ne
from her life, a vague sense of a cloud
passing between her and the sun. Who
does not know that chill feeling?
"I lancy Jaques must have said some
thing to him which offended him. I i
wonder what it could have been!" con
tinued Andrew, uneasily; "and Jaques
is playing again so strangely."
"I will go to him." said Dita, calmly
rising; and Andrew, anxious to talk to
Nannie, did not seek to stop her.
The violin was sounding strangely
wild, passing from one mad strain to an
other, fast and loud, with a kind of wail
in Its merriment that made it weird and
Perdita wont out tho colors of earth,
trees, and sky seemed dimmed because
of tbo shadow that had come between
her and tne sun. She came up to tho
musician as he stood playing undcrtho
oak and put out her hand, the notes died
faintly away.
"Jaquos," she said, drearily "Jaques,
he is gone."
"Yes, yes, Miss Dita, and it Is better
Sbe raised her eyes to his, and did uot
know bow faithfully he read the simple
story in the dark depths. One long.deep
sigh he gave, then he turned his head
aside, and said, without looking at her
M tnlrf Mm vmtt- rnal n.wln kla 1
was not enough to conquer."
"I know," she said, softly. He began
to play again a little soft cadence, and
while the sweetest sounds swelled forth,
she wnnt. isiv Ilia Imnrl ... ..,..4
roughly over the liistrumeut.and a string !
cracked loudly: Jaques put down his I
violin and sat down on tbe ground
there was a look In his face of Intense
suffering, but ho set to work patiently to '
mend tbe broken string and his broken
heart v
The December that bad begun si well '
grew colder and colder, and snow six I
Inches deep lay on the ground on Christ- j
mas-day. The birds had nothing to eat; '
Perdita fed them from her windows, and
delighted In their increasing lameness. I
Mrs. Lovel never left tbe bouse, and In j
her warm rooms she managed to remain
pretty woll. Perdita was no longer
lame, but she could not be out quite as
much as sbe used to be, and the life at
Salford was very still and quiet. ;
There was an unspoken shadow over ,
them all. Perdita had thought her ,
secret all her own, and dM not know
that the three who loved her best had
seen all. and to each other had spoken
openly. Jaques told . Lovel what be
had done; he told her .t he knew tho
strong pride of Edwaro Norton's family ;
It was a proverb In tbe place; be told '
her that long ao he bad foreseen what j
would come, and dreaded tbe effect of '
the disclosure of Pardlta's true birth.
"It was to save her I did It," faltered
Jaques. ": "lie would have broken It off,
or If not he, his family would have dona
It for him, and she would have suffered."
lie said that an instinct warned him
when he saw him riding along, that tho
time to speak bad come. And Nannie
could not but acknowledge that he had
done well and wisely.
Perdita was sot sad, only she was no
longer gay, and now and tnen looked
very wistful; her love for Ed ward Morton
was aot admitted or acknowledged even
to herself; so whan be want away, and
wring ft from
lg it, she was conscious of
a dull acting la her heart wmcu u
scarcely understood. .
Oa Cerlstaas-der she and her father
walked down to the chorch together, it
was a hard frost, and the crisp snow
crackled under foot, and the trees, pow
dered with sparkling hoar-frost, looked
like frosted sliver: above, the sullen gray
sky was heavy with saow vet to coma
When a young heart is gay and Joyous,
cold brightens and invigorates; when it
is sad, even t little sad, cold gnaws and
chills. Perdita hurried through the
snow aud drew her fur cloak tighter
round her.
It was a litll. simple old church, with
a square low tower of great antiquity.
The congregation were mostly laborer
and their families. The clergy
man was very old, aud during his life no
restoration could be made. Dita had
placed holly wreaths in the window, and
all tbe best flowers she could find Iu the
green hou.-es decked the church; and all
eyes weio t xed admiringly on her work.
They iaiuein and went straight to tho
squire's pew, which faced the pulpit;
it was an old-fashioned place, and Per
dita knelt down covering her face with
her slender (insors. Quite in the back
ground came iu among the laborers an
j unwonted iigure. Sir Edward Norton,
looking very ill anu worn, 6at uown ai
tbo far end of tho church, where he
could seethe fair outlines of Perdlta's
face and her waving golden hair above
the old oak new. He did not move when
during the service the congregation
rose up and knelt down, but sat still,
leaning forward with bis eyes Used oil
her as though he would print her Image
on his brain. '
Then came a hymn tho glorious
Christinas hymn, which is grand even
when sung by school children In a vil
lage churcli and In.the middlo ot the
sacred strain hn slolo away out Per
dita looked half round, but she never
ccasod singing. A ray of light pierced
through the somber sky and lighted up
her hair till It seemed to shine llko a
A dog-cart was waiting outside, a
portmanteau within It, and Edward
Norton was driven away to tho station.
"Dita," said ber father gently, as tbey
walked home, "Do you know who was
in church'''
"Sir Edward Nortoof" she said quietly.
"You knew?"
"I thought so."
"It was his good-by. Lady Norton
came yesterday. She has persuaded
him to go abroad he has been 111. Ho
goes to-day."
"Let us walk faster, dady it is very
cold." And they walked quickly cn.
Nannie was able to come into tho din
ing room that day, and afterward the
usual distribution of dinners and gifts
took place. Uy i o'clock all was over,
and Dlta nestled Into her favorite little
corner by Mrs. Lovel's sofa with a book,
and Jaques and Andrew went out for a
walk. Suddenly tho doorbell rung with
a loud vigorous pull, and within five
minutes a whole tribe of Loo Astons and
Grethards poured Into tbe room all tbe
schoolroom party headed by Meta.
Tboy had coma, they said, to carry off
Perdita, by force It necessary; thoy were
to have charades and tableaux vivants,
and every kind of amusement for chil
dren; and Jack had come home and per
suaded his mother to send them off to
bring tbe solitary little home bird into
tbclr merry circle
Perdlta's chetl; flushed, and.Siero
camo to her a longing wfsh to be one of
tbe children again, morry and happy,
and free from care; there came to her
mind the refrain of that pathetic song,
"Mnke ins a child again just lor to-nlglit,"
She was tired of the blank tired of tho
long day; ber youth resented care, she
was so young.
Mrs. Lovel's watchful eye saw and
read Dita's face, and she accepted for
her eagerly, and would not listen to her
assertions that she could not leave them
alone on Christmas day.
hc was to return that night; and In
less than a quarter of an hour, Perdita
and a box containing all that she would
want, were packed closely into the little
omnibus full of children. It was a gay
scene into wMcu Dita camo. blinking her
large eyes, from tho darkness; and she
was quickly divested of ber warn, wraps,
coaxed and potted, and mado much of,
and Immensely amused by all tho merry
games going on among children and el
ders together.
How Owen Lovejoy Squelched Sain Cot,
The only time Sam Cox was ever
squelched, notounting the "shoo fly" of
uvu Duuer, -vma wnenuwen liOvejov, of
Illinois, did itfn 1862. Mr. Cox had been
making a long and exhaustive speech in
the House on the tariff. The members
were all tired. In the middle of the
speech the solemn form of Mr. Lovejoy
arose, got the eye of the Speaker and
said :
"Mr. Speaker!"
"The gentleman from Illinois!" said
the Speaker.
"I arise, Mr. Speaker," said Mr.
Lovejoy, "to a question of privilege."
"Does the gentleman from New York
yield the floor?" asked the Speaker, ad
dressing Mr. Cox.
"I will yield for a question of infor
mation and not otherwise," said Mr.
"I do desire to ask a question for in
formation," said Mr. Lovejoy.
"Verv well, Mr. Speaker," said Mr.
Cox. "1 yield to .the gentleman from
"The gentleman from Illinois now lias
the floor," said the Speaker.
Mr. Lovejoy now arose slowly and
majestically. "Mr. Speaker," he said
slowly, "I arise for ln-for-ma-tion. I
wish to ask the gentleman from New
York a question."
Mr. Cox "Let him ask it.
"I wiab," said Mr. Lovejoy, "to-ask
the - gentleman - from - New-York-if - hn
han-got-most-throiigh?" Loud laugh
ter all over the House, when Mr. Cox
novrel an adjournment. XI i Per kit'.
A Ci editor's Last Tribute.
They wqre Ukiug to his last lnnC
home a wcll-knowu personio who,
through a series of "success." ." fail
nroi, mansgod to bequeath 2,OO0,O0C
franca to his distressed widow. H-ouhei
were made at the grave-side. of
the accomplices of the deceased s-oke
as follows: "Farewoll, farewell,' my
bcNtfrionil! You carr with yon iato
tbe grave the regrets of all who had the
privilege of knowing you; you carry
with you " "Slay I" bore broko in
one of t'io bystanders, "pleaeo add thai
lie errics with him 00,(XX) franca oi
tttlno." IVsricA jHBNr,
a high school is to be established at
The new Lutheran church at Norfolk
cost $10,003.
'I here is 1,018 children of school age
at North Platte.
A hail stone broke through the roof
f tiie iepot at llladin.
Eighty-two per cent of the farmers'
i Xeb' .iskaowu the soil they till.
A reunion of veterans will beheld at
.r..k-n K-.v, August 22, 23, 21, and 25.
The date of the Cedar county fair
ibis year will be September -26, 27, and
Tliiity-six tramps occupying one box
car wt-ie side tracked at Tekamau the
otlif r day.
Slieltoti wants a (louring mill about
won h. and boudsin that amount
will be voted.
The comer stone of the German
Evangelical church at Western has
been laid with impressive ceremonies.
A local corporation bus been or
;an zed at Campbell, for the grand and
,'li r.ous object of building a city ball
A Plattsmouth thief robbed tbe
clot hf s line of a colored preacher, gen
erously sparing the articles of least
Mrs. Mary Jackson, Hie lady sent to
the asylum from Custer county, was
once an inmate of t lie mad house at
Elgin, ill.
C. X. Grim of Alexander has one of
the veritable dollars of our daddies. It
is made of Mlver and was coined in the
year 17'.!).
The Hartington Herald offers ten
dollars in gold for . best write up of
the town, uot to curain more than
1,600 words.
A thirsty denizen of Norfolk broke
into a beer warehouse and carried
away three cases and several kegs of
John Zwight's best.
The premium list of the Dundy coun
ty agricultural society announces a fair
at Henkelinan to last four days,
September 27, 28, 2!. and 30.
' Furnas county, after a drought last
ing twenty-eight days, now baa rain to
give away. The Wilson ville Review
ipe.iks of the late sprinkle as a deluge.'
A Liberty lisliernian pulled a catfish
out of the Blue river that weighed
thirty-three pouuu.s. He claims to'
have used an ordinary hook and line.
. The Norfolk yews claims that times
were never better in that burg than at
this very moment. New buildings are
going up in every direction and money
is plenty.
K. llu.lson, the Missouri Pacific
agent at Mt. Claire, was robbed of his
pocket book containing $15 in cash aud
a jiheck ,fprU3jL Hudson riad
sooui it.
rPt.A o.a r W - 1 1 L I .
termined that the local drought
While shooting at n chicken, a son
O. W, McKinzie, a farmer living near
Lyons, shot his father through the leg
with a 22 caliber rifle. The wounded
man will recover.
The Burlington eastbound passenger
train was ditched Tuesday near thej
western state line by running into an
open switch. The engineer and pas
sengers were sightly hurt.
Earnest Hodge, a ten year old boy of
Nebraska Citv, was thrown from a
horse, and as if to add insult to injury,
the animal stepped on the prostrate lad,
dislocating his shoulder and breaking
his collar bone.
A hydrophobic canii.e ' swoped 'down
upon the quiet town of Mt. Claire, do
ing no greater damage than to Infect
one pig. An armed posse was quickly
organized ond after a cba3e of three
miles tbe dog was overtaken and de
stroyed. Chas. jFretz, a colored tough sent
from Grant county to Broken Bow for
safe keeping, broke through the wall
of the jail with a bed slat and struck
out for liberty. That he must hare
found it is evidenced by the fact that
the officers have failed to And him.
John Harper tells us that bis obser
vation, made oh his trip home from
Ohio, puts Nebraska away ahead on
crops, and especially on corn, which is
much better than in any of the country
through which he passed, being much
larger and clearer of weeds. Darid
City News.
John Chandler of Plattsmouth,
choked bis wife, and indignant citizens
were discussing tar and feathers; but
upon ascertaining that she was fully as'
drunk as her husband, publio senti
ment softened, and John purchased
forgivness by promising to go and
sin no more.
A rein of coal has been discovered
on a Hlchardson county farm located
near Barada, and a shaft is to be sunk
on a prospectiong Jour. For fifteen1
years coal mines bave been operated
south of Humboldt ia that county and
for many years coal was taken out V
Kulo In small quantities.
George H. Everett, the Grand Island
veteran who stopped a runaway horse
some time ago, thus preventing tbe
animal from dashing into a group of
school children, was presented with n
DM gold beaded cane br hla eomradaa
cf the Grand Army post ass token of
weir appreciation of his heroism.
Tho Ufa of an nolieeneed Norfolk
dog hai no commercial value. As tbo
marshal receives Mir,? for slaying
the brutes, be hi taring the work ftine-