The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 13, 1893, Image 1

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    The Sioux County J ourn al
HARBISON, ISTEB.. vTTJLlrT 13, 1893.
VOL. 5.
U J. Simmons. Editor and Proprietor.
F. B. A M. V H, E. Time table.
Going Wet, Going Bust.
Ho. 5, mixed,..-.,!! il I 5o, 6. mixed . ::
Wheat per bushel.
0t per bushel.. ,
Uarn Iter bushel , .
SUorts pt-r hundred B.
Aran per hundred lb. . . .
Feedohppped per hundred
l"otatoewur bushel
Butter per . .--
Eggs per do
(oultry-per doz.
Onions per ,-.-
Beans per -,...--.-,---.-'
Coal per ton,.
WoouVper cord -.-.-.--,-"
Lumber native per in, ft.,..,,,
-Corrected every Thursday.
J 00
1 25
S 40
I 90
S 50
19 00
-.The Perkins windmill is the best;
& by J. H. Bartell, Harrison, Neb,
O. H. Unitt will soon begin to
build on bis homestead south of town.
For Sale Twelve nice pigs, five
weeks old, Vm. Norkisch.
A. T. Huglison is building a new
h,pu,se on his homestead near Andrews.
The photographer who was here for
a couple of weeks, departed on Tuesday.
If vou want to sell your land, list it
& Smilev, real estate
Screen doors at the lumber yard. I
for- sale at The JOURNAL
ofiUy 5 cents per dozen.
-Jolin I, Davis has a part of the logs
out for a new house on his place weswof
160 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain, if taken soon.
Slmmons & Smiley.
E. E. Smiley has traded for quite a
number of cattle with wlucn to siock
his arm.
(fT. M. Sutton has gone to the hills
with several horses to sell. He thinks
he can profit by taking them there.
Mrs. E. F. Pontius has been suffer
ing for some days from a felon on one of
her lingers. It is now getting better.
'Simire Wilcox treated himself to a
new load wagon the first of the week
He thinks that will be more comfortable
than tViiave to travel in a lumber wag
on oon horseback.
A subscription is being taken to
raise, funds with which to purchase a
mimn for the reservoir south ot tne
Andrews building. It would be a good
thing to have in case of a Are.
The reports are that C, H. Weller
has failed or at best is in very close
quarter financially at Chadron. Some
report are that he has been closed out
buttliers are that his place is still
A. L. Ring was over from Antelope
C. E. Schilt returned last evening
from Crawford.
W. E. Bridgman was down the road
Monday night.
A. R. Kennedy
were over
Mike Bannon reports that he is put-
iintr nn a new house on his homestead
near Five Points.
r-For rent or sale at a bargain, a "misi
nil huildinir in a good location
in Harrison, Simmons & Smiley.
t-J. W. Langdon was in from Antelope
Saturday and said the .small grain
U that locality would be fair and the
corn would be goou
-Take out a policy in the Preferred
i,,ti,.,l Ar-ritnt Association. It is
cheat) n&d reliable L. J. Simmons,
A Hood many of the farmers have
,mAnuwi kanino. huf the rninv weath-
pmw-jBi 1
nf lntA will cause the Brass to grow a
- -4i.j(jtoiBwrHreMfc-at-the Hi
H church next aunaay at ii o taw m
h,e tuornir and at Pleasant Ridge at
:80 in the afternoon.
-The crop report for the week ending
ilv8d showed that all parts of the
ttate had suffered from drouth and the
jorstresults were in, the. northeast part
oj thfe state..
-On last Monday Messrs. Earnest,
tok. Bieelow and Ashbrook shipped a
train load of cattle froni Andrews, Cat-
tye got fat quite early this, season on ac
count of their haying come wirougn i"
winter in an unusually good condition.
Hester & Son have received five
car-loade of lumber within the past few
(jys. with which to stock up their- yard,
fhat and the native lumber produced, by
1jhe local mills makes one. think that the
prospects for building were' pretty good.
A new time card went into effect on
tHiis line of the F. E, & M, V. op. last
gunday. There is no change in the titfie
of tbe arrival of the westbound train,
tt theXrain going east leavesi here at
fc25, twenty minutes earlier vlian, under
he Ad schedule,.
The prospects for corn io thiacounty
Sl iA in u tha heat ever known. The
ouiu w . - - -
farmers! as a rule, are feeling good even
I vt the did hit some of them pretty
' ard. Some of tho small grain will not
e asgood as it would have been had the
minfcome a little earner..
'he rains which have fallen since
ik. n tho llh have done much to
redeem the crops which were not too far
advanced at the time of the storm.
I Jbe loss will, not be very great to any
e. Some of the grain which, was
yearly matured was ruined, but aside
fcom that nearly everything will, come
ftMA pretty well.
seems from, the latest reports
a.t the railroad companies, have been
Recking up the rates provided by house
$0)1.33. and they have determined to
ftuhf. the law. The reduction is said to
per cent below the schedule in
operation when the law was passed., and
ifcajso appear that the law effect itef
t, Kansas City and Other cities, and; that
ifcgiven as a reasoo, mby th la.( will, be
Desisted in the gpurta.. 1 wilji npfc. be
. jjjj.into effept will; asriye; and; then, all.
WW lee what wiU. D aone-. rpmt av. learned ik voulu". bp bel(tei for
this locality if the law. should; be held to
tas yoid W the conrU. Many people
who desire to see rates reduced, will; ac-
. knowledge that it is unreasonable, to
nresiime that the railroads can, stand, a
gut of, one-third in, their, rates, with, no
iKkseniag of expeoees and do, businew
without low, awl no, fair-minded pewn
-Last week C. F. Coffee went to bis
ranch in Wyoming to round up his
cattle. He expects to make a shipment
about .the first of next week, The cattle
shipments seem to be commencing
somevhat earlw this year than com-
ri x
new boy which weighed nine and
iMl nounus arriveu ai me nomo ui
Commissioner Knott on Weduesday of
last week, Tliat being the first son at
the Knott household the parents are
excusable if they do carry their heads a
little high.
Mrs. Robert Wilson received the sad
news of the death of her youngest sister
at the family home at Loda, Illinois.
Theluneral occurred on last Monday,
hut the Darticulars were not learned.
Mr. Wilson's family seem to be having
their full share of trouble, and they are
entitled the sympathy of all,
iul ime in Australia are said to
lw drivinsr many residents to emigrate
i United States. Why do these
people prefer to settle in America rather
than to return to Europe? The superi
ority of oDiiortunities in this country
measured by its power ot attracting
n,n who wish to better their economic
condition. Omaha Bee.
t. "1 L .1 iUr.4- iha naur Clir.
i ir. is unuerstouu umu vuo
V ..... . . xt.i I
vey of the line between iieuriisno, is w
be made in the near future and it is gen
erally believed that the result will be
that this state will gain quite a good
lAiTitorv thereby. It will
not likelv be long until some of the peo
pie who live along the line will find
themselves living in anotner state, arm
that too, without their having taken the
trouble to move.
In another column appears the ad
...tiuomant. nt t.ha onlv authorized life
of the great statesman, James G. Blaine.
A number of so-llled ivorks nave oeen
nut on the markertind have found a ready
sale for people desired to have such a
book but the one which will be tue oesi
and truest is what is wanted and that
will soon be issued under the authority
of Gail Hamilton, Mr. Blaine's literary
This season seems to be a very pe-
cu bar one all over me umu. n,o
lias fallen in streaks to a greater extent
than it has for a number of years. In
almost all localities there are strips of
territory which have suffered for want
-f ;n o.i nihor nt.rins where nlentv of
Ui am iim - - - , v
moisture has fallen to keen crops grow-
;n n-nnA ahann. Such a state of
lllB ... b - I
t.binffs i not confined to Sioux county
nor to the state of Nebraska, but seems
to be the rule everywhere.
went to Crawford
Tuesday evening.
Charleg Biehle was in town Monday
and called at this office.
S. R. Story and son, Oscar,
from Antelope Saturday.
rixonlao was un from Agate
Ull 1 -w 1
Springs the first of the week.
Robert Wilson made a business trip
to Crawford the first of the week.
f ., Afra a. W. Hester went to
Ardmore Saturday to visit friends
psi 7ieo-lpr has eone to Patrick,
i wv-. "'-O "
Wyo. to remain a couple of months.
ifra Sam Tpbbefc and Miss
1UL. illlU
Sara Parsons were in town Saturday.
i 1
Mrs. A. W. Mohr returned yesieruay
from Iowa, accompanied bjMier father,
B. L. Snuick's youngest child has
ln on the sick list during the past
W F.. .Tones was over from Indian
creek the first of the week and called at
this office
L. E. Belden returned Friday from the
: rtmiomir . TTe renorts a
re-uiiiuu iiu j-fu.,.vu.v.. - ,
good time.
r- tt Tumor was in town on Mon-
tr ,. iq o-oH ,ini fat since he
Uay. lit, cajo w b'-o
got out of the store.
M,. IT. A. Cunningham returned
yesterday from a weeks visit to friends
on Running AVater.
Rev. Edward D. Irvine, the Episcopal
for the northwest district,
spent Tuesday in Harrison.
M Wasserbereer was over from Mont
rose last Saturday and called to chat
with us a few moments
Literary Note.
The midsummer Cosmopolitan, the
first at the new price of 12i cents per
copy, though unchanged in size, excels
any other issue of that magazine in the
number of its distinguished contributors,
in the interest of its contents, and in its
overflowing illustrations by famous ar
tists. Francois Coppee, William Uean
Howells, Camile Flammarion, Andrew
Lang, Frank Dempster Sherman, H. 11.
Boyson, Charles DeKay, Thomas A. Jan
vier, Colonel Tillman, Agnes Kepplier
and Gilbert Parker are a few of the
names which apiiear on its title page.
Three frontispieces, all by famous ar
tists, furnish an unusual feature, and
among the artists who contribute to the
119 illustrations adorning its pages are
Laurens, Reiuhart, Fenn, Toussaint,
Stevens, Saunier, Filler, Meaulle, and
Franzen. The midsummer number is
intended to set the pace for the maga
zine at its new price of 121 cents a copy,
or $150 a year. The magazine remains
unchanged in size and each issue will lie
an advance upon its predecessors. Lit
erally, every known country is being
ransacked for material in the hope to
bring the Cosmopolitan forward as the
leading magazine in the world.
Harrison, Nebraska,-
B. E. Bhkwhter,
The Rocky Mountain News
The Daily By Mail.
Sulwei iption price reduced as follows:
One Year (by mail)
Six Months (by mail)
Three Months (by mail)
One Month (by mail)
c. F. Coffer.
D. II GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
American Exchasoe National Bank, New York,
United States National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron,
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
The Weekly By
One Year, in advance,
Mr. J..E; Marsteiler returned from
fi,,i.n r,n Sntiirdav. her mother hay-
V. 1 llV.l 1 u v.. i
ing somewhat recovered.
K. A, Weir writes ue that he and his
mfhor xret to arrive in tiatnson
about the last of this month.
Tim VnwB is tlio only great dally in the
United States that i.s identified witlitUc pop
ulist free coinage movement, and should be
in the hands of every voter, norm, suiuu.
east or west.
Send in your subscriptions at once.
Address, The news,
Denver, Colo.
AGENTS WANTED on salary "and Com
r tt xt...i: from Gilchrist RTnfl.T? A PITY OF JAMES G
.. . .. ii u: If T1
Tuesday and called anu enroneu iimiu
as a reader of The Journal
.Tudire Barker went to Rusliville Mon-
,lav nio-ht. His father has been growing
...,.nir end w 11 not likely last uiucu
L'Mr. and Mrs. L. Gerlach went to
' ..TL-ion in rpp-ard to their
c ih Thfiv returned Mon-
n t Oiblwell. of Denver, was in
town Saturday .representing the Rocky Kncs. Leathering clata lor a.
write up of this locality -.vbich will ap
pear in that paper in a few days.
W T Rrown who has resided acrose
the line in Wyoming for some years left
with his children for Iowa on Saturday
evening with the intention of making
hi hm in that stato. He lias many
friends here who wish him success.
A Wor to Graduates
llnu Mnlnpu CunitAl.
Superintendent Dick of, the Charles
r;fu tnld the sraduatinc: class
last week something not in. the conven
tional oi-der. Ho said:. "Girls, in. pre
senting you these diplomas,, if, by their
significance you, are led:, to ailoNV your
mothers to,do all the work, bake all. tne
bread apd. sweep, alii the floors, because
you.can real: atin; or. domonstrale a
1 hhoAmm, in. saomatrv. then has your
school, been a most) unfortunate course,
afld in, all. the teachings, you liav.e. ever,
received at my ba)d,,I trust Uiere has
been no, lesson; that ha4 weaned; you
from tbe dish pan.. Boys,, if. from this
graduation you go out into the. world
too nice to carry wood, and swill: the
hogs,, if need, be,', Uien has our, school
failed io ita purpose, an4 sown wrong
sd," Th.Diok iilia . vrj DwwUoal
am, ' - '
By GAIL HAMILTON, bis literary executor,
it'h the eo oneration of his family, and for
Mr. Blaine's Complete vyorhs, -in r.n
YEARS OF CONGKESS,"' and his later book,
iim.iTin.M, DISCUSSIONS." One prospee
tus for these 3 BEST SELLING books in the A. K. 1'. Jordan of Me., tooR 1U or
fro,,, first 110 calls: UBcnt's proflt$10S.50
Mrs. Ballard of O. took 15 orders, 13 Seal Rus-
ul i nnnrinv: DTOllt 2fl.25. IS. JvlCC UI
m. tnnk'iTordcrsintwodays: profltiM".25
J. Cartridge of Mo. took 43 orders from 3S
nails: nrolits 75.2T). E. A. runner or n. iin.
tnok B3 orders in three days; profit $83.25
nrniwvii TERRITORY BlVCn. If VOU Wish to
wnke LARGE MONEY, write immediately
for terms to
The Henry Bill Pub. Co.
Norwich, Conn.
See the "Old Reliable"
. , . . . Sr,
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the Largest Stock of
General Merchandise,
Some Washington lawyers know a
good deal about pensions., mat, is a
complicated subject, and a man who is
fomilinrj with it has no time to be very
evnert in anything else. Some other
lnwversare well acquainted with pat-
nta. hut. know nothing about pensions
Others know something of the land laws
but are innocent of ideas concerning pen-
cirtna ami natents.
The Press Claims Company can uiuuue
everv class of claims against the govern
ith eaual facility.. It has at its
command a staff of legal specialists' so
lnrtre that it is able to intrust every case
4 .4ii.,. vuhn :s fn.miliar with, its
to iiu "
peculiar needs. If you are a soldier enti
tln.1 to a nension, or the widpvv or de
nendant relative of such a soldier, if you
are an inventor desiring protection for
vnur ideas, if TOU are a settler anxious
to perfect title to your land, if you are a
snlTerer from Indian, depredations; in
skpjjt, if you have rights of any descrip
tion requiring, the action oi any uupunr
nient of tb government,, you best plan
'is to, write to the UrassiJlaim3.L,omiaiiy
613 F st, U;.YM'TVaslington,.Di C.and
find out what to, do.. The company.
charees nothing; tor.' infontuation, an!
Harrison, - Nebraska.
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates.
Come and see us before you buy.
Purchase Tickets and Consign Your Freight
via the
F., E.&M.V.S.C.&P.
H. G. BURT,. General Manager..
C. Morehouse,, R; Bttciianas
Qenl Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass.. Agt
nctiEKLBV STOVlvlt,.
Uiirrisn, Nebr.
(OWliBilluwiliS bianid ::
Press Claims Company.
L, B;. B1SLDEN: &. SON,.
Wagon and' Carriage .Viators;
I Kiinnirina ilono on sllortf notlcei
OooU work ana roanonablD chargoe..
Sban wutn oi Hvery rmwn
jlABRWOM,, - - "
jT flHKV Mi
. Equal- with the interest of those having, claims against, tito fewewrnieirti. iie
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit ot valuations becausaj oC Ulto
incompenteccy or inattention of the attorneys employed, to obtain, their patents.
Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and: reliable solicitors
to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly it not enlir.eTy.,. uen
the care aud skill of tbe attorneys
i Witli at view of protecting; inventors.- Croon worthies otv careress- atttarney
land of seeing that inventions are- well; protected, by. valid, patents,. THE; PBESS
iCI.AIMaCOMPAN'S' baa l-eUUued. counsel expeiit in: natan practice and. iss tliaroj-ii
OBTAIN PAISXS fCl'ir no:BUPKKlKICE.. MAKE' Sl'El.'IAJ- KsaisaHBiah).
vn Jl ' . " ... I:'. ,, ..o,.. cwu,ij. i riKaurl,l'lllYTIi;HTS.
I'ltiisiii c i iv mwj'iij'.u'tjwi i,j.v.,.Ti.. i ..v.v
llliSPKli OPIJdOJJ.S a to SCOl'K. una validity: of PjVIKSTS,.
'lBO!C.i'TI5;an,4:UKKKN-lSFlUSJi51KST SCtTSh
' ETC.,, KTC.
ii.,,. nn.ihnlinn nn bund sendi T1IET PRESS- CLAIMS. CQMEANT -m
XI JUU inrv uh H1.V....W.. ........ t" 1- -7
skatoh r photograph thereof,. together willl,a brief description of! the- importouft
featiiifis, and you will be at once-advised as -to, the bust course to: pui-sue.. Modollp
are not necessary unless the invention is oi a compncaiwi nwu.. "t n-r
infringing on your rights, or if you-ai'u charged with, infringement by allien,,,
mitthe mnttei! to: us.for. a rcliabls OPIN lON before acting on Hie matter..
The Press- Claims CoKPirY.
OWrl'rit!1.nortwHt WASHlNOTOIff. ft.?.
Oj. Ho:;. 403.. .itjw wSPS'i miroagiif MwnS'.
0 -
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