Journal VOXi, 5. HIKISOIsr, IsTEB.. J-CJL1T 6, 1893. The County Sioux THB SIOUX COUNTY J-OTJB1TAL. O i L. Simmons. Editor and Proprietor. . E. M. V li. E. Time table; Going West. Going East, ko. 5, mlxed,-ll !lS 1 Ko. , luixed 6:50 HARRISON MARKET. Wheat per busliel l tiats per liuhel . 4Srn per bushel.. t. - Short per bnndred lb ttran per hundred tii. -i t"eed chopped per hundred I-. PtttatOe pfr bushel . biitter per lb : .- i feggs per (lo.- a. i 1 Poultry per doz ,- t..- buioua per fc. -A.-i.-iL!. ...... beansper ft......... tioul per ton Bog 30 80 40 1 00 0 1 85 90 IS 10 5 40 so 8 60 la 00 Wood per cord.-.-...- . ... Lumbernative per nii ft.-- J"Correeted every Thursday. The Perkins windmill is the best; Sold by J. H. Bartell, Harrisoti, Neb, If you wunt to sell yo"ur land, list it With Simmons & Smiley, real estate agents. A man by the name of Webber ar rived from btaplehurst Tuesday to see the country. For rent or sale at a bargain, a "mtsi- hess lot and building in a pood location in Harrison. Simmons & Smiley. W. E. Moore had the misfortune to have a valuable horse killed by lightning last Thursday evening. . Take out a policy in the Preferred Mutual Accident Association. It is (cheap and reliable. L. J. Simmons, Agent. -At Crawford Bti the 4th C. Y. Hough Won two prizes in foot races and G. W. Stevens won a purse in a horse race. Rev. Glasner will preach next Sun day at Bodarc at 11 o'clock, a. in., and Harrison at 8 o'clock in the evening. The Underbill boys have an Aer- hiotor on a steel tower which now draws water for their stock. Bert' has gone feast for cattle with which to Stock their farms. . Alliance had another fire on last Monday morning. The loss is not stated but the property destroyed was insured vm-about $15,000. The fire occurred in business part of the town. - Some talk is again being indulged in great many people in the county woui like to see a test made and if a united effort is made it can be accomplished. flL J. Smiley has the logs out with Which to build a new house on his home- Stead east cf town. The free timber of this locality is a great help to tlie set tlers. It furnishes them cheap houses in Which td live and fuel for the trouble of hauling it. From the Rushville Standard it is .earned that William UphofT had the taisfortune to fall from a scaffold on Which he and several others were stand ing while engaged in shingling a barn nd struck the ground with such force s to break one of his arms in several ylaees. ' Mr, Uphoil' was formerly a res- Went of -Sioux county and his friends Vvill regret that such misfortune has Wallet) him. f-An error was made in the statement Ho the effect that a- party of Seandinav Hans had leased twenty-four sections of School land in the south part of Sioux county. But twenty-three, sections of .and were secured by those people as one ection for which thtjy had made appl "CatiOn had been leased by another party. tt is quite likely that much of the gov ernment land in that part of the county Will soon be filed on for th ise people do lot partly take a locality when they tart it but take all therein to be had. ft will not be long until lliure will be 4juite a settlement there. The particulars of the fate of Rev. William Wilson, brother of Robert Xilson, as near as can be obtained are Hihat he started from Ham's Forks and tittered Pomroy's basin. This is a terrible Worm center and he was caught there in fearful storm. On the night of Dec. ? tt was 40 below -zero and next day it Was still colder. Mr. Wilson encounter ted -deep snow -and had to leave his cart Vni trunk -and later he abandoned his .horses and taking his bed he wandered (koroas the valley. He found a little Shelter in -a gulch and made his bed ' tiheie. After the storm .passed he secur , ed one of his horses and started back and Matched a shepherds cabin Where he is wqpnosed to -have stayed awhile. Here Ihe-made a pair f snow shoes and at tempted to waob a place -of shelter but before he succeeded he was overcome by cold and exhaustion and sank down and 4ied. As soon as the weather would -ad-j mit hiB brother went in search of his body fend after 40 days he was success tfol. The remains were '.taken to Loda, flllinoiSi where his .parents reside, for iburial. All his :papers and quite an (amount of tnonejf -were .found on .his 'body so there was .no (evidence of any ifoul play. By -crowing the basin hi hoped to save about 200 -miles travel oi. this trip th this place and that attempt ij awke 4me -nort -him -hut tola. jr.. Screen doors at the lumber yard. j Old papers for sale at The Journal office. 5 cents per dozen. 100 acres adjoining Harrison for sale at a bargain, if taken soon. Simmons & Smiley. County Attorney Conley contem plates taking a trip to Arizona and New Mexico in the near future to spy out the land and the opportunities offered. Th : Journal is informed that Coun ty Superintendent Southworth and H. T. Zerbe have gone to Cliadron to make ar rangements for bringing the suit to knock out the incorporation of the vil- lrge of Harrison. . " A hail storm struck Sherman coun ty last week and destroyed the entire crop on a strip ot territory six miles wide and the entire length of the county. Considerable damage was done besides the destruction of the crops., A storm struck the farm of County Treasurer Gayhart one day last week in the nature of a tornado. It unroofed some of his sheds and twisted his wind mill up pretty badly and then went off across a field, mowing a path as it went. During the past week a good deal of rain has fallen in this county. It has been very poorly distributed and as a result some parts have had all the rain they needed while others have been somewhat slighted. So far as can be learned there is no part of the county which has not received some moisture within the past few days and now that it has got started rain is likely to come quite frequently and plentifully. When the editor of this paper came do n to the office on tle morning of the 4th visions of a glorious time flitted across his mind for Flacked up by the door were three kegs built expressly to hold a certain amber fluid said to drive dull care away. But the dream soon vanished for on examination it was found that every keg had been drained of the last drop it had contained before they were placed by this office. It is strange how some people delight in be ing cruel. foTlcwl he hail which accompanied the rain last Tuesday was the most destruc tive that has visited this section of country for years. The rain did much good but the hail did considerable dam age. Among the worst sufferers are B. 8irwasjoji,hi .grain mid 150 chickens; Hels fcngbret and Henry uovey were used pretty badly, as most of their crops were badly beaten down; E. E. Livermore was also hailed out of almost everything in the crop line; George Walker mourns the loss of his potatoes and cabbage and others sunered more or less damage. It may be that local ities from which no report has been re ceived were not hailed on at all. Most of the people from here went to Plimpson s grove to celebrate on Tues day. A short program was rendered and dinner served, shortly after which a rain and liail storm came up and put a stop to the fun. Some of the teams got away and others kept the owners busy to control them. No one was hfct ex cept Guy Hough, who had his arm in jured in attempting to catch one of his horses. J. lie trees protected the people to a great extent anil tne storm soon passed. Mrs. G. E. Lunsford and the children were on their way home and the storm struck them on the open prairie and they were considerably cut ami bruised by tne hail. Taken as i whole the picnicers escaped very luckily PERSOiAli. Commissioner Knott was in town Sat urday. Joe Decker was up from White River last Saturday. Miss Daisy Doane was over from Gil christ last Saturday. I A. R. Kennedy came up from Craw ford yesterday. James Farnam camo over from Ante lope yesterday. Z. G. Deuel came down from Wyo ming yesterday. Attorney Walker returned from Cas per last Saturday. J. B. Burke made a call at this office the first of the week. Eli Smith was representing Bodarc on our streets on Monday. F. M. Smitn was in town yesterday and called at this ollice. M. J. Blewett was in town Saturday and called to see us. Station Agent Pontius went -th Casper vMerday on business. K Mrs. D. M. Sutton started last evening for Iowa to visit with relatives. Jos. Stastny orders The Journal sent to him at lulgemont, H. li. V' A. Hester returned from a business trip to Casper on Friday . C. J. ThreadkTll left, for his home in the eastern part of the state, on last Sat urday evening. County Treasurer Gayhart came tip from Montrose on Thursday and remain ed until Satuwinyv T4.S..C. W. Croudson left last evening for a visit to her former home in Illinois and will also visit the worlds Jair before her return. , .... . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mnrsteller went to Chadron Tuesday in answer to a tele gram announcing -the )llness of the lat- tors mother. John I. Davis has taon suffering good deal for some days rmst, us tin result ol hiii skin getting poisoned ni be was at work-in tXvs .t.imlu... The Commissioner's Doings. On June 24tli the commissioners convened, all member- being present. G. Keinders claimed G4 due on his state ment a. overseer of road district No. 1, and a certificate was ordered issed for t7 on said district. The following official bonds were ap proved: Valentine Thomas overseer district No. li. Thomas Brodcrson justice of the peace, Sheep Creek precinct. John I. Davis overseer district No. 12. Certificate for t7 ordered issued to John Herman as overseer district No. 3. The following hills were allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the general fund of 189. for the same: W. L. Hovt. eoal 80 60 Conrad Lindeman. Balarv and work on assessors nooks.. in state Journal Co, supplies 10 A. L. King, assessor , it State Journal Co, supplies, claimed t-0.S. allowed 17 Jacob Forster, assessor 32 John Herman, 43 A. L. uauingartner, printing anu puD- lisinni; William 10. Moore, assessor 6-2 John s. Tucker, assessor 25 Joseph Decker, " . fi7 James II. Cook, " 14 John 1. Davis, bailiff district court li Z. F. Antrim, care of pauper, claimed tlOOJiS, allowed 88 Omaha Mercury Legal 111k Co, htks li J. C. Parsons, assessor , 28 W in. J. A. Kauni, assessor Jl J. W.Scott, guarding and boardings prisoner Martin J. Fritz, assessor ' 3" Crawf ord Mercantile Co, supplies lor ', pauper . 8 A, Southworth, co. supt ser, claimed 1, allowed ia M. J. Weber, ser co com 7- State Journal Co. supplies. 10 A. l,. tsuumgurtner. prinung anu puo lislung Chas. K. Gowey, assessor William uixou " John DcBano " W. S. Johnsotrnni J' fees jonn uaut W. Urown. " J. S. Ashton " - J. A. Green " M . C. Doan ' . W.L. Hovt " ' Ferd Hittner " Chas. llielile ' W.ll. Klsberry " J. J. ltotlgcrs " I'eter liiersacic " David Kartlctt " T. Broderson " S. Borkey " I). H.Griswold " W.A. Uicelow . 6 Jos. Stiisney 0 S. J. Lectins " " u. Goodwin 0 The board then adjourned until June 27 at 10 o'clock. On June 27th the board met pursuant to adjournment, all members being present. The oliiciul bond of John Jleinhart us overseer ot road district No. a was ap- provert. The following bills were allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the general fund of 1810 for the same: J. K. llurtwcll, mod ser pauper 27 00 L. J. Simmon y, printing and publishing 5 .0 L. Gerlach, mdse for jail 3 00 liai-Kcr. county muges iccs. - i if Thos. lteidy, sheriffs lees l.'.i 50 M. Uny nun, otnee expenses id 4. COnrad Llndemiin, salary, postage, ate .122 00 II. T. Conley, transcript ot road laws 4 w " salary as county Attor ney, claimed 25(l, allowed . 150 O'J F. W. Knott, ser as co coin 74 20 li. liclden, giant powder mid luge 55 n.i 11. F. Johnson, ser as co com- 55 00 Griswold & Marsteller, mdse 0 85 I., li. IJcKlen, uuriui expenses oi J. J.. Meyers-. - -- 20.5 The treasurer was ordered to transfer tl9.5 from bridge fund of Is!i2 to spccinl debt fund of ISS13, and warrants were ordered drawn on the special debt fund of 1803 for the following allowed claims: OaTid Anderson, jury fees-- $ 4 50 ... A. Andrews, judge oi election ana returns II. L. Buckley, Jury fees W. II. Benson, .judge of election 4 50 3 50 3 00 2 00 2 (X) 4 00 3 80 3 00 3 60 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 J.M. Balrd, " " W. Bame, clerk " V. Christenscn, jury fees S. li. corree " " " clerk of election Leonard Daut, jury fees K,dward Downey, judge of election Thos. Dcvenpoit, " " Leomml Duut, clerk " G. A. Dickenson, judge " D. F. Driscoll, clerk " A. C. Davis, canvassing board Geo. Englebrecht, assessor J. N. Fruzier, judge of election Gibson, Miller & Kicliurdson stationery 2 00 2 00 4(i 00 3 00 6 70 11 35 blanks 41 13 " 1)1 65 '"' , (17 63 statiouei namc tabs stationery intgo rcc co court-rcc mtge flies ink paper blanks 0 00 2 80 48 40 12 00 3 00 6 00 4 00 6 50 4 25 erasers-, - 1 25 supplies 4 10 2 0.1 2 06 blanks elect'n not's poll books 17 55 3 '" blanks F. F. Gray, judge of oloctlon A. li. Gates, " " and returns- Gibson. Miller A Richardson, fee book. 3 00 3 00 6 DO 4 50 Edward Hollingsworth, Jury fees 4 00 G. W. Hester, " ' 2 40 Homo Fire Insurance company 118 40 W. Herneall. Judge election & returns. 6 70 C. B. Hollingsworth, clerk of election. M. D. Jordan, Jury fees J. L. Kay, judgo of election H. Kreeinan, witness fees J. G. Morris, ser us co com . 3 00 4 20 3 00 .3 00 84 00 12 00 Jacob Markinir. Hid ire of election and returns , , 4 80 J. C. Meng, judge of election 3 00 OttoMunson. " " 2 00 W.A. Mattson, " 2 00 Win. Miller, judgo " 3 00 II. Morrillold, ' " 8 00 A. W. Mohr, clerk " 8 00 Murphy Whitney, chimucy on court house Omaha Republican Co., blanks 20 00 19 75 2 00 2 00 3 00 11 00 ' nrtge reoord , " "' stationery ' tax receipts D. A. I'ublow, Jury fees H. Brleshoff, Judge of election J. K. Pratt, ulork " A. C. Pratt, ' ... " l:hs. Ialmer " " 15 50 12 50 4 50 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 -3 90 3 00 -3 00 2 Oft 11 .78 A -36 28 00 -15 Harvey Kussell, Jtrry f cos B. Itftlnos, olnrk of election W.J. A. Kuum, " .-. " Frank Kussell, '" ' . ' State Journal Co., blanks .... . John Herres,ssiiSRor...---------- W. it. smith, nidse for prisoner-.. Slate Jo.irual Ci., hlanks--. Smith Bros., niovlug stoves K. M. Smltli, judge of election T. 8. Wider, eiork' B. B. Kinlth, " "' W. 11. southworth, Judge ot election unit returns . Samuel 'I'ebhot, Jury lees. Frank Tlnkham, Jmlgc of election 14. C. Tally, Judge of election and riv tui-iis J. '.. Taylor, Judge iir.(;Uiction ' itl.JJ. U.iiriuiii. " " h no t oo 3 00 2 00 3 00 50 8 Ml .8 00 is r, .8(1. 3 00 41 00 7- t)0 26 40 Don M. Weir, ser as co com. H. T. zerbe, judge of election 3 00 The following bills were allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the special debt fund of 18-3 for the same : N. 1). White, road work $ IS 82 O. Parsons ' " 1- 82 W". Cox. institute exoenses 43 00 John Thorns, road work, claimed $39.75 allowed 3- w Peter Henry, road work 33 "5 A. r. iiugusou, witness ices - uu Clerk district court, fees 1 73 Melntosh, justice tees 11 so B. 1-urkc, ser as co com 400 N. Frazier, witness fees.. 3 50 3 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 05 3 75 1 40 1 20 1 40 1 35 1 40 1 33 s. Christensen, " " J. T. Mason, " " H. Kreeman, " " D. Klein. " " John Mcintosh, constable fees Jos. Decker, deputy sheriffs fees 1 . Masou, witness lees , John Fry, " " rreu .Mason. " C. A. Puddy, " " II. Kreeman. " " Clerk district court, fees A. Mcoinlev.-ser as co com 46 50 A. Southworth. ser as co sunt-- 9 25 James procunier, use of building for election, ciaimea nuoweu . w Don M. Weir, ser as co com 4 40 Jos. Decker, witness fees 1 00 Gertrude Strlckler, witness fees 8 00 Thomas I-oper, " " 7 00 David Kendricks, " " 7 oo G. Morns, ser as co com u w D. C. Gibbs, medical services, claimed sis.-., unoweu in u- E. J. ltoseerans, boarding and guard ing nrisonflr w Gorton Bros., medicine for paujier 3 25 Omaha Republican Co., blanks 53 75 -. . . Gray, attenuance on pauper claimed 4.w, unoweu - w Simmons-. Patterson, printing i i a 18 50 6 00 6 00 3 00 1 68 J. t . rtost, sllf-rills ices Peter Shutf , witness fees Fred Sclmefer, " " n m. t razicr, Clerk district court, fees F. li. Jandt, mdse for pauper, claimed ilO.14. allowed 8 45 Thos. Keidy, balance In mileage SH 10 u. i'. Davis, meais ior prisoners - i'j Commissioner Johnson was instructed to investigate the crossing of running Water on state line of Nebraska and Wyoming and to do what in his judgment appears best in order to secure a bridge across the stream at that point. Board adjourned without day. DO YOU WAMT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, ' - Nebraska, L. E. BELDEN & SDN, Wagon and Carriage iv.-.kers. Repairing done on short noLk-o. Goo-I work and reasonable cliarjjen. Shop south of livery barn. HARRISON, - - - NEB, NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH Purchase Tickets and Consign Yonr Freight via the F., E.&M. V.S. C.& P. 11AILR0ADS. il. G. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan, Qen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt, OMAHA, NEB. THE KENTUCKY Jack, dick; . Will make the season ot 1893 from April 1 to July 1 at the farm c N. D. Hainlin, 4 miles west of the SE ranch. TERMS: $10 to insure, clue and pay able when mare is known to be in foal, or on her changing ownership or removal from the county. Care will-be taken to prevent acci dents, but I will not be responsible should any occur. N. D. HAMLIN, Owner -ilCGT-O-ET J STOV'KB, Tlarrlsnn.'Nobr. iown follnwlng Inaiut: .. . Todtenhaupt, elk x 1 1 1 itw. i l m msw -THE- COMMERCIAL 'BANK, ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Brkwster, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, United States National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. I-DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. You Want a Good Cook Stove & GRISWOLD Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. They Have also put in the General Merchandise, ever brought to Harrison whiehthey are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. PATEHTS FOR INTENTIOTS .PROCURED Press Claims Company. .Equal with the interest of those having claims ;agaiust iihe doroeimmHUt jfe that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit -.of valuations Ihecause .of ate inoompentency or inattention -of the :attonneys emjjlqycd :to lOibtain ttlietr fMtaitfc. Too much care cannot be exeircised in employing competent and sciHa'hle soticitoin to procure patents, for the value o! .a ipiiAent defends greatly., if not .ontiitely., ,uk tlie care and skill of the attorney.. : "With a" view -of protecting inwerrtors ifram worthless or iCutKdloss :aHttanuej and of seeing that inventions are veU ,pratoctcd iby alid ipa.tenta, THE PRESS CLAIMS CQ5JPA3T5T has iretained oounse'l export in patent jiractice aud ,is Iber fow prepared to - - i ' - aix.AJu irjuriiaaw; mmmTis- xsTWFEKEsvm, shaxk si'eciax fix.AaitKaTO(tN- .IIJEKKCTlTi llf.SJECa'ED CASES, BEG.18TKU TKA.D,E MJtUKS anfl COPyTlUHT-i, . JtluKlVliB QPIKKIK8 n (to SCOl'E iiml T ASJUITY -of il'ATJONT, anoSEClfTE iiiiil JJ.E'EM) INI" U1NGE3JENT HVlTSi, ' ' ' , ETC,, ETC. ' iryou lnwe an invention on hand Bend THE PRESS GLiMMS 'ilOMPAW sketch or photograph Ihareof,, togdthijr with a brief deKcriptivin of tine ,itiipor.Uult features, and 3'ou will be at once ud.vmed as to the best -course ;to -pursue. itfoddW are not necessary unless the invention it.ol a coinpticittud .nathn. .if atliertt w infringing on your rights, or if you arc mit the .mutter la tin Sar a. irulialilu Ol'lN'iQN helore acting ud the niattet. Tjh: 1' CJ.AIJI8 CoHI'AJS'lV M8i'.t4tr(it,:iHii'thwei ' WAfcBINtfJWl, M- C W3 li ttltij Mil mvi) MMtg M UilijfuinvniuoUiwjr C. F. Coffee, Vice-Presideni. Banking Business. 1ARSTELLER Largest Stock of Hardware, by the charged with infriugtiment .by .Qthern, 4'