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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1893)
t - -: 1 SI 1 f i I' r ! 1 j I . v . - ; , ' - ' i '" i je" t : The Sioux County Journal. , (ESTABLISHED 1HS8. t OLDEST PAPER IK THE COOTY. BEST PAPER Di THE COUXTT. ONLY EEPCBUCAN PAPER IS SIOUX COUKTY. HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IS SIOUX COUNTY. O Subscription Price, f2.00 L. J. Simmons, - - Editor. Entered at the Harrison post office as sec ond Claris matter. Western people will understand the seriousness of tt drouth in Lng;and from the statemt n nut good hay read- !y sells for $40 a ton there. Unfortu nately hay makes an unsatisfactory ballast for an Atlantic liner. Otherwise the shipments of the commodity would be heavy from the west Omaha Bee. Thursday, June 22, 1893. Rain was produced at Rapid City, S. D., a few days ago by the use of five hundred pounds of giant powder and the experiment is to be repeated in a few rlavs. The result is said to have been satisfactory to the people. It is said that the platform on which H- G. Stewart stands is built of the lumber obtained of A. W. Nicholson, and that it is built on the celebrated wood contract of a few years ago. The great Deadman statesman seems to helieve in reform alons lines that lead directlv into his pocket. There is great similarity among the pop in that respect. leaders Chief Justice Fuller of the United States supreme court has handed down an opinion in the matter of the closing of the worlds fair on Sunday, in which the decision of the circuit court is re versed and from now on the gates of the fair will be open on Sunday. The opin ion is based solely on national law. . The matter can eo no further as that is the court of last resort. Pursuant to the new law President Clereland has appointed a lot of army officers to Indian agencies in the various parts of the west Captain Charles G. Pennev, who was for a time in charge at Pine Ridge, S. D., has been duly appoint ed to that place. The placing of the Indian agencies in the hands of the regu lar army officers will remove it, some what from the partisan lines, but there vi the 11 be just as much dissatisfacLn ov a matter among the whites alO pro er rob- ably as much among the reds. Four men have been held to be responsible for the collapse of the old Ford theater at Washington, which caused the death of so many a few days ago. The rule has been in such cases that nothing was done to those who are found to have been criminally careless or negligent so that lives, are lost. In addition to the holding the four men as stated above the coroner's jury censured the government of the United States for not providing skilled superintendents to have i-harire of the work done by the war department in the repair of buildings. It is amusing to note what great ca- lamity the opposition is predicting for the republican party if it does not nom- inate Maxwell to succeed himself. The history of Nebraska politics shows that erery time the republican party has tried to elect a man because he was supposed to be popular with the opposi tion it has failed. As a rule the man who is hated the most by the opposition is the proper man for the republicans to nominate. The Kearney Journal says some of its independent friends in Buffalo county should take a trip oyer to Broke Bow and view the palatial residence just completed by 0. M. Kem, the poverty stricken, mortgage ridden congressman from that district. The trip might dis pel some of the dreams about this statesman that have become current. Mr..Ketn has farmed the dear people in beautiful shape and he is fixing himself to live like a prince in the future. He once wrote his constituency in Custer from Washington, saying, "I am not here for slorv." Every one in that county believes it now. Fremont Tri bune, It Is reported that the federal author! ties have become alarmed over the num ber of national bank wreckers that are coming to light of late and are deter mined to use them as an example. It will be very gratifying to the people of Nebraska if the sentence of Mosher is the heaviest the law provides. He has pleaded guilty to crimes for which the lightest punishment allowed is five years in the penitentiary and as much more as the court sees fit to impose. If the scoundrels who take advantage of the confidence of the people and steal their money under cover of business knew that they would occupy falon's cell for the rest of their lives they would not be so apt to wreck banks. They are much worse than the bank robbers who enter at the dead of nieht and force open the treasure vault and carry on tne con tents, and they should be more severely dealt with. The Colambian Fair. There was a time yrhen -"Se-ment of the. Nebraska sU.i- v ... ol agriculture thought of not holding a fair this Columbian year, with most western states, particularly those near Chicago. Better and wiser conclusions prevailed. It is remembered that at best, a very small proportion of the peo ple will, or can, go to Chicago and those thus deprived should not be cut off from the trreat obiect lesson and annual recreative occasion of a state fair. To meet the emergency and keep step with the Columbian year demands, ex traordinary arrangements have been per fected and all efforts are being made to render the Nebraska state fair and ex position to be held at Lincoln, September to 15 next, the grandest entertainment of the kind ever held in the west. In the agricultural line, the great fac tor, countv collective exhibits, lias been thrown open to the world. Kansas, Colorado. Iowa. Missouri and Dakota promise to be represented. Other special attractions will be un usually fine and instructive. The speed ring feature will be larger than ever, The secretary reports that already more entries are on hie than at any fair be fore, even un to fair week. Live stock exhibitors are all wide awake and will fill nn stalls and neus. Premiums have been increased in number, as well as dollars. Arrangements have been completed by which railroad transportation can be had, round trip fares from Chicago to the west and return, the same as from the west to the worlds fair and return This will brine manv strangers from Chicaero to see the "New West" this fall Exhibitors are invited to bear this mind. Six hundred dollars is the captal prize this year, for the best county collective exhibit, with five other minor ones, none less than one hundred dollars. ' Working the Wrong Way. Kearney Hub. On account of the Newberry bill passed by the last legislature which re duced the local freight rates on certain articles but is so voluminous and com plicated that no one seems to know just now what the general reduction, if any, will be, the railroad companies have de cided to "hedge" against any possible loss it might result in to them and on and after this date have raised the rate on corn and wheat three cents per hun dred pounds from Kearney to Chicago. The rate heretofore has been, on corn 84 cents per hundred and wheat 29, but under the new tariff it will be 27 cents for corn and 32 cents for wheat. As the only effect the Newberry bill can have is on freight shipped from one point to another in Nebraska and as the farmers Will get no benefit of what is shipped Into Kearney and will have to pay three cents per hundred more for all corn and wheat that is sent out, it is hard to see where the Newberry bill will benefit them. In speaking of this matter Hon. A. G. Scott said: "The advance made on wheat and corn alone will cost ma from $1,000 to f 1,200 a year, or more than enough to pay all my taxes, and it will cost the farmers of Buffalo county from $60,000 to $75,000 per year. Talk about fee Black Hills railroad bonds being a harden, the farmers are not effected at all by them as they are by this increase hi rates which comes directly out of their pockets. Some of those fellows Who were so ready and willing to bang John Wilson in effigy last win tor for voting against the bill, will now leal more like tendering him an ovation awl the feHows who voted for it will be Km omea to hang." There hr not very much grata shipped tnat Kearney,- btft employes at the Jepot my that "th shipments from Otanwoodand Buck and other points that will be effected the bmm as Ketr Bwy this- from 900 to 500 cart per month Had Um increase hr rates writ average Wmeuwtkiog Horn , ie0,m aarttnoafafflrtwinhetopa ihtf ttffa&A wrtiiif ptokt thfcfr tbj Id hait yerf wharamt the wholaiahj ad tajlaMrcbntwiTifa)i th feattM f the MdaetiM i local rata 4 the farmer Wit! Mttr ft bfi The flgfct gav by mmtAtmnr but wh tor, wm to mow th fawnr t totefdrttwta.inlalit worHd." - - 1priar)t3oaa a' thai tM '-'laWoMrttiM- at 0 n nczur-yt cv'fc Mf The plant of the Alliance-Independent at Lincoln has been attached by creditors and is reported to be beyend redemption, The concern was stocked for $20,000 and much of the stock put onto the pops throughout the state and but little was paid up. It was the leading pop organ of the state and Van Wyck, Wolfe and other office seekers had to put up very liberally during the campaign last fall and since then numerous efforts have been made to get the faithful from the rural districts to put up the cash which was necessary to pull the concern out of the hole. The people of the country did not remit to any great extent and the affairs of the company seem to be near an end. The alliance and the pop organizations are both getting pretty badly demoralized and will rapidly fall into decav unless some of the unscrupu lous men who have been using them for their own selfish ends are called down. Xotiee Timber Culture. V. S. Land Office, emimoN. Neb. May 5, issr. (Ymmliiint liavlne been entered at t.iis office by Peter Setoaefer against Allien K. llorue for failure to comply Vila law . 10 uiber -culture entry o. 13,i, uatea August (, upon tne se section i, towusiiip su, range ae, iu Sioux county. Nebraska, witu a view to me cancellation ui emu cm,., , testant alleging that claimant has wholly abandoned said tract in this to-wit: liy neglecting to break, plow or otherwise culti vate ary portion of said tract siuce making said entry; that no part of tract has ever been uroKen, pioweu or m . wa.y ated up to date 01 malting mis nujum. The saiU parties are licreuy eumiiiuuwi mnr t Hii office on the 7 day of July, lrti:), at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and fur- Mi testimony concerning saiu auegeu ailure. ... , Testimony of witnessses will oe ihkcii before tieorge Walker, a notary public, at is onice in Harrison, aeur-, on mr ou nay u. une, lii!8, at 10 a. 111. - T. F. Powers, 1343 neceivei. II. T. UOM.EY, contestant's attorney. Final Proof Notices. final nroof notices i this paper will receive a marked copy of the naner and are requested to examine their notice and if ny error exUt report the tame to this office at once. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb. Juu. 7, 183. xntln i herehv riven that the following- nun,.,i utiim. han filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of his anti that, naiil nroof will be made be- torc Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of the District Court, at Harrison, nebrasKa, on ouiy aui. 18S3, Til : Florence E. Wright, formerly Florence 1 Cline. willow of Charles G. Cllne, deceased, who liade Homestead Entry No. 7010 for the M ne. It sec. 32 s. X nw. nw. v tec. SI. tD. 32 n.. r 06 west ol the Btn p. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anucuima t.inn of aflirl lu.nd. viz: John I. Davis, William H. Davis, William B. Wright, Dwight 11. Griswold, au ol iiarn Oil, new, I40-45J W. H. MCCANN, Register. "Editor Simmons, in his attack upon the new freight rate bill, has proven himself a liar and a fool, so we will not devote any more space to him on this suliiect. for the srood book says; 'An stver not a fool according to his folly lest tbou also be like unto him. The above is copied from the last sue of the Indendeniiat county pat rorage only-and is a sample of the argument used by the pop organ. The statement by the turncoat editor of the pop organ that the editor of this pape: in the discussion of the new freight Tate law has proven himself a liar and a fool, is all that is necessary to justify the reform editor of the Independent tot his bare-faced sellout of his political princi ples for the promise of the county printing. That Simmons has proven himself a liar and a fool (according to the purchaseable editor of the pop organ) in the discussion of the new freight rate law is good reason why Senator Stewart should not have guarded the interests of his constituents better than he did. To have the purchaseable pop editor tell his readers that Simmons has proven himself a liar and a fool in the discussion of the new freight rate law will very likely make them feel good when they have to take three flints a bushel less for their wheat anel have to pay from three to fl ve dollars a car more on stock they have tor ship. Because, according to the editor of the Independent tor revenue only says that the editor of this papef has proven himself a liar and a fool hr the discussion of the new freight raw is good exctfse for the contemptible acts of the office- seekers and usurers who' compose the little ring of eute people who bought and own and cofitrol the pop paper and iU editor. thMtoct is that the article copied above rs another attempt of the pop edMof to call the' attention of people to (be e&tof of miMMfe in 0 Hop of dftatireg the pontic t frottt the ptt fottflancefof Mnwerf and the reforineW for tce or revenue 6rjibo- owfl Wtt for tome of their traoatotion o not took well wbotf expoatd to pttMfo Tfcwv The paoMo are pretty wetf cMna that tM Woal Mahrt of the ooiwilfco : are nr n autrpij nr wnat way oas got oriof Htwf aV( role toe ptfotto MoA Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chadron, Neb. Jun.7. 1S93. Notice is hereby given that the following cttipr hua filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his Maim and thflt, said nroof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of the District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on July i5th, 1893, viz, Michael J. Blcwett, of Gilchrist, Nebr.; who made Homestead Entry No. 1198 for the sw Sec. 38. 'ID. 34 JN., It. 00 wesi. oi uic ftt.h n. Til. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aim euiuva of anid land, viz: Joshua Baker. Louis Kufflng, Jackson Kreiaier. all of Bodarc. Nebr., Clarancc IS liollingsworth, of Gilchrist, Nebr.; also. Louis Ruffing, of Uodarc. .Vebr., hn morto llnmpstead Knttv No. 745s lor th w i i!-:b.i. 33 n r. 54 west ot the ntj, n m He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land viz : , John Meinhart, Joshua Bukcr, .Stephen Snrrea. Jackson Kreisler, all ol liodarc Nebr.; also Joshua Baker, of Rodarc. Kcbr., who made Homestead Entry No. "247 for the ami OUTL: 7 J6. W J.(i 11 W 1 HCC. 'M. & SC 83 n.. r 64 west of the 0th p.m.; ui Tinmex the followinir witness to prov his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, via: Jackson Kreisler, j,oms uuiim, r.. M. Smith Frank Tinkham, all ol jiouarc, Nebr.; also i Jackson Kreisler, of Bodarc, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 7526 tor the sec. 18, tp. 33 n., r. o west oi iae om p. 111. lie names ure iuuuw m; w n,noo-..? .. . his continuous residence upon and eultiva tionof said laudf viz: Michael J. Blcwett m oncnrisT,- nii-., Louis Rufflne. Joshira Jiaker, Btepnen Serrcs, all of Bodarc, Nebr. 40-45J Uesister. Notice.-Homestead Entry. V. S. Land Office, j CHAUKON, Neb., ) May 1, 1893. (Vininlniiit huvinelieen entered at this of flee by Perry White against Joliu Kaspcrgcr tor failure to comply wan law as to ata.l v.ntrv No. 592. dated April 2Hlh, isse, pciu the tn'H seV4 ana e?s ne aim uwj section 20, townslnp : nonn, range o urai, in ioui countv, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant uiwino- that the said John Kasnerfrer, has -l,..m. u.iii.i,iiw(1 xaid tract ill this towit: That he has )M;en wholly absent from said u.i.i, tv,r timrc thmi eliruteeu nionins niiiiie- i..t..H. ,Hm- ti tin iiutkiiiff of this affidavit, that the said claim is not settled upon and improved as required by law, the said claim ant iiuviniriiM.ii abseut therefrom for more than eighteen months, immediately prior to the making of this affidavit, and tnat sam claimant is still absent therefrom. The said ,tl.. ,.r. lw.ri.liv sniiiTiioneil to anneai- ai this office on the 29 day of June, im, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to resrxmd and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged failure, iwtiimim nf wiliuMKHfi will be taken be fore (ieonre Walker, a notary public, at his office in Harrison, Neb., on the 22 Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. Agents for the Buckeye, IJeering And Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. 1S93, at 10 a. m. 134-411 II. T. CONLEY, day of June T. i . I'OWEHB, Receiver, contestant's attorney. Notice-Timber Culture. U. S. Land Office, Cuadrok, Nebr. Mav 15. 1893. Complaint 2533 having been entered at this office by Newman L. Tipton against w aiter Heed for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 5119, dated Decem ber 4, 1885, upon tne iixj nwta, iwn n nwV swM, section 18, township .10, range 65, in Slim county, Nebr., with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg ! that claimant has wholly -abandoned said tract iu this towit: liy neglecting to Dlow. break or in any way cuiinnm i j nnrtion nf said tract during the year 1891 anil nn to date of making this affidavit to wit: September 29, 1892; that there are no trees growing growing upon said tract at the present time, and there has been no trees, tree seeds or tree cuttings planted on said tract since January i, mm ; mai. im nnrtinn nf aaid tract that had been eultivat ed prior to January 1, 1891 has grown up to grass and weeds, and he has failed to cure said defects up to the date of making this affidavit. The said parties are nereuj sum moned to anDear at this office on the 30 day of June, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnlsu testimony concerning iu al leged failure, wimnnv nf witnesses will be taken be fore George Walker, a notary public, at his office in Harrison, Nebr., on the 3 day of June, 1893, at 10 a. m. T. t . i'oweks, 3ti-41! neceiver. H. T. Conley, Contestant's Atty. Notice. Timber Culture. TJ. S. Land Offick, ( Chadkon, Nebb. Mav 15. 1893. Complaint 2623 having been enWred at this office by William T. Jones against Millard Nelson for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 5329, dated March 8, 18S6, upon the swM, section n, townsnip oi range 56. in sioui county, Nebraska, witn viw tn the nmicellation of swid entrvi con teatant. alletrinar that claimant has laneo to break, plow or cultivate 6 acres of said tract second year after making said entry and has failed to plant any trees, tree seeds or cuttings on said tract irom tne uay oi man- iiic an ill entrv to tuis uaie. xue sum uni ties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 30 day of June, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m, to respond ana rurnisn testimony con cerning said alleged failure. 'I'eaTiitinnv or wit nesses will oe uiaen u; fore H. T. Conley anotary public at his office in Harrison on the 23 day of June, 189S, at 10 a.m. x. r . i'owekb, 36-411 - Receiver. George Walker, contestant's attorney. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser, One Door South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER, Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Give f tne a t Call, QUUIVAN & CONLEY, Lawyers, Will fkactice in all the local, STATE and federal courts and U. S. Land offleei LEGAL PAPERS OAREFULLV DRAWN. X X t ! i Office in Court House, HARRISON - - - - NEBRASKA HESTER SOI, DEALERS IN HARRISON NEBRASKA. A SIMMONS & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, .at Real Bstate Agents, Have a .number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them. ait School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. GEO. H. TURNER, T3E-A-XjBK; I3ST con' -AMD eneral iercliandise. Look at my Goods and Prices Notice for PAlillcation. Land Office at Chadron, Neb., ) Jun. 5, 18!B. i Notice is hercbv crtvett that the following- named settler has filed notice of Ins inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeman, Clerk of the District Court at Harrison Nebraska, ol July 17th, 18W,viz: Elizabeth Clinei of Harrison, Nebr., woo made hometea entry No. 1916, for the Lots l.t.9 A 4. sec. 6 tp. st n., r. oe west m the 6th p. mi He names the following wltness to prote Ma continuoKTij resident npou and cnitiva Mon of said tend, viz: EutfeneA. Bltreiow, rnyson ui mgeiow, Charl Biehle-. LewU Oerhich, all or Harn GEORGE WALKE. Attomey-at-Law. Will practice before all courts and the X. S. Land Oillee. Business entrusted! to my eare will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA On , Nhr. I W. H. McCANN. Beglater.- Notlee for Pnblhation. Latid Office al Chadron,- Neb., I , . May !9 , m. Nrtlee i hereby ifl-ten that tire following named settler has filed notice of hla inten tion to make fhia wroof to atrpport of his eralm,-and that tahf proof will be made be for Conrad Untleman Clerk of the Dis trict Courf at MnTiaon, Nebraska, on July ehjtb. MK, Frank Nto, of Wontrote, New., Who made fataertead entry Vo.Ml, for the fWH.wo-17TjSr liWi f. went o? 'the 6i its . 44 laniit obHutfltA(AQfmt t, Rtvf , All qrifont- Dr. Leonhardt Limits bis praictice to diseases of he Nervous system, (f5nch as Loss of Memoi-yj Feeling Mo tion id 'Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness,' and all forms of Neuralgia.) HEART, (As shown by Shortneta of Breath Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb ness in region of the Heart.) wli6 made for the John telnhart, of Bodare, Webr.; lade boiaea-tead entry Mo. llN, fi .M, t. JB ii., r. M wert of tl Be nRM UM foUowinf wltneataprpyi n ii liT iiikllani Itli' MHriu. LwU itaflut. tun TeMMt, Jotfa arrM,' m M JS!nPffii 1 tick M Skirt WmMtHi tricer, fixcea- mnknMiot mnm tit m Fm( FWirtMM, DiuiMM, ate.) OONSULtAtlON FREI , m LEONHARDT, . aa. limit J--- Atftt. Before Placing Orders Elsewhere, We can Accomodate Every- one ana uarry tveryimng From a Carpet Tack to ac Threshing Machine. We are at the Bottom for Cash. 1 A FULL LINE) Furniture Window Shades, Pictures and 1 Wall Paper, ? Undertaking1 goods 0 embalming er PROMPT ATTKKTioK GIVEN TO MAIL OftDKUS, Geo C, Rbed, Craviord, Neb, 1 HQ ji it tgtWW 07 M IDMMMIV v ,.