TKE LADIXi. The p!eaant effect and perfect rafctjr wtb which ladie nay the California I'Utiid laxative, Byrtip f Figs, under all .ij'iditions, makes it their favorite remedy, l'o pet the true and pemiine article, loo t':ir the name of the . a'iforma l is hyrnp l'o., primed near the bottom of tha "If I might venture," said the gt:es in a low tone, as the dignified waiu r assisted hi ) in i lie matter of putting on give you a tip" ' l e, sir," said the waiter, relaxing considerably. siiould adviss 3 ou to try earnestly to brerk yotirsalf of the habit of linger ing your mustache iu a severe, ab stracted manner when you are taking a dinner order, My hut, please. Thanks." Chicago Tribune. A Sen England firm ot shoe manu facturers lias twenty-two retail agencies where shoes purchased of lliem are shined free of cost, as often as the wearer desires. A FULL 8T0S1ACH our'r.t to caiti3 yon uo discom fort whatever. Jf it divs. thougi) if there's any trouble , after eatinq: Vxke L;v I'iereeV iPlta5aat l'efeu;. '1 bey re a 'perfect a'ld convenient veiH nockt t remedy. One of these tin v. sngiu'-coatcd. anti-bilious granules nt a iosc regulate? mid correct the entire system Hie!- " i'.;!i'iH lleadachi-s. Voi ilr..c ;';. Imligeslion, Biliou Attacks, anil ail ilerangem-ntsol die iiv er, stomach, and l"vels f.i prevented, relieved, and permanent) cured. They're the smalle-t, .-aslest to cheapest- ami best, They're piara itted to give satisfaction, or money is ret.tii uvi. is perfectly, permai.entty. positively cured bv lort' Safe's Catarrh Itemed. The proprietor! ef this nied ieino prove that by their otfir. It's $500 cash for ease of Catarrh which the7 cannot care. By all druggist, U cents. Or Debilitated Women, ihould tisa MFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. Hvery ingredient possesses superb Tonic properties and exerts a wonderful infiu- nee in toning up and strengthening her i ystem, by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and strenglh guaranteed to result from its use. " Ply wife, who wa bedridden for olgll. Mtn months, attvr cuing ItradflMWs female Jicfulator lor two inoulhu is jotting well." J. M. Joonron. M;ilvcrn, Ark. Khadfiei.d T?bulatoii t.'o., AtlaMlil, Cla. Soul by Uruisjlbia at, 1.00 jjer buttla. BEST LINE TO AND WORLD'S ' nOLIIMBfllN Exposition Souvenir coins Sent post-paid 'o Any address On receipt of One Dollar. NEBRASKA YORK, NEWSPAPER UNION, - NEBRASKA. NO HATCHET NEEDED TO OPEN THIS CAN. for H06 CHOLERA this LYE is a inre enra If used In time. for nroklne Soip, Cleaning Honscs, Softening Water, IS hat no equal. Tho bouso wlfe'. best friend. A valu DEE'S mi able niulilnc recipe in each'ean. For Bale by all (irocrrs. ItBlllsumrlso yott ARLY RISERS MHD Witt' Little I m. Korly Misers, tlio Famous Little Pills forConttlmitlon.Sb tlead ( actio, UjripeMla.No Mausc,No Win. Verr Small. N. N. V. No. S34--S3 1 ork.Neb. XffUKK WltlTtNO TO ADVERTISERS, V. uleue aajr jtoy Ike erUanuM m this paper. CaoftlT and people who bare weak lungs or Asth ma. ahouM use Piso'sCure (or Cons-mpUnn. It bas cared Ifceemaae. It bas not Injur ed one. It Is not bad to lake, it Utile beat eoufh syrup. old everywhere. Bile. (I4 "l JlMMMMMWMIrtMf IT'lll ST. LOUIS HE WAS IN IT, ridge Monroe so Eeeided in I.vor of Keilj. Am lntr,tine Suit lu.ol, S tl. Owner hip of Ou--r ounu of a Louitlraa Male Lottery Tirkrt I'urcliucil by St. Louia Parties. KELLY H.H-MOW. John J. Kelly vs. People's JJank et als. l'Jaintiff began this suit by se zing a lottery ticket, one-twentieth of a whole ticket, which had won 813,000 and had been forwarded to the People's Hank for collection, and in which he claimed oue-fourth interest as owner. 13y consent, the ticket was cashed, and the unclaimed three-quarters were withdrawn, leaving the contested one quarter, which was also claimed by Jno. W. Fenlow utider coutrol of the court The parties live in St. Louis, and have been quite unfortunate. In 18'J1 Tenlow, Kelly, Norleman, O'Keefe and Connors formed a quasi club, and on tlirey or four occasions purchased live fractions ot loiter., tickets, said fractions costing SI each, and eac i member contributing his uroportion of the price, was equ illy interested in the winnings. FimiI'w generally was charged with purchasing the tickets, and held them until the drawing. The membeis usually paid their con tributions before the drawings, and Fenlow paid Die lottery ticket vendor. In April, lS'.i, they invested (Con nors had dropped out). All paid ex cept Kelly, who had agreed to pay his dollar on the day proceeding the draw ing. Tim tickets had been' selected by Norleman. There was no further in- ten' lurse between the members ot the ub until after the drawing on Tnes day, Atiril 12th, when it was learned that one of the four tickets had won $15,000. The tickets have been paid for by Follow, and the question for the court to decide is whether Fenlow paid for account of Kelly, one dollar or whether it was for his own account The day after the drawing Kelly tendered Ins dollar but was told that he was 'too late" and that he was "not in it." The court concludes that Fenlow gave Kelly to understand that he (Fen low) would see that. Kelly's interest in the ticket would be paid for. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that there be judgment in favor of John J. Kelly and against John W. Fenlow, decreering Kelly I have been the owner of an undivided one-fourth interest in the lottery ticket and that plaintiff receive and collect 3,750, representing the one-fourth ol the nroceeds of the lottery ticket now on deposit. New Orleans (La.).Citj tern. Katie Smith is a little eight-year-old girl, of Chicago, who is without hands. She resides at 516 i'erry avenue. Uy means of an ctrtificial hand she writes legibly, and she also writes by holding the pen in her mouth. General Schuyler Hamilton, grand son of the Ikst secretary of the Trea sury, is living in New York at the age of T.i. He served through three wars, was shot several times, had his lungs pierced with a Mexican lance, and yet is mentally and physically in excellent conditiou. "Rev. Dr. Willis Greene Craig, mod- erator of the Presbyterian general as sembly," says a writer in the Evening Poet, "is about 60 years old and was born at Danville, Ky. He was ed ucated at Center college and was after wards graduted from the theological seminary at Danville. In the world there are 51,000 brewries, nearly 20,000 of them being in Germany. PnEfitAM'sl Pih.s take the plaeejof an entire medicine chest, and should be kept lor use in every family. 25 cents a box. Corneille Ustimovitch, .in Austrian painter, permitted his political feelings to get the better of his judgment in painting a large picture of sinners in torment for a church at Ilutrica, in Galicia. and worked in several Polish statesmen as the more prominent flame scorched sinners. The- latter are make ing it as hot a3 possible for bim In re turn by suits for defamatation of char acter. (iet Small liile Beans. 40 for 25c. A Jersey City preacher placed candy in the category of rum, tobacco and other wall-eyed evils, and proclaims a crusade against the vile habits of mast icating sweets Success to him! The Jersey artical has a Guttenburg flavor, sugaied over with the pale cast of Hoboken glucost, and is said to be strong enough at forty paces to-'send an appetite on a sick leave. Away with itl "German Syrup 99 I am a farmer at Edom, Texas. I have used German Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Pains in Chest and Lungs and Spitting-uf of Blood. I have tried many kinds of Cough Syrups in my tee, but let me say to anyone wanting such a medicine German Syrup is the best. We are subject to so many sudden changes from cold to hot, damp weather here, but in families where German Syrup is used there is little troubl from cold, John F Jones. THE ELUSIVE COCKROACH. The i ree I'm Telia of a CoiupaalouskbU Fellow. The fiea which you've not when you haven't him is fairly nimble and act ive, but he is nothing in the line of ility compared to the cockroach. The latter is so elusive that you won der if he is real or fanciful. A cer tain cockroach bas annoyed the writer for a long time. It must be the same one, for he has an individuality mere is no mistaking. There are all kinds of cockroaches just, as there are all kinds of people. This cockroach is always de trop. He always appears at an inopportune moment, ltight in ttieclimax of an article he presents himself and of course distracts atten tion by his presence. It is remarka ble how obnoxious he makes himself, lie appears on th" corner of the desk and looks at you in his horrible fa miliar fashion. He does not present himself modestly and apologize for coii'ing, or resentment migni not oe sti strong. Hut he deliberately sitsin front of you and glares at you in the most itiMilting manner, almost as though tie were sneezing at the mae niflceiit thoughts which are being p a -ed on paper. He is such an old timer and he has seen so many mag- niUcent, thoughts! He has been 10:11 ing like this so long! He has seen others sitting at that desk and also penning magnificent thoughts. He i mo, t arrant cynic. The most tender path is that causes the tears of the writer to fall and blot the iagcs do not move him. He never changes countenance. He has seen other occupants seated there and is not moved by any kind of emotion. He has no patriotism and will look at the most fervid utterances un moved. He doesn't care whether che country is saved or not. hven a charming poem is not solace for his soul. As he sits there you resent his presence and aim at him a swift blow, but in an instant he, is gone. He is ac 'tistomed to dodging. He has been doing i hat for many generations. Poetry is his especial aversion, al- though he dislikes pathos exceedingly.. Once it is on record tnat he disap peared of his own free will. The writer at the moment of his noiseless entrance was about to write a poem in keeping with the season: "O. snow, snow, beautiful snow. Watch the whirling flakes as the g, 0, the suow the beautiful snow." Tiien for the first time he left the scene without dodging. lie disap peared as fast as he could scud and did not come again for a week. It was feared that he had expired be hind the debris above the desk, but one night he came and perched him self as usual on the corner of the desk. He looked rather thin and worn, but otherwise he seemed in good health. It takes a good deal to kill a cockroach. Some of the former occupants say that they have really hit him before he could get away, 1 ut he always got off and recovered in his lair. " His sense of humor is dead or sleep ing. A writer about ten years ago, however, wrote a joke that scintil lated. It pleased him so much that he read it aloud and roared. The ock ro ch heard it and even he could not resist it. At tlrst it merely tickled him, and then the more he thought about it, the better he liked it. He shook all over and finally got un on his hind legs and waved his arms and shouted. At least so the writer of the joke said and he was a truthful man! The cockroach quite approves of the introduction of the typewriter on the editorial and local staff of this paper. In the beginning he wondered a great deal, but now he has become reconciled to the change. He doesn't stay on the corner of the desk any onger, but clambers right up on tne machine. He anriears on one de and then on another. Ho likes 1 to watch tho copy evolved by this j means. His face expresses real inter est. It is not what is written that pleases him, for he is still a cynic in i that respect, but the clatter and noise iire amusing. Tie is very careful to dodge the blows of the type and so far he has escaped with his life. Whether fortune will favor him in tho future is, of course, a matter of mere conjec ture. Hcwever, he had better look mt or he will get hurt some ot these (lays. Hie Sliai-p People ot Cane Cod. A story ot sharp legislative prac tice comes from Cape Cod. It also illustrates the cumbrous methods of town government on that old-fashioned peninsula. Sonic of the citi sens of a certain town believed that they saw a remunerative enterprise in raising herrings in a fresh-water pond near the sea, with which it had once been connected by a small creek now filled up. Thereupon they pe titioned the legislature for a license to use the waters of the pond, at the same time giving notice ot their ap plication to tho local authorities, as required in such cases. The sleepy town authorities were so slow in call ing a meeting to consider the question of assent or protest that they were anticipated by the passage ot tho bilL The meeting was held, never theless, and angry protests were put on record against giving to a few persons natural advantages that rightly belonged toand should be en joyed by the many. Undismayed by the storm they had provoked, the gentlemen interested in the pro pagation of- herring have petitioned I he Harbor and Land Commissioners for permission to open. the old water way from the sea. Cattle on Board Whip. Cattle are carried on the spar, main and steerage decks. A largo steamship llko those now used carries from 1,000 to 1,500 head. Tho com partments are just large enough to let tho animals lio dwn or roll about a little. Tho beasts are tied in theso Immediately they are driven aboard. A stout rope is afterwarJs put about the an Rials' horns then passed through a hole in a three-inch board at the head of the stall and knotted on the other side. l-'resh straw is put into the stalls every dav, and the animals are well fed and watered during the voyage. Ktaui's Keal ICuler. Her Majesty the Queen Consort of the King of Siam bears the distinc tion of posssssing less beautiful fea tures and more bound intelligence than any of the women that surround the Siamese Court Though officially unpro laimed as the Itoyal Consort. Her Majesty is nevertheless practically supreme iu influence, if not in authority. The King has been her constant companion since boyhood, and there is absolutely nothing he would deny her in o:der to complete the happi ness of his cleer wile; in fact, it is said that, were she to desire it. he would without hesitation abolish the time-honored custom ot his country by casting aside the other wives of his harem. King Chulalonkorn often relie3 on her wisdom and sound judgment in affairs of the Km pi re rather than on the advice of the l'rivy Councillors, although supposed to be well vcr.-cd in the subtle arts of diplomacy and statecraft. The Uueen possesses the smallest feet of any grown woman in the world Her boots have very low heels, and are heavily embroidered with pearls and paste diamonds. A large Parisian house supplies the majority of Her Majesty s shoes, and charge her on an average two guineas a pair for them. Tlie of Extra Speed at Sea. Atlantic sp:-ed has risen to an aver attc of twenty knots at sea, to be b:-aten this year, it is confidently ex pected, by the twenty-one to twenty two knots of the new tiunarders. To secure this extra speed an enormous increase in size is required; the neces sity for this increase is easily swn from simple calculations on the law. so clearly laid down by Mr. Fronde. To put these laws into popular lan guage, one per cent increase spCed over a given vovae requires two per cent, increase in length, six percent. increase in tonnage and fuel, and seven per cent, incicasc in horse power. Hecausc a torpedo boat has been constructed to run the measured mile -it. t.wpiitv.ftvn Irnnt.s it, is irennrililv supposed that a mere increase of size sutlicient for seaworthiness would pro duce a vessel which could cross the Altantiu a the same speed. So it could, provided we could re-coal every twenty-four hours or 000 miics; but it is the necessity of carrying tho fuel requisite for five days' steam, or 3,000 miles, which imposes such gi gantic dimensions on fast Atlantic steamers, insomuch that it will be found that no one of our fast nien-of-war could cross the Atlantic at full speed. A Metal That Hardens Sled. The reason why the mixture of tungsten with steel gives the latter so great a degree of hardness that it readily scratches glass and quartz seems to be revealed by a discovery recently made in Germany. A defi nitely crystallized compound of iron and tungsten has been discovered, the crystals being so haid as to scratch topaz. Tungsten isa brittle white metal almost as heavy as gold. The crystals formed bv its combination with iron, in the proportion of one atom of iron to two of tungsten, are silver-gray and very brilliant. It is thought that when tungsten is alloyed with steel, some of tho j compound just described is formed in i the mass, thereby producing the rc ', markaliln increase in the hardness of j the steel. i This is an interesting example of the value that one metal may lend to another, for, until the discovery that it could be used in hardening steel, tungsten, although'it occurs in con siderable abundance, wa3 practically useless and without value. WasllliK Time. An old farmer died in a little vil lagc in the neighborhood of Paris. His fortune, the fruit of years of patient toil, was invested in a jee, compact little farm. A nephew, be lieving himself to be heir, called a few days later on the lawyer, and be fore saying a word about the sue es sion thought it only right and proj cr to shed a few tears. 'Toor uncle," he murmured: "so kind, so affectionate! To think that 1 shall never see him again!" The notary allowed the young man to give fuli vent to his sorrowful emotions, after which he quietly ob served, 'I suppose you arc aware that your uncle has left you nothing?" "What!" exclaimed the nephew, suddenly changing his tone. "I'm not down in my uncle's will?" 'o." "Then why on earth did you let mc stand here weeping and making a fool of myself for a good half hour?" Jimt tho Tiling. A wag was on a visit to a lunatic asylum, says the llulTalo Express, and as tho physician in charge was taking him about, it happened that several of tho wilder patients were screaming in chorus. "One of the hardest problems I have to deal with," said tho doctor, "is to Ond employment for those in ffhy charge. They arc so much better off, you know, irtney arc occupicu in some way." r. "Doctor," said the visitor, after a moment's thought, "why don't voti set them to Inventing college yells?" Tim only reason some men novw havo a second wlfo is becauso tAcjr don't have a chance. r I A Matter IT costs more to make Royal Baking Powder than any other, because its ingredients are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspondingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater mnnev value to the consumer. The difference i in cost of Royal over the best of the others does not equal the difference in leavening $ strength, nor make good the inferior work $ of the cheaper powders, nor rt.nove the $ impurities which such powders leave in i the food. 5 Where the finest food is required, the Royal Baking Powder only can be used. Where the question of health is considered, i no baking powder but Royal can be used with safety. All others are shown by official $ analyses to contain lime, ammonia or alum. "How do you know, sir," asked the haughty young bride, "that my father is a man of wealth?" "I have seen the jewels he gave you when we were married, my dear," replied the young husband with equal haughtiness. "I have the knowledge dimensions of his bank account, and I have seen his money bags. I know he is a rich man,'' he continued, meeting her gaze with unflinching eye. "'from the testimony of the rocks." 'Harold," she said, brokenly, her ovely eyes filling with, "dont talk so! It is too Hugh Miller rating." Chicago Tribune. D. E. FORISTAIX, M. D., Eye and Ear Specialist, York, N'ebr. Cor respondence solicited. The most extensive and celebrated salt mine in the world is at Wieliezki, nine miles from Cracow, in Gallicia, a province of Austria-Hungary. It has been worked continuously for COO years. The mass of salt is calculated to be 500 miles long, twenty miles broad, and 1,200 feet thick. Vf ORX FOR WORKERS. Are you ready to work, and do yo-.i want lo make nionev? Then write to 15. V. Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va., and see if they cannot help yon. The Lunatic Oil Spring flows in Wheeler Canyon, Cal. It begins to give oil when the new moon appears; as the moon increases, the supply be comes greater, and the yield is three barrels a day when the moon is full. The flow ceases when the moon is at its last quarter. Kconnmieal, thorough, pure, safe and everythiuK else that is good are the words for liile Beans Small. From the waist down, Lieutenant- i)nl-;v nnfdri!! ia nnr. a'yzed. Tor years he has had to be wheeled in an luvuuua cumi. xwi, withstanding his aflliction, lie is an enterprising orator, as well as a dis tinguished lawyer,, , X. K. Brown's Essence Jamnica Ginger is a wonderftil tonic. None better. Try it. 25 cents. A strontr man in Vienna made a wager with an American that he could stand under a litre of water while it fell, drop by drop, upon his head, from a height of three feet. At the 420th drop the strong man gave p, the pain being intolerable. Bilious Attacks often cause severe Colds, liile Beans Small will 'give relief in a'i'ew hours. Miss Jennie Young, the American who recently built a railroad to the extensive salt deposits she owns in (jhihauahua, has received form the Mexican government a valuable con cession in the form of a privilege for the establishment of colonies in the state of Chihauahua and Coahuila. Ask your grocer for a dollar's worth of Dolibins new reneci i?oap, oe uunv. n nu hain't it he will get it. A bar is worth two bars of any other 5c soap ever made. The origin of "a feather in his cap'' i3 thus explained: In Hungary, in 159!) it was decreed that only he who killed a Turk should wear a feather, and he was permitted to add a fresh feather to his cap for each Turk whom he had slain, For Throat Troubles and Coughs, use "lirmm's llronchial Troches." They posses real merit. Tne world contains about' 7,000,000 Hebrews, about 3,400,COO of whom dwell in Kussia and 1,700,000 in Austria. Forty-three years ago there was one criminal in 3,5000 of our population. In 1800 the average was one in 780. of Health A novel kind of swindle was practiced in a German town the other day. A man struggling along under a heavy burden suddenly stumbled and crashed throueli a Dlate glass store window. - The proprietor of the store demanded payment. The porter saia he naa no money- Passers-by advised that ho do searched, A thousand mark note was found on him, which he said belonged to his employer. The storekeeper, however, deducted a hnndred marks for the value of his window and handed nine hundred marks change to the porter, who went away swearing and protesting. A little later the store keeper discovered the thousand mark note wa3 spurious. George Horton, the Chicago journa list appointed consul at Athens Greece, is a poet of considerable power. He has made a special study of ancient and modern Greek, and has published a volume of translations or tne poems of Sappho, wuich is recognized as pos sessing great merit Dy tne literary world. Mr. Horton's familiarity with the Greek language will serve him in good stead in his new field of labor. The rate schedule of one of trans-At lantic steamship companies set forth that the price of passage for dogs, cats and monkeys is J10 each, and I hat those animals "must be caged before being brought on the steamer, and will then be placed in charge of the butcher." The idea that this may sug gest to a seasick passenger is almost petrifying. Nathaniels. Berry of Bristol, N. II. , is the oldest living ex-governor in the United States. He was born Sept m ber 1, 1796, and was elected governer of Xew Hampshire in 1861 . Mrs. Theresa Hartson Albion, l'a. Misery Turned to Comfort Kidnsy Troubles, Sleeplessness, Distress All "Albloi;, Erie Co., Pa., Feb. H '93. "I can truly say that Hood s Sarsaparilla hn one more tor nie than all the piescriptiom ind other medicines I have n er taken. For fouiteen years 1 hsi sutVeied with kidney roubles; my back telng so lnme nt times hat I Could Ivor ltnle Mj telf n nut nt mv pha r. NorCOllld I lUTIl mV6C:f In ueci. I could not sleep, and sulTered Gr-ut lUtrms with my fcd. 1 hnve token fo:ir bat tles of Hood' i Sarsniwrilla with tl.e most grntl. ying results, i feel like a new i e bon ai d my terrible sun'-Mings nil one. I.ilo In Comfort com; arcd lo t lie misery i. us1.' 1 to be. lean iow go to bed and have a good "Hutu's rest; :iiu cat heartily without any (lis:, ess. I am Hood'ss'Cures willing this should le published lor others ; od." Mas. Hautson. Hood's 1'IIU cure Constipation by restu ii j ths pc:isUliic nelion ot the alimentary earn 1 Gnrfiold Ton Orercomet rtMtuiti of W w n wm dm iuk. Cures Hick Ilrai Iftche.Keotoroii Oomplexio.8Tei Doctor' Bills. Sample free. Qahfiku) Tu tV. Sl W tttb St., H.Y. Cures Constipation PATENTS. TRADEMARKS. Examination and Advice as to Patentability of In too t Ion, Send for Inventors' Guide, or How to Get a Patent. Patrick O'Fakrkll, Washington, 1. O. bad eatttiff. $75.00 to $251.00 mouthy working for H. F. J01IN8ON & CO., R chmoml, Va. PATENTS THOMAS P. SIMPSON WchlriBlnn, II IT. No nlly'K ft- until t"tM,t lain!. Writ) r,,r In,-, ..l.-rVi-'-t- hlr.o BaMt Caratl la 19 .Duwn,OtiM