The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 11, 1893, Image 3

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Ar Lasy. UimtUetl, and of liov-
It is a fact that it is hard to tracli
2lbe Au-tralian aborigines anytli j
Useful. They are naturally lav and
fndo eut, unsettled, and of a roving
isposition. 'J'hey will not stay Urn
tany place, and if raised from their
(degraded position into more coinio t-
ftble conditions necessaaiiiic ine
breaking with their natural mode ot
living, they will almost invariably re
turn to this at their first opportunity,
and the same may I said of the half
castes, who otherwise are far superior
to their sable parents and their rela
It U an oft-repeated occurrence in
Australia that a half-caste child has
bean removed when 8 or 10 years old
to the surroundings of ciY.lizatioii,
bas been given an education equal to
any white child of the better clashes
of the community, and notwith
standing this, upon coming into con
tact with his own race, has returned
to the black fellows' camp, ignoring
book learning, fine linen, and the
comforts of civilized life.
In two capacities the black fellows
have been found satisfactory as
trackers and in the native police. I
can only find a correct expression for
their power of tracking by calling it
instinct 1 have been with them
searching)r men whose every trace
had been practically lost, but the
black tracker has found them in spite
of all. They are more sure than
bloodhounds. When the track ceases,
through some mysterious agency,
they seem to know where to tlnd it
In the native police they are very
useful as trackers, This police con
sists of small troops of mo'intcd, uni
formed black fellows uuder command
of European officers. Tney act as
gendarmes in the outlying districts
and are principally used for the pur
pose of bringing marauding blacks to
account. It is not uncommon that
the up-c mutry blacks spear the cat
tie on the station, or murder travelers
or settlers, and it is principally in
such cases that the native police be
come useful.
The manner in which they surprise
a camp of savage aborigines is char
acteristic. Having ascertained that
they are near a camp some of llieiu
dismount and strip to the skin. Then
thev fasten their carbine t i their
ankle by means of a piece of rope w
a chain, and, trailing it through the
long grass, approach the camp.
The unsuspecting b'a ks come to
meet their sable brothers, when,
quick as lightning, the trooper
stoops, brings his carbine to a level
and sends death and destruction into
the camp.
The aboriginal thinks a good deal
more of his dogs than of his women.
Dogs are always found alwut the
camp in large nuiuliers, I hey are
of a mongrel breed and generally
starved to ferocity. The black fellow
v inost places is a polvgaiuist and
his wives are used lor carrying every
thing from their babies to their hus
band's weapons including all their
camp paraphernalia, rations, or what
ever else they may wish to transport,
while the lordly master marches along
with perhaps a waddle or a bomerang
as the only burden to impede his pro
gress. Hut if, as in manv Instances, tho
blacks be savage, the white men with
whom they come into contact are no
le-a so. The life of a black fellow is
counted as nothing, and the depre
dations perpetrated upon them by
settlers are numerous and often par
ticularly cruel.
The spearing of a few head of cattle
on a station, where thousands are
grazing on the runs, has often cost
the lives of many bla k fellows, and
1 know of several instances where
the camp has been raided and the
-women carried way by white men,
while it is a fact that there are set
tiers who have made it a paint to
shoot any black fellow found on their
vast domains, to avenge some mur
der committed In the first place by
the blacks. Callfurnian.
A snake not often heard of, at, least
in A merfca, is the liver-colored snake
villi two heads, or perhaps they should
e called mouths, though it does not
laveiwo mouths at the same tim!
I hey are re?ersible mouths, occupying
h . opposite ends every six months. It
l ea with the two ends crossed on each
other, as with folded hands. Every
six months, according to the Hartford
Times the change of the seasons re
verses the fanctions of ttie two ends.
i lie head becoming the tail and the tail
incoming the head. The mouth at one
end heals: or closes up all but a small
opening, while the opposite end be
comes the mouth for the next six
mouths. A friend of miue in India,
who told me about this remarkable
snake, said he refused for a long time
to believe that the functions of the two
ends were reversed every six months,
but one dav he found one of these
snakes in a jungle, and carried it home,
where lie had a physician examine it.
The result was, the physician confirmed
the stories of the creature and my
friend was skeptical no longer. 1
learned no other name for this singular
reptile than that of "the liver colored
Alexander the Great, the couquerer
of the world, died when he was thirty-
two years old. Maurice of Saxony, the
greatest captain and statesman of his
time died at tue same age. The duke
ot YVeimer, one of Adolphus' generals,
died at the age of thirty six, while (lus-
tavus Adolphus died at the age o.
thirty-eight. Pascal, the great French
writer, and Kaphael. the great Italian
artist, both died at thirty-seven.
"Brown B Bronchial Troches1' are simple
unl viiivenkiit lor lironcliiul AH'eeiiot'.s
Willie fdoubtfulhO-1 don't know. If
1 thought that was so, I might.
Mrs. I'lankington Why, what do yaw
mean! Don't von believe what 1 tell
Willie -Ma told me not to.
Arkausaw Traveler: They sfl? the.
purchasing power" of money has in
creased, and yet you can buy only ow
u-cent cigar for a nickel.
U. S. Government
Baking Powder Tests;
The report of the analyses cf Bating Powders; made
by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division, Ag'l
Dep't), shows the Royal superior to all other powders,
and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each
r th nHiPr rrpam of tartar powder's tested as follows:
Jk v a. A
HQYAL, Absolutely Pure,
TESTED are reported to con
tain both lime and sulphuric
acid, aBd to be of the follow irg
ctressths respectively, . . .
Per centT' "Cubic in. per 03.
13.06. 160.6
! 12.58 . . . 151.1
11.13 - . . 1S3.6
10.20 . . .19.3.1
9.53 . . . 111.
0.29 . . . Hl.C
G.03 . . . 3.5
7.S3. . . 87.A
'..SO . . . Oc.5
Royal Baking
greater leavening
Powder is absolutely pure, and
power than any other powder.
Chicago Tribune: Two giddy young
men were strolling uirougu juiuwij
Plaisance the olher day when they saw
a Turk a short distance ahead of them.
'Bo you see the Turk?" said one of
them. '-I am going to have some Jim
with him." "
So presently he said to the Turk:
"Well, old l'e..y, how's yer liver?"
And the Turk "replied in perfectly
good English-
"Much better than your manners sir.
'o one sees the watiet on bis own
back, though everyone carries two
na:ks one before, stuffed with the
fnulm of his neichbors. the other be ¬
hind him filled with his own.-Old
Detroit Tribune: Timorous lover
Do you think it will be easy to arrange
things withyemr father, darling Does
does he understand things readily '!
Chicago Damsel Oil, yes. Top
usually gets there with both feet.
ro.vr LISTEN
to the dealer who is bent
on bip-ger profits. The
thing that he wants you to
trav, when you ask for Dr.
Pteree'-s Favorite Prescrip
tion, isn't "just as good.
Proof of this is easy. Thu
only rrnnranteed remedy
for thonilmentsof woman
hood is tho " Favorite Pre
scription." If it ever fail
to benefit or cure, in mat
ing weak women strong
or suffering women well,
you have your mono;
Anything ' jnst as good," or as sure tc.
bring help, could be, and -would be, sold in
just that way.
This guaranteed naedicine is an invigora
ting, restorative tonic, especially adapted to
woman's needs and perfectly harmless in anv
condition of her system.
It builds up, strengthens, regulates, and
For periodical pains, bearing-down sensa
tions. ulceration, inflammation every thing
that's known as a " female complaint," it's a
remedy that's sale, certain, and proved.
Tie Best !
in the
fri.n 1,-tcu in 4vn ci trrirn i wflrratitod water-
f inmuHw in iho h nips tularin. The
r im-mui,'! unrvvi! un fwrirrtridiriff coat. and
l.,ra.hnpnrfl(idW!. Bwareof imitations. . Don'U
buy a coat It ho -us . nr.. . "V.H
ted t:atalrp.ic in-p. a. ... .
Von Siemens' Fir-it Patent.
It may not be generally know that
Von Siemens applied for his Hrst
patent from tte cell of a prison. Af
ter graduation from the artillery
ichool in Berlin, the oune man,
then only 21 years old, was attached
to a regiment In Wittenberg. It was
there he began his experiments, to
bhegreat horror of his landlady, who
upbraided him day aftei day for
staining his clothes, furniture, and
the window panes with, gold, silver,
md acid spots. She could not see use of "wastins money for such
Ihings." But Von Siemens went on
with his experiments, and with stain
Ing his furniture and clothes. He be
came, too. the life of the garrison,
Ind one of its most popular members.
His popularity, however, lei to his
taking part ot second in a duel be
tween two of his comrades. As a
result, ho wa sentenced to Ave years'
Imprisonment in the fortress of
Madgeburg. The landlady was the
nly person In Wittenberg who was
tlad of the young Lieutenant's de
parture, adds the World's Progress,
(a the cell tn the fortress, how
ror, he was allowed to Ut up a lab
iratory and there continue his cxpm-i-nents.
There, too, a month after
bis incarceration, he perfected his
method of galvanic gilding and ap
plied for the patent from the prison
tell. It was granted, and with It a
Grdon. A pardon in all probability
is never received with less glee.
Siemens had other experiments un
ler way In his prison workshop, and
begged to be allowed to stay a while
boger in prison to complete them.
fu the keeper, sent him away with
In declaration that. such a course
id keejr Insult to hhv king and
4pmBw ?v Siemens then went u;
larlip . '
Every Month
many women suffer from Exceniv or
E...i Men.truation: thsy don't know
who to confide in to get proper advico.
Don't confide la anybody but try
Female Regulator
a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Dookto "WOMAN" mailed freo.
la kr VracclM.
Garfiold Toa s
Cures Kink Headacbo.lteatoraa Complexion .flares Doc'
Rill. &a.mnU free. GARFIELD TKAC0..318 W.Mh8t.,
Cu res Constipation
TUT lilUnUIDPU is the best farm Rale
inn n nuviNnunon u mimi
AirenM can soil tliem everywhere.
auititr this .rati Tf von want a eete or i
agency send lOe. for drawing or descriptive
matter to Nat Williams, Morganllcia, K y.
emnillTrn'P r NEBRASKA
Pnln I tn o s newspaper
nuLLbno (york, nebr.
Examination and Adrlce u to Pafentabllltv of In
vention. Send for Inventors' Guide, or How to Get
ft Patent. PAfBicn O'KaBkcll, Wash lug ton, D. a
$75.00 to $250.00 n,a:1,hrwo.
for B. F. JOHNSON & CO., R chmon 1. Va.
IS Ule paper,
ease ear t eaw (ha adTertl.eaaeal
CaaeaaiptlTea and peop.o
wlio bare weak lunce or Aftb
ma, mould um Plao'. Curo fur
Concmpilnn. It bas anred
tkaaaaaaa. (t ha not Injur
ed one. It le not bed to take.
Ulatbe benLOunah nyriip.
oM e'erjwhore. t 'e.
Washington Star: "A pal of mine
woi's iu tiie penitentiary has just bt-t-n
tiaviu' a lieap of bad luck," said Ir-isurly
"What was it like?"
He was already to escape and got
broke up at the last minute."
"He couldn't lind tlte guard to show
him the way out."
Chicago Tribune: "Well, Ictlmny.
are you abie to keepyaur place in yiut
Johnnie Yes sir I 'began at the foot
mid there's not a single boy been able
10 take it away from me.
rkansaw Traveler: The WerM's
Fair? Yes, to a man with money.
Atlanta Constitution : All the ood
is out sir.'
Well bring throe baskets of those
poems ou '.Spring.' There's enough of
em to keep the stove roariu U this
New York Tiroes: Miss Mcliean 1
should want to know something of your
ancestry before 1 engaged to marry
you. i
Bieeker My great grandlattoer was
interested in t hrowing the tea ovrboard 1
.u Boston harbor.
Miss Mcliean Oh, he was one oJ'
(ihose heroes? i
Bieeker Ves, le was tlie agent oi
the tea company.
New York Herald: Mrs. Pianking-
fcon (to visitor, Willie Slimsod, who has
just eaten the last piece of pie) Won't
you have another piece, illie r Ihere s
plenty more in tlte pantry.
During the reign of Elizabeth, Eng
lish dudes wore shoes three feet in
length, the tlie pointed and fastened up
to the garter with golden chains to
which little bells were attached.
Iu Finland and East Turkestan
thunder storms are wholly unknown.
The United States rank seventh as a
naval power.
l'nck: Jack Potts I am sorry Aunt
that you feel so tired; for this Japanese
section is most interesting. Won't you
let me get you a jinridisha?
Aunt Bracer Well perhaps't would
make me feel a little better; but don't
nave it made too strong
Chicago Inter Ocean: Landlady
Have you any children?
Bored Hunter (wearily) No, we
killed them to accommodate the people
at our last boarding place.
Washington News: We can only
offer one "reminiscence" of Edwin
liooth, and it is second hand. One day
an inquisitive person asked Mr. Booth
If he thought he would ever return to
the stage, and the tragedian mourn
fully replied: "I fear not; I do not feel
able to demonstrate my fitness for the
work by whipping John L, Sullivan."
Vogue: "The last time I saw Trot
ter he was deeply in love with two
girls. How did he settle the matter?"
Ob, easy enough only one would
have him."
' "-And why Jennie, did you tell Willie
you wouldn't be bis little wife?"
' Tause he didn't aat till he knew I
had a new sixpence."
Doctor I really believe you have
some kind of poison in your system.
1 Patient, gloomily I shouldn't won
der; what was that last stuff you gave
First New Yorker -I rode down on
the elevated this morning. Second
New Yorker-Very crowded? First
NeYorker-Not in tlie Mitt load a
strap ell to myselt
When we destroy an old prejudice we
have need of a new virtue. Mme de
A goose flies by a chart which the
lioyiil geotrniyli'al nnoiety could not
mend. Dr. O. W. llo me?.
An idea, like a phost, according to
the notion of ghosts, must be spoken
to a lit vie before it will explain itself.
Thre nre but few proverbial sayings
Uitu sire -mt true, for they arelall drawn
from exiwrience itself, which is the
mother ot Ml sciences. Cervanties.
The ni'inifent of the greatest, man
should be . I . 'i bust and a name. It
a name alone is sufficient. 'to illustrate
the bust, let them both perish Landor.
Happiness, in this world, when it
comes, conies acekletitally. Make it
the obiect of cursuit. and it leads us a
wild coose chase and is never attained.
Washington Stan ''Has Herbert any
financial ability?" asked the young
m.M 'slather.
Before the lish commissi mers of
California deiided to stock ihe stnns
of tte state with the German carp (and
thereby uearly ruiued the stream), they
were greatly concerned ai to whether
it would live in certain waters. The
question was debated at several meet
ings, and was tinaliy submitted to a
col e :e professor who was au eminent
:;uthority. Samples of the wa er were
obtained and turned over to the pro
fessor, who in a short time turned over
a favorable report, and the c irp were
accordingly turnel loose in the rivers,
greatly impresse 1 by the professor's
i:dowledge; but one of them had a
ouetion to aslc. ' How could you be
sur tlwt the carp would live in the
water submitted le you?" he inquired.
'Why," answered Uie professor, with
an amused look,' I bought a carp for
en cents, and put ir into the water. It
lived." Argonaut.
Will be of value to the world by illustrat
ing the improvements in the mcfhaniral
i.rr nml pminpnt tihvsieiiin- will tell you
rhnt. t.hf Hrosrress m "medical agent?
been of equal importance, and as
strengthening laxative that Syrup of Fi
is far n advance ol all other..
I must say a word as to the ef
ficacy of German Syrup. I have
used it in my family for Bronchitis,
the result of Colds, with most ex
cellent success. I have taken it my
self for Throat Troubles, and have
derived eood results therefrom. I
therefore recommend it to my neigh
bors as an excellent remedy in such
cases. James T. Durette, Eariys
villei Va. Beware of dealers who
offer 'ou "someUiingjust as good."
Always insist on having Boschee's
Get man Syrup.
New York Sun: Ted He proposed
last night, and she refused him.
Ned Did lie -ell you?
Ned J hen how do you know?
led I passed the house when he
was bidding her good night, and he
said it only once.
Prevent and cure Constipation and :
Headache, Smalt liile Beans.
Eye and Ear Specialist, York, Nebr.
respond ew?e olicined.
The medical eomniitteB of the cancer
hospital of London declares that to
matoes neither -predispose to nor ex
cite eanoer formation, and that they
are not injirious to those suffering
trom this -disease. 'but, on the contrary,
jire a wnoiesonie arucie oi uibb, pur
ticularly so if cooked.
Washington Star: '! will now at
tend to this writ of attachment,", said
the young lawyer who was composing
a love letter.
Detroit Free Press: Wife I want a
spring bonnet.
Husband What kind of a one,
Wife Any kind, so it's stylish unci
Husband--Very, well, dear, you shall
have a next spring one.'
Forty Small Bile Beans in each bottle.
Huffalo Courier: Man in the Moon
Say, want to do me a favor?
The Sun Sure. What is it?
Man in the Moon - Just make it hot
for that half million o lunatics down
there who are going 'round screeching
that I'm their sweetheart, durn em.
of Scott s
is contain
ed in let
ters from
the medi
cal orofes-
sion speaking of its gratify
ing results in their practice.
Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Hypo
phosphites can be adminis
tered when plain oil is out of
the question. It is almost
as palatable as milk easier
to digest than milk.
That istl Co., of Richmond, Va. Yon
can fjet further information by dropping 4i 'card.
the way a yonng man pnt it who
iingcrncnt" t work for B. F.
Indianapolis Journal: He You let
that vounc Cadson kiss you, you know
you did. There is no use for you
ieny it.
She I know I did dear, but I shut
my eyes and imagined that it was you.
Sample Package Mailed Free.
Address Small 1'ilo Beans, New York.
Chioago Mull: Husband But
Jiawno place for him to sleep.
Wife You forget the folding bed
the parlor.
Jiusband No I don't. I said we
itad no place for him to sleep.
For sick headache, dizziness or sm im-
sniriK in the head, pain in the back, body
anrlieumati.sni, take Beecham's Pills.
TV ' ti
m noo
' nr".!"-11 :'
;for H06 CHOLERA this
is a sure cure if used in time.
Knr mr.klrg Soap. Cleaning:
Houses, pcrtenlre Water, it
has no e-;i:r.l. The house
wil'eB hectlT-lor.d. A vatn
ntl. "vrftMn-; roclre, : l
.. 1 - r woo t-" ' I-
Morphine Habit Cored 1 JnW
to 20 day. Nojar till enrwa.
-a --Absolutelyr
JB-Bestrr. .
rA Prompt' Cure.
Permanent Cure.
U f;pntl us at once a photograph or tintj'pe of yourself or any member of you;
nine one of our i-nlnrjciM. life-like portraits together, ih frnuip com-
F your family, living or
dertii, and tvp will nmkc irnni came one of
iilete. A IISOI.I I1!:!, Y Fit EE OF CH AltilK. This offer is made in order to introdu
unci fmnipH in nn vioinit v nni' iifour fine portraits placed in your home will do i
nnv other advertisement. This ofYer ia mnde IS i(MD FAITH and we will forfeit ON J
. c,.Hi.., a nhntno-mnh nml nnt Rep iirinff his oortrait and frame I If !
mr w .rl.ui-anrpc the return of vour nhoto, so have no fear of losini? it. Address all your letters ti-
Nntioiiiil PortrHit Soriety, M and r W. Htb Street, New York, N Y. References: All banks and
Express Cos. in New York and Brooklyn. Put your name and address back tI photo.
r, with trnuip cova
troduce ourAortrahr
0 ns more alod tmrn
Fit EE m per ibim
Texas permits hijyli toned convicts to
fcire substitutes to work for them in
tie-oo!wict camps.
It Is Not
What We Say
Hut what Hood'e SarsapariUa Does
that telle the story
Hood's Cures
Agents Wanted for the
Weight 30 lbs
Lizzie May Davit
Haverhill, Man.
After the Grip
Nervous Prostration No Help Ex
( cept in Hood's
Sure It Saved Her Life.
" Have been suffering for two yenrtbpast with
Nervous Prostration which was brought op
by a very severe attack of grip. Had
Cold Chills
almost every day for nearly three years. Have
now taken, on the recommendation of my drug
gist, three bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla
What five doctors of both Boston and this city
could not do, those three bottles of Hood'e Par
ser: ilia have done for me. I am now well and
Can walk without a cane. I feel grateful ti
Hood's Bareapefilla, as I believe I should
not no be alive If It were not for this medi
cine." Lizm Mat Davis, Haverhill, Maes.
a PlUa Mt easily, yet promptly and
faeieutty, on the liver and bowelr. e.
THE DERBY FOR '93-Wlorgan A Wright Pneumatic.
nFTAlL Frame Derby pattern, double throimhont from continuous seamiest steel tnblna : 9-jpch
He.d- Wheel BaS. inches: Wheels. SO inches: Tool Steel Bearing; Mannesmsnn's hpiral iiber steel
TtAin'a-olarir3rs and 63 inches : Kound Oranks 6M ami 7 'nt-h throw : Hum her Chain : Garlord Saddles;
llron F dnrtn" thrbwhout. We Have the best and most simple spokes made Thoy can be replaced by the
rt?er wifl out removing the tire, aud are fully explained and illustrated in our catalogue, also tangent
apokes For beauty and simplicity there is no equat For service none can be made better.
SEWI FOB CATALOGUE. Agents Wanted Iu Every Town.
DERBY CYCLE CO., 161, 162 and 163 South Canal St., CHICAGO.
Rooks bound-
We do Binding in All Styles,
Guarantee First-class Work.
Magazines, and all Periodicals, Old Books re-bound,
Books Made.
ELMER E. LESH, - Manager.
Worlds Fair HouTenlr Playing Cards, conalstinfot
a Daekot M i Cards, vis. : Klna. Queen, Jack, and Spot
ioalor"miflX S ItfirM National, for ttm.
. uftMeaMllAsTVtsTllUlnil.allk
Mined. Writ for Inventor'aQmhU.
1 I .-trr-?'i
UiW Bill
For a UsMlsaXiaekarj
PlaMW WO v pejttisali