The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 04, 1893, Image 4

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    The Sioux County Journal.
Tbrablhucd 1S-S8.
Subscription I'rii, ?2.00
L. J. Siatewm, . : - - Editur.
Kntered at the Harrison post oMeo a tu
0)1(1 class instter.
Thcrsday, May 4, li93.
The base ball season las opened; the
worlds fair is in full blast; the impeach
ment fuses are on at the supreme court
The man who wauts excitement and is
still unhappy must be bard to please.
In the contest between Hie president
iuid secretary of the treasury on the gold
and bond question the latter relied on
tlte west and the former on Wall street
and the west proved equal to 1 He ue
ma lids.
Sioux City has beeu experiencing; some
heaw financial failures during tne
,.. week and the effects have beeu felt
iu some of the towns on this side of the
iiver. Many thousands of dollars worm
of property are involved in the muddle.
Congressman Kern informed the editor
r.t th Crawford Gazette a few (lays ago
.i. iu niM he no reduction ill the
Vila .........
until he e.xnenses of the govern
ment are reduced or a different method
fnnml for raisine the revenue. Sow
that the tariff question is settled the
rnnla of the United Slates may. go ou
and make their plans for the future, for
there is no reason why Kern's tip should
not be authentic. A statesman of hie
standing and ability could not be mi
taken on a little matter like the tariff.
No case ha boen decided in the district
court of any county in the- state that
has been commented on more, or more
good thinsjs said of the successful liti
gant than of one io winch juuge ivm
kaid was the defendant which was tried
in Boone county recently. That was
the third trial in the district court and
once in the supreme court. The case
was remanded by that court and in the
opinion Justice Maxwell scored Kinkaid
,.,,;tfl wverelv. and tua tall jurist of
O'Neill no doubt is highly gratified over
the recent victory and vindication.
Tt appears to be the policy of the ad
ministration to do all it can to break
down the reciprocal arrangements made
w tho .-ennblicans with other nations.
It was well known that the president de-
lired to do so and he found a very win
ing assistant in Judge Gresham, who is
prompted by his intense dislike for Har
rison to do ail in his power to undo any
thing which might reflect credit on the
administration. It muy'be good
politics hut it doe not look just right to
break the agreement with any counirj
until a fair test has been made and the
good and bad points of the law esUb
lished. It is too had tliat when men are
elevated to such high positions that
their views cannot tie broadened enough
to cause them to riso above petty poli-
, tical tricks
It is reported that the railroad compa
nies ill itablisb a through freight rate
te the sum of tlie various local raUs
and do away with tiiu through . iif dule
in order to be even under tlte new law.
If that course is taken it will fall heavily
on the people who liave to pay the
freight If the farmers liave to pay the
sum of the local rates on wheat and the
new law increases the local rale in this
sUte as it is reported to do by two cents
a bushel, it will make the cost of get-
tiug a bushel of wheat to Chicago a good
foul more thau it is now and the
r , u il l ... i-a tn aland the loss. If
lurnieia 111 ' -
i he wholesale houses have to pay
hie-her rate of freight on their goods they
will have to increase the selling price to
orresnor.d aud the local merchants will
have to follow suit and advance the
mice and the consumers will have to
t " .
pay the freight When an attempt is
made to force strong organizations to uo
nvthinar more care should be taKen to
close all the loopholes than appears to
hii-phoen taken in the formulation oi
the Newberry bill, or tho attempt is apt
a boomeraitir. the rreniom
Trit-.une nublishes a lot of figures show
imr what mav l)e chained under the new
law and what is the rate under the pres-
..i ...i, l luurK a sliirht re-
em. K
auction In rates on grain and other com
modifies to Omaha, but the rate to
Chicago on the product in which the
farmers are most interested may ue m-
nvnwd three, and in some instances,
fn..r n-nts a bushel. That is without
taking the local rates across Iowa and
Illinois, which would increase' the rate
still more. From what can lie learned
... .. IJ 1...
now it looks as it it wouiu uol ur
until the new law and the men who
foivMl it on the people will liecome de
cidedly unpopular. It is high timj that
reason and not prejudice controlled the
actions of people and that men assessed
of fair minds and business instinct were
sent to make laws, instead of calamity
howlers, possessing a fanatical desire to
"down ' any ana all corporate imeicm.
The actions of the populists have shown
the leaders to be the most grasping, sel
fish set of office-seeking creatures that
has ever controlled the legislature. A
populist leader who is honest iu lus worn
aud lias no ax to grind, would be as hard
to find as will be the surplus or tne
15.000 annropriation for impeachment
purposes after the decisions are handed
Northwest Nebraska it racatwng a
great maay new settler this apiinp, but
no count v isen.uvioil tfie prosper.-.. i"u
development to tlie extent tliat is oux
raimtv is. It might be added uiat in no
count v in the state, old or new, is there
better prospects for a good crop.
ti lown of Cisco. Texas, was struck
bv a cyclone on last Friday and almost
tntallv demolished. Twenty-five people
were killed outright, and many others
injured. The horror of the cataswopnj
.. I I l...;l.l.nm!
ivq uiiriMl to UV tue wrecneu "'S"
tkiu!r fire. The loss was so great that
a call was made for outside assistance.
X elite. -Tlber Caltara.
P. 8. LAKDOrrica. i
April IStr. tV-S.
,-. ....... Ul. W ..I .. hM.ll watitmi .-.I this
Tin.r Culture Kutry u-M"tiJ!re
2 raue'iTn sioui touutj, Siebraska, with
t9tautllesing that t he said John
rub nas iauea w urea -
en any part oi said Wact inw date of entry
aiia iure i i.u uirMi - - - , . . , , . .
tract and tual sam ocin-w "tiIl
lulllatlO" oi '" , ,B. of
HCf fill Lilt. Dill UMT V v - - - -
a. la., to respond and funiisu tertimony coo-
ii I WW.
The w orking of the new .liquor law
which will go into effect iu Bouui Caro
lina on Julv 1. im, will be watcueo
with a great deal of interest by all class-
n.nla who take any interest, in
the advancement of the welfare of the
iiiililic. Under the uew law the sale ol
n !,. i;,,,ir.r in thB state will be under
the control of the governor, n is
tlnc-ht bv inanv that the result will
ha a erit reducto i in the amount of
A terrible cvclone visited Oklahoma
last week, destroying several towns and
killing between seventy-live and one
hundred people aud seriously injuring
....... ir hundred and fifty others
Great suffering and almost incalculable
loss is the result Many were rendered
homeleas and were utterly ruined in a
few moments by lira work of the ele
ment. The people of Sioux county
should be thankful that they have no
need to fear such calamities.
will M-aetica tafon U eeurtt aad tv V.
s. Land 0ce. Basinaw autrasted J i
care U1 raceiv prompt attention.
Setke. UomeKtfatl Eutrj.
V. . i.a'o Office, i
in SMNU couiivy, ..V.ant
a,,eBiK that the said Jobu Kipr, lias
That he Uas lcn wholly ahsent lroUl said
claim lor more than eiehttn niouthB ij..i..e-
mutelv prior o mwwB . ,
that the Haid elaiiu is not aetlKxl upon a d
iliiproveu as reipuruu "J ,"'A", "7 " , ;.
ant bavlliK neon auscui i,,.-.. ...... .-.
than clBUtecn months. Immediately prior to
iSS makinKof this aftidavil and that d
pa'rUe. are hereby summoned to appear at
tnwoinceoii u.c t..sti.
OCIOCK, a. Ill, I"-- ; ---
mony couix-rnmB .? -.r.-- -- ---
Testimony , -,,,- rL . his
1W3' 154 411 ' lieceivci
U. t' t:)M.F.V, contestant's attorney.
wcst .gA3T.
I'nirbas TlrVus and i uuslfo Vuur Frtiglit
via th "
F., E.&M. V.S.C.4P.
H. G. BURT, General Manager.
Gen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pasa. Xgt.
Dr. Leonterdt
LimiU" hi practica to di of Uk
Kervous ysti,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Faahnf . Mo-
tion and Will-power, Cramps, FiU, GB
eral Xervousnes. and all forma of
(As shown by Shortness of Braata,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Humb
ness in region of the Ileart.)
(Such as Skin lAaaaaas, Ulcers, Exoav
sive Paleness or Redness of tha Faoa,
Faintneas , Diiiiness, etc.)
14S2 O ST. - - LINCOLN. NEB.
M-Uentlun this paper.
A gang of canvassers repreaenung a
Chicago grocery firm has been working
the farmers of Custer fcouuty and"doing
a good business in selliug their goods. A
few days ago one of the canvassers at
tached a lot of the goods in order to get
t,; and rave Deoole a chance to see
the kiud of trash sold tor goon goou;.
The stuff was of the poorest quality and
had been sold for the best. It will 1
found in nine oases out of ten it pays to
dal with home merchants much better
tu if .w to order ef some house of
which nothing is known.
Notive-Timber Culture.
May 2, 1WS
Complaint sail having been entered at this
office by bv Charles 11.1'nitt uBainjt .acha
riah Shrop for failure to comply with law as
to timber culture entry No. 445. dated W .
6th, lS5, upon the aouthwost l;rtcr, scl
tion 7, township 30 north, range M went, in
Moux county, Nebraska, with a view to th
cancellation of said entry; eo"tUijt l
ing that the said entryinan Has hoi "''
dunea said iiaci in .,,. ., iii vu i h
in? to break, piow or in anj -"J
any portion of said tract since January 1st,
. ' ..... .... t.-u arrtmtitr tm SaVlCl
IffiM, lucre "V v,v v " 5V V Ti, lta.
tract,.! tha present time, a.d that there has
punted on said tract .
.wi t.rari nrior to January lt, 18l, has
- . .....,..i c... u j t.i lurm a
arrown i n to grass auu n. ... -
VW i.: 1 . i - i,..,-..v.v Hiintnioncd
sou. i ne shiu imivi." 'v"", : ;
to appear at this olllce on the lb day of June,
1WJ3, at luo cioca ji. in., . --
ish testimony conccrmnft said .al11.,v'a,1
ure. ;n-w l-r Z:
II. C. CONLtV, COIIK'Slttlll S 11 HOI u..
The answers of the defendant in the
impeachment case are of a nature to
interest all who desire to know anything
f.f thp conduct of the affairs of the state.
In that of ex-Attorney General Lease it
is set up that in the charge that he was
rained s counsel by a private party
a case in which the auditor was a re
spondent, that he had a perfect right to
do so as there was no law to the contra
ry and the only question at issue was
ihe. viiliditv of the bonds. Iu the answer
of the present attorney general it is set
..n that he has not the time to minutely
ejeamine all matters presented to the
various boards of which he is a member
and Is coniDellod. as are the other mem
aei. to take many of the reports as
true. The answer of Commissioner
Humphrey shows tliat he has to keep
1&,QQ0 individual ledger accounts in tlie
matter of the state lands and also attend
tn n frrent deal of correspondence m con
oection therewith, and is also a member
of the board of public lands and build
ings, board of transportation, board of
pbnnpacy, warehouse commission,
board of educational lands and funds,
and board of purchase and supplies. He
futhn sets us that the impeachment
proceedings against tint are the result
ot pasaioa and prejUidice without coiisid
amtion of facta. Tha answer of the
Others are much tlie same. The supreme
mrt will he called on to decide how far
an officer is responsible for tlie acts of
subordinates, and also to wnat extent
the affidavits of officials of state institu
tions can be relied oa. To expect any
man to do all tlie work in any of the
stale offices is preposterous, so that it is
,cirr to draw the line where tbeir
responsibility ceases. If any of them
lave been guilty of malfeasaacs or av
knowingly been a party in defrauding
the state they tboukl be punished, but
they should not be punished for tb dis
, booest acts of mea who ar under oatb
-. aAtkani io oarforsa tbair iaty who
' fimai hills, Toocbers, smmI other docnr
aafUfor tbarn to act oa which wart
PIMM to bafora baiog prestated. Iba
J jtHwaaftlhat tha most ssdo(
... SBWaBBBBHaMatstaaOBBl aaal ftaMOOC 4W aw4wMC 0fflW
The remarks of Thk JOVBSAL iu regard
to the impeachment of ex-Attorney Gen
eral Leese and henator Biewaii s ai
tenmt to table tho resolution, and that
gentleman's vote against the resolution
of thanks to the presiding officer of the
..,.,. xxm to have touched the states
man from Deadrnan in a tender snot and
he comes back in the last issue of his
party organ. He says that Majors rode
roughshod over the independent members
of the house on every important measure,
and insinuates that he turned his chair
so as to face, one sido of the chamber and
nniored the oilier aiiogemer iui wm
He does not say that Majors actually did
such a thins and it is doubtful if he did,
for no kick was made by Rosewater
about anv such a' I on the part of the
lieutenant srovernor, and it is well under
.Infill In r. no silt.-h breech of official
etiquette would have been permitted to
go unheralded in tlie ISee by majors
most bitter enemy. As to the treatment
accorded Stewart and his colleagues the
resolution introduced by him that cer
tain acts were infamous, only receireu
nine votes beside that of the senator from
this district, and tliat is better proof
of how tlie members felt about it than
the statement of o:n member iu a con
troversy. In regard to the impeachment
proceedings lie says that "It should
ha first understood that tne im
peachment proceedings against tlie state
nflicars were not instituted until conclu
sive proof of their rascality and guilt
had been unearthed. That is a eorser.
Some of the rasMltty consistea oi exor
hitiint hills nut through by tlie finance
committee or tlie populist legislature vi
1891. havintr accrued before any of the
impeached officials were in office except
Leese, Hill and Benton, ana alter exam
ining tlie star chamber evidence on the imneachmeat was basen
Judge Pound reported no proof of cor
ruption, but that maoo no aMiemux to
the pops who were running trie impeacn
ment game. He says lie finally con
M.uW that to out the resolution to ta
ble th Leesa resolution through would
An mnn harm than cood and witnaraw
it. That conclusion was reached by the
parlianieatarian from the northwest dis
tent after the chair bad iiiiormeu mm
that no such resolution could be enter
tained. There no use lor Mr. Stewart
t,. utomnt to fool all of the people all
of tlie time. He ha playea ni nana wr
ail it. woji worth for soho years on the
nonnle of tlie county and Ws recoru ior
narrnw-mimtetlaets did not begin with
his vote on the Majors' resolution. If he
had studied the rules of the senate half na he did the scheme necessary
t i-.t. himself elected to thai ooay, ne
would hava been saved a good deal of
bumiHaVtot) ana naa essvueaaww -t
trtaiit ksfd feelincs toward the officer
who bad io torn biq w N vflm wb
be attempted to psrforas aawes w
the rWu of that iitfaoioiia'' -ay
wou4 pot allow
Ql'IUVAS I CONLl'Y, Uwyern.
Will i-h.vctice ix all tus local, stats
and federal courts and U. S. Land oaca.
-t s i s J t
r5& Office in Court House,
a itticrw - NEBRASKA
Filial Proof Notices.
All persons having flnal proof notices in
this paper will receive a. B
paper auu arc i.:.iu.v -iVi ,L.rt tii,.
UUIUX ftllH ll " ' 1 J . ,J ' f ' "
am: to tills omceatonoe.
Notice for l'ulilii'ation.
Land Ofllce at Chsdron, Neb.
Apr. IS, 1W3.
Notice is hereby alven that tho follow.nK
namea seiner hhi n--. : r
tion to make llnnl proof in Nippon of ; his
Court, at HarrNon, M'orMSK,., mi ..i". -
ISM, via:
Ta-U lli. lanl. (if lioil.UT. Xelir-
i.m.i.. Homestead Kntry So. 37.W lor the
neJi.scc,!, t W n., r. 35 west of the 6th
He names the following witnes.-i s to prot c
his continuous residence uiion andcuUnft
tion of said l.nnl, viz:
William s. Hall, nuin, niui.i ..
merman, Erim-t H,unKC.all of Kliirc, ebr.
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Bstate Agents,
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Notice. -Homestead Entry.
t.'HAUKON, NEB. I vvols,a.
fmi.iilalnt ifill having- been entered at this
office bv William s. Ilrearley SKahist Josepli
(-..iinvi. in wttuniv will)
"";kv v: '..,?' v.',r,. v h'i'. dated
law UN io iiuuii;ot .....j
Febv nth, isss, upon the e. ne see. i mm
ruj . . . i.i-rt nr.itti rtinire
nX section u, " mi"" v; -
5ft west, in Sioux county, Nebraska, with n
view to tne earn enai.111" "-
testant ulleing that the said Jose nil I.
Montgomery lias wholly iibnndoued said
tract; that he has chained his residence
therefrom tor more man . iu ,
required by law. The said Pities arc hery
r suinmoiicu hi ii i....- ---
dav nf June. 1KB. at 10 o'clock a. ui., to re-
, furnish tentiinonv conceriilnK
8aid alleged I ailure
ieUUlllliyill inline . i.i. r
fore II. T. ( onley, a notory public, nt his oT
nce in Harrison on the 10 day of June, 18U,
at 10 a. in. T. r. I'owebs, Kccelver.
GKO. WA1.KKK, coniesiann! aiijr. i
Parties desiring to buy or sell real
estate should not fail to
call on them.
Sheriff" Sl.
i... ,.r a,, oritur nf nle Issued bv
i,, ...... ... - . i..V i ..I SimiT
the I lera oi me hiihih .
county, Nebraska, upon decree rendered
UJ ...... .r,.taii... iot..r fiirlstlfin
son. Mary aiiu tiiiiBiiaiiwui . . .. . v. . . .
MorUras-c ( ompauy. J. I.. Brown. asslKhee,
Tbinml fllevcnpori, Belle Madden, William
li. aiaouen anu vicvian
on the 13th day of May, 1893, at one o clock,
n m on said dav, at the front door of
the Court House, in said county, in Harri
son, Nebr., sell the followiBR described
real estate, viz: The South half ol tho
south west quarter and North-west quarter
... ..... :. ,.r UAnilmi Tupntv-
..v.. .....I 1 1 .no u t .iiiurlur nf South-
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, etc,
sr.. i
n r.T
Xu'.lec for l'tiblieiitien.
Land Office at Children, Seb., (
Apr. S, 1S9S. )
Kom. la lM-mliv riven that the followintf-
nanicnl settler has Hletl notice of his inten
tion to make nnai prooi in f,f V" ..X. i.
claim, and that said proof will be made i be
fore conrau i-inuciiian,
triet Court at Harrison, Rcnrasaa, u ......
15th, 1M, vu:
it Turner nf liraniinerKv, ,elr.,
who made Homestead Entry No, ffl te thi:
N W. N" . i i.t )4 il1"
est oi mu iiiii i .
lie nunies tue iwiw"'is -
his continuous resiucncc ui.i --
UuTy. AueSncrS: Wavto. George
W. Cobb, Solomon It. f tory, all of story
Nebr. also
vi;,.i.,i, Vnrnliv. of Bodare. Nebr.,
who made Homestead No. Ms, t or she Lot
m. Nw, h ; v- ' ,j '
ii nmnm e following witness topjpve
hwconiinuous re"iw- r"
tion oi saia mnu,
-. , it.. . InasnK t CiTTH
"IIU, "rr'fnhn "WT 'Huntsr. all of
... I. MW-ASS.
BOUUro.nmx-. "uttir
jOIBj .
three, iicsl ui me "... . . ........... .
in Sioux county, Nebraska, at public auction
. . ,. .. :.. l.l.l.ln. I'.u. null tit lUltiMfV
said order of sale lu the an in of S.1M anil
interest, costs anu accruing ousm u
... . A... HA .1.I..U TKniiiu. llAVt.n-
port recovered from Belhv Madden, V illlam
t. Ma'uieii ami muiBr .. nu.-
:iw-it , ...... ,
' Sheriff of Sioux Co., Nebr
TaeauironWawHta ttai
Ifortog, Martia ao4' CfcsUr wUl control
aslf0wi.lfAfNt, a Uwt (h asy
Notice for fnbliratloa.
lind Osltce at Cbadron, Seb.,
Mar. J7. IS9S.
-....- i. r.iv..n that the following
hi. mten
nntueo seiner u ; , " "VJT, ,j ia
Court at Harrison, oti,
183, via:
f., AKlor (ifRi.vville. :flr..
., made Homestead Kntry " JMS, for th
- .. - aa Z u u Wihi
1 He nameVibe followin- witness topjrre
hiricoiuinuous imwriiw!
M& b' riSis Neeee, Alva Shrceve,
Jaoien E.Mc'Coy.allof Koyviue, tieDr.; bh
i-u Rtleh. of Wontntse. Nebr.,
. .. ...... i-.. t y-v n iiAA far the
SW. BSC. . Tn. IS ., K. M Wl'iara
Itll P.M. i. ,n
Ho nantas tno louowiug wiwo. 1- ---...ntinnnnaniaidence
11 Don and cultiva
tion of. an. vis: P
NeDr. ll " n.i---. n
Sheriff's Sslr.
I'.v virtue of (in order of sale issued by
- i I.1-.-1..1 I'm.rt tti MlmiT
county, Nebmaka, upon a decree rendered
n,,,'. rv ,i5niinst James II. Johnson, Western
Farm Mortgage Company, a Dakota eorpo
nnrt. MnsTLriu iievenrein, aim in
. ., ., . VI - ..
llevenport, 1 win on me i.mi uu.v .i
1883, lit I o'clock pm on said day, at the front
door of the court house in said county, in
iiQrri..ui. Nuhraska. sell the following de
scribed real estate, vis: The Southwest
n uni te r ol section tweniy-nvw (-tj; in
n..r - Wl-K !(nolnn1 1. Ur i fill in SlOUI
county, NcbraskH, at public auction, to
the highest ?4dar foe eush, to saniHfy stud
et and coats and accruing ta.
1 1 Sheriff Sionx Co.. 5ebr.
(general T
Look at my Goods and Prices
KlHwirf Kala.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued
. .. i . . .it f i.-, i-iiii n. (ll
. , f V..I.....1. .... a,.f. ren.
SlUUJk Wiuillj. ....... -
dered in wild court in favor of Sarah C. 1.
Hamett ami against rrsnmn nuuuua, s
Simons, Saran K. Davis and U. 1'. ltavlu, I
will on the 3rd tfay of June, MSB, at m
o'elack, p. m. on said day at tlie front door
of the roars house in Harrison, Nebr.,sell
the foHowiii)? diwcrilwd real estate, vis:
IX) l numuer oi " ''-''
Six In the village of Harrison, slou
county Nebraskant public auction to the
hishest bidder for easn ta satisfy said order
of sale in the sum ot One Thousand Seven
teen and 40-iwaonamAaiiu inieruu
. . ... . . U.l , . V
auu aevTinna cufc. . "-. t
S4J SheruT of Siowx eonnty, Neb-
Before Placing Orders Elsewhere.
We can Accomodate Every-
one and Garry Everything
From a Carpet Tack to a
Threshing Machine.
We are at the Bottom for Cash.
Harrison, Nebr.
own following brand :
KeOes fer Pnblteation.
Lan efflce at chad rop. Neb.,
Mar. V, 1SW. I
Kotthrebyiveii that taao UowW
amp (tayaarv wfwt "T-l
it as y 1 wg.yy,
sjwoca. Osgiwsl
- . ' .x..s-,' ! mrm
Furniture. Kimtixi Shades. Pictures and
XH Paper. ;
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
aasalrfn- dere on short mUcw.
uawl sal n
Geo. C. Reed,
OiaT7tord, He
I T - . .a a t '
, I f W Mf WMIT ssvn.