The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 04, 1893, Image 3

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" I am happy to state to you and
to suffering humanity, that my wife
has used your wonderful remedy,
August Flower, for sick headache
aud palpitation of the heart, with
satisfactory results. For several years
she lias been a great sufferer, has
been under the treatment of eminent
physicians in this city and Boston,
ant found little relief. She was in
duced to try August Flower, which
gave iuimedaite relief. We cannot
say to much for it." I,. C. Frost,
Springfield, Mass. $
For their Illustrated Catalogue,
03 SHOE NcTr'ttp.
Do joti wear thsm? When next In need try a pair, they
give you more comfort and service for the money
t i any other make, Best In the world.
W. L. Douglas Shoes tre matle Ir ill the
' Latest Styles.
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to $8,
try my $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoe. They will fit equal to cus
tom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to
economize in your footwear, you can do so by purchasing
W. L. Douglas Shoes. My name and price Is stamped
on the bottom, look for It when you buy. Take no sub
stitute. I send shoes by mall upon receipt of price,
postage free, when Shoe 1i-b1it cannnt supply you.
W.L. lOUGLAS, Hrockton, HMD.
Worid'M 1 v Knuv. mr riaymir Curds. oiiit jujr f
ftDcN-kot ft. Cards viz.: Kiuje. Q "'Mi. Jark. ihI
Cards. fA far f wf ('"id is iuhtigruphni. in
Hven color, ueof the Wttiffeveiit. A'attanttt. ho, eiui,
m...t t,,i. ii,iii,tiufiu nf Uu Wat d'n Fair, lliskllitf tlie
LI U n
4.00 f 1
ft a go l t ;.rn
' "J a-rr
2.25 i JVLj
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner
of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
; Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence,
this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889.
and acts directly
upon the Blood and
mucous surfaces.
E. B. WALTHALL b CO., Druggists, Horse
Care, Ky., say; "Hall's Catarrh Cure cures
very one that takes 11."
CONDUCTOR E. D. LOOMIS, Detroit, Mich.,
says: "The effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is
wonderful.". Write him about it.
Hall's Catanh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines.
F. J.
Testimonials sent free on application
n Pise's RemeOy for Catarrh to tha f"
I I Bert, Kaslwt to Cm, and Cheapest I I
n l ioMbr DrotortibTBia. I I
M No. . T. BaulUae, Warrea, fa. LJ .
Knit la lDCla(,
A scientific paper tells of a new lisli
ing device whereby the minnow usfd
(or bait iu angling for large fish is kept
alive and safe from the predatory den
izens of the deep, who strike at it, but
catch hooks instead It is incased in a
glass tube through which the water
circulates freely. The application is
new but the idea of carrying bait in a
bottle is as old as angling is. There is
one improvement to be uoteo however,
as under the old plan the bait was sure
to give out sooner or later, depending
on the size of t lie bottle and the ardor
of the fisherman.
A silver spoon which was lost by
Horace Woodward of liayville, Conn.,
who is now eighty years ot age, when
he was six years old, has been restored
to him. he claims. The spoon was
found at the bottom of a well which
was being cleaned out.
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovery purifies the blood.
By this means, it reaches.
builds up, and invigorates
every part of the system.
For every blood-taint and
disorder, and for every dis
ease that comes from au inac
tive liver or impure blood, it
is the only remedy so sure
and effective that it can be
If it fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
Those- diea.so6 are many.
They're different in form, but
they're like in treatment. up tlie torpid liver into
healthful action, thoroughly
purify and enrich the blood,
and there's a ixwitive mm
The ' Discovery " does this,
as nothing else can. Dvsoepsia, Indigestion,
JJiliousness; all fironr-hial, Thrnataud Lung
AtFootioim ; every form of Scrofula, even
Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its ear
lier stapes; and the most stubborn Skin
and Scalp Disease, are completely cured
by it.
This Trade Mark is on the belt
ciu'o"' i" ihe World !
Tlie Wavis Hand Crer.m Separator anil
Feed Cooker Combined.
Completcst of outfits for a dairy farmer. This
machine has an attachment which, when the bowl
has been taken out, is dropped into the Separator so
that a bflt can run to the churn. Writefor further
particulars. Davis Itulikin Bldir. and Mfsj.
Co.. X40 to S54 W. Lake St.. ChlcaRO, 111.,
Manufacture alt kinds of Creamery Machinery and
Dairy Supplies. (Agents wanted in every county.)
C!itv nf Tolpdn.
Lucas Co , S.S.
" 7 v - . w 7
State of Ohio.
(I i II
A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public.
KEV. H. P. CARSON, Scotland, Dak., says:
" Two bottles of Hall's Catarrh Cure complete
ly cured my little Rlrl."
J. C. SIMPSON, Marquess, W. Va., says:
"Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me of a very bad
case of catarrh."
A Molt, ut EipiRtit!
co, id rerrrr
A Woniaa Khii tb Jail
In (ireiiwicli there is a woman
jaiikeeiKT, whose father and grand
lather kept the jail before her. So in
secure was the old place that some
years ago it no unusual thing foe
the prisoners to remark that they coul'l
escape, but they were treated so areil
they didn't care to. To one of the
prisoners who spoke of the matter ol
escape Mrs. Smith replied that she hal
asked for an appropriation, wheie uoo'i
the prisoner called for pen and ink and
wrote to the governor of the State a
characteristic letter, which is kept
among the archives. It is headed
"East (ireenwicb jail," and continues.
"If you don't send some one down here
pretty quick and patch up this place
for Mrs. Smith as she wants it I'll
leave." -
Tba Keaeoa.
"Do you wear eye-glasses because you
think you look better with them?"
asked Miss Pert.
"I wear them, because I know I look
better with them," answered the short
sighted man, sadly. Puck.
Why He Went.
Suburban Houskeeper "Here you
promised me if I'd give you a warm
meal, you'd help me with my garden."
Tramp "Yes, mum, and you did
veil by me, mum, and I'm much
"Hut you are going without digging
the earden."
'Yes, mum. I'm a landscape gar
dener, mum, and I'm going ol? to hunt
up a landscape."
An Article of True Merit. "Brown's
Kronrltiul Trorkes'' are everywhere popular
as a cure for Throat Disease- and 'ou;:ia .
and this popularity is buned upon real
merit. .Surf only in bom.
Sn ail I'rii'e for a Hig Franchise.
It looks as though Xew York were
not likely soon to have its much talked
about rapid transit bv a tunnel under
Broadway. The franchise, for it was
put up the other day to be sold at nuc
tiou to the highest bidder, and the best
bid that could be obtained was $1,000,
which tlie commissioners thought was
hardly enough, and they concluded to
withdraw it from sale. Subsequently
they announced that they had decided
to abondon the canal scheme.
A watermellon was on exhibition in
she bianta l'e railroad ollice in Chicago
recently which measured thirty inches
in length and weighed 132 pounds. It
was grown in .San Ilernardino county,
Mr. Geo. W. Twist
Coloraa, Wis.
All Run Down
A Puzzling Case How Health was
Gained from 135 to 170 I'ounde.
"A few years ago my health failed me and 1
consulted several physicians. Not one could
clearly diagnose my case and their medidne
failed to give relief. After much persuasion I
commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Have
taken several bottles and am much improved.
From an all run down condition I have been
restored to good health. Formerly 1 weighed
135 pounds, now I halance the scales at 176
l ounds. Hood's Sarsaparilla has been a great
benefit to me, and I have recommended it io
friends, who realize good results by its use."
Oko. W. Twist, Coloma, Waushsra Co.. Wis.
Hood's Pllla cure liver ills, tick head
ache, jsundicc, indigestion. Try a box. 25c.
Is the best Blood Medicine, becausi
it asslata nature to throw off the im
purities of the blood, and at the sanx
Ime tones up the entire organism. Thai is usl
jontrary to the effectof the various potash, mer
:ury, sarsaparilla mixtures, which bottle up th
mpurities in the system, thus producing mucl
lickness and suffering. Therefore, for a
ran cannot do better than take 8. 8. S.
" As a physician, I have prescrilie rt and usee
i. 8. 8. in my practice as a tonic, and for blooo
troubles, and nave been very successful. I nevei
ised a remedy which gave such general satisfao
Jon to myself and patients.
" L. II. Ritchy, M. D-i Mackey, Ind."
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed frea
Powdered aad Perfumed.
if rtmowt and surest Lre made;
Unlike other Lye, It being a fine
powder and packed in aoau with
raw Table 114, the contents are
always ready tor use. win maae
the twit perfumed Bard Soap In SO
minutsewftOB sottUMj. Itleth
bait for eleansing waste-pipes,
disinfecting sinks, closets, wash
lag bottles, pelnte, trees, eta.
Oen. Agte., Pblla,, Pa, .
Cares Cmeaaapttwa, Caagfce, Craw, tro
Tareat. 8old by all DrtifgiMSM a Oeeieatae.
f or a Laae Wde, Back e (Xlta Ilea! PtVfM
Plaster will give great satiahttlwi tj W -
lost Thmtipsoa's CaUantry.
'Iid you ever hear how General
Jeff. Thompson once evaded an order
in the Held and didn't fret caught at
It?" asked an old Missuurian of a St
Louis Itepublir man. '-It happened,
I think, in the t-unnuerof 1HG1, tne
year when Gen. l'ri e and fien. A. J.
Smith were chasing each other up
and down the State. f!cn. Thompson,
with a section of Price's army, swept
across the central Missouri prairies,
and on one hot. August day the citi
zens of Sedaliasaw his men approach
ing the town in a ierfect cloud of
"Sedalia was garrisoned by a body
Df Home Guards under the command
jt Colonel William Bloss and Major
William Gentry, and so, when ths
alarm bell sounded, the little band
hurried to the trenches and prepared
for defense Thompson saw the
handful of citizens and unlimbered
his guns. An apparently lleree can
nonade was kept up for half an hour,
during which t'me one man was
Killed, and then the Home Guards
capitulated and Thompson rode into
town. I remember the terrible time
he had that day endeavorir.g to con
trol his rough riders, who seemed
bent on making everything contra
band, but he Anally made them un
derstand his imperative orders and
quiet was soon restored, but not
until every citizen of lighting age
had been placed under arre-t and
'Well, it leaked out before night
that Thompson had orders to burn
the railroad depot. It was a great
wooden structure, against which a
large number of the store buildings
backed, and to burn the depot was to
burn the town. The General was a
fipectacular soldier as well as a brave
tighter and his picturesque dress
showed him to be somewhat of a gal
lant knight. Hence the ladies ot Se
dalia banded themselves together to
the number of lift,,' and waited upon
him with a prayer not to destroy the
depot and the town. He treated the
delegation with conspicuous courtesy,
and finally told the ladies that a
soldier must obey orders, but he felt
free to notify them that he would set
Hre to the depot at 5 o'clock on the
following morning, and he hinted to
them that if the old barn happened
to be green and didn't burn up the
fault would be theirs. They took
thc hint. Promptly at " o'clock a
bucket brigade of ladies was In line
at the depot The soldiers started
the fire, the General gave his orders
for the army to move on, and the
ladies waited until the commander
had disappeared and then promptly
extinguished the flames amid the joy
ous shouts of the soldiers,"
Thackeray's l't ol American Money.
Thackeray at that time (1851), was
.inly beginning to earn large sums by
liis writings, and he was no longer in
those straitened circumstances which,
with such inimitable humor he
alluded to in "The Carmen Lilliense,"
in which he tells how "Titmarsh was
in pawn at Lille," and how he was
rescued from the duresse of a sus
picious landlord by a "10-pound note
from grand mamma?" But it was
not until he visited the Unitea States
Dti a lecturing tour that he became
really affluent I rememberat a New
Kngland Society dinner once, held at
the Fifth Avenue Hotel, 'ew York,
Hitting next to the most amiable and
popular American divine, the Rev.
Dr. Bellows, who had been one of
Thackeray's most intimate friends
during his stay in America, and had
even, If I remember aright, given
him the use of his church as a lecture
room. He described to me the al
most boyish delight with which
Thackeray told him on his return
from New Orleans of the great finan
cial success with which he had met
in the States. "Parson," these were
his words repeated to me by Dr. Bel
lows, "it's come at last. I have made
a pot of money." And if a man de
served to win a crock of gold, William
Makepeace Thackeray was the man
In question.
The Arizona Deserts.
The processor reclaiming the Ari
zona desert goes on apace. During
recent years many Irrigation projects
have been put on a working basis and
districts va.yingfromafew thousands
to hundreds of thousands of acres ate
Icing rapidly brought into agricul
tural., and horticultural use. The
greatest project of this character yet
undertaken was practically bc-jun a
few days ago and plans for one still
greater are announced. For the first
contracts have been placed involving
an expenditure of more than $2,000,
000 for the construction of reservoirs
and canals to utilize water from the
Gila River in reclaiming 300, 000 acres
of land, which will be first-class fruit
and vine land. The dam will be one
of the largest in the country and
seventy-two miles of canals are to be
constructed. The second project
contemplates the reclamation of 400,
000 acres of now arid land, with
water taken from the Rio Verde,
stored in three immense reservoirs,
and distributed bv 150 miles of canals.
The land and the canal routes have
teen surveyed and the $2,500,000
necessary to undertake the work sub
scribed. Much of the land will make
good orange growing land. New
York Sun.
J)ono tnr Dose.
In Bcloochistan, when the physi
cian gives a dose, he is expected to
partake of a similar one himself, as a
guarantee of his good faith. Should
the patient die under his hands, the
relatives, though they do not exercise
it in all circumstances, have the right
of putting him to death, unless a
special agreement has been made
freeing him from all responsibility as
to consequences; while, if they should
decide upon Immolating him, ho has
no reasonable ground tor complaint,
bat is expected to submit to his fate
ili:e a mail.
Why not, indeed?
When the Royal Baking Powder makes
finer and more wholesome food at a less cost,
which every housekeeper familiar with it will
affirm, why not discard altogether the old
fashioned methods of soda and sour milk, or
home-made mixture of cream of tartar and
soda, or the cheaper and inferior baking pow
ders, and use it exclusively ?
An Incorrigible.
A man came one day to tlie late earl
of Shaftsbury, a philanthropist, al
though a nobleman, bringing a note
from the governor of Manchester jail,
saying that the bearer was incorrigible,
and had spent twenty years in prison.
Shaftsbury talked kindly to the fellow
and then said:
"John Spiers, shall I make a man of
"Yer can try, but yer can't do it,"
was the discouraging reply.
Finally he agreed to enter a reform
atory where the discipline was strict,
but kind.
After a few days the earl called and
"Well" John Spiers, shall we go on?"
'Yes," replied he, but you've tackled
a tough job."
"By God's help I'll go on, and I'll
succeed to," responded the earl. At
the end of two years this man was met
by a friend of Shaftsbury. He was
well-clad, healthy and held a good po
i Ion in London.
"Ah," said he, "it was the earl's kind
words did it. That was a new way. I
never had a kind word or a loving look
, iven me in my life before, or I might
have acted very differently."
What a testimony! What a salva
tion! About Ancestors.
William S. Walsh writes in the New
York World: A family like a race or
nation, does indeed bud flower, and run
to seed, and the seed must be trans
planted to new soli in order to but and
(lower again. Now, a part of the fool
ish ancestor worship of the past re
sulted in the creation of aristocracies
built on the foundation of an illustri
ous ancestor. We are getting wiser
and better. We are putting our
aristocracies closer to the primal source.
We are learning no longer to respect a
man because his ancestor was better
than himself, but because he himself,
is an ancestor. The farce of royalty is
played out; the farce of rank and caste
is in a moribund condition. All men
will soon learn to laugh at the claims
of long descent. Many men laugh at
them now. And this in itself is an im
mense step in advance.
Snobbery, vulgarity, pretension'
tltese hideous traits will soon be of the
past Our gandchildren freed from the
absurd ideas, the absurd restriction of
semi-savage inception, will be larger,
more generous, more tolerant better,
iu short, than ourselves. Fresh and
vigorous blood will intermix with the
worn-out descendants of great men,
and in due time greater men from the
stock will be born to the future. Every
succeeding age sees the abandonment
of some superstition which has checked
the piogress and developmept of the
race in the past.
World's Fair Number.
The Youth's Companion publishes this
week an Extra World's Fair Number of 86
Pages, with 60 Illustrations, and a cover in
Ten Colors.
This is the largest and most elaborate
number that has ever been published by
The Companion during the sixty-seven
i years of its history. Whether you go to
,the Fair or stay at home you should have
.thi i number. It will be sent free to any
new subscriber received in May with $1.75
for a year's subscription. It can also be
obtained of newsdealers, or by sending
ten cents to
Tne Youth's Companion, Boston, Man.
There is a woman hermit in Massa
chusetts, whose life's story sounds like
a tale in the fiction. She is sixty-two
years old, and is said to have 8128,000
concealed in her house. She belongs
to a wealthy Lousiana family, but ran
away from a boarding school when a
young girl and married a young man
of moderate means.
A well known London millionaire
who made bis fortune selling furniture
and who is something of a plunger on
the surf, is called the "Duke of Bed
steads." He began business in a little
square room at one end of Tottenham
Court road. The "Duke of Bedsteads"
establishment now covers two city
blocks and its owner sits in parliament
Is tour blood poor? Take Beecham's
Pills. Is your liver out of order? Use
Beecham's Pills. 25 cents a box.
Perth, Ont., is engaged in making a
mammoth cheese for the Chicago fair.
It will be seven feet high and nine feet
iin diameter, and will require for Its
making the milk of 600 cows for three
Germany has a 4,000 ton forging
Chicago thieves steal crape from
door belli.
The youngest member of the British
house of commons is twenty-two years
of age; its oldest is on the shady tide ot
Why Married womesi Were Admitted.
An ancient legend tells us that the
angel on guard at the door of heaven
was once asked by an inquisitive passer
if more married or single women
passed through.
"More married ones," he promptly
"Indeed," said the questioner, who
was a man, and who immediately be
gan to plume himself. "Their hus
band's virtues, of course, admitted
them. That was right. The stronger
should aid the weaker."
"Xo." replied the angeL "that is not
the reason."
'Then what is it?"
"AVell, if you must know," said the
angel confidentially, "we pass them
first on their own merits; lots of 'em
get through that way. Then when we
can't find any other recommendation
for a married women, it is written
against her name. "These are they
which have come out to great tribula
tion,' and the gates fly open." Eleanor
Kirk s Idea.
A man named John Pitt escaped
from the jail at Lenoir, North Caro
lina. Twenty-four hours later he re
turned and surrendered himself. He
lost his way in the woods and got very
badly scared, and concluded that ho
would be very much safer and more
comfortable in jail.
The operation of a large mill in
Providence, Eh ode Island, was stopped
for half a day recently by a cat. The
feline, which had been asleep in the
engine room, on being suddenly
awakened, jumped lietween the fly
wheel and the belt. The animal was
killed, but it broke the belt.
Good Old Lady (to new boarder)
Will you please ask a blessing? New
Boarder (looking around the table)
Why, what for?
The latest style of cork leg is painted
for the feminine gender, to imitate a
yellow clocked black stocking with a
pink garter.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the'needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tie
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for Bale by all drug
gists in 50c and 91 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figa,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Positively cure Bilious Attacks, Con
stipation, Sick-Headache, etc.
25 cento per bottle, at Drug Store
Write for sample dose, free.
J. F. SMITH & C0.,New York.
jSjo imra Little iMkwr
the Famous Little Pills for rurnmllM tllr need
ache, DrapepalaJf o NBue,N Falsi Vet BmaH.
Correspondence solicited.
N. N. V. No. SSB-1S
York, Nek..