The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 04, 1893, Image 2

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    tke siaux coot mmi
I. i. mom. rreprtator
Dozens of farmers in Holt county
have been nearly bankrupted by the
late prairie firea.
'f. J. Hill of Fillmore narrowly
escaped death last week from being
thrown from a bucking broncho.
Fairbury is troubled with fire bugs
and the. citizen have guns set for
them in case they can be identified.
The people of Hebron have closed
the contract with the King Tress Drill
company, for the establishing of a fac
tory at Hebron.
Battle Creek has a cow that gave
birth to one calf on Wednesday morn
ing and about four days thereafter
gave birth to another.
Frontier county is working hard fot
an industrial home, to be located at
Stockville. The land has been donated
and part of the money raised.
The expert who has just completed
the examination of the records of Daw
son county, will report more than one
official who has "overdrawn his ac
count. "Tuck" Thayer and bis wife ot
Greeley who were divorced about four
years ago met some time ago, went
through a second courtship and were
married again.
The millinery establishment of Miss
Olive Ballard at Liberty was totally
destroyed by fire. The fire originated
from the friction of scrubbing her car-'
pet with gasoline.
Charles Campbell of Palmyra was
found dead in his harness shop last
week. He was highly respected but
addicted to drink to which cause his
ileath is assigned.
Greely Center citizens are gunning
after fire-bugs. Two or three incen
diary fires are about all they can stand
und if the bugs are caught fire water
won't save them.
Sherman county has reached that
state of civilization that attracts the
travelling grocer sharp. The North
western is trying to redeem the people
from their clutches however.
Jack Daulton and Willis Palmer were
worKing on a swing pisuorm in
Gothenburg, audwheu the rope broke
the men tumbled a distance of fifteen
feet. Palmer was badly injured.
The Wisner Chronicle mentions a
prize fight near that place in which one
ot the principals left the ring with a
broken arm and allowed the other fel
low to walk off with 1130 gate receipts.
Chadron bartely 'missed another shoot
ing; scrap last week. A colored man
. and Caucasian were the principals thia
lime, but no damage aside from the ex
plosion of a revolver resulted from the
. A broad-shouldered thief entered the
town of Atkinson and carried off two
breaking plows belonging to John
Htewart, A stationary engine is no .
safe when modern Samsons take to
John Riley was convicted of burglary
of a store at Dubois last January and
sentenced by Judge Bush to confine
ment in the penitentiary at hard labor
for four years. Riley is 21 years old
His parent a lire at Kansas City.
Fred Nevotny, the Sheridan county
school district treasurer who refused to
settle his delinquency when his suc
cessor was elected, has been found
guilty of embezzefment and will pay a
line of $340 and wear "streaked"
breeches for a while.
Indications are that the Nebraska
Conference Epworth League conven
tion which meets in York May 16 to 18,
will be largely attended and of wonder
ful power. Nearly every chapter in
the conference will send its full quota
of delegates. General Secretary ch II
will be there.
' A man by the name of Smith in
veigled the people of Davenport into
the belief that he was lusting after
Nebraska land. - - He made two or three
first -class purchases, in his mind, board-'
ed two weeks at a Grst-class hotel free
of charge and theu departed the realm
And the citizena do say that Smith
waa demented.
What doubt there remained in the
minds o( the people in regard to ttu'
fruit having '-nipped In the bud" war
entirely dispelled the other morning
when they saw . the leaves and blos
soms of their trees wilting in the sun
There was a splendid prospect tor w
good crop until the recent cold snap.
Swanton Record.
A- colored gentleman named Bell,
who clerked In a livery stable at Goth
enburg, took on a cargo of fire water
and painted the town. In the midst of
his jamboire be shot at an inoffensive
fellow citizen and then skipped lor
parts unknown, telling his wife before
going that be had murdered a man.
The snot did no worse damage than to
spoil a good bat
A small boy of Sheldon, went gunn
ing for geese, with the blunderbus full
to the muzzle, and what in the devil
became of the pieces, it just now some
what of a puzzle. He took deadly aim!
at the king of the flock, and rattle-te-bong
went the gun. The hunter fouuu
SMtntoff f it bat the stock, and some
Mack Slid blue marts for Ms fun. ';
Aaumber of (,'us ert, from all parti
sf as eesmtry, art to found a colony in
tiartoa County, Oitgea. Tuy have
sec aees ever halt ef water.
wSJUpSX to BTBlt tssse, v
km Attempt t Umi OlMttaae.
. Lonlon. April 29. -The Pall Mall
Gazette contains a sensational articlr
under big head lines, declaring that an
attempt was made to shoot Gladstone
at midnight as he was walking through
St. James park on his way heme.
Many inquiries have' been received
from various parts of the country as tr
the accuracy of the report Its truth
fulness is credited. A man is now
under arrest on the charge of firing a
revolver in a public thoroughfare.
When arrested he was found to have
a pocketbook containing entries de
tailing the recent movements of Glad
stone. His object is unknown. Glad
stone was going home frooj dinner when
the revolver was fired, but saw nothing
of the occurrence. When the shooter
was arrainged in the police court the
testimony elicited seemed to indicate
that he tried to shoot a policeman. His
notebook contained a mass of ravings
againist Irish home rule and sugges
tions that the murder of Gladstone
would be justifiable.
Notwiths'andlng the statements that
Gladstone was in no danger of being
shot and that no importance was at
tached to the affair, there is a growing
suspicion that Gladstone is nearer im
minent danger than his friends are will
sag to admit The man under arrest is
named Willi am Townsend. He is
thirty-eight years old and a resident of
Sheffield. The officer who arrested him
saw him mount the steps ot (i lad tone's
residence shortly after Gladstone en
tered. AVhen the policeman ordered
him to descend he fired at him and
desperately resisted arrest. Townsend
says the discharge of the revolver was
The following is from his notebook:
"The Irish home rule bill passed se
cond reading by a full majority, in-
oluding Saunders. Talking does not
convert Now is the time for action. I
might willfully murder you. Would
nothing of the kind be justified? Now,
to prove it, what says' Sir Henry
James? See Gladstone's speech. What
;ays Saunders ?
The magistrate instructed the jailor
t. guard the prisoner with the utmost
Heuvjr Failure
Sioux City, la., April 29. Thurs
day devblopmekts in the financial situa
tion here included the failure of the
Union Stock Yards company and of
Ed. Haakinson. secretary of the com
pany and a member of the syndicate
that controlled the collapsed companies.
Haakiuson's assignment was to E. B.
Spalding and was made without pre
ference. On Tuesday he made an as
signment of certain special credits and
some transfers of property. The gen
eral assignment covers the balance of
his property, which was large. His
private affairs were in the best of con
dition and he would have no trouble
but for bis indorsement of larr
amounts of paper for the syndicate,
which was floated in the east through
the Union Loan and Trust company.
No schedules of assets and liabilities
were filled with the assignment, as they
will not be ready for a day or two.
At 4:45 Thursday afternoon the most
important failure of the series as affect
ing local interests was announced
when A. L. Stetson, a stockholder in
the Union Stock Yards company, made
and application before Judge Gaynor
in the district court for the appoint
ment of a receiver. The court ap
pointed H. P. Chesley, manager of the
yards, as receiver, fixing his bond at
120,000. The stock yards company had
a considerable floating debt which was
placed through the ; Union Loan and
Trust company. When that company
became em harassed some stock yards
paper went to protest. An effort was
made to raise money and save the stock
yards company, but it failed. The ap
plication for a receiver alleges that the
oiticers have issued its negotiable paper
in excess of the amount of indebtdness
it was authorized to carry; aUo that,
attachments were threatened and a re
ceivership was necessary to protect the
stockholders. -'
Lou Two Mil Hub Franc.
Paris April 29. The bleach works
at Eplnal, in the department of the
Mosges, have been destroyed by fire, the
damage amounting to 2,000,000 francs.
Lilt of Fit tilt let.
Guthrie, O. T., April 29. The list
of fatalities by the cyclones of Tuesday
night grows larger each hour. In the
devastated district near Norman thirty
four bodies have been prepared for
burial. Several raoie were found
yesterday morning and half a score of
people are still missing. : A hundred
and fifty people were injured, six or
eight of whom will die. Near Purcell
eleven people all members of the
Catholic congregation, are dead. At
the town ot Case the storm swept
away nearly every building and eight
people were killed. At Langston two
are dead, two dying and twelve Injured.
East of there two families, numbering
fire and sit members, respectively,
1 perished, and in the extreme eastern
part of rayne county It is oeuevea
that nearly a score were killed. 7 be
full list of the dead will surely aggre
gate one hundred, the injured live
times mat numoer, ana. tne loss or
property will foot up nearly 91,000,000
Tho LkiMbir RieriM.
Ais, April 29. The danger of a
protracted dispute between the senate
and the chamber of deputies has been
averted by the action of the committee
of the chamber of deputies in agreeing
to iterate the liquor tax proposals
r., Jaebodget and in adopting the
scat4 of the senate for the taxation
ef 4 .lings oa tlie bonne. The
eaats flthe conflict between the two
chae. xs is thus removed end it Is ex
pects! that harmony will be etrtrreiy
TarrlkU UaatrMtloa.
Oklahoma Citt, O. T, April 28.
Two distinct cyclones, a terrible hall
sterai and a waterspout combined o'
wreck awful destruction in the newly
built towns in Oklahoma
It is reported that sixty-two human
lives were sacrificed.
It is positive that forty were killed,
while several were fatally and scores
seriously injured.
Orders for thirty-one coffins have
been received neie at Norman and
supplies were telegraphed for from
other points.
The brunt of the storm laid upon
th.- prosperous little town of Norman
on the Santa Fe railroad, twenty south.
nt that point thirty-one people were
killed, dozens injured and the town
almost completelv destroyed. The
people are frenzied and cannot give
any estimate of the loss, and know
no' hing except to care for the dead and
Further on the villages of Downs
iml Keokuk Falls were nearly
devastated and scores of people in
jured fatally and otherwise.
'J he first signs of impending danger
were seen late in the afternoon in a
pall black cloud overshadowing the
northwest for miles around. At
J-30 o'clock the roonstor swooped down
on the town of Moore. Houses with
precious lives were caught up and
carried before the angry torrent great
trees were twisted up and barns, fences
snd everything in its path were laid
Passing along for eight miles, it
struck the town of Norman, where the
lamage was repeated, and then went
n to Downs and Keokuk Falls and
through Pottawattamie county, where
thousands of dollars' worth of property
was demolished.
The house of Johu O'Connor, near
Moore, was destroyed and John
UConnor and his wife and three
.hildren, and live neighbors who
(ought shelter in the building,,, were
;rushed to death. The name nouse oi
inim Hank was torn to nieces and he
was killed, while others of the family
were badly injured three ot me
ihildren and Mrs. Hanks fatally.
The home of Henry iyer was ue
Tiolished and five people badly injured.
East of the stricken town iwo men
tnd two women were killed. Around
Norman, after iho cyclone, a fearful
Hailstorm started in, ana aiwr iv
violent rainstorm. Would-be rescuers
:ould hear the pitiful cries of unfortu
nates and here and there located im
prisoned victims, but help in most
iases was out of the question, and
leveral of the unfonuiiaies were coin
gelled to lay buried beneath the debris
f their homes. Men and women and
liiirirpn hv the score spent the dismal
flight in thel rain in an endeaver to
Ind loved ones.
A unnn as it was light enough men
f t quickly to work and commenced
lie rescue. Poor victims wnu uu
been imprisoned an nigm- weic
tarelnlly carried to improvised
hospitals. Hut lew saved; more than
wrhr they had on their nacus. neip
iCThtmrintr towns soon arrived
tnd before nightfall something like
comfort was provided. Everything,
however, is in confusion, and it will be
Impossible to eaiu a correct list oi i ne
Lb.-n.Ken Del. g . Hhcii Washington.
Washington April a nw
i'i,.i... .i.Laiimi selected to com-
Uliciuiim u,
jriete the negotiations for the Cherokee
Strip nave arnvea.
I'yclune Horror.
MnniiF O. T. ADril 28. -Further re
ports of the cyclone near here multiply
'.lie horrors. The latest, estimate is
liwt thirty-six people were killed ana
mntv.nva injured. One hundred and
twenty-five persons are left in destitute
ircumstausea ana uuriy-six nuum
were awept away.
ThA most damage was done in the
vicinity of Norman, in the western and'
rentral portions of the country, it was
ihont 5:20 n. m. that the people of
Purcell, a town in the Chickasaw na
tion, fifteen, miles southwest or nere,
noticed a dark cloud overhanging the
liieii iesan to send down
i loots like a car o , root. Several per
I ins observed the lormationof these
clouds through a field glass, l'oints
rniectinir from the jjlouda, slowly as-.
sumeda cylindrical from, then a con
ical, which very much resemwea grew,
funnels, out of the ends of which de
struction poured. Their course was
from aouthwea. to norineasi, aim i
first they moved alowly, but seemed to
gain force and rapidity as the points
touched the earth. Passing northward
and slightly to the east it crossed the
South Canadian -river about midway
between Purcell and Norman. Here it
atruck the thickly settled portion of
this country and only missed this
town by about "one mile. By this
cyclone four persons were killed and
several injured. Seven dwelling
houses and two school houses were de
stroyed, besides machinery and stock
and numeroua outbuildinga, fenoea
and barns. .
Iowa G. A. B. OBhii.
Kbokuk. la., April .-The second
day of the Iowa department encamp
ment ot the grand army of ths republic
Was devoted wholly to business.' Pail
ScbaUerSacCity was sleeted department
mmamiarf Thomas Bell of Fairfield,
senior vlce-eouimaisder.L. & &Trouss,
West Mitchell, junior vlee-eommaadsr,
and Rev. O. K. Hoover, Davenport,
etaptala. The next eaeempment will
be held at Council Bluffs.
Ifi Iras Jk0
CH AFTER V. Continued.
"Did wy son make any purchases at
Ulontyre?" she asked.
"Yes: be bought Heaver aim Kaven,
the two retrievers."
"How long did you stay there?"
"Till the thirtieth of that month; when
Ewan returned, he said there were (tucsts
at D'lnmonaigh."
Lady Grisel sat thinking.
"How old is vour child?" she said,
"Five months old."
"What is her name?"
"Margaret UrUelda." 4
A momentary flash of emotion naed
over Lady Grisel's face as she heard wt 1
own name.
"This Is vain talk after all," she said.
"Give me the papers." j
Assunta held out the roll, labeled, and
bound with its' green ribbon. She felt
very faint, as though the room whirled
round and round.
"No hand but yours should open it,"
she said. "Ewan trusted you, l.adv
Gr'sel, as be never could ti ust another. ''
Then she sat back watching the papers
that held her fate, with clasped hands
and blanched lips.
Angus rose sudduntlv and put his hand
011 the packet; he bent down, and ex
amined it closely.
"That Is without doubt mv brother's
seal," he said. "That Is quite right;"
and he slipped the ring from bis linger
and placed it. over the impression of the
seal. Lady Grisel was about to open it,
when once more he stopped her.
"Would it not be wiser and more just
to this ladv." he said, "(bat there should
te independent witnesses to this trans
action?" Assunta bowed her head she could
scarcely speak. I.adv Grisel seemed
struck with what he said, and prayod
Master Malcolm to ring tho bell, ft
seemed as if the minutes wero hours that
elapsed before the butler and house
keeper and Lady Grisel s own woman
stood together In a line, adding to the
strangeness of the scene.
Lady Grisel's voice did not falter as
she explained shortly
"It is said that tbo laird was married,
and that this ladv is his wife. In proof
of this she has put into my bands these
papers to be examined before witnesses;"
and she read the labels aloud,
"So great was the silence, that all
started when the seal cracked and gave
way; and sluwlv Lady Grisel unwound
the green ribbon. One by one the labels
unloosed, fluttered to the ground; with a
loud rustle the paper unrolled. One
glance of her eye was enough they were
blank paper. Still Lady Grisel turned
them from side to side, and backward
and forward. The Minister started up:
a faint smile had come over the faces of
the impartial spectators, and Angus gave
a low, jarring laugh. Assunta bad sat
still with her head turned aside, and saw
not the strange looks they were casting
at her; but at the sound of the laugh she
turned and rose to her feet.
Not yet did the cruel truth force itself
on Her belief; she spoke not, but went
down on her knees on the ground, and
scanned every sheet of the paper up
and down, inside and out all was white
and bis nk. Then she sprang to her feet
with gleaming eyes; pushing back the
clustering hair, and leaning against the
wall, she stood with panting breath, as
stands a noble young stag at bay.
At first no one spoke, but Master Mal
colm stole gently to ber side, and, would
she have allowed It, would have drawn
her hand through his arm.
Angus broke silence at last "You
see, .mother," he said, "we were wise to
invite witnesses to attest these most
binding proofs. You can go now," he
said to the butler and the women; but
Lady Grfsel bade them stay, and she ad
vanced a few steps toward Assunta,
holding out her hand.
"Let all hear what I say," she said;
"had 1 not seen these with mv own
eyes," and she pointed to the papers, "I
could not have believed that son of mine
could have been so base a villain."
"It is not so!" cried Assunta. "It Is a
He! some one has deceived me! You, his
mother, who knew well what he was,
toll me it Is not true! believe the evi
dence of your own heart! Ewan never
deceived me! there has been some treach
ery hern! O God! how shall I prove mv
husband's truth?"
Her words came forth with panting
breath,' ' and she pressed her hands on
her heart, to control the violence ot its
beating. .
As Lady Grisel watched her, a burning
flush of shams came over her face
shame for her son; she held out her hand
again, and hot tears rose to her eyes.
"What can I do for you'"' she said.
"Would to Heaven I had died ere I had
seen this day!"
Assunta seized ber hand tightly In
both ber own, which were burning, and
she looked into Lady Grisel's face with a
wild, Imploring look.
"You are kind to me now," she cried.
"Why have you changed to me? why do
you look at me like that?" and she flung
Sway the hand she held, and raising ber
arms, the cried
"I awear-by the God above us! by my
dead husband! by all we hold sacred in
Heaven or earth, that I am Ewan Mac
asossch's wife!"
" One by one the servants had stolen
away; Ancua had again sunk Into bis
chair, and waa looking on very white,
ateasg bla quivering lips with one hand.
The Minister laid bis hand on Aaaunta's
shoulder. 'Coma with me," he said.
"I am coming." she answered: and
kneeling down, she gathered together all
the papers and wound tha rilbuns and
labels round them.
"These are all the justice that is for
me," she said, and turned to the door.
With swift steps Lady Grisel followed
her caught her gown.
"Korgivc," she said faintly.
Assunta's wbolo face changed to an
expression of deadly terror.
"Forgive!" she cried; "you ak me to
forgive! Then it must be true! and lie
has been false to me! false as hell itself!
and I am undone!" and she turned and
fled from the house fled alone the road
as if terror and anguish had lent ln-r
"Oh. follow her! follow her. Master
Malcolm!" cried Lady Grisel. "All that
I can I will do for her and her child: you
will bo their friend?"
As the Minister went out, Lady Grisel
bent her head and wept more bitter
tears than she had done pver the bury
ing of her first-born son.
When Master Malcolm reached home,
he found Kerenhappuch wailing lor him
at the door.
"So he's deceived the puirlass, Master
Malcolm!" she cried; "I couldna liae be
lieved that siccan a bonny lad could hae
so black and fause a heart. Mie's daft
wi' the news, puir body."
The Minister shook nis head hoitow
full. "I take it, it was a' a pretense,
Minister the marriage and a'?"
"Ay, Iluppie, never was woman so
cruelly deceived. What is she doing
"She sits by the fire and doesna move,
and she neither greets nor manes; her
wits are clear pane."
"Poor soul-rpoor soul!" and the Min
ister went up to pray. He held it best
to pray first and strive to comfort bv-and-by.
But in tbo night, when all were asleep,
Assunta took her child in ber arms and
arose; she put I read in her pocket, and
wrapped a plaid round the child and lied.
Down the highroad she walked, and
au unnatural strength seemed to bear
her up.
For about ten yards the highroad hung
over the loch. Assunta looked down into
Its quiet waters, so still and deep and
she clasped her child and thought of the
rest, of the peace, under the cold water
escape for both from this cruel world;
but the child opened her eye? and As
sunta moaned and went on her way.
Some miles further on tho road she would
wait for the coach which would
bear her thence, never to come back
never, never more.
The snow bad fallen' thick and fast,
and all the ground round the manse lay
under a white unbroken sheet.
The manse stood at the brow of a hill,
bleak and very cold without, but It was
so warmly thatched that It was comfort
able enough within. The path which
led up to the door bad not been swept,
and the deep snow impeded Lady Grisel's
steps as she mounted the hill. Iter face
had grown older and more careworn dur
ing the two months that had elapsed
since Ewan's death, and her eyes would
often look fixed and troubled.
The Minister was sitting in his little
room when Lady Grisel camo in. Ho
placed a chair for her by the low peat
lire and helped to remove her fur cloak.
"I am still very unhappy, my old
friend,'' she began.
"Ah! the loss of such a son, Lady
She waved ber hand. "That was
God's will, Master Malcolm," she said,
"and must be borne; it is about Assunta
that I have come to you," and 'Jic (ears
started to her eyes.
- She was silent for one moment, then
raising herself, she said
"I am anxious about that poor girl."
"Have you heard from her, Lady
"Alas, nol it is not likely that she
would write to me, after what she said
to yon in Edinburgh. You are sure of
her address?"
"Quite sure; when I traced hr there,
she promised always to let me know
where she was."
"Is she still in Edinburgh?"
. "No, she has gone to Londoi.."
"To London! alone!" exclaimed Lady
"She would not listen to me," he an
swered. "Her one only wish and hope
was to hide herself away from all who
had ever known or seen her."
"Had she money. Master Malcolm?"
"She had some, but she would not tell
ms how much; It is useless to ask ber to
accept It, Ladv Grisel she will not."
Lady Grisel hesitated for a moment,
then she put her hand lightly on the
Minister's arm and said
"I hardly llko to propose It, to you, but
you are her only friend."
"Would you have me f jllow her to Lon
don?" said the Minister.
"I would; we know how utterly frlend
iess she is; if she will not accept tho
money, there are a thousand wavs In
which wo may help her still. You could
find employment, fictitious employment
from me if you will, to be doubly paid;
but this can only be done when you are
there, when you sco whether she bo
driven to great straits or not"
Master Malcolm put out his hand and
shook Lady Grisel's without a word.
When she rose to go. she said, softly
"When will you start, Minister?"
"To-morrow by daybreak, 1 will take
the Strathiuan mall."
There was a thick fog In London when
Master Malcolm arrived, and it seemed
to him that nothing could be more
dreary. He put up at a little old
fashioned hotel to which he had been di
rected by a fellow-traveler a hotel
smelling strongly of beer and bad to
bacco. He ate a badly-cooked meal placed on
a small slate table In the common room,
and then asked the careless, whistling
waiter bow far It was to Loam street.
The man declared It to be at least half
so hour's drive Id a cab; and when asked
by Master Malcolm If a cab would bo
verv expensive, lauguea ruaeiy 111 o-
wering. and went out 10 tell His friends
the eood joke. .
Tho cab was p:ocumi, tbo Minister
being anxious to begin his work at once,
though he was very weary from having
tmv.-ltd all through the night
The cab rattled on, over the stones.
It seemed a long and weary timo before
it slupix'd and the man opened the door.
Master Malcolm's heart I eat as be rang
the bell. He had to vfait some tlme;be
fre it was answered by a very shabby--looking
woman, who looked sharply at
him as if to iuiiirc his business.
When asked whether Mrs. Carrol was V
there 1 for that was the name ioor As
sunta had assumed) the landlady In
formed him that she was gone-had not,
in fact, staved there more than a fort
night. Th" woman invited Master Mal
colm in. and sitting down opposite to
him said she would answer anything he
ohoie to ask, for she bad taken a fancy
to tho poor young lady, and would be
only too glad to hear of her welfare.
Sho had been very 111 there tbo landlady
said delirious in her mind at first, and
then so weak that she could not set foot
to the ground; and before she was well
enough to do so. she had insisted upon
goimr, for she had to pay the doctor's
bill and her lodging, and she could no
longer afford such lodgings, "which tbey
are verv good, though 1 says it that
shouldn't," said the woman.
"She kissed me. she did," sho con
tinued, rubbing her e,yes with tho corner
of her pocket-hand Kerchief, "and
thanked me for all tho trouble I had
lii-en at with the baby on my hands. Sho
was a dear young lady."
"Hut can vou tell 1110 where she Is
gone?'' said the poor Minister,
"Yes, 1 think 1 could: but I must
think. It wa liill a took her box in a
barrow, and whether it was 8or whether
it wasti, 1 am not sure; but a repcetablo
street it was, and the lodging was kopt
by the cousin of Mrs. Smith (that's our
bakerl, a;id sho married into the np
holstming line, and took a nice house,
and lets it cheaper than I can do, being
a widow; and sin went there, I am sure,
because I know that Hill took her box;
whether it is 8 or 0 1 can't say."
"And the street?"
"Deal street; it is a poor neighbor
hood, but respectable."
"Had she any means of making her
own Iielihood?"--aslicd tho Minister,
Sho taught Miss Smith, leastways she
was to have taught her, French and
Italian, for live shillings a-week; but
what with her going away, and what
with her illness, that Leginlng were not
gone on with, thai I know ot."
Master Malcolm thanked ttie woman
for her kindness, and went, out again
In'o tho wet street, for the fog bad now
changed into a thick, drizzling rain.
"To Deal street." he said; and the cab
man mounted, with much grumbling.
Into his seat, and tucked bis horse-cloth
tighter round his knees.
They tried No: 8 Inst, then No. 9; Mrs.
Carrol was not known at. either house.
The cabman advised trying 18 or 19,
both fruitlessly; at last, in despair, they
tried 2S, and this time wero so far sue-
cesscssfnl that they found that Mrs.
Carrol had been there.
The Minister shivered as he saw tho
dirty, poverty-stricken 1 mk of the place.
The landlady, an aggressive-looking wo
man, with her black iiair twisted Into
curl-papers, parlor, a small room, with a
huge-patterned drab paper and two vases
She began talking at once,
"If you're the friends, sir, you ought
to look after her bettor that s all lean
say. Here sho comes, that weak and ill,
as I thought sho would have died on my
hands; but when I asked my rent, she up
and paid me a week l.i advance, which,
as she had no reference, is customary,
and "
But the Miniser cut short her endless
flow of talk, asking
"Can you tell me ber present address?"
"Indeed and I cannot;whlch Undoubt
ful whether any one hereabouts can, for
no one notices where them goes as have
paid up every penny t hey owes, for a real
lady sho was."
'Why did she leave you?'1 asked tho
minister, bis heart sinking very low.
"Well," began tho woman, twisting up
her apron, "she was a deal of troutle,
and the baby was a handful, just begun
with Its teething."
"You sent her away?"
"Xo not that exa. tly: but I put on
sixpence for the child, and Its fresh milk
came to tenpence."
"So it was want of money drove her
away," said the Minister.
Ho could hardly speak for sorrow and
indignation ho shook the dust off his
feet as he crossed tho threshold of the
woman's house.
Where should he go next? how should
he pursue his Inquiries? He had no re
sources but to confide to the cabman
that ho was In search of a lady who could
not be found.
They went to all tho petty tradesmen
near, consulted cabmen who might have
remembered carrying a lady, and her ,
child and box, soinnwhero; but all In
vain. Assunta was lost !u this huge Lon
don wildernesss.
At last, weary and disheartened. Mas
ter Malcolm returned to his hotel. The
lommon room was now full of men, talk
ing and smoking, and be made hia way
up to his own room.
He, sat thinking gloomily, when an
Idea suddenly flashed across him. As
sunta had promised always to send him
her address; that sho had delayed writ
ing from Heal street might be accounted
for by the fact that sho remained there
so short a time; but in all probability a
letter was walling for him now at his
own manse, in tho very north of Scot
land, tolling him where sho was, perhaps
that she had already arrived at utmost
need." Master Malcolm sat down and
wrote at oneo to Kerenhappuch deflrlng
her to forward his letters, should thoro
bo any; and bitter were his regrets when
ho considered that at least six days must
clapso before lie could hope for an an
swer. He thought that no time during the
wuolo course of his life bad seemed so
long as the next week, for it was seven
days before the answer came; he-had no
occupation but wandering about the
streets, or reading the papers.
The letter arrived at last Master"
Malcolm was right in his conjecture.
Who had written to him, and as he read
her letter, his hoartdlod within him.
"Mv only friend." she wrote, "sorrow
has broken my pride; I am changed now.
send me money, for 1 know not where
to turn! Toll Lady Grisel that I accept
her offer-It Is for Kwan's child. I am
very HI, so III that I can scarcely sec to
write, but they are very kind to me and
to baby Send he-" the letter broke oft
abruptly, and the direction was wrttten
In a stranee hand.