The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 30, 1893, Image 1

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The Sioux County
VOL. 5.
H-AJE&I&ISCXN", JNTEIIB.. MLA.I?C?3a: 30, 1893.
2sTO. 29.
I- i
1 "
I J. Simmons. Editor and Proprietor.
f. K. A M. V It. It. Time table.
(ioiii( Wssl. Going Ka-rt.
So. 5. mixed 1 :15 So. G, iiiiximJ 6:50
wheat per busbel . 407ms
Outs per bushel. ...... . ;
Corn per bushel . 40
Snort per hundred ... j 00
Bran per hundred 1b so
Feed chopped per hundred ft... 1 il
1'otntoes per uusiiel 50
JSuttor- per 9) ....... 30
Kggnyxsr iluz. ....... . 10
Poultry per doz.... . ........ 4 40
Onions per lb . i
Hoans per ... ty.
Coal per ton 4 50
Wood per cord . s 50
Lumber native per ni. ft 15 00
WCorreetcd every Thursday.
Hides bought at the harness shop.
Go to Turner's to buy your boots,
dhoes and overshoes.
Go to Turner's and save 10 to 20
cents on the dollar for cash.
Highest market prices paid for
wheat. Graxt Guthiiie.
J. H. Bartell, Harrison, Neb., deals
in pumps and windmills. Satisfaction
G. J. Marlm lias the most of the
lumber on the ground for a house on his
homestead southeast of town.
If you want to sell your land, list it
with Simmons & Smiley, real estate
People from all parts of the county
tell us of friends whom they expect here
in the near future to locate.
Take out a policy in the Preferred
.Mutual Accident Association. it is
cheap and reliable, J.. J. Simmons,
O. 13. Tiiilihain has commenced a
contest on a quarter section in the vicin
ity of Bodarc.
100 acres adjoining Harrison for sale
at a bargain, if taken soon.
Simmons & Kmiusy.
Farming Ikih already commenced
and -ri- good deal of grain is in' the
V, A. Hester ha received a car load
. of die cn;Mir-vtedysliiiigioii red cedar
hhingles, which he promises to sell at
lied rock prices.
V. A. Hester received a car load of
shingles from Washington Monday. The
car had been on tho road about four
K. E. Smiley has purchased the re
linquishment to the claim formerly
owned by Laura Shafer, south of town,
and will prceed to make a hume there
for himself and family.
, A party of now .settlers for Sioux
county will start from Nuckolls county
on May 10th. They will come by team
and expect to reach here in Juneothers
intend to come by rail from the .nke
plaiic about the middle of June. ' ..
A man was here the last of the week
looking for a location for a stock farm
where, ho could handle several hundred
head of cattle. He was well pleased
with Sioux county and will likely locate
within its borders.
More homestead entries arid contests
ore being made at the land ollice at
Chadron of lato than has occurred for
. , three years. At the rate new people are
coming to this locality it will not be
long untir homestead land, will become
The fact that out of twenty-two
men who have come here from Seward
county all but two have been so well
pleased that they have located, and the
two did not sta- long enough to learn
anything about the country, is the best
argument why others should come. It
is is well known-that Seward county is
one of the best counties in the state and
men who have grown up there see ad
vantages offered by this locality which
no other part of the had in the days of
Already the new comers have beep
the means of bringing others to Sioux
county and the good work will go on and
increase in strength as time passes. Of
the entire lot of new settlers who have
come here this year there is not a dissat
isfied one and as they investigate the
county, its resources and the facts in re
gard to the crops of former years the
more pleasad they become and the more
urgent their appeals to their friends to
come here.
A couple of gentlemet on their way
to Harrison recently had occasion to stop
a ahort time in Crawford and a fellow
engaged them in conversation and gave
them to understand that this country
was no good. He sold he had owned a
claim near Crawford and had failed to
make any money and had sold it and is a
roust-about in that town. From what
we coo learn the fellow U one of that
class who would make a failure of any
thing he undertook in the line of business
and people should pay no attention to
ucii Wowharui. 1
The roads from the valley are re
ported to be in very bad sluioe.
Old papers for .sale at The Jocknai.
ollice. 5 cents per uWmi.
Tiie youngest son of W. E, Moore
has been very sick, but is improving.
The warm weather of late is causing
the farmers to get a hustle oil them
selves. Do you want to rent your farm ?
Put it in the hands of the real estate
firm of Simmons & Smilev.
JWs Montgomery and Zeigler have
opened their dressmaking establishment
in the building north of Turner's.
y will run a herd on buck creek, near
Ardmore the coming season. Tlie stock
will be well taken care of and kept on
good grass. Only 7-"r cents a head
ior came aim in.uu a lieau lor Horses
for the season of six mouths.
The teachers aud scholars are enjoy
ing a vacation this week and the spring
term of school will ojien next Monday
and last three mouths.
The sawmills do not seem to be able
to supply the demand for lumber. Now
is the time when they should he run to
their full capacity.
M. M. Underbill is getting out the
logs for a house on his homestead. Ho
says that a log house beats the sod house
such as his father occupied when he set
tled in Seward county eighteen years I
ago. j
Thursday evening the end of a I
freight car loaded with coal was pulled
out at the depot. The car came into the
depot all right but when an attempt was
miido to start the train the car came to
pieces. It was fortunate that it occur
red u hp re it did.
The farmers report the ground to be
in the very best condition to receive the
seed. The heavy rains of last fall soaked
tint ground to an unusual depth and the
recent snows have wet. the top so that
all is ready to start the
fed us soon as it
is put into the ground.
-There is no reason w hy the popula- ,
tion of Sioux county cannot, be doubled
during"!!!!.' year IMi:! if each settler will
do all he can to Indii'-e others to come
here and secure homes. Land can be
made valuable in a short lime. All that
jaded is lots of people. .. .
J. C. Ambrose and T. II. Kitchens
arrived from Tauiora, Seward county,
last Saturday to spy out the hind. The
latter is the father of Mrs. E. E. Smilev
tnd came in respniise to letters urging
him to come and secure a homestead
near Mr. Smiley's. The homeseekers re
mained until Mond'.iy evening and then
returned home, but before leaving each
put a homestead filing on a quarter sec
tion a few miles youth of town. Mr.
Ambrose will ship a car load of goods to
Harrison in a few weeks and he and his
sister will come here to reside and Mr.
Kitchens will be here in September.
Both were highly pleased with the
country and will tell their friends and
neighbors what can lie had here.
The bank statements recently puU
lished show that the. deposits held by the
two banks of this place represent some
thing over !") for each man, woman and
child in the county. It must be remem
bered that a large number of Sioux
county people do business at towns out
side the county and where, the exact
amounts cannot be known, but il is safe
to presume that the per capita would be
considerably increased. We should like i
to know of a homestead county where so I
good a showing as that could be made at J
the same stage ol settlement as hionx
county is in today. A locality has never
presented more favorable conditions for
settlement and prosperity than is pre
sented by Sioux county at the present
One of the new settlers had an ex
perience a few days ago which nicely
illustrates the hospitality and friendli
ness of the people toward new arrivals.
The new settler had made inquiries as to
the road to one of the sawmills and set
out to get a load of lumber with full
confidence in his ability to (ind the mill
without trouble, but he got tangled up
with diverging roads and brought up
near a house where the last trail seemed
to end. He addressed the homesteader
and told that he had started to the saw
mill but had got lost. The homesteader
looked up at the sun and laconically re
marked, "Well, this a pretty good place
to be lost." He opened the gate and af
ter the newcomer drove in the home
steader invited him to put his team in
the barn and feed it and eat dinner with
him, after which he went with him to
the sawmill, a distance of several miles,
in order to save him any further trouble.
For Sale or Trade.
157 acres 1 miles east of Andrews,
Nebr. Good range north and south for
grazing. 80 acres fenced for pasture.
miles running water. Plenty of wood
and good place for gardening. !
Apply to A. T. IlCfinsoN, I
;Iarrison, Neb. I
A (Jootl Report.
The following appeared in the Seward
Ren?rter of March 23d. It s)ea'.;s for
itself: comment is unnecesarv:
i Harrisox, Seb.. March 16, ifc-yy.
j Ewioii Reportki:: It may be of ia-
terest to your readers to learn ho v the
! members of the Seward colony are get
i ting along in their new location. The
! trip was made over the F. E. & M. V. at
j a rate of about 20 miles an hour includ
I ing stop, and the party arrived in good
bane I-Yidnv nif-lit A l;iro- miniliaf -.f
, (,lizi,ns we ' lt ,,. llpnnf , , .
wa-i escorted to the hotel where supper
was served. Accommodations were
then provided for the ladies and children
and when they were comfortably settled
the stock was taken out of the cars and
j ,,ut into uuarters provided
by the citi-
i zens. Of all the stock in the cars not
ono was injured, owing largely to the
fact that but little switching was done
during the trip.
Wilmer and Frank Phillips, who were
to come with the party but were unable
to load at Seward on account of the
j storm on the morning preceding the day
j the party started, loaded at Oreshnm,
and although they left there almost as
soon as the special left Seward, they did
not reach Harrison until Sundav night.
The party have almost all got settled
down to living. J. M. Smiley is located
half a mile south of town: II. -J. Smiley
about two and a half miles northwest of
town: N. L. Tipton and C. II. Unitt
about the same distance north; G. J.
Martin one mile southeast: M. M. and
Bert Underbill have rented a place near
their homesteads .southeast r town, but
at present are staying with 1,, J. Sim
mons, as his family is still in Missouri;
Ed Smiley has made a dry camp in a
room in the court house wailing for the
i place to be vacated which he expects to
i occupy. The Phillips boys are about
i two miles west of town; W. F. Kitter-
uig purchased a oiiarter section of
I ,,..,,, , , , , ,
in a contest on a
homestead and returned to Seward to ar
range to move here in a few months.
;lllu !a Greenlee and C. J. Threadkel
have picked out about half a dozen line
claims and want to (ile on all of them,
but will have to decid i on one.
Tti-; Nuckolh county people
ten miles north of town, but
re abofft
have not
yet i" mi! r-ently located.
V;,!i exception of colds, the entire
part;, ha., had good health and are be
coming more attached to the country as
they see more of it, and the treatment
accorded them by the citizens m de
them feel that thy were thoroughly
welcome. Th.';. ail agree that il is
much better to come and get a farm of
their own, even if they do experience
some hardship.; incident to a new coun
try, than to sV,y in the inst and pay
There arc many good quarters open to
homestead within a few miles of town,
but it is not likely that they will long be
vacant and our advice to any w ho con
template coming here is to do so as soon
as possible in order to get nice land
without going too far from town. There
are also several pieces of deeded land for
sale cheap, but prices are going to ad
vance in the near future, for new people
arc coming in from all points and bar
gains are not going to lay untaken.
To All Sunday School Workers in
Sioux County.
' A call is hereby issued for a Sunday
school convention for Sioux county to be
held at Harrison, early in May, at which
time it is proposed to organize a County
Sunday School Association. The object
of said association is to make some one
responsible for the maintenance of the
work throughout the county. The ex
ecutive committee will be expected to
gather and collate statistics, to corres
pond with and encourage the schools, ar
range for local and county conventions,
secure speakers for the same and do any
other necessary work to increase the
number and elliciency of the Sunday
schools in the county. The date and pro
gram of the coming convention will be
announced later. An effort will lie
made to secure E. A. Stevens of Grand
Island or some other member of the
state executive committee to deliver at
least one address during the meeting. It
is earnestly urged that all Sunday
schools in the county wJiich have sus
pended for the winter be reorganized at
once, and that they begin to make ac
tive preparations for the convention.
Report all such organizations and other
items of information immediately to
John C. Giffkn,
County Organizer, Crawford, Neb.
B. E. BitKWsrat, C. F. Coffee, '
President. Vice Pres.
D. H. GR1SWOLIJ, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
J. W. Earnest returned Tuesday from
i V. E. and Jennie Pontius are visiting
friends at Whitney.
O. B. Tinkhani was up from Bodarc
the last of the week.
C. R. Wadsworth returned last week
from his trip to Iowa.
Z. G. Deuel was down from Pleasant
Ridge, Wyo., yesterday.
Mike Blewett was iu town Tuesday
and called at this office.
Judge Barker went to Rushvill6 Satur
day evening to visit his father.
1.1. T. Merriam returned Tuesday from
Deadwood. He was quite sick durin
his absence.
Rev. and Mrs. Glasner left Tuesday for
Box Butte county to be absent about
tvvo weeks.
H. T. t'onley went to Rushville Sat
urday evening to attend to cases in dis
trict court.
Misses Wanda and Myrtle Pontius are
spending vacation visiting friends in the
Black Hills.
E. J. Wilcox was up from Wurbonnet
Tuesday and called and gave us some
cash on subscription.
Mrs. L. J. Simmons aud children ara
expected home tomorrow from their
visit in Missouri and eastern Nebraska.
P. II. Brinkerhoir who has been em
ployed in The Journal office for more
than a year and a half left Saturday for
Lincoln where he will work at his trade.
He is a thoroughly reliable young man
and his many friends wish him success.
Best Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
is running elegantly equipped passenger
traines without change from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Linc oln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all
points west, and for Kansas City, St.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cago, and all points ea,st.
Remember this is the only line by
whjch you can take sleeping car from
Jrawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Route B. & M. R. R.
At any of the leading Colleges in the
country Yale. Vassar, Harvard, Ann
Arbor, Wellesly, University of Chicago
Georgetown: the great schools of Art,
Medicine, Music, tho leading Convents,
the schools ol Science or Agriculture
sf-nv out from its own printing Ihium1. and
biiuiury, by otl'eriiiK One Thousand schohir-Hhi-i:U
Mic leading coliees and schools of
the country ill consideration ol work whk-.h
any ambitious youn boy ov irl run readily
do-vorlc at olu-e honornlde :uid easy of au
comi!ihnn'Ut. If you Wish to Educate Yourself
to have your tuition, "board, lodging
and washing paid at any leading school
or college w ithout putting the expense
upon your own efforts send for a pam
phlet giving full particulars to
The CosMoroLniAN Magazine,
Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 2.rth St..
New York.
PurcliBsi' Tickets anil Consign Your r'rriglit
F., E. & M. V S. C. & P.
H. (. BURT, General Manager.
K. C. MouEiiorsE, J. R. Buchanan, '
Gen'l Freight Agt. CenT Pass. Agt.
Dr. Leonhardt
Limits his practice to diseases of the
Nervous ystem,
(Such as Loss of Memory, Feelin
tion and Will-power
eral Nervousness,
Cramps, Fits, Gen
and all forms of
(As shown by Shortness of Breath,
Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering aud Numb
ness in region of the Heart.)
(Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces
sive Paleness or Redness of the Face,
Faiutness, Dizziness, etc.)
. .ujST. - - " LINCOLN, NEB.
"Moution tht pupcr.
Have a number of bargains
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring to buy or sell real
estate should not fail to
call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid
non-rosidonts; farms rented, etc.
Y Oil i x. Litliw
Want ,&4r '
Cook f
Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves.
They Have also put in the Largest Stock of
General Merchandise,
ever brought to Harrison which they
are selling at lowest living rates.
Come and see us before you buy.
is the next thing
It will, no doubt, be
see how
Small Profits and BIG SALES did it.
Just received a
Dry Goods, Boots,
All Fresh and New, all Ready for Old and
Estate Agents,
on the progam.
a success, but just
lot of New Hats,
Shoes, and Spring
New Settlers at Lowest Living Prtoee,
f '