At a recent fashionable London wed ding where the princa of W ales assist ed, the eight bridemaids wore dresses of yun wliita bong ilinjr, br!oed around the hem, throat and waists with golden otter; the same fur outliiitd a zouave on the bod ces and ?dged the capelike epaulets surmounting the slctves. Their large tiainsboron-jli hats of white velvet were turned up with velvet to match the fur on their; dresses and trimmed with one Ions tfrocping ostrich leather, and three j smader ones shading lroiu otter color to white, the former parsing mire tli.m half way round the brim, and the latter arranged in front and fastened with a rosette of ribbon of the daik shade. ' Twin brothers who re3n eat Warsaw, lnd., resemble each other very closely. One of them was married tecuully and at the reception many young ladies Showered kisses and congratulations upon the wrong man. Young Justin McCarthy, who h;is become almost as well known a wriier as his father, i3 ubout to marry fciis UlluliOrine, a youn singer who lias made, under the name of AMa Jenoure, a notable success in Loudon. St. -4 Mr. Win. II. Moure. 307 8. Charles 'I Baltimore, Md. a i'oiiiniih-iioii f recommends fc-alvn! it'll Oil fur rl:eiii.iiili.u j'ndcliilbliiin.H. He writ-.-: '.ly 'il-tr..! '."5 son have used r-ulv-iliiin I i i I'ur i ll liiiialism ? und chilblains with marked eilie.tey." -' The more a man looks like a preacher Vttho less good lie does the Lord on a fctreet car platform with u cigar m i i is ' .luoulh. 3 Half or Massachusetts' railways ire , .lectric. ' If YOU TR A Vl)KHV!l. 'W.H, Or Throat trouble, uw at once J. J. .Inym" Y.xpcctoranl, und don't parley v.ilh whuL uuy prove to he a dangerous rondiiion. 1 No inat.trr wlielher lie una b en to -college or not. the man who can keep pwect when tilings go wrong is a man of power. lienicrnhr tit in (jarlielil Tea you have 'an nnfaiiijip rcmi'dv lor iiiilip-inn, siek " rt-'adut-lii--tihl every uUowliiiK i'l tliatnn : mKed Htotiiaeli cm make you sullen very UruggLt M-ils it; :!-., -tV. anil $1. Some people are so bowed down in upeking the vanities of this life that tliey rniinot up and see the goodness of God. A GRAND ENTEiiTAINMSNT. "consisting of Dramatic and Humorous Kecitutiuii.t. l'lav", ele., can ea-iiy hegivon v liome talent.'wilh a copy of (iarreus lanious, "100 Caoice Selections," costing only 24 cents. Suitable for Lyceums, fehori. Church Societies ami Home 'n.i.-;,-..! j Sold he hook-sellers. vm. ao M,i. lm..sf. is n ef-ni 'MO nazes of i'!iho8, dialect and fun. including two ; -right new Comedies; all for 30 cts., post paid; or, the two Flays 10 cts. Cntalomit. Inn p mmttaco.. Philadelphia, ra. ' ( Established Wift. i SERIOUS FACTS ABOUT BRED. Wh ch II .u ekep a should Earnestl-i 1 oasi-lt-r. A serious danger menaces the beahh o: she eople of this country in lue nuimrous alum buking powders that are now being ur-rt-tl upon the jni!U-. There is no question as to the detriment al Ol'evts ol' these powders upon tl,e pys tern. JOvery liourd of He il'h, every physi cian, will teli you nt the unwholesome qualities tliJy mil to the food. Some cjmniries hnvi- -ili-hia-ly prohibited the ale of breatl rojirainiiig a'Jniu. Kven small doies of alum, given to eliiltlren, have produced fatal results, while eases of liparilmrn, Lidijresiion, griping const i pat io!i. dyspepsia, and various kin dred gastric troiihles from irriialion of the mucous mi mhi ane. eaustd hv the con tinuous use i f food prejinred with the alnm-piiosplia'e j-owders. are familiar in the practice o! every pin sician. It is not possible iiial any prudent liousewite, tiny loving mother, will know ingly us ii ii article of food that will injure the 'health of her household, or perhaps eaii-ie the deaiii of her children. ilo,v.-hall liie dangerous alum powders he distinguished? And how shall thedau ger to health from their use he avoided? (icnoral!,'. alum powders uuv be known from the price at which they are sold, or from the fact that they an-'aecompanied by a g .IV, or disposi'd of under some scheme, 'i he alum powder costs hut a few cents a pound to make, and is often sold a! "At or -Z i cent s a pound. 1 f some present is given wi;h ii, the price maybei), 40 or 50 cents a pound. it is impos-dlde to name all the alum powders in the marker, but any baking powder sold at a low price or advertized i-s costing onlv half as much as cream f lunar powders, or accompanied by a pre sent, or disposed of under any scheme, is of this c las..,, detrimental to health, and to be avoided. Hut the casv, safe, and certain protection of our bread, biscuit and cake lrom all danger, of unwholesomeness is in the m-e of ihu Royal Ilaking Powder only. This jiowdcr is mentionyl because ol t!ie m- uitiii.-riiliii- reports in Its lavor nv mgu medical authorities, hv the 1. S. Govern ment, and bv the olfie.ial chemists and Hoards of Health, which leave no doubt as to its entire freedom lrom alum, lime and ammonia, its absolute purity and whole someness. While its use is thus a safe guard against the poisonous alum powdeis it is sati.-oaelorv at tne same time to umiw thas it mokes the whitest, lightest, sweet est and most delicious food, which will keep moist and fresh longer, and that can be eaten with immunity hot or cold, stale or fresh, and also that owing to its greater strength it is nioreeeoncmical than others. These facts should incline consumers to turn a deaf ear to nil importunities to buy the inferior powders. 11 a grocer urges the sale of the cheap, impure, alum brands, it should he borne in mind that it is because he can make more profit on them. The wise housekeeper will decline in all cases to take them. Tnkeno chnncn Ihrmnjh winy a douhtfir. nrtirlr vhrre x important n mutter as the Urntth or life nfilrar ones is at slake. PRONUNCIATION OF ST LOUIS. Mr Gladstone speaks of the Irish question as being 'full of thorns.' JllarklhoriiB, of course. The good reputation of "Urorm's 1 Kronchioi Trorhes" lor the relief of Coughs, "olds, and Throat Diseases has vigen 4'Tcm a favorable notoriety. II" Boston :ti your eye, t" the needle. aid: renia "There ii nmething ked the thread to II: An Officer' Battle Might Have Lost Assistance. But for Attention has been called to the fact that the ratio of marriages h falling off from year to year. Not only is this true abroad, but in this country. New York especially lias explored a slrange truth revealed by statistics, and in New England the waning or Hymen's torch has been so manifest as to attract the attention of thinkers and provoke theories innumerable. Statistics com piled by the hxaminer show a Btniliar condition of affairs in San Francisco. The man iage records show: For the ending January 1, 1870: Population, 119,473; marriages, 2,042 or .0135 per cent. For the year ending Janary 1, 1880: Population, 233,9.19; marriages 2 270 or .0097 per cent, a lading off ol of .01 per cent from 1870. For the year end ng January 1, 1890: Popula tion, 298,997; marriages, 3,350 or .0101 per cent, still a decrease of ,31 of .01 per cent from 1870. For the year end ing January 1, 1893, there were 3,511 marriages, which, taking as a basis the population of 1890, shows .0117 per cent or a decrease of .18 of .01 per cent from 1870. Ofltccr Eugene Christine Philadelphia, P. . -"I wiw troubled the worst way with dyspepsia. V hv, I enulil not rul ntiytlilnc nt breakfast ivl hunt dis ress. nn " lien 1 did niHiiac to cat ttlln It would all come up Rnln. t trieJ uimnt rv.-iyllilnt 1 hca clof lo (in t relief, but f dll I su.Tcrei!. A' last 1 was told Jaat how Hood's Cures 1 felt and what It .od'a SurFoparllla wonlrt 1o forme b nnaddvc thenicm In a paper. I de rided to try th mcd clir, and rell all the 1 enftlt iironilnod. It was what Ho 'd s fiarsa- Milt a . etnally did for me that convinced meol lis mrrl'' Ofucur huoitss lhiustini, raeoay Stiith n Hoi s.1, Philadelphia. yn- - lloodWill" ctue Naueoa, Bielt Hcadnehe, In li enion, BlinotimesB. So'd by all drunrltta. AFreBb Flsn (?) Story. Two fathers and two sons went fishing; each caught a fish, and yet there were only three lisb caught. How was this? Answer this problem correctly. If it is the first received by ns we will give you a building lot, free from incumbrance, in any city you may select, value ?1,000. If your answer is the second we will give yon a rosewood cabinet, satin-lined, containing one hundred pieces of sterling silver knives, forks, and spoons; value $150. To the next twenty correct answers we will give each a valuable gold watch (ladies' or gents'), American movemens. This otler appears m a number ot papers today. In order to decide the best medium tor advertising wc will also give to the rirs three answers received from this locality three prizes, value 120, $15, and $10, in the order received. With your answer inclose 25 cents for a cake of tha GEM UUllATIVIS BUAI- (which will be sent postage free), the best known remedy tor alt diseases oi tne skui, warranted to cure any blemish that is not a deformity. 'Those receiving a prize will be expected to purchase this soap and in troduce it to their friends. The GEM SOAP COMPANY, Bckfai-o and Tokonto. All goods for United States free ;of duty and packing. Kwal Palin Lee, who was sent by the Chinese government to this country for his education, is likely to get It. He lias married Miss Elizabeth S. Jewett, danchter of the late Dr. Jewett, the conference lecturer, and will settle in' Brooklyn, N. i . Mr. Lee became Christian some time ago. For indigestion, constipation, sick head ache, weak stomach, disordered liver take Beecham's 1'iUs. Dor sale by all aruggists. Thll Tmta V!t ! on tlit bwt WATERPROOF COAT SwaiVAS' tlia World ! A. J, TOVER.. BOSTON. MASS 5 Pw'i Rrnnwtr for Cutwrll l th )!(, Kiulut to Hun, tin) Cheapest. Sok by Dniimlu or Mat br mau, Uc . T. HualUse, Win, Fa. A Question That May Have to Be Settled bjr Municipal Authority. "Of the many momentous local prob cms that are shaking St Louis to its very foundation and one in fact, which agitates to a greater or less degree the entire country," said CoL Pat Jjyer tc a Washington Star representative, "is the correct pro nunciation of the name of my pros perous city. 1 have just arrived from St Louis, and when I left there tho discussion was heated. Shall it be St. Louie or St. Lewis? A gentleman once said to me that he could dis tinguish a Western man from an East ern man by h'.s pronunciation of the words St. Louis and Iowa, and I guess he's right. Thank Heaven the pronunciation of Arkansas is a mat ter of judicial and legislative settle ment. '1 ha house of delegates and counc!l, t lie legislative bodies of the city, will probably soon be called upon by petition to determine the question as was Urn Legislature of Arkansas. Then there will be fun, I assure you. Nearly everybody out West and most of the icople of the city say 'St Lewis.' "Nevcrthelcsj, St. Louie, as we al know, Is the correct pronunciation; though if we give the French pro nunciation to Louis why should wc not give it to Saint, which not one man in a thousand, unless he is a French scholar, can twist around Ills tongue. So it is, with the pronuncia tion of Iowa. The Iowan and the Western man say '1-oway,' with a long accent on the 'I,' and make 'way' of 'wa. ' The Eastern man says Iowah.' with the accent on the ln-t syllable. "We have instead of the en -10111-ary aldermen or common council or supervisors two legislative city bodies the House of Delegates, similar to the House of representatives, and the Council, bearing the same relation to the other as the Senate. One is elected by wards and the other at larife. We are probably the only city in the United States that has such a dual legislative body, and at tlrst glance it would appear cumbersome and unnecessary for a city. Hut one acts as a check upon the other, and so long as it pleases us we are cou tetit." One More Lucky Letter. There are people who are always searching for coincidences and plac ing great stress upon "lucky" and "unlucky" combinations of circum stances To individuals so consti tuted the suggestion is offered by the Eochester Herald that tho selection ot Grcsham to fill the distinguished position of Secretary of State adds another of the list of "lucky" men whose names begin with the letter "G." This letter is not the most conspicuous in the alphabet, but it seems to be a good letter to have for a last initial. Sensible penile, of course, reject all such theories as en tirely fanciful, yet considerable, evi dence might l e brought forward in this case to convince the credulous. Let us consider how many of the leade s in American and Euro; can affair during the past hall century are indexed unler "G-" The list includes: Grant, greatest of our generals; Greeley, his presi dential rival and the most distin guished of American journalists; Gar field, President ana political leader for years before his election; Gould, the "wizard of Wall street''; Gomp- ers, head of tno leaeration 01 iai or; Garrison and Giddings of anti-slaveiy fame; Gibbons, the head of his church in the United States; Gonph, the re markable temperance crusader, and a host of men who have won more or less political prominence, like the Grays, Gorman, Grcsham, Gordon, Garland, the Georges, and the three worthy Democrats of the metropolis, Grace, Grant, and Gilroy. The navy has its Gherardi and the army will not forget Dr. Gatling's gun. Gott schalk, the composer, and Gil more, the band leader, may also be men tioned, while Asa Gray and President Gllman deserve a high place among the scholars of the century. In EuroDC one name comes quickly to the mind, that of Gladstone. France contributes to the list Gambctta, Grevy, and Goblet Giers dire ts Russia's foreign policy as tiortsciiaKoir did before him, while Giolitti holds the reins in Italy. Among the Euro peans of note, Gounod, Gilbert, Geromc, Geffcken, and Gcikie should not be forgotten. Washington Star; "How'll you have your whiskers trimmed?" asked the barber of the man who was doing in liie chair. "IIow'll I have them trimmed?" he repeated in a dazed way. TbeD, as the inemoty of inauguration dashed over Lhe mind, "Trim 'em red, white an' blue." Then he resumed his nap. ' But you certainly ought to consider the wishes of your parents." "Why should I? They did not marry to please me." The Wedding of Earl Craven and Miss Bradley Martiu will take place in New l'ork on April 18. The family will soon after return to England. A Port Mommouth N. J., girl who is breach of promising a Long Branch express owner, considers that her s is good as won. She hasher wedding trousseau ready to put ia evidence. In the garden was Adam contended to room. Its narrow conhnes served him well for a home; not a thought had lie given to what he was worth but when be got married he wanted the earth. Mrs. Matilda Huntington, a buxon English woman of New Orleans, is only 23 years old, though she has just icouired her seventh husband. :?he jb ganher extraordinary matrimonii career at 14. Philadelphia Times: The average liungorer after spoils doesn't particular ly care who takes the cake so long as lie gets a pudding. Binghamton Leader: When a man is slow settling would it be good policy for his grocer to shake him ? CHILDREN who ore puny, pale, weak, or scrofulous, ought to take Doctor Pierce's Golden Medicai Discovery. That build up both their flefch and their strength. For this, and for purifyinj; the blood, there's nothing in all medicine that can equal the " Discovery." In recoverinz from "Grippe," or in con Tolescence from pneu monia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily aad surely in vigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion aud nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. For all diseases caused by a torpid U ver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrof ulous, Skin, and Scalp Diseases even Con sumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier staces the " Discovery " is the only guaran teed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, ia every casa, you have your money back. UK '.WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL dictionary; Buccewor of Hie 'l'n& bruised." Ten years epent in i revising,. 100 editors j employed, more titan 3 -jW,wo ezpeuued. 950- I..-' , .1 m& - j- n A Grand Educator Abreast of the Times ' A Library in Itself Invaluable in the household, and to the teacher, professioual 5 mau, self-educator. Aaltyout Bookseller to show it toyou. PiililUlml hv JO. C.MEItRIAM t'0.,Srl!!KCFIELH.MASS.,r.S.A. 5 rP"Sin(l for free jirnptvrtn8 containing sjecimen pin!, llluntraUous, tlimonialR, etc. (Eyilo not buy reprints oi anciem cuiuons. n Every man and wom an Khould liavH one. KKIH-ciallV tllOKC. of marriun-aiiln iw. Do U"' a u" to BI'D-1. "ylieni; MterMWonly. l'rieef. ltwi-td letter or i-.i oia-r. WKCIAI.TY. Pi-u. Co.. Honm 10 'limns lilillt., Cliu-lujO. Mill" VOIIK ORAI :YOURSELVES:- ' aal Ci:i '.is QriilBiJit' Pt:B! ' We obtain hlfiliei-t market prices porfuile ana maae ! en. lie I returns. railroad au.-Dt bill car to 'is Ad. i-e u by mail, pjlvini! ear number, ko we can look uit. i-.triinsueetion .a'Uimnx,olc . upon arrival. "August Flower" My wife suffered with indigestion and dyspepsia for years. Life be came a burden to her. Physicians failed to give relief. After reading one of your books, i purchased a bottle of August Flower. It worked like a charm. My wife received im mediate relief after taking the first dose. She was completely cured now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat anything she desires without any deleterious results as was formerly the case. C H. Dear, Prop' r Wash ington House, Washington, Va. 9 farmers: H.H. Csrr&Ga. (Yiin in .usion Aittrehantr- lij-rU r Tnitti. Il.ilidius. Chicago mainn The, Alexandra Tmnrovod Cream Sep irator ;capaltya,.V0 to 4,000 pounds perhour : w oorne power will run It. Also new model HAH J SEPARATOR for the sale of which AGENTS ai WANTED I in every section. Manufacturers ol Everything In line of machinery aud supplies foi butter and cheese factories. Send for catalogue Davis & liankln BldR. and Mfg. Co., SSW to 2o West Lake Street, Cbicagu, 111. Letters of condolence to sweet young widows may properly be written with sympathetic ink. Then tbey are likely to fade away tn time to prevent their turnintt up inopportunely some day in the more or less distant future to bring distinct embarrassment to Husband No. 2. Washing a phr will not take from him the Ioto of mud. It will not count for much to refrain from buffr? riding on Sunday, If we spend all the rest of the week in throw Ins stones at tue people we aon t hko Washington Record: "A peony sv ed is a penny urned," said the. old lady who kept her sayings in a teanot. OIVA ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant uid refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ivilv rpmenV of its kind ever pro- meed, pleasing to the taste and ac "ntjilila to the dtonifich, prompt in is action and truly beneficial in its il'eete, prepared only from the most tcalthy and agreeable substances, its nauy excellent qualities commend it a nil nnd have made it the most - Linulnr rp.merlv known. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50a ml 1 bottles bv all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who mny not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, GAL, imiisvtuE. nr. New ro" '' " s Do Witt's Little m. Karly Itinera, irnmrniaMttlp Pills for Cnnsilrnit.on.Siek Tlend- ache, Dyspepsla.NoNausea.No Faiu.Tery Small ALT SO HAPPY! BOTTLES OF Relieved me of a severe Blood troubl It lias also caused my hair to grow out nc-.tin. as it had been falline out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain, 1 am so happy to nna a cure in S. S. S. O. II. Elbert, Galveston, Tex. " CI TDPQ1yforcinPoutrera'9ol't"'s" lv tiJ ease and tho iKiison aa well. fjijj S-V W Is entirely vegetable and harmless. fM Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed free. 2 Swiii-r Si'Ecmo Co., Atlanta. Ga. i-$)Eifl A Month and ExpsnsasI uwwmiawimiwvvwvm MivzZ cjJai" to ROOT,' BARK m BLOSSOM --rr I Th.BrtSt.L.,U..r,KM.T-IBI-H! 1T SAmrLta Hill! JOHN O. KISINO CO, bC laul, mmn. Inn ill Unci mill LiuiUn.Tlrod, DrKgd Out, bervoui Kculii-g, lability and Ui Vitality UNlc-klr Cmrcfl u Ba .-.u.n.i .i.mrinALir.n. HlnlDM 1KA.....L,,Tn Arf?ntMri'h. Ram nlfl FrM f OT M L uiir. ! urlkl.V HAI.AUV. i buz two'inoiittii.' ui.pij 1 1 s. r ", " rr bis. ' "lie month's supply f t (feu. Try It and Be Well. ROOT. BARK A BLOSSOM, Newark, N. J. FRANK J. CHENEY MAKES OATH THAT HE IS THE SENIOR PARTNER OP THE FIRM OF F. J. CHENEY & CO., DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF TOLEDO, COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, AND THAT SAID FIRM WILL PAY THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR EACH AND EVERY CASE CURED BY THE USB OF OF CATARRH THAT CANNOT HALL'S CATARRH CURE. BE SWORN TO BEFORB ME, AND SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRES UNO!!. THIS 6TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1889. UGHCUS? V CURE. 31-KT " Forest Uonareh for ijeiitiiriei. Evor since the days of tho Drst set tiers in the Tike County, Pennsylva nia, Lack woods, a tree known as the "great pine" has been a landmark 1, Green township because oi Its im mense height, tho tree tower ng fai above all the other trees in the pin? forest that then covered hc Pike County mountains, says tf.o New York Sun. In the clcari. r away ol tho pine timber.which was the main pursuit of the woodsmen for fifty years or'nioic, this lordly 'rco was left staHdiDg, and thirty years ago it became the solo relic in all that region of tho great prlit.Uvo forest of pines, and since then has been fa mous throughout Northern Pennsyl vania as "the last pine." The na tives had always regarded the ancient tree with great veneration, buc tho land on which it stood passed into the hands of alien owners and one day recently they had it cut down. The tree was found to be 372' feot In height, and the Infallible record of tho rings of its stom showed its age to bo 462 years, so that It was a re spectable tree 62 years old when Col umbus discovered America. It is perfectly sound from butt to tip and will cut $2,000 worth of lumber. Cnres Consumption, Congho, Cronp, 8or Tiirout. Sold by all Dru-miiti on Guarantee. For a Lame SWe, lack or CW Shlloh'a Poroui Plaster will gin reat latiifact-OB. J W- ORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. Send at once lo Jomi 8EBiKTiA!l, 0. T. A. C R. 1 ln B., Chicago, 111., aud rt-cel.e-xj.taKe paid, he IckMt deck of cards you ever handled. Oalf rtVcUNTS pw paok. In atampa or coin. Garfield Toa s, CiSwKlcli HcerfiMli.Hflre0iaDlcilorT Doctors Rills. Sample froo. OiuruiLuTliACo.,'llw.thSt.,.I. Cures Constipation Cfm 5 - T ' . Votary Public Eair Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the Blood and mucous turf aces. E. B. WALTHALL CO., Drniorlats, Horte Care, Kv., say ; "HaU'u Catarrh Cure cures every one that takes it." J. A. JOHNSON, Medina, H. Y., ays: "HaU'i Catarrh Cure cured me." (WNDUCTOR B. D. LOOMI8, Detroit, Mich., ars: "Tho effect ol Hall's Catarrh Cure is wonderful." Wrtie him about it. H. P. CARSON. Scotland. Dak., lays: I .T. C. SIMPSON, Marquess, W. Va., 7: "Two bottles o( Ilall'n Catarrh Cure complete- " Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me oi a very Da y cured my Hide girl." I case ol catarrh." HALL'S CATARRH CURE is sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines. REV. Frioe 75 Cents a. Bottle. The only Genuine HALt'S CATARRH CURE 1 Manufactured by F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. BEWARE OK IMITATIONS. TeUimoniali sent Jree on application. rontsTAi-i, m. i. KYIS AK1I KAlt Sl'KCI ALINT. YOKK, KI1KAS14A. Every day a man hears a dozen things ho ought to do that he can't da Correspondence solicited. (f. M. U. No. S3--l ork,Neb. nrirva KMTINI1 TO AUVKRTIRR TV ideas suj yon mw lb avd-rerUsonui till-. ,-T-. i mm Do Your Qvn Repairing v nslnir noot'a Honsehold ipalrlnc Outflt tor half-solTr By nslnfr Hoot'n Honsehold lspalrtnr. ti . al -.nll.Q 1Mi,,uimriii nlrandv tn use. ins is. Any one can use It. Price in use. irtneipal parts its. ia. WoiKlit, neatly Doxou, iu lis. .'HAPS AND TOOliS forinnkil . . - nnn,.. QlHinlnao A liarntffis. "1Mh . .... . . - - t , THAI'S BKAUV TO DiAla.S UCany lengmorwiavii yuu. ackrd ana creiisea, rrauy romsuu ujj mi. "- ii,rri Soiiai-os. Hume Clips and Btaples. Bi-. cts, etc., at a big reduction. aru il ti ORl C Bood ones, at IMS. and 15 cts. a pair. Hame HflLF SOUS "traps cc.-,fe W-ll! Haliers, uroasi-sirapB, i-mj., rorxts ftin bo smtetvaply and safely by mall. mv ROOT'S 1IOJ1K IKO WORKBH, a flrlass kit of blade r mtth tools, at a prion low moiiirh to milt the closest buyer. UOOT'X OEM SOI.1SKHINO CVSKET, e-Aaything neoessary tor mcnuins 'nnwaro. Vrlco, 05 cents, livery ".KTwTr nbove is f uU-Btzed, oomplcto nndpraeticiil, no txiys. Cmt Azeuta Wanted. ROOT BROS.. MEDINA. OHIO. (J frfWrfrS a swarf lirfnins ISat II 7 Mn RnirslA hotrv. Juncbtir h.ri. tn Mi.fnlll thV plutxl iku mm Msna ! ! U ft'. lUrJjr i. ot.k. CLDDtn TO-U-IT. Oaswlsstof sash of Mis l-r-s rurs f i-eTlil.wlll m ... . a .. iiX) THE GREAT BUFFALO BERRY. 11 This fa truly the greatest norsitT ef the ean- i tary. This shrab grows 10 to 1 test high. n eoTering itself in early sprlnf with flowers which are stieoaede by s-raat , qnan- Ar)..L,. fmli It is harar. sa bctsutl ful as a picture, while the fruit la liMOejparabls. It will grow any and ererywhere and Toms a prsnd addltien to our law n and garden surahs. Each, SOc; IS for $1.11, poxtpald. (2) JUNEBERRV. A shrub of wondrous beauty; cotsts ltaetf with a great niuns ofr-ure whits, dcHetesisly fruBrant blosroius. Tliise are followed by lar. dark rolurrd berries, excellent for pus, snuce.eto. Evli. aVj MfhrlM. (3) TREE CRANBERRY. Kreryl-oily is f -rid of eraobsrrlsa, aai we liaro a alirub thnl will flourish aad hw p 1 iR,oi.sly insTery section of Auerlra, Each, ue. Th above 3 nrt Nokt,wld,sl ii!.-ii.ii..lli cnUlnftiis u raatlid tip- n rece'tcf Sc. feTpsats, New muiT9 coe u-w rrknd jrioCraii6o''"v. V wrtflitti-io SiV'J('i . MU.n SEED CO.. U Crowe, Wh.